HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/09/1998 '-" Council Minutes PRAYERS ROLL CALL Present Were: Also Present: "'" MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON November 9, 1998 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on Monday, November 9, 1998, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers Councillor Schell led the meeting in prayer. A minute of silence was observed in recognition of Remembrance Day. Mayor D. Hamre Councillor J. Mutton Councillor M. Novak Councillor J. Rowe Councillor J. Schell Councillor C. Trim Councillor T. Young Acting Chief Administrative Officer, M. Marano Director of Community Services, J. Caruana (attended until 7:53 p.m.) Fire Chief, M. Creighton (attended until 7:53 p.m.) Solicitor, D. Hefferon Divisional Manager, Fire Department, G. Weir (attended until 7:53 p.m.) Director of Public Works, S. Vokes Director of Planning and Development, F. Wu (attended until 7:53 p.m.) Clerk, P. Barrie DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Schell indicated that he would be disclosing a pecuniary interest with respect to Correspondence Item I-II. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING ~ Resolution #C-802-98 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on October 26, 1998, be corrected on page 27 by deleting the name "Irene Lynch" and replacing it with the name "Irene Rinch"; and THAT the minutes, as corrected, be approved. "CARRIED" Council Minutes ~ DELEGATIONS COMMUNICATIONS ~ I-I ~ - 2- November 9,1998 Fire Chief Mike Creighton introduced Gord Weir to the Members of Council. Mr. Weir has recently been promoted from within the Fire Department to the position of Division Manager. Dennis Whalley, 51 Birchfield Drive, Courtice, LIE IM9 addressed Council with respect to the municipality's fencing by-law. He indicated that he presently has an 8 foot fence around his properly which he has been informed is in contravention to the by-law. For personal reasons, he wishes to keep the fence at this height. Resolution #C-803-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the communications to be received for information be approved, with the exception of Items 1-7, I-II, 1-12, 1-14 and 1-21. "CARRIED" Mike Rostetter, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk, Town of Port Hope, advising The Honourable R. Goodale, Minister of Natural Resources Canada, of a resolution passed by the Corporation of the Town of Port Hope as follows: "WHEREAS the Minister of Natural Resources Canada is interested in reviewing options for local waste management of low-level radioactive waste and is prepared to fund such studies; AND WHEREAS Hope Township has recently completed such a study which addressed waste management at the Welcome site and which recommends storage of only the Hope Township wastes at the site; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED THAT Port Hope prepare a study oflow-Ievel radioactive waste management at sites within its municipal boundaries and that the conceptual designs be such that surface radiation be indistinguishable from background, that passive barriers such as rip rap, plantings, etc., rather than fencing be used as required, that the site be suitable for recreational, tourism, cultural or other such uses which are compatible with current and future development and which maintain or enhance property values at and near the site; Council Minutes - 3 - November 9, 1998 '-" COMMUNICATIONS AND FURTHERMORE THAT Port Hope retain the services of technical and land use specialists, paid for by Natural Resources Canada, to prepare such designs, making use of existing reports including the one recently completed by Hope Township; AND FURTHERMORE THAT this study does not preclude the possibility of Port Hope LLRW being stored at sites outside Port Hope Municipal boundaries." (Received for Information) 1-2 Jim Sellan, Properly Manager, Lafarge Canada Inc., thanking Members of Council who attended a tour of Clarington' s Aggregate Operations on October 3, 1998. He advised that he hoped that the discussions that took place as a result of visiting the sites were informative to Members of Council. The debate as to managing non-renewable aggregate resources is taking place at the local, regional and provincial levels of government. Wise management of our aggregate resources, as an interim land use, requires that the resource be protected for future use. Currently, most aggregate producers in Clarington are members of the APAO, and are committed to operating in an environmentally sensitive manner within the framework of sustainable development. (Received for Information) ~ 1-3 Gary Proctor, Production Superintendent Sand & Gravel, Dufferin Aggregates, thanking Members of Council who attended a tour of Clarington's Aggregate Operations on October 3,1998. He stated that he found the discussions informative to both producers and Councillors alike. He also stated that he was very pleased to have the Ontario Aggregate Resources Corporation join them for lunch to deliver the cheque to Councillor Troy Young for the Municipality of Clarington licence fees for 1997. He stated that Clarington continues to be an important market source for aggregates in the Greater Toronto Area and will continue to grow as traditional supply areas closer to the GT A markets are depleted. Dufferin Aggregates is proud to be a major operation in the municipality. (Received for Information) 1-4 Minutes of a meeting of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority held on October 6, 1998. (Received for Information) 1-5 Minutes of a meeting of the Clarington Museum & Archives held on October 6, 1998. ~ (Received for Information) Council Minutes -4- November 9, 1998 \., COMMUNICATIONS 1-6 Evelyn Jurgens, Clerk/Acting CAO, Township of King, advising The Honourable Ernie Eves, Minister of Finance, of a resolution passed by the Township of King as follows: "WHEREAS the government of Ontario has not responded to the tax and assessment crisis on main streets and across the GT A and Ontario; AND WHEREAS time is running out for a solution to be found for 1998; AND unless the government responds to this crisis with a commitment to address both this year's and future years tax and assessment issues by October 31, 1998; NOW THEREFORE BE AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: '" 1. THAT the Mayors and Regional Chairs will hold a press conference on the steps of the Ontario Legislature Building at Queen's Park during the first week of November with invitations extended to all GTA Councils and any other Mayors and elected municipal officials across Ontario. (Received for Information) 1-8 Information Bulletin received from Ian Macnab, Kawartha Conservation Authority advising that nominations are being sought for Kawartha Conservationist A ward. Each year sine 1986, Kawartha Conservation has presented the Kawartha Conservationist Award to individuals and groups that have made significant contributions towards conservation in the Kawarthas. Past recipients of the Award include Robert Sarginson (1994) for his participating interest in the protection and conservation of Pigeon Lake and the fish and wildlife it sustains. The year before, Robert Dykstra was recognized for his involvement with conservation farming through the Tillage 2000 program in Mariposa Township. In 1995 Lady Mackenzie Public School in Kirkfield was given the Kawartha Conservationist Award for efforts of students and faculty to naturalize the school year. Last year the Award went to Cameron resident, Gord Ritter for his continuing involvement in several agricultural and conservation oriented initiatives. Nominations for the 1999 A ward are now being accepted. If anyone knows of someone or some group that has. shown a continuing commitment to the wise-use, management and protection of their natural resources, consider putting their name forward. Letters of nomination should include the person's name and address, plus a description of their interests and achievements related to natural ~ Council Minutes - 5 - November 9,1998 ~ COMMUNICATIONS resources. Kawartha Conservation will be accepting nominations until November 20th. For more information please call (705) 328-2271. He also advised that Kawartha Conservation seeks citizen appointments to fill one-year appointments as ex-officio members on its Board of Directors. The term of the appointment will be for the 1999 calendar year. Ex-officio members are expected to share their expertise on all matters coming before the Board including those related to the management of land and water resources and administrative issues. These members may participate fully on any standing committee to which they are elected, and enter into discussion on all matters coming before the Board. However, an ex-officio member does not have a vote at the Board of Directors. Individuals interested in serving as an ex-officio member should submit a letter to Kawartha Conservation by November 30, 1998, describing their background, interests and reasons for seeking the appointment. Applications should be addressed to Kawartha Conservation, 277 Kemei Road, Lindsay, K9V 4Rl. (Received for Information) 1-9 News Release received from the Atomic Energy Control Board, inviting public comment on AECB licensing actions for the following facilities: ~ · Ontario Hydro, Pickering Waste Management Facility - renewal of waste facility operating licence; · Cogema Resources Inc., Cluff Lake Mine - renewal of mining facility operating licence; · General Electric Canada Inc., Toronto - renewal of fuel facility operating licence; · General Electric Canada Inc., Peterborough - renewal of fuel facility operating licence. These organizations have applied for a renewal of their operating licences. The Board gave initial consideration to these applications at its meeting on October I and is expected to make the final licensing decisions following its meeting in Ottawa on December 17, taking into account any comments or concerns expressed by interested parties or the public. (Received for Information) 1-10 Dr. T.E. Quinney, Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters, forwarding a copy of the brochure "Sea Lamprey: The Battle Continues" produced for Great Lakes Fishery Commission by the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (O.F.A.H.) This full-colour brochure is designed to educate the public on the devastating effects that sea lamprey pose to our fisheries. Over 40 million people depend on the Great Lakes for food, water and recreation. The fishery alone generates up to four billion dollars ~ Council Minutes - 6 - November 9, 1998 ~ COMMUNICATIONS annually. Sea lamprey are a parasitic non native species that have no commercial value and attach themselves to fish and such out their body fluids. This caused a collapse in lake trout populations in the 1960' s. To restore the fisheries, lamprey control measures were implemented. Details of the success of the sea lamprey program are demonstrated in the brochure. A copy of the brochure is available in the Clerk's Department. Additional copies can be obtained by calling the O.F.A.H./.M.N.R. Invading Species Hotline at 1-800-563-7711. (Received for Information) 1-13 Member Communication received from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario advising of the standards for sulphur in gasoline. Last Friday, Christine Stewart, Minister of Environment announced that the level of sulphur in gasoline will be reduced. The plan will require the petroleum industry to achieve the following standards: Average level of 150 parts per million (PPM) by 2002 Average level of30 ppm by 2005 " AMO's membership, at its annual general meeting in August, called on the federal government to meet an annual average of 30 ppm by 2002. While the time frame is longer than that proposed by the membership, the government has taken a significant step. The longer time frame is to reduce the impact on industry. (Received for Information) 1-15 Samantha Wilkinson, Administration Manager, Marketing and Membership Co-ordinator, Greater Toronto Apartment Association, extending an invitation to their first annual general meeting and cocktail party to be held on Wednesday November 18, 1998,5:30 -7:30 p.m., at the Inn on the Park - Le Club. Anyone wishing to attend please R.S.V.P. (416) 385-3435. (Received for Information) 1-16 Minutes of a meeting of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority held on October 20, 1998. (Received for Information) 1-17 Anne Arsenault, Vice Chair, St. Francis of Assisi Parent Council, thanking Council for their rapid consideration of their request regarding a drainage problem in Newcastle Park. In late September, crews installed the new drainage system and the children are delighted to have their playground and sports field back. ~ (Received for Information) Council Minutes - 7 - November 9, 1998 ~ COMMUNICATIONS 1-18 The Honourable Al Leach, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, advising that By-law 97-220 Development Charges By-law, which was approved by the Municipality ofClarington on October 14,1997, and forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, for review, is approved. Proclamation of the Development Charges Act, 1997 (Bill 98) occurred on March 1, 1998. A provision in the new Act will terminate all by-laws adopted under the former Development Charges Act, including this by-law, at the end of an 18-month transition period on August 31, 1999. (Received for Information) 1-19 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, advising that the Supplementary Report on the Effectiveness of Reduced Speed Limits with Flashing Beacons Opposite Schools and the Town of Pickering's Request to Reduce the Posted Speed Limit on Regional Road No. 38 (Whites Road), was considered by the Works Committee on October 21,1998, and adopted the following recommendations: '-' "THAT Report #98- W -102 of the Commissioner of Works be received for information as follow up to Reports #96-W-126 and #97-W-147 of the Commissioner of Works; and THAT a copy of Report #98-W-I02 ofthe Commissioner of Works be forwarded to the local municipalities and School Boards and School Community Councils." (Received for Information) 1-20 Walter Taylor, Clerk, Township ofUxbridge, advising that the Township of Uxbridge at its regular meeting held on Monday, October 26, 1998, endorsed the resolution of the Municipality of Clarington with regard to transportation and GO Transit Funding issues in the GTA. (Received for Information) 1-22 Isabel Bassett, Minister, Citizenship, Culture and Recreation and Chris Hodgson, Chair, Management Board of Cabinet, forwarding a package of information from the OntarioTrillium Foundation. Earlier this year the government indicated that it would soon provide details on the framework and criteria for distributing a guaranteed minimum of $1 00 million annually in funding to charities and not-for-profit groups throughout Ontario, and information about how to access the funds through the new Ontario Trillium Foundation. Last year, the Charitable Gaming Allocation Working Group heard from hundreds of people during its extensive consultations. During the month of August, the co-chairs of the Working Group, along with representatives from the Ontario Trillium Foundation -.-. Council Minutes - 8- November 9,1998 ~ COMMUNICATIONS (an arm's-length agency of the provincial government) and the Gaming Secretariat of Management Board Secretariat, consulted with an additional 250 members of the voluntary sector in eight communities across Ontario. The purpose of the consultations was to determine how best to allocate the $100 million for project, capital and operating purposes, and a strategy to achieve local input into decision-making. They have developed an allocation framework based on what charitable and not-for-profit organizations said would work best. (Received for Information) 1-23 Press Release received from the Voters Organized to Cancel the Airport Lands (V.O.C.A.L.), advising that the Greater Toronto Airports Authority reverses its previous stand and now admits an airport in Pickering is unnecessary. They claim that this statement confirms that the process to designate the lands an airport site is obviously premature. V.O.C.A.L. is a nonprofit grassroots organization formed to focus and amplify the voices of the 26 communities and innumerable neighbourhoods that will be negatively impacted by an airport located in Pickering. Their goal is to cancel the airport lands designation process. (Received for Information) " 1-24 Evelyn Jurgens, Clerk/Acting CAO, Township of King, advising ofa resolution with respect to the proposed Greater Toronto Services Board, as follows: "WHEREAS the Council of the Township of King has identified a number of concerns regarding the Greater Toronto Services Board (GTSB); AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of King is particularly concerned that the structure of the GTSB will not allow for full consideration of issues that are important to the rural municipalities within the Greater Toronto Area (GTA); NOW THEREFORE BE AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: I. THAT the GTSB legislation be withdrawn. 