HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-179 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2005- 179 Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Rutherford Contracting Ltd., Gormley, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Barlow Court Parkette Construction. THE COPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a contract between Rutherford Contracting Ltd., Gormley, Ontario and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this 12 day of September , 2005. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 12 day of September , 2005. ~~) . ~1141--)L John -. \IlItin - . '.. -. _- Mayor ~;- _-- -: - ~ '. SECTION C - AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER I THE AWARDED CONTRACTOR (To be filled out when contract awarded) The Drawings and Plans, Specifications, Information for Tenderers, Form of Tender, Special Provisions, General Conditions, Performance and Maintenance Bonds, together with this Agreement form the Contract in this matter. THIS AGREEMENT, made (in triplicate) this 25TH day of JULY . Two Thousand Five. BY AND BETWEEN RUTHERFORD CONTRACTING LID. hereinafter called the Contractor of the First Part AND THE OWNER! CORPORATION CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON hereinafter called the owner WHEREAS the said Contractor submitted a Tender for. l!rlldin!!. draina2e. orenaration of flat 2Taded Dad for olav area installation of asohalt walkwav. sandbox olav area. installation of olav structure. basketball court. basketball hOOD. shade structure. soddin2. seedin2 . olantin2 and all environmental orotection and restoration work. in the Barlow Court Park in accordance with all terms. conditions & soecifications of Tender CL2005-30 RCL Proiect #5588 a copy of which is attached hereto, and WHEREAS the said Tender was accepted by the said Corporation on the Two Thousand Five. 25 day of Julv NOW THESE PRESENT WITNESS that the said Contractor does hereby covenant and agree with the said Owner that in consideration of the covenants and payments to be made as herein provided to comply with the following. 1. To provide all materials, tools, equipment and labour of every kind required to do and perform the whole of the work set out in the Plans and Tender, and in the most substantial and workmanlike mancer, according to the Schedule set out in the Information for Tenderers. 2. To indenmify and save harmless the said Owner and each of its officers, servants and agents from and against all action, claims and demands which may be brought or made by any other part in consequence of the performance of the said work or of the non-execution or imperfect performance of such work. 3. To pay to the said Owner, on demand, all loss costs, damages or expenses which may be paid, sustained, or incurred by the said Owner or any of its officers, servants, or agents in consequence of any such action, suit, claim, lien, execution or demand as here in before stated in Clause 2 above, and that in default of such payment, all such loss, costs, damages and expenses may be deducted from any mouies of the said Contractor then remaining in the possession of the said Owner on account of this contract, or may be recovered from the said Contractor or the Surety named in the bond hereto attached in any court of competent jurisdiction as money payable to such default SECTION C - AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER I THE A WARDED CONTRACTOR (To be filled out when contract awarded) 4. And the said Contractor further agrees iliat in the event of any action as herein before stated in Clause 2 above, to authorize and empower ilie said Owner or its Solicitor to defend, settle, or compromise any such actions, suits, claims, executions or demands as the said Owner or its said solicitor may deem expedient, and hereby agrees to ratify and confirm all the acts of the said Owner said Contractor may, at his own expense, take charge of and conduct the defence in the name of the said Owner for any such actions, claim, or suit. 5. The said Owner covenants with ilie said Contractor that if the said work, including all extras in connection therewith, shall be duly and properly executed according to the terms and provisions of this contract, the said Owner will pay the said Contractor the contract price stated in the said Tender (including all approved extras as provided in the Schedule of Prices forming part of this contract) in the manner specified as to holdbacks and ouly upon estimates or certificates signed by the Landscape Architect. It is hereby expressly provided iliat the granting of any estimate or certificate, or the payment of any monies thereunder, shall not be construed as an acceptance of any defective work or material, to which the same related thereof, and shall not in any manner lessen the liability of the contractor to replace such work or material, al1hough the conditions of the same may not have been known to, or eliscovered by the said Engineer at the time such estimate or certificate was granted, or money paid thereon 6. The Contractor shall perform the Work required by the Contract Documents for eradin2. dramalle. oreoaration of fIat Ilfaded cad for olav area installation of _haIt walkwav. sandbox olav area. installation of olav structure. basketball court. basketball hOOD. shade structure. soddinll. seedinll. Olantinll and all environmental orotection and restoration work. in the Barlow Court Park (Insert here the title of the Work and the Project) which have been signed by the parties, and which were prepared by Henry Kortekaas and Associates Inc. acting as and hereinafter caIled ilie "Consultanf' and (a) do and fulfil everything indicated by this Agreement, and (b) commence the Work by the 8 day of AUIlUSt 2005_ and attain Substantial Performance Completion of ilie Work, as certified by the Consultant, by the 31st day of December 2005_ 7. CONTRACT PRICE The Contract Price is Two hundred forty four thousand five hundred seventy eillht dollars and twenty five cents (olus G.8.T.) ($ 244.578.25 (DIns G.S.T.) ) in Canadian Funds, which price shall be subject to adjustments as may be required in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents. (To be filled out when contract awarded) SECTION C - AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER I THE AWARDED CONTRACTOR J 00 5/7( IN WI1NESS the seal of the Contractor and the seal of the COlJlOTlltion attested by the hands of their respective authorized officers on the date first above written, CONTRACTOR i114- ~ R'CHARDHAWKlNS Per: \11"'1: oqUIO&:NT Office: CORPORATION Office: X:12005105520IFINALIFINALIFINALIFINALITENDER\Section C for Rutherfords re si~ia;',tre.do,,-c_ COMPANY SEAL .s .. " E -. A _- - L S E A 'JI:_-- " OCT 06-2005 13'46 - ..J. MI:NKT "'UK J t:KAAlS ill Al!iSOCIATES IW__""." _Vi.... ...~ 1lo'MnanviIe. ON ) _l, " - ,,'l',. I 82 Sherwood Road East Job #05520 ,.... , ..~ I AJax, ON, L 1T 2Z2 Tel: (905)427-2782/1-868-959-9987 Fax: (905) 427-8964 EMAlL:hkortek@svmDBUCO.ca lIWolllo u.......1gnocI ~h ..... 1Ilo~.., _Ill IOn.... oncf _ct_ oncf 00IldIII0n0, do -,. otJotlooupplvalllll_, _It,... J _............. taoIo, _1_. hlglltlo",,- u. _ _ .....- Iorlllo -1If/"'-, Tho__.-.'.1Ilo S_loof~ct UoII _... ftnn. rM ConlrIctP.... aMI,'" tIIo _ oftllo preducto oftllo __ q....... _... ~""'...."Ilod 'n, or"" ..-a<y by "'" Warlc," _4....4 by IIlo _nlond _u.....nt, _ tIIo ""-- ~ Unft ,...., ~wllh.oy.........nto....t .........,. __lIlopnrvlol...oIl1lo~__ _-. .o_~lIloomounlollpu_" 10... ..n1od ouI_o-' oflllo Londocape __ 'll>PK.od I_"'Y be__ I'ho eontroct Prico ...."...1hII oum oflllo pracIucto oftllo octuaI q_ Ind IIlo .,__ eo....ct Unit '_In tIIo _III. IAREA OF WORK , //em II No. SIz8IlJII/t Unit _ Price 1 Landoco.. FNtu... 1.1 PIan_ Ar::et nbum 'M an' 4 60mm Oia $ ':'\1'?'7 $ fi= Acer IICCIIarum teoaCY' 10 60mm Oia :~ $ Celtis 0<:Ciden1a11l 2 60mm Ora $ KermefOCOIlio 'SIeUa (l'Oro' 34 15cm Pot $ $ larix IIrlcina 3 150cm KL W.B. $ $ ~ i Piola abieS 3 l5Oc;m KL W.B. $ $ Pk:ea 0III0l'ika 3 l5Oc;m KL W.B. $ $ v Piceo 10 175cm KL W.B. $ $ ~- v Pinus _ 3 l5Oc;m KL W.~. $ S v Quen:uo ",bra 7 50mm Oia S $ steoh~ -. 'CrIspa' 12 30Cm KL S $ ... 1.2 Rough Gtacling 01 Park _ 12.600 sq. m.l 1 L.S. $ $ 1.3 FIne G/3dilg of Park BIcck 1 L.S. $ $ I /.Ad. " Place Topsoil from __ SUlCIcpiI. in Napa $ '2P.l.~ $ .....;...-", '.4 Subdivision for 160mm IIxIooU In Park_ 300 CU.M. 1.S Provide and l'faoe SOd in Park BIclck 2000 SQ.M. $ ~.u, $ 1.8 Provide and PIa.. Light Duly Silt IIlnoe eo L.M. $ 1.4-,.41 $ IIr2:~' ~ Provide and Plaoe Aopllall PavIng 88 per <!eIaU -1.8m $ ~.1r;. Ie>,a?; .'1'? '.7 Walkway. __ Ind _ areas 4S3 SQ_M. S v Provide and Plaoe '.2m SOr1oma Slone _iog WaU skYJl, .% s %14-.~ 1.. WilhGeoorid 24 FACe sa. M. Provide and PIa.. 5leeI F..... Railing on Retaining S~..r;..~ s 7Z~I"~ v 1.fI Will.. perdetan D4I7 19.5 L.M. PnlYIde and Place GOX 1S Gazet>o by PoIigcn - $~2,Js ~,~"~ ncllidilg _painting - provide ...... sampIeo for Ippoyai (incllidlng IU shap drawings Ind _, 1.10 dmWlgs) .1 EACH T}'P8 'G' Cooper Lig/1ling 'Flil-SOIIo"/IliPUc.PP-lllONoo 12OV-Ll.15' round sur1ece mounted, 100 watt, 120 volt, S~\.~ $ f6,2 (. l~ " 1.10 vandal resistant. hillh pressure sodium Iunilire. 1 EACK 1.1t S1nldural ConcteI8 Slab for GIIz.eI>o 23.S SQ.M. S~ -g., $~.~ v '.12 Provide and plIICft Granular 'A' in ~ area 15 i CU.M. S ,'7'1 S II4U.t;I;::I v 1,1$ Provide and olaoe Granular 'B' in Gaz_ Irea 55 I CU.M. S ~.,MO; S ./.or;. ENGINEERING/BLOG SERVICES 905 623 9282 P.01 I --j \ i 0/ v .... "" v v v J I v v V y v .,/ 1 OCT 06 2005 13'47 - - I _, c:onclUl and ....1Ildion tD _ source as I per RevIsed Eleelrk:aI Plan DB. Type 'A' . The Iumirla... wi! be ~ LIghting "Conc:ane IIr #CAI.. 7O-HP$-120-3F-BK-cA43R-8K (IIIack) 70 W8lI12O high voIl higllpfeU....lOdIum with . high powar facIOr high __ sodium b8lIast and an Inlem1atiCM<04021C looo....tt ratad inIegrol buttDn phota cel11n IIle finIt i $ ~I'" '1 $1t?:~7~ .4e 1.14 lumlnaile In IIle cIrClJiL 4 EACH 1.15 ProvIde and Place Dumcr BencIleo 131 under ~ I 2 EACH . I $k'J~...,of) , tsf. Provicle and PIaa!! DumCll' Bllnclla$ 131 on Cancrete I i _. .... '~.6."2 1.16 Slatl(sl 2 EACH S .~, ProvIde and I'Iace Dumor Gartlolge Rocept:acles 85 on i $1~.81 S '3t~.,,:2. 1.17 Concre4It Slatl(s) 2 EACH Provide and Place Ilallkelllan Heap and 1'<>>- 118ll47A ~1.a4- (#~"'.a:t 1.18 IllY Landscaoe_res I 1 CACH $ 1.19 l00mm 'lOde Une "ainllng for HaW-coun Elas_U 1 I..S. S , n/....."..,. ..u3 Provide and Place F'at WU1I! S1ation tIJ Dog SoIulions ! S 1011}.46 ~140 . fib 1.20 Canada in Conc:'elIl SonolUbe 2 EACH $ 1.21 PfoYicla and Place l00mm fj?J Big '0' Drainage Tia 50 to.IA, $ '2J. ".... $ ,,,';"1. c... . Provide and f'I.8C" l00mm Solid F'VC pipa_to 6.7 ! $.M;.~ $ ~.~ 1.22 oulfal and lIIe I..M. 2 Plair Arwa 2.1 l50mm Con...1e CUrb SU",,"nd for lllali' a,... 47.8 to.IA, $~."li". , .AI FibarWoocIfitlet<........a_ io __dion). Finai gtade tD be 50mm _ tDp 01 CUrb. _ ,1M.')'.) 12Gh-l:l1 2.2 cer"J:'''' of opeclnlm FlIar. 69 CU.IA. $ l00mm '- or 19mm _ auslled stone as per datllil $ f/rJ. '2b 1~e..1r;, 2.3 D4I5 15 CU.M. , 2.4 MIRAFI P50 FiRer Mal as "'" 04IS around stooe 30 SO.M. , 1,;,.1JIh $ ":;U-r,., HendetSon Play _,a as per clell! p_ on S1eeI s44~.lil! , ,- ... .. .~ :l.5 Frarnawork 01/1 1 EACH Provide and pla<:8 4000mm long. 450mm dio. CUI\rar1 ' . 2.6 wIIh ....g wal openinga 1 EACH . $l~.*h $ \~~.% 3 ~_98 '- ~ (p'Sding and .~.and p/ac8mIlnt 01 topsoil line (1T8ding to be ~ by dtJve/opel prior to ConInlctor 3.1 F'..ish Grading of UllerI SpIce Block orior tD SOcl<ling 1 LS. $ , . 3.2 Sod of Open Spacelllocl< 98 3200 SO.M. $ '1-'-- $ 'I G."7"'. 4 Coat 01 TNtlna 4.1 5 compaction _ of subbase and aranlliar 5 TESTS $:::v....,. ~ S 1..,."". ~ . 4.2 3 ooncrela -., 3 TESTS $~-". "7';. S "70. _I All ConaIruClion eo.ta ~ inOl<Jde P.S.T. in Un" F'rIcos _vel Goods and services Tax (G.S.T. .7'llo1 $ ~4t?J v COST OF BONDING 1100'll0 OF VAt.UC OF CONTRACT S 7. . BrQd Total_Ion eo.ta $~ . AL 5.1 P1a1llllOllnd sancl _ .. per Datlln 04-6 50 CU.M. S '"". F-n I S .4GJ"7/I. 5.2 Brill'oon Seeding 01 oart 01 ~ Soace Block 96 1100 sa.M. , ",."",- I $ 7iiii'Vj . 1.2m ooIIected $4-.; I, ~ 5.3 TlIuia 0tl:illen1a11s 20 .lock SUBTOTAL ALT1!RNAmn; ITEMS , v G.S.T.~ 6'"",". ?,~ TOTAL AL T1!RNATNe ITEMSI .::102.. ENGINEERING/SLDG SERVICES 905 623 9282 P.02 ."I " v v "" 0/ v v v 'I -1 , v.o v i I ,; v v ,; ./ v' J v ,/ i><. .t' v v' ,)<,~ v v 2 I I 1 ../ ~ I j J J I I I I I OCT-05-2005 13:47 ENGINEERING/SLDG SERVICES 905 523 9282 P.03 SECTION B - RETURN ALL FORMS We !be 1DldemgDed propose to IIIC the followiDa S1Ib-Coalnctm(I) for the work iDdicatl:d: The followiDa work will be exccuIcd UI1der . Sub-Con1m:I NIUIIe of SulM:ontractor '~~...~..........................................M~...,..................... .......-....................................................................................... ..................u...................... ......... ....................................................................................................................n~...........,................ .................................................................................................................................................. .':"..........................................................................................................................-..................... ......-............-............................................................................,..........................................-..... Hthe B:ic:lde:r is an indivimla1..... ....................................._....................._.................................. Film N8ZDe ............................................................................................................................. Owner lIIld Offidal Addresa...................................................................................................... UBidder is a Pat!IIerIbip ...........................................................................................-...... l'imlNIIIIll ......................................................................................-.......................... Official .dchu NIUIIe of all PanIes .............. ...... ................... .................... ... ..... ......~ .......... .. .......... ...... .....n................................................._......._............................................. .................................................................................h................ If Bidder is . Corporation......................... .................................... ............................................ Co!poralllName .~~...~~I~...~...... Ci1y IIIIli Provillce in which L...........aIed ...~l.2f.(.....~~.................................................. HENRY KORTEKAAS '" ASSOCIATES INC. Page Z1 3 I I I I 1 i I j J I I OCT-05-2005 13:48 ENGlNEERING/BLDG SERVICES 905 523 9282 P.04 SEenON B. REnJRN ,1.1 I FORMS N.une, addteaa, IDlI title ofOftlcers Autborized 10 sillD COIIIraCl.: SJ.8.1?:.~...~t:b.l'f. . ~J.&eAZ.~....Y.\.e.............. ~....... , . ..... '0' .... ..,. .. . ",.:<.(,.l'?. ........~~....~4'h........................... .......~....~........................... ......~...~-_................. ...........................~................h.....n................. HENRY KORTEKAAS II ASSOCIATES INC. P..22 4 ! ,\ I I I 1 "1 i J ] I I OCT-05-2005 13:48 ENGINEERING/BLDG SERVICES 905 523 9282 P.05 SEeMON B. REnlRN All FORMS ALTEllN....TIVE PRICES NlIlIeofBi4der_"~..,,~I.~,..kT.l2:....................,..... lIWe tile lJDdmigaed have iJlserted below alllep8Jale, ileDlized md ai_live prica requested. lIWe aarcc lhat I. all prices subndned take imD cOlllWlalion md a1law for clwJgea IIId adjusaueall in olber work as may be ... t! H ty to povidco . fiDDbed md I'imcUoaa1 raaIt, UIIIeas ~ifically iDdicaled otberwiac. 2. allemotive prices 8M for work which is iDcJucIed ill tilt Teader Price listed 011 Teader Fmm but which may be added by thc 0wDer. pcadiDg appnIvaI of subotilution of ~-."ltaDl for !be price quoleCi bemuxIer. 3. md lhat!be Owaer reserves the right to ICCllJll or reject IDy ofthc prie.. pmposed bcreundcr. BmDIR'S ALTERNATIVEs lIWelbe Undersigacd pIOpCl$O thc ftl1lowia& aI_livea: Product S1>ecified Propoacd Substitution Add to Dcductliom T- Price Tender Priee J.............................................................................................. ................. $ ................. $ ...,.....,....... 2............................................................................................... ................. 3. ....~....................................................................................... ................. s ................. 4............................................................................................... $................. s. .........................................00.................... .............................. ........00.00.... $................. 6. ..............................n................n.................n..~n.........._..... ....00_......... $ .............00.. (Add extra pages if lIeccuary) Date ......J.~...Iy.~..Z~..,....................... Sipalllre ..A..; .. ...... .... .. .......................... NamomdTide.~..~ \t.Ia.,...~~........... HENRY kORTEKAAS tit ASSOCIATES INC. p...u 5 "] -] j j 1 I I I I OCT-06-2005 13:48 ENGINEERING/BLDG SERVICES 905 623 9282 P.06 , .1 SECTION B - RETURN AU FORMS ADDENDUM NOTES Rc: Bulow Court Park Namo: .~~,.......... AddIa8:...............Z1.....~ ~. .~.~..aJ....... rcltpbono ~..eE56.:.~....... Date: ..~..1~...~...... To: CIcdca Office CoIpor.ation of the MUDicipality of CIarilIg10II 40TcmperaDCeStrcet Bowmoavillc, Ontario Lie 3A6 TclcphoDe: (905) 623-3379 Fax: (905) 623-4169 Haviag .,.....-d lbc drawiq Numbers as illclicacccl 011 !be bid sheelS, IustructioD to Biddcr:s. and fmms alIaCbcd tbeteto, the ccucnJ c:oaditicms, the spcci1icaticms, izIl:lusive IUld 111.""-'- GId drawinp issued duriIli !be paiod IIUIllben:cIlIlld clamd as follows: Add"""'- No............!............. ~ A""-A.JID No............................ daled...~.~~a!:;I daIcd.~..~r<<?h AM-d"... No............................ daled................................ dated................................ AcIdeDdum No............................ Addelldum No............................ dated................................ AU as JlRlIlIIeCl by Hc:my Kortekaas .. Associates, T .ondoMopoo Azcl>itects, roc !be COIlS1ructiOll of: BARLOW COURT PARK HENRY KORTEKAAS .. ASSOCIATES INC. P.25 6 I , 'J 1 i , I .) ] j I , ., OCT-06-2005 13:48 ENGINEERING/BlOO SERVICES SECTloJ'(B-REnJRNAI.T FO~ 905 623 9282 P.07 SIIIII/ar ProJeetr . List of Similar Projects CIlIIlraClllr II carried out I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. DaerlpClon IU.u.W-f ~. L.lUn:w{ g,.,,>,,. I { LV>:. fi.:.. r-1~,u.H <!L.m>.o..J.~ f'V., Coatact Pena. r~~~~ '1".-.. "l' ~ ~~~f 12r<>'4L ~ ~12JJ d,f11! ~~ ,.",Iat:r. ~LI'.(~h VIIH j4ie.~ .~ on -f4h,.nY'> . HENRy KORTEKAAs .. ASSOcIATES INC. 7 PIce 26 OCT-05-2005 13:48 ENGINEERING/BLDG SERVICES 90S 523 9282 P.08 BID BOND Standard Construction Document eeDe 220 - 2002 No. 83.I~a1-OO81-lP.! Boa.d AmouDt $2.S,OOO. RUTHERFORD CONTRACTING l.TD. as Principal, hemnafter called the Principal, and A.VJVA INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. corporation created lUld existing under the IlfWlIl of Canada and duly authorized to transact rite business of Sun:tyship in all Provinces and Territories in Canada as Surety. hereinatter called the SUI'Ol)', are held and finnly hound unlo CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON as Oblige<:. bcreinatler called rho Obligee, in the amount of TW~NTV FIVE 1lI0USAND DolllllS ($25,000.) lawful money of Canada, for the paymcnc of which SUIl1 the Principal and the Surety bjl'ld themselves. their heirs. QQCutors, administrators, successors and assigns, jolnUyand severally, WHEREAS. the Principal hIlS sublllined a wrillen bid to lbe Obligee, dated 12th day of July in the year 200S. fur CONSTRUCTION OF BARWW COURT PARK CONTRACT NO, CU005-30 The condition of this obligation is such that if the Principal shall have the bid accepted within the time period pre..~ibed in the Obligee's bid dOCwneIlts. or, if no time period is specified in the Obtigeels bid documents, within ninety (90) days from the closing dllte lIS lll'CCificd in the Obligeets bid documents. lInd the Principal enters into a fannal conttut and give."I; d1e specified security. then this obligation shall be void; otherwise. provided the Obligee takes all reasonable steps to mitigalO the omount of such excess costs. the Principal and the Surety will pay to the Obligoc the difference in money bMWeCn the: amount of the bid of the Principal and lI1~ amount for which the Obligee legally contracts with another party to pertbnn the work if the latter amOUnt be in excess of the former. The Principal and Surety shall not be liable for a greater ,urn than the Bond Amount. It is aconditiun of this band that any suit or action must be wmmen"d within seven (1) months of the date afthis Banet No ril:'ht of a.ction sbllll.cc:tut hereunder to or for the use of lay person or ~orpor.tion otber tban the Obligee named heJ'ein, or the heirs, execgtors, administrators or successors oftbe Obligee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ihe Principal and the Surety bave Signed and Sealed Ibis Bond dated 41b day of July in the ye.. 2005 SIGNfD and SfALED . ~...RD CONTRACTING LID. in the presence of ;:~ S'slna',mr -- - h 'BLAIR CHAlJIERS "RESIDENT Namfl o/~rsol'l.'ig""ng CGU2786 A. VIVA INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA k~~_ Signt:ltl4N ~~D~ LindA Handv. Attomcv-In-Fact Ntuh~ of per<<on 3igning Copyright 2002 Canadian Construction Documenu Committee (CCDC 220 - 2002 bas been approved by lbe Sun:ty A:l..ciarion of Canada) 8 " OCT-06-2005 13:49 ENGINEERING/BLDG SERVICES . AVIVA 90S 623 9282 AGREEMENT TO PERFORMANCE AND LABOUR & MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND BOND NO.: 83-1632-0081-05 NAME OF CWNER: CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: CONSTRUCTION OF BARLOW COURT PARK CONTRACT NO. CL2005-30 NOTWITHSTANDING ANY CONDmONS set out in the specifications or contract to the contrary, it is further understood and agreed that if this bid is successful and the contract awarded, the performance bond will cover a one (1) year warranty on materials and workmanship from the date of Substantial Performance of the contract. We, the undersigned, hereby agree to become bound as surety for RUTBERFORD CONTRACTING LTD. (name of tender...) in a Performance Bond in the sum of l00']f, of the contract amount, and a Labour and Material Payment Bond in the sum of 100% of the contract amount, and conforming to the Instruments of Contract for the full and due performance of the works shown and described herein. if the tender attached hereto is accepted by the owner, and the bond is requested within 30 days from the date of acceptance of the tender. This Agreement to Bond shall be null and void unless an application for the said bOlld(s) is made within 30 days following the award of the contract. Signed, sealed and dated this 4th day of July 2005 AVIV A INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA ~d..." ~ {Seal} LiDda Handy, ey-fll-Fact GA2789 ,o,.i95804101 9 P.09 I I -) -/ 1 J j Ii ] _I J ] ] J ] 1 j I 'I " .. ~ . OCT-05-2005 13:49 905 623 9282 ENGINEERING/SLDG SERVICES SEC"nON B .. RE'tURN ALL FORM:! DNDl!:ll SUBMI!IlliltON w. bmby offer to furnish all maferiaJa. aIId labour. illcludiDg all prime costs, alloWlDCes, aIId llOv.em....DI Sales or other tQes (including Goods IIld Smrices Tax IUld PrOYiDcial Sal.. TlU<). Pennits aDd fees, alias necessary for !be Jlt'Oper iQSlalIation aIId COUIpIetiOll of aU aspeClS of the enlire pmjec~ for the ...... of: ~~~4~q~...____ TOTAL TENDERPRlCE,E.I.~.lk.I'~..~..~,.::::::::::..::'6~ ~ ~%:2 ,7~ In SlIlmlilliug tbiI TllIIdcr, "'" recognize that !be Owner ~ DOt bDxl hirmelf to accept the lowcst or lilY Teuder aDd l'eIerves !be right to rejectlUly or aU tender submi$sicms. Upon receiving nodfication of Contract A WIld, we agree to: - 0) cClmlllellc. work by date iDcIicated, Weather and sile cOlJdjdOlU !'mJlitting b) SllbstamiaUy cOlllplcte all work in accordance wiIh cllllSlrUction schedul.. cJ make every ell'ort to abide by the Owner. ~ lOr cOlllpledon of work and to COIllplete the wolle mill orderly IIld etficicm 1lliIIIDer, without IIIIdue delays. d) execll1e !be Owuer's sQndard 1bt1ll ofConlzxt aDd GemoraI CODditions tbereto. e) NmisbaPerrOt1lllUlce bcmd for 100% of!be wolle (S~."!l. at OIlrCllpeDse for !be Jlloper execution of the specified WOrIc, !be said bonds 10 be issued by . Canadian company satisfsctory to lhe Owner. Submined by Principal or Owner of Firm: .~..~~. ~azne (Please Print) ...... .......................... ... Signanu" --- <;'~n!leieal .)\.. . "' )'. . -. f. . ~',.. , 'r ~ ' ,.",'),' '/' ><. .' l, ,'- , ,- - - \ ;I C,/ I \)V. \ 1,1 """"//111' HENRY I\ORTEKAAS &: ASSOCIA l'ES INC. Page 18 TOTAL P _ 10 10 P.10 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,.I' .'!o.,oj .~ CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON TENDER & SPECIFICATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BARLOW COURT PARK CONTRACT NO.: CL2005-30 CLOSING DATE JULY 12, 2005 @ 2:00 PM Consultant: Henry Kortekaas & Associates Inc. 82 Sherwood Road East Ajax, Ontario, 11 T 122 Project No. 05520.0 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I June 29, 2005 PHONE & FAX ATTENTION: ALL BIDDERS Dear Sir/Madam: RE: ADDENDUM #1 TENDER CL2005.30 BARLOW COURT PARK CONSTRUCTION Please note: Any references made to Tender number CL2005-23 are to be replaced with Tender number CL2005-30. All tenders submitted must be in accordance with this addendum. Yours truly, ./fi LouAnn Birkett, C.P.P., A.M.C.T. Purchasing Manager LAB/ld I I Table of Contents I CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS 5 1. Description ofthe Works 5 2. Location 5 I 3. Owner 5 4. Landscape Arehitect 5 5. Tenders 5 6. Tender Closing and Opening 6 I 7. Tender Deposits 6 8. Informal or Unbalanced Tenders 6 9. Right of Owner to Accept or R'eject Tenders 7 I 10. Tendered Prices 7 II. Omissions or Discrepancies 7 12. Inquiries During Tendering 7 I 13. Award of Contract 7 14. Interpretations and Addenda 8 IS. Products and Substitutions 8 16. Quantities Are Estimated 8 I 17. Proof of Ability of Contractor to do Work 8 ]8. Sub-Contractors 9 ]9. Contract Documents 9 I (ii) Surety Conmanv 9 (iii) Insurance 9 (iv) Insure Consultant & Owner 9 (v) Workulace Safety & Insurance Board 10 I 20. Provincial Sales Tax 10 21. Goods and Services Tax (GST) 10 22. Order of Precedence 10 I 23. Commencement of Work 10 24. Execution of Contract 10 25. Inspector's Powers II I 26. Site Examination 11 27. Subsurface Conditions 11 28. Entering Lands For Investigation 12 29. Contractor's Presence on Site 12 I 30. Safety Requirements 12 31. Work Carried Out By Others 12 32. Damage to Existing Utilities 12 I 33. Contract Time and Liquidated Damages 13 1. Time 13 2. Progress of the Work and Contract Time 13 I 3. Workin2 Dav 13 4. Liauidated Dama2es 13 34. Schedule of Construction 14 35. Completion and Acceptance 14 I 36. Guarantee and Maintenance 14 37. Layout ]5 39. Payments ]5 I 39a) Progress Pavrnents 15 39b) Holdback 16 40. The Construction Lien Act 16 41. Restrictions on open burning ]6 I 42. Supply of Materials ]6 43. Weather Conditions ]6 I HEl'o'RY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 2 I I TENDER SUBMISSION I AGREEMENT TO BOND I ADDENDUM NOTES SPECIFICATIONS I Section 01220 General Instructions Section 01221 Site Administration Section 01300 Submittals Section 01310 Construction Schedule Section 01340 Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples and Mock-ups Section 01380 Construction Photographs Section 01400 Quality Control Section 01545 Safety and Security Section 01565 Environmental Protection Section 01600 Products and W orkrnanship Section 160 I 0 Electrical - General Requirements Section 16020 Electrical - Basic Materials and Methods Section 16030 E1ectrical- Lighting Systems Section 01700 Project Closeout Section 01720 Project Record Documents Section 01730 Operation and Maintenance Manual Section 02200 Earthwork, Site Excavation, Backfilling, Grading Section 02202 Sub-Drains Section 024860 Seeding by Brillion Method Section 024890 Hydroseeding (Crown Vetch) Section 02511 Granular Base Section 02612 Pressed Asphalt Section 02614 Concrete Section 02822 Sodding and Topsoil Section 02823 Planting Section 02830 Chain Link Fence Section 02878 Site Furnishings Section 02879 Play Equipment Section 03150 Artforms Section 07600 Park Structure Section 09900 Painting APENDIX I I I I I I I I I I I I I 18 24 25 46 I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 3 - I I I To:The Mayor and Members of Council Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington I Re:Contract No.: Barlow Court Park I Dear Mayor and Members of Council: I I The Contractor has carefully examined the Plans, Provisions, Specifications and Conditions described herein as part of the work to be done under this Contract. The Contractor understands and accepts the said Plans, Provisions, Specifications and Conditions, and, for the prices set forth in this Tender, hereby offer to furnish all machinery, tools, apparatus, and other means of construction, furnish all materials, except as otherwise specified in the Contract, and to complete the work in strict accordance with the said Plans, Provisions, Specifications and Conditions. I The Contractor understands and accepts that the quantities shown are approximate only, and are subject to increase, decrease, or deletion entirely if found not to be required. I Attached to this tender is a bid deposit in the amount and form specified in Clause 7 of Instructions to Bidders, make payable to the Owner. This cheque shall constitute a deposit which shall be forfeited to the Owner if the successful Contractor fails to file with the Owner a 100% Performance Bond, and a 100% Labour and Material Payment Bond, satisfactory to the Owner within ten (10) calendar days from the date of receipt of Notice of Acceptance of the Tender. I Notification of acceptance may be given and delivery of the form of Agreement made by prepaid post, addressed to the Contractor at the address contained in this Tender. I Seal of Comoanv Name of Contractor I I Address (include Postal Code) I I Name of Person Signing Position of Person Signing I I I I HEl'iRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION A - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS THE CORPORA nON OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS BARLOW COURT PARK J. DescriDtion of the Works This contract is for the complete works relating to grading, drainage, preparation of flat graded pad for play area installation of asphalt walkway, sandbox play area, installation of play structure, basketball court, basketball hoop, sbade structure, sodding, seeding, planting and all environmental protection and restoration work, in the Barlow Court Park as per the enclosed drawings. 2. Location The Park is located on Barlow Court, west of Mearns A venue, south of 3'" Concession Road, north of the Canadian Pacific Railway in Bowmanville, in the Municipality of Clarington. 3. Owner The Municipality: Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 Telephone: (905) 623-3379 Fax: (905) 623-4169 4. LandscaDe Architect Henry Kortekaas Henry Kortekaas & Associates 82 Sherwood Rd. East Ajax, Ontario L1 T 222 Telephone: (905) 427-2782 Fax: (905) 427-9964 5. Tenders Tenders must be submitted in the Envelope supplied on the enclosed Blank Form of Tender in the envelope provided, plainly marked: BARLOW COURT PARK MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 5 I SECTIO!\' A - INSTRllCTIONS TO BIDDERS I 6. Tender ClosinQ and ODeninQ I Tenders will be received at the offices of: I Clerk's Office Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowrnanville, Ontario LI C 3A6 Telephone: (905) 623-3379 Fax: (905) 623-4169 I I I Prior to: on the date and time specified in the Tender Call. 7. Tender DeDosits I All tender submissions shall be accompanied by a Bid Deposit in the form of a certified cheque, bank draft, money order or cash payable to the Corporation of the Municipality ofClarington in the amount specified in the table below: I Total Tender Amount Minimum Deposit Required I $ 20,000.00 or less 20,000.01 to 50,000.00 50,000.01 to 100,000.00 100,000.01 to 250,000.00 250,000.01 to 500,000.00 500,000.01 to 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.01 to 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.01 and over $ 1,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 25,000.00 50,000.00 100,000.00 200,000.00 I I I NOTE: Bid bonds issued by a surety approved by and in a form containing tenns satisfactory to the Municipality's Treasurer will be accepted for tenders valued over $50,000.00 Bid deposit must be enclosed in the envelope with your tender. I I All tender bid deposits will be returned to the respective bidders within ten (10) days after the Tenders have been opened except those of the two (2) low bidders, which shall be retained by the Municipality of Clarington until the successful bidder has executed the Contract. 8. Informal or Unbalanced Tenders I All entries in the Form of Tender shall be made legibly in ink or by type. Entries or changes made in pencil, unless otherwise decided by the Owner, shall be considered to be invalid or informal. I Tenders which are incomplete, conditional, illegible or obscure, or which contain additions not called for, reservations, erasures, alterations (unless properly and clearly made and initialled by the tenderer's signing officer) or irregularities of any kind, may be rejected as informal. Tenders that contain prices which appear to be so unbalanced as likely to affect adversely the interests of the Owner may be rejected. I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 6 - SECTION A - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS I I In case of an error in extending the unit prices, the unit price shall be used to detennine the correct tender price. I Ifa tenderer has failed to enter a price for an item of work set out in a Form of Tender, he shall, unless he has specifically stated otherwise in his tender, be deemed to have allowed elsewhere in the Form of Tender for the cost of carrying out the said item of work. Unless otherwise agreed to by the Owner in writing, no increase shall be made in the total tender price on account of such omission. I 9. Ri!!ht of Owner to AcceDt or Reiect Tenders I The Owner, The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, reserves the right to accept any tender submitted; the lowest or any tender need not necessarily be accepted and the Owner reserves the right to reject any or all tenders at his sole discretion. I 10. Tendered Prices I The lump sum price or prices quoted in the Form of Tender shall include the furnishing of all materials, supplies and equipment and providing of all labour, construction tools and equipment, utility and transponation services necessary to perform and complete all the work required under the Contract, including all miscellaneous work, whether specifically included in the Contract Documents or not. It is the intention of the Drawings and Specifications to provide finished work. Any items omitted therefrom which are clearly necessary for the completion of the work or its appurtenances shall be considered a portion of the work though not directly specified andlor shown or called for on the Drawings. I I 11. Omissions or DiscreDancies I Should the tenderer fmd discrepancies in, or omissions from, the drawings, specifications or other tender documents, or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he shall notifY the Consultant who may send a written instruction to all tenderers. Verba] interpretations of such omissions or discrepancies will not be given. I 12. Inauiries Durin!! Tenderin!! I The tenderer is advised that inquires regarding the interpretation of the plans or specifications, shall be directed to the Contract Administrator, Henry Konekaas & Associates Inc. Telephone: (905) 427-2782; Attention: Henry Konekaas. I 13. Award of Contract I I The award oflhis contract is subject to the approval of the Owner In the event that all Bids received exceed the Owner's budget for the project, the Owner shall negotiate changes in the scope of work as described by the drawings and specifications with the bidder submitting the lowest acceptable Bid Price. I If the negotiations result in a Contract Price acceptable to both Parties, no further re-bidding of the proj ect will be undenaken, and the Contract shall be awarded at the negotiated price. I If the negotiations fail to produce a Contract Price acceptable to both Parties, or if, in the first instance, the changes contemplated result in a value in excess of 15% and the Owner wishes competitive prices thereon, the Bid Documents will be amended and invitations to re-bid will be issued to the Bidders who submitted the three (3) lowest acceptable Bids on the original Bid call. I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 7 I I SECTION A - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS I I We further understand and agree that the subcontractors invited to re-Bid shall likewise be restricted to those who submitted the three (3) lowest acceptable prices in each Contractor's original Bid. 14. InterDretations and Addenda I No oral interpretations shall be made to a tenderer as to the meaning of any of the contract documents, or be effective to modify any of the provisions of the contract documents. Every request for an interpretation shall be made in writing, addressed and forwarded to the Consultant. The Consultant shall issue a written Addenda to all bidders if any interpretation is required. I 15. Products and Substitutions I The Municipality's standard policy is to provide for manufacturers name and/or approved equivalents. All equivalents must be approved by the consultant and the Municipality 5 (five) days in advance of the closing of the tender. All bidders will be advised of any approved substimtions. I I i) Base Tender Price on projects specified and / or shown on Drawings. ii) List all proposed substimtions under "Alternative Prices" in the appropriate space designed for that purpose on the Tender Form Section 'B', showing the product name and stating the difference in price, if any, should the proposed substimtion be accepted. I iii) The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the proposed substimtions. I iv) All requests will include all required technical information, organized and presented in easily understandable format. I 16. Quantities Are Estimated I The quantities shown for unit price and lump sum items in the Form of Tender are estimated only and are for the sole purpose of indicating to tenderers the general magnimde of the work. For any work done or material supplied on a unit price basis, the Contractor will be paid for the acmal measured quantities at the respective unit prices tendered. Measurements shall be taken in the field and transferred to as built drawings and area and volume calculations will be generated this way. I I I The Consultant has the right to increase or to reduce the quantities required or to suspend or omit any item or portion of the work at any time, up to 20% reduction in the contract, as he may deem advisable. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation for loss of anticipated profit as a result of the deletion of any item or part of an item from the Form of T~nder. 17. Proof of Abilitv of Contractor to do Work I The Owner reserves the right to reject any tender where satisfactory evidence of sufficient capital, plant, and experience to successfully complete the work in the specified time, is not furnished by the Tenderer. I 18. Sub-Contractors I The tenderer shall give, in the tender documents (Section "B"), the name and address of each proposed Sub-Contractor used in making up his tender, stating the portion of the work allotted to each. Only one Sub-Contractor shall be named for each part of the work to be sublet. I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 8 SECTION A - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS I After the tender has been accepted by the Owner, the Contractor shall not be allowed to substitute other Sub-Contractors in place of those named in his tender without written approval from the Consultant. I I ] 9. Contract Documents The Contractor to whom this Contract is awarded will be required to execute the Agreement in triplicate, in the form bound herein and furnish documents in triplicate covering the following: I (i) Performance & Labour Bond I Performance Bond and a Labour and Material Payment Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (]OO%) of the total tendered price. I (H) Suretv Companv I Each Bond shall be with a satisfactory Guarantee Surety Company, resident in Canada or authorized to carry on business in Canada. I (iii) Insurance Insurance requirements General Conditions with the following minimum limits for Liability: I $3,0000,000 All Inclusive for loss or damage resulting from bodily injury to or death of any one person I for loss or damage resulting from bodily injury to or death of two or more persons arising out of the same accident I I for loss or damage to property. I (iv) Insure Consultant & Owner The Corporation of the Municipality of Claringron, and Heury Kortekaas & Associates ]nc., shall be included as additional insured on all policies relating to this Contract. I I (v) A2:reement to Bond Agreement to bond is to be from a company authorized to conduct business in a form acceptable to Municipality's Director of Finance. I 20. Provincial Sales Tax I Provincial Retail Sales Tax shall be included in tendered unit prices for material supplied under this contract. I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INe. Page 9 I I SECTION A - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS I 21. Goods and Services Tax (GST) I The Tenderer shall NOT include any amount in his tender unit prices for the Goods and Service Tax. I The prices tendered shall include all applicable Provincial Sales Taxes but not the Goods and Services Tax (GST). The successful Contractor shall provide the Owner with his GST registration number and copies of invoices and statements of payments for materials used in the work and assist in all other ways, as requested to expedite recovery by the Owner of the GST paid for all works and services provided for the construction/completion of the project. I I Progress payments will be issued with G.S.T. added to the payment. The amount ofG.S.T. added will be provided by the contractor or estimated by the Consultant. If estimated by the Consultant, the contractor may provide the fmal G.S.T. amount prior to signing the completion certificate. I 22. Order of Precedence In case of conflict in the provision of the plans or specifications, the order of precedence shall be: I i) The Agreement ii) Addenda (if any issued) iii) Special Provisions iv) Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions CCDC4 v) Contract Drawings vi) Form of Tender vii) Specifications I I 23. Commencement of Work I The successful bidder will be required to Commence work at the site within seven (7) calendar days of the official commencement date after receiving written instructions from the Consultant that the work is to begin and the Contractor shall work continuously (weather pennitting) until the work is completed within the time period specified by the contract in the Form of Tender. I 24. Execution of Contract I Tenders shall be open for acceptance for a period of90 days after the closing date. (Refer to Schedule ''B'' Standard Terms and Conditions - Item #16 - Bid Acceptance) After this time the tender may only be accepted with the consent of the successful Tenderer. I I The successful Tenderer shall execute the Contract Documents and furnish bonds within 10 calendar days of receipt of notification of Acceptance of Tender. I Failure by the successful Tenderer to meet the above requirements will entitle the Owner to cancel the award of the Contract and to retain the tender deposit as compensation for damages sustained due to the successful Tenderer's default. The Owner may then award the Contract to one of the other Tenderers or take such other action as it chooses. 25. Insoector's Powers I In addition to other powers of the Inspector in this contract, the following clauses shall also apply: I Inspectors are required to see that provisions of the Specifications are faithfully adhered to, especially as regards the quality of the workmanship and materials and shall have the power to I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 10 - SECTION A - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS I suspend any workman for incompetency, drunkenness, or negligence or disregard of others. An Inspector may stop the work entirely if there is not a sufficient quantity of suitable and approved material on the ground to carry it out properly, or for any other good and sufficient cause. Any work done in the absence of an Inspector shall be opened up for thorough examination and must be rebuilt or replaced as directed and at the Contractor's sole expense, but no approval by any Inspector shall be taken as, or construed into an acceptance of defective or improper work or material, which must, in every case, be removed and properly replaced whenever discovered at any stage of the work. Orders given by Inspectors relating to the quality of material and workmanship, must be at once obeyed by the Contractor. I I I 26. Site Examination I The Tenderer, either personally or through a representative, shall examine the Place of the Work before submitting a Tender, and shall satisfy himself as to the nature and location of the Work, local conditions, soil structure, topography of the site of the Work, the equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during the execution of the Work, the means of access to the site, all necessary information as to the risks, contingencies and circumstances which may affect his Tender, and all other matters which can in any way affect the work. The Tenderer is fully responsible for obtaining all information required for the preparation of the Tender. The failure or omission of the Tenderer to receive or examine any fonn, instrument, addendum or other document, or visit the site and acquaint himself with conditions there existing, shaIl in no way relieve him from any obligations with respect to this bond or to the Contract. I I I 27. Subsurface Conditions I No soils investigation has been prepared for this site. I It is herebv expresslv a!!feed that the Consultant or Owner shaIl not in anv circumstances whatsoever be under anv liability whatsoever to the Contractor/Bidder for anv loss. dama2e or expenses of whatever nature or kind arisin2 or resultin2 directlv or indirectlv from the lack of provision of 2eotecbnica] information. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, every exemptiou of liability, defence and immunity applicable to the Owner or to which the Owner is entitled hereunder shall also be available and shall extend to protect the Consultant rendering professional services and with respect to the lack of provision of the soils information and this disclaimer ofIiability in favour of the Consultants, the Owner shaIl be deemed to be acting as agent or trustee on behalf of and for the benefit of the Consultant. I I 28. Enterin2 Lands For Investi!!ation I The tenderer shall notify the Owner and Consultant prior to entering the property to investigate conditions thereon for purposes of establishing a Tender price for this project. The tenderer shall also obtain written permission of the Owners and/or occupants of any other properties prior to entry on which he may desire to perform an investigation. The tenderer shaIl promptly reinstate all property which has been disturbed by such investigation and shaIl be solely responsible for all damage and claims resulting therefrom in accordance with the said agreement of such Owners and occupants. It is understood that the tenderer is not acting as agent of the Owner and the Owner shaIl not be responsible for any disturbance to or reinstatement of any property or for any claims for damage which may arise. If desired, test holes can be arranged by the Tenderer to be dug prior to tender closing. The undertakin2 of this work will be the sole responsibility of the Tenderer. however. the Consultant must be notified prior to anv work bein2 done. I I I I 29. Contractor's Presence on Site The Contractor shaIl give personal attention to the faithful execution and completion of the work and shaIl be present either in person or by a duly authorized representative on the site of the work continually during its progress. HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 11 I I I SECTION A - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS I 30. Safen' Requirements I The Contractor shall obey all Federal, Provincial and Municipal Laws, Acts, Ordinances, Regulations, Orders-in-Council and By-Laws, which could in any way pertain to the work outlined in the Contract or to the Employees of the Contractor. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Contractor shall satisfY all statutory requiremets imposed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations made thereunder, on a Contractor, a Constructor and/or Employer with respect to or arising out of the performance of the Contractor's obligations under this Contract. I I 31. Work Carried Out Bv Others I The tenderer under this contract shall include where applicable, an allowance for the administrative work involved in the co-ordination of his sub-contractorCs) and shall be responsible for the fmal structural and operative condition of these works. I 32. Dama2e to Existin2 Utilities I The Contractor's attention is drawn to the presence of utilities on this project. It is the Contractor's responsibility to contact the municipal authorities or utility companies for further information with regard to these utilities, and to exercise the necessary care in construction operations, or take other precautions to safeguard the utility from damage. The costs of all damages to utilities, both overhead and underground, caused by the Contractor's operations, shall be borne by the Contractor. I I The Contractor shall ensure that full utility service is not disturbed during the course of construction, by reason of the construction. I 33. Contract Time and Liquidated Dama2es I. Time I Time shall be the essence of this contract. Completion date will be a consideration in the award of the tender. I For purposes of this Contract Time means the time stipulated herein for Completion of the Work. I I 2. Pr02ress of the Work and Contract Time The charging of working days shall commence as per the construction schedule (Item 34) and the Contractor shall diligently prosecute the work on this contract to completion on or before the expiration of the completion date. I If the contract time above specified is not sufficient to permit completion of the work by the Contractor working a normal number of hours each day or week on a single daylight shift basis, it is expected that additional and / or augmented daylight shifTs will be required throughout the life of the contract to the extent deemed necessary by the Contractor to insure that the work will be completed within the contract time specified. Any additional costs occasioned by compliance with these provisions will be considered to be included in the prices bid for the valious items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. I I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 12 SECTION A - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS I Working days shall be charged until the date of completion of the work as set out in the Certificate of Completion issued in accordance. I 3. Workin2 Dav I The Contract Administrator will furnish to the Contractor for his signature a weekly "Statement of Record of Working Days". The Contractor will be allowed two weeks in which to file a written protest setting forth in what respects the said weekly statement is incorrect, otherwise, the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor. I I 34. Schedule of Construction The works, is as outlined in the Form of Tender, I The Contractor shall provide, at no extra cost, all necessary additional labour, material and equipment to compensate for delays due to inclement weather, delivery of materials, labour unrest and all other conditions which may interfere with the scheduled progress of the work. I The above outline shall be the basis for the prices submitted in the Form of Tender. I 35. Completion and Acceptance The works constructed under this contract shall be accepted by the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in two phases. I STAGE I - INITIAL ACCEPTANCE: (i.e. Substantial Performance Acceptance) I Walkwav. Basketball Half Court. Plavcround. Park Structure and Park Amenities, and all other surface works constructed under this contract shall be accepted upon completion of all construction, cleaning, inspection and adjusttnent of all deficiencies to the satisfaction of the Municipal Consultant. STAGE II - FINAL ACCEPTANCE - Walkway, Skills Court, Soccer Field, Playground and Amenities I I Final acceptance of the works constructed under this contract will occur at the end of the Guarantee and Maintenance period subject to fmal cleaning, inspection, adjustments and rectification of all deficiencies, to the satisfaction of the Municipality Inspection. I 36. Guarantee and Maintenance I I All work done under this contract shall be guaranteed and maintained by the Contractor from the Date of Initial Acceptance by the Municipality (Substantial Completion) as set out in the General Conditions until the Date of Final Acceptance by the Municipality, as applicable. NOTE: It is the policy of the Municipality to require a One Year Maintenance Period, from the date of substantial acceptance. I The Contractor shall make good in a permanent manner, satisfactory to the Owner, any and all defects, or deficiencies in the work, both during construction and during the period of maintenance as aforesaid. The Contractor shall commence repairs on any work identified as effective under this clanse within 48 hours of receipt of notice from the Owner, or Contractor Administrator. The decision of the Owner and the Contractor Administrator shall be fmal as to the necessity for repairs or for any work to be done under this section. I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 13 I I SECTION A - INSTR{JCTIONS TO BIDDERS I 37. Lavout I The layout shall be prepared by the contractor and approved by the Consultant. The layout approved by the Consultant sball be sufficient to pennit construction of the work by the Contractor in compliance with the Contract Documents, but sball not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilitv for the provision of Qualified. skilled oersonnel and normal tools of the trade, as necessarv for the transfer or sellin!! of the second an' lines and !!rades from the orimarv controls orovided. Tools of the trade are interpreted to include but not necessarily be limited to hand and line levels, boning rods, tape measures, etc. I I 38. Labour Conditions I Definitions For the purposes oflhis Special Provision, I aj 'regular rate" means, I (i) the hourly rate paid to an employee for their normal non-overtime work week, or; (ii) in the case of an employee to whom sub-clause (i) does not apply, the amount obtained by dividing their total earnings for the week by the number of hours they worked in the week. I I 39. Pavments Payments sball be made subject to the following: I 39a) Pro!!ress Pavments I Progress Payments for 90% of value of the constructed works sball be made to the contractor within 30 days after receipt of the Contractor's claim for payment. I Payments made hereunder, including fmal payment, shall not relieve the company from its obligations or liabilities under the contract. Acceptance by the company of the fmal payment shall constitute a waiver of claims by the I I company against the Municipality, except those previously made in writing in accordance with the contract and still unsettled. The Municipality shall have the right to withhold from any sum otherwise payable to the company such amount as may be sufficient to remedy and defect or deficiency in the work, pending correction of the same. I 39b) Holdback The 10% Holdback sball be released as follows: I i) The Construction Lien Holdback (i.e. 10% of the value of work substantially completed less all approved claims) sball become payable without interest after 45 days from the Date of Substantial Performance Acceptance of the works. I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 14 SECTION A - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS I 40. The Construction Lien Act I Payments to the Contractor, holdbacks and their release, and certificate of substantial performance and completion under this contract shall be in full compliance with the provisions of The Construction Lien Act, R.S.O., 1983. I The Contractor shall be deemed to have made due allowance for executing the requirements of the Act in his tender price. I 41. Restrictions on ooen burnin~ I Open fires will not be pennined within the limits of this Contract. Brush and debris may as an alternative to burning, be disposed of outside the Contract Limits and in compliance with the requirements specified elsewhere for Management and Disposal of Excess Material. I 42. Supply of Materials I All materials necessary for the proper completion of the work shall be supplied by the Contractor, except as specifically noted, and the payment provided in the Contract shall be deemed to include full compensation for the supply of such materials I 43. Weather Conditions The Contractor shall take into account the seasonal weather conditions in which the work is to take place and to allow in his prices for any change required from normal construction methods of materials due to weather conditions. Removal of snow, ice, water, frozen material, etc., and the protection of building materials, trench walls and backfill from freezing as necessary for the completion of the contract shall be included in the bid prices. I I I I I I I I I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION A - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS B. SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS The CCDC4 apply to this project except for the following: Definitions Item NO.4 - Engineer Change: The word 'Engineer' shall mean 'Landscape Architect'. CCDC4-GC1 Documents In paragraph 1.1 change 'duplicate' to read 'triplicate'. GC Valuation and Certifications or Changes in The Work Add: as 12.11. The Owner may delete any sections or sections of work. GC14 Certificates and Payment Change paragraph 14.2 and 14.7 to read: The Owner shall make payment to the Contractor on account in accordance with the provisions of Article A-4 Payment no later than thirty (30) days after the issuance of a certificate for payment by the Landscape Architect. GC23 Bonds Change paragraph 23.1 to read: The contractor shall promptly provide and pay for a Performance Bond in the amount of one hundred (100) percent of the Contract Price covering the performance of the Contract including the requirements of GC24 - Warranty. GC26 Superintendents Add as paragraph 26.4 : The contractor shall provide for speciality supervisors as required in Division 1 - General Requirements. A Holdback will apply to each and every invoice including maintenance related invoices as per section 14.7/14.8 of the General Conditions CCDC4. HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 16 HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page ) 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION A - INSTRtlCTlONS TO BIDDERS C. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. The following documents shall govern as the general conditions for this proj ect : Standard Construction Document CCDC 4 File 00530, 00720 1982 Unit Price Contract Available at: Toronto Construction Association Construction Centre 1 Sparks A venue Willowdale, Ontario M2H 2Wl (416) 499-4000 2. A copy ofthe document is enclosed herewith. 3. The 1982 Amendment to CCDC 4 shall integrally form part ofthe General Conditions. a) GCI4 - Certificates and Payments Substitute the new 1982 versions ofGC14.12 and GCI4.13. Add a new general condition as GCI4.14. b) GC19 - Indemnification Substitute the new 1982 versions ofGCI9.1, 19.2 and 19.3. Add a new general condition as GCI9.14. c) GC20 - Insurance Substitute the new 1982 version of GC20.l (a). 4. The definitions for Unit Price Contract, CCDC No.4, 1982, File 00530 and 0720 are amended as follows: Definitions Item No.2 - Contract Documents Add: The Contract Documents shall also include the Instructions to Bidders, the completed tender as submitted by the successful bidder, the Schedule of Unit Prices, and the completed list of Subcontractors. I I I I I I I I I It I I I I I . 1 I I I SECTION B. RETURN ALL FORMS TENpER SUBMISSION We hereby offer to IiImish all materials. and labour. including all prime costs, aII~ and government SaIC$ or other taxes (iDc:ludiDg Goods and ServicC$ Tax and ProviDc:iaJ SalC$ Tax). permits and fees, all as necessary for the proper iDs~lion and completion of all aspectS of the entire project, for the sum of: TOTAL TENDER PRICE................................................................................................. . In submitting this Tender, we recognize that the 0- does DOt bind hlmselfto accept the lowest or any Tender and reserves the right to reject any or all tender submissions. Upon receiving notification of Contract A ward. we agree to: . a) commence wolle by date indicated, weather and sire conditions permitting b) substantially complete all wolle in accordance with construction sc~. c) make every effort to abide by the Owner's requimDents for completion of wolle and to complete the wolle in an orderly and efficiem manner, without undue delays. d) execute the Owner's slBlldard fonn of Contract and GeueraJ conditions thereto. e) tbmish a Performance bond for 1000.4 of the wolle ($ I, at our expense for the proper execution of the specified work, the said bonds to be issued by a Ca..."t...n CO~y satisfactory to the Owner. Submitted by Principal or Owner of Firm: ....................................................... Name (Please Print) ......................................................... Signature COlpOrate seal HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 18 , ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - BARLOW COURT PARK i HENRY KORTEKMS". ASSOCIATES BowmanvUle, ON ; . 82 Sherwood Road East Job #05520 . Ajax, ON,l.1T 2Z2 Tel: (1105) 427-278211.a6N5N997 - Fax: 905) oU7.et64 CO.ca P'Wallle -1WIIMd bldder(a" have _lIIe ...... and ".1IIraCl tarma -l!IIlIIItIDIlI. do ~ oIfar to auppIy aU labour, _Ie, produ..... ......-, .... ...cIll_, hlght.. ..........lIIe .... _ daacItbacl !for lIIe following........ Tha __ ahown In lIIe .cIl.duIa fJI CcInlract UnII_ ant linn. !Tha ~ct """- - ba Iha aum of'" proclueta fJIl11e"',,~ Ill..... _ antlncoqloowdacf In, or..... ",n..ary by lIIe Work,.. conIInnad byllle countand_-..t. and lIIe.PI ...._~ UAIt........ UII.lharwlUt *"l'a"u._lhal ant made In ac=nlanca wlUt Iha JII'O'1alAna ofllle ~ct liD c.__ NavwtIloIa... no work ~ lIIe -'" atIpu....d fa to be _ out _...--1 ofllle LandacapaArchllacl. ~pra.acla.............,ba cona1cl.racl. 'I'ha CoIllraCl_ ahallba ilia aum of lIIe produeta of lIIe -II'''U_ and lIIe approprlala ~ UnII PrIoas In lIIe Icbaclula. . AREA OF WORK ".", ~ No. SlftfUnIt UIIIt PrIce PrIce 1 F..mna 1.1 P1anllnll '. . At:er I'UbNm 'MOlII8n' 4 60mm DIa $ $ N:er saccharum 10 6Orron DIa $ $ CeItia occidentalls 2 6Orron Dia $ $ HermerocalIls "Stella D'Oro" 34 15an Pol $ . $ larix Iaricina 3 150an Hl W.a. $ $ . . PIcea abias 3 150an HI. W.a. $ $ Plce8 ornorfl<a 3 15OanHl. W.s. IS $ Plce8 10 175an HI. w.e. $ $ Pinus strobus 3 l50cm HI. w.e. $ $ Quercua rubra 7 50mm Dia $ $ . nandra incisa 'CrisDa" 12 301m Hl $ $ . ... 1.2 Rough Gtading of Park Block (2.600 sq. m.l 1 LS. $ $ 1.3 Fine of Park Block 1 LS. . $ $ PIaoe TopsoU from developer slockpIe in Napa 1.4 Subd~ for 1~ ~-in Park Block 300 CU.M. $ $ 1.5 Provide and Place Sod in Park Block 2000 SQ.M. $ .' $ 1.' Provide and Place light Dutv SIt fence eo' L.M. $ $ Provide and Place AaphaII PavIng .. per detaD . 1.8m 1.7 Walkway. BaskelbaU and l8IataCI areas 453 SO.M. S $ . Provide and Place 1.2m $onoma Slone Retaining wan U WitltGeoorid 24 FACESQ. M. $ .', . $ Provide and Place Steel Fence Raling on Ratalning 1.' WaD at! per detal D4I7 111.. LoM. $ S Provide and Place GOX 16 Gazebo by PoIigon - including field painting - provide coIQur samples for 1.10 a~ (ilduding aD shop drawinga and electrical 1 EACH S S T)pe '0' Cooper LighIIng "FaIl-Safe" #HPUc-PP.l00N- l2OV-LL 15" round lIUIt'ace mounIIld, 100 wall, 120 volt. 1.10 vandal reaIa1ant, h' sodium lunialre. 1 EACH $ ; S 1.11 StrucIuraI Conaale Slab for Gazebo 23.6 SQ.M. S S 1.12 Provide and olace Granular 'A' in Gazebo area 15 CU.Mo S S 1.13 Provide and DIace Granular 'B' in Gazebo area 55 CU.M. $ S ; - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - , I Provide aN eIeclric:al items Indudlng poles, fixtures, conductor, conduH and connection to power source 88 per Revised EIedrlcaI Plan D6 -iType "A" - The luminalre will be Cooper L.ightInO"Conc:ourse III" tlCAL- I 70-HP8-12ll-3F-BK-CA43R-BK lalad<) 70 wall 120 high volt high prusure sodium wllhllihlgh ~ factor high prusure 80dium ballast and an Inlennalic #K4021C 1000 wall ra1lld integral button photo ceD In 1he fin!t $ $ I 1.14 lllminaire in 1he clrcult 4 EACH 1.15 Provide and Place Dumor Beno;hes 131 under Gazebo 2 EACH $ $ Provide and Place Dt.rnor Beno::hes 131 on Concrete 1.18 S1ab/al 2 EACH $ $ I Provide and Place Dumor Ga1bage Receptacles 85 on 1.17 Conaete Slab{al 2 EACH $ $ Provide and Place BaSlleCbaN Hoop and Pole - 118Q47A 1.18 Ibv LandsceDe Stnlctures 1 EACH $ . $ I 1.11 l00mm wide Line Painlina for BaSlleCbaH . 1 L.S. $ $ Provide and Place Pet Waste $lj!tIon by Dog SoIulIons 1.20 Canada in Concrete SonolIIbe 2 EACH $ $ I 1.21 Provide and Place l00mm /lJ Bta "0" Orainaae Tile 50 LM. $ $ Provide and Place l00mm Solid PVC pipe llOIlll8Cl8CIlIl 1.22 oulfllN and dralnaga tile 6.7 LM. $ $ I 2 PI8\' Araa 2.1 150mm Conaete Curb Surround for DIRv area 47.8 LM. $ $ FIber Wood fiber (volume ate1lld Is before compaction). I Final grade III be 50mm below top of curb. Provide 2.2 certtfi<:ate of 8DeC from FIbar. 69 CU.M. $ $ l00mm layer of 19mm clear CIIJShed alllne as per ~I 2.3 0415 15 CU.M. 1$ $ .1 2.4 MlRAFl P50 Filter Mat as llIlI' 0415 around stone 30 SQ.M. $ . . $ Hendat80n Play Stnlcture 88 per datail placed on $*I 2.ll FI8I11e'MII1< 01/1 1 EACH $ $ J Provide and place 4000mm long, 450mm dla. Culvert 2.6 . wIIh wina waD 1 EACH $ $ . 3 ~_BIock" I C. s ~ oflDpso/l fiINl grading to be ~ by deve/operprior to Contractor ....- lMlrlcl I 3.1 Finish Gradina of DIlen $pece Block prior to . 1 LS. $ $ 3.2 Sod of DIlen Spece Block .. 3200 SQ.M. $ $ I 4 Cost ofTMlIng . . 4.1 5 oompaction tests of subbase and aranular 5 TESTS $ $ I 4.2 3 concrete testing 3 TESTS $ $ Subtotal All ConstruCllOn Costs Ii - P.S.T. in UnO Prices abovel . I Goods and Services Tax (G.S.T. - 7%1 $ COST OF BONDING 1100% OF VALUE OF~ $ , I Grand Total Construction Cosls $ fAL I 5.1 I Playground sand base as ~tail 04-6 50 CU.M. $ $ 5.2 BrlUion Seadino of P8l'I of , Soaos Block 96 1100 SQ.M. $ $ Thula occldentalis 1.2m cOllecllld I 5.3 20 sIoc:k $ $ SUBTOTAL A1.'llRNA1M! ITI!II$ I G.s.T~ TOTAL AL'llRNAT!VI; ITI!II$ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I SEC'l'JON Q - ~TtlRN ALL~RMS We !be UDdersiped propoee to uae.!be foJlowiDa~s) for !be WI)JIt ;'l<I;(tlCd: The followiDa 'MlI'k will be executed IIIlder a Sub-CoDlI'act Name ofSub-Conttaetor .............................................................................................il.......................................il................ ................................................................................................................................................. ......................................................................................-.............................................,............... ....................................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................."..........................06........................................... ........................................................................................................................................................t. If!be Bidder is an iDdividual.................................................................................................... Firm. NBJI)e. ................................... ...................~....-....................................................................... Owner and 0ffic:iI1 Addras...........................................................................................,.......... IfBiddel is a Par1Dcrsbip ............................................................................................................. FirmName ..............................................................................................n~..................... Official address ..............._..............__.........