HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/22/1999 '-' ~ -.... Council Minutes PRAYERS ROLL CALL Present Were: Absent: Also Present: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON February 8, 1999 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on Monday, February 8,1999 at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers Councillor Schell led the meeting in prayer. Acting Mayor M. Novak Councillor J. Mutton Councillor 1. Rowe Councillor J. Schell Councillor C. Trim Councillor T. Young Mayor D. Hamre (On Vacation) Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Fire Chief, M. Creighton Acting Director of Planning and Development, D. Crome Community Services Arena Manager, S. Rose Deputy Treasurer, N. Taylor Director of Public Works, S. Vokes Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Schell indicated that he would be making a disclosure of pecuniary interest with respect to the delegation of Valerie Dostie, the delegation of David Ashcroft and consideration of Report CD-66-98. Council Minutes ~ - 2- February 8, 1999 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS DELEGAnONS '- \.. Resolution #C-98-99 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT the minutes ofa special meeting of Council held on January 25, 1999, minutes ofa regular meeting of Council held on January 25, 1999 and minutes of a special meeting of Council held on February I, 1999, be approved. "CARRIED" Councillor Schell indicated a disclosure of pecuniary interest with respect to the delegations of Valerie Dostie and David Ashcroft; vacated his chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter Councillor Schell indicated that he is employed by Blue Circle Canada Inc., the subject of the delegation. Valerie Dostie, R.R. #2, Box II, Group 5, Bowmanville, LlC 3K3 addressed Council with respect to Report CD-66-98. She stated that she has been advised by Blue Circle that stricter dust and noise controls are being required of their new contractor. She also advised that the Phase II removal of overburden contract should be finished in May of this year, weather permitting. She requested that should the work extend into the summer months, changes be made to the allowable working hours. Mrs. Dostie also stressed the need for a health study to be done as a result of the large amount of fumes emitted from the high traffic of trucks travelling back and forth on the Haul Road. She stated that the exemption which Blue Circle presently enjoys under the Municipality's by-law exempts her rights and avoids her from having protection. David Ashcroft, Co-Chair, Blue Circle Community Relations Committee, Group 5, Box 36, Bowmanville, LlC 3K3, addressed Council with respect to Report CD-66-98. He indicated that after consultation with Blue Circle the committee is pleased with the efforts the company has put forward to reduce the impacts on the surrounding community through increased dust control measures, altered procedures and new time lines as expressed in their new overburden removal contract. Council Minutes '- DELEGAnONS '- COMMUNICAnONS I - I ~ - 3 - February 8, 1999 With respect to noise issues, they have asked Blue Circle to implement noise monitoring in the area of the overburden removal, especially in the area of the Dostie and Coe1en homes, to ensure that there is compliance with the Provincial model noise by-law standards. If they are willing to do so, the committee hopes that this will result in an improved situation for concerned residents in the area. They are expecting a reply in time for their next committee meeting which is scheduled for February 15, 1999. Sher Leetooze, Board of Directors, Bowmanville Museum, advised Council that the Museum Board has applied to the Canada Millenium Partnership Program for funding to assist with the reconstruction of the carriage house which once stood at the top of the Museum's driveway. Reconstruction of this building will allow the Museum to have more archival space, more display space and an area for community use. She indicated that the application being filed is in the amount of$100,OOO which is one third of the entire cost ofthe project. In order to raise the other funds, the Board is hopeful of receiving donations from suppliers and corporate sponsorship. Ms. Leetooze requested Council's support in principle of the project. Resolution #C-99-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the communications to be received for information be approved with the exception of Items I - 2, 1-7, 1- 9, I - 13 and 1- 16. "CARRIED" Minutes of a meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee held on January 19, 1999. (Received for Information) Council Minutes - 4- February 8, 1999 '- CO:MMUNICAnONS 1-3 Margaret Rodgers, Curator Director, Visual Arts Centre ofClarington, advising of the Fifteenth Annual Winter's Harvest to be held March 28- April 23, 1999. She advises that the Visual