HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-15 Dacembbr 15, 1 ', _5 5.
DariinEton Township Council met in the Township Hall on the above date,
with -Miam"bers all oresent Reeve Nichols presiding.
Llinutes of last meeting were read and on of Councillor Stevens an(:.,
Beputy Reeve 74 c were approved as read.
Clerk was instructed to notify the South Darlington Township Area School
Board that Council has refused consent to sale of land by E. ti,Thiteside to the
School Baa--d in Lot 23, Con. 2.
Mr. Geo. F. Annis appeared re sheep damages atSvdney Wvrden's.
letter from Frank Cowan
wan Agenre Tnsurance Claim.
Letter from Dept. of Planning ?c Development re Jones Sub-division, Lot
31, Con. 4-, Darlington referred to Planning Board.
Road accounts to the amount of X2303.38 were presented and on motion of
De7utv Reeve Vice and Cloun#llcr Osborne were ordered paid.d. Carried.
General Accounts -totalling "` 1150n"7.53 were presented and on -nation of
Councillor Stevens and Councillor `,-terry were ordered paid. Carried
1Ioved by Councillor Stevens
Seconded by Councillor Osborne
That Thos. K. Stewart be engaged as Road Superintendent
duties to co=rnenca as soon as passible, at a salary of `L000.00 per year. Carried.
Moved by Councillor Stevens
Seconded by Councillor Osborne
That Mrs. T. K. Stewart be engaged as Book eeper for
the Taiinshi-D Roaa Boo ks at a salary of 8200.00 per annun, duties- to coralnence
as soon as possible. Carried.
Clerk was instructed to get a ruling from the Dept. of Municipal
Affairs re -oroced=e in clearing the status of Deputy-Reeve elect, G.B.Rickard.
17oved by, Councillor Stevens and Deputy Reeve Vice that Bruce Tink be
appointed to the Durham Co,,Lnty District High School Board for a term of one vear,
Forbes Hevland to the sa-me Board for a two-year terns, and Clare Allin for a
three year term. Carried.
Moved by Councillor Stevens and Councillor Werry that motion passed at
July Lieetina to surface TojjnSh_4
1� p Hall be hereby rescinded. Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Vice and Councillor Osborne that any To�rnship Road
accounts payable on or before December 31, 1955, be paid on signature of the
Reeve and Treasurer before the close of the year. Carried.
'-klovpd by Councillor Stevens and Councillor Verry that the Park Board be
informed that Council approves the removal of trees if agreeable to the Park
Board. Carried,
Borrowing By-lavy N9. 2032 was given its several readin�-s and ordered signed
Sealed and n,,_unbered.
The fo11o7xincr bills were paid. Trustee Le 15800-00
VI .J.-HObbs, Sec. Treas. S,T).T.A.9.3oard Tw-j. Grant VY
Mrs. Wa�- if It
parry Grace, Seco Treas. 7 382.00
Gordyn Brent, Sec-Treas. S.S,,.! 10 It 23q,5-50
Fred G. Smith, Sec-Treas. 13 71 1900.11:10
George Knox, Sec-Treas. S.S.1 1L I! 2199.90
R.VV'.Pasc -.e,. Sec-T'reas, S.S.,L' 15 1700.25
'F,t,f,-,.Yerry, Sec-Treas. 11' 21,00.1-,C
Sec-Treas® S.S.# 1-7
F.L.Byam,, Sec-Treas, S.S.# 18 950-00
Mrs, Ada Yellowlees, Sec-Treas. S.S. 19 1800.00
C.E.Shortridge, Sec-Treas. S.S.0- 20 2930.75
David -alcoLn, Sec-Treas. S.S.# 21 750-00
H.N.Scott, Sec-Treas. S.J® l S.S.j� 22 934. �71-
Oriae 1,11iller, Sec-Treas. S.S.# 23 150-00
H.'si.Rlitchell, Sec-Treas. D.C.D.Hiah School Bd. 28800.00
K.Symons, Counties' Treas. Re, High School I.Jebenture 11106.00
K. Symons, Counties' Treasurer County Le-,ry 33078-77
I%Jrs. Vera A!Iin =
Deputy Returning Officer 10®00
MIrs. Aileen Turner Poll Clerk 8.00
Gordyn Vrent. D.R.O. 10.00
Fred G. Smith P.C. 8.100
Charles Snowden D.R.O. 10.00
Berl-, Snowden P.C. 8.00
Dece.'ber 15, 1 9 9 5.
