HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-11-04 - Local Court of Revision LOCAL COURT OF REUSTOW NOVEM&P 4, 19%.
FOLLTOTT WAS 114. Lot 5, Con. 1.
FCTLTOTT EVA MAY- Rebate taxes on Assess. of $500, due to technical error.
ROY ROBERT -- Lot 7 S1.,Con. 6. Barn burned Oct. 29A5
-Rebate taxes for 2 Mos. on 8 200.00 Assessment
ASHTON W.1 H.L. -- Lot 11, Con. 10. Cabin cottage burned June.
Rebate of taxes for 6 Mos on $250.00 Assessment.
DIVISION 3. --None
DIVISION 4. -- None
STATNTON LEONARD -- Lot 19, Con. 7. Barn removed 1 year ago.
Rebate taxes for full year on $100.00
RIECEIL JAMES -- Lot 20, Con. 10. Store I Apt. burned lane 15.
Rebate taxes for 61 mos. on Assessment of $1250.00
HOLROYD FRANK JR. --Lot 20, Con. 10. House damaged, fire June 15.
Rebate taxes on $550.00 for 61 mos.
HOSKIN VVIT. -- Lot 20, Con. 10. Pumps removed.
Rebate taxes on $350.00 Assessment for 7 mos.
TOOLEY MRS. JESSIE--Lot 33, Con. 2
Abate $50.00 for 2 years on garage.
Hampton, November 4, 1954--
Darlington Township Council -met 'in the Township Hall on the above
date, all 'embers present.
Minutes of Last regular meeting and of a special meeting were read,
and on motion of Councillors Stevens and Vice approved as read.
lt1r. Clarke -nd Mr. Coory.,bes appeared asking that work be done on the
side road by their -farms. Referred to Road Supt.
Trustees from S.S. 17 asked Council to approve a Bank Loan to
salaries. On motion of, Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Vice this approval be
riven, provided a favourable legal opinion be forthcoming.
A letter was received from property owners on Solina Road South
askin-,, 'our C4 1- to install culverts on their driveways. Road Supt. to install culverts
Letter from John C Lilly re:use of road side was received and filed.
H.7.F.C. notified Council of damages to their Dole line bb Township
Bulldozer. Let uer was referred to Insurance Company.
A letter was received fr m John Rogers com laining of the condition
of the road leading to his lot. On mot`on of Councillors Stevens and Werry the
road will be repaired,
BY-LAW 2008 By-Law No. 2008, to appoint L.R.Graham road Supt. at a salary of
83300.00 Der year -gas given its several readings and ordered sicrned, sealed and
By-Law 2 09
By-Law No. 2009 to provide for payment of Darlington Township' s
share of the cost of Debentures for High School in the Durham County District
was given its final reading. - 1) -o
On inotion of Councillor Stevens and euty peeve Rickard a
blanket Bond paras secured to cover all Township Employees, also insurance of
cash against burglaries, fire etc.
Road Supt. presented his report and vouchers for October which were
on motion accepted and vouchers ordered to be paid.
Clerk to write the Canadian Paraplegic Association to the effect
that Council feels that the Frank Liialter�Family is able to Day the hospital bill.
Councillor Stevens reported on the road north of Haydon. On
motion of Councillors Stevens and Werry the Council purchase about Z acre of land
from, Chas Garrard at $50.00, the amount of land necessary to partially straighten
the road at this point.
Council formed Court of Revision to AF and determine the
several appeals made by the Assessor in favour of several assessments. On motion
of DL-. Rickard and "r. Vice these appeals were granted.
On motio, of Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Vice the arrears
ledger as presented be accepted by this court and that all accounts not included
therein be written off. Carried.
On motion Council adjourned.
The follow-ing accounts were paid:
H.E.7P.C. of Ont® Bol�rmanville Hampton Street Li gats 127. `0
Bell lL
elepone Co. of Canada Service charges 9.95
K. Symons Counties' Treasurer Hospitalization 29.00
Highle.b -ffice Supply Inv. 2161 Office Desks 340.LO
Cab 500--Bawmanville Taxi service to Gravenhurst 25-00
Inv. 22-16. Office Supplies 23-65
IT.G.Barlow Co. Ltd., Vp
Hugh Cameron, Registrar of Deeds---Abstracts for "September 5.00
'Buckley' s Flowers Pascoe 8.00
A.J.LYLeClerk Treas. Bowmamville Firegread Sc?tt--Morton,
anR by Ime 1235.00
Oshawa Dairy Milk Re: Sawdon, Kapustin 11.324-
Beckstead' s i.G.A.Store 1--roceries--Sawdon 30-00
rO rull' s Groce-teria Groceries--Mrs. Fred Ernest 2_.01
Sheppard �. Gill Fuel Re: B.Smith Inv. 8368 12-50
N.J.Vloodley Livestock Valuator 14-50
A.J.McLaggan Sheep Damage 52.00
Robert Sim Sheep Damage 15-00
Leslie Cockrane Sheep Damage20.00
J.D.Ho'crarth Re:Bill Expenses 1.40
W.E.Rundle Re: Bill Expenses 7.19
-Mrs. Kaulustin Relief 1 40.00
Mrs. M.ildred LeRoy Aelief 20.00
Mrs. Bernice Smith Relief 20.00
Wilbert Marks Post San Care 32.00
`rVm Lycett Assessor Sal. for October 2022.00
J.D.Hogarth Clerk Sal . for October 206.00
W.F.Rundle Deputy Clerk Sal. for October 209.76
' Mary Niddery Salary for October 148-52
Receiver General Income Tax for October 13-05
H.A.Barron Une-ap Ins. Stamps for October 8.16
w.E.Rundle For Petty Cash 50-00
E.A.Varcoe Elder Tnspector--Sal for October 12.5.00
S-ch=';' 1 Attendance Off icer--r-- ctober
E.A.Varcoe 15.60
J.D.Hogar h Fox Bounties 200.00
F,A,Virtue Groceries--Mrs. Jones 21�-.I0
Cliff Pe hick Groceries --Sears 1L.67
Roaa.s 3e ridges Maintenance % repairs 36707.55