HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 12-03-53 December 3, 1953.
Darlington Council met this day , Reeve Nichols presiding.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion adopted as read.
The case of Walter Frank came up for discussion. On motion of Hurray Tabb
and R.C.Stevens, the Clerk forward cheque to Isolation Hospital for treatment and Clerk
notify Charles Frank that it had been paid.
Mr. H.F.Crown addressed Council re-Conservation. Each Municipality has one
Representative on the Commission in a Conservation Area or Survey. Province pays
for half the land and looks .after it for 50 years.
On motion of R.C.Stevens and E.F.G.Vice the Reeve and Deputy Reeve contact
Bo7,manville and Clarke re-this Conservation problem and find out if they are interested.
On motion of E.F.G.Vice and Murray Tabb the Clerk be given authority to
have Percy ,��hite committed to the Old Peoples' Home, Cobourg.
On motion of E.F.G.Vice and R.C.Stevens the Clerk write Major Foote and
John James to the effect that Darl4
-kngton To7v,-nship Council go on record to say that
' Darlington Council do not wish to have any Trailer Camps set up in this Municipality
and that they vote accordingly when a bill to come before the Provincial House of
Parliament for ratification.
The Road Su-o-l", presented his report and vouchers for Novemeber which were
on motion accepted and vouchers ordered to be paid.
The General accounts were read and on motion ordered to be paid.
A letter was read from Campbells Soup Company to the effect that Allan
etcalfe' s tomato crop had been damaged by 2-L-D.
Letter from T.M.Chant was read 9 tendering his resignation from the
Durham District High School Board. The Clerk was instructed to write lar. Chant and
prevail upon him to remain as our Representative on the Board.
On motion of G.B.Rickard and Murray Tabb the Council be paid for their
services as follows: Reeve Y200.00, Deputy Reeve 8175.00, Members of Council A1150.00each
Council to meet on December 15th to settle final accounts of 1953.
The following bills were paid:
Bell Telephone Co. Service charges 7.70
Thos Whillier and Son. Office supplies 111-74
,Town of Bowmanville Stand by Charge --Fire Drigade 1000.00
,Town of Boymanville Fire Briga&--Nov. 21. 100.00
E.G.Burnham Stour oil. Inv.# 188071: 9.10
Jack Sinclair Rebate--1952 taxes 37.86
S.E.-White Prem.on Liability Policy 359-87
Norman 5'oodley Livestock Valuator 3.00
A.J.McLaggan Sheep Damage 15-00
F.P.Morris Co Re-Ambulance Service--Mrs. Jones 11.00
,Provincial Treasurer Insulin 2.30
Family Relief Board Kitchener Relief--A.� H.Stasik 51010
"Counties' Treasurer
Hospitalization 261.25
Mrs. Mildred 1-eroy Relief--Nov. 20.00
Mrs. Ev. Dewell Post San Care--Carolyn --Nov 32.00
Percy Dewell Post San Care--Nov. 32.00
J.D.Hogarth Nov. SalRry 183-00
Postage 5.00
Mary Niddery Nov. Salary 128.25
Vim Lycett Assessor--Nov. 98.92
A.Bafron. Unemp. Ins. Stamps-Nov. 4.20
Canadian Statesman Printing &: Advt 53-35
'Town of Bmvmanvill-- Fire Brigade 135-00
A.E.Virtue Groceries--Mrs. Young 20.78
E.A.Varcoe School Attendance fficer 20.20
E.A.Varcoe Building Inspector--Nov. 132.00
J.D.Hogarth Fox Bounties 200.00