HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/19/1990 '-' '"" '- TOWN OF NEWCASTLE General Purpose and Administration Committee March 19, 1990 ROLL CALL Present Were: Also Present: MINUTES Minutes of a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Monday, March 19, 1990 at 9:30 a.m., in the Council Chambers. Mayor M. Hubbard Councillor P. Deegan Councillor D. Hamre Councillor L. Hannah Councillor K Hooper Councillor F. Stapleton Councillor A Wotten Chief Administrative Officer, L. Kotseff Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Fire Chief, M. Creighton Manager of Strategic Planning, David Crome Director of Public Works, W. Evans Treasurer, M. Marano Deputy Clerk, M. Knight Councillor Hamre chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution #GPA-195-90 Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Commmittee held on March 5, 1990, be approved. nCARRIED" Resolution #GPA-196-90 Moved Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Nick Mensink be added to the list of delegations. "CARRIED" ') !]q ... \. . G.P.& Minutes """" PUBLIC HEARINGS '-' '-' - 2 - March 19, 1990 As required under the new Planning Act [Section 34(12)], Council is holding public meetings prior to either adopting or rejecting the following: (a) Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment - Part Lot 12, Concession 2, former Town of Bowmanville - Tunney Planning; (b) Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment . Part Lot 31, Concession 3, former TownsWp of Darlington - Harmax Investments; (c) Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment - Part Lot 17, Concession 2, former TownsWp of Clarke - Murray C. Payne; (d) Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment - Part Lot 31, Concession 4, former Township of Darlington - Norbert Egli; (e) Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment - Part Lot 35, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington - Pam and Roy Good; and (0 Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment - Part Lot 13, Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanville - Michael Zygocki. The Chairman asked if there were any persons present wishing to speak to these matters. Several people indicated a desire to speak. Before proceeding with these matters, the Chairman asked the Deputy Clerk to advise on the manner of notice. The Deputy Clerk advised that: (a) Public Notices were mailed to all property owners within 120 metres by February 16, 1990; (b) Notices of the public meetings were posted on each of the sites by February 16, 1990; and (c) The notices comply with the regulations under the Planning Act. The Chairman announced that any persons wishing further notice of the passage of the by-laws, if passed, to please leave their name, address and telephone number with the Deputy Clerk before they leave. The Chairman called on the Director of Planning and Development to briefly describe the purpose and effect of the by-laws and how the by-laws accomplish the stated purposes. The purpose and effect of the by-laws are as follows: (a) Tunney Planning - to permit the development of seventy-one (71) residential units, twenty-fIve (25) single family units, and twenty-three (23) link units. ,".., ~ ,~ G.P.A. Minutes \",.. PUBLIC HEARINGS ~ ..... - 3 - March 19, 1990 (b) Harmax Investments - to recognize that an "Eating Establishment' is not a permitted use as requested by the Ministry of Environment as a condition of draft approval of Pian 18T-77041; (c) Murray C. Payne - to permit the development of two (2) residential lots; (d) Norbert Egli - to permit the development of two (2) additional residential lots within the Hamlet of Michell's Corner; (e) Pam and Roy Good - to permit the development of one (1) additional residential lot; and (I) Michael Zygocki - to permit the development of eighteen (18) townhouse dwelling units. The Chairman announced that questions may be asked concerning the manner of notice or the purpose and effect of the by-laws and that all questions must be asked through the Chair. The Chairman announced that Committee would hear from the objectors, then anyone in support, with the applicant speaking last. (a) Tunney Planning - Report PD-93-90 Noone spoke in opposition to or in support of this application. Kevin Tunney, Tunney plAnning. 340 Byron St. S., Whitby, LlN 4P8, was present to answer questions from the Committee. (b) Harmax Investments - Report PD-94-90 Noone spoke in opposition to or in support of this application. The applicant was called but was not present. (c) Murray C. Payne - Report PD-95-90 Noone spoke in opposition to or in support of this application. Murray Payne, ltR.#1, Newtonville, LOA lJO, was present to answer questions from the Committee. (d) Norbert Egli - Report PD-96-90 Noone spoke in opposition to or in support of this application. The applicant was called but was not present. ? 