HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-04-16 Minutes To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and programmes that inspires future generations and enlivens our community BOARD MEETING April 16, 2016 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present: B. Seto M. Adams (ED) W. Woo M. Morawetz K. Warren S. Middleton T. Thompson Regrets: J. Sturdy O. Casimiro S. Elhajjeh S. Cooke 1. Call to Order: B. Seto called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: T. Thompson Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the agenda be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED 3. Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed. 4. Correspondence: No correspondence was brought forward. 5. Announcements: M. Morawetz provided information about an upcoming church supper in Solina and offered to get tickets for those interested. The Ham & Salad supper is a tradition that many look forward to enjoying annually and to be held this year st on May 1. M. Morawetz reminded board members that they are invited to the Official Opening ceremony of the Ehrenwort Trail hosted by the Jury Lands Foundation taking place on the Camp 30/Boys Training School property at 2020 Lambs th Road, Bowmanville; planned for 5:30 p.m. on Wed. May 11 (rain date May th 12). All welcome; fundraising BBQ; ribbon cutting 6 p.m. B. Seto requested that a card of sympathy be sent to J. Sturdy from the board members. K. Warren suggested that it would be appropriate for board members collectively to make a personal donation to the Canadian Cancer Society in memory of his daughter. Consensus. 6. Approval of Minutes: Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Board meeting of March 9, 2016 minutes be approved as submitted noting that “S. Miller” should have read “S. Middleton” on both the Approval of the Minutes and the Properties Report. MOTION CARRIED 7. Business Arising from Minutes: W.Woo reported that Regional Councillor J. Neal, formerly a member of the museum board, requested that council send a letter of thanks to Susan Laing for her years of service to the community as a member of the Museum Board representing the Friends of the Museum recently disbanded as noted in the March 9, 2016 minutes. 8. Executive Director’s Report: M. Adams, Executive Director, reported that as the second Transition year proceeds, there are many good things happening at the museums. This year one primary focus is on Fundraising, Sponsorship and Marketing, plus fine-tuning updates to the Multi-Year Exhibit and Social Media plans, which are a requirement for the annual Community Museum Operating Grant. Three exhibits are available to enjoy at this time and visitor numbers are increasing as a result. The Night at the Museum initiative has been very successful starting with the Robbie Burns event earlier this winter, followed by the Avro Arrow events now selling tickets for a third evening. Programs, outreach projects and facility rentals are all being increased to engage the public and increase numbers. Museum structure and policy review is underway. M. Adams met with Municipal Council A. Allison to review bylaws and policies. Some of the bylaws &/or issues in particular that have been highlighted include clarification of responsibilities of the municipality and of the museum as tenant for the three facilities, review of sections referring to services such as the Gift Shop, and review of wording which sounds restrictive and not in the spirit of the intent of the By Laws. The Municipal Alcohol Risk Management Policy is being developed and training is underway. Museum staff are already meeting the standards outlined including Smart Serve training. Partnerships within the community are being developed including the Sports & Leisure Show, Beach Street Theatre, Rotary Ribs & Brews (Racing Theme Exhibit), collaborations with Community Services on the Canada 150 Grant and displays in Rec Centres. M. Adams will attend along with S. Middleton, chair th of the Facilities Committee, the Sat. May 28 Hall Boards meeting put on by Mun. Operations Department. A grant application was submitted to Veteran’s Affairs to enable continuing the temporary Clarington Remembers war exhibit in a new exhibit space. A permanent War theme will be developed through revolving displays/themes with increased programming and signage to interpret, promote and develop it. Recognition was given for generous donations received from St. Marys, OPG and Hydro One, as well as the Municipal Grant approved at $282K which is a 2% increase over last year. The Young Canada Works Grant has approved 2 students for the museum this summer. The board discussed the Rickard/Farr estate donation and it was agreed that the generous unconditional donation provide the museum with the capacity, in year one of its restructuring, to purchase and budget for further purchases of the following, but not limited to: exhibit cabinets, renewed and new signage, artefact climate control measures as they relate to conservation and highway/street directional signage. Regarding staffing updates, hiring of a new Bookkeeper is underway with interviews being conducted. New volunteers continue to signup and a spring recognition event will be planned as has been done in the past. As this is National Volunteer Week, acknowledgements have been posted on Facebook and appreciation letters will be sent out. The 8 week Administration Intern will finish April 15th, a university student intern will start April 18th, and museum staff have recently enjoyed working with a Seneca College student team researching the archives on Camp 30 & Boys Training School. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: T. Thompson THAT: the Executive Director’s report be accepted as submitted. MOTION CARRIED B. Seto initiated discussion leading to board request that the anticipated Travel and Expense Policy be presented before the end of the second quarter. M. Adams stated that he reviewed the master policy manual with Mun. Council A. Allison, who now has a copy of it, and will propose revisions. Many administrative policies developed in January 2015 mimic those of the municipality. Consensus. 9. Committee Reports: a) Finance Report – K. Warren presented in O. Casimiro’s absence, reviewing the 2015 Actuals received just prior to the March board meeting. Discussion followed on some details including 2015 budgeted amounts for grants & programs that in the end were not offered. M. Adams noted that the Reserve Account balance is $118,203 and will be included in the next report. Moved by: T. Thompson Seconded by: W. Woo THAT: the Financial report be accepted as presented. MOTION CARRIED b) Collections Report – T. Thompson reported that no meeting had been held since the March board meeting but requested Curator, H. Ridge, prepare a report which was circulated. It was noted that M. Adams held a review with H. Ridge after 90 days in the position and is satisfied with work and progress in this new role. Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Curator’s Report be accepted as submitted. MOTION CARRIED c) Membership Report – defer to the Executive Director’s report regarding memberships and sponsorship progress noting that the renewal process is ongoing and membership is increasing. d) Facilities Report – S. Middleton and M. Adams will attend an upcoming municipal meeting hosted by Operations. M. Adams has completed Smart Serve and museum staff members are fully trained as well to meet requirements for alcohol service at museum events. No other report at this time. e) Municipal Heritage Committee Report – K. Warren, board representative on this committee, reported that an unscheduled meeting had been called out of which a recommendation for designation of 6 of the Camp 30 buildings now on the Municipal Register will be made to Council. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: T. Thompson THAT: the verbal reports of the Membership, Facilities and Heritage Committees be accepted as presented and discussed. MOTION CARRIED 10. New Business: S. Middleton offered congratulations to M. Adams and the museum staff for the exceptional work and ultimate success of the Avro Arrow Night at the Museum th events. The third event is now planned for Friday, April 29. 11. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting The next meeting will be held Wednesday May 11th, 2016at 7 p.m. Location: Clarke Museum site. It was noted that Council representatives to the Museum Board and M. Morawetz, Secretary, may be late as a result of attending the Official Opening event of the public trail at the Camp 30 / Boys Training school, 2020 Lambs Road property. 12. Adjournment: K. Warren moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:49 p.m. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on ____________________________________ _____________________________________ _______________________________________ Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives