HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-19-00 ,. ~ ..., , -- ~. ":~ , THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # f/o Cf Res. tKJlll- 3~ D Date: July 3, 2000 Report #: ADMIN-l 9-00 File#: By-law # Subject: MAIN BRANCH LIBRARY MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATIVE CENTRE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report ADMIN-19-00 be received; 2. THAT Council approve the preliminary designs for the construction of a new Bowmanville Main Branch Library and expansion of the Municipal Administrative Centre; 3. THAT staff be authorized to call for tenders for this project as set out in the Critical Path; 4. THAT staff be authorized to undertake a pre-qualification procedure for all bidders; and 5. THAT an additional $1,040,000 ($650,000 escalation, $261,067 penthouse and $127,900 construction contingency) be approved for the main Branch Library and expansion to the Municipal Administrative Centre and that the additional cost of construction be added to the proposed debenture requirements for the facility. 1. BACKGROUND: 1.1 At the January 17,2000 Council Meeting, Council awarded the contract for architectural services for the construction of the Bowmanville Main Branch Library and expansion to the Municipal Administrative Centre to Shoalts and Zaback Architects. Since that time, the consultants in conjunction with the Project Team have developed various drawings to accommodate the requirements of the Library and the expansion requirement of the Municipal Administrative Centre. Following Council's approval of the concept design, the Project Team will continue to work with all parties to finalize design features in the preparation of the working tender documents. lLU6 1 ~ " " REPORT NO.: ADMIN-19-00 PAGE 2 2.0 CRITICAL PATH: 2.1 In Report ADMIN-07-00, the Project Team prepared a critical path which outlines each step in the process from selection of Architect to Building Occupancy. The Project Team is on schedule and will be issuing a tender call in March 2001. It should be noted that the Ceremonial Groundbreaking has been rescheduled to Wednesday, July 12 at 2:00 p.m. instead of Thursday, July 6th. 3.0 PRE-QUALIFICATION: 3.1 In accordance with previous practise, staff is recommending a pre-qualification process for potential bidders of this project. This process offers advantages to the Municipality in that it eliminates the possibility of a low bidder being awarded the contract when they may not be qualified to do the job. Further, pre-qualification ensures the respective contractor's financial stability and credibility. 3.2 Also, in order to provide maximum opportunity for local trades to participate in this project, the Durham Construction Association will be kept informed of the tendering process and further, the plans will be on display at their offices. 4.0 CONCEPT PLAN: 4.1 The Architect will be making a presentation to Council in conjunction with this report. Some of the areas that have been addressed in the expansion of the Municipal Administrative Centre include additional washrooms, more meeting space, a connection from the existing main floor to the main floor of the library and the potential for expansion whenever the need arises. 4.2 The conceptual plan has been costed out by Helyar and Associates and indicates that based on the conceptual floor design, we are within our previous budget forecast (Attachment #1). 12U7 '. ~ REPORT NO.: ADMIN-19-o0 PAGE 3 4.3 However, there were some building considerations that need to be approved that would have an impact to the project budget. 4.4 The fourth floor plan illustrates the mechanical room, the main computer room and related staff and the Library administration. In consideration of potential expansion needs and the issue of acoustics between the working area and the mechanical room, the Committee is recommending that the mechanical room be relocated to a penthouse location similar to the existing building and that the budget reflect an additional $261,067.00. 4.5 The concept plan indicates a partial basement which will connect to the existing lower level by way of a mechanical lifter. If we would like to increase the lower level from approximately 3,600 square feet to 11,000 square feet an additional cost of $523,279.00 will have to be added to the project budget. 4.6 The tender call for this project is early spring of the Year 2001. The critical path was established in consideration of financial requirements, working drawing completions etc. The cost consultant has to indicate concerns with regard to escalation contingency as a result the consultant is recommending that we include an escalation contingency of $650,000.00 which will be used only if requested. If it is not required once the tender results are reviewed, this amount will be directed to offset debenture costs in consultation with the Treasurer. Another recommendation from the Cost Consultant and the Architect is to increase the construction contingency from 3% to 5% which increases this $327,900. 4.7 Due to the recent change in responsibilities involving the Manager of Operations, it is recommended that the Chief Administrative Officer investigate alternatives in effectively dealing with the Municipality's role in construction administration. On various projects in the past, the Municipality has engaged the services of a Project Consultant who would undertake regular site investigations, contemplated change orders and site instructions. 12U8 '" '" REPORT NO.: ADMIN-19-o0 PAGE 4 4.8 As a result of the Project Team, Architect and Cost Consultant review of the concept plan and budget, it is recommended that an additional $1,040,000 ($650,000 escalation, $261,067 penthouse and $127,900 construction contingency) be approved for the main Branch Library and expansion to the Municipal Administrative Centre. 4.9 The original budget, approved through Report ADMIN 33-99, identified the project cost at $7,282,000. The additional recommendations brings the proposed budget to $8.3 million. It is recommended that the additional cost be added to the debenture requirements. When the project is tendered, a final budget will be presented to Council for approval. 4.1 0 The Architect presented to the Clarington Library Board, the concept floor design for the Library. The Board is in support of the conceptual design. 4.11 As the project progresses, staff will be reporting back to Council to update and seek the necessary approvals. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, d~-:- Ok Fre erick J. Horvath, Property Manager and Health & Safety Officer Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer {/7~? Cynthia Mearns, Library Director ~ FH:sa 12U9 ~~, 27 C9..L.lo: 50 FAX SHOALTS & ZABACK 1llI002/002 ATTACHMENT III TO REPORT ADMIN-19-00 .. . Shoalts and Zaback Architects Ltd. June 20, 2000 Clarington Library and Municipal Administration Building Expansion Bowmanville, Ontario Project No. 0006 Comparison Budget versus June 20, 2000 Estimate by Quantity Surveyor Budget Estimate Base Building (40,000 ff@$15O.00) $6,000,000 $5,879,000 Site work $~oo 000 $187.000 Subtotal $6,300,000 $6,066,000 Renovation Work to MAC $150000 $492.000 Subtotal $6,450,000 $6.558,000 Construction Contlngenoy $200,000 $200,000 Fees $420.000 $299 000 Subtotal $7,070,000 $7,057,000 G.S.T @ 3% $212.000 $211110 Subtotal $7,282,000 $7,268.710 Additional Recommended COnstruction 0 $131,737 Contingency + G.S.T. Escalation To Spring 2001 Tender Q $666.040 including G.S.T. Total $7,282,000 $8,066,487 Notes: 1) To add Full Basement 431,000 x 1.09% = 469,790 x 1.05% = 493,279 + 30,000 = $523,279 (escalation) (contingency) (additional fees) 2) To add Penthouse 215.000 x 1.09% = 234,350 x 1.05% = 246,067 + 15,000 = $261,067 (escalation) (<:antingency) (additional fees) 3) Addition To Construction Contingency Increases It To 5% As Recommended By Quantity Surveyor 4 Cataraqul Slreel Suite 206 Klng.ton. Ontario K7K 1Z7 E-Mail: szar<:h@ko..nel Tel: (613) 5410776 F.., (6'31541 0604 1210