~........................u~.......................".... Name ofaD Pames ........................................................................................................-.............. ...........................~.............................................................n.......... If Bidder is a Corporation......................................................................................................... CoIporate Name City and ProviDce in which Ir...u'I""..tcd ............................n...................................................................... ................................................................................~.....~....~.;,......... HENRY KORTEKAAS oft ASSOCIATES INC. Pap %1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - i .. I . I I . I . I . I I 'I I . I . I . . . . . , -. . . . SECTION B. RETURN .\1 .1. FQRMS Name. addrcssn,lIDd title of Officers Authorized III lip CODlrICl.: ...................................................................... ............................................................-.......... ...................................................................... ........................................................................ ...................................................................... ....................................................................... ..................................................................... ........................................................................ . HENRY KORTEKAAS &: ASSOCIATES INC. p.:n I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I SECTION B..RE'UJRN .11.1 FORMS ALTERNATIVE PRIC'IIS NIIIIe oCBiddcr ....u.u.u...........~..u.................................................................................................. lIWe die UlldenigDed have inserted below aU aepanIe, ~i1od IDd altemative prices """'eIted lIWe apee lhal I. all prices submitted take into cOllSiden1icm IDd allow for l'Juo'1&"" IDd Ilti>. I ...'~. in other wodc as l1li)' be -511)' to provide a finiohNllDd fiDlctiaaaI rauIt, uDIea Ip""l~l\y bAl,r,"", ~ 2. a1temative prices are for wodc which is inr.JoIdecI in the Teoder Price listed em Teader Form but which may be added by the Owner, peading approval ofsubatitutioa or I""'IUllant for the price qIIOted hemmder, BIDDER'S ALTERNATIVES 3. IDd lhal die Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any oftbepricea prop III II hemmder. lIWe the UlIdersigDed propoae die following aJtemativea: Product SDecified Proposed SnbAtitutinn Add to T~ Priee I............................................................................................. ................. 2............................................................................................. .................. 3............................................................................................. ................. 4............................................................................................. .................. 5............................................................................................. ................. 6. ............................................................................................ (Add extra paaes ifneccs5l1)') ................. Deduct &om Ttmdll!t' ~ $................. $ ................. $................. $ ................. $................. $ ................. Date......................................................................... SiaaaUue ................................................................. N_1Dd Title .......................................~............... .....................................-............... . HENRY KORTEKAAS" ASSOCIATES INC. Pap 23 I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I - . . . . 'I . . . '. I . . . I I '. I . . SECTION B . RETURN ~,.I. FORM~ .o\GIIr.II'.M1r.NT TO ~ND (TO BE COMPLETED BY BONDING COMPANY) CONTRACI'NO.: WE, the UndersigDed, HEREBY AGREE to become bouDd IS SII!1lly for in a Pcrfonuauce Bond to1alling ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (100%) oflbc CONTRACI' IIDOlIIIt, aud Labour aud Material Payment Bond tota1liD& ONE HUNDRED PERtENT (100%) oflbc CON'I'RACI'lIIDDUIIt, aud couformiDg to lbc IustrumimIa ofConlnlct ......bed hereto. for lbc filii aud due pe.&._ oflbc wmb ahowing or deaeribed herein, if the Tender for ConlnIct No. is accepled by lbc M1II!icipaIity of CIarin&ton. IT IS A CONDmON of this Aat--.t lbat iftbe above ~ T__ is ~ application Cor a Perforn....ce Bond aud a Labour aud Material Payment Bond IIIIIIt be made to tile Ulldasiped within ~ (10) DAYS ofN~ ofConlnlct Awatd, otberwise lbc ~ sballbe IIUII aud void. DATED AT this ~of 2005. Name of Bonding Company Sipalure of Authorized Penon SigDing for Bonding ~ny (BONDING COMPANY SEAL) Position (This Form sball be C^~ aud attached to tbe Tender Submitted). HENRY KORTEKAAS" ASSOCIATES Jl\IC. .....u I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 J I I I I I SEq'lOr;;,.~1'tJRN AU. ~~ ADDpl}. II!P1'P Re: Barlow Court Park N_: -"........................................... Addresa: ................................................ ................................................. TeJooop~ .................................................. Dale: .................................................. To: CIerb Office Corporation of the M1IDicipaJity of CIariugtoD 40 TempetUICe Street BoWlllallviDe, Ontario LIe 3A6 Telephoue: (90S) 623-3379 Fax: (90S) 623-4169 HaviDa .........;""<1 the dlawiDg Numbers as ~ em the bid Ibeels, IosIructiem to Biddm, IIId fotDllallllched thereto, the a-raI COIIditicms, the lIpeC'i6r~rinqa, iDclusive IIId aU -""encI_.1IId dlawiqa iIIIIed cIurUIc the period 1IIIIDbel,ed IIId dated as fonOWl: -"M"'IlIum. No........................... dated............................... dated................................ dated................................ dated................................ daled.............;;................. AtltI""""lD1 No............................ A~ID1No............................ A""""cIum No............................ AddeDdum No............................ HENRY KORTEKAAS.. ASSOCIATES INC. Pap 25 I I . I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I -I I I I SECTlON~_pTl1RN AU FQJlM~ SlmlIar Projects - I.i$t or Similar Projects Ccmtractor as carried out. DeseripUo. Coac.et P.... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Value HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Papu I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION C . AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER I THE AWARDED CONTRACTOR (To be filled out when contract awarded) The Drawings and Plans, Specifications, Information for Tenderers, Form of Tender, Special Provisions, General Conditions, Performance and Maintenance Bonds, together with this Agreement form the Contract in this matter. THIS AGREEMENT, made (in triplicate) this Five. day of , Two Thousand BY AND BETWEEN hereinafter called the Contractor of the First Pan AND THE OWNER! CORPORATION hereinafter called the owner WHEREAS the said Contractor submitted a Tender for a copy of which is attached hereto, and WHEREAS the said Tender was accepted by the said Corporation on the Two Thousand Five. day of NOW THESE PRESENT WITNESS that the said Contractor does hereby covenant and agree with the said Owner that in consideration of the covenants and payments to be made as herein provided to comply with the following. 1. To provide all materials, tools, equipment and labour of every kind required to do and perform the whole of the work set out in the Plans and Tender, and in the most substantial and workmanlike manner, according to the Schedule set out in the Information for Tenderers. 2. To indemnify and save harmless the said Owner and eacb of its officers, servants and agents from and against all action, claims and demands which may be brought or made by any other pan in consequence of the performance of the said work or of the non-execution or imperfect performance of such work. 3. To pay to the said Owner, on demand, all loss costs, damages or expenses which may be paid, sustained, or incurred by the said Owner or any of its officers, servants, or agents in consequence of any such action, suit, claim, lien, execution or demand as here in before stated in Clause 2 above, and that in default of such payment, all such loss, costs, damages and expenses may be deducted from any mouies of the said Contractor then remaining in the possession of the said Owner on account of this contract, or may be recovered from the said Contractor or the Surety named in the bond hereto attached in any coun of competent jurisdiction as money payable to such default. HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 27 I I I I I SECTION C - AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER I THE A WARDED CONTRACTOR (To be filled out when contract awarded) 4. And the said Contractor further agrees that in the event of any action as herein before stated in Clause 2 above, to authorize and empower the said Owner or its Solicitor to defend, settle, or compromise any such actions, suits, claims, executions or demands as the said Owner or its said solicitor may deem expedient, and hereby agrees to ratify and confirm all the acts of the said Owner said Contractor may, at his own expense, take charge of and conduct the defence in the name of the said Owner for any such actions, claim, or suit. I I I I 5. The said Owner covenants with the said Contractor that if the said work, including all extras in connection therewith, shall be duly and properly executed according to the terms and provisions of this contract, the said Owner will pay the said Contractor the contract price stated in the said Tender (including all approved extras as provided in the Schedule of Prices forming part of this contract) in the manner specified as to holdbacks and only upon estimates or certificates signed by the Landscape Architect. It is hereby expressly provided that the granting of any estimate or certificate, or the payment of any monies thereunder, shall not be construed as an acceplllnce of any defective work or material, to which the same related thereof, and shall not in any manner lessen the liability of the contractor to replace such work or material, although the conditions of the same may not have been known to, or discovered by the said Engineer at the time such estimate or certificate was granted, or money paid thereon 6. The Contractor shall perform the Work required by the Contract Documents for I (Insert here the title of the Work and the Project) I I which have been signed by the parties, and which were prepared by Henry Kortekaas and Associates Inc. acting as and hereinafter called the "Consultant" and (a) do and fu1fi1 everything indicated by this Agreement, and (b) commence the Work by the day of 20 I I I I I I I and allllin Substantial Performance Completion of the Work, as certified by the Consullllnt, by the day of 20 7. CONTRACT PRICE The Contract Price is dollars ($ ) in Canadian Funds, which price shall be subject to adjus1rncnts as may be required in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents. HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 28 I SECTION C - AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER I THE AWARDED CONTRACTOR I (To be filled out when contract awarded) I IN WITNESS the seal of the Contractor and the seal of the Corporation attested by the hands of their respective authorized officers on the date flISt above written. I CONTRACTOR S Per: E I Office: A I L I CORPORATION S I Per: E Office: A I L I COMPANY SEAL I I I I I I I I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES 1Ne. Page 29 I SCHEDULE "B" STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS I I. DEFINITIONS I Municipality - The Corporation of the Municipality ofClarington, its successors and assigns. Bidder - The person, firm or corporation submitting a bid to the Municipality. I Company - The person, contractor, fIrm or corporation to whom the Municipality has awarded the contract, it successors and assigns. I Contract - The purchase order authorizing the company to perform the work, purchase order alterations, the document and addenda, the bid, and surety. I Subcontractor - A person, fIrm or corporation having a contract with the company for, or any pan of, the work. I Document - The document(s) issued by the Municipality in response to which bids are invited to perform the work in accordance with the specifIcations contained in the document. Bid - An offer by a Bidder in response to the document issued by the Municipality. I Work - All labour, materials, products, articles, fixtures, services, supplies, and acts required to be done, furnished or performed by the company, which are subject to the Contract. I 2. SUBMISSION OF BID I Bid invitation shall be in accordance with the Municipality ofClarington Purchasing By-law #94-129 and will apply for the calling, receiving, and opetting of bids. The Municipality will be responsible for evaluating bids, awarding and administering the contract in accordance with the Purchasing By- law. I The bid must be submitted on the form(s) and in the envelope supplied by the Municipality unless otherwise provided herein. The envelope must not be covered by any outside wrappings, i.e. courier envelopes or other coverings. I The bid must be signed by a designated signing officer of the Bidder. I Ifajointbid is submitted, it must be signed on behalf of each of the Bidders. I I The bid must be legible, written in ink, or typewritten. Any form of erasure, strikeout or over-writing must be initialled by the Bidder's authorized signing officer. The bid must not be restricted by a covering letter, a statement added, or by alterations to the document unless otherwise provided herein. Failure to return the document or invitation may result in the removal of the Bidder from the Municipality's bidder's list. I A bid received after the closing date and time will not be considered and will be returned, unopened. I Should a dispute arise from the terms and conditions of any part of the contract, regarding meaning, intent or ambiguity, the decision of the Municipality shall be fInal. I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 30 - I SCHEDULE"B~ 3. CONTRAcr STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) I The contract consists of the documents aforementioned. The contract and portions thereof take precedence in the order in which they are oamed above, notwithstanding the chronological order in v.illch they are issued or executed. I The intent of the contract is that the Company shall supply work which is fit and suitable for the Municipality's intended use and complete for a particular purpose. I None of the conditions contained in the Bidder's standard or general conditions of sale shall be of any effect unless explicitly agreed to by the Municipality and specifically referred to in the purchase order. I CLARIFICATION OF THE DOCUMENT I 4. Any clarification of the docwnent required by the Bidder prior to submission of its bid shall be requested through the Municipality's contact identified in the docwnent. Any such clarification so given shall not in any way alter the document and in no case shall oral arrangements be considered. I Every notice, advice or other communication pertaining thereto will be in the form of a written addendum. I No officer, agent or employee of the Municipality is authorized to alter orally any portion of the document. I 5. PROOF OF ABILITY The bidder may be required to show, in terms of experience and facilities, evidence of its ability, as well as that of any proposed subcontractor, to perform the work by the specified delivery date. I 6. DELIVERY I Unless otherwise stated, the work specified in the bid shall be delivered or completely performed by the Company as soon as possible and in any event within the period set out herein as the guaranteed period of delivery or completion after receipt of a purchase order therefor. I A detailed delivery ticket or piece tally, showing the exact quantity of goods, materials, articles or equipment. shall accompany each delivery thereof. Receiving by a foreperson, storekeeper or other such receiver shall not bind the Municipality to accept the work covered thereby, or the particulars of the delivery ticket or piece tally thereof. I Work shall be subject to further inspection and approval by the Municipality. I I The Company shall be responsible for arranging the work so that completion shall be as specified in the contract. Time shall be of the essence of the contract. I 7. PRICING Prices shall be in Canadian Funds, quoted separately for each item stipulated, F. O.B. destination. I Prices shall be fino for the duration of the contract. I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INe. Page 3 I I - I I SCHEDULE "B" STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) I Prices bid must include all incidental costs and the Company shall be deemed to be satisfied as to the full requirements of the bid. No claims for extra work will be entertained and any additional work must be authorized in writing prior to commencement. Should the Company require more infonnation or clarification on any point, it must be obtained prior to the submission of the bid. I Payment shall be full compensation for all costs related to the work, including operating and overhead costs to provide work to the satisfaction of the Municipality. I All prices quoted shaJl include applicable customs duty, excise tax, freight, insurance, and all other charges of every kind attributable to the work. Goods and Services Tax and Provincial Sales Tax shall be extra and not shown, unless otherwise specified herein. I I If the Bidder intends to manufacture or fabricate any part of the work outside of Canada, it shall arrange its shipping procedures so that its agent or representative in Canada is the importer ofrecord for customs purposes. I Should any additional tax, duty or any variation in any tax or duty be imposed by the Government of Canada or the Province of Ontario become directly applicable to work specified in this document subsequent to its submission by the Bidder and before the delivery of the work covered thereby pursuant to a purchase order issued by the Municipality appropriate increase or decrease in the price of work shall be made to compensate for such changes as of the effective date thereof. I 8. TERMS OF PAYMENT Where required by the Construction Lien Act appropriate monies may be held back until 60 days after the completion of the work. I Payments made hereunder, including final payment shall not relieve the company from its obligations or liabilities under the contract. I Acceptance by the company of the final payment shall constitute a waiver of claims by the company against the Municipality, except those previously made in writing in accordance with the contract and still unsettled. I The Municipality shall have the right to withhold from any sum otherwise payable to the company such amount as may be sufficient to remedy any defect or deficiency in the work, pending correction of it. I I I Payment may be made 30 days after delivery pursuant to the Bidder submitting an invoice, contract requirements being completed and work being deemed satisfactory. 9. PATENTS AND COPYRlGHTS I The company shall, at its expense, defend all claims, actions or proceedings against the Municipality based on any allegations that the work or any part of the work constitutes an infringeroent of any patent, copyright or other proprietary right, and shall pay to the Municipality all costs, damages, charges and expenses, including its lawyers' fees on a solicitor and his own client basis occasioned to the Municipality by reason thereof. I The company shall pay all royalties and patent license fees required for the work. I If the work or any part thereof is in any action or proceeding held to constitute an infringement, the company shall forthwith either secure for the Municipality the right to continue using the work or shall at the company's expense, replace the infringing work with non-infringing work or modify it so that the work no longer infringes. I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 32 1 SCHEDULE "B" STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) 1 10. ALTERNATES Any opinion with regard to the use of a proposed altemate determined by the Municipality shall be final. Any bid proposing an altemate will not be considered unless otherwise specified herein. I' II. EOUIV ALENCY Any opinion determined by the Municipality with respect to equivalency shall be fmal. 1 12. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTING 1 The company shall not assign or subcontract the contract or any portion thereof without the prior written consent of the Municipality. 13. FINANCING INFORMATION REOUlRED OF THE COMPANY 1 The Municipality is entitled to request of the Company to furnish reasonable evidence that fmancial arrangements have been made to fulfill the Municipality's obligations under the Contract. 1 14. LAWS AND REGULA nONS 1 The company shall comply with relevant Federal, Provincial and Municipal statutes, regulations and by-laws pertaining to the work and its performance. The company shall be responsible for ensuring similar compliance by suppliers and subcontractors. 1 The contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario. 1 15. CORRECTION OF DEFECTS If at any time prior to one year after the actual delivery date or completion of the work (or specified warranty/guarantee period if longer than one year) any part of the work becomes defective or is deficient or fails due to defect in design, material or workmanship, or otherwise fails to meet the requirements of the contract, the company, upon request, shall make good every such defect, deficiency or failure without cost to the Municipality. The company shall pay all transportation costs for work both ways between the company's factory or repair depot and the point of use, 1 1 16, BID ACCEPTANCE 1 The Municipality reserves the right to award by item, or part thereof, groups of items, or parts thereof, or all items of the bids and to award contracts to one or more bidders submitting identical bids as to price; to accept or reject any bids in whole or in part; to waive irregularities and omissi~ns, if in so doing, the best interests of the Municipality will be served, No liability shall accrue to the Municipality for its decision in this regard, 1 1 Bids shall be irrevocable for 90 days after the official closing time, 1 The placing in the mail or delivery to the Bidder's shown address given in the bid of a notice of award to a bidder by the Municipality shall constitute notice of acceptance of contract by the Municipality to the extent described in the notice of award. 1 1 HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 33 1 I SCHEDULE "B" I 17. I I I I I I d. I I I I 18. CONTRACf CANCELLATION STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) DEFAULT BY COMPANY a. If the company: commits any act of bankruptcy; or if a receiver is appointed on account of its insolvency or in respect of any of its property; or if the company makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors; then, in any such case, the Mwlicipality may, without notice: terminate the contract. b. If the company: fails to comply with any request, instruction or order of the Mwlicipality; or fails to pay its accounts; or fails to comply with or persistently disregard statutes, regulations, by-laws or directives of relevant authorities relating to the work; or fails to prosecute the work with skill and diligence; or assigns or sublets the contract or any portion thereof without the Mwlicipality's prior written consent; or refuses to correct defective work; or is otherwise in default in carrying out its part ofany of the terms, conditions and obligations of the contract, then, in any such case, the Mwlicipality may, upon expiration of ten days from the date of written notice to the company, terminate the contract. c. Any termination of the contract by the Mwlicipality, as aforesaid, shall be without prejudice to any other rights or remedies the Mwlicipality may have and without incurring any liability whatsoever in respect thereto. If the Mwlicipality terminates the contract, it is entitled to: i) take possession of all work in progress, materials and construction equipment then at the project site (at no additional charge for the retention or use of the construction equipment), and finish the work by whatever means the Mwlicipality may deem appropriate under the circumstaoces; ii) withhold any further payments to the company until the completion of the work and the expiry of all obligations under the Correction of Defects section; iii) recover from the company loss, damage and expense incurred by the Mwlicipality by reason of the company's default (whicb may be deducted from any monies due or becoming due to the company, any balance to be paid by the company to the Mwlicipality). The Mwlicipality shall have the right, which may be exercised from time to time, to cancel any uncompleted or unperformed portion of the work or part thereof. In the event of such cancellation, the Mwlicipality and the Company may negotiate a settlement. The Mwlicipality shall not be liable to the Company for loss of anticipated profit on the cancelled portion or portions of the work. I I I 19. OUANTITIES Unless otherwise specified herein, quantities are shown as approximate, are not guaranteed to be accurate, are furnished without any liability on behalf of the Mwlicipality and shall be used as a basis for comparison only. I Payment will be by the wlit complete at the bid price on actual quantities deemed acceptable by the Mwlicipality. I 20. SAMPLES I Upon request, samples must be submitted strictly in accordance with instructions. If samples are requested subsequent to opening of bids, they shall be delivered within three (3) working days I Page 34 HE!'\RY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. - I SCHEDULE "B" STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) I following such request, lUlless additional time is granted. Samples must he submitted free of charge and will be returned at the bidder's expense, upon reques~ provided they have not been destroyed by tests, or are not required for comparison pwposes. I The acceptance of samples by the Municipality shall he at its sole discretion and any such acceptance shall in no way be construed to imply relief of the company from its obligations under the contract. Samples submitted must he accompanied by current Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) where applicable. I 21. SURETY I The successful tenderer shall, if the Municipality in its absolute discretion so desires, be required to satisfy surety requirements by providing a deposit in the form of a certified cheque, bank draft or money order or other form of surety, in an amount determined by the Municipality. This surety may be held by the Municipality until 60 days after the day on which all work covered by the contract has been completed and accepted. The surety may be returned before the 60 days have elapsed providing satisfactory evidence is provided that all liabilities incurred by the company in carrying out the work have expired or have been satisfied and that a Certificate of Clearance from the WSIB _ Workplace Safety Insurance Board has been received. I I The company shall, if the Municipality in its absolute discretion so desires, he required to satisfy fidelity bonding requirements by providing such bonding in an amount and form determined by the Municipality. Failure to furnish required surety within two weeks from date of request thereof by the Municipality shall make the award of the Contract by the Municipality subject to withdrawal. I I 22. WORKPLACE SAFETY AND INSURANCE BOARD I All of the Contractor's personnel must be covered by the insurance plan under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Ac~ 1997, or must provide an identification number from the WSIB verifying their status as an "Independent Operator". Upon request by the Municipality, an original Letter of Good Standing from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board shall be provided prior to the commencement of work indicating all payments by the Company to the board have been made. Prior to fmal payment, a Certificate of Clearance must be issued indicating all payments by the Company to the Board in conjunction with the subject Contract have been made and that the Municipality will not be liable to the Board for future payments in connection with the Company's fulfilment of the contract. Further Certificates of Clearance or other types of certificates shall be provided upon request. I I I . Single Independent Contractors / Owners / Operators shall provide a letter from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board confuming independent operator status and identification number. To obtain this, contractors must complete the form "Determining worker/Independent Operator status", issued by the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board. (For more information, please contact your local Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Office and refer to this clause.) I I For Independent contractors / Owners / Operators who do not have WSIB coverage, the following shall be provided upon request by the Calling Agency: I . Single Independent Contractors / Owners / Operators must also provide a certificate from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board confuming they have purchased the optional WSIB coverage. . The Municipality of Clarington has the right to reject any bid it deems to provide insufficient coverage. I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 35 I - I I I I I I I I I I I I 26. I I I I I I I SCHEDULE "B" 23. INSURANCE STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) The company shall maintain and pay for Comprehensive General Liability insurance including premises and all operations. 1ms insurance coverage shall be subject to limits of not Jess than $3,000,000.00 inclusive per occurrence for third party Bodily Injury and Property Damage or such other coverage or amount as may be requested. The policy shall include the Municipality as an additional insured in respect of all operations performed by or on behalf of the Company. A certified copy of such policy or certificate shall be provided to the municipality prior to commencement of the work. Further certified copies shall be provided upon request. 24. LIABILITY The company agrees to defend, fully indemnify and save hannless the Municipality from all actions, suits, claims, demands, losses, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever for all damage or injury including death to any person and all damage to any property which may arise directly or indirectly by reason of a requirement of the contract, save and except for damage caused by the negligence of the Municipality or its employees. The Company agrees to defend, fully indemnify and save hannless the Municipality from any and all charges, fines, penalties and costs that may be incurred or paid by the Municipality if the Municipality or any of its employees shall be made a party to any charge under the Occupational Health and Safety Act in relation to any violation of the Act arising out of this contract. 25. VISITING THE SITE The Company shall carefully examine the site and existing building and services affecting the proper execution of the work, and obtain a clear and comprehensive knowledge of the existing conditions. No claim for extra payment will be allowed for work or difficulties encountered due to conditions of the site which were visible or reasonably inferable, prior to the date of submission of Tenders. Bidders shall accept sole responsibility for any error or neglect on their part in this respect. SAFETY The Company shall obey all Federal, Provincial and Municipal Laws, Act, Ordinances, Regulations, Orders-in-Council and By-laws, which could in any way pertain to the work outlined in the Contract or to the Employees of the Company. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Company shall satisfy all statutory requirements imposed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations made thereunder, on a contractor, a Constructor andlor Employer with respect to or arising out of the performance of the Company's obligations under this Contract. The Company shall be aware of and conform to all governing regulations including those established by the Municipality relating to employee health and safety. The Company shall keep employees and subcontractors informed of such regulations. The Company shall provide Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to the Municipality for any supplied Hazardous Materials. Page 36 HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. 31. I SCHEDULE "B" STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) 27. UNPAID ACCOUNTS I The company shall indenmify the Municipality from all claims arising out of unpaid accounts relating to the work. The Municipality shall have the right at any time to require satisfactory evidence that the work in respect of which any payment has been made or is to be made by the Municipality is free and clear ofliens, attachments, claims, demands, cbarges or other encumbrances. I 28. I SUSPENSION OF WORK The Municipality may, without invalidating the contrac~ suspend performance by the company from time to time of any part or all of the work for such reasonable period of time as the Municipality may determine. I The resumption and completion of work after the suspension shall be governed by the schedule established by the Municipality. I I 29. CHANGES IN THE WORK The Municipality may, without invalidating the contrac~ direct the Company to make changes to the work. When a change causes an increase or decrease in the work, the contract price shall be increased or decreased by the application of unit prices to the quantum of such increase or decrease, or in the absence of applicable unit prices, by an arnountto be agreed upon between the Municipality and the Company. All such changes shall be in writing and approved by the Municipality. I I 30. CONFLICT OF INTEREST No employee or member of Council of the Municipality shall sell goods or services to the Municipality in accordance with the Municipality of Clarington Policy or have a direct or indirect interest in a Company or own a Company which sells goods or services to the Municipality. I MUNICIPAL FREEDOM OF INFORMA nON AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY ACT (MFIPPAl I All correspondence, documentation, and information provided to staff of the Municipality of Clarington by every offerer, including the submission of proposals, shall become the property of the Municipality, and as such, is subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Ac~ and may be subject to release pursuant to the Act. I I Offerers are reminded to identify in their proposal material any specific scientific, technical, commercial, proprietary, or similar confideotial information, the disclosure of which could cause them injury. Complete proposals are not to be identified as confidential. I I I I I Page 37 I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIFICATIONS HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 38 '1 1 SECTION 1220 - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1 1.1. PART I - GENERAL 1 1.2. Owner: See Instructions to Tenderers. 