HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-06-20/22, 2016 General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 Minutes of a meeting of the General Government Committee held on Monday, June 20, 2016 at 10:00 AM and reconvening on Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 2:00 PM in the Council Chambers. Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor S. Cooke, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor W. Partner, Councillor C. Traill, Councillor W. Woo Staff Present: F. Wu, A. Allison, T. Cannella, J. Caruana, F. Horvath, F. Langmaid, M. Marano, N. Taylor, G. Weir, J. Gallagher, M. Chambers, A. Greentree, C. Fleming 1 Call to Order Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. 2 New Business – Introduction Councillor Neal added the following New Business items, to the New Business – Consideration section of the agenda:  Lambs Lane  Business Case for the GO Train  FOB Building Security Device Councillor Partner added a New Business item, regarding Senior of the Year Appointments, to the New Business – Consideration section of the agenda. th Councillor Traill added a New Business item, regarding the 40 Anniversary of the Tyrone Community Centre, to the New Business – Consideration section of the agenda. Councillor Woo added a New Business item, regarding the Ontario Autism Program, to the New Business – Consideration section of the agenda. Councillor Cooke added a New Business item, regarding a stop sign for Robert Adams Drive, Courtice, to the New Business – Consideration section of the agenda. Councillor Hooper added a New Business item, regarding continuing Committee and Council meetings during the months July and August, to the New Business – Consideration section of the agenda. - 1 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 3 Adopt the Agenda Resolution #GG-333-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Agenda be adopted as presented, with the addition of the following New Business items:  Lambs Lane  Business Case for the GO Train  FOB Implement Device  Senior of the Year Appointments  th 40 Anniversary of the Tyrone Community Centre  Ontario Autism Program  Stop sign for Robert Adams Drive, Courtice  Continuing Committee and Council meetings in July and August Carried 4 Declaration of Interest There were no declarations of interest stated at this meeting. 5 Announcements Members of Council announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. 6 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting Resolution #GG-334-16 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Partner That the minutes of the regular meeting of the General Government Committee meeting held on May 30, 2016, be approved. Carried - 2 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 Alter the Agenda Resolution #GG-335-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Partner That the Agenda be altered to hear the Presentation of the Regional Municipality of Durham, immediately following delegation of Craig Herbert, Port Hope Area Initiative Management Office. Carried 7 Delegations 7.1 Craig Hebert, General Manager, Port Hope Area Initiative Management Office, Regarding an Annual Port Granby Project Update Craig Hebert, General Manager, Port Hope Area Initiative Management Office (PHAI), was present regarding an annual Port Granby Project Update. He made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Mr. Hebert noted that Bill Daly, Port Granby Project Communications Officer, was also present. He provided background information on the existing waste management facility and when it was taken over by PHAI. Mr. Hebert provided details on the existing waste water treatment plant at the site. He continued by reviewing the pilot testing for the waste water treatment plant. Mr. Hebert provided details on the construction of the new waste water treatments plant and noted that the construction was completed in April 2016. He continued by summarizing the long term waste management facility projects which included pre-construction, early works, Elliott Road construction, and aggregate stockpiling and site preparation. Mr. Hebert provided details on the Mound Cell 1 base excavation and noted that the Lakeshore Road underpass construction began in May, 2016. He added that the completed facility is designed to blend in with the landscape of the surrounding area. Mr. Hebert reviewed the Port Granby Project timeline for 2015- 2020. He explained they are meeting their obligations, which include the following three pillars: legal agreement, environmental assessment and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission licensing. Mr. Hebert reviewed the Community outreach initiatives and stakeholders. .He added that the Property Value Protection program was rolled out this year. Mr. Hebert reviewed the Port Hope Project and explained that the key objectives are safety and protecting the environment. He concluded by thanking members of Committee and Municipal Staff and advised he was available to answer questions. Resolution #GG-336-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That the delegation of Craig Hebert, General Manager, Port Hope Area Initiative Management Office, regarding an Annual Port Granby Project Update, be received with thanks. Carried - 3 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 10.1 Mirka Januszkiewicz, Director, Waste Management Services, Gioseph Anello, Manager, Waste Planning and Technical Services, Regional Municipality of Durham and John Clark, Senior Engineer, HDR Corporation, Regarding the Durham York Energy Centre Abatement Plan Mirka Januszkiewicz, Director, Waste Management Services, Regional Municipality of . Durham, was present regarding the Durham York Energy Centre Abatement Plan She made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Ms. Januszkiewicz provided an overview of the definition of an abatement plan and why it is necessary. She reviewed timelines for the abatement plan from May 25, 2016 to June 16, 2016 and noted what has been completed to date. Ms. Januszkiewicz highlighted the outstanding items and reviewed the timelines. She explained that Boiler 1 will not be operational until the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change has provided approval. Ms. Januszkiewicz continued by providing further details of the components of an abatement plan. John Clark, Senior Engineering, HDR Corporation, reviewed the potential causes of dioxin and furan emissions and noted that they can typically to be traced to one of four main factors. He reviewed the HDR Technical Memo Phase One and highlighted the observations after the phase one activities. Mr. Clark continued by providing an overview of the phase two of the abatement plans and provided details on the testing and the operations of this phase. He concluded by noting the components of the abatements plan that are common to phase one and phase two. Ms. Januszkiewicz advised the Committee that they are available to answer any questions. Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG-337-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Committee to speak to the presentation, Mirka Januszkiewicz, Director, Waste Management Services and Gioseph Anello, Manager, Waste Planning and Technical Services, Regional Municipality of Durham, regarding the Durham York Energy Centre Abatement Plan, a second time. Carried Resolution #GG-338-16 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo That the delegation of Mirka Januszkiewicz, Director, Waste Management Services and Gioseph Anello, Manager, Waste Planning and Technical Services, Regional Municipality of Durham, regarding the Durham York Energy Centre Abatement Plan, be received with thanks. Carried - 4 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 Recess Resolution #GG-339-16 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Partner That the Committee recess for 10 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 11:38 AM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. Alter the Agenda Resolution #GG-340-16 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Agenda be altered to hear the delegation of the James Mackenzie and Sarah Delicate Regarding a Petition to Protect the Lake Ontario Shoreline, at this time. Carried 7.3 James Mackenzie and Sarah Delicate Regarding a Petition to Protect the Lake Ontario Shoreline James Mackenzie and Sarah Delicate were present regarding a petition to protect the Lake Ontario shoreline. They made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Ms. Delicate summarized the purpose of the petition and provided background information. She continued by advising the Committee that residents are aware that the lake can be rough at times and she reviewed wave forecasts from 1972. Ms. Delicate noted that, at that time, the size of the waves and the frequency did not impact Cedar Crest Beach and noted that historically rock walls were not necessary in this area. They reviewed the erosion that has occurred at the shoreline over years and noted that close to 80 feet of their property has been eroded. They added that people are walking on the shoreline and are now trespassing on their properties. Ms. Delicate reviewed the littoral interruption and satellite photos of the shoreline and property lines today. She explained that the homes on the beach are being threatened by flooding. They showed videos to demonstrate recent storms in that area. They continued by noting their closest neighbour is the protected coastal wetland and that the Cedar Crest beach is the only line of defence for this area. Ms. Delicate explained that the present approach is for the property owners to protect their own properties with rock walls. She added that these are expensive, have a short life span, and are continuously failing. Ms. Delicate showed a series of photos of properties that are being affected at the shorelines. The concluded by advising the Committee that the petitioners are asking for shoreline protection between the St. Marys pier and the Port Darlington lighthouse pier. Ms. Delicate thanked the Committee and offered to answer any questions. - 5 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 Resolution #GG-341-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the delegation James Mackenzie and Sarah Delicate regarding a Petition to Protect the Lake Ontario Shoreline, be referred to Staff to provide a Report in the Fall of 2016. Carried Recess Resolution #GG-342-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the Committee recess for 30 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 12:33 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. 7.2 Steven Wiggins Regarding an Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental Oversight Review by the Municipality of Clarington Steven Wiggins was present regarding an Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental Oversight Review by the Municipality of Clarington. Mr. Wiggins explained that he is concerned with the uses of the Oak Ridges Moraine Core Zone. He advised Committee that he feels he did not received adequate assistance from Municipal Staff or Members of Council. Mr. Wiggins believes that the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) violated the Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental Protection Review within the Oak Ridges Moraine Core Zone. He continued by providing background information regarding his property and the surrounding area. Mr. Wiggins added that he is concerned with the activities taking place GRCA and that the water shed is being affected. He continued by explaining that the headwaters begin in the GRCA and continue into the Municipality of Port Hope. Mr. Wiggins concluded by stating that he is looking to protect the land and is asking for Staff to determine if the Municipality of Clarington has jurisdiction regarding the Oak Ridges Moraine Core Zone to assist with the violations taking place in this area. Resolution #GG-343-16 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner That the delegation of Steven Wiggins, regarding an Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental Oversight Review by the Municipality of Clarington, be referred to Staff. Motion Withdrawn - 6 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 Resolution #GG-344-16 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner That the delegation of Steven Wiggins, regarding an Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental Review Oversight by the Municipality of Clarington, be received with thanks. Carried Mayor Foster left the meeting at 1:05 PM. Councillor Neal chaired this portion of the meeting. 7.4 Lisa and Stephen Smith Regarding an Exemption to Development Charges By-law Lisa and Stephen Smith were present regarding an exemption to the Development Charges By law. They made a verbal presentation to accompany a handout. Ms. Smith is requesting an exemption to the development charges by-law for having a garden suite constructed on their property. Ms. Smith provided background information regarding the reasons for purchasing this property and the reasons they looking at adding a garden suite. She added that they are unable to have a basement apartment and that this is the only option for them. Stephen Smith explained that they are only asking for an exemption to the fee that is refundable once the suite is removed. He referred to the handout provided to members of Committee that provides a listing of the expenses to have a garden suite constructed on their property. Ms. Smith explained that they are not intending on using the garden suite to make additional income and that they are using this to assist two members of their family. She added that she hopes that Clarington will look at amending future By-laws to address the future changing needs of Municipality of Clarington. Ms. Smith concluded by thanking members of Committee and asked them to waive the develop charges fee. Alter the Agenda Resolution #GG-345-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill That the Agenda be altered to consider the Correspondence item 9.6 from Lisa and Stephen Smith regarding an exemption to the Development Charges By-law, at this time. Carried - 7 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 Resolution #GG-346-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill That the request from Lisa and Stephen Smith regarding an exemption to Development Charges By law for payment of the Clarington Development Charge for a garden suite, be approved. Motion Referred Later in the meeting See following motion Closed Session Resolution #GG-347-16 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper That, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing a matter that deals with advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. Carried Rise and Report The meeting resumed in open session at 1:43 PM with Councillor Neal in the Chair. Councillor Neal advised that one item was discussed in “closed” session in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and no resolutions were passed. The foregoing Resolution #GG-346-16, be referred to the July 4, 2016 Council meeting. 