HomeMy WebLinkAboutEGD-28-05 Addendum Unfinished Business REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday September 19, 2005 Report #: Addendum to EGD-28-05 Flle#: By-law #: Subject: PARKING, NASH ROAD, COURTICE - PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO BY- LAW 91-58 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Addendum to EGD-28-05 be received; 2. THAT parking be prohibited on the south side of Nash Road from Townline Road North to Centerfield Drive, Courtice; 3. THAT parking be prohibited on the North side of Nash Road from Trulls Road to Fourth Avenue, Courtice; 4. . THAT Council approve the by-law attached to Addendum to EGD-28-05; and A 6~~. Submitted by: A.S. Cannella, C.E.T. Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Director of Engineering Services Chief Administrative Officer ASC/RDB/jo September 12, 2005 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-9282 REPORT NO.: Addendum to EGD.28.Q5 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND Report EGD-28-05 was presented to GPA on September 6. 2005 suggesting a number of proposed amendments to the Traffic By-law related to parking. Several of the locations outlined were approved and forwarded to Council however, two locations on Nash Road (items 4 and 5 of Report EGD-28-05), were referred back to staff for further clarification. 2.0 COMMENT 2.1 Nash Road, Townllne Road N to Centerfield Drive, Courtlce (Attachment No.1) During 2003 the Courtice Ratepayers Association advised the Mayor's Office of a number of intersections and areas where they felt there were safety concerns. One of the locations was the area on Nash Rd., between Townline Rd N. and Centerfield Dr. near S.T.Worden Public School. Staff reviewed the area and implemented a number of immediate changes to improve safety. A yellow off-set centreline was painted towards the south side of Nash Rd., between Townline Rd. N and Centerfield Dr., during the fall of 2003 to: . Narrow the east bound lane to encourage slower operating speeds entering Clarington and approaching the school zone. . To discourage parking on the south side while encouraging parking on the north side. . To reduce traffic congestion and confusion in front of the school in a high volume area. . To supplement the existing "No StoppIng" signs near the S.T. Worden Public School . To tie in with the pavement markings at the signalized intersection of Nash Rd. at Townline Rd N. The off-set yellow line has worked well, as it alerts motorists wishing to park on the south side to the fact that they would be blocking traffic if they stopped. It also appears that the off-set yellow line does encourage motorists to park In other available locations. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-9282 REPORT NO.: Addendum to EGD.28.Q5 PAGE 3 The purpose of report EGD-2S-Q5 is to update the Traffic By-law to reaffirm the existing parking plan. This plan has been in place for two years and it appears to have been working well. Compliance with the pavement markings has been excellent but to improve upon what is already in place we do see a potential opportunity. The section of Nash Rd., west of Varcoe Rd may benefit from the posting of additional "No Parking" signs to assist By-law Enforcement, if enforcement is required. It should be noted however, that on-street parking demand is low in the area west of Varcoe Rd., due to the long residential driveways and availability of parking on the north side. 2.2 Nash Road, Trulls Road and Fourth Avenue, Courtlce (Attachment No.2) Nash Road between Trulls Road and Fourth Avenue, Courtice requires additional "No Parking" regulations on the north side to improve safety in front of the Courtice North Public School, the new plaza and the intersection of Richfield Square where parked vehicles could obstruct sightlines. There are already a number of "No Stopping" and "No Parking" signs which have been posted for a number of years near the school, however some additional signage will need to be installed near Richfield Square and the new plaza which is presently under construction. The update to the Traffic By-law and the posting of additional signs will improve safety. Residents