HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/17/1990 '\ , . THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE '"" General Purpose and Administration Committee September 17, 1990 Minutes of a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Monday, September 17, 1990 at 9:30 am., in the Council Chambers. ROLL CALL Present Were: Mayor M. Hubbard Councillor D. Hamre Councillor L. Hannah Councillor K Hooper Councillor F. Stapleton Councillor A. Wotten Absent: Councillor P. Deegan (On Vacation) Also Present: Chief Administrative OffIcer, L. KotsefT Director of Community Services, J. Caruana (Until 5:00 p.m.) Fire Chief, M. Creighton (Until 5:00 p.m.) Manager, Strategic Planning, D. Crome (Until 4:35 p.m.) Director of Public Works, W. Evans (Until 5:00 p.m.) Treasurer, M. Marano (Until 5:00 p.m.) Director of Planning and Development, F. Wu Town Clerk, P. Barrie ......, Councillor Hamre chaired this portion of the meeting. MINUTES Councillor Hooper made a declaration of interest at the meeting of September 4, 1990 with respect to Resolution #GP A-634-90 and refrained from discussion and voting on the adoption of the minutes. Councillor Hooper is a member of the subject organization. Resolution #GPA-658-90 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on September 4, 1990 be approved. 'CARRIED" ~ ~ (, / : I - .. G.P.A. Minutes ~ PUBLIC HEARINGS '-' ~ - 2 - September 17, 1990 As required under the new Planning Act [Section 34(12)], Council is holding public meetings prior to either adopting or rejecting the following: (a) Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment - Part Lot 31, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington - Nantucket Condominiums; (b) Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment - Part Lot 12, Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanville - Susan and Frank Shane; (c) Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment - Part Lot 10, Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanville - 767042 Ontario Limited; (d) Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment - Part Lots 15 & 16, Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanville - Martin Road Holdings Ltd.; (e) Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment - Part Lot 15, Concession 5, former Township of Darlington - Hungarian Cultural Club; and (0 Port Darlington Secondary Plan for the Bowmanville Waterfront The Chairman asked if there were any persons present wishing to speak to these matters. Several people indicated a desire to speak. Before proceeding with these matters, the Chairman asked the Clerk to advise on the manner of notice. The Clerk advised that: (a) Public notices were mailed to all property owners within 120 metres by August 17, 1990; (b) Notices of the public meetings were posted on each of the sites by August 17, 1990; (c) Notice was also published in the local newspaper with respect to the Bowmanville Waterfront Study; and (d) The notices comply with the regulations under the Planning Act. The Chairman announced that any persons wishing further notice of the passage of the by-laws, if passed, to please leave their name, address and telephone number with the Clerk before they leave. The Chairman called on the Director of Planning and Development to briefly describe the purpose and efTect of the by-laws and how the by-laws accomplish the stated purposes. 202 G.P.A. Minutes \... PUBLIC HEARINGS ~ \..r - 3 - September 17, 1990 The purpose and efTect of the by-laws are as follows: (a) Nantucket Condominiums - to reduce the setback requirement from an 'EP" zone and permit the development of a 152 unit complex; (b) Susan and Frank Shane - to permit the development of an administrative offIce and a motor vehicle sales establislnnent with an accessory residential apartment unit; (c) 767042 Ontario Limited - to permit an expansion of an existing convenience commercial establislnnent and accessory apartment unit; (d) Martin Road Holdings Ltd. - to permit the development of 187 apartment units. A previous application as approved permitted 160 apartment units, 3 semi-detached lots and a Block for future development; (e) Hungarian Cultural Club - to permit the reconstruction of a picnic grounds shelter to be used in conjunction with the Hungarian Cultural Club; and (I) Port Darlington Secondary Plan Bowmanville Waterfront Study - to establish objectives and policies which are to serve as a guide for the future development of those lands within the southern sector of Bowmanville adjacent to Lake Ontario. The Chairman announced that questions may be asked concerning the manner of notice or the purpose and efTect of the by.laws and that all questions must be asked through the Chair. The Chairman announced that Committee would hear from the objectors, then anyone in support, with the applicant speaking last. (a) Nantucket Condominiums - Report PD-270-90 EvyIin Stroud, 89 Little Avenue, Bowmanville, LIC LJ9, questioned whether it was mandatory that the requirements of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority be fulfilled by the applicant. Noone spoke in support of the application. Mr. Bob Annaert, D.G. Biddle and A........;..t-es, 96 King St. E., Osbawa, LlH lBO, was present on behalf of Nantucket CondominiumslHalcorp Holdings Ltd and indicated that his client is in support of the recommendations contained in Report PD-270-90. Mr. Annaert advised Committee that his client will adhere to all of the Conservation Authority's requirements. 203 G.PA Minutes \w PUBLIC HEARINGS '- ...... .4- September 17, 1990 (b) Susan and Frank Shane - Report PD-271-90 George VanDyk, 181 Church Street, Bowmanville, LlC ITs, advised Committee that the fence which was erected between the subject property and adjoining owners has been removed without notice or consultation of the surrounding neighbours. He indicated that the applicant, Mr. and Mrs. Shane, have no respect for boundaries of their property and that their cars are now encroaching onto other individuals backyards. Mr. VanDyk requested that, if this rezoning application is approved, parking spots be designated for staff and tenants of the property as they are now parking on the street and using up an area needed for other businesses in the vicinity. Florence Nadean, 16 Silver Street, Bowmanville, L1C 3C3, an ajacent owner, advised Committee of a drainage problem with the site as gravel runs from the subject site onto her property and when the vehicles are being washed, the water runs into her basement. Noone spoke in support of the application. Frank Shane, R.R.#1, Box 16, Hampton, LOB lJO, appeared before Committee in support of the recommendations contained in Report PD-271-90. Mr. Shane indicated that he removed a 3' fence from his property with the intent of repJacing it with a higher quality fence. He stated that the grade on the property bas not changed since the time of the purchase. Mr. Shane submitted letters from businesses in the area in support of the rezoning application. (c) 767042 Ontario Limited - Report PD-272-90 ArnoJd Sleep, appeared on bebalf of his mother Alva, 103 Liberty Street North, BowmanvilJe, L1C 2M!, and advised Committee that when his mother originally sold the subject property the agreement of purcbase and sale contained a clause which stated that the rear portion of the property could not be used without the approval of his mother. In checking with his solicitor, Mr. Sleep has been advised that this clause is still in efTect, however, his mother bas not been approached by the applicant in this regard. Barry Townsend, appeared on bebalf of Louise Hamilton, 91 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville, L1C 2L8, and stated that Mrs. Hamilton was concerned with the loss of privacy to her residence if this application is approved The applicants have met with Mrs. Hamilton, however, and have agreed to install privacy fencing of a design which meets Mrs. Hamilton's approval. Noone spoke in support of the application. 2D4 G.P.A. Minutes '"" PUBLIC HEARINGS \w ""'" - 5- September 17, 1990 Young Mill, Architect, 6013 Yooge Street, Suite 308, Willowda1e, M2M 3W2, appeared before Committee on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Min indicated that the applicant has met with Mrs. Hamilton and her concerns regarding privacy will be addressed. At this point the applicant has not been able to meet with Mrs. Sleep, however, Mr. Min is confident that this matter can be resolved. He indicated that all requirements of the Town will be met. (d) Martin Road Holdings - Report PD-273-90 Noone spoke in opposition or in support of the application. The applicant was not present to address Committee. (e) Hungarian Cultural Club - Report PD-274-90 Don Hutton, R.R.#1, Bowmanville, LlC 3K2, an abutting owner to the subject property, suggested that perhaps an enclosed building would be more appropriate on this site. It is Mr. Hutton's opinion that an enclosed building would make it easier for the applicant to limit access to the property and noise could be better contained. Also, Mr. Hutton questioned whether washroom facilities would be provided on site. John Sharp, 5386 Durham Road 57, R.R.#1, Bowmanville, L1C 3K2, questioned whether the approval of this application would open the door for future development which could disrupt lifestyles in the area Noone spoke in support of the application. The applicant was not present to address Committee. Resolution #GP A-659-90 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT the Committee recess for 10 minutes. 'CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 10:40 am. 7 CI"~ ,_ .0 J G.PA Minutes ~ PUBLIC HEARINGS '-' \..- - 6- September 17, 1990 (0 Bowmanville Waterfront Study, Port Darlington Secondary Plan - Report PD-275-90 Rlck Douglas, F.J. RPino1Prs & Al-v-iates ('..m..rIA Limited, together with Tony In......''''''. Jack Ellis and Carolyn Wnnolbmd, presented to Committee the conceptual report for the Bowmanville Waterfront. Mr. Douglas indicated that public participation started in March, 1990 and that the plan must be adopted as an OffIcial Plan Amendment. The main planning issues to be addressed in the plan are the importance of the area for the development of Regional and local recreation and tourist opportunities; suitability of the existing development; need to identify and preserve SignifICant wetland areas for their ioherent natural function and the future enjoyment of the public; need to improve access to the area from the built portions of Bowmanville; need to resolve or mitigate land use conflicts internal and nearby to the planning area; development of an integrated open space recreational park system; and recognition of the role of both private and public sector in the development of new sites as well as the redevelopment of the existing built-up area. The goals of the plan are to provide a comprehensive plan to guide the use of the waterfront that ha1ances the need for public access, environmental protection, recreational use, tourism and residential growth; to establish an identity for the area based on its unique waterfront setting, historical aspects, environmental components, and landscape resources; and to recognize the importance of the waterfront to achieve an improved quality of life for local residents. Mr. Douglas stressed that this plan is intended to be a long-term plan. John Wmters, R.R.#2, Bowmanville, L1C 3K3, questioned the objectivity of the report prepared by F.J. Reinders and Associates and raised many questions with respect to the land uses identified in the report. Mr. Wmters indicated that an immediate solution to cleaning up the area would be more appropriate than a 15 - 20 year plan. Gordon White, Port Darlington Community ft........;..tion, Group 2, Box 21, R.R.#2, Bowmanvi11e, LlC 3K3, stated that the Association supports the concept of developing a vision of what the Bowmanville lakefront should be in future years, however, because the study deals only with the area bounded by the West Beach Road and Wilmot Creek, the Association feels that the accumulative impact of other land uses in the area are not anticipated. Of principle concern is the expanding quarry, cement production, cement hatching, rock crushing and dock operation of St. Marys Cement. The Association is requesting that further work on the study be held in abeyance until such time as Council is in a position to direct an expanded study to include the entire Bowmanville Waterfront. 2lJ6 G.P.A. Minutes '-' PUBLIC HEARINGS ""'" '-' - 7 - September 17, 1990 Gary Parks, I'n!ject Manager, Port Darlington Harbour Company, Box 226, Bowmanville, LlC 31m, advised Committee that it is the intention of the Port Darlington Harbour Company to continue operation of the barbour at the mouth of Barber's Creek in the former Township of Darlington. The company has recently been purchased by Mr. A. Wiggers and the short period of ownership has severely limited the input which they would like to ofTer with regard to the Bowmanville Waterfront Secondary Plan. However, the company is in the process of developing a revitalization program for the Bowmanville Harbour and its hopes for the immediate future on the West Beach is to continue to clean up and repair the existing structures with the support of current tenants. Their long term goal is to develop a marine resort which they feel would enhance and enrich the Bowmanville Harbour. With this in mind, the company does not see the need for the development of a new marina east of the Bowmanville Harbour. Ann Kroon, General Delivery, BowmanvilIe, LlC 3Kl, indicated her desire to receive a copy of the Bowmanville Waterfront Study and notification of any future meetings which are to be held with respect to this matter. Resolution #GPA-660-90 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Mayor Hubbard THAT the Committee recess until 1:30 p.m. 'CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 1:30 p.m. Bill Stewart, 25 Bennett Road, R.R.#4, BowmanvilIe, L1C 3K5, stated that he has no objections to the Waterfront Study, however, he has never felt that the citizens have had an active part in the process. He feels that if homeowners in the area are consulted they would be very williog to help build and maintain a walkway along the waterfront. Pat PingIe, 54 West Beach, BowmanvilIe, L1C 8Ka, indicated her support of the Waterfront Study and the actions of Council thusfar in the project, however, she disagrees with the recommendation in Section of the Plan. The said section states that the continued maintaince of the existing buildings shall be permitted however the issuance of building permits for renovations or new works shall not be permitted. Mrs. Pingle stressed that renovations and rebuilding would be a definite asset to the area. Charmaine Dunn, 56 West Beach, Bowmanville, LlC 8Ka, raised concerns that no information has been given on the water quality of the lake or the amount of time needed to clean up the pollution. She also disagrees with the recommendation that building permits will not be issued for renovations or new works for the east and west beach. .'. ......7 / i i G.P.A Minutes ~ PUBLIC HEARINGS ~ ~ - 8- September 17, 1990 Allan Forster, Box 810, Thornhill, L3T 4A5, owns 400' of lake frontage which is now covered under this plan. He is concerned if development in this area is frozen he will be unable to sell his property. Frank I,npkhApt, Minister, Trinity United Church, 116 Church Street, Bowmanville, L1C 11'2, spoke in support of the Waterfront Study. He indicated that without such a plan the Waterfront will become an exclusive area for the wealthy and stated that it is an area which should belong to everyone in the Municipality. Evelyn Gingell, Box 211, Bowmanville, L1C 31m, advised Committee that people in the area were not adequatley informed of the Study. Brenda BEonnil', 73 East Beach Road, Group 1, Box 35, Bowmanville, L1C 3K3, indicated that she and her husband moved into the area with the hope that it would be improved upon. She is, however, opposed to much in the plan as it is not taking the area back to its original heritage. Mrs. Benny feels that the plan will force many of the residents to leave the area Larry Gold, Walker, Gold, Fox & Schwarz, 2040 Yonge Street, Suite 300, Toronto, M4S lZ9, representing the