HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLD-032-05 Report 1/5 CJN!l!gloo REPORT CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Meeting: COUNCIL Date: September 12, 2005 Report #: CLD-032-05 File #: By-law #: Subject: ORDER TO RESTRAIN - HARDING RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1. THAT Report CLD-032-05 be received; 2. THAT the Order to Restrain served on Steve Harding and Christine Harding be upheld; and 3. THAT Steve Harding, Christine Harding, Kim Laird and Geoff Laird be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Reviewed by: )~-~ franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer CAG' CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506 REPORT NO: CLD-032-05 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND The Animal Services Division was advised of an incident of a dog attack which occurred at approximately 7:00 p.m. on July 30, 2005. Kim and Geoff Laird report that they were camping at the Darlington Provincial Park and had gathered around a fire pit. Also in attendance at the fire pit were Steve and Christine Harding, the owners of the dog and another family (friends in common with the Lairds and the Hardings). There were seven children under the age of 6 reported to be in attendance at the fire pit. The dog was reportedly placed on a 6-8 foot nylon leash that was attached to a folding lawn chair. The dog was sleeping on the ground when Meghan Laird (six years old) approached the dog without warning, went down onto her knees and attempted to pet the dog on the back of its neck. The Lairds further report that the dog suddenly, without warning, attacked Meghan's face with severe bites. The dog did not give a warning growl, bark or nip, nor did it attack Meghan's outstretched hand or arm. Meghan attended the Bowmanville Hospital and received medical attention. Meghan sustained four punctures on her nose, three lacerations to the upper lip, one of which received three soluble stitches inside and five stitches outside. Documentation provided by Mr. and Mrs. Laird is included with this report as Attachment NO.1. Mr. and Mrs. Harding have submitted a statement respecting the incident and report that the dog was leashed and was lying on the ground (roughly three feet away from the owner) for approximately 20 minutes prior to the incident. Mr. Harding further reports that the dog did give a light bark. In addition to their account of the incident, Mr. and Mrs. Harding have filed statements from other witnesses. All documentation provided by Mr. and Mrs. Harding is included as Attachment NO.2. The Park Complaint and Occurrence Report completed by the Park Wardens is included as Attachment NO.3. REPORT NO.: CLD-032-05 PAGE 3 M. Bacon, Animal Services Officer, conducted an investigation of the incident. Mr. and Mrs. Harding were served with an Order to Restrain on August 16, 2005. Mr. Harding has filed an appeal of that order. His letter requesting the appeal is attached hereto as Attachment NO.4. The Order to Restrain requires Mr. and Mrs. Harding to: 1. licence and register the dog with the Clarington Animal Shelter and have the dog permanently identified by microchip implantation; 2. notify the Animal Shelter staff immediately upon relocating the dog or upon transferring ownership of the dog; 3. restrain the dog at all times, while the dog is on its own property, by keeping it enclosed in a pen or other enclosure in such a manner as to prevent the dog from leaving the property and to prevent contact with people and other animals; and 4. restrain the dog at all times, while the dog is off their own property, with the use of a muzzle and a leash no longer than 6 feet and under the care and control of a person who is 16 years of age or older. Mr. & Mrs. Harding and Mr. & Mrs. Laird will address Council on September 12, 2005 to address this issue. Interested party to be advised of Council's decision: Mr. & Mrs. S. Harding Mr. & Mrs. J. Laird I .. tlIts'X:I"' "GTON CLERKS DEPT. FAX NO. ;905-839-4510 ~OOl R~g. 10 20~5 01:5SPM P1 FROM ;'HRSON CONT' G Attachment No. 1 to Report CLD-032-0S FAX COMMUNICATION To: Municipality of ClaringtoD Animal Shelter Attn: Officer #8 Fax: 90S-623-6380 From: Kim Laird Re; Dog Attack! Bite Report Total Pages: 7 Plclllle find attllChcd tIKI rcquel\~ form with attaclunents, Plea.