HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-07 Hampton, .Tune 7, 1956.
Darlington Township Council met in the Township Hall on the above date,
with all Members present, Reeve Nichols presiding.
Minutes of May meeting were read, also minutes of an adjourned meeting
and on motion of Councillor Stevens and Councillor Osborne were approved as read.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Stevens that Road Committee
be given power to act on Nemisz foot bridge .
Moved by Councillors Stevens and Blanchard that general accounts be passed
as presented with the exception of Ayre account for sheep damage 0480.00) and
H. Skinner account for spraying cattle (? 334.92 ) .
Moved by Councillors Osborne and Blanchard that Road accounts for May
in the amount of $1 .,558.95 be paid as presented.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Stevens that complaint
of Stephen Ueffery re dunp road in Lot 20, Con. 3, be investigated by Road Committee
with power to act.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Osborne that Clerk write
R.K•Stewart Construction asking for action in damage claim for compensation on Fice
cottage. '
Moved by Councillors Osborne and Blanchard that W. Fice be paid $2000.00
as balance in payment for his property in B.F., this to be purchase price of the
property and to include payment for all claims against the Township, any payments
made on Insurance claims to be paid to Mr. _'� Mrs. Fice, the cottage to be removed
by December 31, 1956.
Moved by Councillor Stevens and Deputy Reeve Rickard that Reeve and Clerk
be authorized to sign cheque for $2000.00 payment to Fice for lakeshore lots if pro-
posal is accepted.
Moved by Councillors Osborne and Blanchard that R.K.Stewart cheque for
?500.00 be held until further notice and that his amount for $ 684.00 be passed.
Moved ky Councillor Stevens and Deputy Reeve Rickard that the following
be used as a guide for the Committee on sub-division agreement;
" That this Council go on record as being in favour of requiring all
sub-dividiva in the Township to make a minimum payment on an agreement
of $400.00 , this agreement to provide for a payment of .1 00.00 for each
building lot that could be acccciodated on the property, but such payment
to be made only at such time as the building is placed on the lot."
Moved by Councillor Stevens and Deputy Reeve Rickard that C. Osborne and
R. Nichols,be a committee, to wait on Township Solicitor in regard to the sub-division
Mdved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Osborne that clerk
be authorized to send the following letter to the Town of Bowmanville:
" Subject to a settlement in accordance with the rulings and regulations
of the Municipal Board, and any other pertinent legislation, the
Township of Darlington will not oppose the application of the Corporation
of the Town of Bowmanville for annexation into Bowmanville of Lot 8,
Broken Front Concession, Township of Darlington. "
On motion of Councillor Osborne and Deputy Reeve Rickard the Clerk be
instructed to write C.P.R. to the effect that Council feels that Wades should be paid
price they ask for property.
Moved by Councillors Blanchard and Osborne that T.K•Stewart be authorized
to hire day labour to repair mill dam bridge at Hampton.
Moved by Councillors Osborne and Blanchard that Clerk write Clarke Twp.
that owing to the fact that our road appropriation has been planned for the year, we
are unable to make any committments in connection with financing work on the Town Line
in 1956.
Moved by Councillors Osborne and Stevens that Property Committee
investigate Park r'ence with power to act.
Moved by Councillors Stevens and Osborne that Council give consent to
sale of property Gimblett to Slick providing road allowance reservation is included.
Moved by Councillors Osborne and Stevens that Council give consent to
sale of lot, Peterson to Palmer, Lot 29, Con. 2, Darlington.
Moved by Councillors Stevens and Osborne that the policy of this
ICouncil be that any property owner may sell one lot and that to sell more than one
lot, he must put on a plan of sub-division.
Council adjourned to the call of the Reeve.
Page 2. .
The following bills were paid:
Bell Telephone Co of Canada Service charges 36,00
Bell Telephone Co of Canada Reverse Charge 8.70
A.C.Stark & Son Repairs to Oil Burner 5.00
Town of Bowmanville Fire 'Origade Boehn Mi.11son 270.00
Thos, Whi.11ier & Son Ltd Inv. 2195 80.95
Walmsley & Magill Inv. 11087-7030 158.58
Municipal World Inv. 16628 10.00
Registrar of Deeds April Abstracts 6.88
Richardson Farms Inv. 35073 160000
Fred Smith ref orestation 13.05
Gordon Baker Reforestation 26.25
A.E.Billett Repairs at park 52.01
Frank Cowan Co. Ltd. Pol. # M 3976 524.80
G.F.Annis Livestock Valuator 7.10
Norman J Woodley Livestock Valuator 11.00
Clarence Turner Shhep Damage 25.00
R.B.Davis Sheep Damage 25 .00
H.D.Millson Livestock Damage ?% Killing 2 dogs 15.00
Doug Barton Shhep Damage 40.00
Ada Leas Post San Care (Junes 62.00
Lola Butler Post San Care 60.00
Mrs. J. Kapustin Post San Care (June) 120.00
Mrs. Margaret Crosmas Relief June 20.00
Mrs. Florence Von Gunten Relief June Maracle Child 17.00
Claud Smith Supplement June 15.00
Sheppard & Gill Fuel Smith 27.00
City of Kitchener relief Leroy April & May 26.05
Counties' Treasurer Hospitalization 112.63
Provincial Treasurer Insulin 4.43
E.A.Varcoe, School Att. Officer May Account 25.60
Mrs. Elsie Bradley Clerical Work 125.55
W.E.Rundle Clerk May Salary 275.12
Mary Niddery May Salary 191.51
E.A.Varcoe Bldg. Insp. May Salary 189.71
Wm. Lycett Assessor May Salary 223.49
J.D.Hogarth L.E.Officer May Salary 121.98
Unemp. Ins. Stamps for May 14.24
Receiver General Income Tax for May 57.65
Blue Cross Plan for Hospital Care 13.10
Physicians' Services Incorp. 12.00
W.E.Rundle Postage 113.00
W.E.Rundle Petty Cash 50.00
Gordon Chant Treas. Elliot Memorial Park Com. Grant 100.00
Mrs. Edna McMaster June Relief 10.00
Mrs. Fiehn Apr. & May 52.00
E.F.Beckstead Groceries Wright 29.00
Roads & bridges Maint. & Repairs--May 14558.95