1 I Scope of Work .1 Complete all work as described in the general conditions, specifications, drawings and details. See Instructions to Tenderers. Definitions .1 .2 The contract administrator on this contract is as outlined in Instructions to Tenderers. Do not take instructions from any other person than the identified contract administrator. 1.3. Work Schedule 1 1 1 1.4. '1 1 1 1.5. .1 Be prepared to submit samples of any or all specified materials if requested by the Owner, prior to starting construction. 1 1 1 1.6. Job Conditions .1 All work must be carried out in a continuous time period and be completed within the time stipulated in the Instructions to Tenderers. .2 When requested by the Owner, submit a written work schedule showing the timing of all phases of the work. Co-operation and Co-ordination .1 Contractor and Sub-contractor shall be familiar with each other's work, wherein it affects their own. .2 Co-operate with all parties doing work on this project to permit proper execution of the work. .3 Co-ordinate work with other parties and give timely instructions and information, in writing, relating to the requirements for surfaces, materials and insets which affect the work of other trades. Submittals .1 Report in writing to the Owner, prior to commencing work, any conditions or defects encountered on the site upon which the work depends and which may adversely affect the performance of the work. 1 .2 .3 1 I Do not commence work until such conditions or defects have been investigated and corrected. Commencement of work implies acceptance of surfaces and conditions. No claim for damages or resulting extra work will be accepted except where such conditions cannot be determined prior to construction. 1 Page 1 HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. I I SECTION 1220 - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS I I I 1.7. I I I I 1.8. I I I I 1.9. .1 The Contractor shall understand and agree that the utmost co-operation with other Contractors must be provided. The Contractors shall not obstruct roadways, driveways and parking areas, thereby delaying or curtailing the work of others or the use by the Owner or Consultant or the right of access by the public. The Contractor shall enter the site only at the designated entrance point, and shall keep erosion control fencing up at all other points to prevent any more vehicular access. He shall prevent any additional damage to existing curb and sidewalk. The Contractor shall be responsible for any additional damage beyond the tendered length. I I I .2 I 1.10. .4 Before starting work on neighbouring properties, where shown on drawings, obtain pennission from owners and install hoarding and snow fencing. Maintain during construction period and remove upon completion of work. .5 Be responsible forrestoration of existing conditions of adjacent properties. In all cases, blend with existing conditions. .6 Any item not specifically mentioned in the following descriptions or shown on the drawings but implied or any item required to complete the work, will be considered to be included in the total price. Utilities .1 Before commencing work, establish location and extent of all utility lines, including site lighting, in the area of any excavations. .2 The contractor is responsible for the repair of all damage to underground utilities resulting from his operations where such utilities are able to be located by the appropriate authorities. .3 Record locations of existing re-routed and abandoned utility lines and provide the Owner with drawings showing these locations at the completion of the work. Permits. Inspection & Approval Certificates .1 Be responsible for all pennits, tests and certificates, as required by the local municipality. .2 Copies of inspection/approval certificates must accompany any invoices. .3 Where required by the Ministry of the Environment or the Jocal municipality, have all fill, which is being removed from the site, tested for contaminants by a testing company acceptable to the Owner. .4 Extra costs for removal of contaminated fill will be paid in accordance with the contract unit prices. Site Access Only those vehicles required for the carrying out of work shall have access to the site. TemporarY Roads and Walks I .1 Where required, provide, construct and maintain temporary surfaces to allow pedestrian and vehicular access to walkways, all adjacent roads, local residences and school buildings. I Page 2 HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES lNe. SECTION 1220 - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS I !.II. .2 I Provide temporary culverts, if required. .3 Provide and erect directional and warning signs, barriers and the like, where required. I .4 Upon completion of work, remove same and make good existing surfaces and structures. .5 I Do not use roads, walkways or road or walkway beds for the storing of topsoil or equipment. Temoorarv Sanitarv Facilities I .1 Provide sanitary facilities for the use of all engaged on the job site in accordance with the requirements of any Provincial and Municipal regulations controlling such installations. I !.I 2. Temoorarv Utilities 1.13. !.I4. I .1 Be fully responsible for the installation, maintenance and removal after completion, of all temporary utilities required for the execution of the work. .2 I Obtain permits and pay all costs relating to such services. Comoound. Site Office and Storat!e Shed I .1 If requested by the Owner or Consultant, provide a fenced-in Contractor's compound for an office and the storage of necessary materials for construction, in an area so designated by the Owner or Consultant. I .2 The Contractor and Sub-contractors shall provide their own work shops and storage shed for the entire length of construction. I Construction Eauiomeot .1 I Assume complete responsibility for the construction, strength, placing and operation of any mechanical contrivance used for the work of this contract, to ensure that any load supported therein can be carried out safely and be free from accidents to all persons. The Contractor shall save harmless the Owner, his agent and the Consultant. I .2 Submit to the local authorities, information concerning the sequence of erections, details and the timing of permanent connections, shoring, temporary bracing and location of lifting equipment. Be resoonsmle for all costs incurred. I 1.15. Lines and Levels .2 .3 .4 .1 I Existing grades and other known conelitions of the site have been shown on the drawings. Be fully responsible for the complete layout of all lines and levels required for the execution of the work. I Benchmarks and survey monuments established by an accredited surveyor shall be maintained. Replace any such monuments which have been disturbed or destroyed I Verity all elevations, lines, levels and dimensions as indicated and report errors, any conflicts, or inconsistencies to the Consultant before commencing work or as soon as e1iscovered. I Page 3 I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 1220 - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS .5 Accurately layout work and establish lines and levels in accord with requirements of Contract Documents. .6 Set up, maintain and protect permanent reference point stakes set at 30M and provide general dimension and elevations for all Sections of Work as per Grading Plans. .7 All lay-out work by the Contractor will be subject to checking and the approval of the Owner or Consultant. The approval of layout work by the Owner or Consultant shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibility for the correctness of the work 1.16. Dimensions .1 Check and verify dimensions wherever referring to work. Dimensions, when pertaining to work of another Section, shall be verified with section concerned. Details and measurements of work which is to fit or conform with work installed shall be taken at site. 1.17. Protection .1 Grade around excavations to prevent surface water runoff into excavated area. .2 Protect excavations and excavated material from freezing. .3 Provide and operate as many pumps as required to keep excavations free of standing water at all times. .4 Should bottoms of excavations be damaged by weather or should softening occur, remove softened material and replace with approved granular fill material at no extra cost. .5 Protect all trees and planting areas that are to remain in accordance with the General Conditions. Make good all damage at no extra cost. .6 Erect suitable safety barriers as required around all excavations to make the site safe for pedestrians. .7 Protect existing road curbs and sidewaIks. Make good all damage at no extra cost. 1.18. Handlin!! and Stora!!e of Materials .1 Store packaged materials in original undamaged condition with manufacturer's labels and seals intact. .2 Store packaged materials, sand, and manufactured items off the ground on approved supports. Cover each pile with weatherproof covering. .3 Stack units to permit circulation of air and to prevent damage to units. .4 Prevent damage to materials during handling, storage and erection. Damaged materials will be rejected for use. The Contractor will remove rejected materials from the site at his expense. .5 Ensure that all Sub-contractors have included their tenders for the supply and payment of costs for all equipment, handling and cartage required for the complete installation of the work of their particular trade. HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 4 SECTION 1220 - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS I .6 Equipment shall include all hand and power tools and other items necessary for installation of work. I .7 Handling shall include all methods of moving the materials and equipment to and from the point of fabrication or supply and the job site. I .8 Cartage shall include all methods of conveyance required to deliver the materials and equipment to and from the point of fabrication or supply and the job site. I .9 If the Contractor permits the use of his facilities by Sub-contractors, he shall establish his terms of use directly with them. I I 1.19. Substitutions 1.20. .1 All substitotions of any material or manufactured item called for on the drawings, details or specifications must be approved in writing by the Owner or Consultant before use. See Instructions to Tenderers. I .2 Requests for substitotions of a manufactured item must be accompanied by sufficient technical data and testing information to substantiate the claim that the item is equal to that specified. I Contract Documents I 1.21. .1 Consider the specifications for this project as an integral part of the plans which accompany them and neither the plans nor the specifications shall be considered alone. Consider any item, which, if omitted in the other, as properly and insufficiently specified. If the specifications and the plans should conflict, the Owner or Consultant is to determine whether the specifications or the plans apply for the point of conflict before work proceeds. I I .2 Maintain on the site, at all times, during construction, one (I) complete set of drawings, specifications and approved shop drawings as well as approved change orders and any approved sketches and instructions issued during the construction period. I .3 Clearly mark on drawings all changes in red, revisions, and site conditions which affect the work and in such a manner that, upon completion of work, one complete set of "as built" drawings is available. This includes the accurate position of concealed and underground services. As built drawings are to be exact, accurate representation of actoal as built structures, walkways, lighting pole locations, fencing and all other features. Planting locations are to be generally accurate. I I I .4 Keep "as built" set in perfect order and submit to the Consultant upon completion of work. The "as built" drawings must be 'survey accurate' in terms of all hard landscaping, grades and features. Soft landscaping must be generally accurate. InsDection I .1 Give timely notice when any phase of the work is ready for inspection and notice in writing when the work is completed and ready for fmal inspection. I .2 All materials are subject to inspection by the Owner or Consultant upon arrival on the site. Any materials not meeting the specifications will be rejected and must be removed from the site immediately. I Page 5 I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. I SECTION 1220 - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS I 1.22. Maintenance I . .1 Maintain aB parts of the work from the time of installation until final take-over by the Municipality. .2 Report immediately, in writing to the Owner, all incidents of damage to the instaBation by vandals, prior to acceptance. 1.23. GuaranteefWarrantv I .1 GuaranteelWarranty all work, Plant Material etc. for a period of one year, from the date of acceptance by the Municipality/Consultant. During the guarantee/warranty period, repair, replace or otherwise remedy all defects due to faulty materials or workmanship or dead plant material immediately. . . I I :. . .3 Note: I .2 Each guarantee shaB show the following: a. Name and address of owner b. Name of project and project number c. Name and address of the Contractor, Sub-contractor d. Dates of commencement and termination of guarantee period e. A clear definition of what is being guaranteed and what remedial actions wiB be undertaken during the guarantee f. The signature and seal of the company issuing the guarantee. When the guarantee affects a Sub-contractor and/or supplier, the guarantee shaB be signed and sealed by the General Contractor, the Sub-contractor and/or supplier Submit sample form of guarantee for Owner or Consultant, approval. The contractor is responsible to rectify aB deficiencies within one month from Substantial Completion. The contractor is also required to rectify all deficiencies prior to Final Acceptance. Upon failure to due so wiB result in the use of the maintenance holdback monies to correct the deficiencies. I 1.24. Failure to Achieve a Satisfactorv Standard .1 If the Contractor fails to achieve an acceptable rate of progress and/or standard of workmanship, the Consultant reserves the right to have the work completed by other persons and to deduct the cost incurred from the agreed upon contract price. . I 1.25. Safetv .1 Keep the site clean and useable by the residents at all times. .2 . 1.26. Clean-un . .1 . .2 . Where required, provide temporary walkways, stoops, steps and handrails to maintain safe access to the buildings. At the completion of the work each day, remove all debris, garbage and surplus material. Power sweep paved surfaces to remove earth contamination resulting from construction activities prior to final acceptance. Page 6 HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INe. SECTION 1220 - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS I .3 Clean out all catch basins and manholes within the construction area inunediately before fmal acceptance. Remove all debris. I 1.27. Make Good I .1 Make good all damage resulting from work carried out under this contract. Restore and blend to match surrounding existing conditions. I 1.28. InsDection I Takeover Procedures I .1 Prior to application for certificate of Substantial Performance Acceptance, carefully inspect the Work and ensure it is complete, that major and minor construction deficiencies are complete and/or corrected and the site is clean and in condition for use. Notify the consultant, in writing, of satisfactory completion of Work and request an inspection. I I .2 During the Consultant's inspection, a list of deficiencies and defects will be tabulated. Correct same. .3 When the Consultant considers deficiencies and defects have been corrected and it appears requirements of the Contract have been performed, make application for certificate of Substantial Performance. I 4. The Board will undertake the first cut of all grassed areas. The first cut will defme the point of acceptance by the Board of all sodded areas. The contractor is responsible for all maintenance of sodded areas until that first cut. I I End of Section I I I I I I I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 7 I I SECTION 01221 - SITE ADMINISTRATION I PARTI - GENERAL I 1.1. Pre-Construction Meetin!! I .1 Prior to construction, upon notification attend at location of Owner's choice, pre- construction meeting, along with authoritative representatives of certain key subcontractors as specifically indicated in the conference notice. I .2 Purpose of meeting is as follows: .1 Review project communications procedures. I I .2 Review contract administration requirements including submittals, payment and change order procedures. .3 IdentifY all critical points on construction schedule for positive action. I .4 IdentifY any product availability problems and substitution requests. .5 Establish site arrangements and temporary facilities. I .6 IdentifY Consultant's inspection requirements. I .7 Review any points which, in Owner's, Consultant's and Contractor's opinion, require clarification. . .8 Contractor is to provide Insurance and Bonding documentation and Workers Compensation, prior to start of work. I 1.2. Site Meetin!!s I .1 Prior to the commencement of the Work, the Contractor together with the Consultant shall mutually agree to a sequence for holding regular "on site meetings". I .2 Organize and chair all necessary site meetings. Ensure that persons, whose presence is required, are present and that relative information is available to allow meetings to be conducted efficiently. I I .3 Consultant will prepare minutes of each meeting and distribute copies to all parties. .4 Once a month during or immediately afler regular site meeting, Consultant and Contractor shall review Contractor's application for payment and updated construction schedule. 1.3. Pro!!ress Record I .1 Maintain on site, permanent written record of progress of work. Record shall be open to inspection by Consultant at all times and copy shall be furnished to Consultant upon request. I .2 This record shall show weather conditions, dates of commencement, progress and completion of various trades and items of work. Particulars pertaining to erection and removal of forms, pouring of concrete, installation of services and other critical or major components as well as number of employees of various trades and type and quantity of equipment employed daily, shall be noted. I I HE!'<RY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 1 HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01221 - SITE ADMINISTRATION .3 Display a copy of the Gantt Chart Construction Schedule in the site office from start of construction to completion. Superimpose actual progress of work on Gantt Chart schedule at least once each week. End of Section I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01300 - SUBMITTALS PART I - GENERAL I.I Scope of Work .1 Submissions are listed herein for convenience only and may not be complete. Examine all Contract Documents and provide all submissions required. .2 Make submissions with reasonable promptness, in orderly sequence and so as not to cause any delay in the Work. .3 Unless otherwise indicated herein or directed by Consultant, make all submissions to Consultant at his office. I.2 Related Instructions .1 General Instructions and Supplementary Conditions: Insurance certificates, bonds, Worker's Compensation Board certificates. 1.3 Submittals Prior to Start of Work .1 Submit the following documents within time stipulated, or, if not stipulated, prior to first application for payment. .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 Insurance certificates Bonds Workers' Compensation Board Certificates Construction and Planting Schedule Cash flow schedule End of Section HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page I SECTION 01310 - CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE I PART 1 GENERAL I 1.1. Schedule I .1 Within 15 days of Contract Award, submit, in format acceptable to Consultant, four copies of construction schedule. I .2 Set up format to pennit plotting of actual progress against scheduled progress. .3 Schedule shall show: I .1 Commencement and completion dates of Contract .2 Commencement and completion dates of stipulated stages if any. I I .3 Commencement and completion dates of each trade. .4 Order and delivery times for hard & soft materials and other equipment where possible. I .5 Any other information relating to the orderly progress of Contract, considered by Contractor to be pertinent. 1.2. UDdatin2 and Monitorin2 I .1 Consultant together with Contractor shall review construction progress once a month during regular site meeting or more often as directed by Consultant. I .2 Update construction schedule, whenever changes occur, in manner and at times acceptable to Consultant. I .3 Plot actual progress on construction schedule at least once a week. .4 Submit copy of updated schedule to Consultant once a month concurrently with application for payment. I I End of Section I I I I I HE!'iRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 1 I 1 SECTlOl'i 01340 - SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, SAMPLES AND MOCK-UPS 1 PARTI-GENERAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '1 1 1 .1 This section specifies general requirements and procedures for contractors submissions of shop drawings, product data, samples and mock-ups to Landscape Architect for review. Additional specific requirements for submissions are specified in individual sections of Divisions. .2 Do not proceed with work until relevant submissions are reviewed by Landscape Architect. .3 Present shop drawings, product data, samples and mock-ups in SI Metric units. .4 Where items or information is not produced in SI, Metric units converted values are acceptable. .5 Contractor's responsibility for errors and omissions in submission if not relieved by Landscape Architect's review of submissions. .6 Notify Landscape Architect, in writing at time of submission, identifYing deviations from requirements of Contract Documents stating reasons for deviations. .7 Contractor's responsibility for deviations in submission from requirements of Contract Documents if not relieved by Landscape Architect's review of submission, unless Landscape Architect gives written acceptance of specific deviations. .8 Make any changes in submissions which Landscape Architect may require consistent with Contract Documents and resubmit as directed by Landscape Architect. .9 Notify Landscape Architect, in writing, when resubmitting, of any revisions other than those requested by Landscape Architect. PART II - SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS 1 .1 Coordinate each submission with requirements of work and Contract Documents. Individual submissions will not be reviewed until all related information is available. .2 Allow three (3) days for Landscape Architect's review of each submission. 1 1 .3 1 Accompany submissions with transmittal letter, in duplicate, containing: .1 Date. .2 Project title and number. .3 Contractor's name and address. .4 Identification and quantity of each shop drawing, product data and sample. .5 Other pertinent data. .4 Submissions shall include: 1 1 1 .1 Date and revision dates. .2 Project title and number. .3 Name and address of: .1 Subcontractor. .2 Supplier. Page I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. SECTION 01340 - SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, SAMPLES AND MOCK-UPS I .3 Manufacturer. .4 Contractor's stamp, signed by Contractors authorized representative certifying approval of submissions, verification of field measurements and compliance with Contract Documents. .5 Details of appropriate portions of Work as applicable: .1 Fabrication .2 Layout, showing dimensions, including identified field dimensions, and clearances. .3 Setting or erection details. .4 Capacities. .5 Performance characteristics. .6 Standards. .7 Operating weight. .8 Wiring diagrams. .9 Single line and schematic diagrams. .10 Relationship to adjacent work. I I I I I .5 After Landscape Architect's review, distribute copies. I PART III - SHOP DRAWINGS I .1 I Shop drawings: original drawings, or modified standard drawings provided by Contractor, to illustrate details of portions of Work, which are specific to project requirements. .2 I Maximum sheet size: 600 x 900 mm. .3 Submit shop drawings as follows: I .1 600 x 900 mm one reproducible transparency on plastic film and one opaque diazo print. .2 279 x 203 mm and smaller photocopy paper. I .4 Cross-reference shop drawing information to applicable portions of Contract Documents. I PART IV - PRODUCT DATA .1 I I Product data: manufacturers catalogne sheets, brochures, literature, performance charts and diagrams, used to illustrate standard manufactured products. .2 Submit two (2) copies of product data. .3 Sheet size: 215 x 280 mm, maximum 00 modules. .4 I Delete information not applicable to project. .5 Supplement standard information to provide details applicable to project. I .6 Cross-reference product data information to applicable portions of Contract Documents. PART V - SAMPLES I Page 2 I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES 1Ne. I SECTION 01340 - SHOP DRAWINGS. PRODUCT DATA. SAMPLES AND MOCK-UPS I .1 Samples: examples of materials, equipment, quality, fmishes, workmanship. I .2 Where colour, pattern or texture is criterion, submit full range of samples. .3 Reviewed and accepted samples will become standard of workmanship and material against which installed work will be verified. I PART VI - MOCK-UPS I .1 Mock-ups: field-erected example of work complete with specified materials and workmanship. I I .2 Erect mock-ups at locations acceptable to Landscape Architect. .3 Reviewed and accepted mock-ups will become standards of workmanship and material against which installed work will be verified. I I End of Section I I I I I I I I I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 3 - SECTION 01380 - CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS I I P ARTI - GENERAL .1 Provide digital construction photographs in accordance with procedures and submission requirements specified in this Section. I PART II - PROGRESS PHOTOGRAPHS I .1 Digital photographs only, see Part V. I PART III - FINAL PHOTOGRAPHS .1 Sizes: 800 x 600 pixels I .2 Number of prints required: 10 per week saved every month on CD I .3 Identification: typewritten name and number of project identity on CD with date of exposure on reverse side. I .4 Number of viewpoints: Locations of viewpoints determined by Landscape Architect. I PART IV - PROGRESS SLIDES .1 Number of viewpoints: Locations of viewpoints determined by Landscape Architect. I .2 Frequency: At the completion of excavation, concrete forming, pouring, building construction, servicing, paving and planting and as directed by Landscape Architect. I PART V - FINAL SLIDES I .1 Number of viewpoints: Locations of viewpoints determined by Landscape Architect. I .2 Number: 150 digital photograph .1 Submit all CD's of digital photographs before final acceptance of park. I I PART VI - NEGATIVES .2 Insert in envelopes and identify with name and number of project. Indicate exposure dates and viewpoints of each CD disc. I I End of Section I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01400 - QUALITY CONTROL PART I - GENERAL 1.1. General .1 Requirements specified in this Section apply to independent inspection and testing specified under technical Specification Sections. .2 Requirements specified in this Section do not apply to the following: I. Inspections and testing required by laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders of public authorities. 2. Inspection and testing performed exclusively for Contractor's Convenience. .3 Failure by independent testing agency to detect defective work or materials shall not in any way prevent later rejection, when such defect is discovered, nor shall it obligate Consultant for fmal acceptance. 1.2. Related Instructions . I Cash allowance for independent inspection and testing: Section 0 I 020 .2 Specific inspection and testing requirements: Divisions 2 to 16 inclusive. 1.3 Duties & Authority of Testinl! Al!encv .1 Testing agency is expected to do the following: .2 Act on a professional and unprejudiced basis and carry out inspection and testing function to establish compliance with requirements of contract documents. .3 Check work as it progresses and prepare reports stating results of tests and conditions of work and state in each report whether specimens tested conform to requirements of Contract Documents, specifically noting deviations. .4 Distribute reports as follows: .1 Consultant - three (3) copies .2 Contractor - two (2) copies .5 Testing agency is not authorized to amend or release any requirements of Contract Documents, nor approve or accept any portion of work I.3.1 Contractor shall do the followinl! : .1 NotifY testing agency minimum 48 hours in advance of operations to allow for assignment of personnel and scheduling of test without causing delay in work. .2 Provide testing agency with access to work at all times. .3 Supply material samples for testing. HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 1 SECTION 01400 - QUALITY CONTROL I I .4 Supply casual labor and other incidental services required by testing agency. .5 Provide facilities for site storage of samples. I 1.3.2 I .1 When initial inspection and testing indicates non-compliance with contract document, any subsequent re-inspection and re-testing occasioned by non-compliance shall be performed by same testing agency and cost thereof borne by contractor. I I End of Section I I I I I I I I I I I I HE'IRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 2 I I SECTION 01545 - SAFETY AND SECURITY I I PART 1 - GENERAL I 1.1. Securitv .1 Be responsible for security of all areas affected by this Contract until taken over by the Municipality. Take steps to prevent entry to the Work by unauthorized persons and guard against theft, fire and damage by any cause. I .2 A regular full-time watchman is generally not required on site, but, if in the opinion of the Consultant, the work is not adequately protected, the Owner may demand that one be provided at no extra cost to the Contract. I I 1.2. Construction Safety Measures I .1 Observe and enforce construction safety measures required by latest edition of Canadian Construction Safety Code, Occupational Health and Safety Act, Worker's Compensation Board and other regulations by jurisdictional authorities. I .2 In the event of conflict between applicable regulations, follow the most stringent provisions. 1.3. Fire Safetv Reauirements I .1 Maintain fire protection for work. Store paints and volatile substances in a separate and controlled location and inspect frequently. I 1.4. Visitors .1 Provide hard hats for use by all visitors. I 1.5. First and Facilities .1 Provide and maintain, for duration of Contract, first aid facilities in accordance with applicable regulations. I 1.6. Hazardous Materials I I .1 Comply with provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, as amended to include WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System). I End of Section I I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 1 SECTION 01565 - ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION I I PARTI - GENERAL l.l. DisDosal of Wastes I .1 Burying or burning of rubbish and waste materials on site is not pennitted. I .2 Disposal of waste or volatile materials, such as mineral spirits, oil or paint thinner into ground, waterways, drainage courses, storm or sanitary sewers is prohibited. I .3 Collect all wastes and rubbish in suitable containers, remove from site and legally dispose. 1.2. Pollution Control I 1.3. 2. .1 I Prevent extraneous materials from contaminating air beyond application areas, by providing temporary enclosures. .2 Cover or wet down dry materials and rubbish to prevent blowing dust and debris, but prevent contaminated nul-OfT. I Draina2e I .1 Control drainage on site to prevent flooding, erosion and nul-ofT onto adjacent properties as a result of constroction operations. I Dispose of water containing silt in suspension in accordance with requirements of jurisdictional authorities. I I End of Section I I I I I I Page 1 I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. 1 SECTION 01600 - PRODUCTS AriD WORKMANSHIP 1 1 1.0. PARTI - GENERAL Related Work All Sections 1.1. 1 1 1 1.2. 1 1 1 '1 1 1.3. 1 1 1 1 I .5 I I .6 1 Product Oualitv .1 Products supplied for work shall be new, and as far as possible and, unless otherwise specified, of Canadian manufacture. .2 Materials used for temporary facilities are not required to be new, provided they are structurally sound and in suitable and safe operation condition. Standards and Terminolol!V .1 Where a standard has been adopted by these Specifications, incorporate minimum requirements of such standards into the work. Where requirements of Specifications are more stringent than those of the standard, follow more stringent requirements. .2 Reference to standards, specifications, handbooks and manufacturer's catalogues, refer to latest edition thereof and all amendments or revisions applicable at Tender Closing Date, unless data suffix is included with document number. .3 Wherever words .tacceptable", "approved", "satisfactory", Ilselected", "directed", "designated'1, upermittedu, inspected", "instructed", "required", "submit", or similar words or phrases are used in standard or elsewhere in Contract Documents, it shall be understood that "by (to) the Consultant" follow, unless context provides otherwise, .4 Where the word "provide" is used in these Contract Documents, it shall be taken to mean "supply and install" unless specifically noted otherwise. Availabilitv and Substitution .1 Products which are specified by their proprietary names or by part of catalogue number form the basis for Contract. No substitutes for these may be used without Consultant's approval in writing. .2 Where it is found that specified materials have become unavailable for incorporating into work, notify Consultant immediately of pruposed substitution. .3 Proposed substitution shall be any top quality product considered by Consultant to be suitable for purpose intended. .4 Products proposed as substitutions, and which are considered by Consultant to be suitable for purpose intended, but which are in his opinion oflesser value and quality than those specified shall only be accepted as substitution if reasonable credits are allowed for their use. In order to substantiate equivalency of proposed material, products or processes, submit samples, printed product description's test data, installation instructions, standards, certification, samples, guarantee /warranty forms, list of successful products incorporating such proposals, and similar information requested by the Consnltant. Whenever a substitute is proposed, any change to the contract price as a result of acceptance of proposed product shall include any adjustments to adjacent structure or space in order to accept minor differences in size or weight between proposed items and corresponding specified items. Page 1 HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I 1=' I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01600 - PRODUCTS AND WORKMANSHIP .7 Prevent any substitution or requesl for substitution from delaying construction progress in any way. .8 Requests for substitution resulting from failure to place orders in time will not be entertained. Be responsible for ordering products in time to ensure their required delivery; bear all costs for failure to comply with these requirements. .9 Upon Consultants request, submit copies of material and equipment purchase orders. 