File #-F
Res. #
By-Law #
DATE: FEBRUARY 18, 1991.
REPORT #: FD2-91 FILE #: 10. 12 .6
It is respectfully recommended:
1. ) THAT Report FD 2-91 be received for information purposes.
1. 1 it has been the experience of members of the Fire Service
that, after a serious fire or in some cases a minor fire,
members of the public are unaware of what to do.
1.2 This could include such items as who to contact, what in-
formation they need to provide and who is available should
assistance be required for shelter or social services.
1. 3 To assist the public with such matters, information has been
gathered to cover most major areas. This information has
been put in the accompanying leaflet, which will be carried
on all fire department vehicles. This leaflet will be
given to the occupants of the residence where the fire has
occurred. It will provide the occupant with various infor-
mation dealing with such items as securing the site, pro-
tecting possessions, precautions to take to prevent further
problems and will also provide the occupant with the names
and telephone numbers of various agencies to be contacted
for assistance.
1.4 The funds for this leaflet will be allocated from the Fire
Department Advertising/Information Account No. 7102-00001-
0209 . The approximate cost of printing this leaflet in full
colour will be $248 .20 for 1000 copies .
FD2-91, Cont'd. - 2 -
2 . 1 It is, therefore, respectfully recommended that Report
FD 2-91 be received, and
2 .2 That, once the information pamphlets are received, they be
placed in all fire department vehicles for distributing as
Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation
to Committee
Michael G. Cr 'g ton, Lawren a E. Kotseff,
Fire Chief. Chief inistrative Officer.
February 4, 1991.
Step 4: Relocation
If you have to relocate ensure that you Step 5:
take the following items frith you.
Asking further Questions ikFTER
• Vital,Medicines such as insulin or early as passioie after the Fire notifv
btcxxi pressure regulating drugs. your insurance company.They tivillTHE
• Eve-glasses,hearing aids.prosthetic advise you of the action to be taken.The
devices or other personal alas, insurance companywill also require you
• Valuables such as credit cards. to cotnpiete a claim form. IF][
chequebooks,insurance policies. Obtain two or more estimates for reaair
wrings account book rnone_v and' work foIlo%%ing the damage but do not
veNer`•. contrar. to o ahead until you have dis-
c Identilication such as passaorrs and Cussed them %ith your insurance cnm-
driver's license etc panr or adjuster. :
00 not throw away any damaz _ o
u� _e<. �oo�s.
i nis will make it easier for you in auan-
Notify the following parties tif. 0 roar claim. NIEX Jr o
of your relocation. Compile a detailed list of all those items
which have been destroyed or damaged
Your insurance comp any and trr to put a value on than. a A PUBLIC INFORMATION LEAFLET
• Four Post office As soon as is practical.put the details of PRODUCED BY:
• (.itilitt•companies the damage you are claiming for in
(gas, hydro,telephone)
writing and pass it to your insurance
• Gurr.-:.ment deparents �rompanr or adjuster.
• four a nplover
• Famuy and friends
• Your Children's school Additional information on the fire may --- - ---
be obtained by,you or your insurance
• Your bank companr or adjuster through a written THE TOWN OF
request addressed to:
Torn of Newcastle
Fire Department
132 Church Street
Boamanrille, Ontario ONTARIO
The fire is out now and there are a few See that your personal belongings are Step 3: Leaving your dome
things you need to know. secured either within the building or by This may be your decision or one based
`This leaflet has been produced by mcn-ing them to another location,such on the Fut Service's judgement that the
the Town of Newcastle F ire Department;, as the home of a relative or friend.
in conjunction with various social residence is unsafe.
agencies. Remember The following agencies may help
I3ere is a check list of things that you If you Flan to leave the fire site try to you find temporary housing.
should do and of community services remove any valuables remaining in the
that are available to amistyou during building.Do not leave until the site is Durham Social Services - 579-0622
111i•difficult period. Wired. Red Cross Service - 723-2933
Step 1: Securing The Site Step Z Cautions Salvation Army Family
Services 9:30-4:30 - 623-3217
Thr Atc•cif the Fur needs h,be protected17 �ec:ricaI wiring which may leave After hours - 623-5857
tram further damage br weather,ran• beeen damaged by fire or water
dalism and pmcsible tlu:fL should be checked by an electrician
DIt is your responsibility to see that before the electrical cur rent is turned
holes are covered against weather back on
and entm by persons into the building. Be watchful for structural dam-
Ensure that the building is age caused by the fire.Roofs, If you are insured under a package-
secured by lacking all doors ceilings.walls and floors may have been homeowner's or tenant'soffcv,a
ani? windows, weakened by fire. P
• section of you:coverage may pay for
The ire Service t•-iII be able to help vela good,beverages and medicines the extra costs of temporary hocsing-
uibh thcse activities. exposed to heat,smoke or soot -ids
If you are 1n nerd of immediate funds
tt you need professional assistance in should be discarded. ask your insurance company or agent
securing, your building a builder can The ire Service will have discon• about how soon you might get an
heir. Check the yellow pages. netted,depending on the severity advance on vour eventual insurance
If rou area tenant contact the of the fire,electrical power and gas claim settlement.
caner,manage.-,or real estate supply to your building.
aunt. It is the c»vner c responsibility to Only turn these utilities on when you
prvv,.nt further loss to the building. are sure it is safe to do so.
Contact your Insurance Company
Tlier must be informed of the fie and
mai•aLsu be able to help ynu in making
munt-diate rcpaim