appear generally satisfied with the existing parking restrictions and are in favour of further restrictions to improve safety fronting the school, the plaza and the intersection at Richfield Square. Parking is available for parents on the other section of Nash Road, while the Plaza will have Its own internal parking lot. REPORT NO.: Addendum to EGD.28-G5 PAGE 4 3.0 CONCLUSION The proposed amendments to the Traffic By-law 91-58 have actually been in place for some time and appear to have been endorsed by the community as effective. The purpose of this report is simply to formally adopt those amendments to the Traffic By-law which have been shown over time to improve safety in the area. It is our recommendation that the attached By-law amendment be reviewed and approved by Council to update the Traffic By-law 91-58. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key map Nash Rd, Townline Rd N to Centerfield Drive Attachment 2 - Key map Nash Rd. Trulls Rd to Fourth Ave. Attachment 3 - Proposed By-law amendment to By-law 91-58 Attachment 4 - Report EGD-28-05 : : ; Centerfield Dr I : I I ~~</im0 i i' I l.m'~/ I 1//'/"':' .I i ! Varcoe Rd ~~~ i< ~ \\..// i .. c\ iii ,:2 w I'E w > S! " u I -"m. I I \\ ...J zO wO C:I: O::U OU) ~u ,:J ~al U):J c.. I illl I i , i I ,m, ~_ i~h "'m" . HI r ,., .i' I I ~ I' . it .. PA~~~I,l i: .. ,'" i } !/Jea ~~ / .IH . ..' .. ;::= ~ .,' -;- 0 \ ;; ........ Ii I l' \"'\ I u 'C ~ <r .c ~ L ~ ro Z p..... Centrefield Dr i' 2 i ~ ,.f:>\ ',;""",~.", iIT~2) ,..,." III I") ~.......... If l'TTT'=ii =:1 'i : I' ....!\~' 18:= I .1 , , ,1.....1 .' ,I,. ~ r:.~J ' 0 tsl:~ rn I.. ~, , 8 'I::::~ ... . .... , 13 w " 05 " 1 I,. ........... ", i i ') ~~{i _, I 1 /)'r<,\ i \, I I 1 / i7 7 , 1-,.. Ptl aU!lUMol i"'~ C'l ~,.',>'m~ ~ "o.,w"",,,_ ~ c. '" B a. If) '1:l 0 o"~ l:: Z Z ~ I ~,..:: .. Hi <' / ili on o o N . It) ~ 'i' ... CO 'C"'" " ~ N . E E I 0 f w C Z L -C) , g-W....~ (f) Z ~ CD 0 W ~ rol-:!~ D:!J:~ :J U .. . 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J:...J Ito 00 zJ: wO ol/) -0 1-- 0::...J ::::l1Il o::::l 011. :i/!:i ~~~ '"' 1 1 I 0> g> c: .- :s2 ~ m .s D- (f) "C 0 0 r:: Z Z j I ~ "' o o N . on ~ c;> '- CO N " ~ N . ~ E I 0 f ~ c z < lit!) ~ Q,) W I- ~ en Z ~ Qj 0 W ~ m I- :::!! i3 o ~ J: .\; .::lUg --! 0 c( ~ wZI-~ >. wI- u, rc C c( ~ ceo ~ < is . ATTACHMENT NO.: 3 REPORT NO.: Addendum to EGD-28-05 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2005- Being a By-law to amend By-law 91-58, as amended, being a By-law to Regulate Traffic on Highways, Municipal and Private Property in the Municipality of Clarington. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems is desirable to amend By-law 91-58; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington hereby enacts as follows: 1) Schedule II "NO PARKING" of By-law 91-58 is amended by: Adding the following reference: Column 1 Column 2 Hiohwav Side Nash Rd. South (Courtice) Nash Rd. North (Courtice) Column 3 Between Column 4 Prohibited Times or Davs Townline Rd. N. & Centerfield Dr. anytime Trulls Rd. & Fourth Ave. anytime 2) This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date approved by Council and when signs to the effect are erected. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 26th day of September, 2005. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 26th day of September, 2005. John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk ATTACHMENT NO.: 4 REPORT NO.: Addendum to EGD-28-05 o REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Tuesday September 6, 2005 Report #: EGD-28-05 File#: By-law #: Subject: PARKING VARIOUS LOCATIONS - PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAW 91.58 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: ~ 1. THAT Report EGD-28-05 be received; 2. THAT the General Parking and Stopping Regulation section of Traffic By-law 91-58 be amended to provide the Director of Engineering Services greater latitude in authorizing the posting of stopping/parking prohibitions if required near: -schools, parks and playgrounds -crosswalks -private roadways or driveways serviced by large vehicles -intersections 3. THAT parking be prohibited on various sections of Sandringham