2. THAT, instead of establishing the proposed GTSB, the provincial government: -.-. Council Minutes ~ COMMUNICATIONS " 1-7 Waste Reduction Week M02.GE ~ -9- November 9, 1998 a) issue a policy statement: i) vesting the GTA Mayors and Chairs with the responsibility to promote and facilitate the co-ordination of municipal services across the GT A; ii) authorizing the GT A Mayors and Chairs to establish such sub-committees as they consider appropriate for the purposes of carrying out the foregoing responsibility; iii) seconding the staff of the Office of the Greater Toronto Area (OGTA) to the GTA Mayors and Chairs to assist them in carrying out the foregoing responsibility; b) establish a board of directors composed of the Mayor of the City of Toronto and the Regional Chairs of Durham, York, Peel, Halton and Hamilton-Wentworth to administer and supervise the operation of GO Transit. (Received for Information) Joe Dickson, Town of Ajax, advising that November 2 - 8 1998, inclusive, is the 1998 Annual Waste Reduction Week in Ontario. Although many communities in Ontario do not participate, the eight municiPalities of Durham have become leaders in waste reduction. This is their 8 year of challenge, an offshoot of Ajax Environmental Affairs week. Clarington and all municipalities have participated in the "Waste Region Week in Durham" challenge in past years with positive results. Resolution #C-804-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Item 1-7 be received for information. "CARRIED" Councillor Schell made a declaration of pecuniary interest with respect to Correspondence Item I-II, vacated his chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Councillor Schell indicated that he is employed by Blue Circle Inc., the subject of the correspondence. Council Minutes ~ COMMUNICATIONS 1-11 Minutes - Blue Circle Committee C06.BL 1-12 Proposed Wet/Dry Project Municipal Waste E07.GE "" 1-14 Highway 407 Bill 70 T05.GE ~ - 10- November 9, 1998 Minutes of a meeting of the Blue Circle Cement Community Relations Committee held on September 24, 1998. Resolution #C-805-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Item I-II be received for information. "CARRIED" P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, forwarding a copy of Report #98- WR-8, regarding a Proposed Three Year"Wet/Dry" Project for the Collection, Processing and Disposal of Residential Municipal Wastes in Clarington, exclusively by the Municipality (98-WR-13). She also advised that the Works committee of Regional Council considered the matter and at a meeting held on October 7, 1998, Council adopted the following recommendation of the Committee: "THAT the Municipality of Clarington be advised that it is premature to undertake a wet/dry pilot project for the collection, processing and disposal of residential municipal wastes in Clarington at this time." Resolution #C-806-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Item 1-12 be received for information. "CARRIED" John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham East, advising of the recently introduced legislation pertaining to Highway 407. Bill 70, "An Act to engage the private sector in improving transportation infrastructure, reducing traffic congestion, creating jobs and stimulating economic activity through the sale of Highway 407" purports to engage the private sector in the completion of this important transportation route. ~ "" ......... Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS 1-21 New Actual Value Assessment System F27.CO - 11 - November 9, 1998 Resolution #C-807-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Item 1-14 be received for information. "CARRIED" Roger Anderson, Regional Chair, forwarding correspondence addressed to Mr. Jerry Ouellette, MPP, Oshawa, concerning the new actual value assessment system. He advised that now that ratepayers across Durham have their properly tax bills in hand, the effects of the Provincial-Municipal service realignment and the new Actual Value Assessment system are clearly visible to all. He advised that the level of interest and concern in these matters has, therefore, peaked as reflected in the flood of calls to Regional and Local Municipal offices as well as to the offices of Provincial MPP's. He stated that it is most important that ratepayers be given a clear, accurate and complete as possible account of the changes that are taking place. He stated his concern about the incorrect responses given by his office to two individual queries. Resolution #C-808-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Item 1-21 be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-809-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Items D-I, D-2 and D-3 be approved as per the agenda. "CARRIED" Council Minutes \. COMMUNICATIONS D-l Fence Complaint P01.FE D-2 Charitable Gaming P09.GE " ......... - 12 - November 9, 1998 Dennis N. Whalley, 51 Birchfield Drive, Courtice, advising ofa complaint about his fence. He advised that his fence has been as is for 10 years with no problem to anyone that he is aware of. The fence was as it is now save, for putting up new privacy boards this summer as the old ones were starting to break down (new ones may be slightly higher by 3 to 4 inches). He is requesting that his fence remain as is for personal reasons. (Referred to the Clerk's Department for Review in conjunction with Report regarding new fencing by-law) Joseph Dalrymple, Chair of Session, St. Paul's United Church, advising of a motion which was passed unanimously, by the Church Board of St. Paul's United Church as follows: "A. That the Church Board of St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville endorse the following recommendations of the General Executive of the United Church of Canada and forward them to the appropriate levels of government. The General Council Executive of the United Church of Canada urges the Federal government to: 1. Create a federal inquiry to conduct a public and independent review of the social, economic, and legal impact oflegal and illegal gambling and charitable gaming in Canada, and to make recommendations regarding public policy, with particular attention to electronic gambling and to effective oversight of the gambling industry within the requirements of the criminal code; 2. Establish national standards for the assessment of gambling and charitable gambling proposals, including economic, legal and social impact assessments; 3. Establish a single format for providing information on gambling, gaming and gambling generated revenues and require full disclosure of such information annually; Establish an independent review of the activities of provincial gambling/gaming commissions and issue a public report on the findings, with particular attention to public processes for decision-making regarding the allocation of gambling-generated funds, public accountability, and standards of governance that serve the public interest; and Council Minutes \. COMMUNICATIONS D-3 "" Upkeep of Rotary Park P01.BY D-6 Additional Stop Lights, Courtice T07.GE ....... - 13- November 9, 1998 B. That the Executive of General Council urge all provincial, territorial, and First Nations governments to: I. Halt all gambling/gaming expansion until such time as a full federal review has been completed and the recommendations acted upon; 2. Ban the use of video lottery terminals (V.L.T.s) and slot machines and establish plans with time lines for removing those V.L.T.s and slot machines that have already been licensed. C. AND that the Church Board ofSt. Paul's United Church urge the councils of the Regional Municipality of Durham and the area Municipality of CJarington to resist and reject all approaches and proposals to establish permanent casinos or the introduction of V.L. T.s or video slot machines into their respective jurisdictions." (Advise of Council's previous resolution) Robert 1. Trotman, 13 Centre Court, Newcastle, LIB 1B9, thanking Mayor and Council and advising of the success of Rotary Park in Bowmanville. However, he is concerned with the upkeep of the park noting that where the odd tree or two has been removed because of natural cause or vandalism, and replacements are not planted. He is requesting that perhaps the Legion be approached with a view to sharing some of the "upkeep" cost of this special area. (Referred to Public Works for review) Kathleen Hayes, 25 Mull Crescent, Courtice, LIE 2E 1, advising that since moving to Courtice eight years ago, she has witnessed amazing growth, specifically in the build up of businesses along Highway 2 from Townline Road east to Varcoe Road. She feels that there is a desperate need for additional stop lights. Resolution #C-81 0-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item D-6 be referred to the Public Works Department for review. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Council Minutes "" COMMUNICATIONS D-12 Stormwater Runoff E02.GE ~ D-4 Library - Newcastle Village R02.GE """"'" - 14- November 9, 1998 Resolution #C-811-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-81 0-98 be amended by deleting the word "Public" and replacing it with the word "Regional". "CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #C-81 0-98 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. George Bellman, 247 Mearns Avenue, Bowmanville, LIC 3K5, advising that during the past 8 years, he has had several verbal conversations with elected officials and engineering staff in the municipality regarding a serious storm water runoff situation onto his properly. In his opinion, this problem surfaced in 1990 following the sale of adjacent acreage and the owner's subsequent removal of the topsoil. As a result, this barren "stripped" property is unable to property retain moisture and the water flows east, along the railroad tracks, under Mearns A venue, through a culvert under the railroad tracks and onto his property. It is the volume of water which has resulted in areas of his land being unable to farm and dangerous for his animals to graze. He is requesting that the municipality correct this problem or, if necessary, enforce the current owners to make reasonable alterations to the property. Resolution #C-812-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item D-12 be referred to