HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-05-05 H11=0N, Ontario. May 5, 1955®
Township Council met in the Towns4ip Hall on the above date
with all Members present.
hex 11chaster asked Council t* remove stones and brush from roadside
in Lot 29, Con. 4. (North end) . Referredito Roads Committee.
Minutes of previous meetings of April 4,April 7, April 14 and April
25, were read and approved.
A letter was received from the Counties' Clerk info-nraing Council that
a 30 mile per hour speed limit can be enforced in the central part of the Village
of Ham-
pton. Clerk was instructed to ask the County Road Foreman to erect signs in
the proper places,
A Delegation from East 'Fnitby Township presented suggestions for rendering
for hard surface on town-line road north from Oshawa City limits to Taunton. Moved
by Deputy `peeve Vice and Councillor Osborne that calls for Tenders be inserted in the
Daily Ccmmercial News on May 13 and May 20, 1955, as per form suggested for
approximately 21 miles of pavement, Tenders to be opened on May 26, 1955, in the
presence of all Councils concerned.
The matter of undertaking a construction job on the Townline (East
Whitby) in the 8th. Concession , was discussed, and referred to the Roads Committee.
Clerk was instructed to write to Roads i1ces-urfacing Ltd., asking them
to send their fore-man here the week of May 9th., to advise Road Supt. as to repair of
damaged pavement.
Moved by Councillors Osborne and Merry that Council purchase land from
Arthur Moore (roadway and remaining section) at price quoted. (.`500.00) .
Communication from residents of Hillcrest Heights sub-division re-
changing of street names was referred to Building Inspector.
Letter from Mrs. Bourne re road spraying was referred to weed Inspector.
Clerk was instructed to prepare a statement on overhead C.P.R.
crossing at Lots 28-29 in the first Concession.
Clerk was instructed to offer for sale by Tender a lot on Concession3,
Lot 305, Tenders to close June 3, 1955, at 12 o'clock noon.
A By-law to -provide for a special rate to be levied to defray the
Township of Darlington share in the cost of erecting and equipping an addition to
the new High School at Port Hope and an addition to the existing High School at
Bowmanville was given its several readings and ardered signed, sealed and nunbered
Moved by Deputy Reeve Vice and Councillor Werry that a Planning Board
be appointed for Darlington Township with the following as 4embers__
For 3 years Morley Wyman,and Everton White.
For 2 years Roy McGill and John Hartwig
For 1 year David Bothwell Sr. Carried.
Road Supt presented his reportand vouchers which were on motion of
Deputy .fteeve Vice and Councillor Werry ordered paid.
General Accounts were examined and on motion of Councillor 'Werry and
Councillor Stevens ordered paid.
Clerk was instructed to write W.Park Jr., informing him that Council
does not regard rabbits as live stock and therefore cannot allow his claim.
W.R.Pickell, Weed Inspector discussed the 1955 spraying program. with
Council. Moved by Councillor Osborne and Councillor Stevens that 4500,00 be set
aside for brush spraying in 1955. Carried.
Report of Road Committee was presented and discussed.
Bell Tel phony Co. of Canada Special Reverse charge 3-05
Bell telephone Co. of Canada Service charge MiL 3-3930 24-70
H.E.P.C. of Ontario. Service charges 18-31
H.E.F.C. of Ontario Hampton Street Lights 147.00,
G.E.Burnham Dom. Fuel Oil Ind L40141 28.08
Counties' Treasurer Hospitalization 82.75
Chas. 14. Folliott Rebate on 1954 Taxes 20.80
Registrar of Deeds March Abstracts 5.25
James Publishing Co. Printing 72.60
Northumberland-Durham Bd. of Health Plumbing Permits 52-50
N.J.Woodley Live stock Valuator 6.50
Douglas Barton SheepDamage 20.00
Clerk, Town of Bo7himanville Fire Brigade 200.00
L.C.Mason, Drafting By-law 5-00
S.E.White Liability Policy 497-32
Clerk, Torn of Bowmanville Relief--MUE,( Mrs. V. Colbary 21.05
Oshawa Public Welfare Bd. Relief--Mrs. M. Hanlon 18,89
Clerk, Township of Rawdon relief--- Jacob Coens 37.16
H.A.Barron Groceries--Mrs Trout 14-15
E.A.Virtue Groceries--iL-s. Young 24,08
Sheppard & Gill Fuel--Mrs. Smith 25-00
Mrs. M. LeRoy April Relief 20.00
Mrs. B. th April Relief 20,00
Mrs. tin May Relief 45-00
Mrs. betty- Bould May Relief 45-00
Mrs. Margaret Cmsmas May Relief 20.00
E.A.Varcoe School Att. Officer April Acct. 13.70
E.A.Varcoe Building Insp. Salary for April 109.92
Wm. Lycett, Assessor Salary for April 254j,20
J.D.Hogarth, Clerk Salary for April 200.00
W.E.Rundle Deputy Clerk Salary for April 206,61
Mary Niddery Salary for April 148-52
H.A.Barron Unemp. Ins. Stamps for April 12.96
Receiver General Income Tax for April 12,20
C. Pethick Groceries--Sears 27.81
W.A.Reid Aeforestration 160.00
Gordon F. Baker Aeforestration 27.50
John Malette Reforestation 10"00
Fred G. Smith Reforestation 15.00
Roads Bridges Maintenance .& Repairs for April 8726,11