Arts Centre of C1arington is calling for entries for Winter's Harvest, its annual juried craft exhibition. Each year the exhibition features examples from a multitude of craft disciplines such as clay, glass, wood and metal work, paper making, fibre art, basketry, and more. The juror for 1998 is Saskia Wassing-Shepherd, a world traveller who trained at the Glasgow School of Art, worked with the Ontario Crafts Council selecting crafts for "Craftworks" and is currently practising her art in Toronto. Cash and other awards are generously provided by community and corporate sponsors. Exhibition fees will be paid for works accepted in the show. For further information or entry forms please call Winter's Harvest at 623-5831. (Received for Information) 1-4 Paul Laver, Council Chair and Dave Simser, Council Vice-Chair, Victoria County Land & Water Stewardship Council advising that they are concerned that Kawartha watershed municipalities are considering the disbanding of the Kawartha Region Conservation Authority. Speaking in support of the KRCA, he advises that the Council is not an organization on its own, it is a Victoria County network with representatives from local resource agencies, volunteers from land interest groups, and landowners belonging to forestry and agriculture associations. The Council's role is to develop collaborative projects and to eliminate duplication. They advise that Mr. Ian Mcnab from the KRCA is a member of this Council with the Authority being a key partner in several Council projects. They indicate that the Kawartha Region Conservation Authority is a key partner in the local environmental network and is worthy of continued support. (Received for Information) '- 1-5 Recycling Council of Ontario, advising of the 1998 Ontario Waste Minimization Awards Call for Nominations. If you know of an individual, school, business, institution, technical innovation, municipality or educational initiative that is truly deserving of recognition for efforts to protect the environment by minimizing waste, please take the time to nominate them for an Ontario Waste Minimization Award. Nominations and supporting data must be received or post-marked by Canada Post no later than February 26, 1999. They may be mailed to the Awards Committee, Recycling Council of Ontario, 489 College Street, Suite 504, Toronto, M6G lA5. The awards will be presented at an Awards Ceremony at the Boulevard Club in Toronto on April 22, 1999. (Received for Information) '- Council Minutes - 5 - February 8, 1999 ..... COMMUNICATIONS 1-6 News Release, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, advising that on January 19,1999, Councillor Rick Johnson of the Town of Pickering was re-elected Chair of the CLOCA Authority along with Mayor Doug Moffatt, Township of Scugog, to the Vice-Chair position. (Received for Information) 1-8 Isabel Bassett, Minister of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation, writing to Roger Anderson, Durham Regional Chair, advising that Durham Region is the successful candidate for the 2000 Ontario Summer Games. She offered congratulations to staff of the Region and community volunteers on their excellent preparation and presentation of their bid. (Received for Information) 1-10 Claude Cantin, Federation of Canadian Municipalities advising of the highlights ofFCM's National Board of Directors' meeting held on December 2 - 5, 1998, as follows: '-" · In view of their forthcoming meeting with Finance Minister Paul Martin, the Board renewed its call for a renewed National Infrastructure Program and approved a new proposal aimed at increasing federal investment in sustainable transportation. They are proposing that at least 3 cents/litre of Excise Taxes on fuels be redirected into spending on transportation alternatives. · The Directors noted the growing concern over housing supply and the rise in homelessness across the country. They agreed to co-host with Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) a National Roundtable on Homelessness and that the FCM Quality of Life Project adopt affordable housing and homelessness as a priority for 1999. · The Board was briefed on the current intensive evaluation ofFCM International Programs. There is every indication that the report will be extremely positive. · The Board urged all members to renew support for their Centre for Municipal Aboriginal Relations. · Finally, the Board considered an amended Mission Statement which reads as follows: '- Council Minutes -6- February 8, 1999 \r COMMUNICATIONS "The Federation of Canadian Municipalities is the national voice of municipal governments, dedicated to improving the quality of life in all communities by promoting strong, effective and accountable municipal government." (Receive for Information) I - II D.M. Peggy Whitteker, Clerk-Treasurer, Township ofManvers, forwarding correspondence addressed to TRT Aggregates Ltd., advising that their request to