HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/05/1990 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE '-' General Purpose and Administration Committee June 5, 1990 Minutes of a Special General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting held on Tuesday, June 5, 1990 at 7:00 p.m., in the Orono Town Hall ROLL CALL Present Were: Mayor M. Hubbard (Until 8:50 p.m.) Councillor P. Deegan Councillor D. Hamre Councillor L. Hannah Councillor K. Hooper Councillor F. Stapleton Absent: Councillor A. Wotten (Due to illness) Also Present: Acting Chief Administrative OflIcerlDirector, Planning and Development, F. Wu Operation Superintendent, Community Services, J. Cameron Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Manager, Strategic Planning, D. Crome Planner, J. Szwarz Deputy Clerk, M. Knight '-' Councillor Hamre chaired this portion of the meeting. PUBLIC HEARlNGS As required under the Planning Act [Section 21(1)] and 34(12), Council is holding a public meeting prior to either adopting or rejecting the following: (a) Orono Hamlet Secondary Plan (b) Related Amendments to Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 The Chairman asked if there were any persons present wishing to speak to these matters. Several people indicated a desire to speak. Before proceeding with these matters, the Chairman asked the Deputy Clerk to advise on the manner of notice. The Deputy Clerk advised that: (a) Public Notices were mailed to all property owners directly affected by Zoning By-law Amendments by May 16, 1990; (b) Public Notice was also placed in the "Orono Weekly Times" on Wednesday, May 9, 1990; and "" (c) The notices comply with the regulations under the Planning Act. r,)' ~ G.P.A Minutes '"" PUBLIC HEARINGS '"" '- - 2- June 5, 1990 The Chairman announced that any persons wishing further notice of the passage of the by-laws, if passed, to please leave their name, address and telephone number with the Deputy Clerk before they leave. The Chairman called on the Acting Chief Administrative OflIcerlDirector of Planning and Development to briefly describe the purpose and effect of the applications and how the applications accomplish the stated purposes. The purpose and effect of the applications are as follows: (a) Orono Hamlet Secondary Plan - to amend the Town of Newcastle OflIcial Plan to incorporate the Orono Secondary Plan; and (b) Related Amendments to By-law 84-63 in consideration of the Hamlet Plan policies, as follows: (i) increase in the 'Urban Residential Exception (H1-2)' Zone, the minimum lot area requirement to 2000 square metres and the minimum lot frontage requirement to 25 metres; (ii) increase in the 'Urban Residential Exception (H1-13)' Zone, the minimum lot area requirement to 4000 square metres and the minimum lot frontage requirement to 30 metres; (ill) amend the zone designation of lands located on the west side of Regional Road 17 south of Regional Road 4, being Part Lot 29, Concession 5, former Township of Clarke, from 'Urban Residential Exception (H1-2)' Zone to 'Agricultural (A)' Zone; (iv) amend the zone designation of lands on the west side of the Orono Mill Pond on Sommerville Drive, being Part Lot 29, Concession 4, former Township of Clarke, from 'Agricultural (A)' to 'Urban Residential Exception (H1-13)' Zone; (v) amend the zone designation of lands fronting on Irwin Road at Winter Road, being part Lot 29, Concession 4, former Township of Clarke, from 'Urban Residential Exception (H1-13)' Zone to 'Agricultural Exception (A-I)' Zone. (vi) DEV 87-97 submitted by Christopher and Lynn Robinson to create eight (8) residential lots on private services in Part Lot 29, Concession 5, former Township of Clarke. Acting Chief Administrative Ofllcer/Director of Planning and Development, F. Wu, made a verbal presentation on the background and past events leading to the Orono Hamlet Secondary Plan. J. Szwarz, Planner, made a slide presentation and described in depth, the amendments to By-law 84-63, pertaining to the Orono Hamlet Secondary Plan. )1 / ,_ , t) G.P.A. Minutes '-' PUBLIC HEARINGS '-' \..- - 3 - June 5, 1990 D. Crome, Manager, Strategic Planning, described activities initiated by the Region vis-a-vis Hamlets and made a slide presentation on the three options available for the devel~pment of the Orono Hamlet. The Chairman announced that questions may be asked concerning the manner of notice or the purpose and effect of the by-laws and that all questions must be asked through the Chair. The Chairman announced that Committee would hear from those persons wishing to speak to the proposed Orono Secondary Plan and the proposed zoning by-law amendments may now do so. (a) Orono Secondary Plan - Addendum to Report PD-133.90 Henry 1'1;""""'\ R.R.