HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-09-10 MinutesBOWMANVILLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Management held at 7:30 p. M., on Tuesday, December 10, 2013 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library. Present: Gilpin, Patterson, (John) Sillaots Members: Lucas, Barry, Mulder, Holmes, Hooper, Rezazda Absent: None The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, who then recognized that there were no delegations present. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Rezazada THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated. "CA [CRIED" Correspondence was received from the Municipality of Clarington, the Bowmanville Salvation Army and the Bowmanville Hospital Foundation. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Mulder THAT the correspondence be received and filed. "CARRIED" The Treasurer presented his Financial Report for the period from January 1 to December 9, 2013. A copy is attached to the Minutes. Moved by Holmes, seconded by Barry THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. "CARRIED" Page 2 Reports: Council Liaison: No report. Events: No report. Membership Relations: Barry reported that one new business had opened in the Downtown called "Posh Nail Salon". Streetscape: No report. Communications: No report. Publications: No report. Board of Trade: No report. Web Site: Rezazada reported that she had spoken to Chris Broumley who will contact Angela Becz to ensure that the host domain is kept in our name. Under "BUSINESS ARISING" from the previous -meeting. in response to the letter from Council it was moved by Barry, seconded by Mulder, THAT a letter be sent to David Crome. Director of Planning, asking him to .attend a meeting of the Board, to answer questions regarding future commercial development in Bowmanville. tt kM Concerning the presentation of the plaque to A&& Peter Kowal, it was decided that arrangements would be made in the Spring of 2014 to have Peter Parrott take a photograph of the presentation for inclusion in the Spring issue of the Bowmanville Downtowner. Under "NEW BUSINESS", concerning the letter received from teff Milson, CEO. Adaptability Canada Corporation, to speak on doing an audit of businesses in the Bowmanville BIA, it was decided that no action would be taken at this time. Page 3 The Chairman then wished all the members a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year! Moved by Holmes, seconded by Mulder THAT the Meeting be adj ourned. "CARRIED" The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 14, 2014 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library at 6:30 p. m. fistorac Downtown Rowmanvill'a Financial Deport Janua y 1 to December 95 2013 Administration Events Special Promotion Streetscape Capital Works Contingency Fuad Publications Website Maintenance Totals Less: Surplus Net Budget Budget 2013 $409000.00 669000.00 2,500.00 185000.00 215600.00 00.00 89500.00 --i l 100.00 $1581700-00 109200.00 $1485500.00 On hand: Current Account $ 3,302.84 CHIC #1 59000.00 GIC #2 (Contingency) 59586._19 Total $133889.03 Actual to Date $383376.28 62610.50 29124.54 185969,43 16333.42 00.00 99692.17 2g 100.00 $1509206.34 Minutes of a regular meeting of the board of Management hold at 6:30 p. xn., on Tuesday, November 12, 2013 in Committee Room l -C in the Bowmanville Library. Present: Gilpin, (Lisa) Roy, Patterson, (Chris) Broumley Members: Lucas, Bary, Rezazada, Holmes, Mulder, Hooper Absent: None The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, who recognized that there was one delegation present, Lisa Roy, from Creek Girls Media. He noted that there had been no meeting in October due to the lack of a quorum. However, he reported that two delegations had been present at that time and that he had allowed them to make their presentations for the benefit of the Board member who were present. The following summary of what they said was then circulated to the Board members. The first was Anglea Decz from CBS Group who began by introducing her Technical Director, Chris Broumley, whom she said would be available to attend future Board meetings on her behalf. She went on to say that she was currently revamping the website and was awaiting the Board's decision on the selection of a new logo, with a view to getting a plan in place before January 1, 2014. It was decided that a special meeting of the Events Committee would be held to discuss the revision of the website, the results of which would be presented at the Board meeting in November. Next Bob Dishane, past president of an organization which represents the Historic Grand Prix, began by saying that he was present as the representative of Mosport Raceway. Because Bowmanville is the closest community to Mosport that it is the natural destination for race fans who are visiting to see the events at Mosport. As a result he proposed that the Bowmanville BIA and the management of Mosport work together to build excitement around their three-day vintage car race which takes place during Page 2 the second week -end in June. This would require the Summerfest event in the downtown to be re -scheduled for June 12, 13 and 14, and for the Downtown be closed for both Friday and Saturday. Dishane is to meet with the Events Committee, after which a recommendation will be brought to the Board at the next meeting. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Barry, THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated. Correspondence was received fi-om the Santa Claus Parade Committee, John ®'Toole, MPP, Swan ,Signs, Don Hooper, Clarington Tourism and the Municipality of Clarington. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Barry, THAT the correspondence be received and filed. 66C A R.RIED" The Treasurer presented his Financial Deport for the period from January 1 to November 12, 2013. A copy is attached to the Minutes. Moved by Holmes, seconded by Ban -y, THAT the Treasurer's Deport be adopted as presented. "CA"ED" Deports: Council Liaison: No report. Events: Mulder reported that "Ladies Night" is scheduled for Thursday, November 21 from 6 until 11 p. in. in the downtown, and that 23 businesses are participating. She went on to say that arrangements for Christmas are booked and that the Christmas Moonlight Magic posters will be delivered this week. Page 3 membership Relations: Barry reported that a new business called iPads Fixed has opened in the. BIA, and that they also cut keys. Streetscape: Patterson reported that the lids are on the planters and that the Fall/Minter banners are on the lamp posts. Arrangements are underway to have the Christmas Moonlight Magic signs updated and installed later this week. She then stated that Hooper had removed the plants from the planters to allow for the lids to be re -installed, and that she would request that this work be done, in future, by whoever is hired to do waste control in the Downtown. Moved by Barry, seconded by Mulder, THAT the person hired annually to do waste control, also be instructed to remove the plants from the planters at the end of September. CL,%''i p 7y yg IED" Communications: No report. Publications: Gilpin reported that the Christmas issue of the Downtowner is being developed. Board of Trade: No report. Web Site: No report. Under "BUSINESS AIRJSII\TG" from the previous meeting, lVlulder reported that Kooger had surrendered the BIA's Canadian Tire Corporation credit card. Gilpin is to keep it for the present. Patterson tabled a letter of resignation from Donna Johnston from the Board. Moved by Holmes, seconded by Barry, THAT the ]Board accept Johnston's letter of resignation. "CRIED" Page 4 Lucas reported that he has yet to make arrangements with Mn. Peter Kowal to have the presentation of the plaque with a photo for the Bowmanville Dovvntowner. It was reported that Jerry Anderson has agreed to run a Downtown Bovimanville logo contest for local students. The winner's design will not necessarily be used as the official logo for the Bowmanville BTA. Under "NEVI BUSINESS", the Chair announced that the Board would go "in camera_" to discuss the need to re -structure the functional side of the Board's mandate. Moved by Barry, seconded by Hooper) THAT the Board go "in camera" to reach a decision on the re -structuring of the functional side of the Board's operations. "Ci�=E " Holmes, Patterson and Gilpin were excused from the meeting. The regular meeting resumed and the following motion was made: Moved by Mulder, seconded by Barry, THAT the functional side of the Board's operations be re -structured according to "Plan- B", which is attached to these Minutes. "C p T$Ty ED)) Next Hooper reported that approval is pending for yet another shopping plaza site which is planned for the intersection of Highway 2 and County Road 57 Moved by Barry, seconded by Mulder, THAT a letter be sent to Council, noting that because there are several commercial retail sites currently available for rent east of Liberty Street, in the Downtown and west of County Road 57, and that because the Historic Downtown Bowmnflvi le Financial Report January 1 to November 129 2013 d nin1s1ration. Events Special Promotion Streetscape Capital Works Contingency Fund Publlcmions Website Mah tenance Totals Less: SurplLis Net Budget Budget 2013 $409000.00 669000°00 29500°00 M000.00 2100.00 00000 89500.00 22100.00 $1589700.00 10 200.00 $1489500,00 On hand: Current Account GIC #1 GIC #2 (Contingency) Total $ 49578017 