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MAY 28, 1990
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council
held on Monday, May 28, 1990, at 7:00 p.rn.,
in the Council Chambers
Mayor M. Hubbard
Councillor P. Deegan
Councillor D. Hamre
Councillor L. Harmah
Councillor K. Hooper
Councillor F. Stapleton
Councillor A. Wotten
Chief Administrative Officer, L. Kotseff
Director of Community Services, J. Caruana
Fire Chief, M. Creighton
Treasurer, M. Marano
Director of Planning, F. Wu
Town Clerk, P. Barrie
Councillor Stapleton led the meeting in prayer.
Resolution #C-364-90
Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on May 14, 1990, be approved.
Resolution #C-365-90
Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT Mr. John Thorne and Mr. Kay Lycett be added to the list of delegations.
Council Minutes
- 2-
May 28, 1990
Mr. John Veldhuis and students of Bowmanville Senior Public School presented a
Conservation Proposal to Council wherein, with the co-operation of the Town of
Newcastle, they hope to plan and develop a small park dedicated to the concerned pupils
of Bowmanville Senior Public School and the citizens of the Town. The students are
hoping to use land the Town already owns or land set aside by developers and plan to
work between now and the spring of 1991 to come up with a plan of the park showing
trees, flowers and shrubs.
Mr. Brian Hickey, 7 WhiteclilTe Ct., Bowmanville, LIE ITl, addressed Council with
respect to Report PD-178-90 and requested that Council endorse a joint resident - Town
Staff tree planting ceremony in the WhiteclilTe Subdivision area.
Mr. John Veldhuis, P.O. Box 16, Hampton, LOB IJO, requested that Council re-atllrm
its position of not allowing development in environmentally protected areas.
Mr. Irwin Hamilton, 1 Division Street, Bowmanville, LlC addressed Council on behalf
of residents of Best Road with respect to Report PD-182-90 and requested that Council
approve the staff recommendation that the Rezoning Application submitted by Stuart
and Jean Wood be denied.
Mr. John Thorne, 7 Foster Creek Drive, Newcastle, LOA lHO, addressed Council with
respect to the recommendations contained in Item #8 of Report #1 (Valleyland Fencing
Requirements). Mr. Thorne stated that the residents of Foster Creek are happy that
Council is seeking legal advice in this matter but stated that not everyone desires the
erection of a fence. It is Mr. Thorne's opinion that a fence will add to the growth of
weeds and become a depository for garbage. Rather than spending money on a fence
which the residents do not desire, Mr. Thorne requested that the Town supply garbage
receptacles along the creek in an attempt to alleviate the problem of garbage collecting
in the area. Also, Mr. Thorne raised a concern that the bridge which was to be built
on Edward Street, in accordance with the Subdivision Agreement, has never been
Mr. Kay Lycett, Barrister, Solictor, Notary, Box 87, 5301 Main Street, Orono
LOB IMO, reiterated his comments from the General Purpose and Administration
Committee meeting held on May 22, 1990 with respect to Report PD-182-90. Mr. Lycett
indicated that the Rezoning Application of Stuart and Jean Wood was not f1!ed with the
intent of expanding the existing trucking business but ouly to allow the construction
of an additional home to accommodate another member of the family. If this house
could be built without approval of a Rezoning Application, Mr. Lycett stated that the
applicant would withdraw his application.
Resolution #C-366-90
Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Deegan
THAT Council recess for ten minutes.
The meeting reconvened at 8:05 p.m.
Council Minutes
- 3 -
May 28, 1990
Resolution #C-367-90
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT the communications to be received for information be approved with the
exception of Item I - 17.