increase annual tonnage for Licence #3435, Lot 17, Concession 10, Municipality ofClarington, was discussed by Manvers Council on January 12, 1999. Manvers Council passed a resolution to oppose an increase in tonnage for the said licensed pit as this will result in increased truck traffic on the Manvers/Clarington boundary road east of Highway #35 and there has been a number of complaints received in the past regarding the condition of the said portion of road due to the heavy truck traffic. They are not prepared to support an increase in tonnage unless the road is improved to carry the truck traffic and that the municipalities not incur any costs related to the road improvements for the purpose of increased business from the above noted pit. (Received for Information) '-' 1-12 Noble A. Villeneuve, Minister, Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and Chris Hodgson, Minister, Northern Development and Mines, advising that during consultations with municipal stakeholders across the province, many rural and northern municipalities lack the basic computer hardware and related training to effectively use modern electronic communication technology, such as the Internet. The Ontario government is pleased to provide details of the Rural and Northern Municipal Computer Capacity Enhancement Program. This program is being offered to rural and northern municipalities to assist in meeting computer hardware and related training needs, particularly in the use of the Internet as an efficient tool for communications and conducting municipal business. The application form and applicant's guide outline the criteria for the program. The deadline for applications is March I, 1999. It is their intention to have funds forwarded to successful applicants by March 31, 1999. (Received for Information) '- Council Minutes - 7- February 8, 1999 '-' COMMUNlCA nONS 1-14 Member Communication Alert received from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, advising of a Model Gas Franchise Agreement - Update on AMO's Progress. Members have asked AMO to initiate a review of the Model Agreement and to re-establish the committee that did the original document. AMO wrote to the OEB Chair, Floyd Laughren, requesting that he re-establish the committee to review the existing model agreement and issue an interim order for those municipalities wishing to extend existing agreements that are coming up for renewal. (Received for Information) 1-15 Judy Currins, Clerk-Treasurer, Village ofOmemee, advising ofa resolution passed by the Village ofOmemee as follows: "THAT the Village ofOmemee request dissolution of the Kawartha Region Conservation Authority and that this resolution be circulated to all member municipalities." '-" Council's reason for introducing and passing this resolution was that they are concerned that there is no opting out clause - that once the Authority is established a municipality cannot make their own decision to participate or not. The only option in this legislation that is open to municipalities who do not wish to participate, is to request that the Authority be disbanded. Municipalities must participate if there is an Authority but there does not have to be an Authority. (Received for Information) '-" Council Minutes - 8 - February 8,1999 '-" COMMUNICATIONS 1-17 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham East, advising that he wrote to The Honourable Ernie Eves, Minister of Finance for further information on the issue of gasoline taxes. The suggestion that gasoline tax revenues be used to fund municipal transportation is well stated. He would like to confirm, however, that the Ontario government places a high priority on improving our highway system. The amount spent on highways has increased in recent years. He stated that for example, in 1998-99 the Ontario Ministry of Transportation is spending $667 million for construction of provincial highways. This is the largest capital expenditure in the province's history. An additional $401 million is being spent this year on provincial highway operation and management. Mr. O'Toole indicated that it is his understanding that Ontario does not dedicate, or "earmark" provincial revenues obtained from transportation-related sources such as gasoline taxes or driver and vehicle registration fees. Ontario's Minister of Finance, the Honourable Ernie Eves, has indicated that dedicating tax revenues to specific expenditures could restrict the government's ability to set and meet the full range of economic and social policy priorities. Furthermore, this practice could lead to the misallocation of revenue if the funds generated are more or less than what is required to run a given program efficiently. As well, it is important to recognize that the federal government collects almost $2 billion a year from gasoline and fuel taxes and related GST from Ontario motorists. Federal areas of interest, such as national and