~ do Mt hll~itate to contact me fnr any tUrther intbnnation or questions. Roth ('lOOtf Ilnd T WlITtJ ()R'erecl from the OPP to press charies at the H~spita1 on the nillht of the incident. At the time we only wanted to COD~ntrate on our wlghter. The opp . officer at the H05pitlll said it was somclhing we did not bave to do fig'ilt away. Aft<< rcviewiDIl the details oithe situation, YOU1' MllDicipalicy's By-laws. fWd speaking with a few indiyidUl\ls, we wuuld like to request you follow through with chlLrses to the owners of the said dog involved in this iJl(;ident. As per my intelpretAtion of :~on 4.3 the Municipality'1I Ry-Law, the doa wa.~ not under control. "Ever)' owne;~ oCa dog or person havina conl1Ol of a dog sball control surb dog on a leash when ttm do& i~ Il_Y from its household." It WIfll the owner and away lTom it~ household, it was on a long leash tied to 11 fo1dina lawn chait, but in no way did they have control of the dog 11 it was able to attack a child's fllQll. Today you explained there is no c:hIrgc for that ~1iQn, only ~Dog at Llrac". I understand you would like to consult with your Pro_Ulor on this matter first and would request that you keep me up to date on the results of :Iour cun~uJtati(lnll, You also explained after your investigation is completed an order to nstrain may be issued by your department. We would request that tbis be ordered as soon all J'Ossiblc for the safety of other individuals, eSpcl(,1iaUy children that will be expo~d to this 00&. We will be away from our home between Sunday, August 14 to Sunday August 21. Please do leave a message 011 our home phone (905- ) with any new information and lf~uired one of us will try to retUrn your..wl ASAP to assist with your investigation. l1unk you tar your time and a8~i!ltance 011 this matter. o/~ ~W "O,!Ij/.U()~ 1-1;.. r.u U1I5 ~~J ij5U~ CLARINGTON CLERl(S DEPT. I€J002 FROM :HASON QDNT'G F~X NO. :905-839-4610 ~g. 10 2005 01:55PM P2 oe/'~/2OI5 la;59 ~2~'~318 0..<<._ _lea> P_ 81 .1 -. I j ., lTACHMENT #1 MUNICIPAUrY OF CLAR1NGTON DOG ATTACK/BI'l'B REPOR.T rillS FORM IS TO .all CONl'Ll!Tl3D 8'1' OR ON BIlKAU' 01': .' . l) " PERSON WHO If AS BElIN A Tt'AClalD 01\ lllT11IIt 1'1' A DClMUIlC DOG . . 2) 11fJ! OW\'l1ill OF A DOaICATW1flCH I:l~ III8N Arr4CXJll) 0ll1JlT\1lN1Y A DOMB5TlCDOO. /............., -K 1"4 . (.,snFf I f\ I~ _ r vaUlt ADORE5S: . _~lr.i(t:.r,~ii"'1{.71 ,.~ T1tU;PHOHl': , ROME! .905'- _ BlJSIl'oIaSI /d:B' .2;;/ I.J - ~ 3$:3 .PRO'VIDE DZ1'AILS.uovTTili:nasON. DOG.GReAT AtTACIQIDIBlT:l1i'oN.' . NAMil 1-1\ ~ G \-\ f\~ ~ .LAII2JL AGE; ; , I i , I , ~*1I..rA.tll.(1 ~:\..L1 ~o f ~l(y)::- -I TIME OF ATTACK/8I'fl: ~'l L9 ; 00 . . I ...... """'''''''... .n..,."..., 1ft r ~n,o"c.. LJl,.... ' AODQSS: _ v , j:>ILI('~II..I{~ r . NU . ~ . rr DATE OF A'ITACK/8m: .rUlASE DBSC 8R.EW,CO :iEX III ...Gat - JUBB I)i;fMLS ..oW nD AlTACXlNG DOG LOUR II MAlUW'lGS, IF 1t1fY: ~~~ ~. ~~b- , IF KNOWN. OG OWNltR: ~ i). N~~'~t~~~ F DOG OWNli:Rl I'.e~ ..~..... ..\( fa -,~ - - KNOWN TO YOV: YJ'SCl NO! OWNEJI.f!.' '11m ~lJ ICNOWl'! TO YOV'I M"'~~'i~i~ r-A (, 0 " a..... d . -;:. (~t ;"Mt' HAD I'Il2VIOl,lS PROBLEMS WITH nus DOO7 'BIle NOll'l It DESai>>&;; -.'''" . 'VIOIJ5 INCIDIINTS MrQIlTSP 'to ~'UTflOJUTJKi, vGSO NO!ili' CONTINUIlD.... NAMI!; OF 0 I\DDJU:S15 0 IS THJt DOG HOW IS THE 1=1--\# -- H4Y& YOU IF SO, PLJ;AS -WEnr.T~ FRml : hASON CONT' G FAX NO, :905-839-4610 Aug, 10 2005 01:40PM P3 VKS~ VIS l{" VESIiI" _Br"\l~ Q ?a{~rrI,,^ .- MS' , '::jO UClfll,l,Jo' 4,UiU:"; .....""~ . , DOG A1'TACXlIIn'B RBI'ORT .z. "LUASE DltSCRJUIi: DETMLS ABOUT TilE CtJ1lRENT INCIDENT. -. IJI;;SCRIOITlIlt NATUMIt OF nlE JNJUIW!S, IF /\NY: J)JI) YOU SIltEK MElJICAI.'I'JlEATMENT'I 'tl\ F"r'+~ vas U"" NO U It SO. NAME or oocrOR L:rn..'j~D-<. IlosrrrWCLlNJC \S..... LIn'" .ilt.. 14rxpdZl..\ J)m YOUR DOG/CAT lutQVlRE VE'J1I:RINARI/\N TREATMENT7 va Q NO lJ II" SO. PLEASE ATTACII A COt'Y 01' VaTlluNARI^", INVOIC8. IlID YOU TAkE ANV l'ftOTOORAPI/87 va ""ATrACIl co,,", NO ('J WAS TIlE INCIDENT Il.IWORTltD to, I>URlfAM REGIONAL IIIALTlllJkPARTMIlNT POLlCt SERVICES OWNER or DOG NOli NOU NO " ~~ IF SQ, PROVfJ)1< i)Ul'I\ILSI PATE(S) OF IUlPORT(S): .. (',9[' Q,. ~<,rl"~ ) M R:I. ,I'D. () R..f'r+. n" NO REI'ORT WAS tU-ED. EXrLAlN WIlY: .I'JtOVJDE INIlORMAl1ON 4IOVT WITNESSES, I" 4NV I I ~I WAS TIIl!:IU;: A WITN~ IESl? YES r/ J'MOVmE WITNESSI(S - I) NAl\Il!:: J1:u..J ~td1.:lr ~ :ft"l"'JO Mnf'\f'\ ADDRESS: ~~;,l\-;-l~~- _ Z) =~~::~, ~t~~~ r ~~ ~OS-' Nau 'W * &tl" h,.~ ~ YOif'Gl c.-~\'~ reSt?"t- afj~~r ~,/;ro-:lo,Tll. PURSON -- FILING T116 RBI'ORT - I .d~1 d ~J FROI'I : HHSOh CONT' G FAX NO, :905-839-4510 All 9, 10 2005 01: 41PM P4 Dog Attack/Bite Report Attachment III Submitted by Kim Lnird and (JeorrLaird Re: AllIlck and bile to Meghan Laird on July 30, 200~ lJ~rlinglon Provincial Park Detai" of Current Incidenl and Nature of Injuries: Dog wns lying in Ihe middle of camp' it. amund the fire pit. The dOli W;l.S ju><1 placed on 116-8 foot nylon leash Ihat was ~ached to a folding lawn chair. Previou. time on the campsitc, the dog was not setured on a leMh, Seven children under the aile 6 were on the group camp site, No prior notification wa. given hy either OWIlCI"!l (Steve or Christine Harding) 10 stayaw8)I from lhe dog or 10 keep children away from the dog. Mogllan approached the dog slowly and wenlon her knees to pel the dOli. She wenl to pet the dOli 011 the bllCk of it. neck I bead when suddenly without warning the dog attacked her face with severe bites. No wnrningllrowl, bark. or nip was givcn by the dog. The dOll did not go for her outstwlehcd hnd or arm Qut went $lI'Oillhl ror her race. Mcghan rolled away and remllined face down wilh her hllnds in her face. She screamed the most bon. chilling S<.Tcam Ihat WL' heard throughout the Park As she rolled over you could .ee all the blood all over h~r face and in her hands, She was immediately attended 10 hy her father and other ClImpers. 911 was ClIl1ed by Park SlafT WlIS all llOprovo,,"d allaek. Mcghen had nothing in h.r hands (food or toys), She was not making allY loud nnises. ^ fter colmini Meghan down and getting the bleeding under control, Meghon wos placed in Geoll's truck 10 bring her to a hospital. It was clear that medical attention/stitches were required. 'fhe Ambulance and OPP w~'1'c mOl outside Ihe Park entrance. Mellhan WQS examined for clear airways by the Ambulance attendant OS the!. woslllready Neverc Nwelling around her mouth ond blood in and around her noflO. She was cleared for transport 10 the hospiral by GeotT. Arrived at the Bowanville Hospital and received immediale attention. Four puncture. un nose, Three lacemUons to lippeI' lip (skin above lip and actual lip), One almo$t complelely through lip. One received tl1ree soluble stitches inside and S .t'lch.. outsid., Trauma to inside of upper mouth. tJpp~r lip ond gums swollen, black IlIld bruised. Medicated with Ibuprofen and placed on onll antibiotics for 'even days and topical antibiotics (Pl1lysporin) until further notification by family doctor to prevent infeelion and minimil" "Car;ng. Arrived home in Pickering around I J pm. No pictur.s were laken thai cvening as it was late and Meghan needed 10 remain calm atler being in shock. First pictures laken early afternoon Sunday, July 31". (dose to 24 hOllrs after incident). rietures attached. Th. nellt day, ~n Sunday July 31", 200S, GcofTrclumcd 10 the camp sile l~ gather the camping gear when Steve Harding (Ihe owner) infonned GeofTthlll the dog had "nipped" al a few people before, but nothing like dlis attack. He apologized and 'poke to GrofTrcganling whal was happening wilh the dog, Christine did nol speak to Gcoff or asked or showed any concern for Meghan. No IIpology or inquiry about Megh."', well being rnlm either oflhem sin~ Sunday. FROM :HRSCN CONT'G f-AX ~m. : 905-839-'~511J "'....g. 10 2005 0;: 41pr1 P5 I ':~ J, .t" .:' CD ::ru..~ 3l) ~c::05"- I:) .~O tJ\e~~' Gl,d ~e0 AfffbY. I 'g ~rs: af'-kf Inc.d..t;d- ,- N<.:t~e- b\-ks _ l-- i P --.f inOt,.l.'+h .tTSS'14 dcvY\C\.