1- 1
Correspondence received from David Ashcroft, R.R. #2, Bowmanville,
LIC 3K3, Re: St. Marys Cement;
Correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T., Regional Clerk,
Region of Durham, Re: Extension of Connecting Link - Highway
No.2, Bowmanville;
Correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T., Regional Clerk,
Region of Durham, Re: Application to Amend the Town of Newcastle
Official Plan to Permit a Local Central Area;
Correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T., Regional Clerk,
Region of Durham, Re: Weight Restrictions on Regional Road 3 From
Regional Road 33 (Harmony Road) to Regional Road 57;
Correspondence received from Stien K La!, Deputy Solicitor General,
Ministry of the Solicitor General, Re: Bill 107, An Act to Amend the
Police Act (police Services Act);
Correspondence received from R. Rigby, Superintendent of Business, The
Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland and Newcastle Roman Catholic
Separate School Board, Re: Mill Rates;
Minutes of a meeting of the Bowmanville Museum Board held on
April 11, 1990;
Correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T_, Regional Clerk,
Region of Durham, Re: 1990 Net Regional Levy Apportionment;
Minutes of a meeting of the Clarke Township Museum & Archives held
on February 5, 1990;
1- 10
Correspondence received from Paul Brace, Manager of Transportation
and Planning, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education,
Re: Staff Members of the Planning Department;
A letter of thanks from Sam L. Cureatz, M.P.P., Durham East, for the
assistance given from Town Staff for their Leadership Convention held
in the Bowmanville Recreational Complex;
Council Minutes
1- 16
- 4-
May 28, 1990
Minutes of a meeting of the N ewcastie Community Liaison Group, held
on April 30, 1990;
A letter of thanks received from Wayne R. Shred, Secretary-Treasurer,
Oshawa and District Labor Council, Re: Proclamation of A Day In
Mourning, in recognition of workers killed, iqjured or diaabled on the
Correspondence received from Nancy Scott, Executive Director, Big
Brothers Association of Newcastle, Re: 1990 Grant;
Correspondence received from C. W. Lundy, Regional Clerk, Region of
Durham, Re: 1990 Durham Region Solid Waste Management Budget and
the 1990-1996 Solid Waste Management FinanMng Study;
Correspondence received from I.K Upjohn, M.C.I.P., Principal Planner
Transportation, Fenco Engineering Inc., Re: Highway 407 . Highway 48 -
Highway 35/115 Route Planning and Environmental Study;
Minutes of a meeting of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation
Authority held on May 15, 1990;
Correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, Regional Clerk, Region of
Durham, Re: Extension of GO Rail Services in the Region of Durham;
Correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, Regional Clerk, Region of
Durham, Re: Application to Amend the Durham Regional Official Plan
Correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, Regional Clerk, Region of
Durham, Re: ModifIcation to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan with
Regard to the Hamlet of Haydon Secondary Plan (90-01500;
Correspondence received from .run Pollock, M.P.P., Hastings-
Peterborough, Re: Zebra Mussel and its Infestation of our Waterways;
Correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, Regional Clerk, Region of
Durham, Re: Amendment #241 to the Durham Regional OflIcial Plan
Correspondence received from Merv K. Bowen, Regional Assessment
Commi..ioner, Re: 1989 Annual Report for the Town of Newcastle;
Correspondence received from The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario, Re:
Newcastle Inn, 789 King St., Newcastle Licence No. 011447;
Correspondence received from The Hon. Remo Mancini, Minister,
Ministry of Revenue, Re: Formation of a new Crown Agency, the
Property Assessment Corporation;
Council Minutes
1- 31
- 5 -
May 28, 1990
Correspondence received from Earl Miller, Executive Co-ordinator, Race
Relation Directorate, Ministry of Citizenship, Re: Report of the
Proceedings of the First Ontario Conference on Municipal Race Relations;
Correspondence received from The Hon. Ken Black, Minister, Ministry
of Tourism and Recreation, Re: Orono Arena Community Centre, 1990
Capital Conservation Grant;
Correspondence received from Wayne R. Shred, Secretary-Treasurer,
Oshawa and District Labor Council, Re: Proclamation, April 28, 1990,
as a Day of Mourning, in recognition of Canadian workers killed or
injured on the job;
Correspondence received from Frank Giorno, MlSA Communications
Advisor, Ministry of the Environment, Re: The Economic Cost of
Monitoring for the Industrial Minerals Sector;
Correspondence received from P.A. Strassburger, District Manager,
Lindsay District, Ministry of Natural Resources, Re: Aggregate Resources
Act, 1989;
Correspondence received from Gerry McMillan, Manager, Ministry of
Transportation, Re: Subsidy Applicable to Transit Services for Persons
with Disabilities;
Correspondence received from Lyn McLeod, Minister, Ministry of Natural
Resources, Re: National Forest Week;
Correspondence received from Les Trotman, Chairperson, Concerns,
Safety & Security, Wilmot Creek Homeowners Association, Re: Rail
Disaster - Toxic Fumes - Chemical Spillage.
