HomeMy WebLinkAboutEGD-13-04 1-;, - , .... . Clw:iOglOn REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE ,o'C' Report #: EGD-13-04 File#: Resolution #: /77-Dif By-law #: Jajf- tntp Date: Monday, March 29, 2004 Subject: NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL -TRAFFIC/PEDESTRIAN PLAN Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report EGD-13-04 be received; 2, THAT the "T" intersection of Glass Court and Bridges Drive, Newcastle, become an all-way stop; 3, THAT pavement markings be applied near the Newcastle Public School to provide positive guidance for vehicular/pedestrian movements and stopping prohibitions proposed on Glass Court; 4, THAT the existing adult crossing guard on Edward Street E. at the east side of Beaver Street S, be relocated to Edward Street E. at the west side of Glass Court when house construction north of Glass Court is complete; 5, That the Newcastle Public School representatives be encouraged to implement and maintain a KISS-N-GO program; 6, That staff monitor the area to measure the effectiveness of the plan; 7, That the proposed by-laws amending Traffic by-law 91-58 attached to report EGD-13-04 be approved; and 8, THAT interested parties listed within this report be provided with a copy of this report and Council's decision. 712 -I S"bmnted by, . ""'4"<LP- Ant ony Cannella, C.E.T, Director of Engineering Services RDB*ASC*jw March 22, 2004 o~~ Reviewed by. ---------'> Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer 713 REPORT NO.: EGD-13-04 PAGE 3 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Newcastle Public School representatives requested a meeting on March 2, 2004 to be held at the Newcastle Public School to review the ongoing traffic concerns related to school traffic, It was mutually agreed this meeting was needed to develop a comprehensive plan requiring representatives from: Clarington- Engineering Services, By-law Enforcement, Councillor Ward 4 School- Trustee, Principal, School Council Durham Regional Police 2.0 Comment 2.1 Cooperation of Stakeholders At the March 2, 2004 meeting the group recognized that the safety concerns could not be eliminated by the Municipality on its own and that the school representatives must assist in modifying parent behaviour and having an internal plan such as a KISS-N-GO program in place. A KISS-N-GO program is set up on school property in a designated area and run by adult volunteers. The program operates by having parents stop in the unloading zone and stay in the vehicle while the volunteers assist the students out of the vehicle, away from traffic and into the security of the school. The parent must leave immediately for the next parent to unload, The overall plan for both external and internal elements approved by the group must include consideration of: -safety of students walking -needs of parents driving 714 , '-, .' REPORT NO.: EGD-13-04 PAGE 4 -traffic movements -education and clear direction to parents and students as to behaviour expected while stressing "safety over convenience" for the benefit of everyone 2.1 Engineering Services Recommendations Although staff had previously performed a number of studies near the school a thorough study was under taken during 2004 in the area bordered by Mill St. S" Edward St. E. and Glass Court to reflect the most recent traffic patterns of both vehicles and pedestrians. The school location is unique as it is accessed by two courts with no through traffic adjacent to the school. This means all traffic is generated by the parents and school staff, The information was reviewed and presented during the meeting of March 2, 2004 to advise what Engineering staff would propose as improvements and items which it could not support, The group supported the engineering proposals listed below, Enaineerina Staff Proposals 1) 'T' Intersection of Glass Court and Bridaes Drive to become an all-wav stop, The total intersection traffic volume on this local road has met the provincial warrant. This form of traffic control would stop traffic at the pedestrian crossing location and legally give pedestrians the right of way to cross the road safely, This would also further reduce vehicle speed in the immediate area, The all-way stop on this local dead end street which primarily serves as a driveway to the school would not have a negative impact on the adjoining road network, The intersection would be clearly marked with stop bars and pedestrian lines and would not require an adult crossing guard. The new stop controls and plastic pavement markings of stop bars and pedestrian lines 715 ., REPORT NO.: EGD-13-04 PAGE 5 would be installed simultaneously and would occur as soon as possible dependant upon weather conditions, 2) Parkinq Prohibitions and available parkinq to be clearlv defined near school. The parking demand by the parents surpasses the parking supply because parents are typically not prepared to walk farther to find legal parking spaces, The provision of a KISS-N-GO on school property would satisfy the needs of parents for safety and convenience and significantly reduce the need for parents to find parking and walk onto school property. Parking would be permitted on the east side of Glass Court only in a limited area in front of the school. Stopping on the east side of Glass Ct. would be prohibited from Edward St. E. to 50m south of Bridges Dr., This would encourage legal parking in close proximity to the school on the west side between Edward St. E, and Bridges Dr.. The introduction of painted parking stalls, combined with an off-centre yellow line, would reduce vehicle speed by visually narrowing the roadway. Beaver St. S. serves as a back entrance to the school and would also receive changes to the pavement markings and no stopping signs to better define legal parking locations, Application date of the painted pavement markings will be dependant upon weather conditions. 3) Existinq Edward St. E, crossinq ouard to be relocated from Beaver St. S to Glass Ct When the construction of new homes directly north of Glass Ct is complete, the new students will require assistance of an adult crossing guard. The guard at Beaver St. S was put in place before sidewalk connections were put in place on Edward St. E and Glass Ct. The relocation of the existing guard 716 \. REPORT NO.: EGD-13-04 PAGE 6 from Beaver St S to Glass Ct will effectively serve the new students and redirect the existing students to the front of the school. This relocation has no effect on the walking distance of the students, Having a guard at both locations would be a duplication of service and cost an additional $6,600 per year. All students living west of Mill SI. S are served by an adult guard at Robert SI. E and all students north of Edward SI. E would be served by the adult guard at the new location at Glass CI. This relocation would occur by September of 2004 and the timing would be confirmed with the school to ensure that students and parents were advised. Enaineerina Staff could not support the followina previouslv reauested items 1) Additional crossing guards at: Edward SI. E and Mill SI. S As those students have an existing adult guard and a pedestrian signal at the intersection of Mill SI. S and Robert SI. E with the same walking distance, Edward St and Beaver Street A suggestion to leave the existing guard in place and hire a new guard rather than relocating is not feasible as those existing students will be able to cross at the new location at Glass Ct with the same walking distance Beaver SI. S and Robert SI. E This crossing area does not meet the warrant criteria. It has lower traffic volumes and speeds with virtually no commuter traffic, 2) Speed restrictions The requested speed humps are not needed on Glass Court as speeds are already close to 40 km/hr during school periods due to congestion, The 717 \. REPORT NO.: EGD-13-04 PAGE 7 proposed introduction of the all-way stop at Glass Ct and Bridges Dr and narrow travel lanes should eliminate all speed and crossing concerns, Monitored speeds on Edward Street East during and after school periods show the average speeds are less than the regulatory speed of 50 km/hr. 3) All-way Stops The warrants for an all-way stop at the following intersections have not been met: Edward Street East at Glass Court Beaver Street south at Robert Street East 4) Changes to Regional Intersection Clarington staff, have no jurisdiction over Regional roadways, During 2003 the Region of Durham reviewed requests for an all-way stopl traffic signal or pedestrian signal at the intersection at Regional Rd 17 (Mill St. S) at Edward St. E and determined they were not warranted based on existing volumes or conditions expected in the near future, 2.2 By-law Enforcement Due to the number of schools in Clarington with similar dismissal times parking enforcement would need to be scheduled by staff on a rotating basis assisting as much as possible, Due to demands on staff time to patrol municipal roadways, enforcement on private property is not usually something which can be accommodated, Staff advised that enforcement on private property in a properly posted KISS-N-GO area could be provided on a limited basis if consistent problems developed and if the Principal as the Property owner authorized the tickets. Enforcement of the parking restrictions in the turning basins would need to continue for safety reasons, 718 '. .' REPORT NO.: EGD-13-04 PAGE 8 2.4 Durham Regional Police During the meeting of March 2, 2004 it was stated that a police presence would be available both on the roadway and on private property if the situation required it. 2.5 Newcastle Public School (Trustee, Principal, Council) The school representatives have put in considerable time attempting to address safety issues and developing a KISS-N-GO program. Since the March 4, 2004 meeting the KISS-N-GO program proposed by the school council has been approved by the Durham Regional Police and is expected to be endorsed by the school board shortly thereafter. The cost of safety vests and cones for the parent volunteers is expected to be provided by a CM Safety Program which works closely with Durham Regional Police, The school board will need to purchase and install the necessary signage for the KISS-N-GO and parking/stopping prohibitions on private property, The new KISS-N-GO program will benefit parents as a whole but will require publicity and educational material by the school. The program is expected to initially operate during the morning period but may later be expanded to the afternoon dismissal. The group supported the school efforts as a necessity to improving safety issues near the school. 