7.5 Jason Gibson Regarding Traditional Methods of Living and Doing Business with Safe New Technology Jason Gibson’s name was called, but he was not present. 7.6 John Higo, Autism Ontario Durham Region, Regarding the Ontario Autism Program John Higo, Autism Ontario Durham Region was present regarding the Ontario Autism Program. He made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Mr. Higo provided a timeline of the Ontario Autism Program. Mr. Higo provided an overview of the Ontario Autism program and provided details on this program. He summarized the details of the Intensive Behavioural Intervention services and program. Mr. Higo noted that families are mortgaging their homes to pay for therapy. He explained that there are long wait times, service gaps between schools and families, and $8000 is not enough to assist families financially. Mr. Higo concluded by explaining to the - 8 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 Committee that now is the time to consider change. He thanked the members of Committee and offered to answer any questions. Resolution #GG-348-16 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner Whereas, Autism Spectrum Disorder is now recognized as the most common neurological disorder affecting 1 in every 94 children, as well as their friends, family and community; and Whereas, Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) is the scientific process based on objective evaluation and empirically based interventions used to achieve meaningful, generalizable and enduring behavioural change. Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI) is an application of the principles of ABA in an intensive setting used to affect behaviour change and improvement; and Whereas, the current waiting list of children for Intensive Behaviour Intervention (IBI) is over 2,000 and more than 13,000 children await Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA); and Whereas, the Province of Ontario has announced it intends to discontinue IBI services to children over the age of four and provide a one-time payment to assist with services, thereby abandoning thousands who have been wait-listed for years; and Whereas, there are two service models for affected children to be treated, 1) the Direct Service Offering (DSO) where children receive services directly from trained staff at Ontario's nine regional service providers, and 2) the Direct Funding Offering (DFO) where parents receive funding directly in order to purchase services; and Whereas, the DFO model to provide services is used in Alberta, British Columbia and imminently Saskatchewan. Such a model is clinically rigorous and has been identified by the Auditor General of Ontario as being less expensive than Ontario’s DSO model; , Therefore, be it resolved that a letter be sent to Hon. Michael CoteauMinister of Children and Youth Services; Alexander Bezzina, Deputy Minister; Hon. Eric Hoskins, Minister of Health; and Hon. Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario, requesting the Province to: 1. Amend its policy to one that will allow all children on the current waiting list to receive the IBI services promised them; and 2. Remove the age limit for IBI therapy and replace it with a program that provides ongoing IBI services based on need and individual development, not age; and 3. Ensure oversight by professionals and parents based on ‘development progress’ criteria and milestones; and - 9 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 4. Adopt a Direct Funding Offering (DFO) model in lieu of the current Direct Service Offering (DSO) model; And further thata copy of this resolution be forwarded to Association of Municipalities of Ontario. Carried Mayor Foster returned to the meeting at 2:05 PM. Mayor Foster chaired this portion of the meeting. 7.7 Susan Dixon Regarding Addendum to Report EGD-018-16, Long Term Plan for the West Beach Waterfront Susan Dixon was present regarding Addendum to Report EGD-018-16, Long Term Plan for the West Beach Waterfront. She made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Ms. Dixon explained to the Committee that her primary concern is the removal of the parking spaces at the West Beach Parkette. She provided background information regarding West Beach Parkette including a history of the Staff reports and issues at the parkette. Ms. Dixon continued by summarizing her concerns with the parkette from 2015-2016 and noted that these issues have been going on for 15 years. She reviewed sections of Report EGD-018-16 and the Port Darlington Secondary Plan. She asked if there really is a long term plan in place for the West Beach Parkette. Ms. Dixon noted her concerns with various sections of Report EGD- 018-16 and EGD-027-12. She added that parkettes should not have parking. Ms. Dixon concluded by advising Committee she is concerned with parking, security, littering, off leash dogs and is asking for the parking to be removed from the parkette and a long term plan to be put in place. Alter the Agenda Resolution #GG-349-16 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo That the Agenda be altered to hear the delegation of Jason Bagg, Acting Sergeant – Community Resource Unit, Durham Regional Police Service regarding Addendum to Report EGD-018-16, Long Term Plan for the West Beach Parkette, at this time. Carried - 10 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 7.10 Jason Bagg, Acting Sergeant – Community Resource Unit, Durham Regional Police Service Regarding Addendum to Report EGD-018-16, Long Term Plan for the West Beach Waterfront Jason Bagg, Acting Sergeant – Community Resource Unit, Durham Regional Police Service was present regarding Addendum to Report EGD-018-16, Long Term Plan for the West Beach Parkette. Sergeant Bagg advised the Committee that he was available to answer any questions from the Committee. Alter the Agenda Resolution #GG-350-16 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal That the Agenda be altered to consider Addendum to Report EGD-018-16, Long Term Plan for the West Beach Parkette at this time. Carried 21.1 Addendum to Report EGD 018-16Long Term Plan for the West Beach Waterfront Resolution #GG-351-16 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Partner That Report EGD-018-16 be received; That Addendum to Report EGD-018-16 be received; That the bollards be moved forward to follow the curvature of the road to protect pedestrians and prohibit parking at the West Beach Parkette; and That all interested parties listed in Addendum to Report EGD-018-16 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Motion Lost Resolution #GG-352-16 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report EGD-018-16 be received; That Addendum to Report EGD-018-16 be received; and That all interested parties listed in Addendum to Report EGD-018-16 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried - 11 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 Recess Resolution #GG-353-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Partner That the Committee recess for 10 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 3:03 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. Alter the Agenda Resolution #GG-354-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That the Agenda be altered to hear the delegation of Jeany Barrett regarding a Newcastles of the World Update, at this time. Carried 7.9 Jeany Barrett Regarding a Newcastles of the World Update Jeany Barrett was present regarding a Newcastles of the World Update. She made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Ms. Barrett provided the Committee with a planning update and details of the Newcastles of the World Conference. She summarized the number of delegates attending and provided an overview of the itinerary for the week for the adult and youth delegates. Ms. Barrett continued by providing an update of the budget and reviewed the sponsors to date. She summarized the status of the remaining items outstanding for the event. Ms. Barrett reviewed the requirements for success and listed the members of the Steering Committee. She concluded by reading a message from the David Faulkner, Newcastle upon Tyne, and thanked the members of the Steering Committee. Resolution #GG-355-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That the delegation of Jeany Barrett, regarding a Newcastles of the World Update, be received with thanks. Carried 7.8 Kelly Betts, Account Manager, Buffett Taylor, Regarding Report COD-015-16, Provision of Employee Group Benefits Kelly Betts, Account Manager, Buffett Taylor was present regarding Report COD-015-16, Provision of Employee Group Benefits. Ms. Betts answered questions from the Committee regarding Report COD-015-16. - 12 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 Alter the Agenda Resolution #GG-356-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the Agenda be altered to consider Report COD-015-16, Provision of Employee Group Benefits Update, at this time. Carried 16.1 COD-015-16 Provision of Employee Group Benefits Resolution #GG-357-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Report COD-015-16, Provision of Employee Group Benefits, be referred to the July 4, 2016 Council meeting. Carried 8 Communications - Receive for Information 8.1 Minutes of the Newcastle Village Community Hall Board dated April 19, 2016 8.2 Minutes of the Tyrone Community Hall Board dated May 17, 2016 8.3 Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority dated May 19, 2016 8.4 Melodee Smart, Administrative Assistant, Works Department, The Regional Municipality of Durham – Durham York Energy Centre REVISED Ambient Air Monitoring 2016, 1st Quarterly Report (January to March 2016) Resolution #GG-358-16 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal That the Communication Items 8.1 to 8.4 be received for information. Carried - 13 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 9 Communications – Direction 9.1 Sylvie Landry, President, ACFO Durham-Peterborough – Request for Flag Raising Resolution #GG-359-16 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner That raising of the Franco-Ontarian flag from September 20, 2016 to September 26, 2016, be approved. Carried 9.2 Ralph Walton, Regional Clerk, Niagara Region – Lyme Disease Resolution #GG-360-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Partner That Communication Item 9.2 from Ralph Walton, Regional Clerk, Niagara Region regarding Lyme Disease, be received for information. Carried 9.3 Judy Smith, Manager Municipal Governance Clerk/Freedom of Information Coordinator, Municipality of Chatham-Kent – Climate Change Action Plan Resolution #GG-361-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Communication Item 9.3 from Judy Smith, Manager Municipal Governance Clerk/Freedom of Information Coordinator, Municipality of Chatham Kent regarding Climate Change Action Plan, be received for information. Carried 9.4 Mike Palecek, National President, Canadian Union of Postal Workers – Federal Government Reviewing Our Public Postal Service – Have Your Say! Resolution #GG-362-16 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the following Canadian Union of Postal Workers resolution, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington: Whereas Canada Post announced drastic cutbacks to our public postal service in December 2013, including plans to end home mail delivery in our country; - 14 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 Whereas there was a huge public outcry in response to the cutbacks and stiff opposition from most federal parties, including the Liberal Party, which promised to halt the delivery cuts and conduct a review of Canada Post, if elected; Whereas the delivery cuts were halted and our Liberal government is currently conducting a Canada Post Review, starting with an independent task force that will collect input from Canadians, do research, gather facts and draft a discussion paper in September of 2016, identifying viable options for postal service in this country; Whereas a parliamentary committee will consult with Canadians in the fall of 2016 on the options that have been identified in the task force's discussion paper and then make recommendations to the government on the future of Canada Post; Whereas it will be crucial for the task force and parliamentary committee to hear our views on key issues, including the importance of maintaining the moratorium on post office closures, improving the Canadian Postal Service Charter, restoring home mail delivery, keeping daily delivery, adding postal banking, greening Canada Post, and developing services to assist people with disabilities and help older Canadians to remain in their homes for as long as possible; Therefore be it resolved that the Municipality of Clarington provide input to the Canada Post Review task force and make a submission when the parliamentary committee consults with Canadians this fall. Carried 9.5 Town of Shelburne – Cutbacks to Behavioural Therapy for Children Affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder Resolution #GG-363-16 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner That Communication Item 9.5 from the Town of Shelburne regarding Cutbacks to Behavioural Therapy for Children Affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington. Carried 