HomeMy WebLinkAbout915A by-law to provide for the reorganization and regulation of the Fire Brigade of the Town 'r N s. „ , w MM t With th the e� am p t ion Of the off iocsrs n��.mod in 7 ► '�; ►' f�,VA t`�ol,l.ttro 'pti�' 1'�nn1� 1 taahk�.1 of th t1lo ",Ara of 11, e pixid t►o ,.duah of t110 rnomb e *t'v of u 1 t i d Vi re :►' a~ i gc1��1 �:� for Il i e 4, t A,. eervi(�c��3� r�u�.d d i. �� be p a,yti1 �� c�] �f'',..y�ic�r�.,y in o(IjActl nmmixnttl �� onth day of the �'l�t rtit th dity f Juno and r, acl on thO � Uurtc� Q n 4&- 4� �Aj 4U �.� De ©era1)e'r. The who 10 unp «r ltttjs ��rad mnxl�ti�,ement of tale Fire PepartMent, f� shall, subject to inotx�.�a Lion of tl��� ?'ire (�urnrni tt�c3 � be undcr� the wilo r3hall havo power to suspend any member di'raction of the Chief who refuses to obey his orders and report (such suspension Xto 4 i 1 ;�t ever f ire the Chief or in his o,bsdnce , the I the Council, but Y be in charge shall have 4k officer, accordiait; .,to Seniority, who may members of file Fire 'Prigade and fall persona F1 sold control over all me - an d over X1,11 the apparuti_ls belongring to the en�a9ad at any fire ►1 1 ho shall # refuse or neglect to } !'Fire Department and. any person v f .the said Chief or other senior officer 1, obey any legal corder o �) f the H By-law an � ,., '� e suY� e e t t o th�� pen��]. t i e s o Y in C1�� n o , shall j . in be the duty, of the off. icer comma nd to see that this a i, nforced. clause e 9. 1 be the duty o, f the 'an irieer and Assista�x�t �r�gi.�ae�r . I t shal z t aloe chrargQ o f the Ste xFire Engine , Pump at Pumping House, all a urteilances to 'same', to keep the same Fire ,Alarm System and pp d a,t all t;iraes ready , for emergencies • I� Clean a,nd In good o rde � r �,n I 0 I t shall t of the Fireman of Steam Egine to all be Y 5= �e F( S! , ..L_ r; „f 14 AMR _ to see that the engine 1S ccnsta,rt Y I' The Chief or offiomr-in -ohu,r a at any fire heRrir+'by 1 t cauec� to be dmrnolikshed or talcon dawn t�x�,y bui�.ciin�s � empowered A i� Qr m(itiono or fenoet) which Ile olliA,11 doom xacc onoury to be tukmn down in order to arrmot tj,io progreou► of i, ,,riy f ire e uxi sd.c ti ©n in the 11 No That the Mayor, � 1 Town ) , the c,hief yr v then off scar in camrn�ttid of the ��'ire }brigade, i '� , !, w110 may be preaeint, be and they are hereby author to eaxamc�,n 4, ttnd e n fo:coe the raid and assist of , itny or u1.1 the ma•lea� present -able to work on ax ,t the Nose, 1100 ls, Ladders �co. ox who are assists as they may be directed, in the extinguishing of otherwise as , � fires and i � n the saving ftnd protecting of propertyt and every . I the tilled upon who shall refuse oy neglect to obey u � person ©o e p orders of the. Nu,;��or, x &ugistrate or officer of thc^ Fire �r3gade I said or h ,].l x on conviction for such refusal or neglect be in comrn.ind s , � p b ec t , to the penalty uutho rued by this ly- Law. su j , J5. Any person son comrnit.tin; a breach of aiV of the. provisions .. fender: a, u,inat the satrie sha1.1., 1,ipon conviction of this By -Law or of g � „ sk i • Justice of the Peace or Police Na any gistxate �, � thereof before having urisdiction in that beha.lf., forfeit and pay such fine or g �.* ' r t exceeding five dollars, exclusive of such costs as penalty, no � r •, , Peace or Police !lugistra.te �ha,l1 order and the. I oaid Jastic,e of the ►' ion and such fine or penalty and ,costs shall � coo is of prosecution , }1! 11{ , d forthwith the ssrne to etner wosts of di$tress ith the c no.t be p,i , ^ be levied by distreas.,axed { s:a;l.e o f cha , e s � �a , .o. ,00 'f fender• and in case of non - payment of such fine or�enalty r the o f , f orthvi:a. t�1 and in. case of , there be ink; no sufficient di e- !f an d costs. tress found out of which^ such `fine or penalty and coats aforesaid +, s 1, s can be levied, its hah�. and may lawful for the Police Magistrate K , Justice residing as aforesaid to commit the, offender o r other so P Gaol of, the United Counties of � North�ambex3.and and 't o the Common, } r K 'Durham for any period not less, than ten ddVa nor more than^ 3 days unless such fine and casts together with the costs of the 3 i ; EE t ' 3 warrant of Commitment and conveyin6 the offender to gaol. be sooner J aide : ' IS That By-Laws, ITa $ . 36 , o 17 and 815 and all other 33 Laws � s t this z -Law be and are hereby repealed. ` .inconsistent vi n Y 4 vxlle thisf/ da of Septe er, I9 6. Dated at 2.3owman _. y r C. N