~ FRm1 ; HA~.oH cmn' G 10 2005 01: 42Ft'! P6 SW\ J lA l~ 31~:J ) 'J-Cd5 (Jj Iv\ fOh<M LA, cd ~j ,-.) le+'-\ S \(lw _ L,..)ol.Md v..:::.\+~\ 's-h+c-h.o.s '1'\" rDV.jh. \.A rFI I 'f Q) t-A ~~lCV' ~ i rd ~\t~. SI<iQ '. wo.:...rJ \,W \~ OU- t ~ .h.J\.O.) -Hu1Y' (' as-t' + t--rov--Sh I, p . FR:!r-J : HH~.CN CO~'lT' G F,~X NO. : 905-839-4610 . "" . , 9 :} '-'-~ 31 ) (j..1Xlj-. M ~hO/\. Lc..l fd _. ..... +., ~\", " <<_,;::i ,;.,.,. ....".,1-. 08/05/2005 14:0g CLAR.ANIMAL SERVICES PAGE 02 523-5380 Attachment No. 2 to Report CLD-032-05 ATTACHMENT ;;2 .vlU1VICIPALITY OF CLARILVGTON DOG A.TTACK/BITE REPORT - DOG OWNER THIS FORl\<I IS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE DOG OWNER YOUR NA..'WE: SrGVEN G-. t-j,/.)r<.T).I~G- YOUR ADDRESS: "130Zv'",^A-Nl.li~,-E. r cJ........\ TELEPHONE it HOr.IE~ 90-;;- Bt:SINESS: 90)" 673 -3~H ~"3 Ie .PLEASE DESCRIBE DETAILS ABour YOUR DOG . I . 1- J ~ BREED, COLoeR & :VIARKINGS. IF ANY:131.4c.~ (.Jfi)TJ;.&l2v En (Ot.-.c..i -. 1fJ!P1l1kiJ Ct?r::6 SEX: F~ LiS- AGE OF DOG, ,.2 YF.#9JZ..S 0 <- D HAS YOt.JR. DOG Ey"ER BEE:-f AGGRESSIVE: TO A PERSON OR. D01\.-ffiSTIC ANIMAL IN THE PAST? YES C NO m- IF YES, DESCRIBE: DID YOU WI~"ESS THE INCIDE:'IT? . - YES Y NO : IF YES, PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING DETAILS: tr DATE OF INCIDEXT: .::r ~ i.... -;30 1'2.. c.> 0 '5 TIME OF INCIDE::"IT: 0 '-"30 - rti 0 () ":t LOCATION OF L"'iCIDE::"IT: ..D3lU)~rc^,' 'JU/M,JlN_I1>.Z)L 7)fr~ 2..65 PLEASE DESCRIBE THE INCIDENT: "<,JG",E:. HTTt'}ciTED 'I F :-f0, WHEN DID YOt; BECOi'r1E AWARE OF THE INCIDENT? AU1' c., 7_00 5 bAIT \ On July 30th, 2005, a dog bite incident occurred on our campsite at Darlington Provincial Park. Our twelve year old Border Collie/Shepherd dog was lying on the ground, Leashed, about three feet away from me. She hadn't moved anywhere for at least 20 minutes. I heard a light "woof woof' and I turned to look at what Murphy's concern was. I saw Meagan roll away from Murphy and stand up. Her face was bleeding. Murphy did not move. She didn't growl or try to get up. I jumped from my chair and onto Murphy. Murphy just layed her head back down on the ground. stir" fa! , /'..--. "Y " ~, -;' " \, i;~, ) ~ _~"1" .. . ..---- '" Orono Veterinary Hospital 30 Cobbledick St. Orono, Ontario CANADA LOB 1 MO (905) 983-9010 Vaccination Certificate Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone: (905) Patient Name: Murphy Sex: Female Spayed Species: Canine Breed: Border Collie X Colour: Black and White Weight: 34kgs. Birthdate: Aug/4/1993 Owner Name: Christine Harding Address: Regular Vaccine Information Rabies Vaccination Information Vaccine Valid Until Aug/10/2006 Aug/10/2006 Tag 50459 Date of Issue Aug/10/2005 Expiry Date Aug/10/2006 Vaccine Imrab3 Producer Merlal Lot Number 180358 Dose 1 Manner of Injection Subcutaneously Vaccine Type Killed . DHPP RABIES /1fJ-~ 'If! c;A-t< . Dr. Mathew ph ens on Orono Veterinary Hospital .30 Cob~ledick St., Orono, Ontario, LOB 1MO (905) 983-9010 -~_.j' Christine Harding Date: Aug/10/2005 Invoice #: 8571 Bowmanville, Ontario, INVOICE Page 1 ,- Murphy Birthday: Augl04/93 Female Spayed, Black and White, Border Collie X Reminders Aug/10/2006 -- DHPP Aug/10/2006 - RABIES Overdue -- LEPTOSPOROSIS Overdue -- GIARDIA Overdue - LYME Overdue - BORDETELLA Overdue -- HEARTWORM 34.000kgs. or 75.1401bs. Date Aug/10/05 Description DHPP - Canine Vaccination Physical Examination Rabies - Vaccination Ubavet liquid 500ml Qty 1 1 1 1 Subtotal for Murphy Dr. Mathew Stephenson Total 12.00 34.00 12.00 35.25 93.25 Subtotal (ALL) GST PST Invoice Total Previous Balance Total Outstanding Paid by MasterCard Total Due Payments Date Augl10/05 Amount Paid Bv Payment Note $102.60 MasterCard 93.25 6.53 2.82 102.60 0.00 102.60 102.60 0.00 Thank you for your support from the doctors and staff of Orono Veterinary Hospital! DOG LV /;"iIY "'1t~"" /~;'IA'" .,.,~. 1'- . "", i 2 t .'~ ~ '! ,~ -' ..-_'"!._' CJ.~mgron MUNICIPAL LICENCE 2005 CAT [l BY LAW 99-90 SECTIONS 2-2.1 & 3-3.1 REQUIRE THAT RESIDENTS WITHIN THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON LICENCE ALL DOGS AND CATS ANNUALLY AND THAT SAID LICENCES EXPIRE DEe 31. 2006. Personal information contained on this form is collected under the authority of the MlJn;cipal Act and will be used to determine compliance with Municipality of Clarlngton By-law 99- 90, as amended. Questions IlJlated to the collection of this information should oe directed 10 the Municipal Clerk, 40 Temperance Street,- Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 3A6, Telephone (905) 623-3379. / CASH V OTHER 0 I [-LIFETIME LICENCE ~ I PAID BY PLEASE PRINT: ISSUEDTO C _\-t%\~-nt'0E. (OWNER) ADDRE~ - HOME _~ __-WDRK# DATE _ G . {O l cIS POSTAL CODE - \-\.p\~,,::::,\~"'<.:l. . . .13o~N . Ext._ This iSla cer1itythat in conslderalion 01 payment 01 the tee as shown below and SLbject to the provisions 01 any By-Law now enacteiJ or which may hereatler be enacted by the Council of tne CorporallOn ollhe Municipalily of Clarinllton hereby granls permission to the pers on namec! herein, toownanc!keepadogor calas described below. ~~:D COLOUR NAME SPAYED FEMALE 2158 ..lIlIlI LICENCE 'IIIIIIIIII AND TAG NO. ! LICENCE FEE l ~Isj VALID RABIES CERTIFICATE ! CHIP# L ---.---- - PARr<s !'&r. Name !Darlington -- Park Complaint and Occurrence Report COde No. Dale 10 ~a 107 - 130 _ )-1 ~~~r No. Year Month Day -t? Oa0730-01. ") ConCerning: , ( ./'" 7-,':> . "] Young girl from site #264 bitten by dog on Site #257, Complaint By; Name IMANN Jennifer Address I I Ci Bowmanville Tole hone No. 90S Receiv8d by: [Cleaners I Store Site No. PfH 264 Time 124hr cloC.f<) J19:50 Provlnco Po&tal Code ON R08ufta of Invelltl .Uon, . Time (~4h' Olock): [:i[5o-L 19:50- P/W Pawson & Morandln notified by front gate that the cleaners have called from the park slore to adVise that a young girl has been bitten by a dog on site #257. Complainant at the store has advised cleaners that 911 has been notified, and emergency crews are In route to site, 19:52- Wardens on site #264, no occupants on site, Attended site #257 to speak to complainant who was identified as: MANN Jennifer. Bowmanville. ON . (905- ), Advised by complainant that the parents of the girl bitten by the dog have left the park, and are driving the girl to the hospital themselves. The following particulars were noted by the complainant. , - The girl. LAIRD Meghan, is six-years old, and was bitten in the face (upper I lower lip) by the dog on #257- 2..55 - The girl is being transported to Pickering-Ajax hosprtal by her parents. - The girl was on site #257, as the family are friends camping with the occupants on site #264. - The dog was leashed at the lime of the attack - The dog has been isolated on site to prevent further Occurrences. "SPOke to the owner of the dog who was identifieo as: HARDING, Steven Bowmanvilie, ON I ~~5r .. , lAd vised by the dog owner that his dog, a 12y/o (approx) black and white Border Colile mix was responsible for the dog bite, He stated the girl and her family are friends of his, and he did, not e.xpect the attack.aslh;S d dog had never bitten anybody before I received assurance from Mr. Harding ,hat hiS dog would be Iso.a e until further investigation could be completed, 20:14- Wardens attended gate to await O.P.P response. 20:17- O.P.P officer McKinnon on site Officer escorted to site #257 where O.P.P took control of investigation O.PP will follow up on investigation and will determine aclJon to be taken 'Ie . d h b n taken home to await evaluation by -+-- Note: Dog has been removed from park by owners w, . an a.s ee . {Jt/ i Health Authorities. ___ Peraons Involved Last Name First Name Address ,,, .~ "::. vO" . August 28, 2005 To Whom it May Concern: I am writing this letter in regards to an incident that happened on Saturday, July 30th at Darlington Provincial Park. While camping with neighbours, Steve and Chris Harding and three other couples, the Hardings dog Murphy was startled by one of the other couples six year old daughter which resulted in an injury to the little girls face. As I didn't witness the incident I can't say exactly what happened other than the fact that the dog was leashed to a chair that was situated around the campfire. Steve, the dogs owner, and I were sitting at the campfire talking as everyone else was off doing something else. The little girls father was off cutting wood and the mother was off near her tent and all the children were off playing. Sincerely, ~70 / u/.'