HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-10-07 HL11PTON, October 7, 19154.
Darlington Township Council met in the Township Hall on the above
date with all Members present, Reeve Nichols presiding.
Minutes of last meeting were read and on motion of Councillors
ferry and Vice were approved as read.
On motion of Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Vice, the Deputy
Clerk be authorized to sign cheques on all Township Bank accounts.
Letters from Mrs. Judge and IkIrs. Mullins were read and tabled.
Correspondence from various sources concerning improving sight
lines at Wades C.P.R.Crossing was read and discussed. Reeve Nichols will investigate
Councillor Vice moved the introduction of a By-law giving the
Township of Darlington Game Co=;ssion authority to issue special licenses for hunting
and to charge fees for such licenses. The By-law was Nurnbered 2007, given its several
readings and signed,staled and delivered.
A 'Deputation from the Durh&m County District High School Board
appeared before Council asking approval of their application to the United Counties
for the issue of Debentures. On motion of Councillor Vice and Councillor Stevens
the approval be granted.
A Delegation from East Whitby Township consisting of Messers Beath
Grass and Road Supt. MtKXmet with Council and discussed the -condition of the
Towns Line Road. Councillor Beath of East Whitby formally recommended to both
Townships that the Town Line road from Oshawa City limits north to Taunton be hard
surfaced in 1955 and that the tIo7wn line road between the 8th and 9th Concessions
be suitably repaired, and that this recommendation be passed on to the incoming
Councils of both Tn;wnships. His cxpression was un, ously approved by all present.
On motion of Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Stevens this
Council --mress sympathy to the family of the Late A.L.Pascoe.
A delegation was received complaining about the road north from
Haydon. On motion of Deputy Reeve Ric]Aard and CouncillorW6rry-t;Councillor Stevens
look over the road aa-ad recommend the proper action to the Road Supt.
Accounts and vouchers of Road Supt. were presented and on motion
vouchers ordered to bep aid
Letter from South Darlington School A-rea Board was read, concerning
sale of present Public School building in Hampton. Clerk to reply stating that
Council is not interested in buying this building.
Clerk was instructed to write to the Ontario Dept® of K ighways
pointing out the need for the Cloverleaf a," the intersection of Courtic Ind Highway
First and second readings were given a By-law to provide for the
levying of a special rate to de-fray the Township' s share in constructing High School
On motion meetigg adjourned.
The following bills were paid:
Bell Telephone Co. Service charges Aug 'c Sept. 20.75
Municipal World Ltd. Printing 12.42
F.L.Byam, Sec-Trews S.S..# 18 Advance to Teacher' sSalaries 1200.00
Cooper' s Office 5fipplies Co. Ltd. Filing Cabinet 59.50
Stuart R. James C rem on Pol.# 100037 24-9.4-5
Stuart R. James Prem. on Bond. 22-50
Strike and Strike Re- Search of Deeds 18-35
Allan E. Thompson Sheep damage 15.00
A.J,.y c-aggan Sheep Damage 12.00
Forbes he
yland Sheep Damage -150--00
N.J.Woodley Livestock Valuator 5.00
G.F.Annis Livestock Valuator 7.20
Beckstead I s Grocery �7 roceries-- Ernest 2 .00
Hugh Cameron `registrar of Dee,_Is-Abstracts 5.88
C.L.WarEen Lumber -% Labour-Office 959-49
Vernon Henry Ambulance 8.25
Thos Whillier 3: Son. Office Supplies 197-85
E.A.Varcoe Bldg. Inspector Sal.for Sept. 128.00
J.D.Hogarth Clprk Salary for Sept. 200.00
W.E.Rundle Deputy Clerk Salary for Sept. 209.76
Mary Nidaery Deputy Clerk Sept. Salary
Receiver Lieneral Income Tax for Sept. 13.05
H.A.Barron Unemp. Ins. Stamps for Sept. 9.12
Assessor Salary for Sept. 204-.00
Wilbert -',Aa--ks Post San. Care--Sept, 32.00
Mrs. Bernice Smith elief 20.00
PAGE 2a—
mrs. -Naidrea eRoy. Relief 20.00
J.D.Hogarth Postage 70.00
Counties' Treasurer Hospitalization 124-51
H.E.P.C. of Opt. Hydro--Hall 3.6o
James Publishing Co. Frinting By-law # 2006 8.25
G.E.'B,,xnham Stove Oil 74.00
Sheppard & Gill Fuel-Mrs. Smith 13.00
W.E.Runale Expenses to convention 14.82
E.A.Virtue oceries --Mrs. Jones 2Z;..08
Wallace Marlow Cartage 1.50
S.G.Preston & Son. Decorating Uffice 11�.2.00
C. Avery,Sec-Treaqs S.S. 17 00.75
z Advance to Teacher' s Salaries 13
Cliff ethick Groceries—Sears 24-89
E.A.Varcoe School Attendance officer Salary for 'De�otem'eer 22.50
Roads & Bridges Maint. & repairs for Sept.
-Z......... ..... .. .