HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-17-00 , , '. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# f}! & Res. #Gf?t1- 3,11-0 0 FilE #: By-law # Date: June 19, 2000 Report #: ADMIN-17-00 Subject: CONNECT ONTARIO GRANT PROGRAM RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT report # ADMIN-17-00 be received; 2. THAT Council authorize the creation and submission of the required Notice of Intent to participate in CONNECT ONTARIO to be submitted under the signature of the Chief Administrative Officer, FORTHWITH. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 CONNECT ONTARIO is a new grant program, which is to "ensure that our province remains at the forefront of the information economy. " 1.2 The CONNECT ONTARIO is part of the SuperBui/d Growth Fund. The goal of this funding program is to create a network of "Smart Communities" across the Province of Ontario with a total investment strategy of approximately $82 million. The CONNECT ONTARIO has allocated $50 million for the development of community partnerships and the development of infrastructure plans and the implementation of information and service-based electronic infrastructure projects. The funding is based on equal dollar financing between the Province and the successful applicant group. 1.3 In addition to this sizable investment is a further investment fund of $32 million, which focuses on land-related (geospatial) information called Geo-Smart. This program is a key component of CONNECT ONTARIO and is under the jurisdiction 1201 . . REPORT NO.: ADMIN.17.00 PAGE 2 of the Ministry of Natural Resources. Its focus is to enable participating communities to integrate land-related data and to develop geospatial business applications. These would be "web-enabled" geographic information system applications. 1.4 Through this program, the Province wants to have 50 "smart communities" able to provide a variety of on-line services that are available on a 7 day, 24 hour bases. Services such as access to local government and community information services and e-business opportunities (e.g. on-line registration, permit applications, etc.) are listed as a high priority. Bottom line is that the CONNECT ONTARIO program is promoted as a means by which communities can attract new investment and job creation opportunities in the global marketplace. 1.5 Overviews, taken from the Province's website, are attached (Attachments 1 and 2) for Council's reference and information. Also attached is a photocopy of an article about CONNECT ONTARIO (Attachment 3) that appeared in the June 2000 edition of the Durham Business News. 2.0 NOTICE OF INTENT: 2.1 In order to be eligible for funding consideration, under the guidelines of CONNECT ONTARIO, all potential applicants are required to submit a Notice of Intent The purpose of this process is to provide CONNECT ONTARIO advance notice of our intent to participate by submitting a funding request for the development of "smart communities" through detailed infrastructure projects. It is staff's request to proceed with the creation of a Notice of Intent which, with Council's approval, be signed by the Chief Administrative Officer. 2.2 A fundamental requirement of the Notice of Intent is the identification of potential partners within and between communities. To this end a small team - consisting of the Municipality of Clarington (including the Systems Manager, the Director of Planning, and the Manager of Communications), the Clarington Public Library and the Clarington Board of Trade have commenced work to investigate and develop this initiative. There have been two meetings during which other potential partners 1202 REPORT NO.: ADMIN-17-00 PAGE 3 have been identified. Included on this list are: Bell Canada Clarington Board of Trade Clarington Public Library Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board Lakeridge Health Corporation Municipality of Clarington Northumberland County Ontario Power Generation Inc. Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland-Clarington Catholic Separate School Board Private Businesses Town of Port Hope Township of Hope Township of Scugog Township of Uxbridge Veridian 2.3 At the time of this report there has been no contact made to potential partners outside of the identified "investigating" team. The potential partner communities include geographical areas, which want to use high-tech communication strategies to change the way people receive public, community and business services, and how they (the partners) do business. Contact with potential partners will be made during the development of the Notice of Intent process. All partners will be confirmed by the signing of a "Partner Agreement" which will identify their individual (including financial) responsibilities and requirements. This is not required for the Notice of Intent process but will be included in the Proposal process upon receiving written acceptance of the Notice of Intent by the appropriate Provincial Ministry. 2.4 In order to submit the Notice of Intent, there is no requirement for the Municipality or its potential partners to identify and/or commit to the financial component. There is, however, some urgency to get Council's endorsement in that the next submission deadline for the Notice of Intent is Friday, June 30, 2000. 1203 ~. REPORT NO.: ADMIN-17-o0 PAGE 4 3.0 SUMMARY: 3.1 At this time, Council is asked to authorize the submission of the Notice of Intent so that the Municipality of Clarington and its partners can be considered for funding under the SuperBuildlCONNECT ONTARIO funding program. Also, as the time frame to submit is short, Council is requested to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to sign the Notice of Intent. 