the Public Works Department for review and preparation of a report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee. "CARRIED" Tenzin Gyaltsan, Newcastle IGA, with regard to a discussion of the need for a larger library in the Village of Newcastle. He advised that they will be relocating their present store to a new site in the spring and this building will be available. The total square footage is approximately 6,500 sq. ft., with 25 car parking and central village location. He is asking the Municipality of Clarington if they would be interested in this site. Council Minutes "" COMMUNICATIONS D-5 Proposed Bill 25 LI1.PR "" D-7 Resolution re: Cottage Pollution Control Program CIO.AD ~ - 15 - November 9, 1998 Resolution #C-813-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Correspondence Item D-4 be referred to the Clarington Public Library Board. "CARRIED" Overview received from R.A. Fowler, Secretary, Ontario Property and Environmental Rights Alliance (OPERA), regarding Schedule I, Proposed Bill 25, Red Tape Reduction Act. He pointed out that in the OF A submission to the Standing Committee "proposed amendments to the Conservation Authorities Act are far reaching and, we believe, fundamentally change the Act's focus." He requests the views of Council on this matter. Resolution #C-814-98 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Item D-5 be referred to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and copies forwarded to the Ganaraska Conservation Authority and the Kawartha Region Conservation Authority. "CARRIED" Reeve and Council, Township of Hagerman, requesting Council's support of the following resolution: "WHEREAS Ontario's thousands of beautiful inland lakes provide an abundant resource for recreational enjoyment; AND WHEREAS to protect the quality of these waters a delicate environmental balance must be maintained; AND WHEREAS the Ministry of Environment offered a 'Cottage Pollution Control Program' that offered technical information and training to individuals to undertake a voluntary sewage system reinspection program on selected lakes and evaluate their acceptability against existing acts and regulations; AND WHEREAS uncontrolled activity and imprudent development near recreational lakes may cause water quality impairment that can affect fish and wildlife; Council Minutes ~ COMMUNICATIONS ~ D-8 Resolution re: Bingo Lotteries CIO.AD ."""" - 16- November 9, 1998 AND WHEREAS Cottage Associations have contributed greatly to public awareness and education on environmental issues with an emphasis on sewage disposal systems; AND WHEREAS the Hagerman Ratepayers Association has just completed the voluntary 'Cottage Pollution Program' on six lakes in the Township of Hagerman, with 98% co-operation, which has been very successful in protecting our environment for future generations; AND WHEREAS the Ministry of Environment cancelled the 'Cottage Pollution Control Program'; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Hagerman are supporting the Hagerman Ratepayers Association in urging the Provincial Government to take immediate action to reinstate the 'Cottage Pollution Control Program' ; AND FURTHER THAT all rural municipalities, local M.P.P.'s and the Minister of Environment be petitioned to support this request." Resolution #C-815-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Correspondence Item D-7 be received for information. "CARRIED" Thomas W. Lynd, Commissioner of Council Services/City Clerk, City of Windsor, advising of a resolution passed by the City of Windsor as follows: "WHEREAS bingo lottery events with prize boards of$5,500.00 or less are currently licensed by municipalities pursuant to Terms and Conditions issued by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, and this regulatory environment operates well in the public interest; and Council Minutes - 17 - November 9, 1998 Ilw' COMMUNICATIONS WHEREAS the authority for the management and conduct of these lottery events by charitable organizations derives from Section 207(l)(b) of the Criminal Code of Canada and this Criminal Code authority has been in place since approximately 1963 and allowed Ontario charitable organizations to derive significant revenues from bingo lotteries to finance their charitable objects; and WHEREAS there has been a recent change in charitable gaming in the Province of Ontario with the Ontario Lottery Corporation planning to operate charitable gaming clubs directly under the authority in Section 207(l)(a) of the Criminal Code, with no involvement by charitable organizations as previously existed with previous regulations, and this model could also be applied by the Provincial Government to the charitable bingo industry; "" THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED THAT the Provincial Government BE PETITIONED to provide a commitment to Ontario municipalities to maintain the status quo with respect to the operation of bingo lotteries by charitable organizations under Section 207(l)(b) of the Criminal Code, since the present system of operation of these events generates charities and the system is regulated well by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario; AND FURTHER THAT a copy of Council's resolution be sent to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario, and Ontario municipalities for support." Resolution #C-816-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item D-8 be received for information. "CARRIED" ~ Council Minutes "" COMMUNICATIONS D-9 