HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-02-03 Hampton, Ontario, February 3, 1955.
jDarlington Township Council met in the Township Hall on the above date with
all Members present.
Minutes of the Inaugural teeting on Jan. 10, and of a special meeting on
Jan. 25, were read and approved as read.
Correspondence was dealt with as follows:
Letter and price list from C.I.L. was referred to the Agricultural Committee.
Letter from Salvation Army asking for Grant. Moved by Councillors Werry
and Osborne that a grant of $100.00 be made to Salvation Army.
Resolution from Township of Crowland re increased rate for Unemployment
Insurance was received and filed.
Letter from Inspector of Legal Offices re survey in Lot 35, Concession 2&3,
was referred to Committee on Legislation and By-Laws.
Letter from E. Swain re damage to automobile was referred to the Insurance Co.
Letter from Welfare Officers Association was received and filed.
Letter from Oshawa General Hospital and Bowmanville Memorial Hospital were
laid aside for futther study.
Letter from Ontario Department of Highways concerning through highways was
laid over to next meeting.
Moved by Councillors Stevens and Osborne that a grant of $75.00 be made
to Durham Central Agricultural Society. Carried.
Mr. J. Holt, Roscoe Products, addressed Council re culverts,guard rails,
and road signs. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vice and Councillor tiverry that Road Supt. order 16
signs reading " Road closed, use at your own risk." Carried.
F.G.Smith addressed Council asking for help in the Township Re-Forestration
project. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vice and Councillor Stevens that Percy vierry, Fred G. Smith
and Fred Partner be a committee to attend to the Township Re-f orestration.
Clerk to write Bell Telephone Co. asking that a representative attend next
Council meeting.
After some discussion it was decided to set up Committees to attend to the
Res. 1 work of the Township. Moved by Councillors Stevens and Osborne that the following
Committees be appointed for the year 1955:
Finance v Councillor Werry, Councillor Stevens.
Roads & Brides -- Deputy Reeve Vice, Councillor Osborne
By-Laws a .d fegislation --Councillor Stevens, Councillor '+err
Township roperty,Schools and Agriculture--Councillor Osborne,;eputy Reeve Vice.
A proposal to set up a separate roads account was discussed, and was referred
to the Finance Committee for further study.
Res. 2. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vice and Councillor Osborne
Tenders for Surface Treasatment. Township of Darlington.
Approximately 8 miles o a p t roads, average width 172 feet to apply
and supply R.C. 3 asphalt and 3/8 " crushed State price per gallon asphalt supplied and
applied, also 3/8 " crushed stone per ton supplied and applied. Stone must :meet the approval of
Highways Divisional Engineer. Asphalt must be at least 180°F.bef ore applied. Lowest or any
fender not necessarily accepted. Carried.
yes. 3 Moved by Councillors Stevens and Qsborne:
Tenders for Oil M.I.P. Township of Darlington. s
To supply and apply oil to mix with approximately 8000 yards of gravel for surfacing roads.
Contractor to supply roller and experienced f orcmnan. Tank truck must be at least 2000 gal.
capacity. Also certificate weight of roller, 7 tons or over. M.I.P. must be at least 180'F.
before applied. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted.
Res. 4. Moved by Councillors Osborne and Werry:
Tenders for Gravel. Township of Darlington.
To crush 20,000 tons of gravel more or less. Must be 65/ stone, 5/8 " screened.
Approximately 10,000 tons to be crushed and stockpiled in 2 or 3 pits. Must be completed
by lst of June 1955. Approximately 10,000 tons to be crushed and delivered on Township
roads up to 6 mi. limit. Gravel to be supplied by Township out of 5 pits, to be applied
by October 30th,1955. Contractor to supply scales. Also about 3000 yards from Lakeshore.
Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Carried.
Res. 5. Moved by Councillor Stevens and Deputy Reeve Vice:
That we ask permission from Dept. of Highways to tender for new diesel grader with 100 H.P.
and that we be given permission to pay for this over a two year period. Accompanying letter
to explain that if permission to spread cost over two years be granted, the supplementery
by-law for new machinery read *,10,000 in place of ?,20,000.
Road Supt. presented his report and vouchers for January which were, on motion
of Deputy Reeve Vice and Councillor Stevens, ordered paid.
A By-Law authorizing the Treasurer to borrow amounts up to :70,000 was
given its several readings and ordered signed,sealed and numbered 2013.