Resolution #C-368-90
Ontario Hydro Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT the correspondence dated May 18, 1990, from S. M. Lawrance, Senior Community
Relations Officer, Community Relations Department, Design and Development Division _
Transmission, Ontario Hydro, with respect to Ontario Hydro Environmental Assessments
Nuclear Generating Stations Siting Studies be received for information.
Council Minutes
- 6 -
May 28, 1990
D - 1
Resolution #C-369-90
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-368-90 be amended by adding the following thereto:
'THAT the Council of the Town of Newcastle meet with Ontario Hydro representatives
to address directions for future considerations of Ontario Hydro and the Town of
Newcastle; and
THAT Ontario Hydro be advised of Council's decision.
Recorded Vote
Councillor Deegan
Councillor Hamre
Councillor Harmah
Councillor Hooper
Councillor Stapleton
Mayor Hubbard
Councillor Wotten
The foregoing Resolution #C-368-90 was then put to a vote and CARRlED AS
Resolution #C-370-90
Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the correspondence dated May 14, 1990, from The Hon. William Wrye, Minister,
Ministry of Transportation, with respect to extension of the current (Bowmanville)
Connecting Link Designation be received and referred to staff for appropriate action.
Councillor Hamre made a declaration of interest with respect to Correspondence Item
D - 2 from Michael Schuster, President, Oshawa Durham Home Builders' Association
and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Councillor Hamre
indicated that her husband and son are both employed by Bell Canada.
Council Minutes
- 7-
May 28, 1990
D - 2
Oshawa -
Bell Canada
D - 3
Sale of Fuel
D - 4
Ontario Good
Resolution #C-371-90
Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT the correspondence dated May 4, 1990 from Michael Schuster, President, Oshawa
Durham Home Builders' Association, with respect to Bell Canada's policy of requesting
that private developers pay for Bell's share of the underground trench in which public
and private utilities place their services be received and referred to the Regional
Municipality of Durham.
Resolution #C-372-90
Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT the correspondence dated May 7, 1990 from C.D. Weldon, Chief Administrative
Officer, The Town of Richmond Hill, requesting endorsation of a resolution passed by
the Council of the Town of Richmond Hill, regarding road improvements be received;
THAT the resolution of The Town of Richmond Hill be endorsed; and
THAT The Hon. David Peterson, Premier of Ontario, The Hon. William Wrye, Minister
of Transportation, The Hon. Gregory Zorbara, Minister of Consumer and Commercial
Relations and the Regional Muncipality of Durham be advised of Council's decision.
Resolution #C-373-90
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Harmah
THAT the correspondence received from the Ontario Good Roads Association concerning
possible deconditionalization of Municipal Road Grants be received; and
THAT the Ontario Good Roads Association be advised that the Town of Newcastle
supports their recommendations.
Council Minutes
Report #1
- 8 -
May 28, 1990
Resolution #C-374-90
G.P.A Report Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Deegan
May 22, 1990
Item #1(e)
McCarthy &
Item #3
THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee report of May 22, 1990 be
approved with the exception of Items #l(e), #3, #10, #12, and #15.
