HomeMy WebLinkAboutFD-018-00 REPORT #8 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ~ REPORT Meeting: COUNCIL File # Date: October 16,2000 Res. # Report #: FD-18-00 10.12.6 By-law # Subject: JEPP FUNDING - GANARASKA FOREST FIRE PROTECTION RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended: TRA T Report FD-18-00 is received for information. BACKGROUND As Council is aware and as has been reported previously by staffthe forest area ofthe Ganaraska Regional Conservation Authority has become the responsibility of the four Municipalities that share the forest. Those Municipalities are the Municipality of Clarington, Township of Rope, Township of Cavan-Mill brook-North Monaghan and Township ofManvers (the future City of Kawartha Lakes). At the suggestion of the Office of the Fire Marshal a JEPP Application was submitted to the Ministry of the Solicitor General for funds for equipment, training and consultant support. The Conservation Authority at their suggestion submitted the application. (Attachment #1). REPORT The Ministry advised that the conservation authority could not submit an application, a Municipality must sponsor it. (Attachment #2). After discussions with our treasury department it was suggested that the Municipality of Clarington submit the application on behalf of the Municipalities involved and the Conservation Authority. All parties have committed to the application. Continued. . .. . . , '- FD-18-00 -2- Ifthe application is successful, the Municipalities could receive up to 45% of the proposed costs (Attachment #3). Upon approval staff will approach the Councils of the affected Municipalities regarding the remaining funds being allocated through the 2001 Capital Budget. Once staff has been advised ofthe status of the JEPP Application a further report will be presented to Council. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, c:) V'aJ?2~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. Attachments (3) ~@ Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General ATTACHMENT 111 Application For JEPP Funding ostal Code lA 4 Telephone No, 905-8B5-8173 . To be TYPED and submitted in duplicate Name of Community GANARASKA REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY P Mailing Address Project Coordinator Mailing Address (If different frem above) Project Description (A comprehensive project descnption that includes the aim and objectives of a project will ensure that it is correctly understood and will be eccorrled e suitable priority, PLEASE A ITACH ANY SUPPORTING DOCUMENTA nON.) SEE ATTACHMENT "A" Measurable Objedives (Long telm projects may be divided into phases or measurable objsctives and may thereby qualify for phased funding arrangements as major objectives a1& completed). SEE ATTACHMENT 113" Attach addmonal pages if required. .A Project Planning WorKsheet Should be completed for eaen separate category of Community Share JEPP Share cost, i.e, Salaries and Benefits. Equipment, Etc. II is h"",by certified that funds have Appljcalion is hereby made for JEPP been allocaled for the project as funding in the amount of. (Not ta follows: exceed 45% of thetalal estimaled Estimate of Costs costl Category. Amount Amount Amount Salaries and Benefits $10 000 ~5.500 S4 500 Equipment (Attach list and item cost) $42,800 ~23.540 $19.260 Administrative Costs Total Undertaking I, the undersigned. having authority to make a commitment on behalf of the community in whose name this application is being made. hereby give the following undertaking: a. to comply with the terms and conditions of the Joint Emergency Preparedness Program: and b. upon completion of a project to issue a statement to the pUblic through the local media or to take such other steps as are necessary to acknowiedge fully the nature and extent of Federal involvement and participation, (Clippings/copy should be forwarded upon submitting a claim.) Signature Signature Appointment Appointment Clerk-Treasurer/Accountant Date Date EP 1 (R.y. 06196) (Fran(fais au verso) ~ .fy1inistry of the W. Solicitor General n rID Application For JEPP Funding Supportlnfonnation -" -' , --- "- -~- -- --- ------' - ---~~- ~-- ~-~~.---, --,- - - - -~~-- ~~- - ~ ~ ~ ~ - ^ ~--~ ..... ~ , - ~ - -~. Please complete the following questions conceming your community background, the level of emergency preparedness within your community, and project details. ~~~;;ii:'c~:~':~~:L~,:.:~~,.:~":~I~"~'~:i:~~~~< '= 'c ' .:~-~.>~~~; 1. What is the population of your community (or communities if a joint community project)? 81,377 2. What communities will be served by this project Directly Indirectly Municipality of Clarington, City of Kawartha Lakes, Township of Cavan-Millbrook- rqul LlI ~lullayllall cud TUWII~JlliJ uf Hope 3. Is your community remote (i.e., no access by road or rail)? Large forest area;. limitpn roan & trail nrrpss. 4, Does your community have any major, unique or special hazards to be prepared for? Large forest area, with a mixed variety of trees, a large red pine area. 50% plantation. 50% mixed. No adequate water supply (creeks or ponds). Access considered difficult. _~~~~-~~~:~::'-,::~~~:-:.~~~~;;~~~~-~;~~~.~~1 1. forest 0 1""1 Does your community have a ~Jl)ll(li,ll( emergency plan? Yes w No If No, please go to Question #6. Ganaraska Forest was responsibility of the Ministry of Natural Resources in the past. 2. If yes, when was it completed? Date: Last revision? Date: N/A N/A 3. Have the key personnel identified in your plan been trained in their roles and responsibilities? NO. Ganaraska Forest Committee is in the process of preparing a plan and identifying pales aRd re3ponJibilitieJ. 4, Have you tested/exercised your community emergency plan within the last two years? 0 Yes IX) No 5. Does your community have mutuai aid agreements with other communities? Each ~unicipality and/or Township have their own Mututal Aid Agreements, however, they do not pertaIn to the Ganaraska Forest and wildfires. In the past the Ministry of Natural Resourceo aSSl:JfRea thiJ \ ~Jpoll~~bil~t.1" 6, If you do not have a community emergency plan or if your plan is out of date (Le., more than two years old), do you . forest, 1""1 0 Intend to develop or update your CXlmIlIIIIIIlty emergency plan? IlU Yes No over~ (w) Ministrv ot the Solicitor Ontario General Project Plann.ng Worksheet PrOlse: Cae.gory Qi Cost Estimate Purchase of eauioment 1O~..; Service Perrormed/EXDendltur8 Cost Oare - {See Notes B &: Cl Hours Davs Km Rate Total 6 wildfire Mark 3 Portable Pumps @ $3,100 E ach $lB 600 40 lengths of forestry hose - 100 ft_ @ $22( each 8 800 40 pairs of Nomex forestry coveralls @ $210 each I 8 400 20 Pulaski tools @ $100 each I I 2 000 Emergency Operations Eauioment - base radio. etc. I 5 000 I - I I I I I I I I I I I . ro 08 completed and ,eralned by JEPP acatlcam 10' accounting and audit /JurtJOSS$ I I I I I I I I I Totals I I $42,800 Notes: a. A seoarate worksheet should be COmple!ed tor each category of cost. I.e.. Salaries and Bene/its. EQuloment. etc. b Salanes and bene/Irs could Include: consultant fees. regular and overtime wages. temoorary help. ere. c. E-:uloment costs could Include ITems o\Hchased oulng"L leased or rented eouloment. associated user fees. e.g. lolomerer or nourlv oceratmg costs. InstallatIon costs. etc. Cw) Ministry 01 the Solicitor Ontario General Project Planning Worksheet Project Category of Cost Estimate ~" All PI,," ~ '11:<; Service Performed/Expenditure Cost Date .. (See Notes B & Cl Hours Davs Km Rate Total Servir-es rPlluired by a consultina finn $10,000 Totals $10,000 . To be completed and retamed by JEPP BPplic8ru for accounting and audit purposes. Notes: a. A separate worksheet should be completed for each category of cost. i.e.. Salanes and Benefits. EqUIpment etc. b. Salaries and benefits could include: consultant fees, regular and overtime wages. temporary help. etc. c. Equipment costs could include Items purchased outright. leased or rented equipment. associated user fees. e.g. kilometer or hourly operating costs. installation COSts. etc. ATTACHMENT "A" Since the Ministry of Natural Resources no longer accepts responsibility