1.4. Product and Delivery Handlin!! and Stor8l!e .1 Suitably pack, crate and protect products during transportation to site to preserve their quality and fitness for purpose intended. .2 Store products in original, undamaged condition with manufacturer's labels with seals intact until they are being incorporated into co~leted work. .3 Handle and store materials in accordance with manufacturer's and supplier's recommendation so as to ensure preservation of their quality, appearance and fitness for work. .4 Arrange materials so as to facilitate prompt inspection, and remove faulty, damaged or rejected materials innnediately from site. 1.5. Product Delivery Schedule .1 It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the supplier or distributor of materials specified or alternatives accepted, which he intends to use, has materials on the site when required. The Contractor shall obtain confirmed delivery dates from the supplier. \ .2 The Contractor shall contact the Consultant immediately upon receipt of information indicating that any material or item will not be available on time, in accordance with the original schedule, and similarly it shall be the responsibility of all subcontractors and supplies to so inform the Contractor. .3 The Consultant reserves the right to receive from the Contractor at anytime, upon request, copies of actual purchase or work orders of any material or products to be supplied for the work. 1.6. Workmanshin .1 All work shall be carried out in accordance with the best trade practice, by mechanics skilled in the type of work concerned. .2 Products, materials, systems and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned in accordance with the applicable manufacturer's printed directions. .3 Where specified requirements are in conflict with the manufacturer's written directions, follow manufacturer's directions. Where specified requirements are more stringent than manufacturers directions, comply with specified requirement. End of Section HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Barlow Court Parkelle Electrical - General Requirements Section 16010 Page 1 June 2005 1.0 General Conditions .1 The General Requirements, Bid Form. Instructions to Bidders, Bid Policies, Special Provisions, the Agreement and the Contract Drawings will form a part of this Specification in the same manner as if they were recited in full herewith. 2.0 Intent 3.0 Standards and References 4.0 Materials .1 .2 Refer to other Specifications in these Documents to determine their effect upon the work of this section. .3 Unless specified otherwise, the following instructions will apply to all sections of Division 16. .1 Mention herein or indication on drawings of articles. materials, operations or methods requires: supply of each item mentioned or indicated. of quality, or subject to qualifications noted; installation according to conditions stated and; performance of each operation prescribed with furnishing of necessary labour, equipment and incidentals for Electrical Trades, Division 16. .2 Supplementary to definitions established are: .1 "Supply" will mean furnishing to site in location required or directed complete with accessory parts. .2 "Install" will mean set in place and secured or affixed to building structure as noted or directed. .3 "Provide" will mean supply and install as each is described above. .3 Where used. wordings such as "approved. to approval. as directed. permllled, permission, accepted, acceptance". will mean: approved. directed. permitted. accepted, by authorized representative of the owner. .1 Equipment provided under this Division will conform to applicable standards and regulations of the following organizations: Canadian Standards Association Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada Canadian Electrical Code Electrical Safety Authority Ontario Electrical Safety Code Canadian Underwriters Association National Building Code Ontario Building Code Veridian Connections Materials will be new, of Canadian manufacture where available, first qual~y and uniform throughout. Submit tender based on the use of materials and equipment specified or on the listed acceptable alternate equipment as further detailed. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Barlow Court Parkette Electrical - General Requirements Section 1601 0 Page 2 June 2005 5.0 Material Acceotance 6.0 Examination of Site & Conditions 7.0 Workmanshio .1 8.0 Co-operation and Resoonsibilitv .1 .2 Electrical materiais will be C.SA or equal, approved and be so labeled. Materials not C.SA approved will receive acceptance for installation by Electrical Safety Authority Special Inspections Branch before delivery, and modifications and changes required for such acceptance will be included in work of this Section. Material will not be installed or connected to the source of electrical power until approval is obtained. .3 Confirm capacity, ratings and characteristics of equipment items being provided to supply power to equipment provided under other Divisions of the work. Resolve discrepancies before such items are purchased. .1 The acceptance of materials installed presumes that materials have not been damaged or exposed to conditions that would be considered to adversely affect performance and life expectancy. .2 If, in the opinion of the owner's representative materials have sustained damage, or have been exposed to abnormal conditions, it will be the responsibility of the contractor to have such tests performed as deemed necessary by the owner's representative to establish condition and therefore, acceptability of installed materials. .3 Tests will be conducted by independent testing specialists acceptable to the owner's representative who will provide written report of tests directly to the owner's representative. .1 Examine the site, local conditions and the complete set of landscaped drawings affecting the work of this project. Examine carefully all Tender Documents and ensure the work can be satisfactorily carried out as shown. Before commencing work, examine the work of other sections and report at once any defect or interference affecting the work of this Section. No allowance will be made later for any expense incurred through failure to make this examination or to report any discrepancies in writing. The complete set of drawings and specifications are available at the owner's office. Any item affecting the price is to be in writing. Workmanship and method of installation will conform to best standards and practice and will be performed to approval. Licensed electricians holding valid Ontario Ministry of Trades Certificates of Qualification will perform all work and they will be employed by a licensed electrical contractor. Only sub-contractors listed on the tender form will be employed on this project. Work of this division will include full responsibility for laying out of work; and for any damage caused to other section of work by reason of improper location or installation; prompt installation of work in advance of concrete pouring or similar work; and responsibility for condition of all material and equipment supplied under this Section and responsibility for protection and maintenance of work completed and accepted until termination of contract. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Barlow Court Parkette Electrical - General Requirements Section 1601 0 Page 3 June 2005 9.0 Temporary and Trial Usaoe 10.0 Protection 11.0 Bylaws and Reoulations 12.0 Permits and Fees .2 13.0 Certificates .1 14.0 Guarantee I Warrantv .1 .2 Co-operate with the landscape contractor engaged on the work to ensure that Items installed under this Section are located in proper relation to other materials. Co-operate fully with the preparation and maintenance of an accurate construction co-ordination schedule. .1 Temporary or trial usage of materials, will not be construed as evidence of acceptance of same. .2 Permanent electrical services and equipment may not be used for construction purposes except as otherwise directed in writing by the owner's representative. .1 Protect work from damage that would impair its efficiency or mar its appearance. .2 Securely plug or cap open ends of raceways to prevent obstruction using approved manufactured devices. .3 Protect factory-finished equipment from damage. Damaged finishes will be restored to original condition. .4 Return equipment to manufacturer for refinishing, if so directed. .1 Work will conform to latest rules, regulations and definitions of Canadian Electrical Code and applicable Municipal and Provincial Codes and Regulations, and with requirements of other authorities having jurisdiction in the area where work is to be performed. Minor changes required by an authority having jurisdiction will be carried out without change to the contract amount. Standards established by drawings and specifications will not be reduced by applicable codes or regulations. .1 File contract drawings with proper authorities and obtain their approval of installation and permits for same before proceeding with work. Prepare and submit necessary detailed shop drawings as required by Authorities. Pay all fees in connection with examination of drawings, permits, inspections and final certificate of approval. Furnish necessary certificates as evidence that work installed conforms to laws and regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. Guarantee materials and workmanship for period of one year (except as otherwise noted) from date of final acceptance by the owner, and defects will be corrected and made good, except in case of defects occurring from misuse by occupants. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Barlow Court Parkette Electrical - General Requirements Section 1 601 0 Page 4 June 2005 15.0 Construction Facilities .1 Provide job site office, workshop, tools, material storage, and the like, which are required to complete work. 16.0 Contract Drawinos 17.0 Shop Drawing Material and Lists 18.0 Record Drawings and Soecification 19.0 Interference Drawinos .1 .2 .1 Drawings are intended to serve as a guide showing quantities, and general arrangements, and are not necessarily working drawings from which measurements can be taken, except where dimension figures are specifically shown. Information involving accurate measurements will be taken from the landscape architectural site drawings. .1 Prepare and submit (a minimum of six) shop drawings and lists of materials for review. (Refer to the General Conditions of the contract). Make submittals of more than two pages in booklet form. .2 Prior to equipment fabrication, delivery or installation, submit complete lists of materials proposed, indicating manufacturer, catalogue numbers and complete performance data. .3 Review of shop drawings by the owner's representative is for the sole purpose of ascertaining conformance with general design concept. This review will not mean that the owner approves detail design inherent In shop drawings, responsibility for which will remain with contractor and such review will not relieve contractor of his responsibility for meeting all requirements of contract documents. Contractor is responsible for dimensions to be confirmed and correlated at site, for Information that pertains solely to fabrication processes or to techniques of construction and installation and for co-ordination of work with all trades. .1 Maintain record revIsions and furnish record drawings for work of this Division. Obtain for this purpose at least two sets of white prints. .2 Show on record drawings, all deviations in the work; exact locations for all electrical services buried below pavement and soft landscaping material; concealed junction or pull boxes; access panels. Locate exterior buried work by dimension from lighting poles and other fixed objects. .3 Obtain approval for all provisions for future extension, and establish verification before these are concealed. .4 Provide "As Built" Record Drawings in AutoCAD version 2000 together with other documents required upon completion of the work. Prepare and submit composite interference drawings to avoid and/or resolve conflict of trades and to co-ordinate work of Electrical Division with all other trades. Interference drawings will indicate exact arrangements, of all areas and equipment to scale with dimensions. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Barlow Court Parkette Electrical - General Requirements Section 1 601 0 Page 5 June 2005 20.0 Instructions to Ooerator 21.0 Maintenance Data 22.0 Cleaning, lubrication and Adiustment .1 .3 Co-operate with work of Mechanical Division and provide data requested and as required in the preparation of interference drawings for the work of Mechanical Division. .4 Make interference drawings in conjunction with all parties and trades concerned showing sleeves and openings and passage of electrical work through the site. Drawings will also show inserts, special hangers and other features to indicate routing through confined spaces, installation of equipment in such areas. .5 Provide detail drawings of pulling pits, equipment bases, anchors, etc. pertaining to electrical work. .1 Instruct owners' representative in care, maintenance and operation of Electrical Systems and associated equipment. .2 Supply full Operating and Maintenance Instructions in triplicate, each in stiff cover, three-ring binder suitably separated and labeled. Operate each item of equipment in presence of owners to ensure understanding of working parts and function of each Item of equipment. Supply one complete set of "Approved" Shop Drawings in separate hard cover binder suitably separated and labeled for owner's use. .1 Compile Information and prepare two Maintenance Data manuals which will Include: .1 Manufacturer's installation, operation and maintenance instructions, replacement parts and names and addresses of suppliers, for all movable apparatus and mechanically and electrically operated items, appliances and equipment. .2 Chart showing any necessary seasonal adjustments to electrical apparatus and recommended minimum and maximum time intervals for inspection of all items. .3 Lists of lamps used throughout the project indicating: wattage, voltage, ordering abbreviation and/or catalogue number. .4 List of fuses, overcurrent, overload, protective relays, etc. Indicating type; size; quantity; and name of machine, motor, feeder, or device protected. Immediately prior to completion of work: .1 Remove all dust, dirt, and other foreign matter from intemal surfaces of enclosed electrical apparatus and equipment. .2 Remove all temporary protective coverings and coatings, temporary labels. .3 Clean, repair, lubricate and adjust all mechanism and movable parts of apparatus and equipment leaving it in new condition and operating properly. .4 Balance demand loads for service and distribution feeders within 5 percent upon completion of work and after the facility is in full operation. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Barlow Court Parkette Electrical - General Requirements Section 1 601 0 Page 6 June 2005 23.0 InsDection and Testino .1 Systems, equipment, and all major items of material will be tested to the satisfaction of the owner's representative and as required to establish compliance with plans and specifications, and with the requirements for the Supply and Inspection Authorities. 24.0 Certification of tests 25.0 ComDletion 26.0 Cuttino and Patchino .5 .1 .2 .2 Faulty and defective equipment will be replaced with new materials. Conductors which are found to be shorted or grounded, or have less than proper insulation resistance, will be replace with new conductors. .3 Tests will include, but are not limited to, the following: .1 Test of secondary voltage cables will include megger tests to establish proper insulation resistance, and phase-to-ground resistance of cables. .2 Test of all adjustable overload and overcurrent protective devices of secondary switchgear to establish calibration and operation in accordance with specifications and approved co-ordination curves. .3 Visual examination of switchgear to determine adherence to allowable manufacturing tolerance and compliance with manufacturer's recommended installation requirements. .4 Proper functioning of all systems. .5 Polarity tests - to establish proper polarity connections to all sockets and receptacles. .6 Test of system neutral to establish proper insulation resistance and isolation of neutral from ground except for required ground connection a Service. .1 When work is complete submit three copies of test results and a signed statement listing all tests that have been performed as required by specifications and manufacturer's instructions .1 Provide receipts from designated representative of owner for portable and loose materials (e.g. spare fuses, keys, etc.) .2 Provide copy of final inspection certificate from the Electrical Inspection Authority. .3 Perform tests and provide the documentation as further described herein. .4 Provide Record Drawings to approval. Provide manufacturers corrected "as built" shop drawings for all major electrical items and systems, including all shop drawings returned for modifications. Provide openings and sleeves in pavements, as required for work of this Section. Pay for cutting and patching and making good as required for work of this Division. Before commencing, obtain the owner's approval for extent and nature of cutting. Make good disturbed surfaces to the owner's approval. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Barlow Court Parkette Electrical - General Requirements Section 16010 Page 7 June 2005 27.0 Schedule of Work .1 Electrical services and auxiliary services will be maintained continuously without interruption. Interruptions to services will be confined to periods of time to be designated the owner's representative. Include in tender for temporary connections, overtime labour charges, and such related allowances in order to conform to these conditions. 28.0 Hvdro Charaes .1 The owner will pay the Veridian Connections servicing charges related to this project, directly to Veridian Connection. .2 The eiectrical contractor will provide the co-ordination with Veridian Connections. END OF SECTION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Barlow Court Parkette Electrical - Basic Materials and Methods Section 16020 Page 1 June 2005 1.0 General 2.0 Branch Circuit Wiring and Feeder cables 3.0 Paintlno 4.0 Nameplates and Schedules .1 The General Requirements, Bid Form, Instructions to Bidders, Bid Policies, Special Provisions, the Agreement and the Contract Drawings shall form a part of this Specification in the same manner as if they were recited in full herewith. .2 Refer to other Specifications in these Documents to determine their effect upon the work of this section. .3 Unless specified otherwise, the following instructions shall apply to all sections of Division 16. .1 Provide branch circuit wiring, conduits and feeders as required for Lighting, Power and Auxiliary Systems. Separate conduit systems will be provided for feeder, lighting and power systems. .1 In general, equipment will be galvanized or painted in the factory before being shipped to site. Where painting is required, the material will be sanded and cleaned. The metal will have an approved prime rust resistant coat and will be finished in two coats of an approved exterior gloss enamel paint. .2 After installation, touch up all scratches, chips, other damage and defects in paint, using zinc chromate primer or paint or special enamels as necessary to match the original. .3 Finish and colour of all equipment will be co-ordinated to provide uniform appearance. .4 Painting of conduits and supports and other exposed surface work will be done under Painting Section except as noted. .5 Install material in time to be painted together with mounting surfaces. .6 Do not paint over nameplates. .7 Refer to other Sections for special paint finishes of equipment. .1 Identify electrical equipment supplied under this Division with 3 mm thick black laminated plastic nameplate to indicate equipment controlled to provide instruction or warning. Lettering will be 6 mm high for small devices such as control stations and at least 13 mm high for all other equipment. Submit a list of proposed nameplates for approval before manufacture. .2 Provide panelboards with typewritten schedules identifying outlets and equipment controlled by each branch circuit. Protect schedules with non- inflammable ciear plastic. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Barlow Court Parkelle Electrical - Basic Materials and Methods Section 16020 Page 2 June 2005 5.0 Excavation and Backfill .3 Identify junction boxes, pull boxes, cover plates, conduits and the like, provided for future extension, indicating their function. .1 Provide necessary excavating and backfilling required for work of this Division, performed as specified under another Division of the work, except as modified below. .2 Keep excavations free of water, pump as necessary. Provide and maintain adequate heat, shoring, other necessary temporary protection. .3 Trench excavation will be carried out in strict conformity with the Trench Excavator Protection Act. .4 Excavation for underground services will be to required depths and dimension and will be prepared as required, so that no portion of any conduit or duct bank, bears directly against any rock or other hard surface. .5 Remove and dispose of all surplus excavated material. .6 Backfill promptly after approval of work. Prevent damage to or displacement of walls. piping, conduits, waterproofing and other work. .7 For direct buried conduit and cable in all soil conditions excavate to 150 mm below and a minimum of 100 mm either side of the cable run. Back fill with a bedding of granular "A" gravel or sand. .8 Refer to details on drawings and to utility company requirements for concrete encased duct installations. .9 Where excavation is necessary in proximity to and below the level of any footings, provide a sleeve at the proximity line and back fill with 20 mPa concrete to the level of the highest adjacent footing. Proximity is determined by the angle of repose as established by the owner's representative. .10 Provide sleeves under all roads and paved areas. .11 Before backfilling, obtain approval. Remove all shoring during backfilling. .12 Backfill trenches within building, with clean sharp sand in individual layers of maximum 150 mm (6") thickness, compacted to a density of 100% Standard Proctor. Hand compact the first layers up to a compacted level of minimum one foot. Hand or machine compact the balance up to grade, using approved equipment. .13 Backfill trenches outside buildings, not under roads, parking lots, or traffic areas, up to a compacted level of 450 mm above the cable or duct bank with individual layers of material up to 150 mm (6") thick, hand compacted to a density of 95% Standard Proctor, using sand or granular "A" gravel. Backfill the balance to 95% Standard Proctor, using approved equipment. - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Barlow Court Parkette Electrical - Basic Materials and Methods Section 16020 Page 3 June 2005 6,0 Support for Underaround Services 7,0 Conduits, Raceways and Wirewavs 8,0 Wirina and Cable ,14 Backfill all other trenches outside buildings with granular "A" gravel in layers not exceeding 150 mm thickness, compacted to 100% Standard Proctor density up to grade level: manual compaction up to 450 mm and mechanical compaction, using approved equipment, for the baiance, ,15 Make good existing paving, curbs, soft landscaping and other work where damaged by excavation and filling work of this Division, Repair any subsequent settlement of fill placed under this and pay all costs in replacement of other work damaged by such settlement and restoration, ,1 Provide suitable solid support to comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction, where solid, undisturbed earth stratum is not available for support of underground services, Minimum requirements where services pass through backfill or exterior foundation walls will be 20 mPa concrete fill, full depth to undisturbed earth, ,1 Wire and cable will be installed in conduit (or tubing) as follows: ,1 Rigid and galvanized steel conduit with threaded IPS fittings to be used: -Where noted and required by regulations -Surface mounted within 1200 mm of floor and where subject to mechanical damage -Where embedded in poured-In-place concrete -Where installed in concrete which is in contact with earth or grade ,2 Electrical metallic tubing (EMT) may be used concealed in place of rigid conduit in dry locations subject to governing regulations, Connectors will be provided with factory-installed insulated throats, ,3 Conduit installed below grade and below concrete grade slabs will be rigid heavywall PVC type, with solvent weld joints and Electrical Safety Authority approved for use above grade, (CSA SPEC C22,2-No, 211,2), Rigid TYPE 2 PVC underground conduit, EBII, DBII and poly pipe are not acceptable, A Provide a separate code gauge supplementary grounding conductor run in each conduit or duct, terminating a ground block at panelboards, ,5 Where conduit is installed in concrete slabs, obtain general approval, prior to commencing the work, on both maximum dimension and crossovers which may be used therein, Comply with requirements of CSA Standard NO,A23,3 paragraph 5,17, ,6 Install conduits with a 150 mm wide plastic warning tape located 300 mm below finished grade for the full length of the conduit Obtain approval for routing of conduits, Keep conduits at least 150 mm (6") clear of mechanical pipes, drains, ,1 Wire and cable will comprise copper conductors, sized as noted, rated 90 deg, C" 1 000 volt minimum and CSA approved for applications, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Barlow Court Parkette Electrical - Basic Materials and Methods Section 16020 Page 4 June 2005 .2 Wire and cable unless noted, will be rubber insulated Type RWU which cable will not be installed at temperatures below 20 deg. F. .3 Use X-Link insulated cables for circuits protected by ground fault circuit interrupters. .4 Include in each conduit, tubing and raceway, a code gauge green suppiementary grounding conductor which will be connected to suitable ground bus in equipment. .5 Minimum wire size for power wIring will be no. 6 AWG gauge unless specified otherwise. Control wiring will be #12 AWG RWU insulation. Maximum voltage drop between furthest outlet of any circuit, when fully energized, and panel to which it is connected will not exceed two percent. .6 Number of wires indicated for lighting and power, motor and auxiliary systems is intended to show general scheme only. The required number and types of wires will be installed in accordance with equipment manufacturer's diagrams and requirements, and with requirements of the installation, except that specification standards will not be reduced. .7 Solderiess connectors nylon-jacketed "Vibration-Proor' screw-on wire connectors "Ideal-Wing Nuts" rated 600 voits will be used for joints in Branch Wiring. .8 Wires or cables in feeders, sub-feeders and branch circuits will be colour- coded in accordance with Ontario Electrical Safety Code. Each end of feeder terminations (e.g. in Panelboards, switches, splitters and the like) Code Phase A-Red, Phase B-Black, Phase C-Blue, Neutral-White. .9 The use of exposed plastic-jacketed cables will be subject to approval of local inspection authorities. 9.0 Switches .1 Provide fusible and non-fusible switches of one manufacture NEMA Type "HC" with quick-make, quick-break contacts, horsepower-rated where required to match the motor protected. Provide holders to accept specified fuses. Switches to inciude mechanicai cover interlocks and line side barriers. .2 Where applicable and avaiiabie, switches will be CSA "Approved for High Service Factor." .3 Provide safety disconnect switches adjacent to motors and other equipment when required by regulations. Use switches of one manufacture throughout. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS ARE: .1 Cutler-Hammer .2 Federal Pioneer Electric .3 Siemens I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Barlow Court Parkette Electrical - Basic Materials and Methods Section 16020 Page 5 June 2005 10.0 Fuses .1 Fuse holders in fusible equipment generally will be provided with a complete set of proper size Form 1, HRC Nema J or L current limiting fuses, except as noted. Fusible equipment so provided will be adapted to reject CSA Standard C22.2 No. 59 fuses. Fuses will be one manufacture throughout. .2 Fuses for motor circuits will be class J Time Delay, HRC, (e.g.: Gould Type AJT). .3 Select fuses for motor protection as recommended by manufacturer. .4 Provide one complete set of spare fuses for each rating and type used, unless otherwise scheduled. .5 Apply Thomas and Betts "KoprIShield" conductive anti-seize compound to all fuse ferrules and holders. 11.0 Electrical Service .1 Provide complete electrical service as shown on the drawings and as further described here. .2 Grounding service, equipment, feeders, and the like will be performed in accordance with OHEPC regulations and the Veridian Connections requirements. .3 The neutral connector of the wiring system together with the conduit system and service equipment will be bonded to the service ground as near as practical to the service entrance. END OF SECTION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Barlow Court Parkette Electrical - Lighting Systems Section 16030 Page 1 June 2005 1.0 General .1 The General Requirements, Bid Form, Instructions to Bidders, Bid Policies, Special Provisions, the Agreement and the Contract Drawings will form a part of this Specification in the same manner as if they were recited in full herewith. 2.0 Materials 3.0 Shop Drawinas 4.0 Lamps .2 .3 5.0 Type A Pole I Lumlnaire Assemblv .1 .2 Refer to other Specifications in these Documents to determine their effect upon the work of this section. .3 Unless specified otherwise, the following instructions will apply to all sections of Division 16. .4 Provide luminaires scheduled, complete with lamps, ballasts and necessary accessories required for their installation and performance. .1 Catalogue reference numbers given for individual fixture types are to be supplied as specified. .2 H.I.D. lamp ballasts (Metal Halide, High Pressure Sodium, etc.) will comply with CSA Spec. C22-2 No. 66 including amendments for outdoor operation where applicable, and will be compatible with fixture and iamp assembly which they serve. .3 Acceptable ballast manufacturers are: .1 Universal .2 Magnetec .3 Venture/Balastronix .1 Conform to the requirements of Section 16010. .2 Submit for review a bound brochure containing illustrations of each fixture. Illustrations to be complete showing dimensions, light distribution and mounting requirements. Illustrations to be noted to indicate special features and finishes. A copy is to be retained by the contractor on the site, to ensure co-ordination of installation requirements. .1 Provide lighting fixtures with a full complement of clear lamps, unless otherwise specified. H.I.D. lamps will be of the type recommended by the manufacturer of the fixture in which they are to be Installed, and compatible with ballasts installed. Acceptable lamp manufacturers are: .1 Canadian General Electric .2 Osram/Sylvania .3 Philips A complete lighting assembly consisting of a StressCrete direct buried, octagonal, concrete pole and a Cooper Lighting .Concourse III" luminaire. i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Barlow Court Parkette Electrical - Lighting Systems Section 16030 Page 2 June 2005 6.0 Tvpe G Gazebo Luminaire .1. .5 .6 .2 The concrete pole will be StressCrete #E200-APO-G-E11c1w140-25/35 pre-stressed "Decor Series" tapered octagonal 20 foot long finished in #E11 Eciipse (Black), etched aggregate. .3 Each poie will have a cast tamper proof, black, hand hole cover, a pole top tenon (2.5" dia. 0.0. X 3.5" long), and a cast-in ground wire. .4 The luminaire will be Cooper Lighting "Concourse III" #CAL-70-HPS-120- 3F-BK-CA43R-BK (Black) 70 watt 120 volt high pressure sodium with a high power factor high pressure sodium ballast and an Intermatic #K4021C 1000 watt rated integral button photo cell in the first luminaire in the circuit. .5 The iuminaire will have NEMA Type III hydro-formed distribution reflector, a #CA43R-BK round mounting arm for a 2.5" 0.0. pole top tenon. .6 Each luminaire and mounting arm Is to be finished in black, powder coat thermoset acryiic enamel. .7 The overall pole length is to be 20 feet, (6096mm) for a finished 15 foot (4572mm) mounting height. .8 The luminaires are to be wired with #10 RWU from the pole hand holes. A complete iighting assembiy consisting of a Cooper Lighting "Fail-Safe" luminaire and a custom made wire guard. .2 Cooper Lighting "Fail-Safe" #HPUC-PP-100N-120V-LL 15" round surface mounted, 100 watt, 120 volt, vandal resistant, high pressure sodium luminaire. .3 The electrical contractor will co-ordinate on site with the contractor installing the gazebo to cut the necessary access holes to allow the electrical contractor to install the cables concealed within the gazebo structural steel columns and roof beams. .4 Provide suitable hot dipped galvanized steel mounting brackets (Unistrut) to secure the luminaire to the underside of the gazebo roof structure. Securely fasten the luminaire to the structural supports of the gazebo roof structure with four (4) 2" x 10 self-tapping screws with fender washers. Supply and install a 18" square by 12" deep galvanized welded wire mesh guard to cover the complete luminaire. The guard will be manufactured from 1" x 1" welded wire mesh and hot dipped galvanized after fabrication. Fasten the guard to the structure with four (4) 2" x 10 self-tapping screws with fender washers. The top of the guard is to be closed to keep birds from nesting inside the guard. The wire guard will be manufactured by Wire Guards Inc., Markham (905- 475-0688). END OF SECTION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01700 - PROJECT CLOSEOUT PART 1- GENERAL 1.1. ODeratinl! and Maintenance Manuals .1 Provide operating and mainlcDaDCe data, prepared on 8 1/2xll" sheets in printed or typewritten form, preferably double- sided, contained in D-riDgbinders with soft vinyl covers. .2 Manual contents shall be assembled in systematic order, generally following the specification fonnat. Provide labelled, celluloid covered tabs fastened to hard paper dividers to identify different sections. .3 Binders shall have clear plastic pocket at back of spine for identification. Insert label containing title "Operating and Maintenance Data", project name and volume number if applicable. .4 Include the following material in each manual: .1 Title sheet labelled "Operating and Maintenance Data" and listing project name, date, volume number, if applicable and names and addresses of Contractor, mechanical subcontractors, Consultant and subconsultants. .2 List of contents. If more than one volume is required, provide a cross-reference contents page at front of each volume. .3 Complete list of subcontractors and suppliers. .4 Copy of finished hardware list, complete with all amendments and revisions. , , .5 Schedule of paints and coatings. Include sufficient explanation to fully identify each surface with the applicable paint or coating used. Enclose copy of colour schedule. .6 Maintenance instructions for alllinished surfaces. .7 Brochures, cuts of all equipment and fixtures. .8 Operating and maintenance instructions for all equipment. .9 Extended warranties. .1 0 Maintenance contracts. .11 Other data required elsewhere in Contract Documents or deemed necessary by Consultant. 