regional economic development, international trade, and border crossings, all point to the need for a long-term federal commitment to assist in upgrading and maintaining highways in Ontario and across the Province. '-' (Received for Information) 1-18 Marion Albaum, Enbridge Consumers Gas, forwarding a copy of a Notice of Application and Notice of Written Hearing Franchise Approval for the Corporation of the Municipality ofClarington. (Received for Information) 1-19 Minutes ofa meeting of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority held on January 19, 1999. (Received for Information) '- Council Minutes '-' COMMUNICATIONS 1-20 1-21 1- 22 '- 1-23 1-2 GTAPooling Brochure D02.GT ~ - 9 - February 8, 1999 Ernie Eves, Minister of Finance, advising that the date by which municipalities must establish by-laws to comply with the requirements of the Fairness for Property Taxpayers Act 1998, will be extended to February 28, 1999. This extension provides municipalities with an additional month to make their decisions. It is, however, important to businesses to have their final 1998 property taxes determined as quickly as possible. (Received for Information) Cynthia Mearns Library Director, Clarington Public Library, advising of a confidential property matter. (Received for Information) Association of Municipalities of Ontario advising that some of the change over the last few years in municipal government was the result of the Association's initiatives and also forwarding a copy ofa Member Communication Alert entitled "Regulation Forces Recognition of Seniority of Crown Employees." (Received for Information) Isabel Bassett, Minister of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation, regarding a resolution passed by the Town of Ajax and endorsed by the Municipality ofClarington that the Regional Municipality of Durham have its own grant review team. The Ontario Trillium Foundation's grant review teams' boundaries are based upon those used for the Ministry of Health's district health councils. Each of the grant review team's sub-committees were given an equal number of representatives on the team. However, the sub-committees will be given a notional budget allocation on a per capita basis to recommend grants under $25,000 to the board of the foundation. Therefore, the members representing the Regional Municipality of Durham sub-committee will have a significantly larger amount of money to recommend grants for local charities and not-for-profit organizations. The per capita funding for the Durham, Haliburton, Kawartha and Pine Ridge grant review team will be about $5.1 million. Based on a population of 458,616, the Regional Municipality of Durham's notional allocation will be about $3.1 million. (Received for Information) Emil V. Kolb, Regional Chair, Regional Municipality of Peel, forwarding a brochure on GTA Pooling, Peel's position on pooling is based on the following principles: Council Minutes - 10- February 8, 1999 '- COMMUNICATIONS · eliminate GT A pooling when the Provincial budget is balanced; · remove the funding of social programs from the property tax system and put them back on the income tax system where they appropriately belong; · for the interim period, cap pooling; · ensure that a common service is in place for the GT A; · conduct a third party audit/review to verify expenditures and ensure that a common service level is in place. He advised that most recently, Regional Council has discussed the elimination of GT A pooling over a 3 year period to coincide with the elimination of the Provincial budget deficit. The Province could then finance the City of Toronto's additional social services needs from provincial income taxes. '- Resolution #C-100-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Item I - 2 be received for information. "CARRIED" 1-7 Member Communication Alert received from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, advising that together with the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario, the Association of Municipal Tax Collectors of Ontario, and the Municipal Finance Officers' Association of Ontario, AMO has written to the Minister of Finance requesting that the deadline for passing municipal by-laws to adopt capping provisions under Bill 79, the Fairnessfor Property Taxpayers Act, 1998, or other tax mitigation measures, be extended to February 28, 1999. Extension of Tax Caps M06.GE '- Council Minutes - 11 - February 8, 1999 '--' COMMUNlCAnONS '-w '- 1-9 Clarke Museum & Archives Minutes C06.CL I - 13 Kawartha Proposed 1999 Budget A01.KA Item 1- 16 Dissolution of Kawartha Conservation A01.KA Resolution #C-l 0 I -99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Item I - 7 be received for information. "CARRIED" Minutes ofa meeting of the Clarke Museum & Archives held on January 5, 1999. Resolution #C-I 02-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Item I - 9 be received for information. "CARRIED" Ian D. Macnab, General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer, Kawartha Conservation Authority, forwarding a copy of their Proposed 1999 Budget. The Board of Directors of Kawartha Conservation will vote on this budget and the municipal funding associated with it at their meeting of February 24,1999. Resolution #C-I03-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Item I - I3 be received for information. "CARRIED" Ian D. Macnab, General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer, Kawartha Conservation Authority, advising of a meeting and vote on the dissolution ofKawartha Conservation scheduled to be held on February I I, 1999 at 7:30 p.m., at the Moose Lodge, 10 Moose Road, Lindsay. The suggested Motion to dissolve which will come before the Board of Directors is: Council Minutes - 12- February 8, 1999 ~ COMMUNI CAnONS "RESOLVED THAT the Lieutenant Governor in Council be requested through the Minister of Natural Resources to dissolve the Kawartha Region Conservation Authority, and towards this end, a consultant be retained by the Kawartha Region Conservation Authority to prepare a report for submission to and acceptance by the Minister of Natural Resources, on the provisions made by the member municipalities ofthe Kawartha Region Conservation Authority for future flood control and watershed interests and for the disposition of all assets and liabilities of the conservation authority." Resolution #C-I04-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Item I - 16 be received for information. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOnON) '"'" Resolution #C-l 05-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-I 04-99 be amended by adding the following thereto: "THAT the Council of the Municipality ofClarington reaffirm its support for the continuation ofKawartha Conservation; and THAT a copy of Council's resolution be forwarded to all member municipalities. " "CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #C-l 04-99 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. '"'" Council Minutes - 13- February 8, 1999 ..... COMMUNICAnONS Resolution #C-1 06-99 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Items D - 2, D - 4, D - 6, D - 7, D - 8, D - 9 and D - 10, be approved as per the agenda. "CARRIED" D-2 Fred Ross, Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation advising of the government's program to commemorate the millenniuim, Ontario 2000, regarding their Main Street Ontario funding initiative for communities. Main Street Ontario provides municipalities, First Nations and local service boards with matching funds of up to 50 cents per resident or 50 percent of the total cost whichever is less - from a minimum of $1,000 to a maximum of $350,000 per community. A minimum level was established in consideration of communities that have a small population base. Under Main Street Ontario, communities with fewer than 2000 residents are eligible for a matching grant of$l,OOO. The government wants to provide all communities with matching funds to ensure province- wide opportunities to commemorate the millenium. (Referred to Staff) \. D-4 Peter Delanty, Chair, Millenium 2000 Committee, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority advising that the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority is preparing an application for a Federal Government Millennium 2000 grant. This proposed project would create an ecology garden and demonstration park. It will be located on Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority property immediately behind the administration office and running to the Ganaraska River. The completion of the project will be accomplished through the grant funds, corporate support and community interest groups. Upon completion, the park and trails will act as a learning and information centre for school children and local area citizens. It will also be a welcome respite for travellers on the 401 and 28 highways. The committee is asking each Council within the watershed of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority to support, in principle, this grant application. (Motion for support in principle) ~ Council Minutes - 14- February 8, 1999 ~ COMMUNICAnONS D-6 Earl S. Cuddie, Administrator-Clerk, Township ofScugog, advising ofa resolution passed by the Township of Scugog as follows: "WHEREAS the Township of Scugog is situated on and around Lake Scugog and its watershed area; and WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Scugog recognizes and strongly supports the need for a collective voice in matters of environmental stewardship throughout our community and the entire watershed; and WHEREAS environmental linkups and impacts extend beyond municipal borders; and WHEREAS Kawartha Conservation has, through provincial statute, been charged with responsibility for stewardship and providing guidance and direction