Moved by Councillor Stevens and Councillor Osborne that a note be signed
authorizing loan of 825000.00. Carried.
Salaries of the Township employees was discussed and referred to the Reeve, to -
report at next meeting.
By-law ,# 2014, appointing Building Inspector, By-law 2015 appointing Weed Inspector,
By-law 2010' appointing School Attendance Officer, By-law 2017 appointing Livestock Valuators,
By-law ;# 2018 appointing Fence Viewers and Pound eepers, were given their several readings
and signed,sealed and numbered.
Moved by Councillor Stevens and Councillor Osborne that Clerk advertise for a
Warble Fly Inspector, also sprayer operator with a dual-wheeled, two ton truck, to carry
the Township sprayer,' f or the Warble Fly Spraying. Carried.
Moved by Councillors Stevens and (ferry that Clerk order a supply of Warble
Fly powder. Carried.
Councillor Chas. Osborne was appointed the Councils ziepresentative to the Durham
County Federation of Agriculture.
Moved by Councillors Stevens and 'Ferry that Garnet Rickard be appointed to the
Durham County District High School Board, and that he be notified by letter. Carried.
Res. 6 Moved by Councillors Stevens and Osborne : That we petition the Board of Transport
Coammissioa?"to erect an over-head bridge at the intersection of C.P.R. add road between Lot
28-29, in Darlington Toti,,nship.
L.R.Graham, E.F.G.Vice and J.D.Hogarth were appointed as delegates to the Good
Roads Association Convention.
On motion of Dep. Reeve Vice Council adjourned.
Bell Telephone Co. Service charges 3U 3-3930 22.80
H.E.P.C. of Ont. ''ervice charges 5.41
Town of Bowmanville Fire Brigade-Whalen � Greenwood. 235.00
Canadian Statesman Notice 1.00
Sheppard & Gill Relief fuel. 77.20
Hugh Cameron Reg. bb Deeds Dec. Abstracts 6.08
Counties' Treasurer Hospitalization 118.00
G.E.Burnham Domestic Fuel Oil 57.63
F.F.Morris Venttian Blinds for Office 46.20
S. Venton Re Cobourg Transportation & Meals 8.85
Highley Office Supply Office Supplies 22.15
Fred G. Smith Brucellosis Inspector 129.00
W.R.Pickell Brucellosis Inspector 70.80
Clarence Turner Brucellosis Inspector 27.60
E.A.Virtue Groceries--Jones. Dec. 24.37
Beckstead' s I.G.A.Store re Osmond, Mullen 15.00
F.L.Byam,Sec-Treas S.S. 18 Advance 2500.00
w' ®Avery,Sec-Treas.S.S.# 17 Advance 600.00
E.A.Varcoe � Bldg. Inspector--Jan Salary 193.00
E.A.Varcoe,School Attendance fficer Jan. Account. 12.00
Yam. Lycett, Assessor Jan Salary 204.00
J.D.Hogarth, Clerk Jan. Salary 200.00
W.E.Rundle, Deputy Clerk Jan. Salary 205.61
Mary Niddery Jan. Salary 11+8.52
Receiver 'eneral Income Tax for Jan. 12.20
H.A.Barron Unemp. Ins. Stamps for Jan. 9.24
H.A.Barron Relief acct.--Boulds 22.85
J.A.Warrack Relief Acct. --Boulds 4.50
Mrs. J. Bould Feb. Relief 45.00
Maple Grove Grocery �4elief--Irwin, St. Pierre 62.92
Hospital for Sick Children re Michael Kapustin 11.85
Mrs. N. Erwin Feb. Relief 1.0.00
Mrs. M. LeRoy Jan. Relief 20.00
Mrs. B. Smith Jan Relief 20.00
M.J.Hopbs, Sec. Treas. S.D.T.A.Bd. Advance 101000.00
Cliff ethick Groceries--Sears Dec-Jan. 52.69
Northumberland -Durham Bd. of Health Plumbing Insp. Fees 111.50
Roads & Bridges Maint. & repairs--Jan. 2474.90
Paid Jan.10/55
Ont. Good Roads Assoc. Membership Fee 10.00
Ont. Assoc. of Rural Municipalities It It
Ont. Assoc. of Urban-Rural Munic. " " 10.00
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