-Ck , I Cj~- /;.""'.W/YI~_ 1..</ --v August 10, 2005 To Whom it May Concern: In regards to our neighbours dog, Murphy, owned by Chris and Steve Harding: In the twelve years that Murphy has lived next door I have never seen any signs of aggression in her. She has been a well behaved dog who has been socialized well. For years Chris and Steve have been able to have her in the front yard with them and she always just lies calmly watching all the activity around her. People have always commented on their way by about how good a dog she is. On occasion when Steve or Chris have had to be away for the day I have gone over and let Murphy out and have never had any concerns about it. On the August long weekend in question my husband and I were camping at Darlington with our neighbours and some other couples. We had just finished dinner and I had been in the dining tent doing up the dishes. I had observed that Murphy was lying sleeping just outside the tent and that her lead was wrapped a couple oftimes around the chair but as she was content and sleeping I didn't unwrap it. Unfortunately I didn't see exactly what happened as I had just gone to dump out my dishwater. The first thing I observed was Murphy still lying on the same spot on the ground and the little girl, Meagan down on her hands and knees in obvious distress. Steve immediately went over and leaned down with Murphy as Meagan's parents attended to her. I truly believe that this was not a vicious attack by any means and that either Meagan leaned on Murphy's paw or startled Murphy when she was asleep. Throughout the course of the weekend I noticed that on numerous occasions Meagan's parents allowed their one year old daughter to crawl unattended all around the campsite and Chris or Steve would move Murphy away so that the baby wouldn't bother her. Even around home they always get down with Murphy if a child approaches to pet her, just because they are responsible pet owners. I believe it was just an unfortunate accident and that parents need to teach their children how to behave around dogs. Sincerely, J'Nan Yateman ~ 1\a.(1.. \,00-t.-n"Lc....P'-' AH..t-. o fU A J...J ~{ v'Yl B b,(,-- .<.Y..9 CJ c ('/9- s J (,;r7-- <;, C::H'/1 ,S H A':> A<;'/2.5 [) 1'Vl t5 To A/'d.' U i'=- /1/\ t1l'7 P I-J y/}-~./ 8-"-/ /"1'2 i~ r, ~"S jOI"tf-'C-;r rrYT,,6/iFG(G- (Ii ~-~+, ulJ) .4-/,/fi/'- ~ L' /. ,.-- '-f}ALE.. 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M...., ( \l'" _\ \l 0.. ..:, pe.e..(\ c,- CO.\ f'l>. d-o 0 " f) t\-.. ~ \ Q.\,,\ fj\-\-.. o...\'\ \ .Y\ e.... . J. he\. ,,; e... K Xl () \.0 f\ h t:..r. C\--'{"\.s. o~"c:). 'Z)\-e..ve.. (,..e... \e.S?o"S'~b\-e. p"--\ Ol.uf\ErS c,- ,,,,,-c\ "CuJ e. OL c....",\ck D~~e. \r 0 I..'-.h'"' 0. r'\..c\. l.. \Z" 0 \.0 \\"'Q \- \ ~ .-\\'\~\ '\~o u. ~ '"'-\' -\t'-' ~J ~ W (,~ C\.{'\,\ t:...\,\Q,".c'<- e:......\ c>-\\ ~\ ~\ \\\(.1..1"\ \..0C\. S ; 1\ ~~ CL \"\ '-\ 0\ L\. "'C;:{-^ '\-\"\.~ \- i \...~ \.<0 0"-\ d.,(\ \..\ ... \--. e S \ \Ck \ L. -\0 '(leA <,,~ o-\' ,,'-'e 0."6 \;~-\ ~ "O~\- \:;o.\,~"e. 1\ \. +t:l 0.. f'\ --I 0\'\ E.. -\\"-C\..\ \\ur~\'\i \3 a.. * ,,,-,ea..-\ 1 W~k~ Auy:> 1O ~ a. OO,C) August 11 , 2005 Mr. & Mrs. Harding Bowmanville, ON Dear fvir. and Mrs. Harding, Re: Jillian Harding DOB: This is to advise you that the Society has completed an investigation with respect to the above-mentioned child. The Society will be closing your case, as there are no present child protection concerns. Please ensure that you are properly supervising your child at all times, and continue to take appropriate precautions with your dog, to ensure that no other child or person is injured. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (905) 433-1551 ex!. 2230. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, - /., .) . -.e. hl'1J, ( , / "(__ ... ...---~\, -.-.\..,.-.......-...... ;/ ) Laura Bortoluss Family Services Worker Intake Department (i'O-U,l(j~_ Margo Jds'tr 7 Intake Supervisor (-(:'~,'" :-'..('.:' co; " _/ /' ,~,,'~ ..A..