HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/01/1998 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON '-' Council Minutes June], ]998 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on Monday, June ], ]998, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers PRAYERS The Mayor led the meeting in prayer. ROLL CALL Present Were: Mayor D. Hamre Councillor J. Mutton Councillor M. Novak Councillor J. Rowe Councillor C. Trim Councillor T. Young Absent: Councillor 1. Schell (Due to illness) Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, W. H. Stockwell Director of Community Services, J. Caruana (Attended until 9:40 p.m.) Fire Chief, M. Creighton (Attended until 9:40 p.m.) Treasurer, M. Marano (Attended until 9:40 p.m.) Director of Public Works, S. Vokes (Attended until 9:40 p.m.) Director of Planning and Development, F. Wu (Attended until 9:40 p.m.) Clerk, P. Barrie '- DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Novak indicated that she would be disclosing a pecuniary interest with respect to Correspondence Item D - 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS Resolution #C-448-98 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on May 1], ] 998, be approved. "CARRIED" '- Council Minutes ~ '--' PRESENTATION "" - 2 - June ], ] 998 Mayor Hamre displayed a clock which Mary Fitzgerald made and presented to the Town. The face ofthe clock is a reproduction of the Municipal Crest. Resolution #C-449-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT the Mayor and Members of Council send a letter of appreciation to Mary Fitzgerald for her handiwork and gift of the Municipal Crest Clock. "CARRIED" Mayor Hamre advised that she had received a fax from Alan Tonks, G.T.A. Moderator, advising that he will be submitting his report on June 2, ]998, at the Black Creek Pioneer Village at ]2:00 noon. Mayor Hamre advised Council that on Friday, May 29, the Matthew, a replica of the John Cabot Vessel, arrived at the Oshawa Harbour. The public will be able to tour the vessel on June 4, 1998. On June 5, ]998, in recognition of Ontario Seniors' Month, Cam Jackson, Minister Without Portfolio, will be touring the Clarington Beach Centre site and Rotary Park. Jennifer Drummond, Project Supervisor, Russia - Ontario Exchange Canada World Youth, introduced Canada World Youth, a non-profit organization which co-ordinates international exchanges and non-formal experiences for youth. It was founded in ] 97] to create unique, cross- cultural learning experiences for youth, develop youth leadership skills and provide opportunities for young people to become more involved in international and community issues. She is presently in Bowmanville setting up the International Youth Exchange Program that will be coming to the municipality and she requested the municipality's support in providing a meeting place, work placement for the youth, and also assistance in finding host families. Council Minutes ~ DELEGATIONS '- '- - 3 - June ], ]998 Don Welsh, Clarington Older Adults, 4280 Mearns Avenue, R.R. #4, Bowmanville, LIC 3K5, appeared before Council to address the grant application submitted by their organization. He indicated that the association is now officially incorporated and the application to receive charitable status has been forwarded and hopefully will be approved in the near future. Mr. Welsh indicated that the organization last year received a grant in the amount of$2,500, however, this year an additional $2,500 is being requested to cover operating costs associated with ensuring that people know about the new facility and the programs being offered. He indicated that these costs would only be a one-time expense and after getting off to a good start, he is confident that the facility will generate enough income to run itself. Tony Samson, 260] Matheson Blvd. East, Unit 35, Mississauga, L4W 5A8, addressed Council with respect to Report PD-62-98 (Item #5 of Report #1). Mr. Samson indicated that his company is currently operating out of a mobile trailer and they are presently looking for a permanent site at Part Lot 8, Broken Front Concession, former Town of Bowmanville. He indicated that the location will receive electrical equipment containing PCBs at the site. Storage will take place in two approved storage containers with proper guage steel with removal end plates and neoprene seals. All PCB waste will be properly placed in approved drums and stored in the PCB storage container for disposal. All PCBs will be transferred bya licensed hauler to Swan Hills, Alberta for destruction. No PCB destruction equipment will be located at the site. Mr. Samson requested that Council request the Ministry of the Environment to hold a public information meeting rather than a public hearing, as is being recommended. He indicated that a public hearing is a very lengthy process. Clay Taylor, North Clarington Ratepayers Association, 5505 Darlington/Manvers Road, Pontypool, LOA ]KO, addressed Council with respect to the Addendum to Report CD-]6-98 (Item #8 of Report #]). Mr. Taylor advised that noise levels from both the oval track and the road track continued to violate the levels set out in the municipality's noise by-law this past weekend, May 29 and 30. He indicated that Mosport is picking and choosing which class of cars are running with mufflers and which ones are not. Mr. Taylor indicated that too much time has been spent studying this issue. Reports have been presented and years are going by. The association is requesting that Council: Council Minutes '- DELEGATIONS '- COMMUNICATIONS '-" -4- June ], ]998 . Advise Mosport that the noise by-law will be enforced to the letter effective July], ] 998. . Advise Mosport that they may apply for exemptions for two or three major racing events during the course of the normal racmg season. · If Mosport does not take action and operate within the by-law by July], ] 998, the muncipality proceed to take the necessary action to have the noise by-law enforced. Teddy Nguyen, Olympia Restaurant, ]2 King Street East, Bowmanville, L] C I N2, addressed Council with respect to his application for a Sign Permit which was issued on April 23, ]998. The permit allowed a new sign measuring 24' x 4' by y," to be erected on Mr. Nguyen's restaurant. Following issuance of the permit, Mr. Nguyen was advised that there was a misunderstanding on the dimensions of the sign and the permit was cancelled. Mr. Nguyen requested that Council provide an exemption to the by-law to allow for his new sign to be erected. Resolution #C-450-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the communications to be received for information be approved with the exception ofItems 1- 6, I -7, I - 13, 1- 15, I - 26, 1-29, 1- 30, I - 3], 1- 36 and I - 37. "CARRIED" 1-] Correspondence received from Novina Wong, City Clerk, City of Toronto - Toronto City Council's Response to Draft Greater Toronto Services Board Act; I - 2 Member Communication received from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario entitled "Ontario's Commercial and Industrial Education Tax Cut Plan"; 1-3 Minutes of a meeting of the Newcastle Community Hall Board held on April 20, ] 998; Council Minutes - 5 - June I, 1998 ~ COMMUNICA nONS 1-4 Correspondence received from Alan Tonks, Moderator - Greater Toronto Services Board; I - 5 Correspondence received from L.A. Chiotti, General Manager, Central Region, Consumers Gas - Natural Gas Rate Increase; I - 8 Correspondence received from Glen A. Pearce, President, Envirosearch Limited - 1997 Annual Report, Atlantic Soil Enrichment Program; 1-9 Correspondence received from R. Gosse, Deputy Clerk, Town of Ajax - Highway 2 - Highway 401 Corridor Transit Rervice Review; 1- 10 Correspondence received from John Mills, Director General, Environment Canada - Ontario Region - Fact Sheet - Severe Weather Programs; ~ I - II News Release received from the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority entitled "Aquatic Bugs Tell the Story"; I - 12 Minutes of a meeting of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority held on May 5, 1998; 1- 14 Correspondence received from P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham - The Ministry of Transportation's Involvement in Municipal Plan Review; 1-16 Correspondence received from Walter Taylor, Clerk, Township of Uxbridge - Regional and School Board Levies; 1- 17 Correspondence received from Len J. Mikulich, City Clerk, City of Brampton - Resolution - Region of Durham School Board Levies; I - 18 Minutes of a meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee held on April 21, 1998; I - 19 Minutes of a meeting of the Kawartha Conservation Authority held on May 5, 1998; ~ I - 20 Correspondence received from R. Gosse, Deputy Clerk, Town of Ajax - Greater Toronto Services Board; Council Minutes -6- June I, 1998 ~ COMMUNICA nONS 1-21 Correspondence received from L.A. Chiotti, General Manager, Central Region, Consumers Gas - 1998 Consumers Gas Environmental Report; 1-22 Correspondence received from Ann Vanstone, Co-Chair, Education Improvement Commission - The Future Role of School Councils; I - 23 Correspondence received from The Honourable Al Leach, Minister of Municipal Affairs - News Release entitled "1998 Budget Focuses on Tax Cuts for Jobs and Priority Services"; I - 24 Correspondence received from The Honourable Al Leach, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Greater Toronto Services Board; I - 25 Correspondence received from Janet Ecker, Minister, Ministry of Community and Social Services - Ontario Works Act; ~ 1-27 Correspondence received from Pat Crimmins, Committee CoordinatorlDeputy Clerk, The Regional Municipality of Halton - Proposed New Municipal Act - Region's Response; 1-28 Newsletter received from the Office of the Premier - Making Ontario Communities Safer; 1- 32 Correspondence received from Margaret Rodgers, Curator Director, Visual Arts Centre of Clarington - Juried Photography Show; 1-33 Correspondence received from Denis Kelly, Clerk-Administrator, Town of East Gwillimbury - Greater Toronto Services Board; 1- 34 Correspondence received from Garth Gilpin, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager, BOWffianville Business Centre - Quilt Extravaganza; 1-35 Correspondence received from Lorna D. Jackson, Mayor, City of Vaughan - Proposed Greater Toronto Services Board; 1-38 Correspondence received from John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham East - Regional and School Board Levies; ~ Council Minutes ~ COMMUNICATIONS 1-6 Resolution re: New Municipal Act LlI.PR '- ~ - 7 - June I, 1998 1-39 Correspondence received from Carolyn Lance, Committee Secretary, Town of Georgina - Regional and School Board Levies; and 1-40 Correspondence received from Dr. C.D. MacInnes, Coordinator, Rabies Research, Ministry of Natural Resources - Rabies Control Programs for 1998. Resolution #C-451-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the correspondence dated May 7, 1998, from Pat Kemp, Deputy Clerk, County of Peterborough addressed to The Honourable Michael Harris, Premier of Ontario, advising that the County of Peter borough passed a resolution demanding that the Government of Ontario delay the implementation of the New Municipal Act until public hearings are held to hear input and concerns from the public and elected officials on the proposed legislation, be received for information. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Resolution #C-452-98 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-451-98 be amended by adding the following thereto: "THAT the resolution of the County of Peterborough be endorsed by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington; and THAT The Honourable Michael Harris and Pat Kemp, Deputy Clerk, County of Peterborough, be advised of Council's decision." "CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #C-451-98 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Council Minutes ~ COMMUNICATIONS 1-7 Community Policing Partnership Program Details Announced M06.GE 1-13 Reductions in Meal Service CIO.AD ~ ~ - 8- June 1, 1998 Resolution #C-453-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the Member Communication received from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario entitled "Community Policing Partnership Program Details Announced", be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-454-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the correspondence dated May 7, 1998, from Sandra Kranc, Manager of Support Services, City of Oshawa, forwarding a resolution passed by the Council of the City of Oshawa, pertaining to Reductions in Meal Service, be received for information. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Resolution #C-455-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-454-98 be amended by adding the following thereto: "THAT the resolution of the City of Oshawa be endorsed by the Council of the Municipality ofClarington; and THAT the Region of Durham, all Durham municipalities, all Durham MPPs, the Premier, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the opposition leaders, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, be advised of Council's decision. " "CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #C-454-98 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Council Minutes \w COMMUNICATIONS I-IS Legislation Introduced to Assist Small Business and Charities M06.GE 1-26 Devolution of Social Housing to Municipalities Committee CIO.AD ~ '-' - 9 - June 1, 1998 Resolution #C-456-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the Member Communication received from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario entitled "Legislation Introduced to Assist Small Business and Charities", be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-457-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the correspondence May 14, 1998, from Pat Crimmins, Coordinator/Deputy Clerk, The Regional Municipality of Halton, forwarding a resolution pertaining to Devolution of Social Housing to Municipalities, be received for information. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Resolution #C-458-98 . Ii G ( f1./') e~tJ."""'1 'D--, Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by~oung ~ THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-457-98 be amended by adding the following thereto: "THAT the resolution of the Regional Municipality of Halton be endorsed by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington; and THAT Durham MPs and MPPs, the GTA Mayors and Regional Chairs, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, and Pat Crimmon be advised of Council's decision." "CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #C-457-98 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. \w \w '- Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS 1-29 Proposed New Municipal Act CIO.AD - 10- June I, 1998 Resolution #C-459-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the correspondence dated May 14, 1998, from Hazel McCallion, Mayor, City of Mississauga forwarding a resolution pertaining to the Proposed New Municipal Act, be received for information. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Resolution #C-460-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-459-98 be amended by adding the following thereto: "THAT the resolution of the City of Mississauga be endorsed by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington; and THAT The Honourable Michael Harris, Premier of Ontario, The Honourable Al Leach, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Durham MPPs and the GT A Mayors and Chairs be advised of Council's decision." "CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #C-459-98 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Council Minutes ~ COMMUNICATIONS 1-30 Regional Position on Public Alerting and Public Notification In a Nuclear Emergency P03.GE \w 1-31 AMO Receives Clarification on Latest Changes to Ontario's Fair Assessment System M06.GE '-' - 11 - June 1, 1998 Resolution #C-461-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the correspondence dated May 22,1998, from P.M. Madill, Public Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, pertaining to the Regional Position on Public Alerting and Public Notification in a Nuclear Emergency, be received for information. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Resolution #C-462-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-461-98 be amended by adding the following thereto: "and referred to the Fire Chieffor review and incorporation into the staffreport being prepared on this matter." "CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #C-461-98 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Resolution #C-463-98 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the Member Communication received from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario entitled "AMO Receives Clarification on Latest Changes to Ontario's Fair Assessment System", be received and referred to the Treasurer for review and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee upon receipt of further information. "CARRIED" \w '-- '- Council Minutes COMMUNICA nONS 1-36 Proposed Municipal Referendum Legislation CIO.AD - 12 - June I, 1998 Resolution #C-464-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the correspondence dated May 21,1998, from RJ. Douglas, Town Clerk, Town of Richmond Hill, forwarding a resolution pertaining to the Proposed Municipal Referendum Legislation, be received for information. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Resolution #C-465-98 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-464-98 be amended by adding the following thereto: "THAT the resolution of the Town of Richmond Hill be endorsed by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington; and THAT Al Leach, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Tony Clement, Minister Responsible for Consultation on the Municipal Referendum Framework - A Consultation Paper, the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, all Municipalities in the Greater Toronto area and John O'Toole, MPP, Durham East, be advised of Council's decision." "CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #C-464-98 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. \w \w '-' Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS 1-37 Aquatic Resources Management Plan D05.GE D-2 National Kid's Day M02.GE D-3 Concerns Regarding Concession St. E. Bowmanville M04.GE - 13 - June I, 1998 Resolution #C-466-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the correspondence dated May 22, 1998, from Samantha Mason, Fisheries Biologist, Central Lake Ontario Conservation, advising of a public open house to be held on Monday, June 8,1998, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., at the Fire and Court Building on Church Street, Bowmanville, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-467-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence dated May II, 1998, from A. Leona Chase, Executive Director, The Smile Trust, regarding National Kids' Day, be received; THAT June 6,1998, be proclaimed "National Kids' Day" in the Municipality ofClarington and advertised in accordance with municipal policy; and THAT A. Leona Chase be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-468-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence dated May 7,1998, from Allison Fellowes Strike, regarding traffic on Concession Street West, be received; and THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Public Works for review and preparation of a response. "CARRIED" ~ \w '-' Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D-4 Quilt Heritage Week M02.GE D-5 Falls Prevention Week M02.GE - 14 - June 1, 1998 Resolution #C-469-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence dated May 7, 1998, from Alice Carnegie, Show Convenor, Durham Trillium Quilters' Guild, regarding Quilt Heritage Week, be received; THAT November I - 7,1998, be proclaimed "Quilt Heritage Week" in the Municipality ofClarington and advertised in accordance with municipal policy; THAT the Durham Trillium Quilters' Guild be permitted to fly their flag in the Town Square during Quilt Heritage Week; and THAT Alice Carnegie be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-470-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence dated April 29, 1998, from Cindy O'Keefe, Chair and Patrick Chan, Co-Chair, Durham Regional Health Department, regarding Falls Prevention Week, be received; THAT the week of September 14, 1998, be proclaimed "Falls Prevention Week" in the Municipality ofClarington and advertised in accordance with municipal policy; and THAT Cindy O'Keefe and Patrick Chan, be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Council Minutes \w COMMUNICA nONS D-7 Ice Rental Request R05.GE D-8 National Aboriginal Day M02.GE \w D-9 Flight for Freedom Literacy Awards M02.GE """ - 15 - June 1, 1998 Resolution #C-471-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence dated May 4, 1998, from Christie Alexander, President, Bowmanville Figure Skating Club, forwarding a request for ice rental of both pads at the Gamet Rickard Complex on February 18 - 21, 1999, be received; and THAT the request be referred to the Director of Community Services for review and preparation of a response. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-472-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence dated May 6, 1998, from Jae Eadie, President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities regarding National Aboriginal Day, be received; THAT June 21, 1998, be proclaimed "National Aboriginal Day" in the Municipality ofClarington and advertised in accordance with municipal policy; and THAT Jae Eadie be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-473-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence dated May 1998, from Georges C. Clermont, President and Chief Executive Officer, Canada Post Corporation, regarding the Canada Post Flight for Freedom Literacy A wards, be received; Council Minutes ~ COMMUNICATIONS D-II Lishman Proposal DI4.DEV.97-058 ~ D-14 Bowmanville BIA Street Closings M02.GE '- - 16 - June 1,1998 THAT staffbe authorized to place an advertisement in the local newspapers, advising that nominations are being accepted for this program; and THAT Georges C. Clermont be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-474-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the petition received from area residents outlining their concerns with respect to the Official Plan Amendment Application submitted by Pallia Lishman International, be received; THAT the petition be referred to the Director of Planning and Development for review in conjunction with the subject file; and THAT J. Webster, Lead Petitioner, be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-475-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence dated May 20, 1998, from Garth Gilpin, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager, Bowmanville Business Centre regarding street closings for various events taking place in the downtown area, be received; THAT the request to amend the street closings on June 20, October 17 and December 4, 1998, by extending the closing at the eastern end on King Street to the sight-line at the eastern edge of the Veltri building and making George Street a one-way street to the north on these occasions, be approved; and THAT Garth Gilpin be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Council Minutes \w COMMUNICATIONS D-15 Resignation From the BOWffianville Museum Board CI2.BO D-18 ~ Liquor Licence Charity Fundraising Family Picnic P09.LI D-I Birchdale Rezoning and Subdivision D14.DEV.95-020 DI2.18T-95029 '"" - 17 - June I, 1998 Resolution #C-476-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence dated May 20, 1998, from Martha Turner, submitting her resignation from the BOWffianville Museum Board, be received with regret; THAT Martha Turner be thanked for her services to the Board; and THAT the correspondence be referred to the Clerk's Department in order to fill the vacancy created on the BOWffianville Museum Board. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-477-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence dated May 14, 1998, from Gerry Mahoney, Mahoney Nurseries, regarding the serving of alcoholic beverages at a charity fundraising family picnic scheduled for June 19, 1998, be received; and THAT Gerry Mahoney and Michael Small be advised that the Municipality of Clarington has no objection to the issuance of a liquor licence from the LLBO for this event. "CARRIED" Councillor Novak disclosed a pecuniary interest with the correspondence dated April 28, 1998, regarding Birchdale Village Rezoning and Subdivision Applications, the nature of which is that family members reside in close proximity to the subject property. Resolution #C-478-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence dated April 28, 1998 from R.J. Howes and J.A. Hayman, regarding Birchdale Village Rezoning and Subdivision Plan (Report PD-53-98), be received; \w '- '- Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D-6 Greenbelt Development at Westside Park R04.GE - 18 - June 1, 1998 THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Planning and Development for review in conjunction with the subject matter; and THAT RJ. Howes and J.A. Hayman be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-479-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence dated May 7,1998, from Arnold Mostert, regarding Greenbelt Development at Westside Park, Bowmanville, be Received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Public Works for review and report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT Arnold Mostert be advised of Council's decision. "MOTION LOST" Resolution #C-480-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the correspondence dated May 7,1998, from Arnold Mostert, regarding Greenbelt Development at Westside Park, Bowmanville, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Public Works for immediate action; and THAT Arnold Mostert be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Council Minutes ~ COMMUNICATIONS D-IO Lishman Proposal DI4.DEV.97-058 D-12 \w Petition for Full Time Coverage Courtice Firehall FI8.QU D-16 Trespassing of Hunters D05.GE '- - 19 - June I, 1998 Resolution #C-481-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence received from 107 individuals outlining their concerns with respect to the Official Plan Amendment Application submitted by Paula Lishman International, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Planning and Development for review in conjunction with the subject file; and THAT George D. MacGregor, Lead Petitioner, be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-482-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the petition received from residents of the Courtice area, requesting that the Courtice Fire Hall be staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for full time fire protection, be received; THAT the petition be referred to the 1998 budget discussions; and THAT Bev Azevedo, lead petitioner, be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-483-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence received from several area residents regarding hunting in the Municipality ofClarington, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Clerk's Department to be reviewed in conjunction with the subject matter; and THAT the residents be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" ~ ~ '- Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D-13 Champions of Change Request Financial Camp Assistance F II.CH D-17 Message of Support KIN Magazine MOI.GE MOTION NonCE OF MOTION - 20- June I, 1998 Resolution #C-484-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence dated May 10, 1998, from Carrie Cameron, Director, Champions of Change Youth Leadership Camp, requesting financial assistance in order to provide the camp to boys and girls aged 12 to 16 to develop leadership skills through involvement within the community, be received for information; THAT a grant in the amount of $250.00 be approved for the Champions of Change; and THAT Carrie Cameron be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-485-98 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence dated May 13, 1998, from Barry & Wanda McQueen, 1997 - 98 National Presidents, Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Canada, requesting the Municipality of Clarington to purchase a Message of Support in the KIN Magazine, be received; THAT a 1/12 page ad at the cost of $275.00 be purchased for the magazine; and THAT Barry & Wanda McQueen be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Council Minutes ~ - 21 - June I, 1998 COMMITTEE REPORTS Report # I G.P.A. Report May 25, 1998 \w Item #5 Certificate of Approval for APCB Transfer Station EOI.CE \w Resolution #C-486-98 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of May 25, 1998, be approved with the exception of Items #5 and #20. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-487-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Council recess for 15 minutes. "CARRIED" ~ riV -g rC-> ~ The meeting reconvened at ~:46 p.m. Resolution #C-488-98 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT Report PD-62-98 be received; THAT the Ministry of Environment be advised that the proposed P.C.B. storage facility conforms to the Clarington Official Plan and the Zoning By-law; THAT the Ministry of Environment be requested to hold a public hearing and that all area residents be notified of the application and forwarded a copy of Report PD-62-98; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PD-62-98 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Council Minutes ~ REPORTS Item #20 '- 1998 Municipal Grants ~ - 22- June I, 1998 Resolution #C-489-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-488-98 be amended by deleting the third paragraph and inserting a new third paragraph as follows: "THAT the Ministry of Environment be requested to hold an informal public meeting with area residents prior to issuance of a Certificate of Approval; and" "CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #C-488-98 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Resolution #C-490-98 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT Report CS-09-98 be received; THAT Council consider all submitted grant requests; THAT all applicants be advised of Council's decision. I) THAT Application #98-001 - Durham Countryside Adventure Committee be approved for a grant in the amount of$I,OOO; 2) THAT Application #98-002 - the Oshawa/Clarington Association for Community Living be approved for a grant in the amount of $2,000; 3) THAT Application #98-003 - St. John's Ambulance - Durham Region (Oshawa/Clarington) be approved for a grant in the amount of$400; 4) THAT Application #98-004 - Solina Community Centre Board be approved for a grant in the amount of $500; 5) THAT Application #98-005 - the Newcastle Community Hall be approved for a grant in the amount of$13,200; Council Minutes REPORTS \w 9) \w 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) \w - 23 - June I, 1998 6) THAT Application #98-006 - the Clarington Older Adults Association be tabled to the Council Meeting scheduled for June 1, 1998; 7) THAT Application #98-007 - the Young Women's Christian Association (Y.W.C.A.) be approved for a grant in the amount of $275; 8) THAT Application #98-008 - the Clarington Youth Council be approved for a grant in the amount of $2,000; THAT Application #98-0 II - the Courtice Teen Drop in Centre - Clarington Youth Council be approved for a grant in the amount of $2,000; THAT the Treasurer provide guidance pertaining to the accounting requirements associated with municipal grants; THAT Application #98-009 - Friends of Second Marsh be approved for a grant in the amount of$I,OOO; THAT Application #98-010 from - the John Howard Society of Durham Region - Clarington Office be denied. THAT Application #98-012 - the Durham Central Agriculture Society be approved for a grant in the amount of $1 ,000; THAT Application #98-013 - Clarington Minor Hockey Association be approved for a grant in the amount of $1 ,200; THAT Application #98-014 - the Durham Region Community Care Association be approved for a grant in the amount of $5,500; THAT Application #98-015 - the Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade Committee be approved for a grant in the amount of $2,000; THAT Application #98-016 - Bethesda House be approved for a grant in the amount of $2,400; THAT Application #98-017 - the Senior Citizens of Newcastle be approved for a grant in the amount of$I,OOO; THAT Application #98-018 from the Intercede Diversion Program denied; Council Minutes \w REPORTS '- '-' - 24- June 1, 1998 18) THAT Application #98-019 - the Clarington Orioles Baseball Club be approved for a grant in the amount of $1 ,000; 19) THAT Application #98-020 - the Bowmanville District Horticulture Society be approved for a grant in the amount of $350; THAT Application #98-033 - the Orono District Horticulture Society be approved for a grant in the amount of $350; THAT Application #98-035 - the Newcastle District Horticulture Society be approved for a grant in the amount of $350; 20) THAT Application #98-021 - the Ontario Volunteer Emergency Response Team Inc. be approved for a grant in the amount of $1,000; 21 ) THAT Application #98-022 - Tyrone Community Centre be approved for a grant in the amount of $2,000; 22) THAT Application #98-023 - the Tyrone Athletic Association be approved for a grant in the amount of $2,000; 23) THAT Application #98-024 - the Clarington East Food Bank be approved for a grant in the amount of$450; THAT Application #98-030 - the Helping Hands Food Bank be approved for a grant in the amount of $450; 24) THAT Application #98-025 - the Orono Figure Skating Club Inc. be approved for a grant in the amount of$I,500; 25) THAT Application #98-026 - the Lions Club of Courtice be approved for a one time grant in the amount of $1 ,000; 26) THAT Application #98-027 from the Native Cultural and Community Centre of Durham Region be denied; 27) THAT Application #98-028 - the Clarington Recreational Hockey League be approved for a grant in the amount of$I,750; 28) THAT Application #98-029 - the Residents Recreational and Activity Program (R.A.P.) be approved for a grant in the amount of $700; Council Minutes ~ REPORTS '- ~ - 25 - June I, 1998 29) THAT Application #98-031 - the Orono Amateur Athletic Association be approved for a grant in the amount of $450; 30) THAT Application #98-032 from the Courtice Masters Swimming be denied; 31 ) THAT Application #98-034 - Clarington Swim Club be approved for a grant in the amount of $1 ,500; 32) THAT Application #98-036 from the Devries Family Singers be denied; and 33) THAT Application #98-037 - Newcastle Skating Club be approved for a grant in the amount of$I,500. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTIONS) Resolution #C-491-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the applications for financial assistance received from the Oshawa Durham Symphony Orchestra and the Durham Central Saddle Club, be denied. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-492-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the Oshawa Durham Symphony Orchestra, the Durham Central Saddle Club and the Champions of Change, be advised of the Municipality's grant process. "CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #C-490-98 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. ~ '- '- Council Minutes REPORTS Report #2 Report #3 Tender CL98-7 Supply & Delivery High Performance Cold Mix FI8.QU - 26- June I, 1998 Resolution #C-493-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT the Confidential Addendum to Report CD-26-98 be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered during a "closed" meeting of Council. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-494-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report TR-45-98 be received; THAT the G.H. Company, Mississauga, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $67,056.00 (including applicable taxes), being the lowest responsible bidder, meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL98-7, be awarded the contract to supply High Performance Cold Mix on an "as required" basis to the Municipality ofClarington; and THAT the funds expended be provided from the 1998 Public Works Road Maintenance, Pavement Patching Account #7208-00411-0169. "CARRIED" UNFINISHED BUSINESS Sign Permit Olympia Restaurant T07.GE Resolution #C-495-98 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the correspondence dated May 5, 1998, from Teddy Nguyen, pertaining to a sign permit be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Council Minutes ~ - 27- June I, 1998 UNFINISHED BUSINESS '- Grant Application Older Adults F05.BU ~ Resolution #C-496-98 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Rowe WHEREAS, the BOWffianville Business Centre has indicated that the proposed sign for the Olympia Restaurant is not appropriate in a downtown area seeking to promote itself as a historic place to tour and shop; NOW THEREFORE, the request for an exemption from the municipality's sign by-law submitted by Teddy Nguyen, Olympia Restaurant, be denied. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-497-98 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the Director of Planning and Development be directed to reimburse Mr. Nguyen's application fee of $25.00 because of the misunderstanding in this case. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-498-98 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the grant application submitted by the Clarington Older Adult Association be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-499-98 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Young THAT Grant Application #98-006 - the Clarington Older Association be approved in the amount of $5,000; and THAT Don Welsh be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" ~ '- ...... Council Minutes - 28- June I, 1998 UNFINISHED BUSINESS BY-LAWS Resolution #C-500-98 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the delegation of Clay Taylor be acknowledged. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-501-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the balance of unallocated Municipal Grant funds from the maximum dollar allocation of $65,000.00 be deposited into the unallocated grants account to be used in consideration of subsequent grant requests. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-502-98 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the presentation of Jennifer Drummond be received and referred to the Chief Administrative Officer to take action on implementation of the exchange program; and THAT Jennifer Drummond be wished every success with her program. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-503-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and that the said by-laws be now read a first and second time: 98-83 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No.6 to the Clarington Official Plan; Council Minutes ~ BY-LAWS '-- OTHER BUSINESS Regional Update "'"" - 29- June 1,1998 98-84 being a by-law to amend By-law 91-58, as amended, being a by-law to regulate traffic on highways, municipal and private property in the Municipality of Clarington; 98-85 being a by-law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington; and 98-86 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (Muir). "CARRIED" Resolution #C-504-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the third and final reading of By-laws 98-83 to 98-86 inclusive, be approved. "CARRIED" Councillor Mutton stated that the Director of Finance for the Regional Municipality of Durham has advised him that the Assessment Rolls will be delayed a further two weeks and, therefore, the Regional Council will be meeting in July in order to deal with the 1998 budget. The Durham '99 Committee will be meeting on June 5, 1998 and a logo contest has been announced for the 25th anniversary. Also, a "Habitat for Humanity" project will be undertaken for this anniversary. Councillor Mutton is pleased to announce that the Durham Regional Police Foot and Bike Patrol has commenced in Newcastle and Orono. Councillor Novak indicated that, in recognition of Senior's Month, activities are being undertaken at various Regional facilities. The Transit Committee will be meeting next week and a further update will be provided following such meeting. Council Minutes ~ OTHER BUSINESS Committee/Boards Update '- '-' - 30- June I, 1998 The BOWffianville Museum is busy planning for their Canada Day Celebrations. Councillor Novak brought to Council's attention the Open House which is being held on Monday, June 8, 1998, to inform local residents of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Watersheds. Councillor Mutton advised that he is a member of the First Physician Recruiting Committee whose mandate it is to find new doctors for the municipality. He reported that a new doctor has set up a practice in the municipality and the three retirements have been filled. However, the municipality is still short 12 to 14 positions. The Clarke Museum has recently completed its new ramp and sidewalk projects. Councillor Rowe indicated that the Friends of the Second Marsh will be meeting on June II, 1998. The Animal Advisory Committee manned a booth at the Courtice Lions Carnival and a great deal of interest was shown towards the shelter at that time. The Library Board has recently met with the Council and the School Board Trustees and they are attempting to