HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/08/1999 '-"" Council Minutes PRAYER MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON November 8,1999 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on Monday, November 8,1999, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers Councillor Schell led the meeting in prayer. REMEMBRANCE DAY ROLL CALL Present Were: ~ Absent: Also Present: Council observed two minutes of silence in remembrance of those veterans who fought for our country. Mayor D. Hamre Councillor J. Mutton Councillor M. Novak Councillor J. Schell Councillor C. Trim Councillor T. Young Councillor J. Rowe (on vacation) Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Fire Chief, M. Creighton Director of Planning and Development, D. Crome Solicitor, D. Hefferon Treasurer, 11. Marano Assistant Director, Community Services, B. Taylor Director of Public Works, S. Vokes Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST '-" Councillor Novak indicated that she would be making a disclosure of pecuniary interest with respect to the two delegations and Addendum No.2 of Report PD-70-99. Councillor Young stated that he would be making a disclosure of pecuniary interest with respect to Item # 16 of Report # 1. Council Minutes ~ - 2 - November 8, 1999 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING PRESENTATION DELEGATIONS ....... '- Resolution #C-686-99 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on October 25, 1999, be approved. "CARRIED" Mayor Hamre presented a municipal flag to Lieutenant Commander Don Foster and representatives of the Bowmanville Sea Cadets. Councillor Novak stated a pecuniary interest with respect to the delegations; vacated her chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Councillor Novak indicated that members of her family reside in the immediate area which is the subject of the delegations. Hannu Halminen, 1748 Baseline Road West, Courtice, LIE 2Tl, addressed Council with respect to Addendum No.2 to Report PD-70-99 (Item # 10 of Report # 1). Mr. Halminen stated that he supports staff s report in this matter based on the following: . The lands conform to the Durham Regional Official Plan and to the Municipality's Official Plan; . The draft plan conforms to an Environmental Impact Study which was approved by Council (a two-year process); . The draft plan conforms to the Glenview Neighbourhood Plan and is backed up by various transportation studies; . The current zoning on the property is R4, (high density), therefore the zoning requested is a decrease in density; . The draft plan conforms to the Provincial Significant Wetland Mapping; . Economic benefits derived by both the Regional Municipality of Durham and the Municipality of Clarington from Development Charges which must be paid; . The project provides for 320 man years of employment; and Council Minutes ~ DELEGATIONS COMMUNICATIONS '- I - 1 M04.GE 1-2 C10.MO "" - 3 - November 8,1999 . Denial of the project will deny 114 families of enjoying Clarington's lifestyle. Mr. Halminen requested that Council overturn Committee's recommendation of November I, 1999, and approve the recommendations contained in the staff report. Libby Racansky, 3200 Hancock Road, Courtice, LIE 2MI, thanked Councillors for voting to deny the development outlined in Addendum No.2 to Report PD-70-99 (Item #10 of Report #1) thereby preserving the municipality's natural heritage. Resolution #C-687-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the communications to be received for information be approved with the exception ofItems I - 4, I - 8, I - 17 and I - 19. "CARRIED" Correspondence from John O'Toole, M.P.P., congratulating and thanking Council for the excellent launch of the "Great Lakes College." (Received for Information) Judy Herod, Communications Co-ordinator, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, advising that the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority's Conservation Ecology Park received a major boost this week with the announcement of a $98,000 grant, or approximately one-third of the project's funding, from the federal government's Canada Millenium Partnership Program. The Ganaraska Region Conservation Ecology Park promises to be one-of-a-kind for Ontario. It will be a living, educational demonstration park where people can come to relax and enjoy nature or actively learn how to apply conservation techniques on their own properties. The GRCA submitted an application for the funding last spring after collaborating with area businesses, schools and conservation organizations which pledged time and money to help make the park a reality. All eight municipalities in the GRCA's watershed committed their support. Council Minutes -4 - November 8, 1999 '--' COMMUNICATIONS The park will be created on the 10-acre property surrounding the GRCA's main office, at Highway 28, just north of the Highway 40 I interchange in Hope Township. The busy location faces a major hotel and several restaurants and will draw both tourists and area residents into a natural, relaxing setting where they can walk along a boardwalk and meandering trails or sit and enjoy a picnic. (Received for Information) AOI.FE Federation of Canadian Municipalities, advising that the House of Commons Finance Committee will be conducting pre-Millennium Budget consultations in November. The consultations provide an opportunity for municipal governments not only to respond to the federal government's commitment to a new national infrastructure program from the perspective of their community's infrastructure needs, but also to show support for FCM's Quality of Life Infrastructure Program proposal. FCM President Synard therefore has urged member provincial/ territorial municipal associations as well as the five cities in which regional hearings will be held, to submit a brief and appear before the Committee. FCM's presentation is scheduled tentatively for November 17, 1999. (Received for Information) 1-3 ~ PI5.GE Correspondence from Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Suite 15, Toronto, M5H 2N2, enclosing the second printing (September, 1999) of "Toronto. My City. A Safe City.", A Community Safety Strategy for the City of Toronto. This report from the Task Force on Community Safety provides Council's vision of community safety as a City priority. Toronto is one ofthe safest cities in the world. The challenge is to keep it that way. The Task Force on Community Safety's mandate was to develop a comprehensive, coordinated and community-based plan for the City of Toronto that would make Toronto a world leader in crime prevention. The Task Force held extensive consultations, and worked with community partners to build on best practices, policies and programs to take a root cause approach analysis in seeking solutions to safety concerns for Toronto residents and communities. (Received for Information) 1- 5 \,.. Council Minutes ~ COMMUNICATIONS 1-6 M06.GE 1-7 M06.GE '- ~ - 5 - November 8, 1999 The Visual Arts Centre ofClarington, P.O. Box 52,143 Simpson Avenue, Bowmanville, LlC 3K8, advising Council that after reviewing proposals from as far away as Alaska, a jury composed of artists Penelope Stewart, Marianne Lovink and Wendy Wallace, selected work by Toronto installation artist Madeleine Lamont to be the Visual Arts Centre of Clarington's Art on Public Lands project for the year 2000. The Art on Public Lands Project is a joint endeavour between the V AC and the Municipality of Clarington, funded by the V AC, with technical support from the Municipality. The 1999 project, which will be on display through the winter, is "Spillway Gate" by Pennsylvania artist Cynthia Harper. (Received for Information) News Release from Bell Canada, "Rural Communities in Southern Ontario Receive $11.5 Million in New Telecommunications Services." The Ontario government, Bell Canada and two public sector partners are investing $11.5 million to extend high-speed data services to rural and small communities in Southern Ontario. Investments of up to $3.5 million from the province and $8 million from Bell Canada will provide significant upgrades to the telecommunications data network in smaller communities and rural areas. Two non-profit partners, The Ontario Rural Council (TORC) and the Regional Networks for Ontario (RNO), will contribute support and resources to the project. The program will mean new or expanded telecommunications services for 270 rural communities. The "Data Services Improvement Program (DSIP): Connecting Rural Ontario", will allow businesses in smaller communities and rural areas to compete on an equal footing with their competitors in urban centres. Higher-speed data services and improved access to the Internet will provide local businesses, residents and communities with opportunities for new and improved business and community services. Future applications could include videoconferencing, long-distance education, telehealth and e-commerce. (Received for Information) Council Minutes -6- November 8, 1999 '- COMMUNICATIONS CI0.MO E05.GE P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising that the Council of the Region of Durham at their meeting held on October 29, 1999, passed the following recommendation: 1-9 "a) THAT the Ministry of Environment be requested to defer a decision on the application by Newcastle Recycling(A390327), until an application to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan to permit the proposed use, has been submitted and dealt with; and b) THAT a copy of Report #1999-P-71 of the Commissioner of Planning be forwarded to the Ministry of Environment and the Municipality of Clarington." (Received for Information) 1- 10 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated October 19,1999. C06.CL (Received for Information) A09.CO Michael Zygocki, Michael Zygocki Limited, 378 King Street West, Oshawa, LIJ 2J9, praising Council for trying to retain the Lord's Prayer. Fifty years ago we fought against an evil force whose desire it was to impose their will upon others. Yet today, it seems to Mr. Zygocki that more and more we are giving in to what is termed to be "politically correct" without giving any thought to our forefathers. Today, our heritage is trampled on by a few, and he feels that Council is brave and don't be ashamed to say a prayer. His hat is offto Clarington Council who still start their meeting with the Lord's Prayer. He hopes we will continue to do this well into the next century. (Received for Information) 1- 11 \... CIO.MO P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising that the Region of Durham's Council at their meeting on October 20,1999, adopted the following resolution: 1-12 "a) THAT Report # I 999-MOH-22 of the Medical Officer of Health be received for information; and '- Council Minutes - 7 - November 8, 1999 '-' COMMUNICATIONS b) THAT Report #1999-MOH-22 of the Medical Officer of Health be forwarded to the Councils of Ajax, Clarington, Oshawa, Pickering and Whitby, Ontario Power Generation, the Pickering/OPG Liaison Committee, the Board of Health for the Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Health Unit, the Works Committee and the Ministry of Labour for information." (Received for Information) M02.GE Correspondence from Gord Robinson, Fair Manager, Durham Central Agricultural Society, thanking Council for their support in making the Durham Central Agricultural Fair a success. (Received for Information) 1- 13 F21.DE P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, providing Council with a certified copy of By-law #61-99, being a by-law to appoint a Committee of Council for the purpose of conducting hearings under section 20 of the Development Charges Act. (Received for Information) 1- 14 '- 1- 15 OntarioPower Generation, providing Council with a copy of September 1999 Nuclear Report Card. (Received for Information) E05.0N AOl.FE Federation of Canadian Municipalities, 24 Clarence Street, Ottawa, KIN 5P3 - advising that the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) is encouraged that the federal government has acknowledged the need to ensure adequate and effective competition in Canada's airline industry, and to ensure continued service to small communities at a fair price. FCM National Board of Directors recently expressed concerns about the negative impact a merger of Canadian and Air Canada would have on cost and service levels of air travel across Canada. (Received for Information) 1- 16 '"'" Council Minutes - 8 - November 8, 1999 '- COMMUNICATIONS E06.0N Eleanor Clitheroe, President and CEO, Ontario Hydro Services Company, advising that the Ontario Hydro Services Company has met the year 2000 challenge. By embracing a methodical and comprehensive program, our company is on track and on target in its Y2K program and they believe that they will continue to provide their customers with the safe and reliable transmission and distribution of electricity through the December 31, 1999 rollover. Prior to June 30, they met their Y2K "Operational Readiness" goal. This important milestone marked the completion oftheir testing and remediation of digital hardware and software assets, which could have had an impact on their transmission and distribution of electricity and their day-to-day business operations. The date-sensitive equipment that they identified has now been restored and deployed back into service. From now until the end of the year, the focus of their Y2K Program is two-fold. First, they have a rigorous change control program in place throughout the organization to safeguard the state of Y2K -readiness that they have achieved. Secondly, they are coordinating and working with other industry participants on year-end rollover preparations. They have reached the point in their Y2K program, where they believe they have significantly reduced the risks associated with Y2K. By undertaking a thorough contingency planning effort, including participating in key drills such as the continent-wide North American Electricity Reliability Council Y2K Drill in September, they are helping to lower those risks even further. Their contingency plans leverage the flexibility, back-up procedures and response times already built into their daily operations and restoration management so that they can be prepared to respond to any foreseeable Y2K problem that might occur during the rollover period. (Received for Information) 1- 18 '- P01.GE Correspondence from Jack Hampsey, 56 Ashdale Crescent, Bowmanville, LlC 3M9, advising the Municipality ofClarington's Council ofa complaint regarding parking at the City of Oshawa' s Hospital Cancer Centre. 1-20 (Received for Information) '- Council Minutes "" COMMUNICATIONS 1-4 Downloading to Municipal Level CIO.MO '- 1-8 Budget for the Year 2000 F22.TA '- - 9- November 8, 1999 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, advising that the Region of Durham's Council at their meeting held on October 20, 1999, passed the following resolution: "a) THAT the Region of Durham endorse the resolution received from the Region of Peel (Attachment #1 to Report #1999-F-64 of the Commissioner of Finance) with a copy of the endorsement to be sent to the Premier of Ontario, Minister of Finance, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Area M.P.P.'s; b ) THAT the Province of Ontario be urged to provide a more accurate and detailed breakdown of pooling costs; c) THAT the Region of Durham reiterate its position that housing and social service responsibilities should not have been downloaded to the municipal level but that these costs are appropriately 'pooled' at the Provincial level and funding by Provincial revenues; and d) THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to all Local Municipalities and Regions in the 905 area." Resolution #C-688-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Item 1- 4 be received for information. "CARRIED" Robert A. Richards, President & Chief Administrative Officer, Ontario Property Assessment Corporation, 1305 Pickering Parkway, Pickering, indicating that they had earlier advised that the Ontario Property Assessment Corporation (OP AC) was in the process of establishing their budget for the year 2000, and that they would be providing their financial requirements to their member municipalities by November 1999. This would have allowed us adequate time to incorporate the cost for property assessment services into our year 2000 budget. They are pleased to announce that they are providing this information earlier, and that they have been able to maintain the amount which the Corporation requires from its members for the year 2000 at the 1999 figure of $130.0 million. Council Minutes '- COMMUNICATIONS 1- 17 Findings of the Long Term Capital Replacement and Financing Study CIO.MO '- '-' - 10- November 8, 1999 Resolution #C-689-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Item I - 8 be received for information. "CARRIED" Joyce Savoline, Regional Chairman, The Regional Municipality of Halton, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, L6M 3Ll, advising that the Council ofthe Regional Municipality of Halton at their meeting on October 27, 1999, passed the following resolution: "1. THAT Report CS-134-99 re: Halton Non-Profit Housing Corporation - Findings of the Long Term Capital Replacement and Financing Study be received for information and that the report be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Federal Minister responsible for housing, the GT A Mayors and Chairs, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), and Halton's MP's and MPP's. 2. THAT the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing be requested to implement the following recommendations of the Social Housing Committee Report dated November 1998: . A technical audit will be conducted at the province's expense to determine the condition of all social housing stock in Ontario. . The province will ensure that the social housing stock is in a proper state of capital repair before devolution. . Based on the technical audit, and following any necessary capital repairs, a study be done to determine the appropriate level of capital reserves for public, non-profit and co-op housing. . The province will fund new capital reserves for public housing in each Consolidated Municipal Service Manager (CMSM), based on this technical audit. Council Minutes '- COMMUNICATIONS '-' 1-19 Reviewing Governance in the GTA AI6.GE '- - 11 - November 8, 1999 . The province will top up any underfunded reserves to the level recommended based on the technical audit and model. The federal government should also top up under funded reserves in cost-shared projects. To simplify and improve reporting, pubic and non-profit/co-op housing will use the same definition of "capital" . Resolution #C-690-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the resolution of the Regional Municipality of Halton regarding Halton Non-Profit Housing Corporation - Findings of the Long-term Capital Replacement and Financing Study be endorsed by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington. "CARRIED" Hazel McCallion, Mayor, City of Mississauga, forwarding a copy of a letter that she received from Tony Clement, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the Greater Toronto Services Board's role in reviewing government in the GTA. Ms. McCallion sought clarification from the Minister with respect to a statement included in a letter dated August 23, 1999, from the previous Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, wherein it was inferred that restructuring of municipal government in the GTA would be linked to the mandatory review of the GTSB due to be completed by December 31, 2000. The Minister very clearly states that the GTSB is not permitted to exceed its mandate to include any governance matters affecting the restructuring of municipalities. Resolution #C-691-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Item I - 19 be received for information. "CARRIED" Council Minutes - 12- November 8, 1999 \. COMMUNICATIONS Correspondence Item D - 11 was distributed to Council as a handout. Resolution #C-692-99 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT the Correspondence Items be approved as per the agenda with the exception of Items D - 4, and D - 7 through D - 11, inclusive. "CARRIED" POl.GE Correspondence from Jim Leipsig, 29 Downham Drive, Bowmanville, regarding on street parking. Recently, his neighbour received a couple of parking tickets for parking his car on the street. One was for three hours, the other for parking too close to his own driveway. The uncomfortable part of all this, on those particular nights, his vehicles were not the only ones parked on the street. This made for an awkward situation for the rest of the neighbours. This also made it clear as to who was complaining. Which leads him to a sensitive area, that being the complainant spoke to someone either on Council, perhaps a fellow lodge member, or someone they know in the By-law Department. Which also makes for another situation that causes unnecessary problems within a community. That being, a nameless neighbour dispute where one uses the overtaxed resources of our community for their own self-serving purposes. Your Worship, he knows that there are times when the parking by-laws must be enforced. If ever he finds himself in that situation, it is done with professionalism. He is also aware that the Municipality does not make a point of sending enforcement officers out to enforce parking just to add to town coffers, for it that were the case, they would not have free downtown parking. Mr. Leipsig suggests having mediation with a by-law department officer when dealing with these delicate incidents. (Correspondence referred to the By-law Enforcement Division for review) D - 1 '-" \. Council Minutes - 13 - November 8, 1999 \.... COMMUNICATIONS CI0.MO P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising that the Council ofthe Region of Durham on October 29,1999, passed the following recommendation: D -2 "a) THAT the Region of Durham supports the commencement of discussion between relevant government agencies and other stakeholders to resolve the jurisdictional issues related to the regulation of floating structures used on recreational waterways for human habitation as suggested by the Township of the Archipelago in its resolution of February 19, 1999; and b) THAT a copy of Report #1999-P-75 of the Commissioner of Planning be forwarded to the Federal Environment Minister, the Provincial Minister of Municipal Affairs, the Durham Region MP's and MPP's, the Township ofthe Archipelago, and the Area Municipalities of Durham Region." (Correspondence referred to the Director of Planning and Development) ~ C10.MO Hazel McCallion, Mayor, City ofMississauga, advising that the GTA Mayors and Regional Chairs Committee on October 15, 1999, passed the following recommendation: D - 3 "THAT the Mayors and Regional Chairs ofthe GTA encourage our firefighters (both Chiefs and Union Leaders) to meet to discuss an integrated/shared training program for the GTA particularly focussing on new recruits and special attention paid to a program for volunteer firefighters and report back to the GT A Mayors and Regional Chairs meeting of January 2000. (Correspondence referred to the Fire Chief for report) '-" Council Minutes '- COMMUNICATIONS D - 5 POl.NO D -6 H09.GE ~ D-4 Newtonville Dump E05.GE \.or - 14 - November 8, 1999 Correspondence from Doug W. Hately, 3 First Street, Bowmanville, LlC 2A2, advising that the quality oflife in central Bowmanville would be improved if the horn blowing for the CPR crossing at Scugog Street were discontinued. Crossing gates would have to be installed and insurance issues addressed. The City of Oshawa has been successful in eliminating horn blowing at a number of locations, but the process is time consuming and involves the Canadian Transport Commission, the railway and the municipality. Will Council support a motion to study and implement the elimination of horn blowing at the Scugog Street crossing? (Correspondence referred to the By-law Enforcement and Public Works Departments) Correspondence from Willie Woo, regarding a motion to have the salaries of elected officials tied into the Chief Administrative Officer's listed job rate. Mr. Woo would like to see this process taken directly out of the hands of elected officials all together. The question Mr. Woo would have for Councillor Young is who approves the salary grid and the listed job rates? If Council approves, directly or indirectly, a salary increase for the CAO, would this not have a direct affect on the salaries of the Mayor and Councillors? Council would still not be putting itself at arm's length in this process. He certainly does not disagree that this process of salary increases for elected officials deserves a review. He would suggest a citizens panel look not only at the issue of salaries but also mileage, conference expenses, pensions and benefits and the severance package. The idea of a citizens' panel is not a new idea and one that the Regional Councillors looked to when they increased their salaries. (Advised of Council's decision regarding Report ADMIN-35-99) Correspondence from Margaret and Tim Gordon, Regional Road 18, Crooked Creek, regarding the proposed Newtonville dump. The last paragraph of the article by Jacquie McInnes "Residents applaud possible full study on dump?" - Canadian Statesman October 14, 1999 - says it all. When questioned about the breaking of a municipal zoning by-law by the auto parts operation, Mr. Lovekin responded that "If you followed every regulation, you'd have a big problem". Does that mean that the 'client' of Mr. Lovekin's (Hale), intends to avoid all problems, or simply the BIG ones? With that attitude of both Clarington Waste and it's spokesman, why is the dump even being allowed to be considered by any level of Government? Council Minutes ~ COMMUNICATIONS \", D-7 Share The Warmth Program M02.CE ~ - 15 - November 8, 1999 The disposal of waste is a "profitable business", Mr. Lovekin, spokesman for Clarington Waste says so - and they believe him. But they think it is unconscionable to expect, one's neighbours to pay for only 'one' to profit. There are too many, too close to warrant more waste being dumped on prime agricultural land. They are not aware that any suggestion to share the profit from more waste has been offered to those who stand to lose if this expansion were to be allowed. No, They think that if the 'waste folks' are so enamoured with the idea of profit for waste, they might consider finding an area 'suitable'; follow the rules and regulations and have the job of knowing they are not abusing their neighbours. Resolution #C-693-99 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT a copy of Report PD-1 04-99 be forwarded to Margaret and Tim Gordon and that their correspondence be referred to the Director of Planning and Development. "CARRIED" Rachel Dao, Program Manager, Share The Warmth, P.O. Box 60016, 1052 Pape Avenue, Toronto, M4K 3Z3, requesting from the office of Mayor Hamre a letter in support of the program, the presence of the mayor at one of eight program launches planned for December 6, 1999, at 11 :00 a.m. and that municipal governments pass a resolution supporting the initiative. Share the Warmth is a registered, non-profit charitable agency dedicated to converting 100% of all public donations to energy for low income families and front-line relief agencies. Share the Warmth does not give money, rather STW purchases energy on behalf of qualified applicants in order to provide warmth to those in need through the cold winter months. In partnership with major hydro and gas utilities, Share the Warmth provides emergency, energy-blind, needs-based relief to families vulnerable to becoming homeless, and agencies directly involved in serving homeless people. Council Minutes '- COMMUNICATIONS D - 8 Air Quality and Canada- Wide Standards E05.GE \.,.. D- 9 Shortage of Family Physicians C10.MO '-' - 16- November 8, 1999 Resolution #C-694-99 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT The Share the Warmth Program be endorsed by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington; and THAT a letter in support of the program be forwarded from Mayor Hamre. "CARRIED" Councillor John Filion, Chair, Board of Health for the City of Toronto Health Unit, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, M5H 2N2, advising that the Board of Health at its meeting on September 21, 1999, had before it a report (August 27,1999) from the Medical Officer of Health respecting air quality and Canada-wide standards for particulate matter and ground level ozone. The Board of Health adopted the aforementioned report, with amendments, and in so doing, directed that this report be forwarded to other municipalities in Ontario with a population greater than 50,000 with a request that they endorse these recommendations. Resolution #C-695-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Young THAT Correspondence Item D - 8 be referred to the Clerk's Department in order to obtain a current standard for particulate matter and ground level ozone from the Regional Health Department. "CARRIED" William Roberts, CAO/Clerk, The Corporation of the Town of Hanover, 341-IOth Street, Hanover, N4N IPS, advising that the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Hanover on October 25, 1999, passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS Ontario, particularly rural and northern communities faces a serious shortage of physicians; Council Minutes '- COMMUNICATIONS '-' \,.., - 17 - November 8, 1999 AND WHEREAS this shortage will become critical due to an increasing aging population; AND WHERAS those physicians practising in under-serviced areas work long hours under mounting stress; AND WHEREAS medical funding has been curtailed drastically by both Federal and Provincial governments; AND WHEREAS, medical student enrolment has decreased since 1992 due to inadequate funding; AND WHEREAS public government funding accounts for at lease 50% or more of a physician's education and training; AND WHEREAS it is essential that Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments, in conjunction with the Canadian Medical Association and their Provincial counterparts make a concerted effort to address these problems in medical funding, medical school enrolment and training and the provision for an adequate number of physicians in all settings; urban, rural and northern communities; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the following action be seriously considered; THAT the Federal and Provincial governments restore funding to medical schools to pre 1993 percentages; AND THAT additional funding be provided to allow for increased medical school enrolment to meet projected physician shortages for the next 25 years; AND THAT medical students be funded through an incentive grant by the Provincial government for up to 30% of their tuition costs provided they agree to practise in Canada for a period of 10 years upon completion of their internship. Within this grant structure should be a provision for reimbursing this grant at a scaled rate of service refund should such students migrate prior to this 10 year period; Council Minutes \"... COMMUNICATIONS \." \"... - 18 - November 8, 1999 AND THAT medical students in their final two years of medical school be eligible for a further 20% grant for tuition and other expenses if they agree to practise medicine for 5 years in a northern or rural community that is classified as under-serviced. Should this contract be terminated before the term expires, then provision for reimbursing a scaled percentage of this fund be made; AND THAT local municipalities and/or local hospitals be allowed to contract with individuals physicians for 5 to 7 year terms to provide service with a financial incentive to relocate to such under- serviced communities. Should the contract be terminated prior to the term agreed upon, reimbursement be made commensurate with balance of the unfilled portion of the contract; AND THAT selection for medical schools be revised to provide placements for aspiring physicians who will agree to practise in northern and rural community settings; AND THAT other reimbursement models other than a fee for service be explored to ensure a physician has an adequate income without having to see an increasing number of patients; AND THAT emergency services in outlying hospitals be rationalized to allow adequate coverage by physicians and that such services not be commensurate with those provided by a walk- in clinic; AND THAT the Ontario Medical Board not procrastinate unduly when investigating on the credentials of physicians who wish to practise in Ontario and who have graduated from a well known and accredited medical school; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Minister of Health, College of Nurses and the Ontario Medical Association facilitate the training and approve the use of Nurse Practitioner, based on the Saskatchewan model and to use such para-professionals in outlying northern regions and in remote rural regions where this may be practical and feasible; Council Minutes \", COMMUNICATIONS D -10 \... Written and Road Testing C10.MO \... -19 - November 8, 1999 AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be forwarded to all municipalities in Ontario for their support, and forwarded as well to, the Prime Minister of Canada, the Premier of Ontario, the Provincial and Federal Ministers of