-' /--;JU.L:I f}',~ /1 ~uL<.4..A.- ' , " ,~ .---7 a .....G" J , /(); , "',. /' (" /' ,,- ~ ~1.L-- /t~ /t7.(l~ -c.u.;/ i::i./&,l ';;" _J,,{~iL /C-<.. < /~ ev , . ! ' " / /',/ '..// / /;~.;:rr:"J'7:~l.t,j --:/ -c::Yu-<t ':~7l.:l (//\"!'-<L S; {,~, de l'j ;A'u' L../i:-. /!",~d ..te.<'l:/ _d -6<-i<'-' c7 / ' .../ ./ '7 .. ~'/ (' . ' -'/",'.. d..:f ,;i;l; :20(; ~ c:..,/ ,~'~v ,j{.~j. jUu,--d .,A_LnL<!-/x.--/ /k~e. At<.i-""'-) ~v ';;,,7Zt~Y~ ciJy~,j "''7U,1 ~~'.~( CUf?,U4"-C:~U / '~.': / " ,/"" /I 0?-; /.'.JJJ // / >4-c,<<:1'<~"'j..I/0,L /('~...u;,lL?;rJ ,~ <7 ~.L ,07CC/P<-JV " g ~ -A~-d c~/ a- /l~ ;!?~~ /17' ; ~,' .~, ..1 ,.'-' " IX)' j" y--(.J.d _t1-t~) /.{Jti.j (4, j,...,j~/( t.4'i.:::_.:/ ......7i-L/ , . // ~7 /c:L_~, ",M ,/ ,,'iL...., '~:li cd JI~ Vi,,-, clt ?Y, L j"?,,: ~/~," cGc!c...I. /J /1,;- / ,', . / /.1'J .' J " /( ~{d../:-'L~ ;.I .. ~..t~ .A-< ,-,:.~,/-df /Ol~--: _/~';;I _.ci.-;';11l<-l~'<A /~-1<2"; --'~ 7~L ~.LtA..... UAL~_t~;.,(dL ' ;A/5: hi- (,J~ O~IA.r.::l :/Jluy#, ..J?V U';;'rL-l.' ;f , y . . ,;d JL/ ",..c.c", 1,,(!"caJ..<>i./7v iti _ -1:, "C -r: dd ......{ ~;:l ,:1-.. L/ !:U:l , . /J I 0..;(,0' O/:.~ ~uJ.' _c.,ri c./~ AP0L-l..tI....;~:&. j>?LlU."-,t.'vj /' . i , '-' .f/ ,0 / /'I/b" I /./ j -k.j' ../C u.<.-.i!u ~ _vq(,.:.- ,,-I ,t'tr.:-rr_ C'Lt'-L.e' CCL/L.' ~ r--IcJJ/ fJL~dtk-( ',' <J:t' t,"c.<~' (}!'~ _t!~..?7cd"';lU.L.&1 , /J v~ ~~, ~'~,/,d1 ~<. J~~ . /') c::; ~ ' ,U~/7td ;1'--<'-I-~ ;j.~'i( .---d,7L€- d<'7 'o/C-0V-1y / /1 , i;' /.', 4~ L- r" , .~ --; , / . '. .(..U..!2=;J1~4i-~ '~~''tv77lCnVG-t'...t! ,(fJAC August 24, 2005 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter in support of our friends and neighbor Steve, Chris and Jillian Harding, concerning their dog Murphy. I would like to give a brief history. Murphy is a 12 year old Collie, who has recently been involved in a situation where she was startled by a stranger while sleeping and nipped and young girl. My son Sean 7 and Jillian 5 years old, are playmates and friends and have been together in the Harding's home and backyard where "Murphy" is. My son has in the past and still does have a fear of dogs but with "Murphy" he has never had a problem, "Murphy" is always with either Steve or Chris and she has never gone out of her way to go near the children. My son is now to the point where he can pet her and not be afraid. "Murphy" is a very gentle dog and I have no worries about having her in our home with my son or in our backyard when the children are playing. I have watched "Murphy" with Jillian and other children for awhile now and I can't get over how good "Murphy" is with them. These children are very active and very fast, but "Murphy" has never been bothered by that. I have no concerns about the children around her or for myself as I know Steve and Chris are very responsible and caring people. Sincerely, .LIe, ()~j I IA..IV. '. - .-,/ ..A ~I:" '("(M..1 Kelly Grad; -' - : 905- BONNIE AND IRWIN COLWELL Bowmanville, Ontario (905) August 16, 2005 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is written in support of the dog, named "Murphy", family pet of Chris and Steve Harding. We have known "Murphy" and she has been at our home on many occasions over the past 10 years. "Murphy" has always had a quiet disposition and a good temperament when she is around people, neighbourhood children and this is especially evident with Chris and Steve's daughter Jillian (age five). We have not seen the dog show any aggressive type of behaviour to people or other animals that she comes in contact with. We would certainly not hesitate to be in the dog's company in the future. Sincerely Jiti) I' .,IL v (;< !' ' ~ Bf/,i ii ., -" f) /' ,.~~ - , ' ~ .LI~L.!L/ Irwin & Bonnie Colwell i , - -:0 [01 CJn1 L'1 /Yl L[ f (I&7l U21l/~ uJ-e h I-7V€ ): 1100 U 111 u.epA y ,fO;,? C/Osr;; )0 ~Le/{ Yt:,?~/Z.2 !U/~J d~/'<<:I-f: OCtr9U /-/ (? 5--/-('(je'f; We h/Je e Lv ;fll-e2X~ ~ dOg )cD a/uP/5 -b.~ ()~ .s-Cd"(ld ICC-luK'-e IJIu::ays /Ilf~rod/~ 01H,--- C0{/ 1tz/7111y ( r71ef1LiJ~l^s/ d/clf<?'U J/1c/uc/~/ fJ ~(8I-bors cA'/C//PN, iAJ{;2 h/loe /l~U(?/ SfJ<?10 (J7u/'jJ/y 'KCI/?/J/,vq I1cp{?/ clzO-s/~ or ielNg oqi ress/(/ e WI *-L ar-JiDA-J~ (ae/cdl- or die/reD- ) . ,1<1)~ 7G ?k~ g610lJlI;Iv'Ui //~ Q II PARKS Per~ Name IDarllnglOn Attachment No. 3 to Report CLD-032-0S Park Complaint and Occurrence Report OCClJr, No. 170- 050730-01 Complaint By: Name (MANN Jennifer Address Ci Bowmanville ,'e one No. 905- Received by: ICleaners I Store Province Postal Code I ON ~. No. , I P/H 264 i I j TII1'l. (24nr clOCk) J19:50 ROIul~ of Inv"tl atlon Time (24hrClock): 19:50 19:50- P/IN Pawson & Morandin notified by front gate thaI the cleaners have calle from the park store to aavis. that a young girt has been bitten by a aog On site #257 Complainant at the store has advised cleaners that 911 has been notified. and emergency crews are in roule to site. 19:52. Wardens on site #264, no occupants on site. Attended site /1.257 to speak to complainant who Was identified as: MANN Jennifer, . Bowmanville. ON (905- ). Advised by complainant that the parents of the girl bitten by the aog have left the Pilrk, IInd are driving the girl to the hospital themselves. The following particulars were noted by the complainant. - The girl, LAIRD Meghan, is six-years old, and was bitten in the face (upper I lOWer lip) by the dog on #257 - The girl is being transported to Pickering-Ajl)( hospital by her parents. - The girl was on site /1.257, as the family are friends camping with the occupants on site #264. - The dog was leashed at the time of the attack. I - The dog has been isolatea on site to prevent further Occurrences. 'SPoke to the owner of the dog who was Identified 88: HARDING, Steven ,Bowmanville, ON DOB (90S) IAdvised by the dog owner that his dog, a 12ylo (approx) black a~d white Boraer Collie mix was responsi.ble for the dog bite, He stated the girl and her family are fnends of hiS, and he. did, not e,xpect the attack... hIS dog had never bitten anybody before. I received assurance from Mr. Harding ,hat hiS dog would be Iso!ated untii further investigation could be completed. '20: 14- Wardens attended gate to await O.P.P response. 20:17- O,P.P officer McKinnon on site Officer escorted to site #257 where O.P,P took control of investigation. OP.P will follow up on investigation and Will determine action to be taken Note: Dog has been removed from park by owners wife, and has been taken home to await evalualio~/t Health Authorities. __ Persona Involved Last Name First Name Address ,,, .~. ~ nO .- . ~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~. ;~~'~t~N~g~~~~~~~~~,~ ...~ WN_ -' . . . . , . , . . 3 i'D r!zjHjli1il -~ If' II' III JjjJ IHIP I I ., '!: 111!il!i}II' IJoifff!!!!!I!ff I!~ f1iilJf,iilJJ f ! ;1 '111:1 i IE ilil'ill'JI!1 1ft' >'Ii' ff!t ~ r ~ ji .. I f I ~ f1f1h H f ; ii'i .I! ~! .. . i at Iii ~ .. - Ie ~ . ~s . I ~ ii.!I 9 ~i .; i S ;!~~~~-~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~I~~~~~ _.~~~~~~~I~i~~~~~~~~~~f~f f -6~d -~~--~.~~ s___~ ~~~~~ -~~~--~ ~ x~~...i~~ . __&a _ a a_ _ ,4 ~&g__~___ ~~~8i~~~i~~~~8~1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~8Iii~iQ~i~iiiiii~ii~ ~~~~$$$~ggg$~~~~' 8S$$$~8~gS~ 8~~~g.Sg$SS8~~gggS8SSi iIIIlljiiiijjjijij;iiiijijiiiif.iJiiliiiiiij,ilf.i'~ 111'IIIJllil(1(lilJ!lilflfllllI11!!illlll!Jli.fli I I !i~illli!!fllll~iIJ lilll11 I Jllfllff~~Jlt!~l I: .. lirlliilliiii!!1 i} I! I I tllllllil J~lf f I ! · IJ IJI 1'1 1 J II I I Ii III II if ! ; I I II II, i- oj P I'll If. i! i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i1ii11~~~~~.sj ~ i~ ~j~!~!i j ~ ,I I ~~~~-~ ~3 ~~=~ Q ~$~~~~ ~ f~ ~ ----- - ........... ~ -- - ---- - --- ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~8~Sg(&~g&g3!!gg!~~(&~~~(~lI:lI:~g: ~ ~~ ~~~~~~. ~ ~ ~ 8gg8888888888888888888888888S88 8 88 8888888 8 8 ~ Attachment No.4 to Report CLD-032-05 '05AUG16 Pl1 4:35:21 August 16, 2005 Patti Barrie Municipal Clerk Municipality of Clarington Dear Pattie, My wife and I would like to appeal the decision made by the Municipality of Clarington to issue an Order To Restrain (#16-2005) for our dog Murphy. Murphy was involved in an unfortunate biting incident on our camp site at Darlington Provincial Park. We would appreciate the opportunity to explain our reasoning to Council. , Bowmanville; On.