HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-02-17 Minutes Tyrone Community Centre Annual General Meeting Wed. February 17, 2016 Attendance: Present:Chairman:Joy Vaneyk; Treasurer: Claude Godin; Secretary: Cecile Bowers; Board Members: Corinne VanDeGrootevheen; Dave Taylor; Larry Quinney and Paul Rowan. Representative from Council-Corinna Traill. Regrets from Laurie LaFrance. Guests: Marlene Craig; Danielle Carroll; Justin Vachon. Alvina Hare-holidays. Corinna Traill chaired Annual Meeting: Openiing nominations for: Chairman: Joy Vaneyk M/S by Cecile Bowers and Dave Taylor. STAND Treasurer: Claude Godin M/S by Joy Vaneyk and Marlene Craig. STAND Secretary: Cecile Bowers M/S by Dave Taylor and Larry Quinney. STAND Booking Rep: Danielle Carroll M/S by Joy Vaneyk and Larry Quinney. STAND Dance Rep: Dave Taylor M/S by Corinne VanDeGrootevheen & Larry Quinney. STAND Sign Rep: Dave Taylor M/S by Cecile Bowers and Larry Quinney. STAND Members at Large: Marlene Craig; Alvina Hare; Paul Rowan; Corinne VanDeGrootevheen; Walter Loveridge; Larry Quinney. M/S by Walter Loveridge and Dave Taylor to accept all members as nominated. CARRIED. Laurie LaFrance not on Board but will book all disc jockeys for monthly dances. Justin Vachon is an interested villager who wants to be involved and volunteer when he can. Secretary Bowers read minutes of January 20, 2016 General Meeting. Correction that the name of Corinna Traill being present was omitted. CORRECTED. M/S by Cecile Bowers and Paul Rowan to accept minutes as read and corrected. CARRIED. Treasurer: Claude Godin noted that he needs a list of new members and postions for Town. Claude noted we had done quite well on our monthly dances, that Hydro had been paid but there will be an adjustment by the Town regarding the Streetlight at entry; All bills paid to date. M/S by Walter Loveridge and Dave Taylor to accept Treasurer’s report. CARRIED. DISCUSSION FOLLOWED REGARDING JOBS NEEDING DONE: Paint ceiling tiles in backroom New counters in kitchen Fix drawers and place piece of wood on all cupboard doors to keep dishes more sterile Sand ,refinish and seal butcherblock Bar screen door to purchase and install Can we do a split Dutch type door on inner bar door? We decided we need a new floor scrubber to keep floors gleaming so after discussion: M/S by Dave Taylor and Marlene Craig to allow Larry Quinney to spend up to $500.00 (five hundred dollars) . CARRIED. Joy noted after talking to Town that the Handicapped toilet seats have been tightened and tap in kitchen fixed so not leaking. She was told that the Handicapped toilets are not accessible to a wheelchair so Town is looking into this matter. Both may have to be just One. Page Two: Hall Bookings: March 5, 12,22,23, and 26 bookings. Our February Dance had 185 persons here enjoying the evening. Old Business: Feb. 28 there is a Fair to be held at Rickard Centre and Corinne has volunteered to man the table promoting Tyrone Community Centre. New Business: Claude made a proposal that we have a Membership cleanup in different areas of the building : Date set for clean up will be March 19 at 9 a.m. Many jobs to do at that time. M/S by Cecile Bowers and Larry Quinney to donate the bookshelf in the backroom to Tyrone United Church Auction being held February 27 th. CARRIED. M/S by Walter Loveridge and Larry that our bartenders will be paid ½ hour before and 1 hour after bar closing time, that is listed on the permit. Bartender to stay until hall is vacated or 2 a.m. whichever comes first. CARRIED. Rates for Tyrone Community Centre: $400...for Saturdays Sunday and Weekdays for smaller events $30. Per hour $50 for kitchen if food or drink $100. Deposit for any rental to cover costs $300. Is rate for Tyrone United Church...twice a year..if hall not rented on the Friday, the Church may come in that evening to set up for Saturday’s event. Special Rates for Members? M/S by Dave Taylor and Paul Rowan that only those “ Presently Serving Board Members”, get the rate for rental of half price, regardless which day of the week. CARRIED. M/S by Paul Rowan and Corinne VanDeGrootevheen to purchase a new microwave. Cecile will purchase it at Paddy’s Market. Present one has been damaged. CARRIED. M/S BY Corinne VanDeGrootevheen and Larry Quinney to purchase new wine glass storage bins. We presently have 120 wine glasses. Larry will purchase. CARRIED. There was discussion regarding the Tyrone Community Centre sign on front of building, being damaged. Cecile to speak to Lorraine Delaney regarding her son-in-law looking into a replacement or what we should do. M/S by Dave Taylor and Walter Loveridge to adjourn. CARRIED.