9.6 Lisa & Stephen Smith - Regarding an Exemption to Development Charges By-law Communication Item 9.6 from Lisa and Stephen Smith regarding an exemption to the Development Charges By-law was dealt with earlier in the meeting during the delegation section of the Agenda. - 15 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 9.7 Steven Wiggins - Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental Review Oversight by the Municipality of Clarington Resolution #GG-364-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That Communication Item 9.7 from Steven Wiggins regarding an Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental Review Oversight by the Municipality of Clarington, be received with thanks; and That Mr. Wiggins be encouraged to express his concerns to the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority and the Municipality of Port Hope. Carried 10 Presentations 10.1 Mirka Januszkiewicz, Director, Waste Management Services, Gioseph Anello, Manager, Waste Planning and Technical Services, Regional Municipality of Durham and John Clark, Senior Engineer, HDR Corporation, Regarding the Durham York Energy Centre Abatement Plan The Presentation of Mirka Januszkiewicz, Director, Waste Management Services, Gioseph Anello, Manager, Waste Planning and Technical Services, Regional Municipality of Durham and John Clark, Senior Engineer, HDR Corporation, Regarding the Durham York Energy Centre Abatement Plan was heard earlier in the meeting during the delegation portion of the Agenda. Councillor Neal chaired this portion of the meeting. 11 Engineering Services Department 11.1 EGD-027-16 Appointment of Intern Inspectors Resolution #GG-365-16 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Report EGD-027-16 be received; That Brendan Grigg and Stephen Leca be appointed as Intern Inspectors for the Municipality of Clarington, effective immediately and that their names be added to Schedule ‘A’, Table ‘B’ of By-law 2011-036; and That Council approve the By-laws attached to Report EGD-027-16 as Attachment 1 and Attachment 2. Carried - 16 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 11.2 EGD-028-16 GO Transit Newcastle Village – Annual Status Update Resolution #GG-366-16 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Mayor Foster That Report EGD-028-16 be received; That the demolition of the former fire hall in the Village of Newcastle be further delayed to allow GO Transit to continue to use this property as a temporary turnaround on an interim basis until Durham Region Transit has a local service in place to allow for continuity or enhancement of service; That Staff be directed to continue to work with Durham Region Transit to define future growth patterns and establish appropriate service levels; That Staff be directed to report back to Council in early summer of 2017 on the progress of our discussions; That scheduling of the demolition of the former fire hall in Newcastle be revisited at that time. Carried 11.3 EGD-029-16 Pedestrian Safety at Vincent Massey Public School Resolution #GG-367-16 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo That Report EGD-029-16 be received for information. Carried 11.4 EGD-030-16 Trudeau Drive Walkway Resolution #GG-368-16 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Partner That Report EGD-030-16 be received; and That Municipal Staff continue to monitor the No Parking and No Stopping regulations on Trudeau Dr. in the vicinity of the walkway into the school site to ensure compliance with the Municipality’s Traffic and Parking By-law; That the “No Stopping” sign remain in place; and - 17 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 That all interested parties listed in Report EGD-030-16 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried 11.5 EGD-031-16 Review and Assessment of LED Street Lighting Conversion Programs for the Municipality of Clarington Resolution #GG-369-16 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report EGD-031-16 be received; That Staff proceed with Request for Proposals for a turnkey LED street lighting conversion for Cobra Head, Post Top and Shoebox type street lights; and That Council approve the LED Roadway NXT series street light as recommended in Report EGD-031-16 as Clarington’s standard LED street light until completion of the Request for Proposals. Carried 11.6 EGD-032-16 Release of the Final Clarington Transportation Master Plan Resolution #GG-370-16 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report EGD-032-16 be received; and That Staff proceed with the release of the Final Clarington Transportation Master Plan, receive final public comments over the summer and present the Final Clarington Transportation Master Plan to Council at the September 26, 2016 General Government meeting. Carried Councillor Partner chaired this portion of the meeting. Mayor Foster left the meeting at 4:05 PM. 12 Operations Department 12.1 OPD-005-16 Mobile Stage Rental Fees Resolution #GG-371-16 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Woo That Report OPD-005-16 be received; and - 18 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 That Council approve the rental charges as outlined. Carried 12.2 OPD-006-16 2016 Winter Budget Report Mayor Foster returned to the meeting at 4:17 PM. Resolution #GG-372-16 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal That Report OPD-006-16 be received for information. Carried Mayor Foster returned to the meeting at 4:17 PM. 13 Emergency and Fire Services Department No Reports for this section of the Agenda. Councillor Hooper chaired this portion of the meeting. 14 Community Services Department 14.1 CSD-013-16 2016 Community Event Sponsorship Requests – Spring Intake Staff noted that there was a change to Report CSD-013-16, where Hampton United Church had requested $500 not $2000. Resolution #GG-373-16 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Traill That Report CSD-013-16 be received; That Council consider all submitted sponsorship requests; and That all interested parties listed in Report CSD-013-16 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried Resolution #GG-374-16 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Neal That Sponsorship Application #S16-19 for the Hampton United Church, be approved in the amount of $500.00. Carried - 19 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 Resolution #GG-375-16 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Mayor Foster That Sponsorship Application #S16-20 from the Overdrive Race and Relay Series, be approved in the amount of $1000.00. Carried Resolution #GG-376-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Sponsorship Application #S16-21 from Help from Hol, be received for information. Motion Withdrawn Resolution #GG-377-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Partner That Sponsorship Application #S16-21 from Help from Hol, be approved in the amount of $2000.00. Carried Resolution #GG-378-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Neal That Sponsorship Application #S16-22 from the Beech Street Theatre Co, be approved in the amount