Drive, Courtice from Durham Hwy 2 to Trulls Road in accordance with details contained in this report; 4. THAT parking be prohibited on the south side of Nash Road from Townline Road North to Centerfeild Drive, Courtice; 5. THAT parking be prohibited on the north side of Nash Road from Trulls Road to Fourth Avenue, Courtice; CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3AB T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-9282 REPORT NO.: EGD-2S..oS PAGE 2 6. THAT parking be prohibited on the West side of Fourth Avenue from Nash Road to Westmore Street, Courtice 7 . THAT parking be prohibited on the north side of Meadowglade Road from Prestonvale Road to Robert Adams Drive, Courtice; 8. THAT parking be prohibited on the west side of Robert Adams Drive from Meadowglade Road to Glenabbey Drive, Courtice; 9. THAT parking be prohibited on the east side of Robert Adams Drive from White Cliffe Drive to Renwick Road, Courtice; 10. THAT parking be prohibited on the west side of George Reynolds Drive from Devondale Street to Dunkin Avenue, Courtice; 11. THAT parking be prohibited on sections of Prestonvale Road between Glennabbey Drive and Bloor Street and adjacent to the South Courtice Arena: 12. THAT parking be prohibited on the west side of West Side Drive from Baseline Road to Botrell Street, Bowmanville; 13. THAT parking be prohibited on both sides of St. George Street. between Queen Street and Church Street, Bowmanville 14. THAT Council approve the by-law attached to Report EGD-28 -05; and 15. THAT the Interested parties listed within this report be provided with a copy of this report and Council's decision. &IL Submitted by: Anthony Cannella, C.E.T. Reviewed by: n Wu. Director of Engineering Services ~ Chief Administrative Officer ASC/RDB/jo August 18, 2005 REPORT NO.: EGO.28-0S PAGE 3 1.0 BACKGROUND A number of requests for parking revisions. require amendments to Traffic By-law 91-58. Those requests from the public and staff are listed below for Councils consideration. 2.0 COMMENT 2.1 Parking Parking regulations and the posting of prohibition signs can reduce motor vehicle collisions by improving sight lines and traffic flow. Although general restrictions, such as the "Three hour parking limit". can reduce many parking problems. staff often receive requests for more permanent prohibitions and signage in higher complaint areas. 2.2 General Parking and Stopping Regulations of By-law 91.58 The Director of Engineering Services has authority under section 3 of Traffic By-law 91- 58 to authorize the placement of temporary "No Parking and No Stopping" signs to address traffic and safety concerns as well as authorize other official signs as required to give effect to provisions of the by-law. The general parking and stopping regulations enables prohibition signs to be installed quickly to address localized safety concerns with out the necessity of listing these small areas in the parking/stopping schedules. In some cases signs are Installed on a larger scale. temporary basis. and if successful. are later listed within a by-law amendment to bring the by-law schedules up to date. These general regulations are especially important near schools where signs can be installed or removed to reflect ever changing parking issues. There are a number of existing "general provisions limiting the extent of prohibitions which could be modified to provide greater flexibility and improve safety at some locations. The proposed changes include: a) Changing wording from "adjacent" to a school, park or playground, to include, "or within 150 m". This change is Important because some school parking issues can flow 50m to 150m beyond the boundary of the actual property. b) Changing wording from "10m" of a crosswalk to "30m" of a crosswalk. This would permit an extension of the no stopping area in some sensitive school crossing REPORT NO.: EGD-28-05 PAGE 4 areas if the standard 10m distance is deemed not to be sufficient due to sight line or other issues c) Introducing the ability to install prohibitions near private roadways or driveways where larger vehicles require access. Prohibition signs could be posted when the standard regulation, such as within 1 m of a driveway does not permit space for larger vehicles to manoeuvre due to parked vehicles beside or across from a driveway. d) Prohibiting where necessary parking within "30m" of two Clarington roadways rather than "10m". Presently the 30m distance only pertains to intersections of Clarington roadways at Regional roadways. All of the above prohibitions, would require the posting of signs at any locations where they would be implemented to ensure that motorists are aware of the restrictions. 