proponents of the N ewcastle-on-the- Lake Development planned for the area between Bennett Road and Lambs Road, spoke to Committee in support of the Waterfront Study. Mr. Gold indicated that Newcastle is at the forefront in the report submitted by The Honourable David Crombie on the Waterfront Area The Newcastle-on-the-Lake project is guided by the Crombie principles of providing public accessibility to the water, proximity to the waterfront, parkland dedications, and a waterfront promenade. The project has been conceptually designed to meet all of these criteria. Mr. Henry Kortekaas briefly explained the landscaping details of the Newcastle-on.the-Lake project. Rick Douglas, F.J. RMnders and A.......u.tes, gave a brief summation of the proposed Waterfront Study. Resolution #GPA-661-90 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the order of the agenda be altered to allow for consideration of Report PD-275-90. "CARRIED" 2U8 G.P.A. Minutes '-' PUBLIC HEARINGS DELEGATIONS ~ '-' .9- September 17, 1990 Resolution #GPA-662-90 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report PD-275-90 be received and referred back to Staff; THAT a further public presentation be scheduled with homeowners in the subject area and, subsequently, a further report be prepared addressing the question of applying a freeze on all building permits for residential units versus units situated on lands owned by the Port Darlington Harbour Company; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PD-275-90 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" (a) Margaret Noble, 45 Darlington Blvd S~ Oshawa, LlK :tAl, addressed Committee on behalf of residents of Darlington Blvd. with respect to the recommendations contained in Report PD-281-90. The residents are opposed to the placing of a park behind their properties on the east side of Darlington Blvd as it will limit the possibility of developing the properties, will generate increased traffic in the area and generate increased garbage. Mrs. Noble requested that further discussions take place with the residents before the park is developed (b) Cathie Percewicz, 19 Cherry BlOllSOm Cres., Bowmanville, LIE 100, addressed Committee on behalf of her husband Andrew with respect to Report PD-281-90. Mr. Percewicz believes the Corridor Study generally addresses the factors necessary to create an attractive development, however, the minimum requirement of wood fencing between the commercial developments and adjacent homes is insufficient to achieve an effective visual and sound barrier. With respect to the Rosebridge- Newcastle application, the area residents are in strong opposition to the height of the proposed 15 storey building. The 3 to 5 storey maximum outlined in the corridor study was, for many residents, as much as could be tolerated. Mr. Percewicz also objects to the 'bonusing clause" which permits the 3 to 5 storey height limit to extend to 7 stories. (c) John Wilson, 1421 King Street East, Oshawa, LlK lA3, addressed Committee with respect to Report PD-281-90 and stated that he is satisfied with the proposed 40' frontage requirement, however, he still desires a C1 zoning on his property. (d) Kevin Tunney, Tunney Planning. 340 Byron St. S., Whitby, LlN 4P8, addressed Committee on behalf of Zygocki Developments with respect to Report PD-281-90 and questioned the efTect that the designation of a special study area will have on his client. 209 G.P.A. Minutes '-' DELEGATIONS ""'" '-' - 10- September 17, 1990 (e) Kevin Tunney, Tunney Planning, 340 Byron St. S., Whitby, LlN 4P8, addressed Committee on behalf of Wayne Bolahood and asked for assurance that the 5.2 acres required for a park as outlined in Report PD-281-90 will not impact on Mr. Bolahood's property. (I) Kathryn Harrison, Jones & Jones, Unit 1, 1380 Hopkins Street, Whitby, LlN 2C3, addressed Committee with respect to Report PD-281-90 and requested a tabling of the recommendation contained in the report which deals with the Rosebridge- Newcastle Inc. application. (g) Ron Strike, 38 King Street West, Bowmanville, LIe 3KB, addressed Committee with respect to the parkland requirements as outlined in section 3.7 of Report PD- 280-90 and requested that this item be severed from the recommendations contained in the report. He indicated that the proposed park will use up 5 acres of the developable 8 acres within the Delbert Developments proposal. Mr. Strike also addressed Committee with respect to Report PD-282-90 and indicated that the project of his client, Delbert Developments, was to proceed at the same time as the Markborough Properties project. However, the Delbert proposal is now approximately 2 to 3 years behind the Markborough project. Mr. Ron Strike addressed Committee with respect to Report PD-281-90 and advised that his clients, Mr. Flintissis and Mr. Floros, owners of land at 1422 King Street East, still wish to proceed with a C1 zoning on their land with a 40' frontage. (h) Bob Martinda1e, Greer Galloway Group, 660 King Street East, Suite 217, Osbawa, LlH 1G5, appeared before Committee on behalf of Townline Centre Inc. and registered his clients' surprise at fmding that their original designation for General Commercial zoning has been changed to Special Purpose Commercial and requested that this item be referred back to Staff for further discussion. Mr. Martinda1e also appeared on behalf of 800741 Ontario Limited, the owners of a 1/3 acre parcel east of the Townline