HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-12-02 December 2, 10,^L. Darlingtor To,inshiD Council rret in the Toxnshiip Hall on the above date with all �e7:bers Present. Minutes of previous meeting were read and on mot-ion of Councillors Stevens and Vice, approved as read. The followin-c corresuondence was read and. dealt with as "clll catT s ::etter from the Toronto Tele Prat=, thanking Coiircil for their co-operation in 7_,reoar;nr-, the roads for their colour 'our was received and filed. Notices from, Oshawa and Bo-w.manville Hosritals were received and filed. A letter fram. the Dept of Highways of Ontario was read, assuring Council of its intention to build interchange at the intersection of the Co-urtice Road and Highway 4 LOI as soon as possible® A letter from A.W.Greler was read informing Council that, on searching the title of a lane next to _,r:rs. Carter' s property in 3urketon, he found that the To,,,s-nship had no claim to the cro-certv and that therefore no action could be taken. A letter from, 11r. L. Trull complaining If the condition of the roadway across the m,ill dam in Hampton was referred to the Road Superintendent. . A letter from "Ir. Scott of the B-rookdale Nurser:ies, asked that he be compensated for the cost of ditching the roadside next, to his property. Nloved by Councillors Stevens and `.Terry that 'Clerk write T'v1r. Scott informincr him that Council had not promised to do this work and since it is the policy of this Council not to pay for unauthorized work , no paTment can be made. TYT-r.. 77alter Frank a-o-oeared before Council asking for assistance in paying his hospital bill. It was moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Vice that Council enter into agreement with "r. Frank, whereby Council 1,,r4 11 advance assistance and 4r. Frank agrees to repay the amounts advanced, such amounts to be a charge against his estate if not paid during his lLfetime, this agreement to be properly registered and co---olet-Jto the satisfaction of the Township solicitor. Carried. Clerk was instructed to -write to the Canadian Paraplegic Association to the effect that Council is entering into agreement with "r. Frank and will soon be able to make payments on his bill. Mr. and -Mrs. Rogers asked for repairs on roadway to their house in Hampton. Moved by Councillors Stevens and Werry that temporary repairs be made as soon as possible. Road Supt® presented his report and vouchers for November which were on motion, ordered paid with the following exceptions, H.F.Oshorne bill, and City o" Oshawa bill for"!'858.54_ Clerk to write the City of Oshawa that we have no agreement to cover this account. Mo-,:-ed by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Vice that Clerk order a private telephone 'Line for the Township Office. Carried. Moved by Councillors Stevens and Werry that all calls concerning snow ploughing or any business pertaining to roads must be made to the Township Office during ofTicehours. On motion Council adjourned. T17, 7012,017T\1(7, ACCOUNTS RF; PATD: Dell Telephone Company of Canada Service charges 1L.83 Hugh Cameron, Registrar of Deeds Abstracts for Oct. 8.L0 H.G.3arlvvv Co. Ltd. Office Chairs 113.40 Hiorhley ffice, Supply Office Supplies C-,3.81, I Counties' Treasurer Hospitalization 100.51 Letter Supply Co. Printing Voters Lists 66.75 December 2/5L. Continued. Higson Electric Wiring Off ice 128.73 Canadian Statesman Printing --% Advt. �L.00 ,Harry Deyman Q.C. Certifying Voter' s Lists 10.00 Elmer mer Pollard Wiring etc. �-79.30 Robert Sim Sheep Damage 40.00 Doug Barton Sheep Damage 20.00 71 .J.Woodley Livestock Inspection 6.50 N-D Board of Health Plvrnbin-- Inspection Fees 272-50 Provincial Treasurer Insulin 5.99 2 relief 20.00 Mrs. Bernice Smith 1L-s. Mildred �e Roy Relief 20.00 Mrs. Katherine Kapustin Relief 40.00 1 Wilbert Maz-ks Post San Care 32.00 Roy BuKey Groceries--Kapustin 10.00 INT.3- R.Hall Groceries-Kapustin 11.58 Oshawa Dairy Milk-Kapustin-Sawdon 1L.T! Trull' s Grocerteria Groceries--Kapustin 16.00 E.F.Beckstead Groceries--Sawdon 40.13 E.A.Virtue Groceries--Jones 22,,.00 Ont. Hydro Pawer Comm. re-Hydro Arrears--Sears 21.30 Allan Dickie Fixing Roof 1.00 R.11�.Nichols Selecting Jurors 3.00 Vi.I,.Lycett Selecting Jurors 3.00 J.D.Hogarth Selecting Jurors 4-00 J.D.Hogarth, C3erk November Salary 200.00 W.L.Lycett, Assessor November Salary 204.00 W.E.Rundle Deputy Clerk November Salary 209.76 h1ary Niddery November Salary 148-52 E-k,.Varcoe, Bldg. Inspector November Salary 159.00 E.A.Varcoe, School Att. Officer November Pay 21.20 Receiver general Income Tax for November 13.05 H.A.Barron Unem-o. Ins. Stamps for iqov--Mbbr 9.21+ A.C.Stark � Son. re-Heating System for Hall 525-00 Municipal World Printing 24.02 Victor Cookson Killing dog 10.00 Cliff Fethick Groceries-Sears 17.37 Roads &: Bridges Vaintenance & repairs --November 6020.17 A�-` CIERK