Health, the local MPP and MP, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the Ontario Medical Association, the Ontario Nurses Association and the Grey Bruce Huron Perth District Health Council for their consideration and action. Resolution #C-696-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Young THAT Correspondence Item D - 9 be received for information. "CARRIED" Gilles Lorie, Municipal Clerk, The Corporation ofthe Village of Casselman, advising that the Council of the Village of Casselman approved the following recommendation: "BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Council's members of the Village of Casselman acknowledge receipt of the petition addressed to the Ministry of Transportation as stated hereafter: "The following petition is addressed to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. At the numerous requests from the population of Casselman and it's surrounding, we would like to demand that the written and road tests be given in Casselman every week. It is necessary that this service, proven to be essential, be provided on a weekly basis especially with the implementation of the "Graduated Licensing Program". It is unsatisfying for our new drivers to have to wait more than six months for a road test appointment. Also, concerned are our seniors, our classified drivers and our new residents which needs to attend your offices on a regular basis and where the lack of service causes them different inconveniences." '-' '- '-' Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D-I1 - 20- November 8, 1999 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: 1. The Council's members of the Village of Casselman support and endorse the petition as stated. 2. The said petition is sent to the Minister, Ministry of Transportation. 3. That the municipalities in the Province of Ontario be requested to support and endorse this resolution. 4. That all municipalities in the Province of Ontario send a copy to their respective members of provincial parliament to the Minister, Ministry of Transportation. Resolution #C-697-99 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item D - 10 be received for information. "CARRIED" Correspondence from Guy Hubbard, regarding the inadequate lighting at the Fitness Centre. On Friday, November 5, 1999, Mr. Hubbard's daughter was attending a Public Swimming Program at the C1arington Fitness Centre. While leaving the Fitness Centre she was unable to see properly due to inadequate lighting and as a result she fell and chipped her permanent teeth. Resolution #C-698-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Young THAT Correspondence Item D - 11 be referred to stafffor review and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee. "CARRIED" \.or '- "-' Council Minutes MOTION REPORTS - 21 - November 8, 1999 Report # 1 Resolution #C-699-99 G.P.A. Report Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim November 1,1999 Item #9 of Report # 1 Blackcreek Developments DI4.DEV.95.020 THAT the actions taken by the General Purpose and Administration Committee on November 1, 1999, be approved with the exception of Items #9, #10 and #16. "CARRIED" Councillor Novak indicated a disclosure of pecuniary interest with respect to Items #9 and #10 of Report #1; vacated her chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Councillor Novak indicated that members of her family reside in the immediate area of the developments. Resolution #C-700-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the following Resolution #GPA-359-99 as amended by Resolution #GPA-360-99 be rescinded: THAT Addendum Report to PD-70-99 be received; THAT Report PD-70-99 be received; THAT the following recommendations contained in Report PD- 70-99 be approved once the Ministry of Natural Resources has established the wetland boundaries and determined that they will not be negatively impacted by the development; THAT the draft plan of subdivision application 18T -95029 filed by D.G. Biddle and Associates on behalf of Black Creek Developments be recommended for approval to Durham Region Planning Department subject to the conditions contained in Attachment No.3 of Report PD-70-99; Council Minutes '-' REPORTS '- Item #10 of Report # 1 Blackcreek Developments Dl4.DEV.95.020 '- - 22- November 8,1999 THAT the rezoning application DEV 95-020 submitted by D.G. Biddle and Associates on behalf of Black Creek Developments be approved and that the amending by-law attached to Report PD-70-99 be forwarded to Council for adoption; THAT by-law to remove the (H) Holding Symbol be forwarded to Council at such times the condition of draft approval have been satisfied; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PD- 70-99 and any delegation be forwarded a copy of Report PD-70-99 and be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE" Recorded Vote Declaration of Council Member Yea Nay Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Mutton X Councillor Novak X Councillor Rowe X Councillor Schell X Councillor Trim X Councillor Young X Mayor Hamre X Resolution #C-701-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report PD-70-99 and Addendum No. I and Addendum No.2 to Report PD-70-99 be received; THAT the draft plan of subdivision application 18T -95029 filed by D.G. Biddle and Associates on behalf of Black Creek Developments be recommended for denial to Durham Region Planning Department; THAT the rezoning application DEV 95-020 submitted by D.G. Biddle and Associates on behalf of Black Creek Developments be denied; and Council Minutes "" REPORTS "" Item #16 to Report # I Victorian