HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-04-02 Hampton, April 2, 1956.
Darlington Township Council met in the Township Hall on the above
dat with all Members present, Reeve Nichols presiding.
General accounts to the amount of $ 52F17.42 were presented and on
motion of Councillor Stetrens and Deputy Reeve Rickard were ordered paid.
Road Supt, presented his report and vouchers for March to the amount of
which were ordered paid on motion of Councillors Osborne and
Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Stevens that the budget
of the Finance Co::,mittee for 1956 be passed as presented.
Moved by Councillors Stevens and Osborne that consent be given in
ten (10) cases as recommended by the Planning Board, at its February and Larch meetings.
Moved by Councillors 6sborne and Blanchard that this Council enter into
an agreement to lease hots 19-20 Cedar Crest 'each , Twp. Lot 12, B.F. Con.,
for gravel removal with the option of buying the lands, garage and outhouses and that
the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the lease.
Moved by Councillors Osborne and Blanchard that this Council authorize
payment of 500.00 to W. Fice for lease and option on Lots 19-20 Cedar Crest Beach.
On motion of Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillors Osborne and
Blanchard a By-law to set rates of taxation for the Township for 1956 was given its
BY-law 204La_ several readings and ordered signet, sealed and numbered 2044.
Moved by Councillors Stevens and Blanchard that this Council give approva-I
Res. No. 1 to local branch of Ontario Hydro to spray brush on Township roads.
Moved by Councillors Stevens and Blanchard that the Reeve and Deputy Reeve
investigate the possibilities of setting up a Dog Pound for the Township.
+ T
-Iles. X70® 2. Moved by Councillors Osborne and Blanchard tha., we advertise for enders
for gravel crushing.
Res. No. 3 Moved by Councillors Osborne and Blanchard that we advertise for Tenders
for Oil "rime.
Res. No. 4 Moved by Councillors Osborne and Blanchard that we advertise for Tenders
for Surface Treatment.
Meeting adjourned.
age 2.
April 2. 19156,,
Tibe following bills were paid-
Bell Telephone Co. Service charges 23.90
Alfred Garrard Rebate on taxes 39.59
T -T.Rundle
Petty Cash account 93-05
Dr. W.K.Taylor, Certificate re Paul Haynal 10.00
Salvation Armyy Grant re Paul Haynal 2500
Nelson Tait 3_- Son. Ambulance re Paul Haynal 50100
Coi.Lnties Treasurer Hospitalization 173.6b,
Bell Telephone Co. Special Reverse Charge 10-70
Town of BoiYmanrLlle, Fire Brigade, Muir & Turner 30500
Walmsley and Magill Dog Tax Forms ete
C:� Dr-iff: lai�6 34-93
egistrar of Deeds Feb. abstracts
C., 4111
C'L.Warren removing siding 42.00
Dr. John Ifferry visit to S. Wyorden 5,00
G.E.Burnham Dom. Fuel Oil Inv. 593912 37.40
Mrs. Jean Grace, Sec-Treas,, Advance 700,00
David Malcolm; Sec-Treas S.S.# 21 Advance 750.00
Sheppard & Gill Fuel Mrs Smith, 27.00
Beckstead® s I.G.A. Relief 18.00
Bernice Smith April Relief 20.00
Marzaret Crosmas April Relief 20.00
Melvin Sears April Relief 2500
Mrs. Percy Trout April Relief 42.66
Florehoe Von Gunter. April Relief for 24aracle Child 17.00
Donald Wilson April Relief 30.00
Jean Davis April Relief 40-00
1,1.ldred Martin April relief 30.00
Claude Smith Suppl-ement --relief 15,00
Ada Lea Post San Care-T.Earch 62.00
Lola Butler Post San Care for April 60.00
Mrs. J. Kapustin Post San Care, J.Kapustin Sr, 96,00
Xx 10 WEff J. Kapustin Jr.
M. Kapustin
J.D.Hogarth, L.E.Officer March Salary 125-00
W.E.Rundle Clerk March Salary
Mary Niddery March Salary 192
1 .74
E.A.Varcoe, Vldg. Inspector March Salary 192.74
Wm. L. lycett, Assessor March Salary 25L.14
H.A.Barron Unemp. Ins. Stamps for March 14.24
A eceiver General Income Tax for March 31.00
-L.J.Lyle, Bowmanville, Fire Brigade H. Allison 135-00
Counties, Treasurer Hospitalization 58.13
C. Leiffers Rent for Martin for March 20.00
Relief Acluinistrator, Kitchener LeRoy--Feb & March 26.05
R.J.Dilling Audit for 1955 275*00
Mrs. Theo. Mart-in Relief 10.00
F.L.Byam, Sec-Treas. S.S. 18 Advance 1000.00