HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-11-13 MinutesMinutes of a regular meeting of the board of Management hold at 6:30 p. xn., on Tuesday, November 12, 2013 in Committee Room l -C in the Bowmanville Library. Present: Gilpin, (Lisa) Roy, Patterson, (Chris) Broumley Members: Lucas, Bary, Rezazada, Holmes, Mulder, Hooper Absent: None The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, who recognized that there was one delegation present, Lisa Roy, from Creek Girls Media. He noted that there had been no meeting in October due to the lack of a quorum. However, he reported that two delegations had been present at that time and that he had allowed them to make their presentations for the benefit of the Board member who were present. The following summary of what they said was then circulated to the Board members. The first was Anglea Decz from CBS Group who began by introducing her Technical Director, Chris Broumley, whom she said would be available to attend future Board meetings on her behalf. She went on to say that she was currently revamping the website and was awaiting the Board's decision on the selection of a new logo, with a view to getting a plan in place before January 1, 2014. It was decided that a special meeting of the Events Committee would be held to discuss the revision of the website, the results of which would be presented at the Board meeting in November. Next Bob Dishane, past president of an organization which represents the Historic Grand Prix, began by saying that he was present as the representative of Mosport Raceway. Because Bowmanville is the closest community to Mosport that it is the natural destination for race fans who are visiting to see the events at Mosport. As a result he proposed that the Bowmanville BIA and the management of Mosport work together to build excitement around their three-day vintage car race which takes place during Page 2 the second week -end in June. This would require the Summerfest event in the downtown to be re -scheduled for June 12, 13 and 14, and for the Downtown be closed for both Friday and Saturday. Dishane is to meet with the Events Committee, after which a recommendation will be brought to the Board at the next meeting. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Barry, THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated. Correspondence was received fi-om the Santa Claus Parade Committee, John ®'Toole, MPP, Swan ,Signs, Don Hooper, Clarington Tourism and the Municipality of Clarington. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Barry, THAT the correspondence be received and filed. 66C A R.RIED" The Treasurer presented his Financial Deport for the period from January 1 to November 12, 2013. A copy is attached to the Minutes. Moved by Holmes, seconded by Ban -y, THAT the Treasurer's Deport be adopted as presented. "CA"ED" Deports: Council Liaison: No report. Events: Mulder reported that "Ladies Night" is scheduled for Thursday, November 21 from 6 until 11 p. in. in the downtown, and that 23 businesses are participating. She went on to say that arrangements for Christmas are booked and that the Christmas Moonlight Magic posters will be delivered this week. Page 3 membership Relations: Barry reported that a new business called iPads Fixed has opened in the. BIA, and that they also cut keys. Streetscape: Patterson reported that the lids are on the planters and that the Fall/Minter banners are on the lamp posts. Arrangements are underway to have the Christmas Moonlight Magic signs updated and installed later this week. She then stated that Hooper had removed the plants from the planters to allow for the lids to be re -installed, and that she would request that this work be done, in future, by whoever is hired to do waste control in the Downtown. Moved by Barry, seconded by Mulder, THAT the person hired annually to do waste control, also be instructed to remove the plants from the planters at the end of September. CL,%''i p 7y yg IED" Communications: No report. Publications: Gilpin reported that the Christmas issue of the Downtowner is being developed. Board of Trade: No report. Web Site: No report. Under "BUSINESS AIRJSII\TG" from the previous meeting, lVlulder reported that Kooger had surrendered the BIA's Canadian Tire Corporation credit card. Gilpin is to keep it for the present. Patterson tabled a letter of resignation from Donna Johnston from the Board. Moved by Holmes, seconded by Barry, THAT the ]Board accept Johnston's letter of resignation. "CRIED" Page 4 Lucas reported that he has yet to make arrangements with Mn. Peter Kowal to have the presentation of the plaque with a photo for the Bowmanville Dovvntowner. It was reported that Jerry Anderson has agreed to run a Downtown Bovimanville logo contest for local students. The winner's design will not necessarily be used as the official logo for the Bowmanville BTA. Under "NEVI BUSINESS", the Chair announced that the Board would go "in camera_" to discuss the need to re -structure the functional side of the Board's mandate. Moved by Barry, seconded by Hooper) THAT the Board go "in camera" to reach a decision on the re -structuring of the functional side of the Board's operations. "Ci�=E " Holmes, Patterson and Gilpin were excused from the meeting. The regular meeting resumed and the following motion was made: Moved by Mulder, seconded by Barry, THAT the functional side of the Board's operations be re -structured according to "Plan- B", which is attached to these Minutes. "C p T$Ty ED)) Next Hooper reported that approval is pending for yet another shopping plaza site which is planned for the intersection of Highway 2 and County Road 57 Moved by Barry, seconded by Mulder, THAT a letter be sent to Council, noting that because there are several commercial retail sites currently available for rent east of Liberty Street, in the Downtown and west of County Road 57, and that because the Historic Downtown Bowmnflvi le Financial Report January 1 to November 129 2013 d nin1s1ration. Events Special Promotion Streetscape Capital Works Contingency Fund Publlcmions Website Mah tenance Totals Less: SurplLis Net Budget Budget 2013 $409000.00 669000°00 29500°00 M000.00 2100.00 00000 89500.00 22100.00 $1589700.00 10 200.00 $1489500,00 On hand: Current Account GIC #1 GIC #2 (Contingency) Total $ 49578017 209000.00 PyP 9,580.9§]]3 $309159.00 Actual to Date $389320,08 49,750.00 50.00 29124,54 1 8'4969943 169333042 00000 69333038 T 29100000 $133993U5 Page 5 expansion of the Darlington Nuclear plant has been cancelled by the Ontario Government, which will negatively affect local residential growth, that Council be requested to place a moratorium on further retail development in the Bowrnanville area until the local econorny has stabilized. AR Moved by Mulder, seconded by Bary, THAT the Meeting be adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 10, 2013 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library at 6:30 p. m. s FRan B Board of Management. G Gflpfn $69®0® G UBHOR Bo Pa tteirson Co-ordIlnat®ir s49®po $1169000 $39000 Support Support SUPPOIrt service Service service V. Sutherland 6P (H) $49000 (H) s4po (H) $49000 Honorarium (H) f®r Support Service is N cash gift for sc"R'ces .(woo) rend ered9 the :%mou t of which wR*RR be determined by the Operations Manager in consuRtntion with the Treasurer, to a mammum ®f $4,000 per yeah Support Service McRud es set-up and take down at the events, waste control aitt BM Pune �ousq Instanation and refmovaR of ground ReveR event siglmagC9 .. at1lon and rem®vaR of theme bnnnerrs and Chirstmns Decorratt®rms on lamp p®sts9 facifitating Santa Onus end bis s4eig m mid tentq and any otheir and ..1# smflur tasks that may need to be done. from ttAme to fimeo