CO Y T.171
Bills Paid®
Gordon Beecl-. D.R.O. 10.00
Victor Cookson 'PQC. 8.00
Sidney L'ersey T).R.O. 10.00
IL-s. Elsie Bradley P.C. Q
Francis -n`erry D.R.O. 1 C,C
Adam Sha--c P.C.
H.Q.LJU4 r �mRm0. 10.00
1,7--s. -7-erald Peterson P.c' 8.00
Mrs. H. F. Osborne D.1R.0.
_yrs. Brooks Pearce F.C, 8.00
Clarence Penfoumd D.R.O. 10.00
Rrs. j. Van, de 'Walker P.C. 8.00
irs. Eldon Essery D.-P.O. 10.00
�Irs. Frank Balson P.C. 8.00
Frank Pascoe
D.R.O. 110.00
Mrs. Frank Sobil P.C. 8.00
hIrs. Lyda Cryderman D.R.O. 10.00
Mrs. R."W.Pascoe P.C. 8.00
VI.E.Rundle Returning Off icer 25000
X.J.Hobbs, Sec-Treas. Area 3d. Rental of Schools for Election 30.00
E.A.Virtue Treas. Rental of Tyrone Community Hall 7.50
1drs. Aylmer beech "ental of Home for Election 15-00
Sheldon Pethick, Treas. Rental of Enniskillen Hall
E,r_.Varcoe Rental of Hall 15.00
_R.VvI.Pascoe, SecTreas. S.S® z 15 Rental of School for Election ?.50
R.WYichols Reeve 200.00
E.7.(7,.Vice Deputy Reeve 175.00
Ross Stevens Councillor I50.00
Chas. Osborne Councillor
r c Y 'ferry Councillor 150.00
'IE1. Cha-cman Janitor 80.00
Hiss Lola 'Butler Post San Care-Dec. 32.00
Mrs. J.Yarust-in, Post San Care-John Jr. -?)ec. 32.00
I'Irs. 8. Smith relief-Dec. 20.00
W-m. Lyc--'%,t, Assessor T)ec. Salary 25L.20
J.D.HoZarth' _L�.E.0. Dec. Salary 200.0,0
'F.E.Rundle, Clerk DF' Saar'
Mary Yliddery Dec. Salary
E.A.Varcoe Bldg, Inspector Dec. Salary 192.71=
H.A.Barron une-n-om ins. Stamps, Dec® 13.:36
Receiver General Income Tax --Dec.
meg. of Deeds, Durham Oct. Abstracts
Bell 4 elephone Co. Reverse Char7.31
Charge 1 .00
Osha: a Public vuelfare Bd. 1L elief--Fudge 5.57
Municip;F,i_l 'World Lts. Election Supplies
Thos. ",'Vliillier R Son Receipt Books 77-L5
John ' e_Tan , Barrister
rofessional Services 125-00
Gordon 3eech Relief-Smith-Crippen 66.Lo
Sheppard � Gill Relief--B.Snmit-h --'rippen 21.e3
A.J.Lyle, Clerk Bovq-riarville Fire Brigade -IVIcKnight 100.00
K.Symons Counties'Treas. Hosoitalizat-ion90'.75
Canadian Statesman Printing, Election Supplies 38.62
Allan an Dickie re Hampton Street Lights 30.00
R.J.T')illing, Sec-Treas.-Memorial Hospital--Twvp Grant 2000.00
Byron Vv'orden Killing 1 dog 10.00
Re'7, istra-- of Deeds., Durham Nov. Abstracts 7.11
1.1orley ',Wyman !VTileage re Planning Board 31.00
John Christie elief Det, p Jar, LO.00
DOn. K. Wilson Relief Dec-P- Jan 30.00
G.'- .Annis Livestock Valuator
Sidney 'Noreen Sheer Damage
4' .. . . . . . ... . . m m tl >0 e q . . . . ..