1.2. Record Drawinl!s .1 Refer to Section 01220 - General Instructions. .2 Quality of drafting and lettering shall match that of original drawings and shall be suitable for microfilming. HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 1 I SECTION 01700 - PROJECT CLOSEOUT I 1.3. ODeratin!! Instructions I I 1.4. Substantial Performance I I I I I I I I I I I 1.5. .1 Prior to requesting a fInal inspection, do the following: I .2 I .3 I I .1 At Substantial Perfonnance, at a time acceptable to Owner and Consultant, but not before operating and maintenance manuals have been reviewed and accepted by Consultant, instruct Owner's representative in the operation of all systems and equipment. .1 Prior to requesting a Substantial Perfonnance defIciency inspection, submit the following: .1 Three copies of operating and maintenance manuals. .2 Two copies of inspection and acceptance certifIcates required from regulatory agencies. .2 Advise the Consultant, in writing, when the project has been substantially completed. If Consultant agrees that this stage has been reached, prepare a complete list of defIciencies and submit one copy of this list to Consultant. .3 On receipt of the above defIciency list, in a satisfactory from, the Consultant, accompanied by the subconsultants, the Contractor and his project superintendent, and the Owner if deemed desirable, will carry out an inspection of the project. .4 Add to the defIciency list, in accordance with Consultants directions, any additional defIciencies which are identifIed during inspection and re-issue updated defIciency list to all concerned. Total Performance .1 Submit one complete set of "as built" drawings in Autocad fonnat. .2 Submit one complete set of reviewed shop drawings of mechanical and electrical items, folded to 8 1/2" by 11" size, contained in heavy manila envelopes, numbered and labelled. Follow specifIcations format with no more than one section per envelope. .3 Submit a fInal request for payment incorporating all approved changes to the contract price. .4 Upon completion of all items noted on the defIciency list, clean all areas, surfaces and components affected by corrections and completion of defIcient items, as directed by Consultant. .5 Ensure that all services, equipment, apparatus are properly tested and adjusted. After all defIciencies have been corrected, submit a written request to the consultant for a fInal inspection. This inspection shall be carried out by the same parties involved in the Substantial Performance defIciency inspection. If all defIciencies have not been corrected, in the opinion of the Consultant, a fmal defIciency list will be prepared in the same manner as specifIed herein for the Substantial Performance DefIciency Inspection and the inspection procedure repeated until all items have been completed to the satisfaction of the Consultant. Page 2 HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. SECTION 01700 - PROJECT CLOSEOUT I .4 A final site inspection shall be held one month prior to completion of one year warranty to document deficiencies. The contractor shall have one month to rectifY deficiencies. If deficiencies are not rectified, maintenance or bonding monies shall be used to rectify same. I I 1.6. Liauidated Dama2es I .1 Refer to Section A - Instructions to Bidders (Liquidated Damages). I End of Section I I I I I I I I I I I I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 3 I I SECTION 01720 - PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS I PART I - RECORD DRAWINGS I .1 Landscape Architect will provide two (2) sets of white prints for record drawing purposes and a fInal Autocad .dwg fIle for as built purposes. I .2 Maintain project record drawings and record accurately signifIcant deviations from Contract documents caused by site conditions and changes ordered by Landscape Architect. I .3 Mark changes in red. .4 Record following information: I I .1 Depths of various elements offoundation in relation to fInal grades and benchmark. .2 Horizontal and vertical location of underground utilities and appurtenances referenced to permanent surface improvement. I .3 Location of internal utilities and appurtenances concealed in construction, referenced to visible and accessible features of structure. I I I I I .4 Field changes of dimension and detail. .5 Changes made by Change Order or Field Order. .5 At completion of project and prior to fInal inspection, neatly transfer notations to Autocad .dwg fIle supplied by Landscape Architect (pay for all costs of revisions to Autocad drawing). End of Section I I I I I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 1 SECTION 0]730 - OPERATION AND MA]NTENANCE MANUAL I PARTI - MANUAL I .1 An organized compilation of operating and maintenance data including detailed technical information, documents and records describing operation and maintenance of individual products or systems as specified in this tender document and the contract drawings. I PART II - GENERAL I .1 Assemble, coordinate, bind and index required data into Operation and Maintenance Manual. I .2 Submit complete operation and maintenance manual to Landscape Architect six (6) weeks prior to application for Interim Certificate of Completion of project. I .3 Submit four (4) copies in English. I .4 Organize data into same numerical order as contract specifications. .5 Material: label each section with tabs protected with celluloid covers fastened to hard paper dividing sheets. I .6 Type lists and notes. I I I I I .7 Drawings, diagrams and manufacturers literature must be legible. PART III - BINDERS .1 Binders: vinyl, hard covered, 3 "D" ring, loose leaf, sized for 215 x 280 mm paper, with spine pocket. .2 Identify contents of each binder on spine. PART IV - CONTENTS .1 Binder I: .1 Cover sheet containing: I I .1 Date submitted. .2 Project title, location and project number. .3 Names and addresses of Contractor, and all Sub-contractors. I .2 Table of Contents of all binders. .3 List of maintenance materials as specified. I .4 List of special tools as specified. 5 List of spare parts as specified or required. I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page I I . SECTION 01730 - OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL . .6 Warranties, guarantees. . .7 . .2 Remaining binders: .1 . I .2 .3 . . . .3 Shop drawings: I Copies of approvals, and certificates. Cover sheet containing: .1 .2 Date submitted. Project title, location and project number. Table of Contents of individual binder. Provide the following data: .1 .2 List of equipment including service depot. N arneplate infonnation including equipment number, make, size, capacity, model number and serial number. Parts list. Installation details. Operating instructions. Maintenance instructions for equipment. Maintenance instructions for finishes. .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .1 Bind separately one complete set of reviewed fmal shop drawings and product data. . . . .. . . . . End of Section . Page 2 HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. SECTION 02200 - EARTHWORK, SITE EXCA V A TION, BACKFILLING, GRADING I I PARTI - GENERAL 1.1. DescriDtion I .J This section specifies site clearing, rough grading, excavation and backfilling, including all demolition and removal of work shown on the drawings. I .2 Comply with all requirements of the General Conditions. .3 I Related work elsewhere: Section 02822 - Sodding Section 02612 - Asphalt Paving Section 02614 - Concrete Section 02750 - Timber and Woodwork I ] .2. Ouality Assurance ].3. ].4. .2 .3 .4 .1 I Carry out compaction tests on compacted fill to ASTM D698-70 for Standard Proctor Dry Density on the basis of I test for every 50 m2 in hard landscaping, fill areas and 1 test in every 5 m in trenches. Pay alltesling costs incurred. I .2 Carry out grain size analysis on samples of each of granular fill to ensure that proper material is being placed. .3 I Determine the quantity of water to be added to orremoved from each type offill to attain cotTect moisture content for compaction and maximum density. .4 I Determine the in-situ density and moisture content of compacted fills. Product Delivery, Stora!!e and Handlin!! I .] Stockpile existing topsoil or fill materials in locations designated by the Consultant. Shorin!! and Bracin!! I .] Shore and brace all excavations sufficiently to prevent caving in and to support existing structures, road or services. I Ensure shoring is in accordance with local municipal and provincial regulations and obtain all necessary pennits. I I Erect warning signs and protective bartiers in accordance with local municipal and provincial regulations. Make good any damage and be liable for any injury resulling from inadequate shoring or bracing. PART n - PRODUCTS I 2.1. Materials .1 I General fill material: clean, free from debris, organic matter and other deleterious material. I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page] I 1 SECTION 02200 - EARTHWORK, SITE EXCA V A TION, BACKFILLING. GRADING 1 .2 Granular fill material: as called for on the drawings and conforming in all respects with OPSS 1000 and 1010, latest edition. 1 1 .3 Farmyard manure will be well rotted. odour free manure. Quality to be approved by means of a sample load before bulk is delivered to site. PART III - EXECUTION 1 I 1 3.1. 1 1 :1 1 1 Demolition. Site C1earin!! .nd Removals .1 Clear the site of all rubbish, rocks, boulders, tree stumps, and all other debris. Remove and dispose of debris off site. In areas that are to be lowered, or have the grade raised more than 100mm, remove all trees and shrub growth. .2 Cut down dead trees and trees to be removed and remove stumps to a depth of 600mm below proposed finished grade. Remove and dispose of all wood and chips off site. Fill hole with compacted topsoil and place new sod. .3 Excavate to remove all existing paving where shown on the drawings and dispose of material off the site. Pre-cast concrete pavers, which are not chipped, broken, cracked or painted, may be salvaged for re-use on site. .4 Removal includes granular base course material to existing sub-grade unless approved by the Owner or Consultant for re-use on the site. .5 Remove material without damaging adjacent pavements which are to remain. Make clean, sharp saw cut before starting removal work. Be responsible for making good damaged surfaces .6 Remove other materials and surfaces as indicated on the drawings. .7 Temporarily remove existing fences, as required, to facilitate new construction work. Re- install at the completion of construction to as-new condition. 1 3.2. Rou!!h Gr.din!! Where necessary, strip topsoil and stockpile as directed. 1 1 1 1 1 .1 .2 Establish and maintain line and grade stakes for duration of grading operations. .3 Cut back areas that are to be lowered to the grades shown on the drawings, allowing for the placement of base materials. Obtain the approval of the Consultant before using excavated material as fill. .4 Conform to grades indicated on Drawings. Unifonnly slope grade between elevations shown unless otheIWise indicated. .5 Where existing grade is to be raised, supply and place fill material, approved by the Consultant, lifts as per details and compact each lift to the specified Standard Proctor Dry Density before placing subsequent layers. .6 Smoothly slope top and toe of slope and banks. 1 Page 2 HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. SECTION 02200 - EARTHWORK, SITE EXCA VA TION, BACKFILLING, GRADING I .7 I Provide fInished rough grade parallel to fInished grade, allowing for the placing of the specifIed surface material and base and to a tolerance of plus or minus 12nun, and compacted to 95% Standard Proctor Dry Density under areas to be paved and 85% Standard Proctor Dry Density under areas to be sodded or planted. I .8 Do not place excavated granular materials in berms or as fIll materials in soft landscaped areas. I 3.3. General Excavation .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 3.4. .1 I Stake out the locations of all items requiring excavation and obtain the approval of the Consultant before commencing work. .2 Dispose of excavated material off site unless it is approved for use as fIll material or backfilling material by the Owner or Consultant. I I .3 Excavate to the elevations and dimensions indicated or required for construction work. All depths detailed are shown as depth after compaction. .4 Obtain the approval of the Consultant of all excavations before proceeding with construction activities. I .5 Where bearing capacity of the subsoil appears to be insufficient, obtain the written approval of the Consultant to have soil investigations carried out. Costs for such testing, if required, will be paid by the Contractor at cost. I .6 Excavation exceeding that shown on the drawings, if authorized in writing by the Consultant, will be paid as extra to the contract price in accordance with the General Conditions. Quantities will be calculated in place. Truckload measurement is not acceptable. I I Fill extra excavations with concrete or as directed. Correct unauthorized excavation at no extra cost. I Do not disturb soil within the branch spread of trees or shrubs that are to remain. If excavating through roots, excavate by hand and cut all roots with a sharp handsaw or chain saw. Seal cuts with approved tree wound dressing. Where excavation results in the Joss of more than 20% of the root system of any tree, have the plant material top pruned by a qualifIed arboriculturalist to compensate for root loss. Pay all costs incurred. I I I Excavate post holes with a power auger or hand auger as required, to the depth and diameter indicated on drawings. Ensure adequate allowance is provided in the !lid for hand digging of holes, as no extra to the contract will be allowed. Shape the bottom of excavations for areas that include subsurface drainage to drain to the pipe at 2% minimum slope. I Excavation - Plantinl! Pits and Beds I .1 Excavate planting pits and beds to depth specifIed on drawings: .2 For shrub beds, excavate to the depth noted on the details and drawings and excavate the entire bed to depth specifIed on the drawings. Provide 450rnm depth of topsoil. I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02200 - EARTHWORK, SITE EXCA V A TION, BACKFILLING. GRADING 3.6. 3.5. Backfillinl! .1 Do not commence backfilling until work has been approved by the Consultant. .2 Ensure areas to be backfilled are free of debris, snow, ice water or frozen ground. .3 Place specified fill materials in continuous horizontal layers not exceeding 225mm loose depth and compact to 95% Standard Proctor Dry Density. Take care not to damage damp proofing during backfilling operations. .4 Backfill simultaneously on both sides of any walls to equalize soil pressure. .5 Make good any settlement or subsequent damage to adjacent structures or to other work under this contract caused by improper or inadequate compaction. Clean-up .J Upon completion, remove all surplus excavated and graded materials from the site, and leave site clean and tidy. End of Section I Page 4 HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. SECTION 02202 - SUB-DRAINS I PART J - GENERAL I 1.1. SCODe of Work I .1 This section specifies requirements for sub-drains including perforated and non- perforated flexible P.Y.C., and manhole/catch basin connections. I .2 Related work: Section 02610 - Interlocking Pavers Section 02725 - Manholes & Catch Basins I 1.2. Materials .1 Granular Backfill as required except under sand play areas, concrete curbing and pavement: I Clean, hard, durable uncoated particles, free from clay lumps, cementation, organic and other objectionable material, meeting the following gradation limits: I ASTM Designation % Passinl! 50.0 mm 100 31.5 mm 60 - 100 16.0 mm 40 - 100 4.75 mm 25 - 60 2.0 mm 20- 45 0.425 mm 10- 25 0.075 mm 0- 10 .2 Common Backfill I I I I Approved material selected from trench excavation or other source, unfrozen and free from cinders, ashes, sod, refuse or other deleterious materials, and with the natural water content within 90% of the optimum value for the Proctor compaction specified, based on the native soil which is being used for backfill. I .3 PYC Pipe I Drainage pipe shall be 100 mm to 150 mm diameter flexible, Poly Vinyl Chloride (PYe). e.S.A. approved as per drawings. All fittings, and connections shall be PYe. Material density shall be minimum accordance to ASTM method D 1505 / D 1928. When the above PYC is to be perforated, it shall be installed with holes facing down, with Filter Cloth tubing as manufactured by National Sewer Pipe or approved equal. I I .4 Filter Bedding Material under sand play areas and in trench with perforated PYC to be hard, durable particles of clear, natural, aggregate limestone of 10 mm diameter size and no fmes. I .5 Filter Sock: .1 Synthetic filter: rot proof, unaffected by action of oil or salt water and not subject to attack by insects or rodents. Terrafix Type 370R or approved equal. I .2 Fabric: woven construction supplied as continuous tube of 100 mm diameter. I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page I I I I SECTION 02202 - SUB-DRAINS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.3. .3 Seams: sewn in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Trenchin!! .1 Select shortest distance for sub-drains to existing sewer systems as shown on the drawings, avoiding all existing features such as trees, fences and other structures. .2 Do not place bedding filter material prior to approval of excavation by the Landscape Architect. .3 Excavate to achieve minimum percent slope of pipe as shown on the drawings. .4 Notify Landscape Architect if soil at proposed cievation of trench bottom appears WlSuitable for foundation of installation. Remove unsuitable material from trench bottom as directed by Landscape Architect. .5 Unless otherwise authorized by Landscape Architect in writing, do not excavate more than 30 m of trench in advance of installation operations and do not leave open more than 15 m at end of day's operation. Fence off any open excavations to protect public. .6 Stockpile suitable excavated materials required for trench backfill in approved location within site limits. .7 Dispose of WlSuitable or surplus material off site. 1.4. Backfillin!! .1 Do not proceed with trench backfilling operations until Landscape Architect has inspected and approved installations. .2 Use approved common or granular backfill material as indicated on the drawings. .3 Backfilling around installations: aJ Place bedding and surround material as noted on drawings; b) Place layers simultaneously on both sides of installed work to equalize loading; c) Place material by hand under, around and over installations until required cover is provided. Dumping material directly on installations will not be permitted. .4 Do not place backfill in freezing weather without prior approval of Landscapo Architect. .5 Place backfill material in uniform layers not exceeding 300 mm in thickness up to sub- grade elevation or top of trench. Compact each layer before placing succeeding layer. .6 Compact trench bottom and backfill materials: a) In pavement areas, to a density at least equal to density of adjacent, undisturbed soil; b) Under sand in play areas to 85% Standard Proctor Density; c) In pavement areas, compact to a minimum of 98% Standard Proctor Density. I Page 2 HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. SECTION 02202 - SUB-DRAINS I 1.5. I .7 Compact using approved mechanical tamping devices, or by hand tamping to achieve specified compaction. I Pine Installation I .1 Excavations require inspection and approval prior to commencement of installation operations. .2 I Lay drains on prepared bed, true to line and grade with inverts smooth and free of sags or high points. Ensure barrel or each pipe is in contact with bed throughout full length. .3 I Commence laying at outlet and proceed in upstream direction. .4 Lay perforated pipes with perforations dOmlwards. .5 I Lay bell and spigot pipe with bell ends facing upstream. .6 Weld joints ofPVC pipe according to manufacturer's instructions. I .7 Make joints tight in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. .8 Do not allow water to flow through pipes during construction. I .9 Make watertight connections to existiog drains or catch basins where indicated and arrange for inspection by the Landscape Architect prior to backfilling. I .10 Piug open upstream ends of pipes with watertight concrete, steel or P.V.c. bulkheads. .il Surround pipe with filter sock and granular! filter material and compact as specified. I 1.6. .12 Protect sub-drain against flotation during installation. I Connections to Municinal Facilities .1 1.7. Restoration Connect sub-drains and catch basins to Municipal storm sewer system where indicated on the drawings. Arrange for inspection by Municipal Public Works Departroent and receive approval prior to backfilling. I I I .1 Reinstate pavements and sodded areas to condition and eievation which existed before trenching to satisfaction of the Landscape Architect. I End of Section I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES 1Ne. Page 3 I I SECTION 024860- - SEEDING by BRILLION METHOD I - PART I - GENERAL I I.I. General Requirements I . I This section specifies the mix and installation for seeding. .2 Comply with the requirements of tender document. .3 Related work elsewhere: I PART II - PRODUCTS 02823 - Planting 2.1 Topsoil I .1 I 2.2 Grass Seed I .1 I I I 2.3 ,""ater .1 2.4 Mulch .J .2 .3 I I .I I I I I I Topsoil shall be as specified in Topsoil and Finish Grading, Section 02260, place to a compacted depth of lOOmm, unless specified otherwise. Topsoil shall be placed and worked to a friable condition in a dry state. Grass Seed shall be a certified seed, meeting the requirements of The Seeds Act for Canada No. I Seed. The mixture shall be mixed and supplied by a recognized seed house with tested rates for purity and germination of not less than government standard rates. Pickseed (Landscape Blend) 25% Entopper Kentucky Bluegrass 65% Creeping Red Fescue 10% Fiesta II Perennial Ryegrass Rate: 2. 1 kgll 00' (4.3lbsIl000 sq.ft) Water, used for hydraulic seeding, shall be free of any impurities which would inhibit germination or otherwise adversely affect growth. Mulch to be used is "Verdyol Mulch Standard Quality" or approved equal. Conform to the manufacturer's specification for materials mixing and application. Mulch on slopes in excess of steepness of5: 1 to be Verdyol Era-Mat blanket or equal. Securely fasten mat to slope surface and remove fasteners once growth is established. Mulch if necessary after seeding. Henry Kortekaas and Associates Inc. SECTION 024860- - SEEDING by BRILLlON METHOD I 2.S Fertilizer I 2.6 2.7 .1 Minimum fertilizer rates are based on the following rates: I a) 5-20-20 @ 588 kilograms/hectare (520lbs/acre) b) I Commercial superphosphate shall be finely ground with a minimum analysis oflWenty percent (20% ofP, 0,). .2 The Contractor shall be prepared to supply any additional fertilizers to eliminate any chemical deficiencies as indicated by the soil analysis report of imported or site topsoil above the minimum required rates. Rates may be adjusted dependent upon soil test at not extra cost to the owner. I Lime I .1 To be used in all cases where the pH of the soil is less than 6.0 shall be a ground limestone containing not less than ninety percent (90%) of calcium and magnesium carbonates combined. It shall be finely ground to pass ten (10) mesh sieve. The rate of application shall be determined after determining the pH of the topsoil. I I Deliverv & Stora2e .1 I All grass seed and nurse crop seed, where specified shall be stored in a dry, weatherproof storage place and shall be protected from damage by heat, moisture, rodents or other causes until time of seeding. Care shall be taken that labels or other identification are not removed or defaced. I .2 Fertilizers shall be placed in standard containers, clearly marked with the name of the manufacturer, weight and analysis. All fertilizers shall be stored in a weatherproof storage place under lock and key, and in such a manner that it will stay dry and its effectiveness is not impaired. I PART III - EXECUTION I 3.1 .6 Site Preparation I .1 Adjust and grade sub-grade to allow for the placing of topsoil to minimum depths as specified below finished grade. I I .2 Such sub-grade shall be scarified to a minimum depth of three (3) inches to produce and even loose texture surface, free of all stone, roots, branches, etc. larger than two (2) inches. .3 The fmished sub-grade shall be approved by the Landscape Architect prior to placing topsoil. I .4 Spread and grade topsoil evenly over approved sub-grade to depths indicated on plans. .5 I Fine grade, rake and roll surface until smooth and firm against footprints, and free of depression, lumps and irregularities. Pick up and remove any branches, sticks, roots and any rocks over 25mm (I") diameter. I I Henr)' Kortekaas and Associates Inc. I SECTIOI'i 02486D- - SEEDING by BRILLION METHOD I I 3.2 .1 The required fertilizers shall be applied by means of an approved mechanical spreader, at the specified rates, immediately prior to seeding. I I I I 3.3 I I I 3.4 I I I I I 3.5 Maintenance .7 Where lime is required, it shall be applied and well worked into the soil, prior to the application of fertilizers and in sufficient quantities to obtain a pH value of not less than 6.0. Installation .2 The fertilizers shall be well worked into the upper 75mm of soil by discing or harrowing. .3 Seed shall be applied by means of an approved mechanical dry cedar "Brillion" or approved equal. .4 It shall be applied in two (2) intersecting directions. Time of Seedinl! .1 Seeding of grass shall be carried out during periods which are most favorable for the establishment of a healthy stand of grass. .2 The seeding periods specified herein are listed in order of preference, generally accepted by trade. I) Period from August 01 to August 30 2) Early spring, up to May 30th Inspections .1 Obtain the Landscape Architect's approval of the fmished topsoil surface before proceeding with the seeding. .2 Provide timely notice to the Landscape Architect when fmal acceptance is required. .3 Partial acceptance will be given when seeding work has been delayed due to circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor or when further seeding work would conflict with good horticultural practice and jeopardize the performance of work and materials. .4 At time of inspection for acceptance grass shall be well established and in vigorous growing condition. .1 Maintain all areas immediately after installation until all project work has been inspected, approved and accepted. I .2 I .3 I I Such maintenance shall include all measures necessary to establish and maintain grass in a vigorous growing condition. Water is considered contractors cost and responsibility. End of Section Hen,!' Kortekaas and Associates Inc. SECTION 02489D - HYDROSEEDlNG (CROWN VETCH (Coronilla Varia)) I I PART I - GENERAL 1.1 Descriotion I .1 This section specifies the mix and installtion for seeding. .2 Related work elsewhere: Section 02822 - Sodding & Topsoil Section 02823 - Planting I .3 Measurement for Payment I .1 Hydroseeding will be measured in square meters of actual surface area. PART II - PRODUCTS I 2.] 2.2 2.3 Water 2.4 2.5 Fertilizer .1 2.6 Lime .1 T oDsoil I .1 Topsoil shall be from site stockpile and amended as per details. Place to a compacted depth of 100mm, unless specified otherwise. Topsoil shall be placed and worked to a friable condition in a dry state. I Seed .1 Seed shall be a certified seed, meeting the requirements of The Seeds Act for Canada No. I Seed. The mixture shall be mixed and supplied by a recognized seed house with tested rates for purity and germioation of not less than goveromeDt standard rates. I I .2 Seed mix: 100% Penngift Crown vetch (Coronilla vetch) I Apply at rate of not less than 38-50 kglha. .1 I Water, used for hydraulic seeding, shall be free of any impurities which would inhibit germination or otherwise adversely affect growth. Mulch I .1 Mulch to be used is "Yerdyol Mulch Standard Quality" or approved equal. Conform to the manufacturer's specification for materials mixing and application. I I .2 Mulch on slopes in excess of steepness of 5: Ito be Yerdyol Ero-Mat blanket or equal. Securely fasten mat to slope surface and remove fasteners once growth is established. Minimum fertilizer rates are based on the following rales: a) 1-2-2 ratio I To be used in all cases where the pH of the soil is less than 6.0 shall be a ground limestone containing not less than ninety percent (90%) of calcium and magnesium carbonates combined. It shall be fmely ground to pass (10) mesh sieve. The rate of application shall be determined after determining the pH of the topsoil. I I Page] of3 I Henr~' Kortekaas & Associates Inc. I SECTION 02489D - HYDROSEEDlNG (CROWN VETCH (Coronilla Varia)) I 2.7 Deliverv & Stora!!e I I I .1 All seed and materials, where specified, shaB be stored in a dry, weatherproof storage place and shaB be protected from damage by heat, moisture, rodents or other causes until time of seeding. Care shaB be taken that labels or other identification are not removed or defaced. .2 Fertilizers shaB be placed in standard containers, clearly marked with the name of the manufacturer, weight and analysis. AB fertilizers shall be stored in a weatherproof storage place under lock and key, and in such a manner that it will stay dry and its effectiveness is not impaired. PART III - EXECUTION I 3.1 I I I I 3,2 I I .3 I .4 I WorkmanshiD .1 Keep site weB drained. .2 Clean up immediately aB soil, mulch or other debris spiBed onto pavement and dispose of deleterious materials. .3 Take reasonable care to prevent contamination by seeding slurry on structures, signs, guardrails, fences and utilities. .4 Where contamination occurs, remove seeding slurry to satisfaction of Consultant. PreDaration of Surfaces .1 Spread and grade topsoil evenly over approved sub-grade to depths indicated on plans. .2 Obtain Landscape Architect's approval of topsoil grade and depth before starting seeding. Fine-grade, rake and roB surface until smooth and firm against footprints, and free of depression, lumps and irregularities. Cultivate areas to be seeded to a depth of 25mm. Fine grade free of humps and hoBows and free from all deleterious and refuse material. .5 Where lime is required, it shall be applied and weB worked into the soil, prior to the application offertilizers and in sufficient quantities to obtain a pH value cf not less than 6.0. I 3.3 Seedin!! I .1 .2 I Seed.area during early spring or to within 2 weeks of freeze-up. Apply when winds are less than I Okm/hr using equipment suitable for an area involved to the approval of the Landscape Architect. I .3 Measure quantities of materials by mass or mass-calibrated volume measurement to the satisfaction of the Landscape Architect. I .4 Charge seeder with water, mulch seed, fertilizer and mix thoroughly. Pulverize and add material into seeder under agitation. Henry Kortekaas & Associates Inc. Page 2 of 3 SECTION 02489D - HYDROSEEDlNG (CROWN VETCH (Coronilla Varia)) I 3.4 3.5 .5 Add erosion control agent into seeder and mix thoroughly to complete seeding slurry. I .6 I Complete slurry to be applied at a rate no less than 350kg/ hectare: .1 Seed 38-50 kglhectare .2 Water 2250 Llhectare .3 Fertilizer 170 kglhectare .4 Mulch 2280 kglhectare I .7 Blend applications into existing grassed areas. I Time of Seedim! .1 Seeding of grass shall be carried out during periods which are most favorable for the establishment of a healthy stand of grass. I .2 I The seeding periods specified herein are listed in order of preference, generally accepted by trade. 1) 2) I Period from August 0 I to August 30 Early spring, up to May 30th Maintenance I .J I Keep soil moist during germination period and adequately water seeded areas until accepted by the Landscape Architect and Municipality. Apply water to ensure moisture penetration of75-JOOmm. Control sprinkIing to prevent washouts. Water is considered contractors cost and responsibility. I .4 Postpone fertilizing until the spring if application falls within a four week period prior to expected end of growing season. 