3.2 This is only the first step in the CONNECT ONTARIO and GEO-SMART application process. The next step will be, upon acceptance of the Notice of Intent, the development of a detailed proposal outlining the specifics of the Clarington Partners funding proposal. A subsequent report will be brought forward to Council providing all of the proposal details (including confirmed partners, financial consideration, etc.) at a future Meeting of Council. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, dvoJ2Q-=-~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer 1204 ATTACHMENT NO.1 ~_ j>1l!>1tl<i'l! ;.i~ l>1a,,;jI'!IIIi;l.,UH.m.l.t'4 Minishy 01' E-nergv_ ....--<1.' Science and 'T'echnoIO!rv ~. I central :s:ite I feedback I search I fran~.~J~J III '\'i&iirlolm"'''i;;f;l Ii!lll l'llll.~l!Ml.l~r<":."r,;.i .:7,j.ONT'M{IO _'/:9,:' . ....J Location: Connect Ontario Connect Ontario Overview Welcome Connect Ontario Overview CONNECT ONTARIO is an exciting new SuperBuild Growth Fund. initiative to develop a network of 50 smart communities across Ontario by 2005. Through innovative partnerships among community institutions and organizations, governments, local business and other private sector interests, this initiative will enhance the competitiveness of our communities in the new digital economy and spur growth in jobs, new investment, and economic development opportunities. GeoSmart Overview Open Invitation Notice of Intent Ontario will invest up to 50 million in broad-based partnership initiatives that create a high tech network 0 0 connected smart communities across Ontario. Led by the Ministry of Energy, Science and Technology, this includes assistance for the development of infrastructure plans and the implementation of information and service-based electronic infrastructure projects. FAQs A further provincial investment of $32 million will make land-related (geospatial) Information available to and usable by connected smart communities. This component of Connect Ontario, called GeoSmart, is led by the Ministry of Natural Resources. GeoSmart will integrate land- related data across the province and will facilitate geospatlal business applications required by most communities and many large and small businesses. The vision is ambitious but can be achieved. By the year 2005, Ontario's 50 connected smart communities will be: . global leaders in the use of information and communications technologies to provide leading edge electronic services and information; . profiled on the global Internet to highlight community strengths, capabilities and business opportunities; and, . showcases for Ontario as modern, technologically sophisticated locations for new economy business. Community partners, including business representatives, are encouraged to participate in Connect Ontario to boost their community to the next ievel by establishing digital economy capabilities and services. Communities will have "one-window" access both to Connect Ontario, and GeoSmart through submission of a Notice of Intent to Connect Ontario. Details on eligibility, criteria. and application and review processes are spelled out inthe Questions and Answers, and guidelines and application materials, available on the following pages of this website (www.est.Qov.on.ca.). I Central Site I Feedback I Search I Francais I I Top of PaQe I Ministrv Home PaQe I EnerQY I Science & TechnoloQY I News Releases I ProQrams I http://www.est.goy.on.ca/connect/overviewe.htm 12US' 5/25/00 ATTACHMENT NO.2 lIJIUM1M_ !,;j:!;!;l.wll 1<i)j!;!;10!;@i~i;i".!!)r.I~.I.\'4 \1IflIStl)' of E.nerg,Y, Science and Technology l central site 1 feedback I search l.fran~ais I m!",'fj..ii;l~ll,r.~*1 l~jJI!.j!1!~;J;l.I~;-E1};[ll "^;ONT~IO , Location: Connect Ontario GeoSmart Overview Welcome Connect Ontario Overview GeoSmart is the component within the Connect Ontario initiative which makes land-related information and data available to, and usable by, smart communities. GeoSmart is led by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and will respond to geospatial data needs and related business applications required by most communities. GeoSmart Overview GeoSmart will: Open Invitation Notice of Intent . Enable communities to make the best use of govemment land-related data . Make available tools and applications for a wide range of business needs . Assist communities to eliminate technology barriers . Eliminate duplication in the collection and maintenance of provincial data FAQs The information provided by the GeoSmart component can benefit projects in the following areas: . public transportation . municipal land use planning and development approvals . environmental protection . emergency services . local utilities . recreation I Central Site I Feedback I Search I Francais I I Top of PaQe I Ministry Home PaQe I EnerQY I Science & TechnoloQY I News Releases I ProQrams I ~ Ontario This sitl? maintained by the Government of Ontario Link to contact information. @ Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2000 Last Modified: March 22, 2000 This information is provided as a public service, but we cannot guarantee that the information is current or accurate. Readers should verify the information before acting on it. http://www.est.gov.on.calconnect/geosmarte.htm 12f!6 5/25100 :~~",: ::,~~ ::"P~O-' ':~:~~i::):'_.", '-" --,:--,_',.,"~.:-~:i',:::::>ro:",tF-;-, ' " ,- " , """"" -- T:::"::,~,~ Connecte ;,;Gommulilties..to enh~". Connect Ontario, a newpro~fam ,~f :the provincial govemmen~- V(ili in.. vest $82 million to develop Ii network of fifty "connected conuituilities" across Ontario by 2005. Through in- novative partnerships between many community institutions anq org~i2:a~ growth; connects business to key tions, governments, local bO!