HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-04-16 Minutes Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting th Thursday,April14,2016 Members Present:Elgin GreenhamBrenda Metcalf Les CaswellMary Ann Found(7:55) Tom BarrieEric Bowman Ted WatsonJohn Cartwright Jenni KnoxHenry Zekveld Don Rickard RegretsCouncillor Partner Guests:Carolyn Puterbough, OMAFRA and Sheila Hall, CBOT Staff:Faye Langmaid, Planning Services Brenda welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions. Adoption of Agenda 016-09 Moved byEric Bowman,seconded byTom Barrie “That theAgendaforApril 14 th,2016beadopted” Carried Approval of Minutes 016-10 Moved byLes Caswell,seconded byDon Rickard “That the minutes of theMarch10 th,2016meeting be approved” Carried The Clarington Board of Trade works with OMAFRA and is able to use the information and statistics that OMAFRA has licenses for. The information is compiled by thecompany using many data sources. The data bank makes analysis of an issue using the statistics relatively easy, it also allows for comparison across the Province and trend analysis. The data bank is not specific to agriculture it covers all sectors of employment. The information is used to target economic growth opportunities and provide potential investors with supporting documentation on why to choose Clarington. For agriculture the data is derived from three major sources. First, most agriculture production statistics are collected from telephone, mail-in and enumerative surveys of farmers, with additional information supplied by government field officers, agribusiness personnel, and farm marketing boards. The second source is the Census of Agriculture which is conducted every five years. The Census serves as a "benchmark" for livestock inventory and crop area estimates as well as supplying a wealth of information on many other aspects of agriculture in this province (e.g. land use, farm types, valueof sales). The third source of statistics is commonly termed administrative data. These data consist of complete or nearly complete counts of items such as exports, imports, and marketingof inspected or controlled commodities. Business Arisingfrom Minutes 4-Plan Review–It is anticipated that the government will be issuing a report before the end of April and then there will be another round of public input in May/June. As soon as there is an announcement it will be circulated to members. Correspondence, etc. Surplus Farm Dwelling Severance Policies; Durham Region staff have circulated their discussion paper for comments. The paper and Region’s report was issued to the committee to be able to review in advance of the meeting. Committee members support the comments of DAAC with an additional comment that not allowing the severances can jeopardize the retention of heritage farm homes. The committee members do not support the recommendation to eliminate the non-abutting farm severance policy. Don Rickard and Faye will work on a response from the committee. Liaison Reports th Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee–September 15is the DAAC tour. There will be tile drain installation and drone demonstrations. The event will be at the new Loa- de-Mede (Werry) farm and new Schillings farm. Theyare in north Oshawa and Claringtonrespectively. Durham Region Federation of Agriculture–Farm Connections, April 5, 6,7 at Vipond Arena,was a success. 1200 kids over 3 days with 120 volunteers. 900 attended the th open house onApril 6evening.Brenda and others were featured on the CTV news. th Celebrate Agriculture Gala is scheduled for October 27at Royal Ashburn. Clarington Boardof Trade-Annual General Meeting is next week, Don will move into the Past President position and Lawson Gay will be President. Working on the contract negotiations with the Municipality for renewal as the office of economic development. GO Train economic study for Durham Region and points east was announced at dLAB (Durham College -Whitby Campus) last week by the Mayors of Oshawa and Clarington. th Agricultural Advisory Committee of ClaringtonApril14,2016 NewBusiness Farm Credit Canada Agri-Spirit Funding application–Durham Federation of Agriculture has been working on securing funding to replace the education trailer and displays. Funds have already been received from Greenbelt Foundation, some commodity groups, the Ag Gala proceeds. Committee members made some additional suggestions of funding sources. For the FCC application DFRA needs a municipal partner. Clarington staff have reviewed this request and would like a resolution from committee to Council. Greenbelt Foundation funding for local food literacy has been received. 016-11 Moved by Mary Ann Found, seconded by Eric Bowman The Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington recommends Council endorse, the Durham Region Federation of Agriculture (DRFA) funding application to Farm Credit Canada for a trailer and display kiosks, to be owned, operated and maintained by DRFA Farm Connections program and municipal staff be authorized to execute the necessary documents required for the application to Farm Credit Canada. Carried Faye will provide the necessary background to Finance, Clerk’s and Councillor Partner for this resolution to be passed by Council. Ontario Energy Board –Generic Application by Enbridge, to expand service to rural areas. Staff met with representatives from Enbridge about the Generic Application #EB-2016-0004 that is before the Ontario Energy Board and has potential implications for rural customers and the Municipality (funding by Tax increment equivalent) from the newinfrastructurefranchise area.Theletter from Enbridgeis on the Communications for the General Government meeting on Monday. Enbridge indicated the initial request bythe Province and gas companies are responding to came fromthe Ontario Federation of Agriculture. That prompted the Province to set up the loan program to Union and Enbridge for expansion in rural areas.Many members are not on gas because of the service area that currently exists in Clarington.Some agriculture users are very large consumers (e.g. farmers with dryer systems, etc).All the members were supportive of having expanded service realizing that they will be the main ratepayers and would have to pay a surcharge. “did you know”-ateach meeting that committee members will select an item to circulate to theircolleagues (agriculture community contacts) to help spread the word. For this meetingFaye will circulate information on the barn quilts project that occurred in Prince Edward County and is being considered in Clarington. th Agricultural Advisory Committee of ClaringtonApril14,2016 Future Agendas Erin O’Toole MPand Kim Rudd MP will attendfuture meetings, when their schedule can accommodate. John Cartwright will work on invitinga speaker on genetics to either June or July meeting. Faye to request tour of the Police Building and meeting with Police on bio-security, livestock issues, etc. Eric Bowman moved to Adjourn Next Meeting,May 12th, 7:30p.m. Room 1C at Municipal Administrative Office Blackbird (407 contractor) and MTO have been invited to the May meeting. th Agricultural Advisory Committee of ClaringtonApril14,2016