HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-16-00 ~ REPORT #2 " THE CORPORA nON OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: COUNCIL -- File # /1 01. {;e Res.# c.. - -;2.5 \.0- 00 Date: May 8 2000 Report # ADMIN. 16 - 2000 Subject: Tuition Assistance and Membership Fees for Members of Council Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1. That Report ADMIN. 16 - 2000 be received 2. That Council approve the policies regarding tuition assistance for Members of Council as contained in Report ADMIN. 16 - 2000. REPORT: I. Background 1.1 The Mayor has drawn to the attention of the Chief Administrative Officer that the Municipality does not have any policy regarding tuition assistance for Members of Council. To the extent there is a policy void, it has been the past practice that the Mayor will exercise discretion to either approve or disapprove the request of any Member of Council for payment of the tuition fee on education courses, including the annual membership fee for professional association such as the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers (A.M.C.T.). 1.2 Since municipal staff are permitted full reimbursement for educational courses that are necessary to upgrade their work skills, such policy has generally been ~ . used on those rare occasions when a Member of Council requested tuition assistance for educational courses. 2. Comments The Chief Administrative Officer has reviewed the subject matter and would offer the following comments: 2.1 The lack of policy has created several problems, such as: . Inconsistency in application of criteria and qualification of courses eligible for payment by the Municipality. . Not all Members of Council are interested in having the Municipality pay for their educational pursuit, while others may decide to seek payment. 2.2 Tuition assistance to staff has been in place for several years and was recently updated (attachment # I). The purpose is to encourage professional development of employees who will enhance hislher skills and knowledge in the work place. This principle, however, cannot be applied to Members of Council for the very simple reason that they are not employees and therefore the need to upgrade work related skills and knowledge is not applicable. Therefore, it would be difficult to justifY using tax dollars to subsidize part or all tuition fees for any Member of Council enrolled in any educational courses, as the benefits of such are largely personal in nature as opposed to a requirement of the job. 3. Policies That effectively immediately upon Council's approval, the Municipality will not pay for any educational courses to any Member of Council, including any membership fee of any professional association. The only exception is orientation seminars offered to new Members of Council by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. ~ . , Respectfully submitted, o fr~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Att. # 1 , t Att. #1 to Report ADMIN. 16-00 Municipality of Clarington Administrative and Corporate Policies SUBJECT: TUITION ASSISTANCE APPROVED BY: 0 Council IZI CAD. SECTION: G SUBSECTION: G4 DATE APPROVED/UPDATED: February 21 , 2000 APPLICATION: 12<:1 Affiliated Emplovee IZI Non-Affiliated Emolovee PURPOSE To provide for a system to encourage the self-clevelopment of employees by continuing their education and professional development. POLICIES 1. The Department Head shall ensure funds are provided in the Department budget prior to authorization for the employee to proceed. 2. If an employee is requested to attend a course by the Department Head or Chief Administrative Officer, the Municipality will pay full course fees. 3. If an employee requests to attend a course that is approved by the Department Head or Chief Administrative Officer and is job related, the Municipality will pay full course tees. 4. Consideration of a 50% refund may be given by the Department Head to courses that are deemed to be Departmentelly related and of significant benefit to the Department, and provided the employee has successfully completed the course. 5. In consideration of an employee's request under policies 2 or 3, the Department Head shall give priority to the employee with a good record. above average work performance, promotability and enhancement of skills. 6. Requests from an employee must be in writing and detail the reasons for tuition assistance. 7. Employees shall be relieved from his/her usual work to attend the course under policy 1. Where instructional hours are in the evening, the employee shall be entitled to time-off.in~ieu on a straight hour ~sis. . B. Employees attending courses under policies 3 and 4 may be allowed to be excused from his/her normal work hours at the discretion of the Department Head. There will be no consideration for any compensation for courses taken beyond normal working hours.