HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-03 November 3. 1955. Darlington Township Council met in the Township Hall on the above date, with all Members present, Reeve Nichols presiding. Minutes of last meeting were read and on motion of Councillors Stevens amd Osborre approved as read. Moved by Councillor Stevens and Councillor Osborne that consent be given in nine cases as recommended by the Darlington To�inship Planning Board at its meeting, October 271 . Carried. !Lr. E. Milgate, Lot 31, Con. 3, complained of water condition and need of ditching on road. Referred to Road Committee and Road Supt. Tvison Munday asked for culvert in Lot 1L, Con. 3. Refe-rred. to Road Committee, J.D.Hoorartb was instructed to call on Lilly Brothers to adjust culvert account. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vice and Councillor Osborne that Clerk write or phone Roy iJetcalfe, asking him to hire a man at .75r per hour to clear brush from his road. Letter from 1qrs. Cockrane re road was referred to Road Cogni ttee. Account from- Nick Rogozenski received and filed. Moved by Councillor Stevens and Deputy Reeve Vice that the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign gravel lease with A. Allin, provided that there is no objectibn on the part of any government Department. It was decided that stumps would be removed from 'r. Christian' s roadside as soon as ground is frozen. Clerk was instructed to write the dept. of Hialaways re stop at Ebenezer corner from South. Letter from Rev. H. Stainton referred to next year' s Road Committee. Letter from Barrett re road referred to Road Committee. Road Supt. presented his report and Vouchers for October to the amount of M 32.�,4, which were on motion of Deputy Reeve -lice and Councillor Osborne ordered Haid® Moved by Councillors Osborne and Stevens that Clerk investigate prices on salt and the RoadCommitteebe authorized to order suitable quantity. Moved by Councillors Osborne and Stevens that T).i.cameron' s wage be raised to 1.15 per hour, this to"Reretroactive to Sept. 1, 1955. Moved by Councillors Werry and Stevens that the general accounts be passed as presented. ),elief Officer was instructed to give no relief to anyone on strike. '4A�t Ve, Moved by Councillors 'Werry and Stevens that this Council sit as Court of evasion. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vice and Councillor Osborne that the Court accept tax roll as Presented by the Assessor. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vice and Councillor Osborne that Council gravel T-,Trone and Solina Road this fall. Moved by Councillor Osborne and Deputy Reeve Vice that Council accept resignation of L.R.Graham as Road Superintendent, to take effect December 31. 1955. loved b Deputy Reeve Vice and Councillor Stevens that Clark advertise f or a - Road Supt. , duties to commence as soon as pt. with some-engineering experience mm possible. Carried. Ad to appear in Bowmanville, Oshawa, Fort hope papers and in the Comiiercial News. Ask for age, references, oualifications and salary expected. Council adjourned. The full o--iiing accounts were paid; Last Post Fund re W. Adams 15-00 Bell &elephone Co. Service charges 19.65 Bell- Telephone Co. Special Reverse Charge 4.05 H.E.P.C. of Ont. Service charges e.07 H.E.P.C. of Ont. Hampton Street Lighting 147.00 N-D Board of Health Plumbing Inspection Fees 382-50 Clarence Turner rucellosis Inspector 21.90 W.F.Pickell Brucellosis Inspector 38.4-0 Fred G. Smith brucellosis Inspector 113.10 Walmsley - ,Aac-ill Inv. 2295, 2505. 2179 11 .90 Thos Whillier -?, Son Inv. 802 2.28 registrar of Deeds Sept. Abstracts 8.7L Counties' Treasurer Hospitalization 10)- .38 Town or Bowmanville Fire Brigade. Smith,Taylor, Potter 4LO-00 E.A.Varcoe S. A. Officer Oct. Account 22,50 7.A.Varcoe, Bldg Inspector Oct. Salary 5 Z 7' Page 2. Accounts paid. J,D,Hogarth. L.F.O. October Salary 200.00 Wm. Lycett, Assessor October Salary 25L.20 W.E.Rundle. Clerk October Salary 276.L0 Mary Niddery October Salary 10803 H.A.Barron Tnem. Ins. Stwnpf for ctober 13.0 Receiver general Income Tax for October 30.25 Mrs. J. Kapustin Post San Care--Oct. 32®00 MYs, F. Von Gunted helief--Karacle Child--Nov® 17.00 Mrs. 73. Smith Relief Oct. 20.00 Mrs® K. Srosmas Relief--Nov. 2000 MYs® L. Young Relief-WVov. 22.00 or. Anivin-Sears Relief--Nov® 2500 Mrs. Alma Trout A. Relief-- o". 25-00 W.B.Bennett Paving Side elks- ampton Enniskillen 2122.93 H.A.Barron Relief Groceries--Shirk 19.97 Maple GroveG rocery Relief Crippen 27.93 W.E.Rundle Fox Bouny-y 200.00 Roads A Bridges Maint® I Repairs 3432.04- REF V� CLERK.