HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-06-06 Special Meeting Special Planning and Development Committee Minutes June 6, 2016 Minutes of a special meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on Monday, June 6, 2016 at 3:00 PM in the Mezzanine Meeting Room, Clarington Public Library, Bowmanville Branch. Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor S. Cooke, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor W. Woo Regrets: Councillor W. Partner, Councillor C. Traill Staff Present: F. Langmaid, A. Greentree, L. Benson, N. Taylor, A. Allison, L. Pinto, B. Radomski 1 Call to Order Councillor Woo called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM. 2 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest stated at this meeting. 3 Presentations 3.1 Paul Mule, Dillon Consulting Limited and Luciano P. Piccioni, President, RCI Consulting, Regarding the Courtice Main Street Community Improvement Plan (CIP) Paul Mule opened the presentation. The verbal presentation, accompanied by a PowerPoint Presentation, covered the following topics:  Introduction of Consulting team  Project timeline which consists of three phases  Community Improvement Plans and Best Practices o Clarington has 3 existing CIPs in downtown areas of Bowmanville, Newcastle and Orono. A total of 58 properties have received a total of $814,000. o As the incentives are developed within this area, Clarington’s Development Charges (DC) by-law may have to be updated. o The typical downtown/commercial area CIP’s and the Key Policy goals and objectives were compared with the Courtice Main Street highlighted to demonstrate how the typical strategies will not work in this instance. o The Waterloo Northdale CIP, Waterloo Uptown CIP, Smarter Niagara Incentive Programs, Town of The Blue Mountains CIP, Orillia Downtown Tomorrow CIP, and Oshawa Downtown Shoulder Area CIP were successful and could be applicable to the Courtice Main Street CIP to achieve their Official Plans. - 1 - Special Planning and Development Committee Minutes June 6, 2016  Background of Key Municipal and Regional Polices o Both Clarington’s and Durham Region’s Official Plans designate Courtice Main Street as a corridor. o The key elements of the Secondary Plan and Urban Design Directions were described. o The proposed public realm projects were highlighted. o To better define traffic flow and transit, a proposed cross-section was explained, and tied in the Durham Region Transportation Master Plan. o The Region has indicated that Courtice Main Street is not eligible for Regional Intensification Servicing Policy (RISP) as size of sanitary sewer on Highway 2 makes it. No assistance of funding of the services from the Region of Durham appears to be available. This is quite different from the approach within Niagara Region where the approach seemingly comes from the top down.  Servicing o To extend the sanitary sewer between Sandringham Drive to Courtice Road is estimated to cost approximately $1,957,500 with the portion west of Trulls Road being $807,500 and east of Trulls Road being $1,150,000. o The key servicing issues were highlighted. o Key opportunities and solutions were explained including options to: service by blocks rather than individual properties; various approaches depending on the block; and including the option for the Municipality to front end the related servicing costs. The presentation was suspended to allow for Members of Committee to pose questions to the consultants and staff. Staff confirmed that the position of the Region, being that Courtice CIP is ineligible for the RISP and RRP, was recent, unexpended, and problematic news. The presentation continued covering the following topics:  Black Creek Trail Policy Support o Discussed the existing trail and how it and the proposed trail will be integrated in the plan. o Opportunities for Acquisition and access for the trail system were highlighted including the marketing and promotion of benefits to building safe/secure trails.  Key Community Improvement needs o To provide an extra tool to achieve the desired development  Preliminary Draft Incentive Programs o The proposed approach was highlighted and explained that should no funding be forth coming from the Region, the approach would have to be reconsidered. From the current perspective, the DC grant approach is deemed the most effective. o Evaluation framework was detailed. o The Preliminary concept was explained. - 2 - Special Planning and Development ClaiingtonCommittee Minutes June 6, 2016 ® Next Steps o Public Meeting /Workshop #2 — June 22, 2016 o Revise the Incentive Programs — July 2016 o Prepare Fiscal Impact Analysis and Financial Plan — July 2016 o Prepare and circulate Draft CIP —August/September 2016 o Statutory Public Meeting and Final CIP — October 2016 In conclusion, the consultants advised that the CIP is an enabling tool, should be monitored, is amendable without undertaking a full review of the plan, and should be fully reviewed every five years. Resolution #PD-085-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the presentation from Paul Mule, Dillon Consulting Limited and Luciano P. Piccioni, President, RCI Consulting, Regarding the Courtice Main Street Community Improvement Plan be received for information. Carried 4 Adjournment Resolution #PD-086-16 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Neal That the meeting adjourn at 5:00 PM. /jA:o� Carried 99�� Chair Municipal Clerk I I i I i i - 3 - i