#1, Orono, LOB lMO, operates a small landscape tree farm on lands fronting on Irwin Road at Winter Road and requested that the zoning of his lands remain 'Urban Residential Exception (H1-13)'. He does not want his land rezoned to 'Agricultural Exception (A-l)' because, as stated in his letter to the Town dated April 18, 1990, the area is an ideal Hamlet infilling site, the frontage is 250', the area is aesthetically attractive and can ideally accommodate a solar type house. Wa,yne King, Chairman, Orono Development Committee, Box 365, Orono, LOB lMO, read the contents of his letter dated April 23, 1990 to the Town of Newcastle wherein he refers to the contents of proposal PD-133-90 as being "regressive planning". He requested that the Committee recommend the following: 1. Denial of the recommendations in Report PD-133-90. 2. The preparation of a progressive plan addressing: a) good potable water and sewage disposal, b) land use and c) the establishment of an area around the Hamlet for future light industrial development with water, sewers and highway accessability. 3. That all rezoning applications submitted prior to April 23, 1990 be considered on their own merit. 4. That all Orono and area residents be forwarded a copy of the new proposal. 5. That any future Public Meeting relating to this proposal be held in Orono. Sylvia Parker, Downtown ]JJ...;.,,- Improvement Area, General DeJiveJy, Orono, LOB lMO, expressed appreciation to the Committee for the opportunity to provide some input and concurred with the request of the Orono Development Committee for municipal sewers and water. Hemy F..1<....... R.R.#1, Orono, LOB lMO, a resident of the area since 1956, provided a scenario on a creative water filtering system. He questioned the water pumping system at the Fire Department and related water pressure. ~ . 7 ) I. G.PA Minutes '-' PUBLIC HEARINGS '-' '-' - 4 - June 5, 1990 Lynn Robinson, R.R.#1., Orono, LOB lMO, requested that her rezoning application DEV 87-97 to create eight residential lots on private services in Part Lot 29, Concession 5, former Township of Clarke, be considered on its own merit and approved because, at the time of her purchase in 1987, the property was zoned residential and therefore should not be downgraded to Agricultural. She and her husband have spent considerable sums of money on pump tests and hydrological studies. Audrey Stewart, P.O. Box 44, Orono, LOB lMO, who resides in the subdivision situated north of Orono, apprised the Committee of all the amenities available to the residents of Orono and requested that Orono be serviced with municipal water and sewers. Lang Gibb, R.R.#2, Orono, LOB lMO, appeared on behalf of Horace Best who owns property located on the west side of Main Street, the front portion of which is zoned RI-2 in Part Lot 29, Concession 5, former Township of Clarke. No one spoke in support of this proposal. Resolution #GPA-449-90 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT addendum to Report PD-133-90 be received for information; THAT Report PD-133-90 be received; THAT the fmal report on the Hamlet of Orono Secondary Plan prepared by Proctor and Redfern be received; THAT the Region of Durham be requested to amend the Town of Newcastle Ofl1cial Plan to incorporate the Orono Secondary Plan and supporting planning policies, as indicated by the proposed amendment attached to Report PD-133-90; THAT the proposed amendments to By-law 84-63 listed below be approved and the amending by-laws will be forwarded to Council for fmal approval at such time as the Orono Secondary Plan is approved by the Region of Durham: a) to increase in the 'Urban Residential Exception (R1-2) Zone', the minimum lot area requirement to 2000 square metres and the minimum lot frontage requirement to 25 metres; b) to increase, in the 'Urban Residential Exception (R1-13) Zone', the minimum lot area requirement to 4000 square metres and the minimum lot frontage requirement to 30 metres; 'I) 1 () n G.P.A. Minutes \..- PUBLIC HEARINGS \..- \.