HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSD-11-04 , Cl~mgron REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee October 4,2004 Resolution #:0f}) 3;'S/'tj. -0Gr-2 (,(-t~ LfocV( Date: Report #: cSD-11-04 File#: By-law #: Subject: Grant Eligibility - Distress Centre Durham Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CSD-11-04 be received; and 2. THAT Council consider the request for funding from the Distress Centre Durham under the Municipal Grant Program. /' j) Submitted by: ~~A./'~ ~s ph P. Caruana f irector of Community Services JPC/BT/ta Q~~~ Reviewed by: ~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-5506 1UU5 REPORT NO.: cSD-11-04 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 At the September 13, 2004 meeting of Council, correspondence Item D-5 in reference to the Distress Centre Durham request for financial assistance was referred to the Community Services Department for consideration under the Municipal Grant Program. 2.0 COMMENTS 2.1 The Distress Centre Durham is a not-for-profit community based service agency that has offered services within the Region for 34 years. The organization employs three (3) staff members and is supported by approximately ninety (90) volunteers. Services offered by the Distress Centre include 7 day per week - 24 hour help lines (staffed by volunteers) as well as referral services for suicide and homicide support groups (for survivors), brief support (one-on-one counselling) as well as training and education for members of the community. All services are provided on an anonymous and confidential basis; as such the Distress Centre Durham confirms support to Clarington residents, but is unable to provide specific reference to the exact number of residents. 2.2 Through the recent award of a three (3) year operating grant from the Trillium Foundation, The Distress Centre Durham has recently opened a store-front Community Resource Centre. The Trillium Foundation generally funds operational expenses and do not fund capital equipment requirements. Accordingly, the Distress Centre Durham is requesting consideration of financial assistance to obtain the type of office equipment as listed in their correspondence (see attachment #1) of August 13, 2004. 2.3 As per the grant policy, agencies such as Distress Centre Durham are eligible for consideration as they are located within Durham Region providing a service to Clarington residents. Their request for financial assistance for acquisition of capital equipment may be considered on a one-time-only basis. Attachment #1 - Correspondence - Distress Centre Durham - August 13, 2004 Interested party to be advised of Council's decision: Ms. Barb Hiff, Executive Director Distress Centre Durham 58 Rossland Road West - Second Floor Oshawa, ON L 1 G 2B9 Bus - 905 723 4461 Fax - 905 723 2283 lUtHi !-}ISTRESS -CENTRE DURHAM . u.... Way MemberA98"CY 24 HOUR HELPLINES LOCAL.. 905-433-1121 DURHAM REGION 1-800-452-0688 P.O. Box 703 Oshawa, Ontario L 1 H 7M9 1* ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE and RESOURCE CENTRE Office: 905-723-4461 Fax: 905-723-2283 dcd@distresscentredurham.com www.distresscentredurham.com 58 Rossland Road West Second Floor OShawa, ON L1G 289 SERVICES . Suicide and Homicide Support Groups . Brief Support . Training and Education . Registered Charity # 1 ~~07 9807 RP0001 August 13th, 2004 '04AUG17 F't1 4:20:46 Attachment #1 -11-04 RECEIVED Municipality Of Clarington Mayor John Mutton 40 Temperance St Bowmanville, ON L1C3A6 ,; F ~~ i r\ ~- ':;11';;. !, . t ~,.. ;_ ' ..... -....( ...../1 f .~ '---. ..-.' AUG 1 3 2004 UU/lCIPAL/TY OF CLARINGTON MAYOR'S OFFICE Dear Community Partner. New, New, New for Distress Centre Durham. We are excited to announce that coming this fall to Durham Region is a wonderful and exciting expansion of crisis and support services to meet community needs. We are asking for your help and support! The Ontario Trillium Foundation has provided us with a three-year grant to facilitate our move forward and implement needed services to this community. Our regular 24-hour volunteer telephone helpline service will NOT be interrupted; it's location will remain anonymous and confidential. Our goal is to provide services based on a need that has been demonstrated over years of research and through our own statistical data. · A "store fronf' location offering a Resource Centre to the community on Suicide, Homicide, Mental Health and related information and resources (This will convert to training space for our volunteers on weekends); · Suicide and Homicide Survivor Support Groups; · Brief Support Services to the rural community of Durham Region; · Pilot of a 1-800 Suicide/Homicide Telephone Line; · Education and Training to schools and agencies who may not be able to afford to pay for this kind of service; · Fee for Service Education and Training to the Business Community. We would appreciate if you would take a look at our "Wish Lisf'. Your support and generosity is always recognized and we would be extremely grateful for any contributions that your organization might be able to provide. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration and we hope that you can join us in our grand opening in the faUJO..beacknowledged for your contribution. For additional informatiO(1 ot\'tlitliti1i~~o~ for any inquiries, please contact Barb Hiff - Exe~tilte D!1e.~QI.Yis;,t,Oria Kehoe - Director of ProgralTl Development.; We Wfluld be happy to come to your group or office to explain more aboLrt ffi~ ~xpanSi-'-onnes' services. i OHhJNA. ](): '.'" ':...oOPIESi'U: . With much thanks, DISTRESS CENTRE DURHAM 1Uu7 "0''' ~.. '-'~.;.......;.;f.-'-~~ ...........,..,..,=~"~ "..., ... ,.- '.. ..H....'..:...~,~-'c,..;;~.~....._. L. ., ~I~~' ,,~:~~:;~~ ~ 'l--,":~.:.o-~ i . i..... -. -,., ''':';:';''_;';:':'='::''~l' '__.;r.~'--~ :-...__._-,...,'~ .. .... -:..... -., .:..~...:""~ ~tW Executive Director , ~....:",..,-!':;~'-': , .::. ~;. .,l:;~~'.~~"~~ :_"!,~,,,_,~~~..l. _.... . ;.:-:"etIl'~"'Cl'': ~ "-IITRESS l'lENTRE I WISH LIST FOR 2004 I 2005 ...... J. How can 1 be more involved with Distress Centre Durham? o I would like to become a member of your Board of Directors o I would like to become a Volunteer Helpline Worker o I would like to be a committee member for special events (Please provide us with your name, address and phone number) II. financial Contribution $ III. Resources: SuicidelHomicide Resource Centre $ (These may include, books, tapes, movies, subscriptions) IV. Items that allow Distress Centre Durham to: . train volunteers and community members . directly deliver our programs and services . manage our 24 hour office (Please note all dollars are estimated and rounded to the nearest dollar) o Advertising that includes: signage, volunteer recruitment ads, brochures etc. o Computer scanner and accompanying software o Cell phone service for 1 year for On - Call Supervisory Staff and Call Forward service delivery x 6 o Resource Centre fax machine o Resource Centre microwave oven o Volunteer and community training multi media projector o Resource Centre photo copier o Volunteer Helpline worker training manuals (print costs) for 1 year o Helpline shift coverage sign op boards o Store front sign o Resource Centre T.V.NcR and stand o Board tables and chairs for 25 people o Suicide I Homicide support group meeting supplies for 1 year o Annual Volunteer Recognition awards I placques o Resource Centre lounge chair o Resource Centre water cooler o Resource Centre - water for 1 year $5000.00 $1200.00 $2500.00 $ 400.00 $ 200.00 $6000.00 $5000.00 $1500.00 $ 400.00 $1000.00 $2000.00 $6000.00 $1000.00 $1000.00 $ 500.00 $ 200.00 $ 300.00 IV. In-Kind Services: o Cleaning Services 0 Renovations for Volunteer Area 0 Web Site Development Thank you for your contribution and support of Distress Centre Durham! . Name: Business: Address: Phone: Email: .1!.l U 8 ....