>iI1ess " export markets; enables major and other private sector groups,"Con- productivity gains and improvements nect Ontario will enhance the com- . inpubli~ services; replaces or petitiveness of communiti!,~:~:~.~' the reconstructs capital assets; and new digital economy and sPur'growth rOinventsthe way that infrastructure in jobs,' new investment, aner eco-' is provided. nomic development opportunities. Connect Ontario is a - very Through the. Ministry of.Energy" important part of the government's Science and.Technology, OPtaril? ,. , ' -', " ".J.' . '~omnlitrri<<?ntto growing the economy will invest up to $50 millijln.to .help of the future, building a global develop the technology infrastruclllre internet and electronic business hnb of the fjfty communitie......An.. additional provincial investment of> in. Ontario, and establishing On,":"o $32 .11...11 c"I. d'I'td. ..' as a. magnet for mformatlOn m! IOn WI milKe' an .;;re a e..,-, _' ,- . , .' (g 11. I) . ~ t'. . '.' technology busmess and Jobs. ~. eospa a lnlOrma Ion '-more - " available to, -and more- Usable by," For, the ,Connect Ontario iniiiative, communities. The Ministry of "CQDlmunities" will include Natural Resources feads, this geographical areas which wanllo use component of Connect Ontario, _communications technology to called GeoSmart. transform how people receive public, Connect Ontario is one of several community 'and business services, technology projects under the new and how they do business. They will SuperBuild Growth Fund. a generally encompass a wide five-year, $20 billion initiative to economic catchment area and could renew, rebuild and expand Ontari,o's span several local governments. strategic infrastructure. Support for Within five years. Ontario will strategic infrastrUcture creates have fifty "connected communities" breakthrough opportunities. for that will offer some, or all, of these. connect" ontario ... D HAM REGION .~.,- .~ competitiveness! services;-. . seven ~y,,24- hour access to local government ,and community information and services, with links to provincial and federal infomuHion.and services; . access to a wide range of government information and service~~ on~ line over. the Internet; visibility on the global Internet. hig~lj~iJ3gJocal, b~inesses and __bUSln~f)€::r\,:QPportumhes,. tounsm attrattit.tns;' and tourism establislill1entsand amenities, with a full range ofe-commerce capabilities for private and public sector busin,ess; .help co.mmunities attract new " in.veSlmetit. 'and job creation . ..opportunities. . Irladdition, . rural and northern communities ",ilt be' placed on a more level playing field with major urbail centres. by having access to imp-ortant economic. development information, and being able to use the .information highway to develop businesses. The GeoSmart component of Connect Ontario will fund the development of the web-based tools that Ontario' s communities need- to harness the power of provincial and loealland information asSets. Potential uses of: geospatial The Foundation for Rural Living 2nd Annual A wards of Rural Excellence In 1999, the Foundation for Rural Living successfully launch"ll their Awards of Rural Excellence. To build on this success, the foundation is inviting everyone to join them in recognizing . and celebrating communities, communities of interest. as well as organizations and . . groups that are doing great things to improve the quality of li1e in rural Ontario. Anyone can nomiIlate. a group. project or Prognun that deserves recognition in one of the nine Award c:ategories;;: and encourage others to do the same. Sector; Outstanding Partnership with Business; and Outstanding Philanthropic Action. Nomination information_ outlines' criteria on eligibility, and the ~~ ....... IMI {.JI "...;:;,....*1 , !~, nominati()I1and selectionprOcpsse,s. . SubmissionS .must be postmariced 1I0~.. . later thai" June 30, 2000..' The . A wards will be presented at the ~.. Camp was held in three communities in Brock Township and provided a quality day camp experience for 150 local children, ages four to twelve. '.''- The mlllallve provided an opportunity for fourteen local youth, . ages 14 to 19, to develop leadership skills as camp counsellors and organizers. The_._camp..was made possible throligh>commUnity parlnerships, that 49l'J'lllRed with the . --',i,l ,'i".-' r:>"',-',,' -- , yo.plh, BrockTowriS1iip;;ihe Durham . RegiOn Health D~ent and commu~ity spon"'lis2~9"" the TownshIp. technology include: plannin and providing access to publi transportation and emergenc response; managing an marketing economi - development and tourisn opportunities; and improviri'j access and input into land uS; planning issues, an~ buildinJ permit issuance. Further information 31><>,1,1 the program is available 0'. the government's wt;~-~ite',~ www.est.gov.on.ca.or by: calling (416) 326-9621,fO "connected p~mllnunities",---(): (416) 314-3414. .fo GeoSmart. ... ..; Information supplied-by Ih. Technologies Branch "of Ih. Ministry of Energy,~eienc, and Technology andLan~ Information Onmrioof Ih, l\finistry of Natura. Resources.