for fire protection in forests, other than crown lands, the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority and it's Member Municipalities Clarington, Hope, Cavan-Millbrook and Manvers were left with a concern. That concern is the development of an emergency plan and firefighting strategy for the 10,000 plus acres within the Ganaraska Forest. In an attempt to address these concerns a committee was struck consisting of Ganaraska Authority Staff and The Municipal Fire Chiefs who's Municipalities now hold responsibility for fire protection in the forest. The committee quickly recognized a lack of a fire plan, firefighting expertise in dealing with wildfires and a severe lack of specialized equipment for wildland fires, as well the training requirements for forest firefighting. The tasks of the Committee are many, including but not restricted to, preparing an all hazards emergency plan for prevention of fires in the forest, and how to deal with one should it arise, training staff from several Municipalities to deal with a wildfire and to work together as an effective team, and to identify the specialized equipment required to handle wildfires. The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority and its Municipalities require assistance in the preparation of the plan from those familiar with wildfire. We also require assistance with the training and equipping of the firefighters who will have the task of controlling and extinguishing any fires that may occur. All of which will be extremely costly. Given the immediate needs identified by the Committee and reported to the Conservation Authority JEPP Funding to assist in this project are requested. The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority as well the member municipalities realize that Jepp funding may cover up to 45% of the costs applied for and that all interested parties will provide the remaining 55% of the costs. . . ;" ATTACHMENT "8" Ganaraska Re2ion Conservation Authority The Ganaraska Authority has set out several measurable objectives, which are as follows. . Notification by the MNR in Peterborough emphasizing that the responsibility of fighting a fire in the Ganaraska Forest rests on the authority and its encompassing municipalities. . The Ganaraska Authority set np meeting with municipalities and MNR to emphasize this downloading from the province. . Municipalities affected quickly set up a committee with representation from each municipality, the Ganaraska Authority, the office of the Fire Marshal as well with Emergency Measures Ontario. . Phase 2 was the establishment of a Chairman and regular meeting schedule to establish some plan of action. Fire Chief Michael Creighton from the Municipality of Clarington nominated as chair and a schedule of meeting every 2 weeks was established or so. March 22/00. . Phase 3 was the agreement by all parties affected to agree to go ahead with a Jepp application, set up fall training for Officers dealing with forest fire command structures to be delivered by Sir Sandford Fleming College in Lindsay. Jepp application would look a 2 specific area's, the emergency plan that would deal with all aspects of emergencies not just fire, and basic equipment that would be required to be used for forestry firefighting. Currently all affected municipalities have sufficient firefighting equipment for residential and commercial applications. Working under the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act and realizing it requires workers to be properly trained and equipped at this time all that could be accomplished is handlines set up from the road spraying into the forest. This would be ineffective. . Phase 4 would be with the assistance from Jepp to establish a working all hazard emergency plan for the Ganaraska Forest. Purchase the necessary equipment required to fight forest fires and start training approximately 200 firefighters. Most of the practical training to be completed at the Ganaraska Forest Center and would become au annual process for all firefighters. 09/11/00 07:59 FAX 7057257259 OFM SOUTH REG] ON lW UU.l SEP 08 2l!I00 15:55 FR EFR RESPONSE CENT1<E 705 564 6060 TO 91'705'?25S465 P.02/02 Brad The foUowS Is a IisliD; ohppropmte cquipmont for "E'I'.;pmeoot Caches". 1bia it ~.. ,jtiol1y ~ JDI1Ia1 ,,~ UDit. Pt\cU ate Just oslimIIeS. but they are appropriallo!Of your P"'P- al putIiDg together · plOIlllUI. oofillltlvo pricing should be obtaiDOd fiom 1he ac1Ual ouppliers. 1Dltla1 Attack Unit Colt EstimatI! Item QUDtity Unit I'rioe Total Colt Mk m power PuIIlp 1 2,700.00 2,700.00 Pump Tool Kit 1 1,040.00 1,040.00 GaS Cans - S gal 3 10.00 30.00 lDIako Hose 2 164.00 318.00 Hose-I y." 24 200.00 4,800.00 HasePacks 6 50.00 300.00 Axel 2 47.00 94.00 Shovels 2 24.00 48.00 Pulaski 2 16.00 32.00 'Pack Pump- Rigid 2 141.00 182.00 Claillsaw elw Kit 400.00 400.00 TOTAL 510,0054.00 NOTE: For contents alPump Tool Kit and Chainsaw Kit, MNR can JlIO"idc oaatent \istJ. .-...,. -- ._-- -... -_._- ~--- -;;-""'r"l' P~tJ /D/<50 //30 Af~;/)he-r-2': CoreJ/ &Ue/'r .;T::~.--.:/3 rcu::-/ /2/'y/,,/'91' ~rr-7 ~: ~/e ~~/. / ~t4~/ /./c;;! /-/0f- or ~-c- ,y p<<;</~h;v1C-~ ~ 70 t-t' ' /i~ ** TOTI'lL PRGE.02 ** 09/27/00 WED 13:30 FAX 19057972545 ~002 ATTACHMENT 112 . Ministry oIlhll SOllclto'Ge....... Emergency Measures Ontario 25 Grosvenor Street 19"'floor Toronto. ON M7A 1Y6 M1n_ du SOlllclteu, geno!ral Mesures d'urgenco Ontario 25. rue Grosvenor 19" etage Toronto (ON) M7A 1Y6 (i) Ontario Telephone/Tel8phone: FecslmllelTel8copieoc (416) 314-3723 (416) 314-3756 ~D =~,J (r'J1S~J1r. 'IWWrr' ... \l."I~,.J \'.:...:::J -II ~ --- ~ I 01 SEP2 2 2000 ill! Ale Referenc:eJRererenco: 651.25,07 September 19, 2000 Ms. Linda Laliberte General Manager Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority P.O_ Box 328 Port Hope, ON, LIA 3W4 Dear Ms. Laliberte: Emergency Measures Ontario (EMO) acknowledges receipt of a project proposal for the 2001/2002 fiscal year, submitted by the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, for funding through the Joint Emergency Preparedness Program (JEPP) to acquire emergency forest fire suppression equipment. Unfortunately, the proposal cannot be considered further because it has not been submitted by a municipality. The document titled 'Joint Emergency Preparedness Program-Guidelines for Project Applications 200 I / 2002 Project Year,' mailed with the application, indicates that all proposals must be sponsored by a municipality. The federal government has reviewed the application and has directed that it be resubmitted by a municipality on behalf of Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. Furthennore, it was suggested that within the application a notation be made naming all municipalities that support the project. _ ," ~ The project proposal is being returned for your review and attention. A complete proposal may be submitted to EMO at your earliest convenience. Yours truly, fIlL E.!. ung: 1 Federal Programs Officer . Enclosure: (1) EMO\cu\A:VEPP 01..{)2(2)\MunicipaI\Conscrvarion Authority-Ganaraska Region. Retum.ooc\09/19/00 ATTACHMENT #3 ~ Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General Project Planning Worksheet PrOlec: Category of Cost Estimate Purchase of eauioment ServIce Performed/Exoenditure Cost Date ISee Notes B &: C) Hours Davs Km Rate I Total 6 wildfire Mark 3 Portable Pumps @ $3.100 E ach I $18.600 40 lengths of forestry hose - 100 ft. @ $221 each B.800 40 pairs of Nomex forestry coveralls @ $210 each I 8 400 20 Pulaski tools @ $100 each I I I 2 000 Emergency Operations Equipment - base radio, etc. I 5 000 I I I I I I I I I I I . To be comp/eeed and retamed by JEPP applicant for accounrmf} and audit purposes. I I I I I I I I I Totals , I $42.BOO R Notes 3. A seoarate worksneet should be completed tor each category at cost. l.e.. Salaries and Benefits. EqUloment. etc. b Salaflas and benefits could Include: consultant fees. regular and overtIme wages. temporary help. etc. c. E~uloment costs could Include Items purchased oUIng!''\!. leased or rented eQuipment. assOCiated user fees. ego biometer or hourly oceratlng casts. installation costs. etc.