HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-11 MinutesMinutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Management held at 6:30 p. in. on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library. Present: Gilpin, Patterson, (Jerry) Anderson, (Lori) Allin Members: Lucas, Mulder, Hooper, Holmes, Rezazada Absent: Johnston, Barry The meeting was called- to order by the Chairman, who then recognized- the following delegation from Logicon who presented a method to improve the vitality of the community, by securing an improved broad -band. connection in Clarington so that people who live in Bowmanville can connect using fibre optics which is already running through the area. All that is required is to get Veridian Connections to turn on the service. Once local hub fibre optics is available, there will be a significant increase in economic growth in Clarington as people will move to the area to avail themselves of this facility. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Mulder, THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated: Correspondence was received from the Municipality of Clarington, •Anna_ Strike and family, and Festivals and Events Ontario. Moved by Rezazada, seconded by Mulder, THAT the correspondence be received and. filed. "CARRIED" Page 2 The Treasurer presented- his report as follows: Current Account $ 9;903:73 GIC #1 100,000.00 GIC #2 5;1.23.05 Total $115,026.78 Moved by Hooper, seconded by Holmes, THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. "CARRIED" Reports: Council Liaison: Hooper stated that he had no report. Subsequently he was asked about the By-law governing the day in the week for placing garbage for pick-up in the Downtown. He said he would investigate this matter and report the answer to the Secretary for inclusion in the Minutes. Since waste removal is the responsibly of the Region, the following Bylaw governs this activity: "As per By-law. 46-211, which is the By-law to regulate the provision of Waste Management Services under the regional jurisdiction of the Regional Municipality of Durham, Pari 4 Collection Services, under Sub -section 4.2 a) (which says) that no owner/or occupant shall set out residential waste prior to 7 p. m. on a day immediately preceding a scheduled collection day or later than 7 a. m. on a scheduled collection day." Events: Mulder reported that everything is ready for the Summerfest event. Membership Relations: No report. Streetscape: Gilpin reported that he had increased June Binnington's hours in the Downtown to 35 per week, effective June 10. Patterson reported that the hanging flower baskets would be installed on June 19 and would include Page 3 baskets on the side streets. Communications: No report-, Publications: No report-. Board. of Trade: No report. Website: Rezazada reported that she had heard from a number of merchants who had contacted her to be on the revised Website. Under "BUSINESS ARISING" fiom the previous meeting, there was no action reported on Lucas spearing to Donna Johnston about her continuing to sit on the Board, or on the committee meeting to design the new Welcome to the Downtown sign, or on the creation of a plaque to recognize Peter Kowal Real Estate as one of the original members of the Bowmanville BIA. Under "NEW BUSINESS", the members reviewed two logo designs. Allin agreed to have them modified to make them more vertically oriented: Presentations will be made to Cathy's Gold, Monica Rose and Peter Kowal Real Estate. Moved. by Hooper, seconded by Mulder, THAT the Meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10, 2013 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library at 6:30 p. m.