11 G.P.A. Minutes \",.. PUBLIC HEARINGS '-" DELEGATIONS ~ - 4- March 19, 1990 (e) Pam and Roy Good - Report PD-97-90 Noone spoke in opposition to or in support of this application. Roy Good, 68 Varcoe Road, BowmanviIle, LlE lN2, was present to answer questions from the Committee. He advised the Committee that his present residence is serviced with water and sewer. The width of the proposed lot will be 45'. (I) Michael Zygocki - Report PD-98-90 Olaf HnllmAnn, 49 Hetherington Drive, Bowmanville, LIe 3R2, resident of this area for eleven years, circulated a petition signed by 148 households or 233 residents of Waverley Heights which, in his estimation, represents 95% of the households directly affected by this application. He noted the following concerns: - traffic congestion noise and air pollution garbage pollution health hazards generated by garbage inadequacy of the schools to accommodate the increased number of students. Mr. Bollmann and area residents requested the installation of a buffer to separate the commercial and residential components. He requested that the R1 zoning be maintained U;..hAP! Zygocki, c/o Pedan Enterprises Limited and D'Angelo Homes Limited, 378 King Street, Oahawa, LlJ 2J9, stated that the triangular parcel of Iand is ideal for the proposed development. He has an option to purchase this property. (a) Dan Stevens, Planning Management Group Limited, 95 BridgeIand Avenue, Toronto, M6A 1Y7 - re: Report PD-106-90 was called but was not present. (b) N"JCk MpnAink. G.M. Semas & A"""';Atel Ltd., 110 Scotia Court, Unit 41, Whitby, LlN 8Y7 - re: Report PD-106-90 noted two concerns: 1. That the Stolp Home project located at Bloor and Townline Roads be included in the Town of Newcastle Servicing Feasibility Study - South Courtice Areas; and 2. That the Bloor Courtice Developments Inc., Part Lot 29, Concession 2, application be tabled. He requested that copies of the Town of Newcastle Servicing Feasibility Study - South Courtice Areas be made available to all interested parties. 212 G.P.A. Minutes - 5 - March 19, 1990 '"" Resolution #GPA-197-90 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT the Committee recess for ten minutes. "CARRIEDIt The meeting reconvened at 10: 15 a.m. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Rezoning Tunney Planning 60.35.505 Resolution #GP A-198-90 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT Report PD-93-90 be received; THAT By-law 89-180 be repealed; THAT the amendment to By-law 84-63 attached to Report PD-93-90 be approved and that the "Holding (H)' Symbol be removed by By-law upon execution of the Subdivision Agreement; '"' THAT a copy of Report PD-93-90 and the amending by-law be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; THAT the amending by-law be circulated in accordance with regulations made under the Planning Act; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-93-90 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED' Rezoning Resolution #GPA-199-90 Harmax Investments 60.35.534 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Deegan THAT Report PD-94-90 be received; THAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by WyndIand Consultants Limited on behalf of Harmax Investments Limited be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-94-90 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. '-' "CARRIED' '/} 1 ' ') G.P.A. Minutes - 6- March 19, 1990 '-' PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Rezoning Murray C. Payne 60.35.588 Resolution #GPA-200-90 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report PD-95-90 be received; THAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84.63, as amended, submitted by Murray C. Payne, be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-95-90 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Rezoning Norbert Egli 60.35.591 Resolution #GPA-201-90 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Deegan THAT Report PD-96-90 be received; '-' THAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by Norbert Egli, be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD.96-90 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. IICARRIEDIl Rezoning Resolution #GPA-202-90 Pam and Roy Good 60.35.589 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report PD-97-90 be received; THAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by Pam and Roy Good, be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-97-90 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" '-' 214 G.P.A. Minutes - 7 - March 19, 1990 \",.. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Removal of "Holding (H)" Symbol to Implement Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten Land Division Committee Application LD/669/89 671/89 Sam D. Jackson Construction Ltd. 60.35.597 Rezoning Michael Zygocki 60.35.590 "'" '-' Removal of 'Holding (H)' Symbol to Implement Land Division Committee Application LD 510/89 Hanley 60.35.598 Resolution #GPA-203-90 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Deegan THAT Report PD-98-90 be received; THAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by Michael Zygocki Limited on behalf of Pedan Enterprises Ltd. and D'Angelo (P&G) Homes Limited, be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-98-90 and any delegation be forwarded a copy of Resolution #G-901-82 and be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED' Resolution #GPA-204-90 THAT Report PD.99-90 be received; THAT Rezoning Application Dev 89-69 submitted by Sam D. Jackson & Construction Ltd. requesting the removal of the "Holding (II)" symbol from the subject Iands within Part Lot 32/33, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington be approved; THAT the amending by-law attached to Report PD-99-90 be forwarded to Council for approval; THAT a copy of Report PD-99-90 and the amending by-law be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and THAT any delegation and those persons listed in Report PD-99-90 be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED'! Resolution #GPA-205-90 Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Harmah THAT Report PD-100-90 be received; THAT Rezoning Application DEV 90-013 submitted by Beverley West on behalf of Mark Hanley requesting the removal of the "Holding (H)" symbol from the subject Iands within Part Lot 33, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington be approved; 215 G.P.A. Minutes - 8- March 19, 1990 '-' PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Removal of "Holding (H)" Symbol to Implement Land Division Committee Application LD 082/90 lGngsberry Properties 60.35.599 '-' THAT the amending by-law attached to Report PD-100-90 be forwarded to Council for approval; THAT a copy of Report PD-100-90 and the amending By-law be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-100-90 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. llCARRIED" Resolution #GPA-206-90 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report PD-101-90 be received; THAT Rezoning Application Dev 90-016 submitted by Kingsberry Properties requesting the removal of the "Holding (H)" symbol from the subject Iands within Part Lot 35, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington be approved; THAT the amending by-law attached to Report PD-101-90 be forwarded to Council for approval; THAT a copy of Report PD-101-90 and the amending by-law be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and THAT any delegation and those persons listed in Report PD-101-90 be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED' Certificate of Resolution #GPA-207-90 Release Gatehouse Holdings Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Deegan Limited 60.46.2 THAT Report PD-102-90 be received; '-" THAT pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 5.26 of the Subdivision Agreements between the Town and Gatehouse Holdinge Limited (10M-764) and (lOM-773), the Town has no objections to the issuance of the "Certificate of Release"; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by by-law, to execute on behalf of the Town of Newcastle the "CertifIcate of Release'; and THAT Gatehouse Holdings Limited (Pian 10M-764) be informed of Council's decision. "CARRIED" '216 G.P.A. Minutes - 9 - March 19, 1990 \",.. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Town of Newcastle Street Name Change West Townline Road to Townline Road North and Townline Road South 77.2.2 Resolution #GPA-208-90 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT Report PD-103-90 be received; THAT Staff be authorized to take the appropriate action pursuant to Town Policy and the provisions of Section 210 (105) of the Municipsl Act, for consideration of a proposed street name change under Town jurisdiction of "West Townline Road" to "Townline Road North" and 'Townline Road South" within the former Township of Darlington; and THAT the City of Oshawa be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED!I Numbering of Resolution #GPA-209-90 Municipal Property By-law Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Stapleton 60.2.103 '-' '-' THAT Report PD-104-90 be received; THAT the Numbering of Municipsl Property By-law attached to Report PD-104-90 be approved. "CARRIED AS AMENDED' (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Resolution #GPA-210-90 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Deegan THAT Resolution #GPA-209-90 be amended by adding thereto the following: "THAT the Numbering of Municipsl Property By-law become effective on January 1, 1991; and THAT the Notice to Residents advising of the passage of the by-iaw be mailed to residents of the Town of Newcastle in the next Tax Billing and advertised in the local newspapers." !'CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #GPA-209-90 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. ) 1c' G.P.A. Minutes - 10 - March 19, 1990 \",.. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Proposed Amendments to the Oshawa Official Pian Part II Pian for the Pinecrest Planning Area 60.30.2 '- Resolution #GPA-211-90 Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report PD-105-90 be received; THAT the City of Oshawa and the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle does not support the deletion of the Beatrice Street Type 'B' arterial road between Harmony Road and Townline Road; THAT the City of Oshawa be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the remaining provisions of the Pinecrest Neighbourhood Part II Pian; and THAT a copy of Report PD-105-90 and a copy of Council's decision be forwarded to the City of Oshawa and Region of Durham Planning Department. "CARRIEDII David Crome, Manager of Strategic Planning, made a presentation on the Town of Newcastle Servicing Feasibility Study - South Courtice Areas. For the benefIt of the Committee, he displayed the following: - Preliminary Services Study - Water Supply System - Areas included in Servicing Feasibility Study - Land Uses Scenerio - Sanitary Sewage Treatment Options - Recommendations for Sanitary Sewage Services - Water Service Options - Recommendations for Water Supply - Staffs conclusions. The Committee requested that a copy of the Town of Newcastle Servicing Feasibility Study - South Courtice Areas be made available at the Clerk's Department and the Bowmanville Library and that a fee of $50.00 be charged by the Planning Department for copies of the Report. Servicing Resolution #GPA-212-90 Feasibility Study South Courtice Area Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Hannah 16.7.178 '-" THAT Report PD-106-90 be received; THAT Staff be authorized to select a consultant to undertake an Employment Area Market Study, to determine the optimum mix of employment area Iand uses and to rationalize the amount of industrial Iand at Courtice; THAT Staff be authorized to investigate the alternative interim servicing schemes in consultation with the owners and the Region of Durham; and ')18 '. I _., G.P.A. Minutes - 11 - March 19, 1990 \",.. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT THAT a copy of Report PD-106-90 be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning and Works Departments. "CARRIED" Status Report Courtice West Highway No. 2 Corridor Study Phases 2 and 3 16.7.181 Resolution #GPA-213-90 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report PD-107-90 be received; THAT Staff be authorized to convene a Public Open House in Courtice and subsequently a Public Meeting to consider the Phase 2 and Phase 3 Reports of the Courtice West Ifu!hwav No. 2 Corridor Studv and the proposed amendments to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Pian and the Town of Newcastle Zoning By-law 84-63 related to the Highway No. 2 Corridor Study; and THAT the persons listed in Report PD-107-90 be informed of Council's decision. "CARRIEDtl "'" Animal Control Monthly Report for Month of February, 1990 68.29.5 Resolution #GPA-214-90 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Deegan THAT Report PD-108-90 be received for information. "CARRIEDIl Parking Enforcement Resolution #GPA-215-90 Monthly Report for Month of Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Wotten February, 1990 77.39.3 THAT Report PD-109-90 be received for information. "CARRIED" By-law Enforcement Resolution #GPA-216-90 Monthly Report for February, 1990 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Wotten 10.13.6 THAT Report PD-110-90 be received for information. "CARRIEDII '-' '219 G.P.A. Minutes - 12 - March 19, 1990 ~ PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT "'" "'" Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for February, 1990 56.49.2 Removal of illegal Signs Resolution #GPA-217-90 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report PD-11l-90 be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-218-90 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Deegan THAT immediate action be taken by the Municipsl Law Enforcement OffICers to remove illegal signs from the road allowances at Mearns Avenue and Highway No.2. "CARRlEDt' CLERK'S DEPARTMENT TREASURY Conditional Grants Review by AM.O. 35.72.2 FIRE DEPARTMENT Remuneration for Special Inspections 68.13.99 No reports were considered under this section of the agenda. Councillor Deegan chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution #GPA-219-90 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report TR-14-90 be received for information; THAT the Clerk be authorized to provide a copy of Report TR-14-90 to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario in order to provide support to their reform recommendations; and THAT a copy of Report TR-14-90 be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham for information purposes. "CARRIEDll Councillor Hooper chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution #GPA-220-90 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report FD-1-90 be received; 220 G.P.A. Minutes -... FIRE DEPARTMENT '-' '-" - 13 - March 