3.6 Acceptance I .1 .2 Areas will be accepted by Landscape Architect provided that: . J Seeded areas are properly established. .2 Turf is free of eroded, bare or dead spots and 98% free from weeds. I Areas seeded in the fall will be accepted in the following spring one month after the start of the growing season provided acceptance conditions are fulfilled. I I End of Section I I I Page 3 of3 I Henry Kortekaas & Associates Inc. I SECTION 02511 - STABILIZED GRANULAR WALKWAY OVER FILTER CLOTH I PART I - GENERAL I 1.1. Description .1 This Section is intended for light vehicle use areas, driveways and pedestrian walks. It is not intended to cover roads. I .2 Comply with all requirements of the General Conditions. I .3 Related Work I Earthwork Site Excavation Backfilling Grading I .4 Protection I .1 Prevent damage to landscaping, curbs, sidewalks, trees, fences, roads, and adjacent property. Make good any damage. 1.2. Oualitv Assurance I .1 Carry out compaction tests on compacted fill to ASTM D698-70 for Standard Proctor Dry Density on the basis of 1 test for every 50 m2 in hard landscaping, fill areas and I test in every 5m along walkways. Provide Unit Price in Bid Sheet. .1 .2 Carry out grain size analysis on samples of each of granular fill to ensure that proper material is being placed. I .3 Determine the quantity of water to be added to or removed from each type of fill to attain correct moisture content for compaction and maximum density. I 1.3. Product Deliverv. Stora!!e. and Handlin!! .1 Stockpile existing topsoil or fill materials in locations designated by the Consultant. I 1 I 1 1 1 I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page] Sieve Nwnber Percent Passing 50 rom 100 19 rom 95 100 16 rom 75 100 9.5 rom 57 83 4,75 rom 37 61 1.18 rom 12 32 0.425 rom 8 23 0,075 rom 3 8 I I I I I SECTION 02511- STABILIZED GRANULAR WALKWAY OVER FILTER CLOTH PART II - PRODUCTS 2.1. Materials ,1 Granular base: sound, bard, durable, crushed aggregate free from clay and organic matter, to meet following gradation: ,2 Granular base: fraction passing 4,75 rom sieve to have liquid limit of25 maximum, and plasticity index of 6 maximwn, I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I .3 Granular topping: crushed rock screenings or stone dust to meet following gradation: Sieve Nwnber Percent Passin!! 9,5 rom 4.75 rom 1.18 rom 0.30 rom 0.075 rom 100 50 100 20 55 10 - 30 o - 12 .4 Binding material: "Stabilizer" or approval equal. Supplied by : Specialty Landscape Products P.O. Box 65 Leaskdale, Ontario LOC I CO .5 FiltercJoth:: Terrafix "Terrarract2411" Filtercloth or approval equaL I SECTION 02511 - STABILIZED GRANULAR W ALKW A Y OVER FILTER CLOTH I PART III - EXECUTION I 3.1. Inspection .1 VerifY graded subgrade for confonnity with elevations and sections before placing granular base material. I .2 Proof roll graded subgrade surface with roller of approved mass and type. I .1 Check for unstable areas .2 Check for areas requiring additional compaction. .3 NotifY Consultant of unsatisfactory conditions. I I 3.2. Base Course Placement .1 Place granular base to compact thickness as indicated. .2 Place in layers not exceeding 150 nun compacted thickness. Compact each layer to 95% Standard Proctor Dry Density. I 3.3. Toppin!! Placement I I .1 Place granular topping to compacted thickness as indicated. .2 Place in layers not exceeding 50 nun compacted thickness. Standard Proctor Dry Density. Maintain stone dust at optimum water content during compact during compaction operations. 3.4. Clean-Uo I .1 Upon completion, remove all surplus excavated and graded materials from the site. Leave the site clean and tidy. I I End of Section I I I I I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 3 SECTION 02612 - ASPHALT PAVING I PART I - GENERAL I 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Descriotion I .1 This section specifies asphalt paving for playground areas and walkways. .2 Comply with all requirements of the General Conditions. I .3 Related work elsewhere: Section 02200 - Earthwork Section 02511 - Granular Base Section 02614 - Concrete Section 02822 - Sodding I Oualin' Assurance I .1 The contractor or sub-contractor must have a minimum of 5 years experience in asphalt paving work. .2 I Plants providing asphalt paving mixture under this contract must conform to OPSS 310- 04-02 to 04 inclusive. .3 I Spreading equipment must meet the requirements of OPSS 310-04-05 to 07 inclusive. .4 All asphalt paving work must be carried out to the OPSS 310-05-01 to 07 inclusive. .5 I Provide a copy of all subsections, listed above, on site at all times. .6 Testing of asphalt cement, when required by the Owner, will be carried out, at no extra cost, to the contract and will be executed in accordance with ASTM D-140, latest edition. I .7 Testing of asphalt emulsion, when required by the Consultant, will be carried out, at no extra cost, to the contract and will be carried out in accordance with ASTM-D244. Sampling procedures will follow ASTM-DI40. I .8 Engage an independent, approved testing firm to carry out compaction tests on the completed granular base, one test per 100m' of area. Submit 2 copies of the test results to the Consultant and obtain his approval prior to commencing asphalting operations. Pay all testing costs. I I .9 Ensure that asphalt cement, asphalt primer and asphalt emulsion conform to the standards set out in the drawings and specifications. I I Product Deliverv, Stora!!e & Handlin!! .1 Store granular materials in areas designated by the Consultant. .2 Minimum temperature of asphalt is to be 1300C immediately after spreading and prior to rolling. 1.4. I .1 Job Conditions .2 Do not commence paving operations unless the surface temperature is steady at, or rising above 20e. I Proceed with paving operations only during favourable weather conditions and on a dry base. I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES 1Ne. Page 1 I I I SECTION 02612 - ASPHALT PAVING I I I .6 I I 1.5. Insoection .1 Stake out paving locations and obtain approval from the Consultant before proceeding. .3 Suspend all paving operations if the temperature drops below 20C. .4 Spread subsequent paving courses within 12 hours after spreading and compaction of the previous course. .5 Where existing asphalt paving is to receive resurfacing, ensure that all areas of cracked or broken asphalt are removed and patched satisfactorily with new asphalt prior to proceeding with resurfacing operations. Protect all adjacent areas and structures, particularly planted areas, from contamination by asphalt materials. Make good all damage. .2 Obtain approval from the Consultailt of the fmished sub-grade before proceeding. I .3 Obtain approval from the Consultant of the paving base before proceeding. I PART II - PRODUCTS 2.1. Materials I .1 Granular A: granular material conforming in all respects with OPSS 1010. .2 Granular B: granular material conforming in all respects with OPSS 1010. I .3 I .4 I .5 .6 .7 .8 2.2. Mixes .1 I I I I I Coarse aggregates: a crushed rock, slag or gravel or combination thereof, free of clay, silt and other deleterious materials. Fine aggregates: composed of clean, hard, durable particles of natural sand, manufactured sand or screenings resulting from the crushing of rocks, stone or gravel and free of clay, silt or other deleterious materials. Fine aggregate for HL3 and HL4 must contain a minimum of 10% passing the 10mm screen and retained on the #4 sieve. Mineral filler: finely ground particles of limestone, hydrated lime or other mineral dust approved by the Consultant, free of clay, silt and other deleterious material. Asphalt cement: conforming in all respects with OPSS 310-1150. Joint painting material: slow sening asphalt emulsion, type SS-I conforming to OPSS 306. Line marking paint: an acrylic emulsion type "traffic" paint conforming to C.B.S.B. 1- GP-74, colour to be yellow or white as noted. Paving mixture: a hot mix, hot laid asphaltic concrete, of the type specified, and installed to the minimum compacted thickness shown on the drawings and composed of coarse and fme aggregates, mineral filler, and asphalt cement uniformly mixed. I Page 2 HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. SECTION 02612 - ASPHALT PAVING I 3.1. PART 111 - EXECUTION I Preoaration I .1 Excavate to the minimum specified depths, after compaction, as shown on the drawings. Maintain sub-grade parallel to finished grade in all cases. I .2 Fine grade subgrade eliminating uneven areas and filling low spots. Remove all debris. Excavate all soft and unstable areas in subgrade and backfill with Granular "B". I .3 Compact subgrade uniformly to minimum ninety-eight percent (98%) Standard Proctor Density. Arrange for testing offill materials and compaction. When required and as directed by the Consultant, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, sprinkle water to assist in compaction. I .4 The Granular "B" base shall be applied in maximum 74mm (3 inches) layers, graded, rolled and compacted in accordance with OPSS Division 3. I .5 In the event of delay between completion of sub-grade and commencement of application of stone base, the Contractor shall re-grade and re-compact sub-grade at his own expense if so ordered. I .6 I Keep materials clean and free of deleterious materials at all times. .7 Maintain final grade of granular base course parallel to finished grade. .8 I Submit written test reports. .9 Where existing asphalt is to be resurfaced, clean all surfaces of soil, dust, leaves or other debris prior to paving. Ensure surface is free of standing water. I 3.2. Installation .5 .6 .7 .1 I Spread the specified granular materials in horizontal layers not exceeding IOOmm loose depth and compact to 98% Standard Proctor Dry Density. In areas where compaction by roller is not possible, compact with approved mechanical or hand tamping devices to the specified density. I .2 Ensure that granular does not become contaminated by deleterious material. I I .3 Build up thickness of each material to the minimum compacted thickness as specified on the drawings. .4 Correct all irregularities or depressions resulting from rolling and compact until the granular surface is smooth, unifonn, and true to line and grade. Paint all curbs, gutter walls, vertical faces of existing pavement, and all structures in actual contact with the new asphalt with a sealing coat of SS-I emulsion. Provide a closely bonded, water tight joint. I Lay and spread all paving courses by means of approved equipment. I Immediately after spreading and screeding, check the surface and correct all irregularities before compacting. I Page 3 I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. I I SECTION 02612 - ASPHALT PAVING I I I I I I I I I I 3.3. I I I I I I .15 Joints .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .8 Ensure all joints are straight, clean, vertical and free of broken or loose materials. Cut back existing asphalt to provide a clean vertical surface. Paint the vertical surfaces of all joints with a thin, continuous coating of type SS-I emulsion. .9 Compact each paving course, with approved rolling equipment, to 97% Standard Proctor Dry Density, or greater. Begin compaction operations as soon as possible after placement when asphalt will bare the weight without checking or undue displacement. Keep roller wheel moist so as not to pick up material. Keep all equipment clean and in good condition. .10 Hand tamp with hot tampers in areas not accessible to rolling equipment. .11 Where hand-spreading is necessary, this shall be done simultaneously with machine- spreading or immediately afterwards to ensure a good bond. .12 Hand tamp all edges adjacent to grass or planting beds to a 450 angle. Establish straight edge by the use of a string line. Where edge is not straight, lay in a smooth curve to the radii indicated. Where fInished edge is not satisfactory. at the option of the Consultant, the edge may be repaired by sawcutling to a 450 edge to the required line, Cut edge must be painted with liquid asphalt. .13 After fmal rolling, surfaces shall be smooth and true to the specifIed grade and crown with the thickness of the courses varying no more than 6mm from that shown on the drawing, At the option of the Consultant, unsatisfactory surface roughness on the asphalt may be corrected by the application of a coat of hot liquid, at the contractor's expense. .14 Ensure a minimum surface slope of 2% or as specifIed, away from edges and curbs and towards catch basins on all asphalt re-surfacing operations. Ensure the surface is free from depressions greater than 6mm under a 3000mm straight edge. All joints made during paving operations shall be straight, clean, vertical and free of broken or loose material. Where joints occur between new courses and existing previously laid down courses, the existing course shall be cut back sufficiently to provide a clean vertical surface. Vertical faces of all joints shall be painted with a thin continuous coating ofSS-I, to provide a tight, waterproofbond. All locations where new asphalt meets existing structures and paving shall be considered a joint. Make all joints in accordance with OPSS Division 3 and paint with a thin, unifonn, continuous coating of joint painting material SS-I Emulsion or approved equal. All joints shall be coated with tack coat before the adjacent asphalt is laid if the previous section has been in place for more than two hours. Transverse joints shall be cut back at least one foot and painted with tack coat before paving proceeds. Where tack coat has been applied, it shall be allowed to dry to a tacky texture before the asphalt is laid against it. I Page 4 HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. SECTION 02612 - ASPHALT PAVING I 3.4. Ed2es 3.5. I .1 I New surfaces shall blend smoothly and flush with existing surfaces. steps. tops of curb. etc. .2 Low or defective areas shall be cut out immediately and replaced with fresh hot mixture, placed and compacted to blend with surrounding areas and thoroughly bonded to it. I .3 Install temporary forms, where necessary, in order to maintain straight, continuous edges of asphalt where shown. I .4 Where surfaced area abuts seeded, sodded, earth or grass areas, and no step or curb occurs, edges of asphalt paving shall be fInished with 45 degree angle edge neatly formed and tamped as detailed. Grass edges shall be restored with 200mm (8") of topsoil and appropriate sod or seeding mixtures to the satisfaction of the Consultant. Extent of restoration shall be from edge of walkway to limit of area disturbed by construction or as directed in cut or all siruations slopes meeting walkway shall not exceed 3: 1. I I Line Paintin2 I . I All lines to be painted 50mm thick with aluminum asphalt paint. Colour as specifIed on drawings. 3.6. .2 A void splashing or spattering paint on the surface. I Clean-up .1 At the completion of asphalt operations and prior to fInal inspection, clean all curbs, catch basins, manhole covers, walls, and other structures to remove contamination by asphaltic or other materials resulting from the work. I I I End of Section I I I I I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 5 I I I I I I SECTION 02614 - CONCRETE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1. DescriDtion .] This section specifies the supply and installation of concrete. .2 Related work elsewhere: Section 02822 - Topsoil and Sod 1.2. Ouality Assurance The contractor must have a minimum of 5 years experience in concrete work. I I I I -I I 1 1.3. I 1 I I I 1 I .1 .2 All materials must conform to CSA A23.l-94. A copy must be kept on site at all times during construction. .3 Furnish the Consultant with a certificate prepared by the Ready-Mix concrete suppliers stating that all requirements regarding strength. slump, air entrainment, mix, materials and ratio have been met and maintained. .4 Prior to pouring concrete, obtain the approval of the Consultant of all form work, placement of reinforcing steel, consolidation of subgrade and placement and consolidated of granular base. .5 When required by the Consultant, have all concrete tested for compressive strength, slump and air content, in accordance with CSA A23.2-94. Submit test reports in duplicate and pay all costs incurred. .6 Ensure work complies with the Ontario Building Code and all pertinent local by-laws and regulations. These shall govern in case of conflict with the specification. Obtain and pay for all necessary permits before starting work. Product Deliverv. Stora!!e and Handlin!! .1 Store all materials in accordance with CSA A23.1-94 latest edition. .2 Store reinforcing steel on racks or skids. Protect from contamination by dirt or other materials. .3 Store forms off the ground and sufficiently supported to prevent warping or distortion. Protect from contaminations by oil, grease, water, earth, etc. .4 All concrete is to be ready mixed at plant and transported to the site by truck in accordance with CSA A23.1-94. Hand mixed concrete is not allowed unless approved in writing by the Consultant prior to the start of work. .5 Convey concrete from the mixer to the place of fmal deposit as rapidly as possible, with as little rehandling as is practical. Avoid segregation and/or Joss of material. .6 Place concrete in fmal position and at such a rate that it remains plastic at all times and flows readily between reinforcement, into all comers and crevices and around all embedded fixtures. Pour in a continuous operation between expansion joints. Page 1 HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. SECTION 02614 - CONCRETE I 1.4. .7 ThorougWy clean all equipment. used for mixing or transporting of concrete, of all hardened concrete and foreign material prior to placing concrete. I .8 Do not allow concrete to be contaminated by foreign materials. Do not use retempered concrete unless approved in writing, by the Consultant. I .9 Obtain the approval of the Consultant of the type, number and method of use of mechanical vibrators. Do not operate a vibrator for longer than 10 seconds in anyone location. I .10 Maintain constant control to ensure that fmished concrete is dense, unifonn, free of air holes or honeycombs and that no segregation of aggregates and cement paste occurs. I Job Conditions I 1.5. .1 Protect all concrete surfaces from damage or harmful effects of weather, water, mechanical shock or trespassers until concrete is properly cured. I .2 If temperature is expected to drop below 50C, place and protect concrete in accordance with AC1.605. I Insoection .1 Obtain the approval of the Consultant of the layout, compacted sub-grade, compacted granular base, formwork and reinforcing before proceeding with subsequent work. I PART n - PRODUCTS I 2.1. Materials .1 Granular A and Granular B: granular material conforming in all respects to OPSS 1010, latest edition. I .2 I Portland cement: standard grey portland cement, conforming to CANICSA-A5IA8IA362- 93 type 10 normal. .3 I Aggregates: nominal size as specified and conforming to CSA A23.1-94. .4 Water: clear and free of deleterious substances or efflorescing salts. I I .5 Air entraining admixtures: conforming to ASTM C 260-94 and of approved manufacturer. .6 Reinforcing steel: conforming to CSA G-30.12-M77 for bars, CSA G30.5-M83 for welded steel wire mesh and OPSS 1440. .7 Expansion joint filler: premoulded bituminous impregnated fibre board conforming to ASTM D I 75 1-73 of thickness and depth specified. I .8 Cnring Compounds: clear liquid cWorinated rubber to ASTM C309 and OPSS 1315. I .9 Formwork: conforming to CSA A23.1-94 and ACI- 347 and of sound wood, in good condition and equal or better than No.2 grade construction spruce andlor 19mm Douglas Fir plywood, with the surface treated to produce a smooth concrete finish. Plywood to be CSA 012/. I Page 2 I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INe. I I SECTlO!'\ 02614 - CO!'\CRETE 2.2. Mixes I I I I .1 Mix concrete materials in accordance with CSA CAN3-A23.IM-77, in the proper proportions and ratios to provide a fmished product as specified. Concrete mix shall meet the following requirements: Compressive strength 25 MPa at 28 days; 100mm slump at point of deposit; air entrainment 6% (+ or - 1%). Unless noted otherwise on the drawings or details, all concrete is to he 25 MPa strength. .2 With the exception of air entraining agents, other mixtures may only he used with the written approval of the Consultant. The use of agents to lower the freezing point of the mix will not be permitted. PART III - EXECUTION I 3.1. I I I I I I .6 Preoaration .J Excavate to the minimum specified depths, after compaction, as shown on the drawings. Maintain sub-grade parallel to finished grade in all cases. .2 Fine grade subgrade eliminating uneven areas and filling low spots. Remove all debris. Excavate all soft and unstable areas in subgrade and backfill with Granular "B". .3 Compact subgrade uniformly to minimum ninety-eight percent (98%) Standard Proctor Density. Arrange for testing of fill materials and compaction. When required and as directed by the Consultant, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, sprinkle water to assist in compaction, .4 The Granular "B" base shall be applied in maximum 74mm (3 inches) layers, graded, rolled and compacted in accordance with OPSS Division 3. .5 In the event of delay between completion of subgrade and commencement of application of stone base, the Contractor shall re-grade and re-compact subgrade at his own expense if so ordered. Keep materials clean and free of deleterious materials at all times. .7 Maintain fmal grade of granular base course parallel to fmished grade. I I .8 .9 Submit written test reports. Where existing asphalt is to be resurfaced, clean all surfaces of soil, dust, leaves or other debris prior to paving. Ensure surface is free of standing water. I .10 Contractor to ensure that all concrete columns are vibrated to eliminated all voids. I I I Page 3 HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. SECTION 02614 - CONCRETE I 3.2. Granular Base I 3.3. 3.4. .1 I Spread the specified granular materials in horizontal layers not exceeding 100mm loose depth and compact to 95% Standard Proctor Dry Density. In areas where compaction by roller is not possible, compact with approved mechanical or hand tamping devices to the specified density. I .2 Build up thickness of each material to the minimum compacted thickness as specified on the drawings. .3 I Ensure that granular does not become contaminated by deleterious material. .4 Correct all irregularities or depressions resulting from rolling and compact until the granular surface is smooth, uniform and true to line and grade. I .5 When required by the Consultant, have the compaction of the granular materials tested by an approved, independent testing firm. Submit 2 copies of the test results to the Consultant and obtain his approval prior to pouring concrete. Pay testing costs incurred. I Form Work I .1 Erect forms in such a manner as to facilitate dismantling and removal without damaging concrete. I .2 Erect forms true to line and level in accordance with the drawings, and sufficiently braced to maintain their form and alignment when concrete is placed. .3 I Prior to each pouring operation, coat affected form surfaces with an approved form separating material. .4 I Provide for all openings, sleeves, hangers, anchors and ties to be cast into the concrete. .5 Do not use treated plywood for exposed surfaces more than 5 times. Do not use plywood if surface is damaged. I .6 Obtain the approval of the Consultant of all form work before proceeding Reinforcement I .1 I I .2 .3 .4 Before placing reinforcement, clean all loose scale, dirt and any other coating that would destroy or reduce bonding to concrete. Place all reinforcement accurately in accordance with the drawings andlor approved shop drawings. Use approved chairs, spacers, hangers or ties to secure the reinforcing in position. Unless directed otherwise, provide the following minimum concrete cover over reinforcing: I a) 75mm where concrete is deposited against soil. I b) 50mm for bars larger than 10m and 40mm for bars smaller than 10m where concrete is exposed to weather. I Obtain the approval of the Consultant of all reinforcing before proceeding. Page 4 I HE"'RY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. 1 1 SECTION 02614 - CONCRETE 3.5. Joints 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 '1 1 1 3.6. 1 1 1 1 3.7. Finishine 1 .1 1 .2 1 .1 Locate expansion joints as shown on the drawings and between new concrete and all new or existing structures. Joints must be cast in place. .2 Execute construction joints in accordance with ACI.301 and as detailed on the drawings. Thoroughly clean the joint surface of alllaitance and wet thoroughly and slush with a coat of cement grout immediately before placing new concrete. .3 Except for expansion joints, continue reinforcing uninterrupted through joints, unless shown otherwise on the drawings or directed by the Consultant. .4 Stop reinforcing on each side of expansion joints. Where dowels are indicated, cast one half into one side of the joints. The exposed half shall be machined smooth and heavily greased before placing adjoining sections. .5 Locate control joints as shown on the drawings. Ensure joints are to a minimum depth of 1/4 the thickness of the concrete. Make joints by one of the following methods: a) Sawed joints b) Hand formed and hand tooled c) Inset joints placed in plastic concrete .6 No offsets will be allowed between adjacent sections of joint fillers and no plugs of concrete will be permitted anywhere within an expansion joint. .7 Apply joint sealant in accordance with the manufacturer's directions. Ensure joints are clean and free of any foreign substances before sealing. Clean any sealant spilled on concrete surface immediately. Placine of Concrete .1 Place concrete by approved means and using approved equipment. .2 Do not place concrete until formwork and grades have been inspected by the Owner or Consultant. .3 Transport concrete from mixer to point of deposit, and place in fmal position as quickly as possible to prevent separation and loss of materials. .4 While placing concrete, compact thoroughly and uniformly by approved means to ensure a dense homogeneous structure free of air pockets, and honeycombs and closely bonded with reinforcement. Treat and finish all surfaces as directed or specified and in accordance with CSA CAN3. A23.I-M77. Strike off and float all exposed paving surfaces as soon as possible after consolidation and in accordance with recommendations of the Portland Cement Association. Execute final fmishing as specified on the drawings or as directed by the Consultant. Page 5 HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. SECTION 026]4 - CONCRETE I 3.8. Curin! .3 .4 .5 3.9. Clean-un I .3 Ensure fmished surface is true to line and level as shown on the drawings. Walks are to be sloped as per grading plans. I .4 All irregularities greater than 6mm under a 3000rmn straight edge, operated parallel to the centre line, must be repaired. .5 I Obtain the approval of the Consultant of finished surfaces before staning curing operations , .6 I Immediately after stripping forrnwork, obtain the approval of the Consultant before commencing patching, finishing or curing operations. .7 I The extent, method and type of mix for patching shall have the approval of the Consultant before commencing work. Ensure patching mix contains an approved bonding and waterproofing agent and that it is installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. I .1 I Keep concrete moist for at least 3 days after placement, in accordance with CSA CAN- A231-M77. .2 I Method of curing shall be as specified or by one of the following approved methods ifnot specified: a) Moist curing I b) Waterproofmg paper or white polyethylene sheeting c) I White liquid membrane compound d) Combination of above methods I Moist curing: use burlap or approved equal. Ensure it is thoroughly wet when applied and kept continuously wet and in full contact with the surface during the curing period. Waterproof paper or white polyethylene sheeting: ensure sheet is large enough to cover entire concrete surface. Secure to prevent displacement during curing period. Immediately repair any tears or holes. I White liquid membrane compound: apply at the rate of I litre per 5 square meters after final finishing and all free water has disappeared. Keep membrane compound agitated to prevent settling of compound. Apply membrane compound to edges immediately after forrnwork is removed. Ensure a continuous and unbroken membrane cover is applied. I I . I Clean and remove all concrete spills from the site. I End of Section I I Page 6 I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. I I I I I I I I I I 1.4. I I 1.5. I I I SECTION 02822 - TOPSOIL AND SOD PART I - GENERAL 1.1. Description .1 This section specifies the supply and placing of sod as per drawings. .2 Comply with all requirements of the General Conditions. .3 Related work elsewhere: Section 02823 - Planting 1.2. Oualitv Assurance .1 The contractor must have 5 years experience io sodding work. 1.3. Product. Deliverv. Stora2e and Handlin2 .1 Deliver sod to site within 24 hours ofbeiog harvested and lay sod withio 48 hours thereafter, dependiog on suitable weather conditions and io accordance with good horticultural practice. .2 Small irregular or broken pieces of sod will not be accepted. .3 Prevent sod from drying out on site. Sample .1 Complete the iostallation of one sample panel of sod of a minimum 25 m' (one side mioirnum 2.Om) and have iospected and approved by the Contract Administrator prior to proceediog with the balance of soddiog operations. All other work shall conform to this approved sample. Soil T estin2 .1 Ifrequired by the Contract Administrator, the soil sball be tested for N, P, K and mioor element values, soluble salt contents, organic matter content and pH value. .2 Arrange for, and assume all costs for such testing. Testiog sball be carried out by a reputable firm, approved by the Contract Administrator. .3 The contractor sball submit the soil analysis report to the Contract Administrator prior to the commencement of. When the source of such topsoil is exhausted, topsoil from a new source sball not be used until it is tested, and approved by the Contract Administrator. 1.6. Inspection I I I I .1 The Contractor sball verify that the fmal site grades are io accordance with the grading plan. Obtaio the approval of the Contract Administrator of the finished topsoil surface before proceediog with soddiog. .2 The Contractor sball give timely notice, io writing, that all work bas been completed and maintenance period is to begio. HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page I SECTIO!\' 02822 - TOPSOIL AND SOD I 1.7. Acceptance I 1.8. .1 Maintain sod in good condition until acceplance. I .2 At the time of acceplance, the grass must not be more than 50mm high. Minimum acceptable cut height is 45mm. All sod must have a healthy and even stand of grass, free of thin, poor or burned-out patches. I .3 Acceptance will be given when the sod is properly rooted, free of bare and dead spots and reasonably free of weeds in the opinion of the Contract Administrator. I .4 Replace any deteriorated sod with new sod at the direction of the Contract Administrator. .5 I The Contractor is responsible for a minimum of one cut of grass or as many cuts as required until acceptance. Guarantee I .1 Submit written guarantee that all sodding shall be guaranteed for a period of one (I) year commencing on the date of acceptance of substantial performance. I .2 During the guarantee oeriod. the Contractor shall make monthlv insoections and replace all sod which is dead, or is not in a healthy vigorous growing condition. I PART II - PRODUCTS 2.1. .2 .3 Materials I .1 Grass sod: Certified No.1 grade cultivated turf grass sod with a composition of 50% Kentucky Blue Grass and 50% Blue Cultivar either "Fylking" or "Baron" or as specified on the drawings, grown and sold in accordance with NSGA classifications. At the time of sale it must have a strong, fibrous root system and be free of stones and burned or bare spots. Damaged and broken pieces shall not be laid and shall be removed from the site immediately. I I Sod pegs: 25mm x 25mm x 230mm (minimurn length). Ensure pegs are long enough to securely anchor sod. I Topsoil: a fertile, friable, natural loam; containing not less than 4% organic matter for clay loams and not less than 2% organic matter for sandy loams to a maximum of 15%. and capable of sustaining vigorous plant growth, free of subsoil contamination, roots and stones over 25mm diameter, reasonably free of weeds (as determined by the Contract Administrator), and having a pH ranging from 6.0 to 7.5. I I I I I Page 2 I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. I I SECTION 02822 - TOPSOIL AND SOD PART III - EXECUTION I I I I I I I I 3.1. 3.2. Prenaration .1 Rototill all areas that are to receive new sod. Cultivate to a minimum depth of 100mm. Remove all rocks, roots and grass or weed clumps from the surface. .2 Compact surface to 85% Standard Proctor Dry Density. .3 Scarify to a depth of 25mm before placing additional topsoil or sod. Soreadi"!! of Toosoil .1 Spread dry topsoil during dry weather over approved. dry, unfrozen sub grade where sod is to be installed. .2 Keep topsoil 25mm below fmished grade for sodded areas. .3 Fine grade topsoil eliminating rough and low areas and to ensure positive drainage. .4 Roll topsoil with a 50 kg roller to compact and retain surface. Finished depth of prepared topsoil to be minimum 100mm. .4 Provide a fmished topsoil surface that is smooth and fIrm against footprints with a fIne. loose texture before sod is placed. 33. Installation I I I I I I I I I .