of $500.00. Carried Resolution #GG-379-16 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo That Sponsorship Application #S16-23 from the Tyrone Community Centre, be approved in the amount of $2000.00. Carried Resolution #GG-380-16 Moved by Councillor Woo seconded by Councillor Traill That Sponsorship Application #S16-24 from the Lakeridge Health Foundation, be denied. Motion Lost - 20 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 Resolution #GG-381-16 Moved by Mayor Foster seconded by Councillor Cooke That Sponsorship Application #S16-24 for the Lakeridge Health Foundation, be approved in the amount of $1000.00. Carried Resolution #GG-382-16 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Sponsorship Application #S16-25 from the Orono Agricultural Society, be approved in the amount of $2000.00. Carried Resolution #GG-383-16 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Neal That Sponsorship Application #S16-26 from the Haydon Community Hall, be approved in the amount of $2000.00. Carried Resolution #GG-384-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That Sponsorship Application #S16-27 from the Business and Professional Women, be approved in the amount of $2000.00. Carried Resolution #GG-385-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That Sponsorship Application #S16-28 from the Newcastle Santa Claus Parade, be approved in the amount of $2000.00. Carried Resolution #GG-386-16 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Partner That Sponsorship Application #S16-29 from the Clarington Swim Club, be approved in the amount of $2000.00. Carried - 21 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 Recess Resolution #GG-387-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Mayor Foster That the Committee recess for five minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 5:10 PM with Councillor Hooper in the Chair Resolution #GG-388-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Mayor Foster That the meeting be extended to 6:00 PM. Motion Lost Recess Resolution #GG-389-16 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Traill , That the Committee rise at 5:16 PM and recess until June 22,2016 at 2:00 PM. Carried The meeting reconvened on Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 2:00 PM with Councillor Traill in the Chair. All members of Council were present. Also present were F. Wu, A. Allison, S. Brake, T. Cannella, J. Caruana, D. Crome, F. Horvath, F. Langmaid, M. Marano, N. Taylor, G. Weir, A. Greentree, C. Fleming 15 Municipal Clerk’s Department 15.1 CLD-013-16 Regulation of Tree Preservation in Clarington Resolution #GG-390-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That Report CLD-013-16 be received; That Ms. Racansky be thanked for her delegation and diligence in bringing the inter- relationship of these items to the attention of Council; That the Municipality include as part of the steps to address climate change the development of an urban forest strategy; - 22 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 That funding for an urban forest strategy be included in the 2017 budget for Council’s consideration; and That all interested parties listed in CLD-013-16 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried Later in the meeting See following motion Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG-391-16 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to permit the Manager of Special Projects to present an electronic presentation to the Committee regarding Tree Preservation Regulation and Natural Heritage System in Clarington. Carried The Manager of Special Projects conducted a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Tree Preservation Regulation and Natural Heritage System in Clarington and responded to questions from Committee Members. Resolution # GG-390-16 was then put to a vote and carried. 15.2 CLD-023-16 Fence Cost Sharing By-law Resolution #GG-392-16 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Report CLD-023-16 be received; That the By-law attached to Report CLD-023-16, as Attachment 1, be passed; and That all interested parties listed in Report CLD-023-16 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried 15.3 CLD-024-16 Appointment to the Clarington Museums and Archives Board Resolution #GG-393-16 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Woo That Report CLD-024-16 be received; - 23 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 That Grant Taullie Thompson be thanked for his contribution to the Clarington Museums and Archives Board; and That the vote to appoint one citizen representative for a term ending December 31, 2018 or until a successor is appointed, to the Clarington Museums and Archives Board for the Municipality of Clarington, and all interested parties listed in Report CLD-024-16 be advised of Council’s decision, be tabled until the General Government Committee meeting of September 6, 2016. Carried Mayor Foster chaired this portion of the meeting. 16 Corporate Services Department 16.1 COD-015-16 Provision of Employee Group Benefits Report COD-015-16, Provision of Employee Group Benefits was considered earlier in the meeting during the delegation portion of the agenda. 16.2 COD-017-16 Lambs Lane Reconstruction Resolution #GG-394-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report COD-017-16 be received; That Nick Carchidi Excavating Limited Inc. with a total bid amount of $1,636,675.35 (net H.S.T. Rebate), being the lowest compliant bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2016-10 be awarded the contract for road reconstruction work on Lambs Lane as required by the Engineering Services Department; That the funds required for this project in the amount of $2,072,500.00 (net HST Rebate) including the Municipality’s construction costs of $585,578.46 (net HST Rebate), the Region of Durham’s construction costs of $1,051,096.89 and other related costs such as survey, design, contract administration, utilities relocations, materials testing and contingencies of $435,824.65 (net HST Rebate) be drawn from the following accounts: Lambs Lane Reconstruction 110- 32-330-83445-7401 $ 805,000.00 Region of Durham’s Portion 100-00-000-00000-1010 $1,267,500.00 That all interested parties listed in Report COD-017-16 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision by the Purchasing Division. Motion Tabled See following motion - 24 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 Resolution #GG-395-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the foregoing Resolution #GG-394-16 be tabled to the July 4, 2016, Council meeting. Carried 16.3 COD-016-16 Grass Cutting Services – Contract Award Cancellation Resolution #GG-396-16 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Confidential Report COD-016-16 be received for information. Carried 17 Finance Department 17.1 FND-009-16 Budget Meeting Structure and 2017 Budget Timetable Resolution #GG-397-16 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Partner That Report FND-009-16 be received; That the traditional budget meeting structure be revised to establish a separate Special