2.3 Sandringham Drive, Courtice On January 17, 2005 Alana Saunlier appeared as a delegation with a petition dated Jan 6, 2005 requesting parking exemptions and limiting parking to one side of the street. Engineering responded with a letter dated February 4, 2005 to Alana Saunlier advising why we could not provide her with parking exemptions and that the request for parking prohibitions on one side of the street to improve traffic flow would be considered. Staff, have now completed the review and support the public request to prohibit parking on one side. The Courtice key map shows the parking plan which shifts the parking to different sides based on parking opportunities and, sight lines. The section of Sandringham Drive, between Glenabbey Drive and Claret Road is a high complaint area and should be posted as "No Parking" on "both" sides rather than one, due to the curve and intersection spacing to improve safety. If approved by Council, signs will need to be installed by the Operations Department. 2.4 Nash Road, Townline Road N to Centerfield Drive, Courtice Schedule II "No Parking" of By-law 91-58 should be updated to confirm the No Parking requirement on the south side of Nash Road, between Townline Road N and Centerfield Drive. Off-set pavement marking was applied during the fall of 2004 at the request of residents to improve traffic flow on this busy section of Nash Road and reinforce the No REPORT NO.: EGD-28-05 PAGE 5 Stopping/No Parking signage near St. Worden Public School. Some signs are in place now however additional signage will need to be installed by the Operations Department. 2.5 Nash Road, Trulls Road and Fourth Avenue, Courtice Nash Road between Trulls Road and Fourth Avenue, Courtice requires additional "No Parking" regulations on the north side to improve safety in front of Courtice North Public School and the intersections with Trulls Rd and Richfield Squire. Some additional signage will need to be installed by Operations. 2.6 Fourth Avenue, Nash Road to Westmore Street, Courtice Two residents of Fourth Avenue requested that parking be limited to one side to prevent the problem of parents parking on both sides of the street and preventing reasonable access to residents and emergency services. This road was reconstructed during 2004 with a new pavement width of 8M with curb and gutter. Staff agree that prohibiting parking on the west side would improve access for residents and still provide ample parking on the east side for short term parking. Operations would need to install signage in this area. 2.7 Meadowglade Road, Prestonvale Road to Robert Adams Drive, Courtice This road section is near Dr. G.J. MacGillivray P.S. where congestion occurs during school periods. This congestion combined with intersection spacing, a school crossing guard and fire hydrants offers very little parking on the north side. Prohibiting parking on the north side would improve safety while leaving sufficient parking on the south side beyond the school property. Some signage is in place near the school however additional signage would need to be installed by Operations. 2.8 Robert Adams Drive, Meadowglade Road to Glenabbey Drive This road section is also near Dr. G.J. MacGillivray P.S. where congestion occurs and the school has expressed concerns about the movement of school buses, parents and pending residential home construction activities. Prohibiting parking on the west side between Medowglad Road and Glenabbey Drivewould improve safety while leaving REPORT NO.: EGD-28-05 PAGE 6 sufficient parking on the east side. If approved, Operations would need to install signage. 