HomeMy WebLinkAboutFD-15-00 "". ~ REPORT #5 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ~ REPORT Meeting: COUNCIL File # Date: October 16, 2000 Res. # Report #: FD-15-00 10.12.6 By-law # Subject: PART-TIME FIREFIGHTER COMPLEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended: 1.) THAT Report FD-15-00 be received, 2.) THAT the complement for part-time firefighters be returned to 25 per station. 3.) THAT the Municipality's requirement that all firefighters complete and pass the York University Fitness and Stress Testing be changed to allow part-time applicants only to provide a letter from their physician insuring they meet the requirements ofN.F.P.A. 1582 for firefighting duties; and 4.) THAT funds required to provide for wages and protective equipment for additional part-time staff, up to a complement of25 per station, be drawn from any surplus available in the 2000 fire department operating accounts, and any shortfall at year end be drawn from the Fire Department Equipment Reserve Account No. 2900-l4-x. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS During the past year part-time responses have been monitored. Since the addition of full time staff at Stations 1 and 4, the need for assistance from part-time staff has been reduced considerably. In the past year some part-time firefighters have resigned and it has become apparent, when part-time firefighters are required, very few have responded, due to commitments such as other part-time employment and baby-sitting. This has also become evident at the outlying part-time stations in Orono, Enniskillen and, not to the same extent, at Newcastle Village. Continued..... . FD-15-00 - 2- On September 12, 2000 at 1157 hours a structure fire occurred in Courtice. Stations 1, Bowmanville and 4, Courtice were dispatched. As well, as per dispatch procedures, part- time firefighters from Station #4 were activated. Once the structure fire was confirmed, Station #1 part-time firefighters were called. Neither station could provide any part-time assistance and eventually only one member responded at each station. This response has caused us great concern. The Office of the Fire Marshal has specific guidelines for response to a structure fire to ensure the safety of responding frrefighting personnel. They recommend ten firefighters are on sight before an interior attack and rescue is conducted. The response to the Courtice fire consisted of three firefighters on each full time apparatus. Part-time backup was required. No part-time firefighters responded to Station #4 in Courtice. One off duty full time firefighter did respond to that station. One part- time firefighter responded to Station I, Bowmanville. Based on this response full time firefighters operated at the scene with less than adequate staffing. This led to a concern, raised by the Firefighters' Association, with regard to operating in a safe manner in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The part-time complement has been reduced at both the Bowmanville and Courtice stations due to the implementation of24 hour full time staff being on duty. The level at the other stations has come down due to retirements and resignations. This reduction is a concern. Normal hiring for part-time staff occurs in the fall of each year and Staff is recommending the levels at all stations, including Bowmanville and Courtice is returned to 25 per station. This should assist with the part-time response levels, however, if it does not, staff will be taking further action to insure the safety of staff, and the public we are here to serve. In the meantime, if Council give approval to hire at the increased level, it will take three to four months to get new part-time firefighters hired and trained. We will increase response by calling out an additional station for structure fires, which should help increase staffing levels, Consideration has to be given to change the Municipality's requirement for York University fitness testing. This is recommended in an attempt to attract residents who may be interested in part-time firefighting, but have no interest in becoming full time firefighters. Staff would be agreeable to allowing prospective part-time staff to obtain a letter from their physician insuring they meet the requirements ofN.F.P.A. 1582 for firefighting duties. Full time applicants will still be required to take and pass the York University test in order to be considered for full time frrefighting duties. Continued. . . . . . , FD-15-00 - 3 - Given the minimal responses over the year budget levels for the part-time stations should be sufficient to cover wages for the new staff during the remainder of 2000 since they will be training and not responding to calls. We do however, require additional protective equipment. With the reduction of part-time staff, the bunker gear, which required replacement, has not been fully replaced. We are currently having our existing bunker gear tested, in accordance with the Ministry of Labour's Guidance Note #40, (copy attached as Appendix "A"), and have been advised several sets require replacement. Staff would like to purchase up to 25 sets of protective equipment from the budget reserves immediately and the remaining requirements will be addressed in 2001 budget. Discussion has taken place with the Treasurer and the recommend funding has been suggested. RECOMMENDATIONS In view ofthe foregoing, it is respectfully recommended: 1.) That Report Fd-15-00 be received; and 2.) THAT the complement for part-time firefighters be returned to 25 per station; and 3.) THAT the Municipality's requirement that all firefighters complete and pass the York University Fitness and Stress Testing be changed to allow part-time applicants only to provide a letter from their physician insuring they meet the requirement ofN.F.P.A. 1582 (copy attached as Appendix "A") for firefighting duties; and 4.) THAT funds required to provide for wages and bunker gear for additional part- time staff, up to a complement of 25 per station, be drawn from any surplus available in the 2000 fire department operating accounts, and any shortfall at year end be drawn from the Fire Department Equipment Reserve Account No. 2900- 14-x. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by /')~.~ 4ranklm Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. Attachments (I) APPENDIX "A" . @ Ontario f~ i~~; Ontario Fire Service Section 21 Advisory Committee Ministry of Labour Ministere du Travail pi=C;.WED AUG 2 3 2Dl1fl F. ,.- r,r""T ini:. ....0::..-' . June, 2000 ISSUE: FIRE FIGHTERS GUIDANCE NOTE #40 INSPECTION AND REPLACEMENT OF BUNKER GEAR Care and maintenance of firefighter protective clothing is of utmost importance. Life expectancy of protective clothing is dependent on the type of and amount of use to which each garment has been exposed. Fire departments should develop procedures that ensure that bunker gear is inspected on a regular basis. All protective clothing should be inspected for the following: . Bunker gear is a component gannent - outer shell, thermal barrier and moisture barrier. Each component needs to be evaluated. . Char heat and UV damage; - all three layers are to be inspected - burn holes or discoloration must be repaired - look for loss of tensile strength. . Fabric or material damage; - torn, ripped, cut or abraded materials should be taken out of service and repaired or replaced - moisture barrier material that is peeling, cracked or chaffed should be replaced. . Thread or seam damage; - all seams should be inspected for thread or seam damage and re-stitched. . Reflective trim; - check for breaks and brittleness and replace when necessary. . Velcro; - torn or worn Velcro, or Velcro that will not hold its closure should be replaced. If any of the above is observed in a garment, it should be repaired immediately. Any loss of strength or weakening of materials to the degree where the material can be torn with manual pressure should be considered unsafe. A combination of any of the above problems may warrant consideration for replacement. Note: Garments should be kept clean, as soiled or dirty gannents reduce the effectiveness of protection.