209000.00 PyP 9,580.9§]]3 $309159.00 Actual to Date $389320,08 49,750.00 50.00 29124,54 1 8'4969943 169333042 00000 69333038 T 29100000 $133993U5 Page 5 expansion of the Darlington Nuclear plant has been cancelled by the Ontario Government, which will negatively affect local residential growth, that Council be requested to place a moratorium on further retail development in the Bowrnanville area until the local econorny has stabilized. AR Moved by Mulder, seconded by Bary, THAT the Meeting be adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 10, 2013 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library at 6:30 p. m. s FRan B Board of Management. G Gflpfn $69®0® G UBHOR Bo Pa tteirson Co-ordIlnat®ir s49®po $1169000 $39000 Support Support SUPPOIrt service Service service V. Sutherland 6P (H) $49000 (H) s4po (H) $49000 Honorarium (H) f®r Support Service is N cash gift for sc"R'ces .(woo) rend ered9 the :%mou t of which wR*RR be determined by the Operations Manager in consuRtntion with the Treasurer, to a mammum ®f $4,000 per yeah Support Service McRud es set-up and take down at the events, waste control aitt BM Pune �ousq Instanation and refmovaR of ground ReveR event siglmagC9 .. at1lon and rem®vaR of theme bnnnerrs and Chirstmns Decorratt®rms on lamp p®sts9 facifitating Santa Onus end bis s4eig m mid tentq and any otheir and ..1# smflur tasks that may need to be done. from ttAme to fimeo BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Management held at 7:30 p. m., on Tuesday, September 10, 2013 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library. Present: Gilpin, (Lori) Allin, (Jerry) .Anderson Members: Lucas, Holmes, MiLulder, Rezazada, Hooper, Barry Absent: Johnston, Patterson The meeting was called to order by the Charman, who then recognized that there were no delegations present. Moved by Holmes, seconded by Rezazada, THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated. 44C A"ED" Correspondence was received fiom Socan and the Municipality of Clarington. Moved by Mulder, seconded by Hooper, THAT the correspondence be received and filed. KWITIMIDTIFff-971 The Treasurer presented his report which is attached to these Minutes. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Mulder, THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. Page 2 Gilpin then circulated the Schedule of Remunerations for 2013 and asked for comments or questions. There were none. Reports: Council Liaison: Hooper reported on his meeting with Norm Clarke regarding the re -installation of gas meters in front of the businesses in the downtown. He then went on to say that he had met with Target Stores's Manager of Government Affairs for Ontario. Events: Mulder reported that the planning for this year's Apple Festival was going well. She then stated that the ladder, the halogen lights and the banner pole clips had been returned to the Canadian Tire Store for credit. She concluded her report by moving the following motion, seconded by Rezazada, THAT Peter IK-ooger be requested to surrender the B1A's Optimum Mastercard to Mulder. "CARRIED" Membership Relations: Barry reported that two new businesses had opened in Downtown Bowmanville--Sunset Photography and ASD Antiques. Streetscape: Gilpin reported that June Binnington would be placed on reduced hours, beginning Monday, September 16 until Friday, September 27, after which she would be laid off for the balance of the year, except for the two days prior to the Apple Festival and the day before the Santa Claus Parade. Communications: No report. Publications: No report. Board of Trade: Barry reported that Canadian Tire Corporation had purchased Mosport and that they were seeking to purchase more land in that area for parking. This will require rezoning as the land is currently used for farming purposes only. Page 3 iVeb Site: Rezazada reported that she has canvassed the businesses in the western half of Downtown Bowmanville, from Scugog Road to Temperance S,trOct. Under 46PU-SR,1ESS ARISING" from the previous meeting. Lucas reported that he had spoken to Donna Johnston about continuing to serve on the Board of Management, and that she had decided to resign her position. A letter is forthcoming. The new street "Welcome to Historic Downtown Bowmanville" signs are awaiting agreement on the new logo. Lucas stated that he would be getting in touch with Don Hutton regarding the presentation of the plaque to Mrs. Peter Kowal. Under "NEW BUSINESS", Allin tabled a suggestion that institutional advertising be done to remind the general public of the important role that Bowmanville's Downtown plays in the life of the community --in the form of the availability of products and services, local employment, taxes paid, financial support to local teams and charities, sponsorship of festivals and the use of local trades personnel. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Holmes, THAT the Meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 8, 2013 in Committee Room I -C in the Bowmanville Library at 6:30 p. m. Historic Downtown Bowmanville Financial Deport January 1 to September 10, 2013 Administration Events Special Promotion Streetscape Capital Works Contingency Fund Publications Website Maintenance Totals Less: Surplus Net Budget. Budget 2013 $40,000.00 66,000.00 2,500.00 18,000.00 21,600.00 00.00 8,500.00 24100.00 $158,700.00 10,200.00 $148,500.00 .Actual to Date $26,401,59 27,087.30 . 2,039.79 18,049.43 (1) 151,983.42 (2) 00.00 3,166.69 2,100.00 $94,828.22 (1) Plus: Estimated watering cost to September 30 + $3,500.00 Estimated labour cost to September 30 + $1,400.00 Less: Estimated rebate from Municipality $4,000.00 (2) Plus: Classic Displays $6,751.00 On hand: Current Account $13, 651.5 8 GIC #1 50,000.00 GIC #2 (Contingency) 5,416.90 Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Management held at 6:30 p. in. on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library. Present: Gilpin, Patterson, (Jerry) Anderson, (Lori) Allin Members: Lucas, Mulder, Hooper, Holmes, Rezazada Absent: Johnston, Barry The meeting was called- to order by the Chairman, who then recognized- the following delegation from Logicon who presented a method to improve the vitality of the community, by securing an improved broad -band. connection in Clarington so that people who live in Bowmanville can connect using fibre optics which is already running through the area. All that is required is to get Veridian Connections to turn on the service. Once local hub fibre optics is available, there will be a significant increase in economic growth in Clarington as people will move to the area to avail themselves of this facility. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Mulder, THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated: Correspondence was received from the Municipality of Clarington, •Anna_ Strike and family, and Festivals and Events Ontario. Moved by Rezazada, seconded by Mulder, THAT the correspondence be received and. filed. "CARRIED" Page 2 The Treasurer presented- his report as follows: Current Account $ 9;903:73 GIC #1 100,000.00 GIC #2 5;1.23.05 Total $115,026.78 Moved by Hooper, seconded by Holmes, THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. "CARRIED" Reports: Council Liaison: Hooper stated that he had no report. Subsequently he was asked about the By-law governing the day in the week for placing garbage for pick-up in the Downtown. He said he would investigate this matter and report the answer to the Secretary for inclusion in the Minutes. Since waste removal is the responsibly of the Region, the following Bylaw governs this activity: "As per By-law. 46-211, which is the By-law to regulate the provision of Waste Management Services under the regional jurisdiction of the Regional Municipality of Durham, Pari 4 Collection Services, under Sub -section 4.2 a) (which says) that no owner/or occupant shall set out residential waste prior to 7 p. m. on a day immediately preceding a scheduled collection day or later than 7 a. m. on a scheduled collection day." Events: Mulder reported that everything is ready for the Summerfest event. Membership Relations: No report. Streetscape: Gilpin reported that he had increased June Binnington's hours in the Downtown to 35 per week, effective June 10. Patterson reported that the hanging flower baskets would be installed on June 19 and would include Page 3 baskets on the side streets. Communications: No report-, Publications: No report-. Board. of Trade: No report. Website: Rezazada reported that she had heard from a number of merchants who had contacted her to be on the revised Website. Under "BUSINESS ARISING" fiom the previous meeting, there was no action reported on Lucas spearing to Donna Johnston about her continuing to sit on the Board, or on the committee meeting to design the new Welcome to the Downtown sign, or on the creation of a plaque to recognize Peter Kowal Real Estate as one of the original members of the Bowmanville BIA. Under "NEW BUSINESS", the members reviewed two logo designs. Allin agreed to have them modified to make them more vertically oriented: Presentations will be made to Cathy's Gold, Monica Rose and Peter Kowal Real Estate. Moved. by Hooper, seconded by Mulder, THAT the Meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10, 2013 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library at 6:30 p. m. Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Managernent held at 5:30 p. m. on Tuesday, May 13, 2013 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library. Present: Gilpin, Patterson, Allin, Beez (CBS Group), Sillaot Members: Lucas, Mulder, Holmes, Hooper, Rezazada, Barry Absent: Johnston The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, who then recognized Angela Becz from CBS Goup as a delegation. Beez tabled three possible versions of the website title page. Discussion took place on the problem of keeping the business directory up-to-date. Some businesses do not submit pictures as part of their business write-up. No one reports when someone opens a new business in the Downtown or when they change location or quit the business. It was also suggested that our events should appear in a more bold way on the page. It was also recommended that vendor applications to be at an event should be easier to access on the site. It was also suggested that a video should be part of the title page. Beez; reported that the "Feature Business" changes on the site daily. It was observed that coupons are popular, and that the Events should be listed on the left side of the screen. New up -dated photos of the Downtown are needed. It was concluded that the title page be limited to our events, businesses and a map of the downtown. Keep it simple was the key idea. It was suggested that we identify our selves on the Website as a "Historic Downtown with a Modern Flare" To this end then, it was decided that if a business wishes to be part -of the Bowmanville Downtown Business Directory on our website wwwbowmanville.com, that the business should phone our Website ` Chairman Shaima Rezazada at 905-623-2993 or 289-404-7318 Cell or Page 2 email her at "curvesbowmanvillc@gLnail.com. A new Business Director will be created f-om those who snake contact. Those who do not call Shaima Rezazada will not appear on the Website after June 1, 2013. Becz agreed to attend the June Board meeting to continue this discussion. Moved by Barry, seconded by Mulder, THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated. "CARRIED" Correspondence was received from the Municipality of Clarington. Moved by Rezazada, seconded by Holmes, THAT the correspondence be received and filed. "CARRIED" The Treasurer presented his report as follows: Current Account $ 79535.70 GIC 41 100,000.00 GIC #2 5,123.05 Total Moved by Hooper, seconded by Mulder, THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. Reports: Council Liaison: No report. $1.1.2,650.75 "CARRIED" Events: Mulder reported that the Events Committee is currently working on the Summerfest event, which will feature the Rick Patterson Car Show and Page 3 Shine. Also, Gable Amusement Rides will, again, be in attendance on Friday and Saturday. Membership Relations: No Report. Streetscape: Patterson reported that Rekker Gardens will have the hanging flower baskets in place for the week of Summerfest and that securing ties will be affixed to each planter basket hanger. She further requested that Lucas speak to Johnston regarding her continuing to sit on the Board. Communications: No report. Publications: Gilpin reported that the Spring Issue of the Bowmanville Downtowner had been delivered and that it was thought to be the best one yet. Board of Trade: Barry reported that the Board of Trade issues awards to local businesses. Website: No further report. Under "BUSINESS ARISING" from the previous meeting, the committee to design the new welcome to the Downtown sign have yet to meet. Hooper stated that after reviewing the new lamp post banners, now that they have been installed, that he felt that the word "Bowmanville" should have been more prominent on the one with the solid colour. Under "NEW BUSINESS", Gilpin reported that Don Hutton had requested a plaque for Peter Kowal Real Estate to recognize this business as one of the original members of the Bowmanville BIA. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Mulder, THAT the Meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 11, 2013 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library at 6:30 p. m. 1�1'11 R7 IIIW 111111 111 Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Management held at 6:30 p. m. on Tuesday, April 9, 2013 in Committee Doom 1-C in the Bowmanville Librar=y. Present: Gilpin, Patterson, Siilaots Members: Lucas, Holmes, Mulder, Rezazada, Barry Absent: Hooper, Johnston The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, who then recognized that there were no delegations present. Moved by Holmes, seconded by Rezazada, THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated. Correspondence was received from the Municipality of Clarington. Moved by Barry, seconded by Mulder, THAT the correspondence be received and filed. The