to the watershed municipalities and despite drastic funding cuts and staff reductions, has done so in a dedicated and effective fashion; and \0". WHEREAS the municipalities must now rely on the services and expertise of the conservation authority with respect to assessing impacts on the environment; and WHEREAS any fragmentation of a watershed approach could only result in environmental degradation; NOW THEREFORE the Township of Scugog recognizes the value and need for a collective watershed approach and hereby declares its unequivocal support for the ongoing efforts and operation of Kawartha Conservation, and strongly urges watershed municipalities to do likewise and further, that this resolution be forwarded to all member municipalities urging continued support for the Authority." (Received for Information and advise the Township of Scugog of Council's earlier resolution of support) '-'" Council Minutes '-' COMMUNICA nONS D-7 D-8 D-9 '-' D-I0 D-1 Child Poverty Taskforce S04.GE '-' - 15- February 8, 1999 D.B. McKenzie, 106 Clayton Crescent, Bowmanville, Ll C 4N9, advising of concerns with respect to Report PD-11-99 (Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-82037 and 18T-87087). (Referred to the Acting Director of Planning and Development for consideration in conjunction with the subject file) Tony Middleton, Old Fire Hall Drum and Bugle Corps, advising that Old Fire Hall Drum and Bugle Corps is a youth organization in the community of Clarington and Durham. The organization is for youths between the ages of 7 and 21 doing all local parades and a chance to travel into the United States. Drum Corps is a year round activity that combines dance, percussion and brass sections to produce spectacular arrangements on a musical football field. To make this youth activity work they are looking for sponsors to help with anything they can, for example: cheaper costs on products, different groups to help with fundraising events, money donations, advertising. (Referred to 1999 budget discussions) Sher Leetooze, Board of Directors, Bowmanville Museum, advising that the Bowmanville Museum Board is submitting an application to the Federal Government for funds from the Canada Millennium Partnership Program with the goal of reconstructing the Carriage House which once stood on the Museum property. They are requesting Council's support and assistance in this matter. (Motion heartily endorsed) Mark I. Jackman, Curator, Clarke Museum & Archives, requesting the Municipality ofClarington to proclaim Heritage Day on February 15th and Heritage Week, February 15 - 21, 1999. (Proclaimed) Maureen Gmitrowicz, Vice-Chair, Child Poverty Taskforce advising that the Taskforce is a network of individuals, social agencies, health care professionals and churches in Durham Region. There are 14,000 children in Durham Region living on Social Assistance which provides an income way below the accepted poverty line. These children are deprived because we the public at large, have allowed ourselves to be persuaded that looking after our own is what matters and the less responsibility we have for those who can't keep up, the better. Council Minutes ~ COMMUNICATIONS D-3 Resolution re: Child Poverty C10.AD '- '- - 16 - February 8, 1999 She is requesting the Council of the Municipality of Clarington to appoint one member of Council as a Child Advocate to raise public awareness about child poverty in our community and to be a liaison between the Taskforce and Council. Resolution #C-1 07-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT Correspondence Item D - 1 be received for information. "CARRIED" Excerpt from the Town of Pickering Council Minutes of January 18, 1999 as follows: "WHEREAS in the Report Card from Ontario Campaign 2000 January 6, 1998, a Provincial arm ofthe Federal initiative to eliminate child poverty, it is identified that in Ontario, child poverty is growing at 'an alarming rate'; and WHEREAS the goal of Ontario Campaign 2000 was to eliminate child poverty by the year 2000, however, since its inception in 1989, the number of poor children in Ontario has grown from 254,000 to 548,000, an increase of 116 percent; and WHEREAS the local food bank of St. Paul's on the Hill reports that in Pickering over 50% of its users are children under the age of eighteen compared to a percentage of37% in Toronto; and WHEREAS the Provincial Minister Responsible for Children, The Honourable Margaret Marland, has stated that, despite the overwhelming evidence and suffering among a huge population of children, she does not believe that the numbers that have been revealed by Ontario Campaign 2000 and other independent organizations are accurate; and WHEREAS by ignoring the problem of child poverty and dismissing it as an issue that needs to be addressed, there is no hope of improving the plight of children in Pickering, Durham or Ontario and that the situation is bound to deteriorate