Bandstand AI9.GE ~ - 23 - November 8, 1999 THAT all interested parties listed in Report Addendum No.2 to PD-70-99 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE" Recorded Vote Declaration of Council Member Yea Nay Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Mutton X Councillor Novak X Councillor Rowe X Councillor Schell X Councillor Trim X Councillor Young X Mayor Hamre X Councillor Young stated a declaration of pecuniary interest with respect to Item #16 to Report #1 and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Councillor Young indicated that his family's business will be completing the work on the bandstand. Resolution #C-702-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report ADMIN-32-99 be received; THAT Council approve the use of the Clarke Library grounds for the construction of a Victorian Bandstand in the Year 2000 and that staff assist the Clarington Concert Band; and THAT a copy of Report ADMIN-32-99 be forwarded to the Clarke Library Board, Orono Business Association and the Clarington Concert Band. "CARRIED" \w '- '- Council Minutes REPORTS Report #2 Governance Committee Terms of Reference AI6.GE Report #3 Clarington's Future Prospects A05.CO - 24- November 8,1999 Resolution #C-703-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Young THAT Report FD-21-99 be received; and THAT a copy of Report FD-21-99 be forwarded to the Regional Governance Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-704-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Report ADMIN-34-99 be received; THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to retain Enid Slack Consulting Inc. to assist staff for the purpose outlined in Report ADMIN-34-99, with an upset limit of $25,000 to be drawn from the Working Funds Reserve Account #2900-1-X; and THAT the purchasing by-law be waived for this contract. "CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE" Recorded Vote Declaration of Council Member Yea Nay Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Mutton X Councillor Novak X Councillor Rowe X Councillor Schell X Councillor Trim X Councillor Young X Mayor Hamre X \", "" '- Council Minutes - 25 - November 8, 1999 REPORTS Report #4 Resolution #C-705-99 New Year's Eve Party M02.GE Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT Report CD-46-99 be received; THAT the request received from Beverly Jeeves to hold a New Year's Eve Party in the Andrew Street Parkette on December 31, 1999, be approved, with the exception of the holding an open-pit fire; THAT an exemption of Section 2. (I) of By-law 92-160 be granted to Beverly Jeeves to allow for a fireworks display to be held on December 31, 1999 in the Andrew Street Parkette; THAT any additional lighting in the parkette be set up a the organizers' cost and all clean up be completed to the satisfaction ofthe Director of Public Works and at the organizers' costs; and THAT Beverly Jeeves be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" UNFINISHED BUSINESS Mayor and Resolution #C-706-99 Councillor's Salary H09.GE Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Report ADMIN-35-99 be received for information. "SEE FOLLOWING MOTION" Resolution #C-707-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT Report ADMIN-35-99 be tabled for two weeks. "CARRIED" \..- '- '- Council Minutes - 26- November 8, 1999 UNFINISHED BUSINESS BY-LAWS Resolution #C- 708-99 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the Council of the Municipality of Clarington wish the Bowmanville Sea Cadets well in all their future endeavours. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-709-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws and that the said by-laws be now read a first and second time: 99-160 being a by-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality ofClarington and Bennett Paving & Materials Ltd., Oshawa, Ontario, for Dale Park Subdivision - Completion of Outstanding Works 99-161 being a by-law to Provide for a Prompt and Coordinated Response to an Emergency "CARRIED" Resolution #C- 710-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the third and final reading of By-laws 99-160 and 99-161 be approved. "CARRIED" ~ '- '-" Council Minutes OTHER BUSINESS - 27- November 8, 1999 Resolution #C-711-99 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the Council of the Municipality of Clarington urge the Town of Penetanguishene to file an appeal to the recent court decision to cease the recital of the Lord's prayer to open Council meetings. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-712-99 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT staff bring forth a report outlining the existing newspaper advertising policy for consideration by the General Purpose and Administration Committee. "CARRIED" CONFIRMING BY-LAW Councillors Novak and Young stated disclosures of pecuniary interest earlier in the meeting and refrained from discussion and voting on the confirming by-law. Resolution #C-713-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 99-162 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality ofClarington at this meeting held on the 8th day of November 1999, and that the said by-law be now read a first and second time. "CARRIED" \,..- '- '-' Council Minutes CONFIRMING BY-LAW ADJOURNMENT Resolution #C-714-99 - 28- November 8, 1999 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the third and final reading of By-law 99-162 be approved. Resolution #C-715-99 "CARRIED" Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the meeting adjourn at 7:56 p.m. "CARRIED" ~J .IdIt ~A YOR