General Government Committee meeting for External Agencies and delegations to the budget to be heard generally the business day prior to the Special General Government Committee meeting for annual budget deliberations; That the budget timetable for 2017 be approved as follows: -November 4, 2016 – Budget Education Workshop -January 27, 2017 – Special General Government Committee- External agencies and delegations to the 2017 budget -January 30, 2017 – Special General Government Committee- 2017 Budget deliberations -February 6, 2017 – Council Ratification of 2017 Current and Capital Budgets; That the meeting schedules for 2016 and 2017, previously adopted by Council, be amended to include the related special committee meetings for the 2017 Budget; and - 25 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 That the External Agencies be advised of the revised budget meeting structure and 2017 dates. Carried Later in the meeting See following motion Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG-398-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Committee to question the Director of Finance/Treasurer for a second time. Carried The foregoing Resolution #GG-397-16 was then put to a vote and carried. 17.2 FND-010-16 Account Set-up One Fund High Interest Savings Account Resolution #GG-399-16 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report FND-010-16 be received; That the Chief Administrative Officer, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer be authorized signatories to set up accounts with the One Fund High Interest Savings Account and that a combination of two of the signatories be required to authorize agreements and other documents and deliver such instructions to the One Fund. Carried 17.3 FND-011-16 Annual Statement for the Development Charges Reserve Funds for the Year Ended December 31, 2015 Resolution #GG-400-16 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Neal That Report FND-011-16 be received; and That a copy of Report FND-011-16 be posted on the Municipal website. Carried 18 Solicitor’s Department No Reports for this section of the Agenda. - 26 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 19 Chief Administrative Office 19.1 CAO-003-16 Clean Air Council 2015 – 2018 Inter-Governmental Declaration on Clean Air & Climate Change Resolution #GG-401-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill That Report CAO-003-16 be received; That Council endorse signing of the Clean Air Council 2015 – 2018 Inter-Governmental Declaration on Clean Air & Climate Change; That Council direct Staff to consider actions that can be taken to support Clean Air Council priority areas, and to track actions taken, lessons learned and progress achieved; and That all interested parties listed in Report CAO-003-16 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG-402-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Woo That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to permit Members of Committee to question the Director of Operations for a second time. Carried 20 New Business – Consideration 20.1 Lambs Lane – Request for Report Resolution #GG-403-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Engineering Services Department be requested to provide a report to Council on the possible construction of a one-way out northbound to Fourth Avenue for the Council meeting of July 4, 2016. Carried - 27 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 20.2 Business Case for the GO Train Councillor Neal confirmed with Staff that the Economic Development Study, will not proceed in view of the recent Provincial announcement regarding the extension of the GO Train. 20.3 FOB Implementation Device Resolution #GG-404-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the FOBs continue to be activated for the Mayor and Members of Council for those who are interested. Carried Later in the meeting See following motion Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG-405-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Neal That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to permit Members of Committee to discuss the foregoing Resolution #GG-404-16 for a second time. Carried The foregoing Resolution #GG-404-16 was then put to a vote and carried. 20.4 Senior of the Year Appointments Resolution #GG-406-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill That nominations/appointments for the Clarington’s Senior of the Year, (under the Ontario Senior of the Year Award Program) with its criteria, to be posted to our social media/newspapers to solicit submissions from the general public; That, if by chance no submissions are received, each Councillor will then be asked to nominate someone who they feel has met the criteria; That the Municipal Clerks include the nominee submissions on the appropriate Committee agenda, so there are no surprises to Council and the general public; and - 28 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 That selection for Senior of the Year be by way of vote of Council. Carried Later in the meeting See following motions Recess Resolution #GG-407-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Woo That the Committee recess for ten minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 3:31 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. The foregoing Resolution #GG-406-16 was then put to a vote and carried. 20.5 40th Anniversary of the Tyrone Community Centre Resolution #GG-408-16 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo That the Tyrone Community Centre be provided with funding to purchase a banner to th help celebrate the Centre’s 40 Anniversary, in an amount not to exceed $500. Carried 20.6 Stop Sign for Robert Adams Drive, Courtice Resolution #GG-409-16 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Neal That staff be directed to install an all-way stop sign at the intersection of Hatheway Drive and Robert Adams Drive; and That additional “No Parking” signs be added on the east side of Robert Adams Drive between White Cliffe Drive and Renwick Road. Carried 20.7 Balancing of Committee Agenda Items Members of the Committee discussed the volume of the Committee Agendas immediately prior to the summer recess and the need to balance the workload. - 29 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG-410-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow for the introduction of a new item of business. Carried 20.8 Banning Smoking on the Grounds of Municipal Property Resolution #GG-411-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That staff be directed to prepare a report on banning smoking on the grounds of all municipal buildings; and That the report include the manner of enforcement. Carried 21 Unfinished Business 21.1 Addendum to Report EGD 018-16Long Term Plan for the West Beach Waterfront Addendum to Report EGD-018-16, Long Term Plan for the West Beach Waterfront was considered earlier in the meeting during the delegation portion of the agenda. 