HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-08-05 Hampton August 5, 1954.
Darlington Council held their monthly meeting in the Township Hall on the
above date with Members all present. Reeve Nichols presided.
Minutes of last meeting were read and on motion of R.Stevens and P. Werry
were adopted as read.
Fetter was read from. A.Levenspil. Referred to Insurance Company.
better from bliss H.bl.Cryderman re- fees for providing abstracts. On motion
of R. Stevens and E.F.G.Vice a fee of .20 per abstract was set. Carried.
Letter from Mrs. B. Smith re-relief.
Letter from Durham. Co. High school Board advising that Council may appoint
one more '4emaber to Board. Moved by R. Stevens and E.F.G.Vice that F.J.Heyland be
contacted as to accepting the position. Carried,-,�
Letter from Relief administrator advising khat relief would no longer be
required for A.& H. Stasik.
Letter from Pickering Township re-Commuter Service on railways received
and filed.
Letter from Dept. of Municipal Affairs re-4-day course commencing Sept.
13/54 to Sept 16/54. R.Stevens,G.B.Rickard,W.Rundle or E.A.Varcoe to attend. Clerk
to notify tept that 3 will attend on the 14th,15th, & 16th.
Letter received from Mr. E°.A. stop re-Town Line Road, including estimates
of cost. Reeve Nichols reported he work done.
Letter from Municipal Board re Restricted Area By-law # 2003. Board
suggested that clause re-attached garages should be amended and ground flooXV3.n dwellings
of more than one storeyshould be amended. By-law to be prepared as requested also to
provide for 70 feet frontage for .nex* Council meeting.
.Letter from Creighton Fraser Drynan and Murdoch re- title to Lot owned by
"4r. Judge in Lot 15, Plan 360, Concession 2. Clerk to teply stating that Council will
co-operate and that any information they have should be forwarded to this office and
will be dealt with by the Tovrnship Solicitor 1°. Strike.
Clerk to write Oshawa., Boom v' e, Tor General and Western Hospitals to
the effect that all patients admitte s o gyve end Concessi5 hat Clerk
may identify them..
List of Hospital accounts paid in the period 1949 to 1954 Inclusive was
presented and discussed by Council. Clerk to present statement of account to parties
for whom hospital bills have been paid.
Mr. F. Snaith addressed Council stating that Inspectors in the Brucellosis
project were dis-satisfied with their pay. On motion of G.B.Rickard and E.F.G.Vise
Councillor Stevens will interview Mr. Summers regarding payment of Inspectors®
Moved by R.Stevens, seconded by G.B.Rickard that Township join Dun and
Bradstreet Collecting Agency. Carried.
Road Supt. presented his report and vouchers for duly which were on
motion accepted and vouchers ordered to be paid.
Clerk to write W.B.Bennett re- gravel from road on Town* Line North between
Cartwright and Darlington
General accounts were presented. On motion of E.F.G.Vice and G.B.Rickard amm
accounts were ordered paid.
On motion Clerk to write County Engineer asking if we can get gravel tested
and when it would be available to tL-stzseverilppits it the Township.
0n motion meeting adjourned.
The following bills were paid:
Frederick Pattinson J.P. Issuing Summons 10,50
F.F.Morris Ambulance Service 25.00
F.W.Werry See-Treas.S.S.,4 16 Advance 500.00
Oshawa blit fig 5d. Relief Chandler
H.E.P.0®of Ont. Hampton Street Lights 147.00
Bell Telephone Co. Service Charges--Hall 8.65
E.A.Virtue Groceries--June & July--Young 48.36
9.E.P.C. of Ont. Service Charges--Hall 4®50
Cordon Chant.See.Treas. Hampton Park Grant 100.00
ercy Dalby Poultry Damage 13.00
James Publishing Co. Advt. & rinting 100.60
K. Symons,Counties' Treas. Hospitalization 270.87
Mrs. M. LeRoy Relief 20.00
Mrs. Bernice Smith Relief 20.00
Wilbert barks Dost San Care for July 32.00
® L. Lycett Assessor--July 201 .00
J.D.Hogarth Clerk' s Salary for .July 200.00
J.D.Hogarth Postage 8.00
W.E.Rundle Assistant Clerk's Sal. for July 169.00
Mary Niddery July Salary 1 8.44
H.A.Barro& Unemp. Ins. Stamps for July 4.80
Receiver General Income Tax for July 4.40
E.A.Varcoe Bldg. Insp. Salary for July 74.00
Dan Black,See-Treas. S.S. ` 21 Advance 600.00
W.R.Pickell Brucellosid Inspector 10.20
Page 2. August 5, 1954.
Hills Paid.
Fred G. Smith Brucellosis Inspector 31.60
Clarence Turner 99 n 19.40
H.Earl Osborne it 99 30.60
M.J.FT S.Sec-Treas. S.D•S.A.Dd. Advance 2500.00
Cliff ethick Groceries--July--Sears 33.23
Roads Brides Ma.int® & Rep s 313933
f r
Cheques sent out July 19th,195 .
lough Construction Company Ltd. Maple Grove School 2257.50
9a 99 99 Courtice 2257.50
Mitchell's Corner 6287.43
Herbert G. Cole Architect fees 21119.80