Treasurer presented his report as follows: Current Account GIC #1 GIC #2 •=:: $ 29,452.22 110,000.00 5,015.11 Total $144,467.33 Page 2 Gilpin reported that he had closed the Current Account at the Royal Bank, effective April 5, 2013, and had transferred the balance in this account to the new Current Account at the Bank of Montreal. Moved by Mulder, seconded by Rezazada, THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. "C_4A"ED" Reports: Council Liaison: No report. Events: Mulder reported that the "What a Girl Wants" evening will take place this Thursday, April 11, 2013, in spite of the weather --rain or snow. She also stated that the plans for the Maple Festival and All That Jazz event are coming together. Membership Relations: Bary reported that a new coffee shop has opened in the Downtown called the "Toasted Walnut". Also he stated that Cathy's Gold has closed after 33 years in the Downtown. She will be presented with a plaque recognizing her long time presence in Historic Downtown Bowma.nville. Streetscape: Gilpin reported that he had been in communication with June Binnington and that she will be starting her work in the Downtown on Monday. April 15, on shortened hours ---Monday, Tuesday and Friday for the time being. As the season progresses these will lengthened to include Wednesday and Thursday. Communications: Holmes reported that she has not heard any complains recently from the members. Publications: Gilpin reported that Parrott will have the first draft of the up- coming Bowmanville Downtowner ready to be proof-read this Friday. Board of Trade: Barry reported that he had attended the recent meeting of the Clarington Board of Trade where the anticipated QPG's New -Build Page 3 program was discussed and its affect on business in Downtown Bowmanville. A concern was expressed that the workers at the site will rent all of the available living space in the downtown, but because they work 12 hour shifts and go home on the week -ends that this may have a detrimental impact on sales in Downtown Bowmanville for the five year duration of their employment on the project. Website: Rezazada repotted that the website will be totally redesigned over the next two weeks. This information was met with much enthusiasm by all of the Board members. There was no "BUSINESS ARISING" from the previous meeting. Under "NEW BUSINESS", Patterson reported that the "Welcome" sign located at Roenick Drive and Highway #2, had been knocked down by a car and removed. While the sign is in tact, it will require a new post on which to mount it. Discussion took place on the need for a new design. A committee was formed of Lucas, Patterson and Holmes to develop this new sign and bring it back to the Board for approval. In the meantime, the old sign will again be installed Moved by Holmes, seconded by Rezazada, THAT the Meeting be adjourned. ``CARRIED" The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 14, 2013 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library at 6:30 p, m. Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Management held at 6:30 p. m. on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library. Present: Gilpin Members: Lucas, Hooper,,Holmes, Mulder, Rezazada Absent: Johnston, Barry The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, who then recognized that there were no delegations present. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Holmes, THAT the Minutes of the .previous meeting be adopted as circulated. "CARRIED" Correspondence was received fi•om Municipality of Clarington. Moved by Holmes, seconded by Rezazada, THAT the correspondence be received and filed. "CA.I?.RIED" Gilpin requested that the Board members review his letter to Council regarding the request for street closings for the various events in 2013. It was noted that only Temperance Street from King Street to Church Street should be closed on June 21, from 4p. m. until l 1.p. in. Hooper said that he would put forward an amendment at Council to reflect this change when the request was tabled at a Council meeting. Page 2 The Treasurer presented his report as follows: Current Accounts $ 25,381.83 GIC #1 GIC #2 5,010.31 Total $ 301392.14 Moved by Rezazada, seconded by Hooper, THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. "CARRIED" Reports: Council Liaison: Hooper reported that the former Bowmanville High. School (Bowmanville Senior Public School) will become a Seniors Citizens Centre. The work will be done in two phases. The first phase will include 155 -residenial units which will be located along Queen Street and the second phase will be for intensive care sites down Queen Avenue. Events: Mulder reported that "Girls' Night Out" will take place on Thursday, April 11 and that 27 businesses are involved. Membership Relations: No report. Streetscape: No report. Communications: Holmes reported that three businesses involved in the "Girls' Night Out" felt that the 10 o'clock closing was too late in the evening. The Board supported the 10 o'clock end to the event. Publications: No report. Board of Trade: No report. Page 3 Website: Rezazada stated that the 31 businesses not in the Bowmanville BIA which appeared on our website have been removed. There was no "BUSINESS ARISING" from theprevious meeting. Vere was no "NEW BUSINESS". Moved by Holmes, seconded by Rezazada, THAT the Meeting be adjowmed. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 9, 2013 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library at 6:30 p. m. 119,R14 UZITNAM MH Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Management held at 6:30 p. m. on Tuesday, February 12, 2013 in Committee Room 1-C- in the Bowmanville Library. Present: Gilpin Members: Lucas, Holmes, Barry, Hooper, Rezazada, Mulder Absent: Johnston, Patterson The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, who then recognized that there were no delegation present. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Holmes, THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated. "CARRIED" Correspondence was received from the Salvation A-nr y, Municipality of Clarington, and Tourism Clarington. Moved by Bare, seconded by Rezazada, THAT the correspondence be received and filed. "CARRIED" The Treasurer presented his report as follows: Current Account $30,868.00 GIC #1 00.00 GIC #2 5,000.00 Total $35,868.00 Page 2 Moved by Rezazada, seconded by Mulder, THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. "CARRIED" Reports: Council Liaison: Hooper reported that Council had finalized its Budget for 2013 and that it included an increase of 3.75%. Events: Mulder said that a Girls' Night Out was being planned for Thursday, April 11, 2013, from 5 until 10 p. m. The Downtown will NOT be closed to vehicle traffic for this event. Advertising will include posters, display advertising in This Week and coreplast signage for each end of the Downtown, announcing this event on that evening. Membership Relations: Barry announced that a new store has opened in the Downtown called Hickory Lanes. Streetscape: No report. Communications: No report. Publications: No report. Board of Trade: No report. Website: Rezazada reported that she and Becz will be up -dating the business listings on the Website. Gilpin agreed to supply a map of the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area to assist in this regard. The Chair recognized that there was no "BUSINESS ARISING" from the previous meeting. Under "NEW BUSINESS", Hooper requested that the BIA signage at each end of the Downtown be straightened and the posts painted when the weather permits. Page 3 Various examples of new lamp post banner signage, submitted by James Printing and Signs, was reviewed. Moved by Mulder, Secondcd by R ezazada, THAT three banners per lamp post, one banner which has a scene-- Fall/Winter and another a Spring/Summer--and one with a solid colour that matches a colour in the scene banners, be purchased from James Printing and Signs, for a total of 96 banners, at an estimated cost of approximately $6,400. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Holmes, THAT the Meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 12, 2013 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library at 6:30 p. m. 9.1! 1111111 111 ti _ Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Management hold at 6:30 p. m. on Tuesday, January S, 2013 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library. Present: Gilpin, Patterson Members: Lucas, Rezazada, Holmes, Hooper, Barry Absent: Johnston, Mulder The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, who then recognized that there were no delegations present. Moved by Holmes, seconded by Rezazada, THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated. :C � Correspondence was received from Canadian Corps of Commissionaires, CPS Group, OBIAA, Tina Barrie, Municipality of Clarington (3). Moved by Hooper, seconded by Rezazada, THAT the correspondence be received and filed. "CARRIED" The Treasurer presented his Annual Financial Report for 2012. A copy is attached. