HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-06-14 Minutes Draft minutes – Not yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD TUESDAY JUNE 14, 2016 7:00 PM Present: Patrick Bothwell Leo Blindenbach Jim Cleland Brian Reid Melanie McArthur James Hodge Regrets: Kate Potter Councillor Corinna Traill Paul Davidson Suzanne Land Dyan Amirault 1. AGENDA MOVED: by James Hodge SECONDED by Melanie McArthur THAT: the agenda for June 14, 2016 be accepted CARRIED 2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Approval of Minutes MOVED: by Leo Blindenbach SECONDED by Patrick Bothwell THAT: the minutes of April 12, 2016 be approved. CARRIED SWNA June 2016 Minutes 2 3. ITEMS/UPDATES Highway of Hero’s Tribute Planting The intent of the program is to plant 117,000 trees in the next 4 years along the Highway of Heroes – one tree for each of Canada’s war dead since Confederation. The program has two components: 1. Highway of Heroes Right of Way planting – coordinated effort between HoHT and MTO. This will result in trees being planted in appropriate locations within the highway ROW, using appropriate stock, planting techniques and site prep. 2. Highway of Heroes transportation corridor planting – 1km north and 1km south of the Highway of Heroes. This target area allows for community involvement which cannot occur with the ROW plantings. The SWNA falls within the 1km corridor and could be eligible for trees as part of the program. A meeting will be coordinated by GRCA and CLOCA for stakeholders to learn more about the program. 2016 Trail Construction Project At the previous meeting Peter Windolf presented the latest plans showing the proposed trail alignment and bridge crossing location for the new woodland trail that will connect the Waterfront Trail to the existing trail along the north side of the sewage treatment plant. The design has been revised to include a lighter bridge to reduce the disturbance from equipment during construction. The project will be tendered in early July. Doors Open re-cap Brian Reid, Kate Potter and Councillor Traill represented the SWNA Committee at the Belmont House Doors Open location. Belmont House was the site of Samuel Wilmot’s early fish breeding experiments. Approximately 475 people attended at Belmont House and the SWNA members had a display set up in the basement of Belmont House where apparently the creek flowed through the house. Clarke High School Community Outreach projects The parent council at Clarke High School is interested in increasing the visibility and promoting a positive image of the school. Catherine Bothwell a member of the parent council contacted the municipality with an offer help with community projects. They are open to ideas. The SWNA Committee considered the offer and suggested several potential projects such as; SWNA June 2016 Minutes 3 -art students designing and painting SWNA garage containers -constructing wooden lids for the garbage containers -spreading limestone and/or woodchips on trails -building bird houses -creating tree identification labels P. Windolf will contact the parent council to see if these projects, or any others, would be of interest to the school. SWNA Committee invitation to provide comment on the draft Official Plan A notice of Open House to provide comment on the draft Official Plan was send to the committee for review. The Open House will have two sessions on June 28, 2:00-4:00 and 6:00 -8:00. No changes to the SWNA lands are proposed in the Draft OP but the invitation is open for any members interested in attending. Summer Meeting Schedule The committee decided to forgo a meeting in July but have scheduled the next meeting for Tuesday August 9. Should the August meeting not be required members will be notified. 4. OTHER BUSINESS Brian Reid reminded members that the Invasive Plant Walk is scheduled for Saturday June 18. Ken Towle from GRCA will lead the walk starting at 1:00PM from the Toronto Street parking lot. 5. MOTION TO ADJOURN MOVED: by Leo Blindenbach SECONDED by Patrick Bothwell THAT: the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Adjournment 7:45 PM Next Meeting: Tuesday August 9, 7:00PM Notes prepared by: P.Windolf