HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-04 Hampton, April 4, 1955.
Darlington To-,Arnship Council met on the above date with all Members
Minutes of 8ebruary meeting and of special meetings on March 71 and
March 22, were read and approved as read.
Moved by Councillor Stevens and Councillor Osborne that the motion
of March 7th. meeting accepting the resignation of Road Supt. be rescinded. Carried.
Moved by Councillors Osborne and Werry, that Township employees be
allowed to work at least 48 hours per week, and may work extra time if
necessary. Carried. . Chairman of Roads Committee to inform Road Supt.
Moved by Councillor Stevens and Deputy Reeve Vice that the Municipal
Council of the-Torfinship of Darlington request the Municipal Council of the
United Counties of Northumberland and Durham to issue Debentures in the sum of
Two Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars 0220,000.) to provide ffinds for the
construction of an addition to the High School now in the course of construction
at Port Hope, and a further addition to the addition to the Bowmanville High School
now in the course of construction, which schools are under the jurisdiction of the
Durham County District High School Board. Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Vice and Councillor Werry, Darlington Council
request the Counties' Council to restrict speed limit in the Village of Hampton.
Moved by Deputy Aeeve Vice and Councillor terry that Clerk
contact E. White Roy McGill, D. Bothwell,Sr., M. Wyman and J. Hartwig to arrange
a meeting to form a Planning Board. Councillors Stevens and Osborne to
represent Council. Carried.
Moved by Deputy eeve Vice and Councillor Vierry that after this date
all Hydro contractX approval cards be passed and initialled by the Building
Inspector and signed by the Deputy dLERK V�F,E.Rundle,, Carried. Copy to be sent
to Hydro Offices at Oshawa and Bowmanville.
Road Supt. presented his report and vouchers for March , which were on
motion of Deputy Reeve Vice and Councillor Osborne ordered paid. Carried.
General accounts were presented and on motion of Councillors Werry
and Stevens ordered paid. Carried.
Moved by Councillors Stevens and Osborne , that the Warble Fly Spraying
be referred to Agriculture Committee with power to act. Carried.
Bell Telephone Co. of Canada Service charges 19.95
Counties' Treasurer Hospitalization 344-27
Town of Bowmanville Fire Brigade (F.Hall.) 170-00
Thos Whillier -% Son Inv. 4748. Coll. Roll Sheets 36.09
Municipal World Ltd. Rate tables Inv. 8626 10.00
Highley Office Supply Folders etc.Inv. 3585,3680,3827 10.70
Registrar of Deeds Jan. & Feb. Abstracts 10.08
Treasurer of Ontario Inv. OR-1645-Nursery stock 150-00
G.E.Burnham Inv. 439900.Dan. Fuel Oil 37-55
, .L.Byam Sec-Treas. S.S.# 18 Advance 500-00
Clarence A. Aver39 Sec-Treas. S.S.# 17 Advance 500-00
Sheppard & Gill Inv. lO436---Fuel--:1Mrs. Smith 25-00
Tamblyn Ltd. RX Mrs. Bould 4.35
Cliff Pethick Groceries--Sears--March 23.85
maple Grove I-rocery St. Pierre --March 47.53
Beckstead' s I.G.A. Wm. Wright--I"eb. 4.97
A.C.Stark Bal. on Oil Furnace 100.00
Mrs. M. LeRoy. Aelief--March 20.00
Mrs. B. Smith Relief--March 20.00
Mrs. N. Irwin Relief--April 45,00
Mrs. B. Could Relief--April 45-00
April 4, 1955
W.L.Lycett Assessor Salary for March 254.20
J.D.Hogarth, Clerk Salary for march 200.00
W,E.Rundle, Deputy Clerk Salary for March 206.52
Mary Niddery Salary for March 148.44
H.A.Barron Unemp. Ins. Stamps for March 12.96
Receiver general Income Tax for March 13.20
E.A.Varcoe Building Ins ector Salary for Itarch 167,84
E.A.Varcoe Ichool Att. fficer March Account 12,00
Rev. Father Mahoney Rent. St.Pierre 45.00
E.A.Virtue Groceries--Mrs. Young--March 24.11
W.E.Rundle. Petty Cash 67.37
Roads &: Bridges Maint. &: Repairs--March 2749.94