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Holmes, THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. "CARRIED" Page 2 Next Gilpin presented a.Draft Budget for 2013. Discussion followed. Moved by Barry, seconded by R ezazada, THAT the amended Draft Budget be the Approved Budget for 2013. A. copy is attached. R I 1 In conclusion, Gilpin explained that because the Royal Bank of Canada, Bowmanville Branch, have moved their operation out of the Bowmanville Business improvement Area, and because it has been the Board's practice to purchase goods and services from businesses within the designated area, that the Historic Downtown Bowmanville's Current Account be transferred to the Bowmanville Branch of the Bank of Montreal. Moved by Barry, seconded by Hooper, THAT the Treasurer be directed to open a Current Account bank account at the Bowmanville Branch of the Bank of Montreal, with the signing authority being the Treasurer (Garth Gilpin) and one of either the Chairman of the Board of Management (Edgar Lucas) or one other member (Justin Barry), AND that the Treasurer be further directed to close the Current .Account bank account at the Bowmanville branch of the Royal Bank of Canada when it is determined that all cheques written have been cashed and all bank charges have been paid to the end of 2012, AND that any remaining balance in this account be transferred to the Current Account of the Bowmanville Branch of the Bank of Montreal. "CARRIED" Reports: Council Liaison: No report. Page 3 Events: No report. Membership Relations: No report. Streetscape: No report. Communications: No report. Publications: No report. Board of Trade: Barry reported that the Clarington Board of Trade is happy to now be located in Historic Downtown Bowmanville. Website: Rezazada reported that the Christmas Moonlight Magic video, prepared by Geek Girl Media is now on the Agyw bowmanville.com website. Under "BUSINESS ARISING" from the previous meeting, Gilpin inquired as to when he would be receiving the invoice from Geek Girl Media. R.ezazada stated that it would be available on Thursday, January 10 at her business. Rezazda reported that the video of the Christmas Moonlight Magic (2012) event has been on our website since early December. Hooper reported that he had not responded to Aryan's letter on behalf of the Bowmanville Rotary Club concerning the purchase of an outdoor stage because they had not been successful in obtaining the grant funding needed. Under "NEW BUSINESS", Hooper reported that Heritage Week in Clarington would take place during the week of February 18. Stores and businesses in downtown Bowmanville are expected to put displays in their windows related to downtown Bowmanville history or family history. Patterson noted that if a new lamp post banner is to be purchased that a committee is needed to created a new design and arrange for them to be made. Page 4 The following volunteered to be on the banner design committee: Lucas, Hooper, Patterson and Holmes. Next Barry suggested that because of the .public's positive response to the bagging of the parking meters during the two weeks at Christmas time, that one additional week be chosen to bag the meters as a goodwill gesture. Move by Barry, seconded by Rezazada, THAT Len Creamer, the Chief By-law Officer, be asked to investigate the possibility of bagging the parking meters in Historic Downtown Bowmanville for a week (selected by the Board of Management) in 2013 (in addition to the current two weeks at Christmas time) as a way of saying "Thank you" for shopping in Downtown Bowmanville. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Barry, THAT the Meeting be adj ourned. "CARRIED" The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 12, 2013 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library at 5:30 p. m. HISTORIC DOWNTOWN BOWMANMLLE Financial Report for 2012 (Unaudited) and Budget for 2013 Administration Events Special Promotion Streetscape (net) Capital Works Contingency Fund Publications Website Maintenance Totals Less: Cash surplus Net Budget Budget 2012 $ 39,000 66,000 5,500 16,000 11,000 00 9.500 1,500 $148,500 00 $148,500 Cash on Hand: December 31, 2011 Petty Cash $ 200.00 Current Account 229.97 Contingency Fund 5,000.00 Cash Surplus $ 55429.97 Actual 2012 $ 39,217.87 61,213.99 1,202.19 16,862.98 11,198.57 00.00 8,451.20 1,000.00 $139,146.80 Approved Budget 2013 $ 40,000.00 66,000.00 29500.00 (1) 181P0.00 (2) 21,600.00 0.00 8,500.00 2100.00 (3) $158,700.00 10,200.00 $148,500.00 (4) Cash on Hand: December 31, 2012 Petty Cash $ 200.00 Current Account 105252.50 (5) Contingency Fund 5,000.00 Cash Surplus $15,452.50 (1) To fund promotions not connected to any particular event. (2) Increase to fund extended period for watering of flowers and additional hours for waste management. (Assumes 50/50 sharing of labour cost for waste management with the Municipality.) (3) Increase to fund contract work by Geek Girls Media. (Approved by motion at November 13, 2012 Board meeting.) (4) Represents a zero% increase in the BIA tax levy in 2013. (5) Includes interest earned in the amount of $651.87.