2.9 Robert Adams Drive, Courtice At the request of residents, Robert Adams Drive was posted as no parking on the east side between White Cliffe Drive and Renwick Road to improve safety on this sharp bend. The results have been considered successful and the parking prohibition should now be listed in the schedules to by-law 91-58. 2.10 George Reynolds Drive, Courtice At the request of residents, George Reynolds Drive was posted as "No Parking" on the west side between Devondale Street and Dunkin Avenue to improve safety near the park during 2004. The results have been considered successful and the parking prohibition should now be listed in the schedules to by-law 91- 58. 2.11 Prestonvale Road, Glenabbey Drive to Bloor St and adjacent to the South Courtic Arena, Courtice A concern was raised from a resident, Syd Wordon, regarding patrons from the south Court ice Arena parking on Prestonvale Road creating safety problems on the curve. To immediately address the concern, the Director of Engineering Services authorized the installation of "No Parking" signs from 330m south of Bloor St to 660m south of Bloor Street during 2005 to improve safety in this area. The section of Prestonvale Road between Meadowglade Road and Bloor Street was constructed at a width of 7m. Although no complaints have been received, "No Parking" signs should be installed on both sides of the roadway prior to additional development to ensure the safe movement of traffic. The section of Prestonvale Road between Glenabbey Drive and Meadowglade Road was constructed with a parking lane on a portion of the west side but parking will need to be prohibited from the east side before additional development occurs. Operations would need to install signage in these areas. REPORT NO.: EGD-28'()5 PAGE 7 2.12 We.t Side Drive, Ba.ellne Road to Bottrell Street. Bowmanvllle This area includes Dr. Ross Tilley Public School. Prohibiting parking on the west side would leave ample parking on the east side which Is green space south of the school. Although some slgnage Is in place near the school, additional slgnage would need to be Installed by Operations. 2.13 St. George Street, Queen Street to Church Street, Bowmanvllle A number of complaints were received from Mr. Rowden and his nelghbours In this area regarding vehicles parking on both sides of the roadway Impeding vehicular traffic and blocking larger vehicles. Due to the urgency of this request signs were Installed at the direction of the Director of Engineering Services to permit the safe movement of traffic during 2005. The traffic by-law should now be amended to prohibit parking from both sides of St. George Street from Queen Street to Church Street to update the schedules. 3.0 CONCLUSION The attached by-law amendment should be reviewed and approved by Council to address a number of parking concerns within the municipality. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Courtlce Area proposed changes Attachment 2- Key Map Bowmanvifie Area proposed changes Attachment 3 - Proposed by-law amendment to by-law 91-58 Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Ms. Alana Saunlier 01'1 ",,0 ~ 6:1lYf\WOod Av .ll JaneAv i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ LJ .0 .~ ~ "fI/J/OfJ f'irw d III Kintym 51 ~ Db C, o ~ " . :~ 0\6-;'\)\ c ". 25 G'O'~ bC _ Muller ~I)C\ 1 ~I -" ~'- TooleyRd CIlnlerfiaXlOr I Homefial Sq f u 4 rchlillldDr 1 VarcoeRd ~ ~J - \'t~ \ ~l \ ~ ~ . C i6ge~1'I W;~I Jj~ ~.~ CenLreflel Dr }" erJ Blossom J; I I u . ~ ro >oJ, ~"' iic " ~"'...,. " ........ " ."'.. n_U_U_U_.._.._n_.._.._.._..__ e E ~ . !" ( 11/ ~ g ~ ij '. ""9 101'", z,r.: '{}~ O-f;.. \. FarminglDfl Or w o i= 0::: ::) o (,) '" "' C C o 0 .. '.::l ~ :Q o .c -c...J [2 C'" [l. .. 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'" 8 c: N ...I c 0 ri ...I '" :2 N '" ,Q "U'l ~ > g .r::: ~q ."oJ e 0 Z " III a. <{co Z OJ " .. N < C).2 '" .l!l ' I- OJ _ c: ~ c :=IE oJ'" :>2 "'c) Z > ~ W ~ Cl ro .W " a. ujt- ::Ii 0 :t! I J: t. .,0:: U CD ~O < co. ~ ~ w is 0:: < II I Simpson All 1 7 " I % ! :-. I~ ./\. I !~I r ""; ~ / , - '-I AS/ ~ ~ c 00 . c ~ ~1- ~>- ~ L rl ~~~\ ~( ~ ,~Ie. r.d~O u '" ~ ~ m r--Ji ATTACHMENT , 3 :ro 1'~'~qT # cr,f)-,}.h'~- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY.LAW 2005- Being a By-law to amend By-law 91-58, as amended, being a By-law to Regulate Traffic on Highways, Municipal and Private Property in the Municipality of Clarington. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems is desirable to amend By-law 91-58; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington hereby enacts as follows: 1) General Parking and Stopping Regulations Section 4 is amended by: A) Deleting the following reference(s): (8) Where official signs to that effect are displayed, no person shall on any highway stop any vehicle: (B) any time or between the hours and on the days set out on the official signs on one or both sides of a highway or portion of a highway which is immediately adjacent to a school; (9) Where official signs to that effect are displayed no person shall park any vehicle: (A) within 30 m of a King's Highway or Regional Road on an intersecting highway under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Clarington; (E) anytime on one or both sides of a highway or portion of a highway which is immediately adjacent to a park or pia yg rou nd; B) Adding the following reference(s): (8) Where official signs to that effect are displayed, no person shall on any highway stop any vehicle: (B) any time or between the hours and on the days set out on the official signs on one or both sides of a highway or portion of a highway which is adjacent to, or within 150 m of school, park or playground property; (D) any time or between the hours and on the days set out on the official signs on one or both sides of a highway or portion of a highway which is within 30 m of any crosswalk; (E) any time or between the hours and on the days set out on the official signs on one or both sides of a highway or portion of a highway which would obstruct or restrict large commercial or recreational vehicles in the use of a private roadway or driveway; (9) Where official signs to the effect are displayed no person shall park any vehicle: (A) within 30 m of a King's Highway, Region of Durham Road. or Municipality of Clarington Road on an Intersecting highway under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Clarington; (E) any time or between the hours and on the days set out on the official signs on one or both sides of a highway or portion of a highway which is adjacent to, or within 150 m of school, park or playground property; 2) Schedule "NO PARKING" of By-law 91-58 is amended by: Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Prohibited Hiohwav Side Between Times or Davs Sandringham Dr. South Trulls Rd. & Stuart Rd. anytime (Courticel Sandringham Dr. North Stuart Rd. & Grandville Dr. anytime (Courtlce) Sandringham Dr. South Grandville Dr. & Yorkville Dr. anytime (Courtice) Sandringham Dr. North Yorkville Dr. & Glenabbey Dr. anytime (Courtiee ) Sandringham Dr. Both Glenabbey Dr. and Claret Rd. anytime (Courtice) Sandringham Dr. East Ciaret Rd. & Durham Hwy 2 anytime (Cou rtice) Nash Rd. South Townline Rd. N. & Centerfield Dr. anytime (Courtiee) Nash Rd. North Trulls Rd. & Fourth Ave. anytime (Courtice) Fourth Ave. West Nash Rd. & Westmore SI. anytime (Courtiee) Meadowglade Rd. North Prestonvale Rd. & Robert Adams Dr. anytime (Courtiee) Preston vale Rd. Both 330 m south of Bloor SI. & (Courtice) 660 m south of Bloor SI. anytime Prestonvaie Rd. Both Bloor SI. & Meadowglade Rd. anytime (Courtice) Prestonvale Rd. East Glenabbey Dr. & Meadowglade Rd. anytime (Courtice) Prestonvale Rd. West Glenabbey Dr. & 60 m south (Courticel of Glenabbey Dr. anytime Robert Adams Dr. West Meadowglade Rd. & Glenabbey Dr. anytl me (Courtiee) Robert Adams Dr. East White Cliffe Dr. & Renwick Rd. anytime (Courtice) George Reynolds Dr. West Devondale SI. & Dunkin Ave. anytime (Courtice) West Side Dr. West Baseline Rd. & Bottrell SI. anytime (Bowmanvilie) SI. George SI. Both Queen SI. & Church SI. anytime (Bowmanville) 3) This By-iaw shall come into force and take effect on the date approved by Council and when signs to the effect are erected. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 12th day of September, 2005. BY-LAW read a third time and finaliy passed this 12'" day of September, 2005. John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk