HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/12/1999 ~ Council Minutes PRAYERS ROLL CALL Present Were: Also Present: ~ MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON April 12, 1999 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on Monday, April 12, 1999, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers Councillor ScheU led the meeting in prayer. Mayor D. Hamre Councillor 1. Mutton Councillor M. Novak Councillor J. Rowe Councillor J. ScheU Councillor C. Trim Councillor T. Young Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Director of Community Services, J. Caruana (Attended until 8:35 p.m.) Acting Director of Planning and Development, D. Crome Treasurer, M. 11arano Director of Public Works, S. Vokes Divisional Fire Chief, G. Weir (Attended until 8:35 p.m.) Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Schell indicated that he would be disclosing a pecuniary interest with respect to handout Report #4, the Capital Budget. Councillor Trim indicated that he would be disclosing a pecuniary interest with respect to Correspondence Items I - 33 and D - 10. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS ~ Resolution #C-230-99 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor ScheU THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on March 22, 1999 and the minutes of a special meeting held on April 1, 1999, be approved. "CARRIED" ---._- Council Minutes ~ PRESENTATION DELEGATIONS \.,.. ~ . 2- April 12, 1999 Carole Seysmith, Friends of Second Marsh, was called but was not present. Harvey Thompson, Chair, Port Granby Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Committee, advised Council that the Committee has met several times in order to arrange for the hiring of a consultant to design an on-site storage facility for the waste located at Port Granby. It is the intention to build a containment of the waste which will last for a minimum of 500 years. The criteria was sent to seven firms and in March Golder/SENES was hired. The next phase of the project is the design, which will take approximately 10 to 13 weeks to complete. It is anticipated that the Committee's work will be finished on June 15. Until that time, meetings are taking place weekly. Robert Bouley, 4534 Concession Road 5, Newtonville, LOA IJO, advised prior to the meeting that he would not be in attendance. Bill Fry, Executive Director, John Howard Society, provided Council with an update on the activities taking place at the Clarington Resource Centre and the Firehall Youth Centre. He indicated that the John Howard Society had been approached for help in working with the downtown youth in an advisory capacity for a one-year period. Since that time, the Society's role has been expanded and the Youth Centre has really taken off. During the March break, approximately 75 youths per day were utilizing the Centre. Through Council approaching the John Howard Society and the Community for Living, the facility has been offered to other agencies, who are unable to afford their own office space. Presently, the Employment Resources Centre, Clarington Project, YWCA, the Eastview Boys and Girls Club, the Department of Health-Sexual Health Clinic and Northern Lights Vocational Services, are all sharing available space in the building. Mr. Fry indicated that this is a fine example of a better way of providing quality services. It is hoped that in the near future, the services may be expanded to outlying areas within the municipality. Council Minutes "-' DELEGATIONS '-' '-' - 3 - April 12, 1999 Rev. Dr. Frank Lockhart, Chair, Valleys 2000, P.O. Box 364, Bowmanville, LlC 3Ll, advised prior to the meeting that he would not be in attendance. Kevin Tunney, Tunney Plarming, 340 Byron St. S., Suite 200, Whitby, LlN 4P8, addressed Council with respect to Amendment #9 to the Clarington Official Plan. He indicated that his client, Paula Lishman International, is concerned with the wording of Section 16.12.2 of the amendment which Council adopted. Specifically, they believe that the current wording would require an amendment to the Official Plan should another single prestigious employment use be proposed for the subject site. He requested that Council receive the draft amendment which was circulated to each Member earlier and he hopes that this amendment will come about at the Pre-Hearing Conference of the Ontario Municipal Board which is scheduled to be held on April 14, 1999. Resolution #C-23 1-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT the agenda be altered in order to allow Linda Gasser to address Council at this time with respect to Official Amendment #9. "CARRIED" Linda Gasser, P.O. Box 399,7421 Best Road, Orono, LOB 1MO, informed Council that the Regional Council had previously approved Report 98-P- 79 to allow for a single industrial site on the Lishman/Halminen property. She stated her disbelief that Regional Council had recently voted to adopt changes to their position without additional supporting documentation. She urged Council to not reconsider and amend Amendment #9 to the Clarington Official Plan to allow for other uses than those presently allowed. Doing so, would make a mockery of the legitimate efforts to ensure a fair planning process. Council Minutes -4- April 12, 1999 '-' COMMUNICATIONS Resolution #C-232-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the communications to be received for information be approved with the exception of Items I - 2, I - 3, 1- 4,1- 6, I - 10, I - 12, 1-19, 1- 30,1 - 31 and 1-33. "CARRIED" 1-1 D.M. Peggy Whitteker, Clerk-Treasurer, Township of Manvers, advising that the Manvers Township Council passed a resolution to approve in principle, the use by the Oak Ridges Trail Association of specified road allowances within their Township as requested subject to the same conditions as outlined by the Municipality of Clarington. She states that she has notified Mr. Forrester of approval and provided him with the documents required for signature. Once this has been done, together with the insurance proof, this matter will be completed. (Received for Information) \w 1-5 Minutes of a meetings of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority held on March 2 and March 23, 1999. (Received for Information) 1-7 Earl S. Cuddie, Administrator-Clerk, Township of Scugog, advising that the Council of the Township of Scugog could not endorse the correspondence received from the City of Oshawa, with respect to Regional Governance and received it for information purposes only. (Received for Information) 1-8 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, forwarding copies of by-laws to approve and adopt the 1999 Current and Capital Budgets for Sewage and Water purposes in the amount of$54,748,500 and to approve and adopt the 1999 Current and Capital Budgets for water purposes in the amount of$47,638,300. (Received for Information) 1-9 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, forwarding a copy ofa report with respect to the status of the Regional Development Charges Background Study - Overview of Anticipated Development. (Received for Information) ~ --~ Council Minutes - 5 - April 12, 1999 '-' COMMUNICATIONS 1-11 Druce Ayres, Chair, Regional Advisory Committee, Ontario March of Dimes, forwarding a copy of their Annual Report for Ontario March of Dimes 1997/98 Operations. (Received for Information) 1-13 Ross Fitchett, Public Affairs, Pickering Nuclear, forwarding a Report Card for Ontario Hydro Nuclear and Pickering and Darlington Nuclear. (Received for Information) 1-14 Ian D. Macnab, General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer, Kawartha Conservation, advising that the Village of Bobcaygeon, Village of Omemee, and Township of Manvers are appealing their 1999 budget to the Mining and Lands Commissioner. He advises that no reasons for the appeal were stated. (Received for Information) 1-15 Ian D. Macnab, General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer, Kawartha Conservation, advising that Lindsay Signs has joined their Partners in Conservation Program. The Partners in Conservation Program links the business community with Kawartha Conservation to help protect the natural environment. '-" (Received for Information) 1-16 News Release, Central Lake Ontario Conservation, advising that at the Board's March meeting, CLOCA approved the final draft of the Management Plan for Lynde Shores Conservation Area entitled "Web of Life - A Plan for Two Dynamic Coastal Wetlands" and directed staff to proceed with the implementation ofthe recommendations in the report. The Authority will also be hosting an information open house on Thursday, April 29, 1999 at the CLOCA Conservation Centre for the general public to view the final Lynde Shores Management Plan. (Received for Information) 1-17 Ian D. Macnab, General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer, Kawartha Conservation, advising that the Town of Lindsay passed a motion to appeal their 1999 budget to the Office of the Mining and Lands Commissioner. (Received for Information) ........ Council Minutes - 6 - April 12, 1999 '-' COMMUNICATIONS 1- 18 Ian D. Macnab, General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer, Kawartha Conservation, advising that the Township ofVerulam is appealing their 1999 budget to the Office of the Mining and Lands Commissioner. (Received for Information) 1-20 Micheline Pare, Executive Director, Maria Labrecque Centre, advising that on April 22, 1999, the Senate will officially proclaim May 20, 1999 as Day of Compassion as requested by the Maria Labrecque Centre. She also forwarded posters which can be posted to promote a greater awareness of seniors in loss of autonomy. (Received for Information) 1-21 The Honourable Ernie Eves, Minister of Finance, advising of the various measures that the province is taking to assist municipalities with respect to Local Service Realignment (LSR). He advises that since 1995, they have been committed to finding the best way to deliver government services and to redefine the role of governments in Ontario to make them more accountable to taxpayers. (Received for Information) ~ 1-22 Ian D. Macnab, General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer, Kawartha Conservation, advising that the Township of Emily is appealing their 1999 budget to the Office of the Mining and Lands Commissioner. (Received for Information) 1-23 Media Release, The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington, advising of a Free Workshop for Seniors in celebration of the International Year of Older Persons by taking part in a free pottery workshop with well-known pottery instructor Barbara Kimball. The Course consists of four 3 - hour sessions, April 7 - 28 from 9:00 a.m. - Noon, and involves hand-building, glazing, and firing clay to produce garden pottery for the new gardens at the Clarington Beech Centre. Registration is through the Clarington Beech Centre at 697-2856. The Visual Arts Centre, where the class will be held, is not handicapped accessible. (Received for Information) \"... Council Minutes - 7 - April 12, 1999 ~ COMMUNICATIONS 1-24 News Release, Atomic Energy Control Board, announcing licensing decisions made at their Board meeting of March 25, 1999. The Board approved renewal of the operating Licences for the Pickering A & B Nuclear Generating Stations, with terms of two years ending March 31, 2001. The licensee is to return to the Board in one year with a progress report on operations of the facility. The Board also approved the issuance of licences for the companies which will replace Ontario Hydro in the restructured Ontario electricity market. Effective April 1, 1999, Ontario Power Generation Incorporated will operate the nuclear facilities presently operated by Ontario Hydro. Expiry dates for the current Ontario Hydro licences will be maintained for Ontario Power Generation Incorporated. (Received for Information) 1-25 Minutes of meetings of the Newcastle Community Hall Board held on January 18 and February 15,1999. (Received for Information) 1-26 OntarioPOWER Generation Nuclear Performance Report Cards are published monthly to measure the effectiveness of its operations. The performance of OPG's nuclear stations is evaluated against nuclear industry standards. Performance listed worse than target is not an indication that reactors are unsafe. (Received for Information) '-' 1-27 Jim Flaherty, Minister of Labour, requesting Broader Public Sector Stakeholders, to support protecting the working men and women of the construction industry in Eastern Ontario from unfair competition to fight for their right to jobs. In December 1998, Premier Harris came to Ottawa to talk about the need to create a level playing field in the competition for construction jobs between Ontario and Quebec. The Premier spoke ofa situation where six times as many Quebeckers were working on the Ontario side, as Ontarians working on the Quebec side. The Premier stated that if Quebec had not removed the key barriers to Ontarians getting construction jobs in Quebec by April 1, 1999, the Ontario government would act. After three months of intense but largely unproductive discussions, the barriers were still not down. Ontario had to act. It did. He is requesting that in the interest of Ontario workers, we encourage you to join the fight for fairness and follow the Ontario government's lead and voluntarily stop awarding construction contracts to companies from Quebec. (Received for Information) \... Council Minutes \.- COMMUNICATIONS 1-28 1-29 '-' 1- 32 1-2 Sewage Disposal Systems in Orono E07.GE '-' - 8- April 12, 1999 Jed Goldberg, President, Earth Day Canada, advising of several groups that object to Earth Day Canada's Middle R. Program. The Middle R. education program, now in its third year, was created to communicate the environmental and economic benefits of REUSE. The information in the Middle R. has been meticulously researched. The program has been requested by school boards, teachers and principals representing almost 70% of the elementary and middle schools in Ontario, and has been praised by professional environmental educators, teachers and parents. (Received for Information) Nancy Paish, Clerk-Treasurer, Township of Emily, forwarding correspondence addressed to the Township of Fenelon with respect to the 1999 Kawartha Conservation Budget. She advises that their Council did not concur with the resolution of the Township of Fenelon and stated that all member municipalities, whether in support or not, paid towards the costs of the dissolution process and there is no difference in the budget appeal process. (Received for Information) John Sheridan, President, Bell Ontario, advising of an exciting strategic partnership that BCE Inc. has initiated with Ameritech of Chicago, Illinois to accelerate the growth of Bell Canada and strengthen its position in the North American telecommunications market. This investment represents a strong statement of confidence in Bell Canada and the Canadian telecommunications industry. Bell Canada gains access beyond its traditional borders and ensures growth at home through the development and export of Canadian products to U.S. and global markets. (Received for Information) Dr. Robert Kyle, Commissioner and Medical Officer of Health, Region of Durham, providing an update on the status of private sewage disposal systems in Orono. He advises that the following information is based on staff s input and a review of their files on sewage system complaints, sewage system permits, and enteric diseases records from 1996 to present: . There had been 16 sewage disposal complaints received, of which 7 complaints were referred to the Health Department by Councillor Mutton on March 23,1999. An investigation of these 7 complaints are being conducted by the area public health inspector. Council Minutes \w COMMUNICATIONS '-' 1-3 Provincial Offences Act Lll.P.R. \... - 9 - April 12, 1999 . There had been 11 sewage system permits issued, of which 10 permits were for the replacement of old sewage systems. There are no significant differences as to the number of sewage disposal system replacements in Orono compared to similar areas in Durham Region. . The incidence ofreported enteric diseases for Orono are comparatively no greater than any similar sized area within Durham Region. He advises that based on this information, they conclude that there is no community wide health hazards directly associated with the private sewage disposal systems in Orono. Resolution #C-233-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item I - 2 be received for information. "CARRIED" P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising of a resolution passed by Regional Council as follows: a) THAT staff be authorized to retain consulting services to provide recommendations concerning the transfer of operational responsibilities for the Provincial Offences Act (POA) and, more specifically, to undertake the work as outlined within the report at a cost not to exceed $100,000; b) THAT the Regional Clerk and Regional Chair be authorized to execute the necessary documentation for the retaining of the consultant; and c) THAT the Regional Clerk be requested to advise the Area Municipalities ofthe foregoing." Council Minutes '-' COMMUNICATIONS 1-4 Region Economic Development and Tourism Summary D02.GE \... 1-6 Ontario Medal For Good Citizenship M02.GE \... - 10 - April 12, 1999 Resolution #C-234-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item I - 3 be received for information. "CARRIED" P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, forwarding a copy of a report on Economic Development and Tourism Department Summary of Activities for the Month of January and February 1999 and advising of a resolution passed by Regional Council as follows: "a) THAT Report #1999-A-22 of the Commissioner of Economic Development and Tourism be received for information; and b) THAT a copy of Commissioners' Report #1999-A-22 from P.W. Olive, Commissioner of Economic Development and Tourism." Resolution #C-235-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item I - 4 be received for information. "CARRIED" Isabel Bassett, Minister of Citizenship Culture and Recreation, forwarding information with respect to the Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship. She advises that the Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship was established in 1973 to honour people who, through exceptional long-term efforts, have made outstanding contributions to the well-being of their communities. All completed forms must be returned to the Ontario Honours and Awards office by April 15, 1999. Letters of support should accompany the nomination but will also be accepted under separate cover. Council Minutes '-' COMMUNICATIONS 1-10 Funding for Road Watch Program F11.CH ~ 1-12 Community Actions Award Program M02.GE '-' - I I - April 12, 1999 Resolution #C-236-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item I - 6 be received for information. "CARRIED" Mati Holland, Regional Road Safety Planner, Ministry of Transportation, regarding funding assistance to launch a local Road Watch Program. The Road Safety Community Partnership Program provides financial assistance to community programs/projects/campaigns that will improve safety for all road users, including motor vehicle occupants, commercial vehicle operators/carriers, pedestrians, cyclists, snowmobile operators and recreational vehicle operators. The goal of the program is to develop road safety initiatives that will positively influence road user behaviour and improve safety on our roads. This program encourages partnership among the government, road safety organizations and businesses. Resolution #C-237-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item I - lObe received for information. "CARRIED" Isabel Bassett, Minister of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation, advising of the 1999 Community Action Awards Program. Fifteen Ontarians are chosen to receive this award each spring. These individuals, some of whom have disabilities, will have made a significant contribution to their communities by promoting integration and independence, or will have shown commitment and dedication to developing the potential of persons with disabilities and improving their quality of life. As in past years, recipients will be people who have shown leadership in preventing and removing barriers that impede the full participation of persons with disabilities in our society and economy. Nomination forms are available in the Clerk's Department. Council Minutes '-' COMMUNICA nONS 1-19 Development Charges Process F21.DE '-' 1-30 Ground Search and Rescue Volunteers M06.GE '-' - 12 - April 12, 1999 Resolution #C-238-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item I - 12 be received for information. "CARRIED" Kelvin Whalen, Chair, Durham Chapter, Urban Development Institute, with respect to a new development charges by-law. As Council must also hold a public meeting at least 30 days in advance of the passing of the new by-law, the Urban Development Institute (UDI) - Durham Chapter, is advising of their efforts and willingness to participate in the process regarding the preparation ofthe required background studies and ultimately the development charge by-law. He advises that they are prepared to meet with Members of Council to address their position and offer their expertise and time as staff begin the process of drafting the by-law, and before Council proceeds to hold a formal public meeting. Resolution #C-239-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item I - 19 be received for information. "CARRIED" Press Release, Ontario Volunteer Emergency Response Team Inc., advising that the Ontario Volunteer Emergency Response Team (OVERT) is a non-profit charitable organization that provides emergency ground search and rescue services in partnership with a variety of police services. OVERT is currently seeking a limited number of volunteers who live in or close to Cobourg, Port Hope, Lindsay and the Durham Region. These volunteers are required to participate in a variety of functions such as looking for missing persons, evidence searches, fund-raising, and public relations. Successful candidates will be trained in search techniques, crime scene awareness, lost person behaviour and search probability tables. Anyone interested in joining OVERT is invited to attend an information session on April 15th that will be held at Durham College (2000 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa) in Room B238. The information session will start promptly at 7:00 p.m. and will review the OVERT program as well as answer any questions. Council Minutes '-" COMMUNICATIONS 1-31 Provision of Service For Billing and Settlement With 1MO A03.GE '-' ~ -13 - April 12, 1999 Resolution #C-240-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item I - 30 be received for information. "CARRIED" Robert G. Lake, General Manager, Peterborough Utilities Commission, advising of a provision of service for billing and settlement with IMO. He advises that as deregulation is implemented, our local distribution company (wires company), will be required to perform the billing function for all energy suppliers operating from within our municipality. Most utilities today do not have the hardware and software required to perform the billing function for multiple vendors with multiple rate structures. Also, in addition, our local distribution company will be required to perform a settlement function with the Independent Market Operator. This requires calculating the load curve for all customers in the municipality to calculate their bill, based on the rates of the energy supplier, or for customers who have not chosen a specific supplier, applying the hourly spot market prices to their load curve. He expects at this point, no utility has software for a settlement system, as the rules are not fully developed. He advises that in Peterborough they have just installed new hardware and software in their Civic Data Centre (CDC). The CDC performs all of the computer services for the City and the PUC. One oftheir largest systems is their Utility Management System, which will handle multiple vendors and multiple rates. The software is working now in deregulated gas, and deregulated electric utilities. They do not yet have a settlement system but will be choosing one in the next few months. He is offering his services and would be pleased to discuss options with the Municipality ofClarington. Resolution #C-241-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item I - 31 be received for information. "CARRIED" Council Minutes - 14- April 12, 1999 '-' COMMUNICATIONS 1- 33 Councillor Trim made a disclosure of pecuniary interest with respect to Item 1- 33; vacated his chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Councillor Trim stated that the subject of the correspondence, Goodyear Canada, is his employer. Fuel Oil Spill At Goodyear E05.GE Robert Hersey, Provincial Offences Officer, Central Lake Ontario Conservation, forwarding a copy of a report with respect to the fuel oil spill at Goodyear Canada, Bowmanville Creek. Resolution #C-242-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item I - 33 be received for information. "CARRIED" Correspondence Item D - 16 was distributed to Council as a handout. '-' Resolution #C-243-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Items D -2, D- 3, D - 5, D -7, D - 9, D -12, D - 13 , D - 14 and D - 16 be approved as per the agenda. "CARRIED" Letter of Resignation From Bowmanville Museum Board CI2.BO Mark Jackman, Curator, Clarke Museum & Archives, forwarding a letter of resignation from Les Jagoda from the Museum Board. (Referred to the Clerk for vacancy to be filled) D-2 '-' Bowmanville B.LA. Board of Management CI2.BO Garth Gilpin, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager, Bowmanville Business Centre - Board of Management, advising that at their annual all members meeting they approved their Board of Management for the present term of Council and were also pleased to recognize Council's liaison member, Jim Schell as being on the Board of Management. (Board of Management Approved) D-3 Council Minutes 'w COMMUNICATIONS D-4 National Kids' Day M02.GE D-7 Earth Day M02.GE D-9 Big Bike for Stroke Event M02.GE ~ D~ 12 Bowmanville Water Supply S08.GE D~13 Arbor Week M02.GE ~ - 15- April 12, 1999 Ramona Kaptyn, Executive Director, National Kids' Day/The Smile Trust, advising of National Kids' Day and requesting the Municipality of Clarington to proclaim June 12, 1999 as National Kids' Day. (Proclaimed) Suzanne Elston, Volunteer Co-ordinator, Earth Day Canada, advising of Earth Day, and requesting the Municipality of Clarington to proclaim April 17 - 25, 1999 as Earth Week. She is also requesting to use the foyer of the Municipal Administrative Centre to set up a display of posters and brochures during Earth Week. (Proclaimed and displaying of posters in the Municipal Administrative Centre Approved) Jeff Leroux, Special Event Coordinator, Durham East Chapter, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario, advising of their fundraising program the BIG BIKE FOR STROKE EVENT which is scheduled to visit BOWffianville on Sunday, May 30,1999. The BIG Bike is a thirty-seat cycle which carries teams of twenty-nine riders plus one driver provided by the owner of the BIG BIKE. Participants are asked to raise a minimum of $50 in pledges to ride. (Approved provided the organizers apply for and obtain a Road Occupancy Permit from the Public Works Department) Brian and Candy Goldsworthy, 26 Kershaw Street, Bowmanville, L I C 4S5, forwarding a petition requesting that fluoride be added to the BOWffianville water supply. (Advise of Council's earlier decision pertaining to this matter and to forward a copy of Report CD-21-97 - Fluoridation of Municipal Water Supplies) J.R. McMillen, President, Durham Chapter Landscape Ontario, advising of Arbor Week and requesting the Municipality of Cia ring ton to proclaim Arbor Week from April 30 to May 9, 1999. (Proclaimed) Council Minutes \.- COMMUNICA nONS D-14 1999 Senior of the Y ear Award M02.GE D-16 Tag Days M02.GE D-I '-' Change Waverley Park to Bowmanville Optimist Park R04.GE \"".. - 16- April 12, 1999 Cam Jackson, Minister, Long-Term Care with Responsibility for Seniors and Al Leach, Minister, Municipal Affairs and Housing, advising of the 1999 Senior of the Year Program. He advises that in this, the International Year of Older Persons, he invites the municipality to participate in the 1999 Senior of the Year Program. The program was established in 1994 to give each municipality in Ontario the opportunity to honour one outstanding local senior. Approximately 780 deserving seniors have been honoured to date. The name of the Municipality's Senior of the Year Award recipient must be submitted by Friday, May 14, 1999. The application form is available in the Clerk's Department. (Clerk to place advertisement in local newspapers) Correspondence from Sally Barrie, Administrator, C]arington Community Care, requesting permission for Community Care to canvas the location municipality in support oftheir Annual "Tag Days" on June 3,4 and 5. (Proclaimed and permission granted to hold Tag Days) Jim Wintonyk, Bowmanville Optimist Club, requesting the Municipality of Clarington to change the name of Waverley Park to BowmanviUe Optimist Park. He advises that this is their 15 year anniversary and they would like a major event to cap off their anniversary year. Approximately 5 years ago they looked at the possibility of building a park, however, financial constraints do not aUow them that luxury. They are proposing a rather substantia] donation in the amount of $15,000 towards building a park/playground somewhere in Bowmanville in exchange for the consideration of changing the name ofWaverley Park to read Bowmanvile Optimist Park. This would be a one-time cash donation on their part and they in return would expect the Municipality to instaU and maintain the new sign "Bowmanville Optimist Park". Resolution #C-244-99 Moved by Councillor ScheU, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the Waverley Road Park be renamed "BowmanviUe Optimist Park"; Council Minutes '-' COMMUNICATIONS D-5 Resolution re: Kawartha Budget AOI.KA ~ '--' - 17 - April 12, 1999 THAT the Municipality ofClarington accept a one-time donation of $15,000 to be used for purchase of park, playground equipment in Bowmanville, as per the correspondence from the Bowmanville Optimist Club; and THAT Mr. Jim Wintonyk, Bowmanville Optimist Club, be informed of Council's Decision. "CARRIED" Nancy Wright-Laking, Clerk, Township of Fenelon, advising ofa resolution passed by the Township of Fenelon as follows: "WHEREAS due process was followed in both the decision of the continuance of Kawartha Conservation and the adoption of the 1999 budget of the organization; AND WHEREAS the municipalities that form Kawartha Conservation are being involved in additional financial costs due to an appeal under Section 27 of the Conservation Authorities Act by a minority of municipalities; AND WHEREAS each municipality has been involved in the sharing of an approximate cost of $9,000 for a dissolution program of Kawartha Conservation which was also requested by a minority of the municipalities within Kawartha Conservation; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT, if the appeal under Section 27 of the Conservation Authorities Act is not supported by the Commissioner of Lands and Mines, then the Commissioner request that the minority municipalities who are requesting the appeal be ordered to pay the costs that Kawartha Conservation will incur because of the appeal, instead of all municipalities that form Kawartha Conservation bearing the financial burden when they did not support this appeal; AND FURTHER, that support for this resolution be requested from all municipalities that form Kawartha Conservation and forwarded to the Commissioner of Lands and Mines." Council Minutes '-' COMMUNICATIONS D-6 Resolution re: Current Value Assessment ClO.AD '-' '-' - 18 - April 12, 1999 Resolution #C-245-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the resolution of the Township of Fenelon requesting that the municipalities who have requested an appeal to the Kawartha Conservation Budget, be ordered to pay the costs incurred as a result of the appeal be endorsed by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington. "CARRIED" Association of Municipalities of Ontario, forwarding a resolution passed by the Township ofBagot, Blythfield and Brougham as follows: "WHEREAS all municipalities in Ontario are committed to provide fire protection to all of its ratepayers; and WHEREAS such fire protection is provided by means of volunteer brigades on very limited budgets; and WHEREAS such brigades are made up of volunteer individuals, who offer their time and energy, for this service outside of their normal work day responsibilities to their employer and their own personal families for a limited remuneration fee; and WHEREAS extended training and responsibilities for these people is difficult to attain because of personal family agendas and employment commitments; and WHEREAS the provincial government provides no financial assistance towards the supply of such services, equipment or the house of same; THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED THAT the Fire Marshal's office refrain from imposing or downloading any of their responsibilities, such as community education, property inspections or any other such duties that do not deal with the direct action of extinguishing fires or very minimal fire prevention procedures." Council Minutes - 19- April 12, 1999 "-' COMMUNICATIONS Resolution #C-246-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the resolution passed by the Township ofBagot, B1ythfield and Brougham, requesting the Fire Marshal's office refrain from imposing or downloading any of their responsibilities which do not deal with the direct action of extinguishing fires, be received for information. "CARRIED" Association of Municipalities of Ontario, forwarding a resolution passed by the Township of Bagot, Blythfield and Brougham as follows: "WHEREAS in 1998 the Province of Ontario completed current Value Assessment; '-' AND WHEREAS there was a change in the status of the payments in Lieu Properties which included all properties owned by Ontario Hydro; AND WHEREAS Ontario Hydro was billed accordingly at current value tax rates; AND WHEREAS Ontario Hydro did remit their payments as billed; AND WHEREAS legislation allows each and every ratepayer the opportunity to appeal their assessment which Ontario Hydro has now done; NOW THEREFORE the Township ofBagot, Blythfield and Brougham wishes to be assured that Ontario Hydro's assessment will be appealed on the same basis as every other ratepayer and the fact that they were on the Payment In Lieu system will not enter into any final decisions made by the Assessment Appeals Court; and '-' THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of Finance, Minister of Municipal Affairs, MPP W. Leo Jordan and AMO (with a request that they circulate this resolution to all municipalities in the Province of Ontario for their endorsement.)" Council Minutes '-' COMMUNICATIONS D-8 World Youth Exchange Program M02.GE '-' '-' - 20. April 12, 1999 Resolution #C-247-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the resolution of the Township of Bagot, Blythfield and Brougham, pertaining to Ontario Hydro's assessment being appealed, be endorsed by the Council ofthe Municipality ofClarington. "CARRIED" Mike Power, Program Officer, Ontario Regional Office, Canada World Youth, requesting the community of Bowmanville to participate in this year's Ontario - Ukraine Canada World Youth Exchange Program. Canada World Youth is a non-profit organization which provides unique non.formal education experiences for youth. Since 1971, over 23,000 youth across Canada and from countries in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, have participated in the Youth Exchange Program, and over 330 communities in Ontario have hosted exchanges. Canada World Youth receives financial support from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), donations and participant fundraising efforts. Based on a very successful Russian exchange in BOWffianville last year, it is our hope to continue working with all of you to create exceptional learning opportunities for Canadian and Ukrainian youth in a safe and educational environment. The team of youth will be in BOWffianville from July to October 1999, and while here will live with local families and work in volunteer work placements with community and social service agencies. Resolution #C-248-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the Council of the Municipality of CIa ring ton endorse the Ontario- Ukraine Canada World Youth Exchange Program. "CARRIED" Council Minutes '-' COMMUNICATIONS D-10 Goodyear Fuel Spill E05.GE '-' D-lI Resolution re: Shortage of Physicians C10.AD \- - 21 - April 12, 1999 Councillor Trim made a disclosure of pecuniary interest with respect to Item D - 10; vacated his chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Councillor Trim indicated that the subject of the correspondence, Goodyear Canada, is his employer. Dave Lawson, President, Bowmanville Creek Anglers Association, with respect to Goodyear Canada Diesel Fuel Spill into Bowmanville Creek. Rainbow trout have begun to spawn and have been making their way from Lake Ontario up through the creek to their spawning sites for the last two weeks or so. It appears that there were fish staging in the creek at the time of the spill, however, some ofthese have since died. Fishing season opens at the end of April and there will be people who intend to eat what they catch. He feels that it is imperative that a public information meeting with the relevant public agencies present be held as soon as possible so that our community can obtain factual information about what caused the spill, what impacts have been detected and those that are expected, and related public health issues that need to be addressed. Resolution #C-249-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item D - lObe received for information and a copy of it forwarded to John O'Toole, M.P.P., Goodyear Canada Inc. and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. "CARRIED" Kathryn J. Vout, Town Clerk, Town of Grimsby, advising ofa resolution passed by the Town of Grimsby as follows: "WHEREAS there is a shortage of 94 family physicians in the Niagra Region as defined by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons standards; and Council Minutes '-' COMMUNICATIONS \...- '-' - 22- April 12, 1999 WHEREAS the West Lincoln Memorial Hospital, which serves Western Niagara has identified that due to this shortage and future retirements, in June of 1999, the hospital will be unable to support its anesthesia roster without an additional GP Anesthetist; and WHEREAS the inability of new and current citizens of our communities to find a family physician results in the inappropriate use of emergency rooms for primary care; and WHEREAS the municipalities of Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln have recently partnered with West Lincoln Memorial Hospital and area physician practices to offer significant financial incentives, using taxpayers' money, in an effort to attract family physicians to the communities; and WHEREAS there is concern across the Province that newly educated doctors are leaving the Province of Ontario to take up practice in another province or country; and WHEREAS the current regulations faced by doctors trained overseas and in the United States who seek to practice in Canada may be prohibitive resulting in qualified doctors performing unskiUedjobs to earn a living while the Province is facing a significant shortage of qualified doctors; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Grimsby requests the Province of Ontario to take steps to limit the exodus of newly educated doctors from the Province and to recognize the human resources available among immigrant doctors; AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be sent to the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Health, the Minister of Municipal Affairs, the local Member of Parliament, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and all municipalities in the Province of Ontario for their support." Council Minutes '-' COMMUNICATIONS D-15 Community Leaders Partnership Program Funding F11.PR '-' MOTION NOTICE OF MOTION ....... - 23- April 12, 1999 Resolution #C-250-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the resolution of the Town of Grimsby with respect to the shortage offamily physicians, be endorsed by the Council ofthe Municipality of Clarington. "CARRIED" Claude Cantin, President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, advising of the Community Leaders Partnership Program (CLPP). Funding for FCM's CLPP ended on March 31, 1999. By the end of its mandate, the CLPP will have successfully empowered more than 500 leaders from 80 communities in all provinces and territories to reach out to counterparts across Canada and to share expertise and knowledge. Excellent press coverage at the local, provincial and national levels stimulated great interest, which in turn has led to further requests for participation. On February I, 1999, FCM submitted to the Honourable Sheila Copps, Minister of Canadian Heritage, a proposal to renew the Government of Canada's financial support for the CLPP for a three year period. Their proposal made a strong case and a sincere one. It included testimonials from many community leaders who had been involved. He strongly encourages the municipality to write or call the Honourable Sheila Copps to bring home to her the value ofthe program and the widespread support for it. Resolution #C-25 1-99 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT a letter be forwarded to The Honourable Sheila Copps advising that the Council of the Municipality of Clarington endorses the Community Partnership Program. "CARRIED" Council Minutes '-' REPORTS - 24- April 12, 1999 Report # I Resolution #C-252-99 G.P .A. Report Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Rowe Of March 29, 1999 Item #14 1999 Municipal Grants Fll.CH ~ 'w THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of March 29, 1999, be approved with the exception of Item #14. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-253-99 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Report CS-06-99 be received; THAT Council consider all submitted grant requests; and THAT all applicants be advised of Council's decision. THAT Application #99-001 - Bethesda House be approved for a grant in the amount of $5,000.00; THAT Application #99-002 - Body Image Coalition's request for a grant from the Municipality ofClarington be denied; THAT Application #99-003 - Bowmanville Figure Skating Club be approved for a grant in the amount of $1 ,500.00; THAT Application #99-004 - Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade Committee be approved for a grant in the amount of $3,000.00; THAT Application #99-005 - Bowmanville United Soccer Club be approved for a grant in the amount of $2,000.00; THAT Application #99-006 - Clarington Community Care be approved for a grant in the amount of $5,500.00; THAT Application #99-007 - Clarington East Food Bank be approved for a grant in the amount of $500.00; THAT Application #99-008 - C1arington Girls' Hockey Association be approved for a grant in the amount of$I,OOO.OO; Council Minutes '-' REPORTS ........ \.r - 25 - April 12, 1999 THAT Application #99-009 - Clarington Green Gaels Lacrosse Club be approved for a one time only grant in the amount of$3,000.00; THAT Application #99-010 - Clarington Older Adult Association be approved for a grant in the amount of $5,000.00; THAT Application #99-0 II - Clarington Swim Club be approved for a grant in the amount of $1 ,500.00; THAT Application #99-012 - Clarington Young Women's Christian Association (Y.W.C.A.) be approved for a grant in the amount of$500.00; THAT Application #99-013 - Clarington Youth Council- Adult Advisory Board be approved for a grant in the amount $2,000.00; THAT Application #99-014 - Courtice Teen Centre be approved for a grant in the amount of$5,000.00; THAT Application #99-015 - Durham Central Agricultural Society be approved for a grant in the amount of$I,OOO.OO; THAT Application #99-016 - Durham Deaf Services be approved for a grant in the amount of$500.00; THAT Application #99-0 I 7 - The Firehouse Youth Centre be approved for a grant in the amount of $2,000.00; THAT the cheque in the amount of$2,000.00 be withheld until such time as The Firehouse Youth Centre has submitted its financial information to the Municipality; THAT Application #99-018 - Friends of Second Marsh be approved for a grant in the amount of $2,000.00; THAT Application #99-019 - Newcastle Community Hall be approved for a grant in the amount of $12,500.00; THAT Application #99-020 - Newcastle Horticultural Society and Application #99-023 - Orono Horticultural Society be approved for a grant each in the amount of $350.00; Council Minutes '-' REPORTS '-' ~ - 26- April 12, 1999 THAT Application #99-021 - Newcastle Village & District Historical Society be approved for a grant in the amount of $500.00; THAT Application #99-022 - Orono Amateur Athletic Association be approved for a grant in the amount of $2,000.00; THAT Application #99-024 - St. Elizabeth School be approved for a grant in the amount of $700.00; THAT Application #99-025 - Scouts Canada Oshawa District's application for a grant from the Municipality of Clarington be denied; THAT Application #99-026 - Small Miracles Child Development Centre Inc.'s application for a grant from the Municipality ofClarington be denied; THAT Application #99-027 - Solina Community Centre's request for a grant be referred to the Public Works Department's budget; THAT Application #99-028 - Tyrone Athletic Association be approved for a grant in the amount of $2,000.00; THAT Application #99-029 - Wilderness Survival School/Project Lost's request for a grant from the Municipality of Clarington be denied; THAT Application #99-030 - Newcastle Skating Club and Application #99-032 - Orono Figure Skating Inc. be approved each for a grant of $1,500.00; THAT Application #99-031 - Courtice Soccer Association's request for a grant be referred to the Public Works Department's budget; THAT Application #99-033 - Tyrone Community Centre be approved for a grant in the amount of $2,000.00; THAT the balance of the ground preparations pertaining to Application #99-033 - Tyrone Community Centre be referred to the Public Works Department's budget; THAT the matter of releasing $8,500 to the Tyrone Hall Board from the Public Works Parks Maintenance Reserve Fund be tabled to the Council meeting scheduled for April 12, 1999; Council Minutes '-' REPORTS '-' ""'" - 27- April 12, 1999 THAT Council adhere to the Grant Policy and approve $1.00 per capita as a total yearly grant amount, that being $72,000 for the year 1999; THAT Application #99-034 - Big Brothers of C1arington be approved for a grant in the amount of$500.00; THAT the correspondence received from Tiger's School of Tae-Kwon-Do requesting a grant in the amount of$432.00 for rental time from the Municipality ofClarington be received; THAT the request in the amount of $432.00 be approved and the grant be applied directly to the rental fee; THAT Tiger's School of Tae-Kwon-Do be advised of Council's decision; THAT the correspondence dated January 26, 1999, received from the Old Fire Hall Drum and Bugle Corps requesting a grant be received; THAT a grant in the amount of $500.00 be approved; THAT the Old Fire Hall Drum and Bugle Corps be advised of Council's decision; THAT the correspondence received from The Learning Partnership requesting a grant be received; THAT the request be denied; THAT The Learning Partnership be advised of Council's decision; THAT the correspondence dated March 22, 1999, from the John Howard Society requesting a municipal grant be received; THAT a grant in the amount of$3,500.00 be approved; and THAT the John Howard Society be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) '-' \.- \",... Council Minutes REPORTS - 28 - April 12, 1999 Resolution #C-254-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-253-99 be amended by adding the following thereto: "THAT the grant in the amount of $432.00 for Tiger's School of Tae- Kwon-Do be held in a reserve until confirmation is received from the Settlement House that all of the funds raised at the event have, in fact, been donated to them." "CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #C-253-99 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Resolution #C-255-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Confidential Report CD-13-99 and the Confidential Verbal Report of the Solicitor, be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered during a "closed" session of Council. "CARRIED" Report #4 - 1999 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast, was distributed to Council as a handout. Councillor Schell disclosed a pecuniary interest with respect to the 1999 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast; vacated his chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Councillor Schell indicated that one of the items contained in the Capital Budget pertains to his employer, Blue Circle Canada Inc. \. '-' ~ Council Minutes REPORTS - 29- April 12, 1999 Resolution #C-256-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the actions taken at the Special