HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-03-04 D,a.riilngton Council r-et 1`h_ aay
4S 1'de-in'bYi
ers all Dresen- and Reeve c'nols
last meetinq were read and on imctial l �adooted.
On'mo'ion o-F' aria 11,,B.Pickard be Haid I
sala-,-,7- and ca-- alluwance.
Harvev Partner ad,_�-essed Co-amcil re,�,ater from. maill fl-ome, asking Council
to do somet'ninr° to .reli=ve th-is situation.
jim, Holt Be-presentative of Roscoe 1,1etal -products addressed Council re-
'Earold Skinner addressed Council re- ';Va_-ble ',lf Poweler.
On motion of _R.C.S-tevens and E.F.i�.Vice the ,ouncil expend u- to ''�SDco.00
on roadside spraying . tli]_s to Ine under the control of R.',.�tevens and G,- .Rickard,
anc B.(,.Stevens to purchase ",'ITrble Fly Spray and `deed S-pray.
On Trotion of --and E.F.G.Vice t,-1e Clerk advertise fn-�-• 7
- ton
and man to aora for _,7arble `41v and Teeds also to advertise for Ins-.0ector
o _V,Tarble 'Fly Spray be in the Clerks hands b Mlarcn 10,th,\y
r -ing. Ap�_-,lications 'o
b 6 0, clock P.Hr.
_,i2r. Hall addressed 0oiancil I statin� the -oositilon 0' Osha:xa
Hospital and asked Council f& brant.
O motion of R.C.Stevens and E,3.G.Vice Darlinc-ton Council give Oshawa
general Hospital Building fund Canoafqn the sun of 4,-00.00 i-,-) Dece-mber
'J,I.H."Bro,,,7n addressed Council as hep. of the Roscoe _',LTetal �roducts and asked
for a P�.-rt of the '_oR,,!nshi-o business.
On motion of E.F.CI.Vice and ze--cv aVerry he 1Road Siiot. purchase as many
culverts as he requires.
On, -notion of G.R.Rickard and R.C.Stevens the Council to the county
the sure of x`J'-0.00 . shortaZe or, 1951 estimates.
Communications vrere rp-ad from J.D.Tdiller De�uttr 'Kin ster of 7,Rels a re-
Town vine bet-ween Oshawa and Darlington.
1-ailmunication read from Harold Evans-re-roads.
Co,miunicat ions were received and ordered filed.
By-Law for the control of Brucallosis -was Given its several readings and
ordered signed and n7,znbered 1198.
BY-Law for the -oavin7 of fee for the InsDection of pl-ambinc, land sewage
Vias given its several readinEs and ordered signed, sealed and LLnbered 1109.
Road Su t. presented hi: :-eport and vouchers for the month of February
which were an motion acce-,D'Lled and vouchers ordered to be -Daid.
Clerk �,ras to place all out-standMD! acco-,ants for Warble Flir
Spraying on the Collector' s 117LIoll f or collection.
r,eneral accounts mere oresented and or, motion ordered to be paid.
On motion of G.B.Rickard and R.C.Stevens the Clerk contact Col. Nash of
t^e Cormnl_initv 7'4a-nnir- Branch and make an a�)point:nant to meet harm any day next
week e:,:ce-ot ',',ednesday.
On. motion the meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the Chair.
The ?cliow,-nz bills were paid
'Provincial Treasurer Insulin 2.777
1 . 7 Clerk,Bc-�TnaM lle -00.()o
1� � Lyle Fire Brigade
Hugh Cameron Registrar of Deeds Copies 27.50
Advance 1000.00
G,E.3urnham Stove Oil
33.E 9
Bell TeleOhone Co. Service Charges
E.A.Varcoe School Attendance Off icer 10.00
J.D.Hogart'a registrations.
, �0
K.Symons, Counties' Treas, hospitalization SO.-
Mrs. lKildred 'e-Roy relief 2113.00
J.D.Hcgarth February Salary 200.00
Ma_ry Niadery Febr-q2ary Salary IL8
A. Barron Unemn-j. Ins. Stamps
,_receiver General of Canada Income Tax
H.A.Barron (''rocer ie s--Sheridan 22.57
C ab- 50'0 Taxi service 3-50
E.A.Virtue Cr o c e r i e s--Y o-an g 27.98
C.Pethick Cut-ting Wood 12.50
Thos ',Whillier c% Son. Assessor' s Sup-plies 329.88
E,A.Varcoe Bld. Inspector 157.00
-c. Treas. S.D.A.S.Board AdIjance 7000.00
J.TD.Hogarth Expenses to Convention 20.00
E.F.G.Vice ExDenses to Convention 20.00
F T�.B yam Groceries Giles 0.0r)
Treas. of Ontario. Trees 160.00
S.E.'NI-lite Prem on Policy 318.1.L=-
18.1LWm. Lycett Assessor 72.82
J.D.-4oc-arth Fox Bounties 118.00
G.-I.C-a-m-ev Sec® Urono Fair 1953 Grant 75.00
C. Pethick Groceries--Sears
K. 5-,--ons Co-�_lnties Treas. 1951 under estimate p<-_yment o'.00
_ cT
re� ',ito_n, ,,raser ��- -)rynan legal Adv�ce 15.00
1 -
i�4oadg &: ridges Maint. � lepairs 5300.70
March x, 1954.