Mayor Hubbard made a declaration of interest with respect to Report PD-294-89 and
refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Mayor Hubbard indicated
that she resides directly across the street from the subject proposal.
Councillor Hamre chaired this portion of the meeting.
Resolution #C-375-90
Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT Report PD-294-89 - Zoning By-law for the development of an apartment building
at the corner of Wellington, Scugog and Church Streets, submitted by McCarthy &
Associates Limited be received for information.
Mayor Hubhard reassumed the chair.
Councillor Stapleton made a declaration of interest with respect to Report PD-173-90
and refrained from discusaion and voting on the subject matter. Councillor Stapleton
indicated that he is the owner of property located adjacent to the subject development.
Resolution #C-376-90
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Deegan
THAT Report PD-173-90 be received;
THAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning
By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by G.M. Sernas on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Murray
Payne be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a
subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments; and
THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-173-90 and any delegation be advised
of Council's decision.
Council Minutes
Item #10
Item #12
- 9-
May 28, 1990
Resolution #C-377-90
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Deegan
THAT Report PD-I80-90 be received;
THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle recommends
approval of the draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-89030 dated March 1989, as revised in red,
subject to the conditions contained in Attachment No.1 to Report PD-I80-90;
THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized by by-law, to execute the Subdivision
Agreement between the owner of the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-89030 and
the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle at such time as an agreement has been
fmalized to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning
and Development;
THAT the amendment to By-law 84-63 attached to Report PD-180-90 be approved and
that the 'Holding (H)" symbol be removed by by-law upon execution of the Subdivision
Agreement; and
THAT a copy of Report PD-180-90 be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham
Planning Department and the interested parties listed in Report PD-180-90.
Resolution #C-378-90
Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT Report PD-I82-90 be received;
THAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning
By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by Kay Lycett on behalf of Stuart and Jean Wood
be approved; and
THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-182-90 and any delegation be advised
of Council's decision.
Recorded Vote
Councillor Deegan
Councillor Stapleton
Councillor Wotten
Mayor Hubbard
Councillor Hamre
Councillor Harmah
Councillor Hooper
Council Minutes
Item #15
Report #2
Minutes of
May 18, 1990
Report #3
Minutes of
May 18, 1990
Report #4
- 10-
May 28, 1990
Resolution #C-379-90
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Deegan
THAT Report PD-185-90 be received;
THAT Canada Post be advised that the Town of Newcastle Council deems it necessary
and desirable to create an offIcial entity for Courtice for the purpose of a postal
addressing system for the area affected as indicated on the sketch attached to Report
PD-I85-90 and agrees to bear the cost of mail redirection not exceeding $42,200.00; and
THAT the funds be drawn from 1990 Contingency Account or be included in the 1991
Resolution #C-380-90
Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the Parks Policy Committee Minutes of May 18, 1990, be received for
Resolution #C-381-90
Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the Senior Citizens Centre Steering Committee Minutes of May 18, 1990, be
received for information.
Councillor Hamre made a declaration of interest with respect to Report FD-3-90 and
refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Councillor Hamre indicated
that her husband and son are both employed by Bell Canada.
Resolution #C-382-90
Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Harmah
THAT Report FD-3-90 be received;
THAT approval be given to begin the installation of phone lines and radio equipment
required for the establishment of the central dispatch location;
Council Minutes
- 11 -
May 28, 1990
THAT costs incurred for the installation of the terephone equipment, as well as the
radio communications console, in the central dispatch location be allocated from Account
No. 2900-00021-0000, being a Reserve Account for Fire Department Communications
THAT permission be granted to purchase and install the aforementioned equipment,
at the earliest possible opportunity and that procedures set out in the Purchasing
By-law #82-92, Section 5(4) be waived; and
THAT permission be granted to fIll the dispatcher positions provided for in the 1990
Recorded Vote
Conflict of Interest
Councillor Deegan
Councillor Harmah
Councillor Stapleton
Councillor Wotten
Mayor Hubbard
Councillor Hooper
Councillor Hamre
Resolution #C-383-90
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT Mr. John Veldhuis and students ofBowmanville Senior Public School be thanked
for their delegation to Council and congratulated on the positive efforts they have put
forth to address environmental concerns;
THAT the Council of the Town of Newcastle agree in principle with the conservation
proposal submitted by the students; and
THAT the conservation proposal as outlined by the students be referred to staff for
prreparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration
Committee FORTHWITH.
