HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-02 FEBRUARY 2 1 1 95 6.
Darlington Township Council met on the above date with all
Members present except Councillor Osborne, Reeve Nichols presiding.
Moved by Councillors Stevens and Blanchard that the minutes be
accepted as read.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Blanchard that Council
request the Planning Board to consider the request from residents of Solina Road
to have a new school located on Solina Road north of No. 2 Highway.
Moved by Councillor Stevens and Deputy Reeve Rickard that T.K.
Creighton Q.C. be instructed to investigate a proposal of J.WoWatson to sell
summer cottages and lots in Lot 12, B.F., Darlington.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Stevens that Strike and
Strike, Bowmanville, be appointed Solicitors for the Township.
The A. Solomon account was referred to the Township' s Solicitor
for advice.
The Allan gravel lease was referred to the Township' s Solicitor
for advice.
By motion of Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Stevens, the
Agricultural Committee was authorized to implement the Warble Fly Program for 1956.
Moved by Councillors Stevens and Blanchard that this Council
petition the Ontario Dept. of Highways , requesting the approval of the transfer
of the sum of $2000.00 from Roads Maintenance to Bridges and Culvert Construction
in its 1955 Roads Report.
Moved by Councillors Stevens and Blanchard that Mrs. Chas Warren be
appointed Township' s Representative to the Mowmanville Memorial Hospital Board.
Moved by Councillor Stevens and Deputy Reeve Rickard that a special
meeting be held on Thursday, Feb. 16, at 1.30 P.M. to meet East Whitby Council
re Town Line Road Agreement and to transact general business.
Moved by Councillors Blanchard and Stevens that the Road Supt.
be authorized to order 40 tons more or less of Calcium Chloride to be delivered about
May 1st,, 1956.
Moved by Councillor Blanchard and �eputy peeve Rickard that a grant
of $100.00 be made to the Salvation Army.
Clerk was instructed to write T.K.Creighton Q.C. approving his
course of action in the matter of IVi.E.Whiteside and the S.D.A.School,Board, and
thanking him for his interest in the matter.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Blanchard that
Membership fee be paid to Trustees and Ratepayers Assoc.,and that Clerk W.E.Rundle
attend their Convention in April.
A letter from Crordyn Brdnt re intersection of Manvers Road and
6th Concession was referred to the road committee.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Stevens that the Reeve
and Treasurer be authorized to sign a cheque for 45000.00 payable to the S.D.T.A.
School Board as per request as an advznce on the 1956 levy.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Blanchard that truck and
machine operators be paid at the rate of $1.20 per hour, this to be retroactive
to January 1, 1956.
By-Law No. 2031 was given its third reading and ordered signed,
sealed and numbered .
Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Stevens khat the
('eneral accounts be paid as presented.
Moved by Councillors Blanchard and Stevens that Road Accounts be
paid as presented.
By-law to appoint W.L.Lycett as Assess6r was given its several
readings and ordered to be signed sealed and numbered 2035.
Moved by Dep. Reeve Rickard and Councillor Blanchard that Road
Supt. receive .08 per mile for the use of his car on Township business.
On motion meeting adjourned.
Sec. Treas.Ont. Good Rds. Assoc. Membership Fee $ 10.00
Sec-Treas. Ont. Assoc of Rural Municp. Membership Fee 10.00
Dymtro Haluchuk Rebate on 1955 taxes 4.62
Orville Greenwood Rebate on 1955 taxes 32.34
Franc Carriere " It 6.93
W.W.Perry " " 25 -38
Francis Hall " „ 38.08
S.H.Solway " if 11.95
Arthur runt " " 24.11
Roy McGill " " 6.48
-Irs. Vera Mills " " 23.16
Ralph Virtue " " 8.63
Lakeland Broadcasting Co. " " 288.50
Victor Budai " " 27.69
Mrs. Muriel Nichols43.85
Walmsley ?% Magill tSupplies „ 105.04
Allan Dickie Repairing Roof 1.00
Clerk Treas. Bo�vmanville Fire rigade �-, 0.00
Municipal World supplies 73.70
G.E.Burnham Fue1 0 11 88.45
Bell Telephone Co. Spec. Reverse Charge 3.90
Co.ell Telephone g
C Service charges Dec-Jan 55.70
H.F.P.C. of Ont. Service charges 18.29
H.E.P.C. of Ont. Hampton Street Lights 147.00
H.E.P.e. of Ont. Hydro Arrears, Contract Brant Ernest 89.66
James Publishing Co. Printing (Election) 46.40
Letter Supply Co. Printing Voters Lists 93.60
D/N Board of Health Plumbing Insp. Fees 246.00
W.E.Rundle Petty Cash Acct. 50.00
W.E.Rundle .6eturning Officer 5.00
Registrar of Deedes Dec /55 Abstracts 2.88
W.E.Rundle registration 1955 5.50
Township of Pickering "elief (St.Pierre--Nov%Dec.) 131.98
City of Oshawa elief (Fudge 3! King) Dec. 41.14
Trinidad Leasehold Relies" fuel 11.23
Sheppard & Gill Relief fuel r,4.00
City of Kitchener Relief (LeRoy Nov,Dec /55,Jan/56) 39.08
Maple Grove Grocery Relief Crippen-Dec & Jan. 75.00
Beckstead' s I.G.A. Relief Wright & Ward 15.00
Lander Coal Uo. xelief fuel Y Mcl&ster 27.00
Counties Treasua-er• hospitaiiza.tior, 359.69
Miss Lola Butler Post San Care for r+eb. 60.00
Mrs. J. apustin Post San Car--Feb. 32.00 Mrs. Bernice Smith Relief--Feb. 2000
Mrs. Margaret Crosmas Relief---Feb 20.00
Air. Melvin Sears Relief-web 25.00
Mrs. Percy rout "elief-Feb 1 2.66
Mrs. Florence Von Gunten Relief--Feb. 17.00
Ernest Crippen Relief--Feb 20.00
Mrs. L. Atkinson Relief--Feb 30.00
Donald Wilson Relief Feb 30.00
Mrs. Jean Davis Relief--Feb 40.00
Mrs. Kathleen Ernest Relief--Feb 30.00
W.E.Rundle. Clerk Jan. Salary 276.10
J.D.Hogarth LDE.O. Jan. Salary 125.00
Mary Niddery eputy Clerk Jan. Salary 192.71+
E.A..Varcoe Bldg. Insp. Jan. Salary 192.71
Wffi. L. Lycett Assessor Jan. Salary 25!+.20
H.A.Barron Unemp. Ins. Stamps for Jan 12,21.
Receiver General Income Tax f or. Jan. 31.00
Page 3.
J.D.Hogarth Fox Bounties 200.00
Russell Gimblett Livestock Damage 50.00
Geo Annis Livestock Inspection 2.90
E.A.Varcoe S.Att. Officer Jan. Account 4.80
Ada Lees Post San Care for Jar_. 62.00
Clara Thorne Rental --McMartin 16®00
Salvation Array Grant 100.00
Durham Central Ag. loc Grant 75.00
Trustees & ratepayers Assoc. Membership Fee 15.00
{ S¢D.I.A.School Board Advance 5000.00
Roads & bridges Maint. _ Repairs--Jan 11464.75
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