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .1 Lay sod with tight bun joints. Do not leave any open joints or overlap adjacent pieces of sod. Alternate joints on each row of sod. Ensure fmished sod surface is flush with adjoining grass areas, pavement or top surface of curbs. On slopes steeper than 4: 1, lay sod perpendicular to the slope and peg each row at intervals of not more than 600mm on each side of the sod strip. Drive pegs flush with surface of sod. Immediately after installation, water the sod with sufficient quantity of water to penetrate the sod and the top 50mm of the underlying topsoil. Apply 8-32-16 slow release commercial fertilizer at the rate of 22 kg per 1000 square metres. When sod has dried sufficiently to prevent damage, roll all sodded areas to ensure a good bond between sod and topsoil. Protect all newly sodded areas with warning signs or barricades. Page 3 HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. SECTION 02822 - TOPSOIL AND SOD I 3.4. Protection after Completion I .1 Assume full responsibility for protection of all sodded areas from all sources until perfonnance acceptance. I .2 Erect protective barriers and post signs where necessary and maintain same until performance acceptance. I .3 Remedy all damages, wash-outs and eroded areas resulting from weather, improper protection or other causes. I 3.5. Clean UP .1 The Contractor must leave the site in a neat and orderly condition upon completion of work on a daily basis, all to the satisfaction of the Contract Administrator. I I End of Section I I I I I I I I I I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 4 I I I SECTION 02823 - PL~TING I 1.1. PART I - GENERAL I I 1.2. I I 1.3. I I I I I I .7 I I I I I Descrintion . J This section specifies the supply and planting of trees, shrubs and ground covers. .2 Comply with all requirements of the General Conditions. .3 Related work elsewhere: Section 02822 - Sodding and Topsoil Ouality Assurance .1 Planting work is to be carried out by experienced personnel under the direction of skilled foreman and in strict accordance with the Specifications and best horticultural practice. Product Delivery. Sto.aee and Handline .J Supply manufactured items such as super phosphate, fertilizer tablets, mulch, etc., in standard containers, clearly indicating contents, weight, component analysis, and the name of the manufacturer. .2 Store manufactured materials, subject to deterioration, in a weatherproof place on site and in such a manner that their effectiveness is not impaired. .3 Supply plant material as specified on the plant list. .4 Dig material, specified "B.R." (bare root) on the plant list, while in a dormant state and with the majority of the root system intact. Immediately after digging, wrap the roots in wet burlap and keep burlap wet during transport and storage. .5 Provide all material, specified "B. & B." (balled and burlapped) on the plant list, with a solid, earth rootball, wrapped in burlap. .6 Do not plant material with broken or abraded trunks or branches, or with broken or cracked rootballs, or plants which are strongly desiccated, as they will be subject to rejection upon arrival on the project site. Provide rootballs of the following minimum sizes to meet the corresponding tree size. Ensure the rootball is large enough to accommodate at least 75% of the fibrous root system. Deciduous Trees Caliper Root Ball Diameter 50mm 60mm 70mm 80mm 90mm 75 em 80cm 85 em 90cm 100 em I Page J HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. SECTION 02823 - PLANTING I Coniferous Tree Height I .15 1.4. Root Ball Diameter l.OOm 1.50 m 1.75 m 2.00m 2.25m 2.50m I 60 em 60 em 65 em 70 em 75 em 80 em I .8 Cut all roots cleanly when digging plants. Split roots are not acceptable. Cut roots even with the edges of the rootball. I .9 Protect all plant material from damage and breakage. Protect all parts of the plant material from drying out from the time of digging until they are installed. I .10 Do not transport plant material in an open truck unless it is adequately protected from sun and wind. I .11 Carefully tie in all branches before transporting. I .12 Pad all points of contact between plant material and equipment. .13 I Heel in any plant material that cannot be planted during the current day's operations. .14 Keep all roots and rootballs moist prior to planting. Do not remove labels attached to plants, until after fInal inspection. I Soil T estin!! I .1 Ifrequired by the Consultant, the soil shall be tested for N, P, K and minor element values, soluble contents, organic mailer and pH value. I .2 Arrange for, and assume all costs for such testing. Testing shall be carried out by a reputable fmn, approved by the Consultant. .3 The Contractor shall submit the soil analysis report to the Consultant prior to the commencement of work. When the source of such topsoil is exhausted, topsoil form a new source shall not be used until it is tested, and approved by the Consultant. I 1.5. I I Job Conditions .1 Proceed with planting operations during suitable weather conditions. 1.6. Substitutions .1 .2 Supply and install plant material as specifIed on the plant list. Substitutions with other plant material will only be allowed with the written approval of the Consultant. I Give timely notice, in writing, to the Consultant when applying for substitutions. I I HE!'I'RY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I LB. .1 Prepare and present to the Consultant, two copies of a maintenance schedule prior to the beginning of the guarantee period. I I I I I I I SECTION 02823 - PLANTING 1.7. InsDections .1 Make plant material available for inspection at source of supply andlor upon arrival on the site by the Consultant. .2 Approval of plant material at source will not impair the right of the Owner or Consultant to inspect plants upon arrival on the site or during the course of construction and to reject plants which have been damaged, or which, in any way, do not conform to the specifications. .3 If partial acceptance is desired, give timely notice to the Consultant in writing. .4 Partial acceptance will be given when planting work has been delayed due to circwnstances beyond the control of the contractor or where planting would be in conflict with good horticultural practices and would jeopardize the performance. .5 Planting of materials, prior to inspection by the Consultant will be the Contractor's responsibility. .6 Remove all rejected materials from the site inunediately. .7 Furnish all inspection certificates as may be required by federal, provincial and other applicable regulations. .8 Labels shall indicate variety, grade and size of each plant specimen or bundle. Do not remove any labels from plants until final or partial approval by the Consultant, or as directed. .9 Final inspection of all plant material will be made at the end of the specified guarantee period. All plants must be in a healthy growing condition at the time of this inspection. Maintenance .2 All plant materials shall be maintained by the Contractor inunediately after any planting has been installed and shall continue until the date of fmal acceptance. .3 Maintenance shall include all measures necessary to establish and maintain all plants in a vigorous and healthy growing condition, including but not limited to: a. Weeding of planting beds and tree pits. Use herbicides in accordance with the manufacturer's directions. Make good any damage, resulting from herbicide use at no extra cost. b. Watering when required and in sufficient quantities to saturate the root system. c. Pruning, including the removal of dead or broken branches, and treatment of pruning wounds with approved dressing. d. Disease and insect control when required. Use chemical methods in accordance with the manufacturer's directions. Make good any damage at no extra cost. I Page 3 HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. SECTION 02823 - PLANTING I e. Keep all accessories in good condition and properly adjusted. Repair or replace accessories when required at no extra cost. I 1.9. .4 The Contractor shall be responsible for making monthly inspections of all plantings during the guarantee period and submit a written report of each inspection to the Consultant. I .5 The Contractor shall instruct the Consultant in writing of any corrective or preventative measures necessary to ensure healthy plant growth. Any damage to plants shall be reported in writing to the Consultant. I I .6 At the time of acceptance, all material must be in a healthy vigorous growing condition. Beds and tree pits must be free of weeds, rubbish or debris. I Guarantee .1 Submit written guarantee that all caliper plant materials shall be guaranteed for a period of twelve (12) months, commencing on the date of acceptance of substantial performance or Municipality acceptance, which ever is later. I .2 I The guarantee period for approved "collected plants" shall extend for a period of one (1) year beyond the period stated above. .3 I During the guarantee period, the Contractor shall make monthly inspections and replace all plants which are dead, missing or which are not in a healthy vigorous growing condition. .4 I Supply and plant all replacements in strict accordance with Contract Documents and guarantee replacement as specified. .5 I Tag or mark, in a permanently visible manner, all replacement plant material and notify the Consultant, in writing of the date on which replacements were planted. Include a sketch showing location of replaced plants. I .6 Plant replacements at a time which is in accordance with good horticultural practice. .7 Remove all accessories and cut at grade, those trees which are to be replaced at a later date. Remove plants, which are to be replaced, when found, or when notified by the Consultant. I I I PART II - PRODUCTS 2.1. Plant Material .2 .3 .4 .1 All plant material must be nursery grown and meet the specifications set out in the latest Guide Specifications for Nursery Stock prepared by the Canadian Nursery Trade Association (CNTA) for quality and method of cultivation. I Nomenclature of specified plants shall conform to the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants and the latest edition ofStandarclized Plant Names. I Any plant material not conforming to 2.1.1 above will be designated as collected plants. I Collected plants may only be used when approved in writing, by the Consultant. Page 4 I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES lNe. 1 I SECTION 02823 - PLANTING .5 Plant Material: true to name and type, structurally sound, well branched; healthy and vigorous and free from disease, insect infestations, rodent damage, sun scald, frost cracks, and other abrasions to the bark and densely foliated with a healthy, well developed root system. Pruning wounds must show vigorous bark on all edges and all parts must show live and green cambium tissue when cut. 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.2. .1 Topsoil: a fertile, friable, natural loam; mechanically screened, containing not less than 4% organic matter for clay 10ams and not less than 2% organic matter for sandy loams to a maximum of 15% and capable of sustaining vigorous plant growth, free of subsoil contamination, roots and stones over 25mm diameter, reasonably free of weeds (as determined by the Consultant) and having a pH ranging from 6.0 to 7.5. 1 '1 1 1 1 1 1 .5 .6 .7 1 .8 .6 All material must conform to the sizes shown on the plant list, except that larger material may be used when approved by the Consultant. Use oflarger plants will not increase the contract price. .7 Plant material sizes must conform to the following standards: a. caliper - diameter of the trunk measured 150 mm above the normal grade around the plant. b. height - measured from the normal grade around the plant to the top of the main foliage mass. c. spread - the diameter of the main foliage mass, at its widest point. Other Material .2 Peat moss: partially decomposed fibrous form of cellular stems and leaves of sphagnum moss, free of woody substance and harmful mineral matter, having a pH range of 4.5 to 6.0 and furnished in air dry state packed in standard bags of bales showing the name of the manufacturer. .3 Tree Wrap: 225 g burlap supplied in strips 150 mmminimum to 250 mm maximum width or heavy, waterproof crepe paper 100 mm to 150 mm wide. .4 Anchor stakes: metal 'T' bars 51 x 51 x 5mm - 2500mm long. Timber: 50x5Omm - 2500mm long Wire: #10 galvanized wire for trees 75mm caliper or larger and #11 gauge galvanized wire for smaller trees. Hose: two ply, reinforced, 13mm diameter, new, black rubber garden hose. Mulch: as specified on details. 1 .9 Rodent Guards :60Omm whips, 900mm for feathered and all larger trees. .10 1 Fertilizer Tablets: as per details. 1 Page 5 HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. SECTION 02823 - PLANTING I 2.3. Mixes I .1 I Provide standard planting soil mix as follows: 6 parts dark loam topsoil, to 2 parts well rotted cow manure and I part peabnOss. (Mix thoroughly and provide sample prior to planting. ) .2 I Add bone meal at the rate of .58 kg per cubic metre and mix thoroughly for each tree or planting bed. .3 I Be prepared to adjust the above rate in response to the soil analysis report. 2.4 Planter Soil Mixes .1 Provide soil mix equal as per drawings, or approved. I I 3.1. PART III - EXECUTION Preparation I .1 Obtain the approval of the Consultant of all planting excavations .2 I Apply topsoil to a depth of 450 mm for shrub and ground cover beds. 3.2. Installation of Plant Material .6 .7 .1 I Planting shall be done during periods suitable with respect to weather conditions and locally accepted practice and to the Consultant's approval. .2 I Ensure width of all planting excavations is 3 times the diameter of the rootball. 3 Place plant plumb in the centre of the planting pit with a minimum of 150mm of compacted planting soil mixture under the rootball. Face the plant to give the best appearance or relationship to adjacent structures. Cut away any ropes which might girdle the tree. Remove all rope, wire, and burlap from top of the rootball. I .4 I Place bare root plants so that the roots lie in a natural position. .5 Backfill with planting soil in 150mm layers and firmly tamp each layer to ensure the plant remains plumb. Ensure no air pockets remain around the roots. I I Water thoroughly when hole is 1/2 full of tamped soil mixture and again when the operation is complete. Except for plants in planting beds, construct an earth saucer around each plant equal to the diameter of the rootball and JOOmm minimum depth to retain water around the roots. I I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 6 I I SECTION 02823 - PLANTING I I 3.3. Installation of Plantinl! Accessories I .1 Wrap all trees over 50mrn caliper. Apply wrapping in a spiral manner from grade to above the second branch. Secure wrapping with suitable cord. .2 Stake or guy all trees as outlined in the drawings and detail. I 3.4. Pruninl! I .1 Prune plants after planting to compensate for root loss and in such a manner that the natural shape and character are retained. Do not cut a leader. Use only clean and sharp tools, conforming to proper honicultural practice. I 3.5. Mulchinl! .1 Where a mulch is called for, place a minimum 100mrn depth of shredded bark mulch over the planting area. Use only specified mulch. No other type of mulch is acceptable unless approved in writing by the Consultant. I .2 Cut and spread a 900 x 900 mrn piece of approved landscape cloth around the base of each tree and sluub before mulch is spread. I 3.6. Clean-uD I .1 At the completion of planting operations, remove all surplus material from the site at no extra cost. I .2 Make good all damage resulting from planting operations at no extra cost. .3 Maintain all areas neat and tidy at all times until final acceptance. I I End of Section I I I I I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 7 SECTION 02830 -CHAIN LINK FENCE I I PART 1 - GENERAL I 1.1 General Instructions .1 Comply with requirements of Division I. I 1.2 Related Work Section 02200 - Earthworks Section 03300 - Concrete I 13 Rel':ulatorv Requirements I .1 Do work of this Section in accordance with Detail D3 - I "Chain Link Fence" except where requirements specified herein are more stringent, follow specified requirements I 1.4 Reference Standards .1 Install chain link fence in accordance with CAN2-138, 3M980 unless otherwise specified. I PART 2 - PRODUCTS I 2.1 Materials I .1 Concrete: 1. Meet requirements of Section 03300. I 2. Concrete mix designed to produce 20 MFa minimum compressive strength at 28 days and containing 20 nun maximum size, 5 mrn minimum size coarse aggregate, with water cement ratio to CAN3 -A23.I-M77 Table 7 for Class A exposure and 60 mm slump at time and point of deposit. Air entrainment to CAD3 -A23.I-M77 Table 8. I .2 Chain link fence fabric: to CAN2-138.I-M80., 50 mm mesh, II gauge diameter steel wire, overall 9 gauge. I .3 Posts and rails: ASTM AI20 Standard butt-weld schedule 40 pipe: I .1 Line posts: 60 m diameter, 4.55 kglm I .2 Terminal and comer poses: 90 m diameter, 11.28 kg/m .3 Top rail and braces: 43 mm diameter, 3.38 kg/m I .4 Bottom rail: 43 mm 0 outside diameter .5 Tie wire fasteners: single strand, aluminum coated or galvanized steel wire, 5 nun diameter. I I HEl'I'RY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. 1 I I SECTION 02830 -CHAIN LINK FENCE I Tension bar: 5 x 20 mrn minimum galvanized steel. I I I I I 2.2 Finishes .6 .7 Tension bar bands: 3 x 20 mrn minimum galvanized steel or 5 x 20 mrn minimum aluminum. .8 Fittings and hardware: cast aluminum alloy or galvanized steel. Post caps to provide waterproof fit, to fasten securely over posts and to carry top rail. Turnbuckles to the drop forged. .9 Zinc pigmented paint: to CGSB I-GP-I78 Ma. .10 Gates: 43 mrn a.D. pipe framework, electrically welded at all joints and hot dip galvanized after welding. Square corners, height full 3050 mrn. Complete with galvanized malleable iron hinges, latch catch. Latch catch so designed that padlock can be attached and operated form either side of gate. Install gateposts. I 1. .1 Galvanizing: I 2. 3. I PART III - EXECUTION I 3.1 Electrostatically paint all components to match fabric color. Pipe: 600 g/m2 minimum to ASTM A90. Fittings: to CSA GI64-MI981. I .J Preoaration and Examination Investigate location of underground services in area offence to avoid interference and damage. Notify Consultant prior to start of installation in case of conflict. I .2 Remove debris and correct ground undulations along fence line to obtain smooth uniform gradient between posts. 3.2 Erection of Fence I I .1 Erect fence along lines indicated, plumb, level, free of kinks and buckles and with posts accurately aligned. .2 Excavate post holes minimum 250 mrn diameter and 1.2 m. deep for corner and end posts by methods approved by Consultant. Bulb bottom of holes for corner, end and gateposts and for intermediate posts at every [60] m along fence line. I I .3 Space line posts 3m apart, measured parallel to ground surface. .4 Space straining posts at equal intervals not exceeding 150m. If distance is greater than 150m between end or corner posts on straight continuous lengths of fence over reasonably smooth grade. I .5 Install additional straining posts at sharp changes in grade and where directed. I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. 2 SECTION 02830 -CHAIN LINK FENCE I .6 I 3.4 Touch up Install corner post where change in alignment exceeds 100. .7 Install end posts at end of fence. I .1 .8 Place concrete in postholes than embed posts into concrete to minimum I m. depth. Extend concrete 50mm above ground level and slope to drain away from posts. Form top 105 mm of post foundation; rub smooth and round edges of exposed concrete. Brace to hold posts in plumb position and true to alignment and elevation until concrete has set. I .9 Do not install fence fabric until concrete has cured a minimum of 5 days. I .10 Install horizontal brace between posts and nearest line post, placed in centre of panel. Install braces on both sides of comer and straining posts in similar manner. I .11 Install top rail between posts and fasten securely to terminal posts and secure waterproof caps and overhang tops. I .12 Layout fence fabric. Stretch tightly to tension recommended by manufacturer and fasten to end, corner, gate and straining posts with tension bar secured to post with tension bar bands space at 300mm intervals. Knuckled selvage at bottom. Twisted selvage at top I .13 Secure fabric to top rails, line posts and bottom tension wire with tie wires at 450mm intervals. Give tie wires minimum two twists. I .14 Restore grading, disturbed by fencing installation, to original condition. I Repair damaged galvanized surfaces. Clean damaged surfaces with wire brush removing loose and cracked coatings. Apply two coats of approved zinc pigmented paint to damaged areas. I I End of Section I I I I I I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. 3 I I SECTION 02878 - SITE FURNISHINGS PART I - GENERAL I 1.1. I I I 1.2. I DescriDtion .1 This section specifies the supply and installation of all site furnishings including benches, waste receptacles, and all other site furnishings. .2 Comply with all requirements for the General Conditions. .3 Related work elsewhere: Section 02614 - Concrete Ouality Assurance .] All installation of site furnishings will be carried out by experienced personnel under the direction of a skilled foreman and in strict accordance with all drawings, and manufacturer's specification. 1.3. Submittals I .1 The contractor will make available a sample of all site furnishings for approval by the Owner or Consultant. I ] .4. I I I 1.5. .1 The contractor shall report to the Consultant, in writing, of any conditions or defects encountered on the site during or before construction, upon which the work of this section depends and which may adversely affect its performance. I I I .3 I I I I Product Deliyerv, Stora!!:e & Handlin!!: .1 Protect all materials from harmful exposure during transportation to the site. .2 Upon delivery, store all materials off the ground and protect from adverse conditions to prevent deterioration, damage, or impairment of structural or other essential properties. .3 All damaged or deteriorated materials will be rejected and must be removed from the site immediately. Site Examination .2 Do not commence work until such conditions or defects have been investigated and corrected. Where required, layout all structures on the site and give timely notice to the Consultant to allow for inspections before commencing work. Page] HEl"RY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. HEl"RY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02878 - SITE FURNISHINGS PART II - PRODUCTS 2.1. Materials . I All furnishings are to be as specified on drawings. PART III - INSTALLATION . I All site furnishings to be installed as per the manufacturer's specifications and details. .2 Layout as per drawings and subject to the approval of the Owner or Consultant. End of Section I SECTION 02879 - PLAY EQUIPMENT I PART I-GENERAL I 1.0. SeoDe of Work .1 The contractor is to order all playground equipment from the manufacturer, and should coordinate with the supplier for the installation. I Play structures are to be supplied and installed by: I Henderson Recreation Equipment Limited P. O. Box 10 Norwich, On NOJ I PO 1-800-265-5462 I I Equipment to be installed is as per manufacturer's specifications. Equivalent sources for playground equipment (approved by Consultant and Municipality): I Belair Recreational Products Inc. 21 Scott Avenue P.O. Box 244 Paris, Ontario N3L 3G2 1-800-387-6318 I I ABC Recreation Ltd. P.O. Box 21009 Paris, Ontario N3L 3KO 1-800-267-5753 I PART II - PRODUCTS I 2.0. Materials .J Sand within playground enclosures will be clean washed pebble textured with rounded panicles passing through the following sieve gradations: I I I Mesh % Pas sine: 4.75 rom 90 - 100 2.36 rom 72 - 100 1.16 rom 50 - 90 0.60 rom 32 - 70 0.30 rom 14 - 40 0.15 rom 5 - 15 0.D75 rom 0- 5 I Sand may also be described as "Manufactured" sand, " Asphalt" sand, or "Washed" sand. I .2 Submit sample to the Consultant for approval prior to placement. I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES I'lL Page] SECTION 02879 - PLAY EQUIPMENT I I 3.0. PART III - EXECUTION Installation I .1 It is the responsibility of the general contractor to call the playground manufacturers and to arrange for a suitable installation time to coordinate with progress on the site works. The general contractor is to ensure that the installers have all the necessary information on layout and these specifications. I .2 Installation of all play equipment shall be made in accordance with Manufacturer's specifications. Do not install swing chains and the like until play structures are substantially complete, inspection by Municipality has been made and its use has been authorized. I .3 All structures to be set plumb and true to line and grade to be at an appropriate grade in relation to surface of sand, and top-of-curb elevation. I I .4 All main load bearing posts shall be set in 350 mm diameter X 1200 mm deep poured concrete foundations in sonotube or as otherwise recommended by Manufacturer. I .5 Ensure that play structures are installed with minimum setbacks from curb edgings as shown on drawings, or as per manufacturer's specifications, or as follows: I 2.0 m for any stationary element for junior structure 3.0 m for any stationary element for senior structure 4.5 m for centre line of swings I and to conform to the CSA-Z614-M90 "Guideline on Children's Playscapes and Equipment. " I .6 Cost of play equipment is to allow for installation into sand depth as specified. Provide minimum base of sand 450 mm depth in entire retained play area. Sand to be a well washed pebble type sand (see specification). Provide a sample to be approved by Municipality prior to placement. Sand to be raked evenly throughout and left ISO mm below futished top of curb elevation. I .7 I Specified play structures are to have post construction of steel and assembly by brackets. All metal components including the brackets are to be painted by polyester powder finish process. I I .8 Receive approval for installation of sub-drains and compacted sub-grade prior to placement of sand. .9 Coordinate timing for installation of sand so as not to conflict or hinder the installation of footing for play equipment. If sand is placed prior to play equipment, Contractor will provide an accurate stakeout of existing sub-drains, and will repair any damage to same if punctured, at no additional cost to the Municipality. I I End of Section I Page 2 I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. 1 1 SECTION 03150 - 'Art FORMS' CAST-IN-PLACE ARCHITECTURAL CONCRETE COLUMNS, BASES & FENCE POSTS PART I - GENERAL 1 J.I .1 The Owner's form of Contract and General Conditions shall form part oflhis Section. 1 1.2 Related Work 1 1 1.3 Refer to Section 03300 Cast-in-Place Concrete. 1 General Conditions Section 01614 - Site Lighting Section 02220 - Earthwork Section 02612 - Asphalt Paving Section 02614 - Concrete Reference Standards .1 1 PART II - PRODUCTS 2.1 Architectnral Concrete Columns. Bases and Fence Posts 1 '1 1 1 .1 Columns for pavilion and information kiosk, and base for lighting poles to be cast-in- place architectural concrete units to be formed with custom 'ArtFORMS' breakaway construction forms by ArtFORMS INTERNATIONAL INC., Stouffville, Ontario. Telephone: (905) 642-3225. .2 Self-locking, aluminum ArtFORMS Colour Accent Bands to be installed in horizontal recesses around girth of fInished ArtFORMS columns and lighting bases. Colour: # 3J Reflective Red. PART III - EXECUTION 3.1 Installation 1 .J Install custom ArtFORMS columns, bases, and fence posts in locations, sizes, depths and profIles as indicated in drawings, to manufacturer's specifIcations. 1 1 1 1 1 1 .2 Reinforce bases with vertical steel reinforcing rods and horizontal steel reinforcing ties as noted on detail drawings and manufacturer specifIcations. .3 Cast and cure based in accordance with requirements of Section 03300 Cast-in-Place Concrete and as noted on detail drawings. .4 Coordinate installation of conduit, anchor bolts and base plates for lighting poles. .5 Install self-locking aluminum ArtFORMS Colour Accent Bands in horizontal recesses around girth of finished ArtFORMS columns, bases and fence posts as noted on detail drawings. End of Section Page I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. SECTION 07600 - PREFINISHED SHEET METAL ROOFING I I PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1. Related Work I .1 Section 02750 - Timber and Woodwork Section 02614 - Concrete I 1.2. Samole, 1.3. 1.4. .1 I Submit duplicate 300 x 300 mm samples of each sheet metal material. Shoo Drawin!!, I .1 Submit shop drawings. .2 Indicate arrangements of sheets and joints, types and locations of fasteners and special shapes and relationship of panels to structural frame. I Guarantee I .1 The roofmg contractor shall furnish to the Landscape Architect a 30 year guarantee covering all materials, any damage, defects or leaks that occur due to faulty materials during this period shall be made good at no cost to the Owner. I .2 The roofing contractor in addition to para 1.4.1, shall furnish to the Landscape Architect a two (2) year guarantee to cover the installation of the roofmg system. AIly defects/leaks which occur due to faulty installation during this period of the guarantee, shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Landscape Architect at "NO COST TO THE OWNER". I 2.1. PART II - PRODUCTS I Prefini,hed Sheet Metal I .2 .1 "KA TECH" Roofing Panel: as manufactured by Steel Tile Co. Hwy 400 Industrial Park R.R.# 1 Thornton, Ontario LOL 2NO Telephone: (705) 436-1723 I I I .1 Corrugated, prefmished steel roofmg panels, 1048 mm net width, precut to required lengths applicable to building specified. .2 Fabricated panels to be finished with factory applied prepainted coatings in either 10,000 Series of Barrier Coat Series. Colour to be Gulf Green. Supply sample for approval by Landscape Architect. I .3 No substitution - "KA TECH" is a registered trade mark product. Galvanized steel sheet 0.5 mm thickness commercial quality to ASTM A526-80, with 2275 designation zinc coating. I Page 1 I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES me. I I SECTION 07600 - PRE FINISHED SHEET METAL ROOFING 2.2. Accessories I I I I I I I .1 Air barrier as called for by roofing manufacturer: Tyvek sheet, as manufactured by Dupont Canada Inc. .2 Fasteners: "Ideal" screws #8, 51 mm in length, c/w neoprene washers. .3 Sealant: one component silicone base chemical suring, type I sealing compound to CMB 07900 - 05. .4 Roofing seals: valley, ridge flashing RH and LH hip seals by "Korrucel" as provided by Steel Tile Co. Roofing System. .5 Backer Rod: Neoprene or butyl rubber round solid red, shore A, hardness 70. .6 Flashings: All flashings to be provided by Steel Tile Co. Metal Roofing Systems to include the following: eave trim, gable trim, underfIashing, valley flashings, ridge flashing, chimney flashing and cricket, vent pipe flashings "Delerites", as called for to ensure a complete roofing system. PART III - EXECUTION 3.1. Installation I .1 Install Tyvek air infiltration barrier to top chord of roof truss with 6 mm staples at 600 mmo.c. I I I I I I I I I .2 Install 19 x 89 mrn wood strapping 406 mm o.c. starting flush with fascia board. .3 Install second last 19 x 89 mm strapping 5] mm from ridge of roof. Install a final] 9 x 89 mm strapping adjacent to previous one. End of Section Page 2 HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. SECTION 09900 - PAINTING I PART I - GENERAL I 1.1 General Instructions I .1 This section specifies painting of all wood surfaces. I PART II - PRODUCTS 2.] Acceptable Manufacturers I .1 Unless otherwise specified, materials shall be manufactured and supplied by one of the following: I I 1. Benjamin-Moore & Co. Ltd. 2. Glidden Co. Ltd. 3. Idea] Company 4. Monarch Paints Inc. 5. Pratt & Lambert Inc. 6. The Sherwin-Williams Co. Ltd. I 2.2 List of Materials and Samples I .1 List of materials shall be endorsed by manufacturer as being the best material for the applicable condition. .2 Do not order material or commence work until list of materials is approved by Consultant. I .3 Submit 2 - 100 x 200 mm colour chips of each paint colour coated with manufacturer's paint system to confirm colour match. I 2.3 Product Handlin!! I .] Deliver paint materials to site in sealed original containers bearing manufacturer's name, brand name, type of paint and colour designation. .2 Store materials in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendation. I 2.4 Materials .1 Materials shall be "top line quality" polyurethane based product and shall be supplied by a single manufacturer except for specialty products not available from paint manufacturer. I I .2 Paints shall be factory mixed unless otherwise specified except any coating in paste or powder form, or to be field-catalyzed shall be field mixed in accordance with manufacturer's directions. I .3 Primers shall be as specified by manufacturer and fully compatible with fmish coats. I I HENRY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page I I I I SECTION 09900 - PAll'iTING I PART III - EXECUTION 3.1 Preparation of Substrates ~ I I 3.2 I I I I I I 3.3 I I - I ~ I I I I .1 Fill minor cracks, holes and fissures with polyfills and smooth to a flush surface. Texture filled areas to match surrounding surface. .2 Alkalinity: test cementitious substrates for alkalinity. Use method recommended by coating manufacturer. .3 Concrete wall to be washed with etching compound as recommended by supplier. Ouality Control .1 Do not apply exrerior coatings during periods of precipitation nor when precipitation is imminent. .2 Do not apply coatings under direct sunlight during hot weather. .3 Protect adjacent surfaces not scheduled to receive coatings from damage. .4 Post "wet coating" signs and "no smoking" signs while work is in progress and while coatings are curing. .5 Keep oily rags, wastes and other combustible materials in closed metal containers and remove at the end of each workday. Take every precaution to avoid spontaneous combustion. .6 Unless otherwise permitted, apply coatings only after all other Sections have completed their work. Coatin!! Application .1 Apply paint by brush, roller or sponge as detailed. .2 Spray painting may be permitted where deemed advantageous and shall be subject to approval; but when permitted, use only airless spray guns. .3 Applied and cured coatings shall be uniform in thickness, sheen, colour and texture and free of brush or roller marks, sags, crawls and other defects detrimental to appearance and performance. .4 Regardless of the number of coats specified for any surface, apply sufficient paint to completely cover and hide substrate and to produce a solid uniform appearance. .5 Thoroughly mix materials before application. Use same brand of paint for primer, intermediate and finish coats. .6 Where two or more coats of same paint are to be applied, undercoats shall be tinted in light shades of fmal coat to differentiate from fmal coat. .7 Touch up suction spots after application of first coat. Sand lightly between coats with fine sandpaper. HEJ','RY KORTEKAAS & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 2 . "'. " OIl .. "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ~. . "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" . . "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" . "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" . ... u . - 0 ;. z: - '" . 1 , "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ~ -<: (/J 5 " . -<: ~ 0. :><: 5 - " Cl -' z: "" "" ""I"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" . ... ~ ~ 5 5 5 -<: 5 5 5 .c 5 5 " ~ u u u ~ ~ u U ;:; '" '" .. ci- ci- .s u " " " ~ ~ . '" '" '" 0 '" '" 0 M "! ..,. M M N ..,. ..,. '" N '" .,; ..,. M . '" t- U z: - ~ .;; ;J ;J (/J ~ ~ " Oll 5 lol " 0. " 'U ;;; " . .!l ~ 0. .;; .~ ;J :.;;! u .s l- e " ~ ." 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