- - 5 - June 5, 1990 c) to amend the zone designation of lands located on the west side of Regional Road 17 south of Regional Road 4, being Part Lot 29, Concession 5, former Township of Clarke, as indicated on Attachment No.2 to Report PD-133-90, from 'Urban Residential Exception (R1-2) Zone' to 'Agricultural (A) Zone'; d) to amend the zone designation of lands on the west side of the Orono Mill Pond on Sommerville Drive, being Part Lot 29, Concession 4, former Township of Clarke, as shown on Attachment No.2 to Report PD.133-90, from 'Agricultural (A)' to 'Urban Residential Exception (R1-13) Zone'; THAT Rezoning Application DEV 87-97 submitted by Christopher and Lynn Robinson to create 8 residential lots on private services in Part Lot 29, Concession 5, former Township of Clarke and the matter of that portion of the property of Horace Best in Part Lot 29, Concession 5, former Township of Clarke, currently zoned 'RI-2' be tabled to allow for further discussions and Staff be requested to prepare a report for presentation to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; THAT a copy of Addendum to Report PD-133-90 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-133-90 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-450-90 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Deegan WHEREAS, at the present time the Hamlet of Orono has limited growth potential due to the very limited capacity of the municipal water system and no municipal sanitary sewer; WHEREAS, the Orono Downtown Business Improvement Association has requested the Town to investigate the feasibility of a municipal sewage treatment facility to address their problems with the existing private sewage treatment facilities; WHEREAS, the Hamlet of Orono has a significant existing village level infrastructure including a distinct historic business centre, district level recreation facilities including the Orono fairgrounds, and other community services including a post oflIce, schools, library and churches; WHEREAS, Orono is located on a major provincial highway; WHEREAS, it is an objective of the Region of Durham to encourage growth in the eastern side of the Region to balance growth pressures in the west; )!9 G.P.A. Minutes '-' PUBLIC HEARINGS '- \..- - 6 - June 5, 1990 NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved: 1. That staff review the status of Orono with the purpose of identifYing it as a Small Urban Area; 2. That staff report on this issue of part of its review of the Draft Changes to the Durham Regional OflIcial Plan; and 3. That the Region of Durham Planning Department be so advised. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-451-90 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT the Committee recess for ten minutes. "CARRIED" The meeting reconved at 8:50 p.m. Orono Woods Walk Park - Verbal Presentation The Director of Community Services, J. Caruana, introduced the Community Services Operation Superintendent, Jim Cameron, who made a verbal and slide presentation on the Orono Woods Walk Park. Mr. Cameron noted the following points: - Proctor and Redfern were retained by the Town as Consultants to address the Orono Hamlet Plan, Business Improvement Area parking and a Conceptual Plan for the park. - The Park is a triangular parcel of land consisting of 8 acres. The Park is presently wooded with pioneering species and contains serious erosion cuts which need stabilizing. - Local residents and members of the Business Improvement Area were invited to participate and provide input towards the planning of the Park. Cossburn, Gibberson Landscape Architects were retained for the project. - Walkways will be developed to give Senior Citizens access from the west side of the Park to the commercial area on the east. ) ')n G.P.A. Minutes \.... PUBLIC HEARINGS '-' "-- - 7- June 5, 1990 - A pathway system through the Park to the Commercial Area will be made available to all including the handicapped and will be signed accordingly. - Parking will be provided to ease parking problems in the business district and accommodate park users. - Selective removal of some existing trees and the introduction of a wide variety of plants will take place. - The Park will include a water feature, i.e., waterfall. - The historical component of the Park will be preserved by highlighting the ruins of old structures with plaques. - Bird Feeding stations and attractive plants will add to the aesthetics of the park. - Erosion areas will be stabilized. - The small woodlot located at the north east corner of the Park will be preserved. - A connection between the existing recreation facility to the south and Orono Woods Walk Park will be established for easy access to both parks by the residents. J. Cameron advised that the Orono Woods Walk Park Master Plan is a conceptual and long term plan which is envisioned as being a model for the creation of future major parks in the Town of Newcastle. The Chairman thanked B. Moffat and A. Dreslinski on behalf of the Committee for the preparation of the hall for the meeting and provision of coffee facilities. Resolution #GPA-452-90 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:25 p.rn. "CARRIEDtl ')) ~ .~/; Dep '9