General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting held on April 12, 1999, be approved. "CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE" Recorded Vote Yea Nay Absent Councillor Mutton Councillor Novak Councillor Rowe Councillor Trim Councillor Young Mayor Hamre Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest Councillor Schell UNFINISHED BUSINESS Alternate on The GTSB D02.GE Resolution #C-257-99 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Resolution #GPA-121-99, pertaining to an appointment of an alternate to Mayor Diane Hamre to sit on the Greater Toronto Services Board, be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-258-99 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Councillor Mutton be appointed as an alternate to Mayor Hamre to the Greater Toronto Services Board. "CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE" '-' '-' """ Council Minutes - 30- April 12, 1999 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Release of Funds - Tyrone Community Centre F20.GE Recorded Vote Yea Nay Absent Councillor Mutton Councillor Rowe Councillor Schell Councillor Trim Councillor Young Mayor Hamre Councillor Novak Resolution #C-259-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Resolution #GPA-190-99, pertaining to the release of$8,500 to the Tyrone Hall Board, be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-260-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Mutton WHEREAS in 1998, the Municipality of Clarington budgeted $40,000 for park improvements to the Tyrone Community Centre; AND WHEREAS the total project cost was approximately $23,000; AND WHEREAS the Tyrone Hall Board completed works on the property which amount to $8,500; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON release $8,500 to the Tyrone Hall Board from the Working Funds Reserve. "CARRIED" 'w '-' '-' Council Minutes - 31 - April 12, 1999 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resolution #C-261-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the delegation of Harvey Thompson, Chair, Port Granby Low- Level Radioactive Waste Management Committee, be acknowledged and he be thanked for his presentation. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-262-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the delegation of Bill Fry, Executive Director, John Howard Society, be acknowledged with appreciation. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-263-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the delegation of Kevin Tunney, Tunney Planning, be acknowledged. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-264-99 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the delegation of Linda Gasser be acknowledged. "CARRIED" Council Minutes '-' - 32- April 12, 1999 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Lishman International Inc. D14.DEV.97.058 \. 1999 Municipal Grants FIl.CH BY-LAWS '-' Resolution #C-265-99 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT further to Resolution #C-214-99, the Solicitor be authorized to represent the municipality on aU matters before the Ontario Municipal Board at the upcoming Pre-Hearing Conference and any subsequent hearings on the applications filed on behalf of Paula Lishman International Limited. "CARRIED" Council considered a memorandum dated April 6, 1999, from Joseph Caruana, Director of Community Services, with respect to a request for a municipal grant from Kathlynn Hoch, Clarington Speedskating Club. Resolution #C-266-99 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Application #99-035 - Clarington Speedskating Club, be approved for a grant in the amount of$1,500.00. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-267-99 Moved by Councillor ScheU, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT leave be granted to introduce the foUowing by-laws, and that the said by-laws be now read a first and second time: 99-42 being a by-law to designate a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-1945 as not being subject to Part Lot Control; 99-43 being a by-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality and CriSys Limited, Markham, Ontario, for the supply, installation and implementation of fire dispatch software; 99-44 being a by-law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways; Council Minutes '-' BY-LAWS \.,.. OTHER BUSINESS '-' - 33 - April 12, 1999 99-45 being a by-law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways; 99-46 being a by-law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways; 99-47 being a by-law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways; 99-48 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and the Clarington Board of Trade; and 99-49 being a by-law to amend the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, for the Corporation of the Municipality ofClarington and to repeal By-law 99-2. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-268-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the third and final reading of By-laws 99-42 to 99-49 inclusive, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-269-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of CIa ring ton has approved the formation of an Animal Advisory Committee which is to consist of a maximum often individuals; AND WHEREAS the Committee presently has three vacancies; AND WHEREAS Scott Creed has been attending the meetings as a representative of Orono Cat World; ~ '-' ~ Council Minutes OTHER BUSINESS - 34- April 12, 1999 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED THAT Scott Creed be appointed to the Animal Advisory Committee for a term concurrent with the term of the appointing Council. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-270-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Young THAT Council recess for 15 minutes. "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 8:52 p.m. Resolution #C-271-99 Moved by Councillor ScheU, seconded by CounciUor Rowe THAT the meeting be "closed" for the purpose of discussing a persormel and a legal matter. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-272-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT the actions taken during the "closed" session of Council, be ratified. "CARRIED" \w- \..- ~ Council Minutes OTHER BUSINESS - 35 - April 12, 1999 CONFIRMING BY-LAW CONFIRMING BY-LAW Councillors Schell and Trim made disclosures of pecuniary interest earlier in the meeting and refrained from discussion and voting on the Confirming By-law. Resolution #C-273-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 99-50, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of CIa ring ton at this meeting held on the12th day of April 1999, and that the said by-law be now read a first and second time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-274-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the third and final reading of By-law 99-50 be approved. "CARRIED" \..r '-' ...... Council Minutes ADJOURNMENT - 36- April 12, 1999 Resolution #C-275-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:10 p.m. "CARRIED" a-~d/~~A/ MAYOR