HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-03-09 Minutes jd To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and programmes that inspires future generations and enlivens our community BOARD MEETING March 9, 2016 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present: B. Seto (7:55) M. Adams (ED) O. Casimiro W. Woo K. Warren S. ElhajjehS. Cooke S. Middleton M. Morawetz T. Thompson Regrets: J. Sturdy Absent with Notification: S. Laing (Friends of the Museum Representative) Call to Order: 1. T. Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 2.Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: the agenda be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED 3.Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed. 4.Correspondence: No correspondence was brought forward. Announcements: 5. M. Adams, Executive Director (ED), announced that B. Seto had received a letter of resignation from Susan Laing, the Friends of the Museum Representative to the Board, after The Friends had had a meeting and decided to disband. With diminishing numbers and other challenges, the group felt it was appropriate at this time and recognized that they would always be welcome as volunteers with the museum. The Board asked that an exit interview be conducted and that Susan Laing be invited to the next board meeting to share the history of The Friends. Further, a recorded history of The Friends would be appreciated for the archives to document the significant contributions of this group. M. Adams was asked to determine an appropriate thank you event where due recognition to all Friends members can be made following a discussion regarding the existence of The Friends in future and what role the group might serve. 6. Approval of Minutes: Moved by: S. Miller Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Board meeting of February 10, 2016 minutes be approved as submitted. MOTION CARRIED Business Arising from Minutes: 7. M. Morawetz asked that Board members check committee positions carefully to ensure accuracy as recorded in the minutes. It was noted that J. Sturdy had not committed to any committee thus far. Committee designation is determined by the expressed interest of each Board member. Executive Director’s Report: 8. M. Adams, Executive Director (ED), reviewed the report noting that 2016 is Transition Year 2. Targets are raised to 12,000 visitors having had a successful increase in 2015 due to sponsored education programs, focus on marketing including social media, new branding, community engagement, great staff and a welcoming atmosphere all providing positive customer experiences. Both sponsorships & memberships are expectedto be impacted positively as a result. Volunteer hours are now better monitored with the improvements made to the program developed using the grant funding, and have doubled since 2014. The goal increases further for 2016 from 3140 to 3300 as new volunteers come on board. Events, Exhibits, Programs and Outreach opportunities are all being expanded including a commitment to work with Rotary “Ribs N Brews” creating a racing themed display at the Richard Centre. The trending focus is on entertainment. The Visual Arts Centre and museum are in discussions regarding the Bowman portrait and a possible partnered event about the “art of the Bowman painting”. March break camp will be held as always. Ideas to increase attendance are being considered including finding funding to support disadvantaged families. The CMOG requirements for this year include a 3 year exhibit budgeted/detailed plan which the curator is now working on. Travel & Expense policy is being developed for review. The “Night at the Museum” events have been very well received with good attendance at the first which was a Robbie Burns dinner, and a second planned th for March 24 about the new Avro Arrow exhibit. The exhibit opens March rd 23and will run all year and through next winter. The War exhibit is being moved to the basement display area. Plans are in place to share the Clarington Sports exhibit in local recreational facilities to continue to allow people to enjoy it and increase awareness of the museum. A collaborative effort with Community Services has been undertaken to submit a grant application for Canada 150 for several events including “Paint the Town Red”, drama circles programming, and a workshop series at the library and museum. The Bookkeeper position advertisement is to be in the Clarington This Week th and on the museum website starting the week of March 14. An eight week administration intern will be working at the museum shortly, and a university student intern will start next month. Durham College and Trent University are willing participants. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: S. Cooke THAT: . the Executive Director’s report be accepted as submitted MOTION CARRIED Committee Reports: 9. a) Finance Report – O. Casimiro stated that the interim bookkeeper is working with Quick Books and the new chart of accounts, the municipality th and M. Adams. March 8 was the committee meeting (day prior) so a more detailed report will be presented at the next board meeting. S. Cooke asked for more information regarding Salaries, Wages & Benefits as outlined in the 2016 plan including the base line for projections and the impact of changes in staffing. Moved by: O. Casimiro Seconded by: T. Thompson THAT: the board accepts the Financial report as presented, anticipating further discussion and recommendations at the April board meeting. MOTION CARRIED b) Collections Report – T. Thompson presented the report and will now act as chair with S. Laing’s departure from the board. Tax receipts were issued and mailed out by end of Feb. The largest one was for the Bowman painting which was professionally appraised (invoice not yet received but will be less than $1000). Any donated items that are valued at under $600 are within the abilities of the curator to appraise after seeking data to substantiate the determined value. O. Casimiro asked about the museum’s ability to provide a Cultural Property Status tax receipt should it be requested. M. Adams stated that presently the museum does not apply to issue those because of climate controlled storage requirements. It would be something that should be looked at for future significant donations. The current procedures and policies for donations, accession, and de-accessioning of donated items is under review by the committee and recommendations will be presented to the Board in future. The list presented in the report included all outstanding 2015 donations that had not yet been documented and for which no tax receipts had been requested. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: the Collections Report be accepted as submitted. MOTION CARRIED c) Membership Report – S. Elhajjeh stated no report yet for 2016 but asked M. Adams if advocating for memberships is an ongoing process (for example at March break camps and other events and programs). M. Adams said that work presently done could be improved upon and looks forward to recommendations from thecommittee. The traditional Spring Volunteer Thank You event as well as a formal opportunity to thank The Friends will be part of the Membership Committee discussions at the next meeting. There was some discussion about creating guidelines for expectations and possible funding when event attendance is expected by board members. d) Property Report – S. Miller as new chair has not called a meeting yet although was able to have a tour with M. Adams of the Clarke site. There remains the need to document and quantify the capital expenses expected to be managed by the municipality regarding the Porch and pillar repairs at the Bowmanville Museum house as well as the Boys Bedroom there. New boilers are included in the 2016 budget at the same site, and the sidewalks have become uneven and so there is a health and safety liability making them a priority as well. The boilers were updated at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre in 2015. e) Municipal Heritage Committee Report – K. Warren, board representative on this committee, reported that the outreach and education subcommittee work is underway. With no budget allotment for this committee, a proposal for a fundraiser based on a photo calendar is being considered to create some operating funds. Moved by: T. Thompson Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: the verbal reports of the Membership, Property and Heritage Committees be accepted as presented and discussed. MOTION CARRIED New Business: 10. a) Travel & Expense Policy – M. Adams stated that it is being worked on and will be presented at the next board meeting. b) Friends of the Museum & Newcastle Village and District Historical Society – S. Cooke shared thoughts regarding the two positions included in the museum bylaws that no longer have representation attending board meetings. This item was tabled until next board meeting with a request of M. Adams to research options and the history of the relationships in particular the Friends of the Museum as stated previously. c) Jury Lands Foundation and Museum partnerships – M. Morawetz stated several schools in the Oshawa area are working with the museum to provide educational tours this spring using the Ehrenwort Trail which is to be opened officially on Wed May 11th. The ribbon cutting ceremony is scheduled for 6 p.m. at the Camp 30 site. The schools approached Clarington Museums through the Oshawa Museum. All board members are encouraged to attend the opening event. Museum staff will continue to play a significant role in the ongoing education and tour delivery as well as in maintaining and developing the official archives. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting 11. The next meeting will be held Wednesday April 13th, 2016at 7 p.m. Location: Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre th The May 11 board meeting is tentatively planned to take place at the Clarke Museum site. Adjournment: 12. K. Warren moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:46 p.m. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on ____________________________________ _____________________________________ _______________________________________ Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives