HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-05-00 "";.;.0:,.",-. "'-:" ;,!:, THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# . Res. # Gl'ff-- I,;}.-()O FilE #: By-law # Date: January 3, 2000 Report #: ADMIN-oS-oO Subject: WEB SITE "RENOVATION" RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report No. ADMIN-OS-OQ be received for information. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 The Municipality's existing web site has been online since September 3, 1996. In that time, web technology and development tools have changed significantly. To encourage the continuation of the marketing edge that the Municipality of C1arington has successfully established, it is recommended that the Municipality initiate a major "renovation" of the site to enhance the image and promotion of this community. 2.0 DISCUSSION: 2.1 In 1996, the Marketing, Tourism & Communications Manager had the responsibility of working with the Sympatico Web Development Team (SWDn to create the Municipality's online presence. HTMl (hypertext markup languagel, was a new language used exclusively on the internet. At the time, the MTC Manager did not have HTMl skills and so was responsible for the site's layout and content of the web site. The SWOT was responsible to encode the information and to add the necessary graphics to make the site appear like the original layout. 2.2 Since that time, the MTC staff have learned and acquired HTMl and web development skills. This allows for the continuous updating and modification of the 1204 . ....., , ~ REPORT NO.: ADMIN-os-oo PAGE 2 Municipality's web site. Redesigning a web site can be a lengthy, time-consuming process and unfortunately the site is not the only program of the Marketing, Tourism & Communications Department. To accomplish the necessary renovations and re- design, it is necessary to involve another person who can work with the Municipality and focus on this effort exclusively for the time required to complete the task. 2.3 Mr. Paul Charles was one of the original members of the design team. He is an independent web designer of considerable reputation. Paul is familiar with both the Municipality, the Municipality's web site and, the overall goals/objectives as it relates to the web. His experience and knowledge (with the Municipality and web technology) will be very helpful when investigating new design elements for our site.. The current site continues to get positive comments from many of our site visitors relative to the clean look and navigational simplicity. 2.4 Working with Paul will allow the Municipality, through MTC, to maintain creative control over the site and its online presentation. This arrangement will also facilitate the further development of the web development skills of the staff responsible to update and modify the site on a regular basis. The team approach to .redesigningthe site will shorten the time requirement between initiation and re-Iaunc::hing considerably. 2.5 The redesign includes graphics and required scanning as well as written content.. New design elements are to include (but are not limited to): an internal search engine (so visitors can find what they are looking for with a minimum number of clicks); and, a special area in which breaking news or important announcements can be uploaded for immediate release. The other departments of the Municipality wiUalso have a greater involvement in providing information about the programs, services and facilities they provide to the community. 3.0 SUMMARY: 3.1 The cost of redesigning the web site is in the operating budget proposal for the Marketing, Tourism & Communications Department. Discussions regarding the 1205 " . REPORT NO.: ADMIN-oS-OO PAGE 3 process and the re-mapping of the site are to begin early in January. This will facilitate the re-launch of the web site by the end of May. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, df'J-R~ 1206