19, 1990 THAT, effective May 1, 1990, a fee be established for special inspections of properties requested for property transactions; and THAT the aforementioned fee be established at a rate of $50.00/hour, and collected in accordance with all other fees and services collected by the municipality. "CARRIED' COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT No reports were considered under this section of the agenda. PUBLlC WORKS DEPARTMENT Request from GO Transit to Remove the GO Bus Stop on King Street at George Street Bowmanville 35.31.100 Request to Open the Road Allowance Known as Concession Road 4 in Lots 32 and 33, former Darlington Township D. Fernandes 77.2.137 Councillor Harmah chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution #GPA-221-90 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Mayor Hubbard THAT Report WD-20-90 be received; THAT the amending by-law attached to Report WD-20-90 be forwarded to Council for approval; THAT GO Transit be requested to actively pursue the establishment of a parking lot for the use of the GO Transit users; and THAT a copy of Report WD-20-90 be forwarded to Mr. D. M. Cairns and the Bowmanville, Newcastle and Orono Business Improvement Areas. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-222-90 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report WD-24-90 be received; THAT the request from Mr. Domingos Fernandes to open approximately 210 feet of the road allowance between Lots 32 and 33 in Concession 4, Mr. former Township of Darlington, be approved subject to Mr. Fernandes entering into an agreement with the Town of Newcastle to satisfY all requirements of the Town, fInancial and otherwise; and THAT Mr. Fernandes be advised of Council's decision. IlCARRIEDtl )21 G.P.A. Minutes - 14- March 19, 1990 "--' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Update on Recycling Resolution #GPA-223-90 in the Town of Newcastle Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hamre 68.21.5 THAT Report WD-25-90 be received; THAT the Region of Durham Works Deparment be requested to provide a recycling bin at the new Fire Station at Regional Road 57 and Concession Road 8, in the Town of Newcastle, as part of their 1990 program; THAT the Town take no action to establish alternative sites for the deposit of old corrugated cardboard; THAT the Region be advised that the Town of Newcastle supports the Region's initiatives on recycling and wish to be considered as the host municipality for recycling pilot projects that they initiate from time to time; and THAT a copy of Report WD-25-90 be forwarded to Mr. John Veldhuis, Mr. Les Trotman, Ms. Janet Mayer and Mr. W.A. Twelvetrees, P. Eng., Commissioner of Works, Region of Durham Works Department. "CARRIED" "--' By-law - Weight Restriction Commercial Vehicles 77.2.3 Resolution #GPA.224-90 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report WD-26-90 be referred back to Staff for review and report to be considered by the General Purpose and Administration Committee. 'CARRIED" ADMINISTRATOR There were no reports considered under this section of the agenda. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Mayor Hubbard chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution #GPA-225-90 Bloor-Courtice Dev. Inc. 60.35.539 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report PD-221-89 be lifted from the table; and '-' THAT Report PD-221-89 be tabled for a period of one year and be reconsidered by the General Purpose and Administration Committee on March 18, 1991. "CARRIED' OJ? ') I / ,. _ L... G.P.A. Minutes \.,.. OTHER BUSINESS Fencing - Foster Creek Development Bowmanville Depot \w Reconstruction of Trull's Road ADJOURNMENT '-' . - 15 - March 19, 1990 Mayor Hubbard referred to the Minutes of Settlement between the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and Ontario Hydro. The Mayor requested input from the Committee on the matter of reconvening Hydro Liaison Committee meetings. It was the general consensus of the Committee that all serious outstanding liability items should be left with the Town Solicitor and must be resolved. Hydro Liaison Meetings will not resume at this time. Resolution #GPA-226-90 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the matter of Ravine Fencing at Foster Creek Development be referred to Staff for review and report to Council. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-227-90 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT the words "Bowmanville Depot' be painted on the west side of the building of the Works Department Bowmanville Depot. IICARRIEDll Resolution #GPA-228-90 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the Public Works Department be authorized to proceed to advertise the contract for the reconstruction of Trull's Road. "CARRIED'! Resolution #GPA-229-90 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT the meeting adjourn at 11:30 a.m. nCARRIED" 1if~~cM~ Chairman, Planning Department D~ 223 .