HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/29/1998 '--' Council Minutes PRAYERS ROLL CALL Present Were: Also Present: '- MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON June 29,1998 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on Monday, June 29, 1998, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers Councillor Schell led the meeting in prayer. Mayor D. Hamre Councillor J. Mutton Councillor M. Novak Councillor J. Rowe Councillor J. Schell Councillor C. Trim Councillor T. Young Chief Administrative Officer, W. H. Stockwell Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Fire Chief, M. Creighton (until 9:45 p.m.) Deputy Treasurer, C. Senior (until 9:45 p.m.) Director of Public Works, S. Vokes (until 9:45 p.m.) Labour Relations Solicitor, G. Weir (attended at 8:30 p.m.) Director of Planning and Development, F. Wu (until 9:45 p.m.) Deputy Clerk, M. Knight Mayor Hamre chaired the meeting. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Rowe indicated that she would be disclosing a pecuniary interest with respect to Item #4 (Report PD-72-98) of Report #1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING """ Resolution #C-549-98 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on June 15, 1998 be approved. "CARRIED" Council Minutes ~ PRESENTATION DELEGATIONS \.. """ - 2 - June 29,1998 Linda Lalibertie, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority - introduced Mark Peacock, Watershed Engineer and circulated a fact sheet and related material pertaining to the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. She made a slide presentation which addressed the history of the Conservation Authority which was established in October, 1946 and shared with Members of Council the goals and activities of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. Richard Ducharme re: GO Transit - used an overhead projector to illustrate the various transit scenarios which have been revised. He informed Members of Council that, effective September 5,1998, GO service will be offered to Newcastle Village. He advised that GO Transit constantly looks for efficiencies and improvements and the express buses have been reallocated to become local buses to provide an enhanced service to Clarington. He noted that GO Transit staff will work with municipal staff to implement locations of bus stops. Penny Waghorn introduced the new Vice-President of Ontario Hydro, Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, Charles Packer who has been employed by Ontario Hydro since 1984. He advised that he is looking forward to building a strong and healthy business relationship with the municipality. Edgar Lucas, Intowne Gallary - requested that Reports CD-31-98 and TR-58-98 be tabled to the Special General Purpose and Administration Committee schedllied for July 13, 1998. Walter Zutell, 114 Concession Street East, Unit 20, Bowmanville, L 1 C 4Q7 - requested that the Handi Transit service be extended to include evenings, weekend and holidays. Libby and Stan Racansky, 3200 Hancock Road, Courtice, LIE 2MI - with a use of an overhead projector, illustrated the Courtice and Trulls Road wood areas which are most significant and historical. Mrs. Racansky delved into the history of these sensitive lands and requested that Members of Council help to protect these woodlots. \... '- '-' Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS - 3 - June 29, 1998 Resolution #C-550-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Council recess for 15 minutes. "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 8:30 p.m. Resolution #C-551-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the communications to be received for information be approved with the exception of Items I - 1, 1- 6, I - 12, I - 18, 1- 26, I - 28 and 1-31. "CARRIED" 1-2 Minutes of meetings of the Newcastle Community Hall Board held On May 19 and June I, 1998; 1-3 Member Communication received from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario entitled "Provincial Offences Act Amended: Bill 108 Passed"; I - 4 Correspondence received from Ken Keyes, Match Chairman and Randy Reid, VIP Co-ordinator, International Plowing Match '98- Invitation; I - 5 Correspondence received from Rick Morrison, Library Board Chair, Clarington Public Library - Letter of Thanks; 1-7 News Release received from the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario - Amendments Made to Bill 16; 1-8 Correspondence received from M. Rostetter, Town of Port Hope- Low Level Radioactive Waste Environmental Problem; Council Minutes -4- June 29, 1998 '- COMMUNICATIONS 1-9 News Release received from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing entitled "Province Assumes Responsibility for Special Needs Housing"; I - 10 Member Communication received from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario entitled "Amendments to Labour Relations Act Aim to Provide Flexibility for Municipalities"; 1- 11 News Release received from the Ministry of Finance entitled "Bill 16 Becomes Law - Small Business Jobs and Charities Protected"; 1- 13 Correspondence received from Dale R. Clemens, Operations Technician, Regional Municipality of Durham - Watermain Leak Detection Survey; 1-14 Correspondence received from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Tenant