HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-03-25 F-b2;MTON, March 2"),
Darlington Council held a soecial meeting to open Tenders for hard topping roads,
A Delegation from Oshawa Council visited the Council, -H--. Power, L . Gifford,
.�Kz% Stone andY, r. r.r,-*L!-I'-s re(-ardir:7 the Tovins Line Road which road. is in bad condition.
Considerable discussion took place ±n this regard as to cold mix and hot mix and ,,ihich 'uas the
better for this road. 1`,1r. 31arston expressed his opiniDn that 'he condition of road would
n3t. warrant this unless the road, had a Creat deal of constIc-uctive ,,iork first. Tt was decided
by the t-,T;-- Councils to gravel and Crade this road as soon as possible and any work thereafter
vvoulld be ivorl-,ed out by the -Engineers. IL-. 7viarston set a date for meeting the Osha:vra Road Engineer
Friday April 2nd.
)N,. 1,I-Toved by Garnet B. Rickard, seconded by J.-A.P
That the Engineers of Oshawa and the Township of Darlington meet on April 2nd,
195L and bring in a report as to the cost of improving the Townline North. This join'
mee-L,ing agrees that the Fngincers be authorized to gravel and ditch this road on a fifty-
fifty "oasis.
Tenders for Road Resurfacing were opened and read from:
Wii,-T.A Rvder 21,2 Floyd Ave, Toronto.
Roads Resurfacing 143 Stanley Ave., Hamilton
I4iunicipal Spraying and Oiling Co. Toronto
Miller Paving Co. Toronto
3ruell Paving Co. Toronto 9
-RoydlAs-ohalt Paving Co 59 Omar St. Guelph
'-T U Co..J.I�-TcFa--Iand Construction CPicton.
Each Tender was examined and on motion of 7.7- .G.Vice --,nd R.C.Stevens the Tender
SES, TUTT��' was accepted as --resented by Roads Resurfacing Co. Ltd., also roller and supervisor.
Resolutiol- Idoved by Garnet B.Rickard, seconded by Percy H Werry, that t12is Council advertise
or enders on a7-proximately 15000 tons of 344 crushed gravel. Tenders to state unit prices
a-, the bin or belt, st-ocllmiieJ and applied on roads -iaithin � mile haul and, ra47-ing price
be-'rand ro`J-13 ci.,ta ce with 3 or I,- sets of "rusher. Township pays for gravel.
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1,1oved! by E.7,"'.Vice seconded by (3.B.R-;ck,-,.rd that the Council advertise by Tender the Sa:;.1.,er
1,1assev Road IVIaintai-er. Tenders to be in the Clerk' s hands April 29
Moved by R.!.Stevens, seconded by Percy Werry t'iat By-Dasa 11Pq be aaender3 to read
.e 8r or lessee of anv trailer be prohibited from using or permitting the use"
On motion the meeting adjourned.