Centre Inc. proposal and indicated that his client cannot meet the minimum floor space requirement as outlined in Report PD-281-90. He requested that this item be referred back to Staff. (I) Joanne E. Davies, Fasken, Campbell, Godfrey, Barristers and Solicitors, P.O. Box 20, Toronto-Dominion Bank Tower, Toronto-Dominion Centre, Toronto, M5K lN6, appeared before Committee on behalf of the Bowmanville Mall in opposition to the recommendations contained in Report PD-282-90. She indicated that the Bowmanville Mall was designed to be completed with another market anchor and that discussions are taking place in this area. Ms. Davies stated that the Town will not be able to support an application of this size until the mid-1990's. ~) 1 0 , I . G.P.A. Minutes - 11 - September 17, 1990 '-' DELEGATIONS Gl Ms. Daphne Wagner, Fogler, Rubinof( Barristers &. Solicitors, Suite 1400, 150 York Street, Toronto, M5H 3T!, forwarded a letter to Committee advising that she is unable to attend the meeting and outlining her clients objection to Report PD-282-90. (k) David Greenspan, Thomson, Rogers, Barristers and Solicitors, Suite 3100, 390 Bay Street, Toronto, M5H 1W2, appeared on behalf of Markborough Properties and Don Given of Malone, Given, Parsons Ltd., in support of the recommendations contained in Report PD-282-90. He requested, however, that Staff examine teclmica1 means of merging the applications submitted by West Bowmanville Developments for a Canadian Tire Store with the Markborough Properties application. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Rezoning Resolution #GPA-663-90 Nantucket Condominiums 60.35.632 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten 60.51.165 THAT Report PD-270-90 be received; \. THAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by D.G. Biddle on behalf of Nantucket Condominiums be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD- 270-90 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 'CARRIED" Rezoning Resolution #GPA-664-90 Susan and Frank Shane 60.35.628 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Hooper 60.51.166 THAT Report PD-271-90 be received; THAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by Susan and Frank Shane be referred back to Staff for further processing; THAT Staff investigate the drainage problems identified with this site relative to impact on abutting property owners; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-271-90 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. ""'" "CARRIED" -'I 1. L G.P.A. Minutes - 12 - September 17, 1990 '"'" PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Rezoning 767042 Ontario Ltd. 60.35.629 60.51.167 Resolution #GPA-665-90 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report PD-272-90 be received; THAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by Young Min Architect on behalf of 767042 Ontario Ltd. be referred back to Staff for further processing and clarification of the clause contained in the o~ agreement of purchase and sale, as identified by Mr. Sleep; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-272-90 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Rezoning Martin Road Holdings Ltd. 60.35.631 Resolution #GPA-666-90 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT Report PD-273-90 be received; ""'" THAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by Design Plan Services Inc. on behalf of Martin Road Holdings Limited be referred back to Staff for further processing; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-273-90 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Rezoning Resolution #GPA-667-90 Hungarian Cultural Club 60.35.630 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Wotten 60.51.168 THAT Report PD-274-90 be received; THAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by John Mago on behalf of the Hungarian Cultural Club, be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report pending the receipt of all outstanding comments; THAT Staff investigate, with the Durham Regional Health Unit, the issue of providing proper facilities on the site; and '-' THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-274-90 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" i'i 2 G.P.A Minutes - 13 - September 17, 1990 '-' PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Rezoning Resolution #GPA-668-90 Newcastle Trailer Park 60.35.570 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hooper 60.51.116 THAT Report PD-276-90 be received; THAT the Newcastle Trailer Park be granted a one (1) year extension to conform with the provisions of the existing "Special Purpose Commercial Exception (C4-8)' zoning and the provisions of the 1981 Site Plan Agreement; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-276-90 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 'CARRIED" Report of the Building Industry Liaison Committee on Subdivision Agreement Analysis 60.46.1 Resolution #GPA-669-90 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report PD-277-90 be received for information; and '-' THAT a copy of Report PD-277-90 be forwarded to Mr. Myer Godfrey, Chairman, Building Industry Liaison Committee. "CARRIED" Monitoring of the Resolution #GPA-670-90 Decisions of the Committee of Adjustment Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten 60.81.2 THAT Report PD-278-90 be received; THAT Council concur with the decisions of the Committee of Alljustment