Protection Act, 1997; '- I-IS News Release received from the Atomic Energy Control Board entitled "AECB Publishes Latest Radiation Doses From Darlington and Pickering Nuclear Stations"; 1-16 Correspondence received from Paulette Vinette, President & CEO, Canadian Soft Drink Association - 1997 Packaging Stewardship Annual Report; I - 17 Correspondence received from Sheila Keating-Nause, Policy and Resolutions, Federation of Canadian Municipalities - Call for Resolutions; 1- 19 Correspondence received from The Hon. Al Leach, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Proposed New Municipal Act; 1-20 Member Communication received from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario entitled "Patrick Moyle Named New Executive Director of AMO"; I - 21 Correspondence received from P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham - Application for a Provisional Certificate of Approval for a Waste Disposal Site Under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act by T.S. Environmental Services Ltd., Municipality of Clarington; '-' \w '"" "- Council Minutes COMMUNICA nONS I -I Drop Box Bill Payments E06.GE - 5 - June 29, 1998 1-22 News Release received from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing entitled "Tenant Protection Act Takes Effect in Ontario"; I - 23 Correspondence received from Mary Lawson, President, Greater Toronto Home Builders' Association - Labour Disruptions; 1-24 Minutes of a meeting of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority held on June 2, 1998; I - 25 Correspondence received from The Hon. Al Leach, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Supportive Housing; 1-27 Member Communication received from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario entitled "Social Housing Update"; 1-29 Correspondence received from David H. Bradley, President, Ontario Trucking Association - The Lifeblood of Your Community; 1-30 Correspondence received from Sharon lies, Helping Hands Food Bank - Municipal Grant; and I - 31 Correspondence received from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing --0 Greater Toronto Services Board. Resolution #C-552-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the correspondence dated June 5, 1998, from the Region of Durham pertaining to the establishment of a drop box for Regional Water/Sanitary Sewer Bill Payments be received for information. "CARRIED" '- '- '-- Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS 1-6 Road Watch Town of Whitby M02.GE 1-12 Minutes of the Ganaraska Conservation Authority - 6 - June 29,1998 Resolution #C-553-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the Media Release dated June 9, 1998 received from the Town of Whitby pertaining to the introduction of Road Watch in the Town of Whitby, be received for information. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Resolution #C-554-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT the foregoing resolution #C-553-98 be amended by adding the following wording thereto: "and referred to the Director of Public Works for preparation of a report". "CARRIED" The foregoing resolution #C-553-98 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Resolution #C-555-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the minutes ofa meeting of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority for the meeting held on May 21, 1998 be received for information. "CARRIED" '- '- '- Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS I -18 Actual Value Assessment LlI.PR 1-26 Provincial Fuel Tax D02.GT 1-28 2000 Ontario Winter Summer Games - 7 - June 29, 1998 Resolution #C-556-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the correspondence dated June 16, 1998, from the Region of Durham pertaining to Actual Value Assessment - Update Small Business and Charities Protection Act, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-557-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the resolution of the GTA Mayors and Regional Chairs Committee dated June 19, 1998 pertaining to the allocation of a portion of the Provincial fuel tax be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington; and THAT Premier Mike Harris, The Honourable Ernie Eves, Minister of Finance and The Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Transportation be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-558-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the correspondence dated June 12, 1998 from the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation pertaining to the Winter Games be received for information. "CARRIED" Correspondence dated June 25, 1998 from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing pertaining to the Greater Toronto Services Board was circulated as Information I - 31 via a memorandum dated June 29, 1998. Council Minutes \..r COMMUNICATIONS 1-31 Greater Toronto Services Board D-I Gambling P09.GE '- D-2 National Immunization Week M02.GE '-' - 8 - June 29, 1998 Resolution #C-559-98 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the correspondence dated June 26, 1998, received from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing pertaining to the Greater Toronto Services Board be referred to the next Council Meeting scheduled forJuly 13, 1998. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-560-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence received from Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russell, Minister, United Church of Canada, Orono Pastoral charge regarding the promotion of gambling by governments, be received; and THAT Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russell be advised of the resolutions passed by the Council of the Municipality ofClarington on March 30,1998 and April 27, 1998 pertaining to this matter. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-561-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence dated May 27,1998 from Gerald Dafoe, Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Public Health Association regarding National Immunization Week, be received; THAT the week of October 25 to November I, 1998 be proclaimed "National Immunization Week" in the Municipality ofClarington and advertised in accordance with municipal policy; and THAT Gerald Dafoe be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" '-' \w \w Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D-4 Arthritis Month M02.GE D-5 Official Plan Amendment Application - Lishman D09.0PA.97.020 - 9 - June 29,1998 Resolution #C-562-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence dated June 2, 1998 from Allyson Rader, Durham Campaign Co-ordinator, The Arthritis Society regarding Arthritis Month, be received; THAT the month of September 1998 be proclaimed "Arthritis Month" in the Municipality ofClarington and advertised in accordance with municipal policy; THAT the Arthritis Society be granted permission to fly one of their Bluebird flags in the Town Square during Arthritis Month; and THAT Allyson Rader be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-563-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence dated May 25, 1998, received from Gordon Gallant, Land Use Specialist, Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters regarding the Official Plan Amendment Application submitted by Paula Lishman International, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Planning and Development for review in conjunction with the subject file; and THAT Gordon Gallant be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Council Minutes ~ COMMUNICATIONS D-6 Rural House Numbering T07.GE D-IO Nevada Licences P09.GE ~ D-12 Fire Prevention Program \.".. - 10 - June 29, 1998 Resolution #C-564-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence dated June 15, 1998, from Pam Callus regarding rural house numbering, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Fire Chief to be considered in conjunction with the subject file; and THAT Pam Callus be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-565-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence dated June 17, 1998, from Ilyas Patel, Area Co- ordinator and Thorold Bobier, Regional Chair, The Arthritis Society regarding the municipality's By-law #98-28 which prohibits the issuance of Nevada licences to organizations which do not have a home base in the Municipality of Cia ring ton, be received; and THAT a letter be forwarded to The Arthritis Society confirming the conversation with the Municipality that they are eligible for a Provincial Nevada Licence which will allow for the sale of Nevada tickets within the Municipality of Clarington. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-566-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence dated June 23, 1998 from Evylin Stroud regarding the recent fire prevention program and concerns over the fire trucks not shutting their engines while staff are going door to door, be received; '- ~ '- Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D-13 Official Plan Amendment Application Lishman D09.0PA.97.020 D-8 Parking on John Scott Court T02.GE - II - June 29, 1998 THAT the correspondence be referred to the Fire Chief for consideration and response; and THAT Evylin Stroud be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-567-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence received from 37 individuals outlining their concerns with respect to the Official Plan Amendment Application submitted by Paula Lishman International, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Planning and Development for review in conjunction with the subject file; and THAT Warren Watt, lead petitioner, be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-568-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the petition submitted by Rod Smith requesting an amendment to the traffic by-law to allow for parking in the centre of John Scott Court be tabled to allow staff to liase with Ralph Brown and Rod Smith pertaining the contents of Report WD- 31-97. "MOTION LOST" '- \... \".. Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D-3 Assessed Value Trailer Parks/ Tourist Camps CIO.AD D-7 Municipal Act LII.PR - 12- June 29, 1998 Resolution #C-569-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the petition submitted by Rod Smith requesting an amendment to the traffic by-law to allow for parking in the centre of John Scott Court, be received; and THAT a copy of Report WD-31-97, which deals with this matter, be forwarded to Rod Smith. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-570-98 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the correspondence dated June 3, 1998 from the Township of West Garafraxa requesting endorsement of a resolution pertaining to the assessed value oftrailer parks and tourist camps be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-571-98 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the resolution of the GTA Mayors and Regional Chairs Committee approved on June 19, 1998 pertaining to the presentation by Michael Smither requesting that the Province establish a task force of municipal and provincial representatives to develop the new Municipal Act be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington; and THAT The Honourable Al Leach be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" \w '- '- Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D-9 New School Funding Report D-II Rezoning Application 290572 Ontario Ltd. MOTION - 13 - June 29, 1998 Resolution #C-572-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the resolution approved by the GT A Mayors and Regional Chairs Committee on June 19, 1998 pertaining to the new school funding report be endorsed by the Municipality of Cia ring ton; and THAT the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Minister of Education be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-573-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the correspondence received from Frank and Jean Reid regarding the rezoning application submitted by 290572 Ontario Limited (staff Report PD-79-98), be received; and THAT Frank and Jean Reid be advised of Council's decision with respect to this matter. NOTICE OF MOTION COMMITTEE REPORTS Report # I G.P.A. Report June 22, 1998 Resolution #C-574-98 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of June 22, 1998, be approved with the exception ofItems #4, # 17 and #34. "CARRIED" \w. \w. '- Council Minutes REPORTS Item #4 Removal of Holding Symbol Clinic Buildings Limited Item #17 Parking Proposal Bowmanville Business Centre - 14- June 29, 1998 Councillor Rowe disclosed a pecuniary interest with respect to Item #4 of Report # I (Report PD-72-98), the nature of which is that her spouse is a business partner. Councillor Rowe vacated her chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Resolution #C-575-98 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT Report PD-72-98 be received; THAT the rezoning application submitted by Barry-Bryan Associates Limited on behalf of Clinic Buildings (1979) Limited requesting the removal of the Holding "H" symbol from the subject lands be approved; THAT the amending By-law attached to Report PD-72-98 be forwarded to Council for approval; THAT a copy of Report PD-72-98 and the amending By-law be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PD-72-98 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-576-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report CD-31-98 be tabled to the Special General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting scheduled for July 13, 1998 for preparation of a report on the financial implications. "CARRIED" '- ~ '- Council Minutes REPORTS Item #34 Street Receptacles Benches and Planters Report #2 BIA Parking Proposal and Parking Lot Reserve Fund - 15 - June 29, 1998 Resolution #C-577-98 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Report WD-40-98 be tabled to the Special General Purpose and Adminstration Committee meeting scheduled for July 13, 1998 to allow discussions between staff and the Orono and Newcastle B.LA.s to determine their interest in purchasing benches and planters and repayment over a period of three years. "CARRIED" A memorandum dated June 25, 1998 from the Treasurer to Members of Council pertaining to interest free loan options for B.LA.s was circulated as a handout. Resolution #C-578-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the memorandum dated June 25, 1998 from the Treasurer pertaining to interest free loan options for B.LA.s be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-579-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report TR-58-98 be tabled to the Special General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting scheduled for July 13, 1998. "CARRIED" Council Minutes '-' REPORTS Report #3 Addition! Renovations Newcastle Community Hall \w '-" - 16- June 29, 1998 Resolution #C-580-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report TR-59-98 be received; THAT Kraco Carpentry Service Limited, Bowmanville, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of$46,673.00, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL98-13, be awarded the contract for the Addition/Renovations to the Newcastle Community Hall; THAT $22,600.00 of the total be drawn from the Montague Trust Fund Reserve, and that $32,573.00 be drawn from the 1998 Capital Budget Account #7022-00002-0501; and THAT the By-law attached to Report TR-59-98 marked Schedule "A" authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the agreement be approved. "CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE" Recorded Vote Yea Nay Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest Councillor Novak Councillor Mutton Councillor Rowe Councillor Schell Councillor Trim Councillor Young Mayor Hamre Resolution #C-581-98 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the Confidential Verbal Report pertaining to a personnel matter be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered at a "closed" meeting. "CARRIED" ~ ~ '- Council Minutes - 17 - June 29, 1998 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority GO Transit Resolution #C-582-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the presentation of Linda Lalibertie pertaining to the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority be received with appreciation. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-583-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the presentation of Richard Ducharme pertaining to the revised schedule of GO Transit buses to Newcastle Village be received with appreciation; and THAT Richard Ducharme be advised that Council and staff will continue to work with GO Transit. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-584-98 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the delegation of Charles Packer, Vice-President, Ontario Hydro, Darlington Nuclear Generating Station be received with appreciation; and THAT Charles Packer be advised that Council looks forward to a fruitful working relationship. "CARRIED" Council Minutes - 18 - June 29, 1998 '- UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resolution #C-585-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the request of Walter Zutell for the Handi Transit service to be extended to include evenings, weekends and holidays be referred to staff for preparation of a report; and THAT Walter Zutell be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-586-98 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the delegation of Libby and Stan Racansky be received with appreciation. "CARRIED" '- BY -LAWS Resolution #C-587-98 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws 98-98 and 98-100 to 98-116, inclusive, and that the said by-laws be now read a first and second time: 98-98 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (Clarington Plan Limited & 800769 Ontario Limited); 98-100 being a by-law to amend By-law 96-32, the Fee Schedule By-law for the Municipality ofClarington Planning Department; 98-101 being a by-law to amend By-law 97-157, the Sign By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality ofClarington; '- Council Minutes ~ BY-LAWS '- '- - 19 - June 29, 1998 98-102 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law of the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (Robinson Ridge); 98-103 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation ofthe Municipality of Clarington (Ibanez); 98-104 being a by-law to authorize the entering into an amending agreement with Elfriede Jost the owner of Plan of Subdivision 18T-86062 (40M-1882) (Jost); 98-105 being a by-law to designate a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-1907 as not being subject to Part Lot Control (Green Martin Holdings); 98-106 being a by-law to amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, of the former Corporation of the Town of Newcastle (290572 Ontario Limited); 98-107 being a by-law to authorize the release of an agreement with 757001 Ontario Limited and the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle, now the Municipality of Clarington, for the development of Plan of Subdivision 40M-1785 (757001 Ontario Limited); 98-108 being a by-law to amend the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, of the former Corporation of the Town of Newcastle (Quarry Lakes); 98-109 being a by-law to amend By-law 91-58, being a by-law to regulate traffic on highways, municipal and private property in the Municipality of Clarington; 98-110 being a by-law to establish an Occupational Health and Safety Policy and an Occupational Health and Safety Program as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and to repeal By-law 96-63; Council Minutes '- BY-LAWS \...- ~ - 20- June 29,1998 98-111 being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Leasing Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and the John Howard Society in respect of a lease for premises situated at 132 Church Street (Upper Level), Bowmanville; 98-112 being a by-law to authorize the execution of a leasing agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and the Oshawa Clarington Association for Community Living in respect of a lease for premises situated at 132 Church Street (Upper Level), Bowmanville; 98-113 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the former Town of Newcastle; 98-114 being a by-law to amend By-law 94-180, being a by-law to prohibit and abate certain public nuisances; 98-115 being a by-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Kraco Carpentry Service Limited, Bowmanville, Ontario, for the Addition/Renovations to the Newcastle Community Hall; and 98-116 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No.8 to the Clarington Official Plan . "CARRIED" Resolution #C-588-98 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the third and final reading of By-laws 98-98 and 98-100 to 98-116 inclusive, be approved. "CARRIED" Councillor Rowe disclosed a pecuniary interest with respect to By-law 98-99, the nature of which is that her spouse is a business partner. Councillor Rowe vacated her chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. \w '-' ~ Council Minutes BY-LAWS OTHER BUSINESS Regional Update Committees/Boards Update - 21 - June 29, 1998 Resolution #C-589-98 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 98-99, being a by-law to amend the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, of the former Town of Newcastle (Clinic Building), and that the said by-law be read a first and second time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-590-98 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the third and final reading of By-law 98-99 be approved. "CARRIED" Councillor Mutton advised that no financial commitment has been received from the Province as ofthis date. He also noted that Durham Regional Police Officers are patrolling as plain clothes officers and have made numerous arrests in an attempt to find a solution to the vandalism and arson taking place in the municipality. Councillor Novak advised that CLOCA is celebrating its 40th anniversary. She has attended several meetings including the Canadian Mental Health Association, Community Care and the official naming of St. Elizabeth Catholic School. Councillor Mutton advised of the opening ofthe Newcastle Service Centre. Councillor Novak reminded everyone of the Canada Day celebrations to be held by the Bowmanville Museum. Council Minutes '- OTHER BUSINESS \.,.. '- - 22- June 29, 1998 Councillor Rowe described various activities undertaken by the Animal Advisory Committee, Friends of the Second Marsh, Courtice Library and the Visual Arts Centre. Councillor Schell has enjoyed his role as acting Mayor in several activities and advised Council of the Fire Fighters' Association who will be at Don Cherry's on July 16, 1998 and will be holding a golf tournament this summer. He stated that the BIA's sidewalk sale with a 50's theme was very successful. Councillor Trim advised that the hours for the holding for the soap box derby in honour of the Newcastle Town Hall's 75 anniversary have been revised to 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. Councillor Young advised that the Board of Trade has held its first meeting and that the Tyrone Hall Board is looking forward to its Great Durham Countryside Adventure. He has also attended various meetings which include the Newcastle Arena Board, St. Stephen's Graduation, a book store opening in Orono and will be at the dunk tank for the Firefighters' Association function to be held at Don Cherry's. Mayor Hamre advised of the Newcastle Service Centre's official opening noting that it is the largest in North America. She also attended the First Nation's first Pow Wow which was held at Durham College over the weekend, stating that it was the first of future annual events. Resolution #C-591-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT staff investigate the feasibility of arranging a joint partnership with the Newcastle Service Centre and the Ministry of Transportation to restore the park site immediately east of the 40 I service centre. "CARRIED" ..... '- ..... Council Minutes OTHER BUSINESS - 23 - June 29, 1998 Resolution #C-592-98 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the matter of the continuation of the Volunteer Recognition Program be tabled to the Special General Purpose and Adminstration Meeting scheduled for July 13, 1998; and THAT a copy of Report CS-14-92 be circulated for the information of Council. "CARRIED" Correspondence dated June 29, 1998 from Pat Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham re: 1998 Tax Rates was circulated as a handout. Resolution #C-593-98 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the correspondence dated June 29, 1998 from Pat Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham pertaining to the 1998 Tax Rates, be received; and THAT Pat Madill be advised that the Council of the Municipality of Clarington is interested in receiving a presentation from a Regional delegation comprised of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Finance and Administration Committee with respect to 1998 tax ratio. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-594-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the meeting be "closed" for consideration of a verbal report regarding a personnel matter. "CARRIED" \w '-' '-' Council Minutes OTHER BUSINESS - 24- June 29, 1998 Resolution #C-595-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the actions taken by Council at the "closed" meeting be ratified. "CARRIED" CONFIRMING BY-LAW Councillor Rowe disclosed pecuniary interests earlier in the meeting and refrained from discussion and voting on the confirming by-law. Resolution #C-596-98 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 98-117, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings ofthe Council of the Municipality of Clarington at this meeting held on the 29th day of June 1998, and that the said by-law be now read a first and second time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-597-98 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the third and final reading of By-law 98-117 be approved. "CARRIED" '-" ~ ~ Council Minutes ADJOURNMENT - 25- June 29, 1998 Resolution #C-598-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:55 p.m. "CARRIED" 7 / ACTING MAYOR V /