further; and Council Minutes - 17- February 8, 1999 '-' COMMUNICAnONS WHEREAS Pickering has dedicated its celebration of the Millennium to children and seniors in a motion unanimously adopted by Council in December of 1998; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering hereby calls upon the Provincial Government to acknowledge and address child poverty within Pickering, Durham and Ontario by working with local organizations and municipalities to understand the causes of child impoverishment in each community and implement solutions; and THAT by way of distribution of this motion to Ontario municipalities, local governments be asked to pass similar motions requesting that the Provincial Government live up to its commitment to stop child poverty as outlined in Campaign 2000 and work with local organizations and governments to solve the emerging crisis that is facing our most vulnerable citizens; and THAT this motion be further distributed to: ~ 1. The Honourable Margaret Marland, Minister Responsible for Children; The Honourable Janet Ecker, M.P.P. (Durham West); Minister of Community and Social Services; and Mike Harris, Premier of the Province of Ontario 2. 3. Resolution #C-108-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the resolution ofthe Town of Pickering pertaining to child poverty be endorsed by the Council of the Municipality ofClarington; and THAT a copy of the resolution be forwarded to John O'Toole, M.P.P., and to the Child Poverty Taskforce. "CARRIED" "-' Council Minutes - 18- February 8, 1999 ~ COMMUNiCAnONS D-5 Lynn S. Buckner, AdministratorlTreasurer, Municipality of Bay ham, advising of a resolution passed by the Municipality of Bay ham as follows: Bill 79 ClO.AD "WHEREAS Bill 106, the Fair Municipal Finance Act of 1997, came into effect January 1,1998, intending to introduce a fair and accountable system of property assessment and taxation across the province by eliminating sizeable variations in the tax burdens of ratepayers owning similar properties; AND WHEREAS on December 18,1998, the Province gave Royal Assent to Bill 79, the Faimessfor Property Taxpayers Act, which protects small businesses from large property tax increases in response to concerns expressed by Ontario businesses that property tax increases resulting from Bill 106 were unmanageable; AND WHEREAS Bill 79 limits assessment reform-related property tax increases to 10 percent in 1998, and a further 5 percent in each of 1999 and 2000, calculations of which are to be provided by regulation; '- AND WHEREAS the changes resulting from Bill 106 and the 'Who Does What' initiative have created additional responsibilities and work load for Municipal Staff resulting in additional expenditures incurred for overtime and for the amendments to information technology required to implement these changes; AND WHEREAS the Province has promised to assist municipalities with the cost burden of rebilling business taxpayers as required by Bill 79; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham hereby is of the opinion that Bill 70 voids the intent of Bill 106; AND THEREFORE urges all municipalities to lobby the Province to rescind Bill 79, or alternatively administer the Bill by utilizing Provincial staff, as municipalities will find it necessary to incur further expense in retaining additional staff support and education to implement the requirements ofthis Bill; ~ Council Minutes - 19- February 8, 1999 ~ COMMUNI CAnONS AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this resolution be circulated to all municipalities, Minister of Finance, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, MPP and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario for support." Resolution #C-l 09-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Young THAT Correspondence Item D - 5 be received for information. "CARRIED" MonON NonCE OF MOnON Councillors Mutton and Trim indicated that they would, at the next or subsequent meeting of Council, introduce the following motion: '-' "THAT staff be directed to prepare a zoning by-law amendment that amends the provisions of the 'General Commercial Exception (CI-2) Zone' to permit residential units only on the second storey or above as applied to Orono; and THAT staff be authorized to advertise a Public Meeting on the zoning application. " COMMITTEE REPORTS Report # I Resolution #C-11 0-99 G.P.A. Report February I, 1999 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of February 1, 1999, be approved with the exception ofItems #11 and #16. "CARRIED" '- Council Minutes '- REPORTS '-" '-" Item # II Insurance Pooling L06.GE Item #16 "Closed" Meeting - 20- February 8, 1999 Resolution #C-III-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT due to the pressures of Bill 79 and the preparation of the Development Charges Study, the Region of Durham and area municipalities may not have sufficient time to structure the insurance pooling arrangement by July 1,1999; THEREFORE Council authorizes entering into the insurance pooling subject to Report TR-7-99, at such time as satisfactory contractual arrangements are finalized; and THAT, in the interim, the Municipality ofClarington continue with the Frank Cowan Company, on a month-by-month basis. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-112-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the actions taken at the "closed" meeting be ratified. "CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE" Recorded Vote Yea Nay Absent Councillor Mutton Councillor Rowe Councillor Schell Councillor Trim Councillor Young Acting Mayor Novak Mayor Hamre Council Minutes ""' - 21 - February 8, 1999 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Councillor Schell indicated a disclosure of pecuniary interest with respect to Report CD-66-98; vacated his chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subj ect matter. Councillor Schell advised that he is employed by Blue Circle Canada Inc., the subject of the report. Resolultion #C-I13-99 Blue Circle Cement Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim E05.BL '- Property Standards Order Enforcement POUR '-" THAT Report CD-66-98 be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-114-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report CD-66-98 be received; and THAT a copy of Report CD-66-98 be forwarded to Valerie Dostie, Ben Coelen and Blue Circle Cement Company. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-115-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Addendum #2 to Report CD-58-98 be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-116-99 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT Addendum #2 to Report PD-58-98 be received; THAT Report CD-58-98 be received; THAT the Municipal Law Enforcement Officers be authorized to undertake all necessary action to clean up the property of Gust Holdings Inc., located on Simpson Avenue in Bowmanville; Council Minutes -22- February 8, 1999 ~ UNFINISHED BUSINESS '- '-' Format of Council Agendas C03.CO THAT all costs associated with the clean up be charged initially against account number IIOO-9-X and subsequently levied against the property, to be deemed to be municipal real property taxes and collected in the same manner and with the same priorities as municipal real property taxes; and THAT Mr. Gust and his solicitor be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-117 -99 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report CD-08-99 be received for information; THAT the correspondence dated December 9, 1998 from Mrs. L. Gasser regarding the Council agenda format be lifted from the table and received for information; and THAT a copy of Report CD-08-99 be forwarded to Mrs. L. Gasser. "CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE" Recorded Vote Yea Nay Absent Councillor Mutton Councillor Rowe Councillor Schell Councillor Trim Councillor Troy Acting Mayor Novak Mayor Hamre Council Minutes '- BY-LAWS '-' ~ OTHER BUSINESS - 23- February 8, 1999 Resolution #C-118-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and that the said by-laws be now read a first and second time: 99-16 being a by-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality ofClarington and Teletech Financial Corporation and to repeal By-law 99-11; 99-17 being a by-law to designate a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-1940 as not being subject to Part Lot Control; 99-18 being a by-law to designate a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-1945 as not being subject to Part Lot Control; 99-19 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation ofthe former Town of Newcastle; and 99-20 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 14 to the Clarington Official Plan. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-119-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the third and final reading of By-laws 99-16 to 99-20 inclusive, be approved. "CARRIED" There were no items of business discussed under this section of the agenda. Council Minutes - 24- February 8, 1999 \w CONFIRMING BY-LAW Councillor Schell indicated a disclosure of pecuniary interest earlier in the meeting and refrained from discussion and voting on the confirming by-law. Resolution #C-120-99 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 99-21, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings ofthe Council of the Municipality of CIa ring ton at this meeting held on the 8th day of February 1999, and that the said by-law be now read a first and second time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-121-99 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT the third and final reading of By-law 99-21 be approved. \w "CARRIED" ADJOURNMENT Resolution #C-122-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the meeting adjourn at 7:58 p.m. "CARRIED" ~ I I ~