on Applications A90/43 to A90/55 inclusive, save and except A90/47; and THAT Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment in the event of an appeal. "CARRIED' '-' 213 G.PA Minutes '- - 14- September 17, 1990 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Removal of (H) Holding Symbol Janet Lockhart Rice 60.35.633 Official Plan Amendment Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan 60.34.102 '-' \w- Courtice West Highway No.2 Corridor Study Official Plan and Neighbourhood Plan Amendment Ofllcial Plan Amendment by Aloise Construction 16.7.181 60.30.238 60.30.256 Resolution #GPA-671-90 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report PD-279-90 be received; THAT the rezoning application submitted by Janet Lockhart Rice, requesting the removal of the "Holding (H)" symbol from the subject lands within Part Lot 10, Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanville be approved and the by-law attached to Report PD-279-90 be forwarded to Council for approval; and THAT the applicant be so advised. "CARRIEDIt Resolution #GPA-672-90 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Mayor Hubbard THAT Report PD-280-90 be received; THAT the proposed amendments to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan and the Courtice West N eighbourhood Development Plan, being Attachment Nos. 1 and 2 to Report PD-280-90, respectively, be adopted by Council, save and except the park east of Darlington Blvd; THAT the issue of the park proposed for the east side of Darlington Blvd. be referred back to Staff for review of further options and negotiations and preparation of a subsequent report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; THAT a copy of Report PD-280-90 and Council's decision be forwarded to the City of Oshawa and the Region of Durham Planning Departments; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-280-90 and all delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIEDIt Resolution #GPA-673-90 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report PD-281-90 be received; THAT Council recommend to the Region of Durham that the Town of Newcastle OffIcial Plan be amended as shown in Attaclnnent No.1 to Report PD-281-90; THAT the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan be amended as shown in Attaclnnent No.2 to Report PD-281-90 and that the Region of Durham be forwarded a copy of the amendment for information; " \ ,~' / l L G.P.A. Minutes - 15 - September 17, 1990 '"'" PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT THAT the applications to amend the Town of Newcastle OffICial Plan and the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan submitted by Rosebridge-Newcastle Inc. [Files: OPA 89-72/N and OP 2.2.1 (8)] be approved within the context of the amendments shown in Attachment Nos. 1 and 2 to Report PD-281-90; THAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Official Plan submitted by Aloise Construction Ltd. (File: OP A 89-146/N) be recommended for approval within the context of the amendments in Attachments Nos. 1 and 2 to Report PD-281-90; THAT the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law be amended to incorporate new zoning provisions for the Special Purpose Commercisl Area and Medium Density Residential Area in accordance with Section 10 of Report PD-281-90; THAT the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 be amended to bring the zoning into conformity for the Mixed Use Area subsequent to Regional Council's approval of the Official Plan amendment; '-' THAT the Streetscape Plan prepared by Greer Galloway be endorsed and serve as a guide for reviewing site plans in the Courtice West Gateway Corridor area; THAT a comprehensive review of the Town of Newcastle Sign By-law be undertaken in accordance with the objectives established in Section 4.4.6 of the Courtice West Highway No.2 Corridor Study: Recommended Land Use Plan and Urban Design Concept; THAT Council petition the Minister of Transportation to provide relief from the Ministry's setback requirements for commercisl developments in recognition of the Town's efTort to provide an urban streetscape, the Town's commitment to ensure limited access points and provide for the development of a rear service lane, and in having regard for the existing setbacks in the Study Area; THAT Council petition the Region of Durham to assume Highway No.2 as a Regional Road at the earliest possible opportunity; THAT staff be authorized to take the necessary steps to rename the segment of Highway No.2 withio the Courtice Urban Area easterly to Hancock Road as "King Street'; THAT the Town of Newcastle initiate, negotiate or undertake the physical improvements along Highway No. 2 relative to: '-' a) landscaping improvements including the planting of street trees at various locations; b) an entrance feature at Townline Road; and c) pedestrian amenities including benches, trash receptacles, bus shelters and decorative !igh!inlr. LiS G.P.A. Minutes '-' - 16- September 17, 1990 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ...... Official Plan Amendment Rezoning Markborough Properties West Bowmanville Developments 60.30.204 60.35.478 '-' THAT a Staff Implementation Committee consisting of Planning, Works & Community Services Department representatives be established to review site plans and prepare an implementation program for public improvements in the Corridor Area; THAT a reserve account be