find co-operative efforts in providing services between the schools and the library. On June 13, 1998, Friends of the Library will be holding a barbeque at Loblaws. Solina Day will also be held on June 13, 1998. The Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee had a booth at the 100th Anniversary of the Orono Town Hall and some members of the committee are working with Jennifer Cooke in order to put heritag~ information on the municipality's website. :l jri:.pr--I 0{) p;)o c, I n The Visual Arts Centre is holding its Juried/Show on June 14 and on June 13 the ~id3 in tftp Mill Preplllu will be held. rt1:: I d ,'" ubl.cLnnc.h. :::'hovJOp<,n.,'~ ('{S Councillor Trim advised that the Newcastle Community Hall Boar has been working with the Property Manager with respect to maintenance improvements. The 100th Anniversary ofthe Orono Town Hall was held on May 15, 1998. Council Minutes \w OTHER BUSINESS Fencing of Property - Dog Owners PI4.AN ~ Greater Toronto Services Board D02.GE '- - 31 - June I, 1998 Councillor Young advised that the Clarke Museum held a very successful book sale and the Newcastle Arena has begun a campaign to sell ad space along their boards. The Tyrone Park work is progressing very well. Resolution #C-505-98 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the Clerk's Department review and report on the possibility of requiring that dog owners fence their property. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-506-98 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Young WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington has closely monitored and participated in, when asked, the numerous studies carried out by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing pertaining to the establishment of a Greater Toronto Services Board; and WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington has participated in the recent review of the proposed Greater Toronto Services Board Act under the guidance of the Greater Toronto Area Moderator, Mr. Alan Tonks; and WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington has carried out preliminary studies surrounding the issue of Cia ring ton's role in the proposed Greater Toronto Services Board; and WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Clarington, along with the Rural Mayors of the Greater Toronto Area, requested a three-year grace period to carry out necessary studies in order to assess Clarington's role either as part of a Greater Toronto Services Board or as a non-member of a Greater Toronto Services Board; and WHEREAS the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has not responded to Clarington's request for a three-year grace period; and WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Clarington is of the opinion that the establishment of a Greater Toronto Services Board is to take place by way of Provincial legislation; and Council Minutes ~ OTHER BUSINESS '- ~ - 32- June 1,1998 WHEREAS the Municipality ofClarington is still of the opinion that in order to properly represent the constituents of Clarington it is imperative that in-depth studies be carried out and that the results of those studies be taken to the residents of the Municipality ofClarington so that they may appreciate the ramifications of any legislation that would place the Municipality ofClarington as a member of the Greater Toronto Services Board against the will of the electorate; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: a) without the guarantee of a voting representative from the Municipality of Clarington to the Greater Toronto Services Board, and b) without the guarantee of a three-year grace period following passage of the legislation in order to carry out the necessary studies as referred to above, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing be advised that the Municipality of Clarington's elected members of Council are diametrically opposed to the Municipality of Clarington being part of a Greater Toronto Services Board. However, should Clarington be guaranteed a voting representative to the Greater Toronto Services Board and should Clarington be given a three-year grace period for study purposes, the Municipality of Clarington would give its fllil support and co- operation to the establishment of a Greater Toronto Services Board; and THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Alan Tonks, Greater Toronto Area Moderator, The Honourable Michael Harris, Premier of Ontario, The Honourable Allan Leach, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, John O'Toole, MPP, all MPPs representing the Greater Toronto Area and all member municipalities of The Greater Toronto Area. "CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE" \w '- '- Council Minutes OTHER BUSINESS - 33 - June I, 1998 Recorded Vote Yea Nay Absent Councillor Mutton Councillor Novak Councillor Rowe Councillor Trim Councillor Young Mayor Hamre Councillor Schell Resolution #C-507-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the meeting be "closed" to discuss a personnel issue. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-508-98 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the actions taken during the "closed" session of Council be ratified. "CARRIED" CONFIRMING BY-LAW Councillor Novak disclosed a pecuniary interest earlier in the meeting and refrained from discussion and voting on the Confirming By-law. Resolution #C-509-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 98-87, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality ofClarington at this meeting held on the 1st day of June 1998, and that the said by-law be now read a first and second time. "CARRIED" Council Minutes - 34- June I, 1998 ~ CONFIRMING BY-LAW Resolution #C-51 0-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the third and final reading of By-law 98-87 be approved. "CARRIED" ADJOURNMENT Resolution #C-511-98 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:48 p.m. "CARRIED" -:\ CLERK ~ ......