Council Minutes
- 12 -
May 28, 1990
Resolution #C-384-90
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT the delegation of Mr. Brian Hickey be acknowledged and his suggestions be
referred to staff for preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and
Ailmini.tration Committee.
Resolution #C-385-90
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT the delegation of Mr. John Veldhuis with respect to development on
environmentally protected land be received
Resolution #C-386-90
Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT the delegation of Mr. Irwin Hamilton with respect to Report PD-I82-90 be
acknowledged and he be advised of Council's decision.
Resolution #C-387-90
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the delegation of Mr. John Thorne be acknowledged and his concerns be
addressed by staff.
Resolution #C-388-90
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the issue of construction of the Edward Street Bridge as contained in the
Subdivision Agreement entered into by the developer, be referred to stafffor preparation
of a report to be considered by the General Purpose and Ailmini.tration Committee.
Council Minutes
Resolution #C-389-90
- 13 -
May 28, 1990
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT the delegation of Mr. Kay Lycett be acknowledged and he be advised of Council's
Resolution #C-390-90
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and that the said by-laws
be now read a fIrst time:
90-87 being a by-law to amend the street name map and street name inventory
for roads in the Town of Newcastle;
being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning
By-law for the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle (Kalee
being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning
By-law for the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle (Roger Cormier);
being a by-law to amend By-law 79-75, a by-law to authorize the speed
limits on highways under the jurisdiction of the Town of Newcastle as
being a by-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the
year for municipal purposes and to strike the rates of taxation for
municipal purposes for the year 1990;
being a by-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the
year for the school boards and regional government purposes and to
strike the rates of taxation for the year 1990;
being a by-law to authorize the entering into of an Agreement with
Kevin Anyan; and
being a by-law to permit an encroachment onto Town-owned lands by
J. Frank, 32 Hunt Street, Bowmanville, Town of Newcastle, Regional
Municipality of Durham, pursuant to the provisions of Section 210 (101)
of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980 and the Town of Newcastle By-law
No. 81-50.
Council Minutes
- 14-
May 28, 1990
Resolution #C-391-90
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the second reading of the following by-laws be approved:
90-87; 90-88; 90-89; 90-90; 90-91; 90-92; 90-94.
Resolution #C-392-90
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the second reading of By-law 90-93 be approved.
Recorded Vote
Councillor Hamre
Councillor Harmah
Councillor Hooper
Councillor Stapleton
Mayor Hubbard
Councillor Deegan
Councillor Wotten
Resolution #C-393-90
Moved by Councillor Satpleton, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the third and fmal reading of the following by-laws be approved: 90-87;
90-88; 90-89; 90-90; 90-91; 90-92; 90-93; 90-94.
Reaolution #C-394-90
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 90-95, being a by-law to confirm the
proceedings of the Council of the Town of N ewcastre at this meeting held on the 28th
day of May 1990, and that the said by-law be now read a fIrst time.
Council Minutes
- 15-
May 28, 1990
Resolution #C-395-90
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT the second reading of By-law 90-95 be approved.
Recorded Vote
Councillor Deegan
Councillor Hamre
Councillor Harmah
Councillor Hooper
Councillor Stapleton
Councillor Wotten
Mayor Hubhard
Resolution #C-396-90
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT the third and fInal reading of By-law 90-95 be approved.
Resolution #C-397-90
Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:07 p.rn.