established for a streetscape improvement program and that development interests be encouraged to make contributions to the reserve fund for improvements to the area; THAT a Land Use Study for the balance of the Courtice Highway No.2 Corridor Area from the Farewell Creek to Hancock Road be incorporated within the 1991 Work Program; THAT the Region of Durham and the City of Oshawa Planning Departments be notified of Council's decision and forwarded a copy of Report PD-281-90; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-281-90 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 'CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-674-90 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report PD-282-90 be received; THAT Official Plan Amendment Application 88-871D/N (Revised) submitted by Markborough Properties and West Bowmanville Developments be recommended to the Region of Durham for approval through an appropriate amendment to the Durham Regional OffICial Plan and the Town of Newcastle OfTlCial Plan to permit the development of a 21,400 sq. m. (230,000 sq. ft.) shopping centre on the subject property subject to the owners entering into an agreement with the Town with respect to payment of $300,000 as their share of the provision of water supply services including escalation clause; THAT Rezoning Application DEV 88-99 (Revised) submitted by Markborough Properties and West Bowmanville Developments to permit the development of the proposed shopping centre be approved; THAT the amending by-law be passed subsequent to the owners meeting the following conditions: a) OffIcial Plan Amendment Application 88-871D/N being approved by the Region of Durham; b) The owners satisfy the requirements of the Ministry of Transportation with respect to transportation and access issues. This condition is applicable in the event Highway No. 2 is transferred to the Region or the Town; 2 '16 G.P.G. Minutes - 17 - September 17, 1990 "- PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT c) The owners enter into an agreement with the Town of Newcastle, satisfying all requirements, site planning, financial and otherwise of the Town of Newcastle; THAT Staff examine the technical aspects of melding the application submitted by West Bowmanville Developments for the Canadian Tire project with the subject application; and THAT any delegation and those persons listed in Report PD-282-90 be advised of Council's decision, and a copy of Report PD-282-90 be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department. "CARRIED" Town of Newcastle Resolution #GPA-675-90 OffIcial Plan Community Improvement Policies Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hannah Work Program - Status Report THAT Report PD-283-90 be received for information; and 60.30.1 THAT the Bowmanville Business Centre, Newcastle Village and Orono Business Improvement Areas be forwarded a copy of Report PD-283-90. ~ "CARRIED" Anima1 Control Monthly Resolution #GPA-676-90 Report for August, 1990 68.29.5 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report PD-284-90 be received for information. "CARRIED" Parking Enforcement Resolution #GPA-677-90 Monthly Report for Month of August, 1990 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Hooper 77.39.3 THAT Report PD-285-90 be received for information. IlCARRIEDtr By-law Enforcement Monthly Report for August, 1990 10.13.6 Resolution #GPA-678-90 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report PD-286-90 be received for information. 'CARRIED" ""'" r, '\ 7 L G.P.A. Minutes '-' - 18- September 17, 1990 PLANNNING AND DEVELOPMENT Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for August, 1990 56.49.3 Waste Material By-law Resolution #GPA-679-90 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report PD-287-90 be received for information. "CARRIED' Resolution #GPA-680-90 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT Report PD-288-90 be received for information; and THAT the Waste Material By-law attached to Report PD-288-90 be approved. "CARRIED!! Designation of Crooked Resolution #GPA-681-90 Creek as a Cluster ""'" '-' Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Mayor Hubbard THAT Report PD-289-90 be received; THAT the Region of Durham be requested to amend Section of the Durham Region OffICial Plan by adding "Crooked Creek" as a known residential cluster in the Town of Newcastle; THAT Mr. P1axton be advised that he must submit an application to the Durham Region Land Division Committee for severance of a one (1) acre lot north of the existing dwelling; THAT, once an application for severance is made, Staff be instructed to advise the Durham Land Division Committee that the Town supports the severance application and further, as conditions of approval, that the severed lot be deeded to Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd George and be held in their ownership for a period of ten (10) years, and that the applicant has to meet the standard requirements of the Town for land severance; and THAT Council authorize Staff to proceed to amend the Zoning By-law to accommodate the proposed severance in accordance with the requirements set out in the Planning Act. "CARRIED" 218 G.P.A. Minutes - 19 - September 17, 1990 '- PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Resolution #GPA-682-90 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Ebenezer Church be advised that it be exempted from road widening dedication requirement in connection with its site plan approval application; and THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department be advised that the Town will not require the said widening on behalf of the Region. Resolution #GPA-683-90 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the foregoing #GP A-682-90 be referred to Staff for preparation of a report to be submitted to Council at its meeting scheduled for September 24, 1990. 'CARRIED" CLERK'S DEPARTMENT '-' Councillor Wotten chaired this portion of the meeting. Care and Maintenance Resolution #GPA-684-90 of the Bible Christian Cemetery - King Street, Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hooper Hampton 16.7.127 THAT Report CD-26-90 be received; THAT the Bible Christian Cemetery located on King Street in the Hamlet of Hampton, be added to the Town of Newcastle's Inventory of Abandoned Cemeteries; THAT the Darlington Cemetery Board be requested to assume the responsibility for the future maintenance of the abandoned cemetery; THAT the Darlington Cemetery Board be authorized to undertake any remedial works required to bring the cemetery lands into conformity with standard levels of maintenance appropriate to such lands; THAT Council enact the necessary by-law to add the lands to the Town's Abandoned Cemetery Inventory; and THAT the by-law attached to Report CD-26-90 be approved and a copy forwarded to the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations for information. '- "CARRIED" , 1 q (' I / '- G.P.A. Minutes CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Application for Designated Property Grant - St. George's Church 3 Edward Street Newcastle 60.17.114 TREASURY DEPARTMENT ""'" FIRE DEPARTMENT ""'" - 20 - September 17, 1990 Resolution #GPA-685-90 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report CD-27-90 be received; THAT a Designated Property Grant in the amount of $3,000.00 be approved for St. George's Church; THAT the funds required be taken from the Miscellaneous Clearing Account 1003-00015-0000; and THAT the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture, Mrs. Diana Grandfield, People's Warden, St. George's Church and Mrs. Phyllis Dewell, Chairman, Loca1 Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" There were no reports considered under this section of the agenda COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT There were no reports considered under this section of the agenda Community Tree Planting 10.2.15 Update on Skateboard Facilities 10.13.104 Councillor Stapleton chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution #GPA-686-90 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report CS-36-90 be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-687-90 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report CS-37-90 be received for information. "CARRIED' ~.. . 0 II.' \or '-' G.P.A. Minutes - 21 - September 17, 1990 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Resolution #GPA-688-90 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report CS-38-90 be received; THAT the request of John Veldbuis and students of the Bowmanville Senior Public School be implemented on the site of the former Bowmanville Memorial Arena; THAT the ultimate use of the subject site be determined when Council fmds a suitable public or municipal use for the site and that the site not be sold at this time; and THAT John Veldbuis and the respective students of Bowmanville Senior Public School be advised of action taken by Council. "MOTION LOST" Resolution #GPA-689-90 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the Bowmanville Senior Public School Students, under the direction of teacher Mr. John Veldbuis, be ofTered options for their Conservation Proposal at the Bowmanville Recreational Complex; and THAT the Community Services Horticultura1ist help implement the proposal. ItCARRIED" Resolution #GPA-690-90 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the Bowmanville Memorial Arena lands be held in public ownership. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT t'CARRIED" ADMINISTRATOR There were no reports considered under this section of the agenda \or UNFINISHED BUSINESS There were no reports considered under this section of the agenda Conservation Proposal (Bowmanville Senior Public School) 16.6.9 There were no items considered under this section of the agenda ^.' 1 LL G.PA Minutes \... OTHER BUSINESS ~ ADJOURNMENT "'--' - 22 - September 17, 1990 Mayor Hubbard chaired this portion of the meeting. Mayor Hubbard advised Committee that she has received a request from Sam Cureatz on behalf of Mr. Bernie Kamin for a meeting with the Council of the Town of Newcastle. Resolution #GPA-691-90 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Mr. Cureatz be advised that, if he wishes to meet with Council, he should register to appear as a delegation at a regularly scheduled Council meeting. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-692-90 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT the Committee go "In Camera". 'CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-693-90 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT all actions taken "In Camera' be confll'med. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-694-90 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the meeting adjourn at 5:15 p.m. t1CARRIED" jh~Jtt~~//! Le/ Chairman, Planning Department ,'-' ! ,/ L