Ganaraska - Status of Reserve Funds A01.GE "" \w - 18 - November 9, 1998 L.T. Hall, Chair, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, responding to Council's request for a report on the status of the reserve funds and forwarding background material for information purposes. Resolution #C-817-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim WHEREAS the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority has responded to Council's request during budget deliberations by providing an accounting of the Reserve Fund proposed activities over three years in a responsible manner; and WHEREAS the use of those funds includes a contribution to the Wilmot Creek Watershed plan totaling $30,850; and WHEREAS the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority has provided a budget, which identifies the total commitment of the Municipality of Clarington to the Wilmot Creek Watershed Plan at $36,000, divided in three equal installments of$12,000; and WHEREAS the normal budgetary process of the Region authorizing the annual grant request does not support a direct request for funding to the Municipality, however because the project is specific to the Municipality of Clarington; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipality of Clarington approves the expenditure of $12,000 from the Unclassified Administration Contingency Account #7007-X-298 for 1998; THAT the $24,000 required for 1999 and 2000 be approved from the accumulated surplus to be set aside in the General Capital Reserve until it is requested; and THAT the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority be advised of the decision of Council and that the Municipality of Clarington appreciates their fiscally responsible actions in setting up the Reserve Fund from unexpended budget adjustments. "CARRIED" Council Minutes "" COMMUNICATIONS D-I0 Conference - Millenium Committee A04.GE D-11 "" Resolution re: Gasoline Tax CI0.AD "" - 19- November 9, 1998 Martin Robertson, Voluntary Co-ordinator, Ontario Millenium Communities Conference, advising that a special Ontario meeting of community millenium committees is being called for next February 13th and 14th 1999 in Toronto. All council members and volunteer groups interested in forming a Year 2000 network for ideas, information and resource sharing are invited to attend. If the municipality does not have a Millenium Committee, they suggest that one be formed. Resolution #C-818-98 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Correspondence Item D-1O be referred to the Marketing, Tourism and Economic Development Officer for coordination with the Municipality's 25th anniversary committee. "CARRIED" The Town ofWalkerton Council passed a resolution on September 28, 1998, to petition the Province of Ontario to share the gasoline tax in a fair and equitable manner with Ontario Municipalities as follows: "WHEREAS there has been a realignment of responsibility for the maintenance and up-keep of highways from the province to upper and lower tier municipalities; AND WHEREAS the Provincial Government receives a gasoline tax on each litre of gasoline sold in Ontario; AND WHEREAS this gasoline tax is designated for the maintenance and up-keep of highways; AND WHEREAS some of the highways transferred from the Province to municipalities are in very poor conditions; AND WHEREAS the one time only funding given to municipalities to maintain and up-keep these newly acquired sections of highway is very inadequate; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipal Council of the Corporation ofthe Town ofWalkerton hereby petitions the Province of Ontario to share the gasoline tax in a fair and equitable manner with the municipalities of the Province of Ontario, and that this resolution be forwarded to AMO, OSUM and all municipalities within the Province of Ontario for their support." Council Minutes ~ - 20- November 9, 1998 COMMUNICATIONS D-13 In-School Mentoring Program M02.GE \. D-14 Confidential Property Matter "" Resolution #C-819-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the resolution of the Town ofWalkerton regarding gasoline tax be endorsed by the Council ofthe Municipality of Clarington. "CARRIED" Carrie Cameron, Mentor Volunteer Co-ordinator, Big Brothers of Clarington, advising of the new In-School Mentoring Program. In-School Mentoring is a volunteer program in which children ages 7 - 9, who would benefit from a one-to-one friendship are paired with a caring adult. The goal of the program is to assist children in gaining confidence and self- acceptance through a warm supporting relationship. The Mentors are volunteers within the Clarington community. A Mentor must be 21 years of age or over and committed to spending one hour per week visiting their Mentee, during school hours. She advised that the success of the program is dependent upon the community and is asking for financial support or in the way of volunteers. Resolution #C-820-98 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Carrie Cameron be advised of the municipality's grant process; and THAT the In-School Mentoring Program be endorsed by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington and promoted through the Community Guide, the sign board in the Town Square and the display of posters in the Municipal Administrative Centre. "CARRIED" Confidential correspondence regarding a property matter. Resolution #C-821-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT Confidential Correspondence Item D-14 be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered during a "closed" session of Council. "CARRIED" "" "" "" Council Minutes MOTION - 21 - November 9, 1998 NOTICE OF MOTION COMMITTEE REPORTS Report #1 Resolution #C-822-98 G.P.A. Report Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Mutton November 2, 1998 Item #9 Properly Standards Order P01.PR Item # 11 Flag Design M09.GE THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of November 2,1998, be approved, with the exception of Items #9 and #11. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-823-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Report CD-58-98 be tabled until January 1999; and THAT Sam Gust and his solicitor be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-824-98 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT the Clerk's Department, in conjunction with the Marketing and Tourism Department, prepare a flag design which would incorporate the municipal coat of arms and the municipal logo. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Resolution #C-825-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-824-98 be amended by deleting the word "logo" and replacing it with the words "colours of blue and yellow". "CARRIED" '-' "" \"... Council Minutes REPORTS Report #2 Tender CL98-20 Hampton Operations Centre Roof Replacement FI8.QU Report #3 - 22- November 9, 1998 The foregoing Resolution #C-824-98 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Resolution #C-826-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report TR-83-98 be received; THAT Barr's Roofing, Siding and Sheet Metal, Newcastle, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $26,745.00 (plus G.S.T.) being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL98-20, be awarded the contract for the Hampton Operations Centre Roof Replacement; THAT the total funds required in the amount of$31,117.15 ($26,745.00 plus G.S.T. and $2,500.00 consulting) be drawn from the 1998 Administration Capital Budget Account #7029-00000-0501; and THAT the by-law attached to Report TR-83-98 as Schedule A authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the agreement be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-827-98 Moved by Councillor Shell, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT Confidential Report CD-60-98 be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered during a "closed" session of Council. "CARRIED" Council Minutes '-' OTHER BUSINESS Municipal Code Of Ethics Legion Theme Mural "" - 23 - November 9, 1998 Resolution #C-828-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the Acting Chief Administrative Officer, Solicitor and appropriate staff review the Regional Municipality of Durham's code of ethics for employees and report back to the General Purpose and Administration Committee on the implementation of a code of ethics policy for the employees of the Municipality of Clarington. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-829-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the placement of the "Legion Theme Mural" on the Municipal Administrative Centre be approved, subject to an agreement containing terms and conditions acceptable to the Chief Administrative Officer; and THAT the sponsorship of this mural be financed from Account #7007-00000-0298 to a maximum of$3,000. "CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE" Recorded Vote Yea Nay Councillor Mutton Councillor Novak Councillor Rowe Councillor Schell Councillor Trim Councillor Young Mayor Hamre UNFINISHED BUSINESS "" There were no items of business considered under this section of the agenda. Council Minutes '-' BY-LAWS '-" "" - 24- November 9,1998 Resolution #C-830-98 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and that the said by-laws be now read a first and second time: 98-165 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and the Ministry of Transportation; and 98-166 being a by-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality ofClarington and Barr's Roofing, Siding and Sheet Metal, Newcastle, in respect to the Hampton Operations Centre Roof Replacement. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-831-98 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the third and final reading of By-laws 98-165 and 98-166 be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-832-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the meeting be "closed" in order to discuss a personnel matter and two property matters. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-833-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the actions taken during the "closed" session of Council be ratified. "CARRIED" '-' '- "" Council Minutes - 25- November 9, 1998 CONFIRMING BY-LAW ADJOURNMENT Councillor Schell made a declaration of pecuniary interest earlier in the meeting and refrained from discussion and voting on the confirming by-law. Resolution #C-834-98 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Young THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 98-167, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at this meeting held on the 9th day of November 1998, and that the said by-law be now read a first and second time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-835-98 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the third and final reading of By-law 98-167 be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-836-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:40 p.m. "CARRIED" ~am~~ A OR