2.6 The recommendations contained in this report were discussed and supported by the CTMAC Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee during the meeting of March 18,2004, As a possible future improvement, the Committee suggested that staff consider the effect of re-establishing the roadway or driveway link on the south side of the school to connect Glass Court and Beaver Street South which existed when the new school was being constructed and old school demolished, 719 '. REPORT NO.: EGD-13-04 PAGE 9 3.0 CONCLUSIONS By working together the stakeholders have developed a plan which should address safety concems on both the roadway and on private school property. Attachments: Attachment #1 - Key map, walking routes, guards, all-way stops Attachment #2 - Key map, parking and pavement marking, Glass Ct Attachment #3 - Key Map, parking and pavement marking, Beaver St S Attachment #4 - Proposed by-law amendments Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Durham Region Police Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee Clayton Morgan, Chair Newcastle Public School Brian Harris, Principal and School Council 720 j,.- I ----.." -<, ---- I - BEAVER STREET SOUTH w ~ (J) l- n::: w m o n::: LEGEND V//////A PAVEMENT MARKINGS NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOl ..... C'\! ['- ClfllillgtDn Engineering Services REPORT EGD-13-04 ATTACHMENT No, 3 Morch 22, 2004 NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL " , -,#- GLASS COURT PROPOSED KISS 'N' GO !. ... LEGEND STOP SIGNS '<CLLLLLI PAVEMENT MARKINGS 0::: o (f) '-' o 0::: m I ------>-" ~--- I - C\! C\! l"- CIYlmgron Engineering Services REPORT EGD-13-04 ATTACHMENT No, 2 Morch 22, 2004 \, , I .. - -~.. I~----;' I I -.-l -1."Tl.. I--ll I ""CJi ~-~ [IT! '1 ITl Tj',TT,rl " --. . I 1i5-- .- I-~T+LL ~ I r 'I~], 1..-- ]-.i C____.. ..l! WALBRIDGE i I l,_:lJ~LI) ~: ~-lJl ~"'';~''{I \ ~J~_~ARK - IIT7~ I -=1 L-=r-t - __I_! _~I J7 10 Brid,geSDL.,'.'" I I ----'I il t II--l f-- - --- - . 1 L: T~ ~~ I~~l-~tq NEWCASTLE ~ I CJ_L~~d'.: . -1 ~-IJ ll;=f f-J ;~~g~L ~ I . ;~::~gStop ~.1 ~... r ! \ - F:\ ~ g 1- )-;-~~~::::" NEWCASTLE VILLAGE---- -J ) Walking Route Highway No, 401 u5 c:"I]1 :.; II.~~ € . ~~ ~~ri '?~ " Highway NO.2 IlJ'"jI_C..il_=-...=....~ ' *~- L,- .. .,., I[ b [-, 'I -1' 'I{/) l. I...~- '/.'.iJ... -.,~_ ",==L;: [l[.~ '-lr-,' ::;; t_UC-.-'--... ".-'" ~ .._~[- ,------c--, __J,--__-.--- ,~--~::~___-:>=--==-f/-I --- ], -- ,--II~T f:I SUBJE T '.. AREA IV Jv~1t s Highway No, 401 DRAWN BY: E.L. DATE: March 22, 2004 NEWCASTLE REPORT EGD-13-04 ATTACHMENT NO.1 - ... ~, ATTACHMENT NO.: 4 REPORT NO.: EGD-13-04 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON BY-lAW 2004- Being a By-law to amend By-law 91-58, as amended, being a By-law to Regulate Traffic on Highways, Municipal and Private Property in the Municipality of Clarington. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it desirable to amend By-law 91-58: NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington hereby enacts as follows: 1) Schedule XV "Through Highways" of By-law 91-58 is amended by: A) Deleting the following reference: Column 1 Hiahwav Column 2 From Column 3 To Glass Court (Newcastle) And South limit of Edward Street East South limit of Glass Court B) Adding the following reference: Column 1 Hiahwav Column 2 From Column 3 To Glass Court (Newcastle) South limit of Edward Street East North limit of Bridges Drive 2) Schedule XVI "Stop Signs" of By-law 91-58 is amended by: A) Adding the following reference: Column 1 Intersection Column 2 Facina Traffic Glass Court and Bridges Drive (Newcastle) Southbound on Glass Court Glass Court and Bridges Drive (Newcastle) Northbound on Glass Court 3) Schedule I "No Stopping" of By-law 91-58 is amended by: A) Deleting the following reference: Column 1 Hiahwav Column 2 Side Column 3 Between Column 4 Prohibited (Time or Davs Beaver Street South (Newcastle) Both Robert Street East to south limits of Beaver Street East Anytime B) Adding the following reference: Column 1 Hiahwav Column 2 Side Column 3 Between Column 4 Prohibited (Time or Davs Edward Street East Anytime Glass Court East 724 ... (Newcastle) and 50m south of Bridges Drive Glass Court (Newcastle) West South limit of Anytime Glass Court to 20m north of Bridges Drive Beaver Street South (Newcastle) West Robert Street East Anytime and 30m southerty 4) This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date approved by Council and when signs to the effect are erected. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 5th day of April, 2004 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 5th day of April, 2004 John Mutton, Mayor Patti L Barrie, Municipal Clerk 725