21.2 Addendum to Report EGD 023-16 Proposed Amendments to Traffic and Parking By-law # 2014-059 Regarding Parking on the Boulevard of Corner Lots Resolution #GG-412-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report EGD-023-16 be lifted from the table. Carried Resolution #GG-413-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Report EGD-023-16 be received; That Addendum to Report EGD-023-16 be received; and - 30 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 That Council approve the By-law attached to Addendum to Report EGD-023-16, as Attachment 3 to amend By-law 2014-059, being a By-law to regulate Traffic and Parking on Highways, Private Property and Municipal Property, to clarify the prohibition to parking on a Highway within 15 m of an intersection. Carried 21.3 Nelson Scharger – Regarding Proposed Amendments to Traffic and Parking By-law 2014-059 Regarding Parking on the Boulevard of Corner Lots Resolution #GG-414-16 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Partner That Nelson Scharger be advised of actions taken with respect to Report EDG-023-16. Carried 21.4 Resolution GG 307-16 Resolution Regarding Melodee Smart, Administrative Assistant, Works Department, The Regional Municipality of Durham – Durham/York Energy From Waste Project, 2015 Annual Ambient Air Monitoring Report and 2016 Q1 (January – March) Ambient Air Monitoring Report Resolution #GG-415-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Resolution #GG-307-16 be lifted from the table. Carried The Committee now had the following resolution before them: “Whereas the ambient air monitoring program for the Incinerator is scheduled to run for 3 years after commencement of operations; And Whereas the 98th percentile daily average for small particulate matter (PM2.5) since the commencement of incinerator operations, including the 2015 annual results for the 98th percentile daily average PM2.5 concentrations, and the 2016 Q1 results, show increased PM2.5 levels at the Rundle Road and Courtice Road monitoring stations over the annual results for 2013 and 2014; And Whereas the 98th percentile daily average PM2.5 concentrations for 2016 Q1 exceed the Ontario Ambient Air Quality Criteria (“AAQC”), however once averaged over three years, there is no exceedance despite the foregoing results; And Whereas PM2.5 is harmful to human health; - 31 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 Now Therefore Be It Resolved That the Municipality of Clarington write to the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change and request that the Minister order that the ambient air monitoring program be extended by two years, such that the three year results for 98th percentile daily average PM2.5 concentrations will be for an entire period when the incinerator was operational.” Carried 21.5 GG-181-16 Resolution Regarding Bond Head Park Expansion and Transportation Improvements Resolution #GG-416-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Resolution #GG-181-16 be lifted from the table. Carried The Committee now had the following resolution before them: “That the following recommendations be referred until the Master Transportation Plan is presented: “That a 1.5 metre wide sidewalk be constructed as part of Phase 1 of the transportation safety improvements, on the west side of Mill Street South, including localized curb and gutter, storm sewer and localized retaining walls, and that these improvements be referred to the 2016 Capital Budget; and That Mill Street South be widened by 2 metres on each side as part of Phase 2, to accommodate bike lanes, and that these improvements be referred to a future Capital Budget year.” Motion Withdrawn Resolution #GG-417-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill That George Manners Street be used as the option for a walkway/walking/cycling trail to the lake in the rural cluster known as “Bond Head”. Motion Lost Later in the meeting See following motions - 32 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG-418-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Partner That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to permit Members of Committee to speak to Resolution #GG-417-16 for a second time. Carried Resolution #GG-419-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Woo That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to permit the meeting to be extended until 6:00 PM. Carried Closed Session Resolution #GG-420-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing a matter that deals with advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. Carried Rise and Report The meeting resumed in open session at 5:19 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. Mayor Foster advised that one item was discussed in “closed” session in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and no resolutions were passed. The foregoing Resolution #GG-417-16 was then put to a vote and lost. Resolution #GG-421-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill That the Bond Head Park Expansion and Transportation Improvements be deferred until September. Motion lost Councillor Traill left the meeting. - 33 - General Government Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 – June 22, 2016 Resolution #GG-422-16 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Hooper That a 1.5 metre wide sidewalk be constructed as part of Phase 1 of the transportation safety improvements, on the west side of Mill Street South, including localized curb and gutter, storm sewer and localized retaining walls, and that these improvements be funded through the 2016 Capital Budget; That Mill Street South be widened by 2 metres on each side as part of Phase 2, to accommodate bike lanes, and that these improvements be referred to a future Capital Budget year; and That all individuals on the interested parties list be notified of Council’s impending decision. Carried 22 Confidential Reports 22.1 COD-016-16 Grass Cutting Services – Contract Award Cancellation Report COD-016-16 was dealt with earlier in the meeting during the Corporate Services Department section of the Agenda. 22.2 CAO-001-16 Option Agreement for Future Purchase of Community Park Land and Camp 30 Heritage Preservation Closed Session Resolution #GG-423-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board being a matter that deals with advice that is subject to Solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. Carried Rise and Report The meeting resumed in open session at 6:02 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. Councillor Partner did not return to the open session. Mayor Foster advised that one item was discussed in “closed” session in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and one resolution was passed on a procedural matter. - 34 - General Government Committee Minutes Clarington June 20, 2016 — June 22, 2016 Resolution #GG-424-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Confidential Report CAO-001-16 - Option Agreement for Future Purchase of Community Park Land and Camp 30 Heritage Preservation be tabled to the July 4, 2016 Council meeting. Carried 23 Adjournment Resolution #GG-425-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the meeting adjourn at 6:03 PM. Carried Mayor Deputy Clerk - 35 -