HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-07-05 7- Hampton, July 5, 1956. Darlington Township Council met in the Township Hall, Hampton, on the above date with all Members present, Reeve Nichols presiding. Minutes of previous meeting were read and on motion of Councillors Stevens and Blanchard were approved as read. Road accounts totalling $ 4898.73 were passed as presented on motion of Councillors Osborne and Blanchard. 3� General accounts totalling $ 44 .1+5 were presented and on motion of Councillor Stevens and Deputy Reeve Rickard were passed as presented. RESOLUTION NO. 1. Moved by Ross Stevens Seconded by AL.Blanchard That this Council agree to a conveyance of an old road allowance between Lots 14-15, Concession 8, Darlington, including road known as "old mill road" in Lot 14, Concession 8, Darlington, to Mrs. Christina Mickle, under authority of the the Municipal Act, Section 517, and that the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary documents pertaining thereto. Reeve: Roy W. Nichols. Mr. Theisberger offered to sell Township one or two additional acres of land for dump, if same would be properly fenced and signed, at the same price as previous lot sold. Councillor Blanchard to report to next Meeting. Moved by Councillors Blanchard and Osborne that the matter of the Hancock Road South and Forster culvert be referred to Road Supt. with power to act, Request of Gary Glaspell re road was referred to Road Committee, ;Complaint of Walter MacLean re drainage was referred to Road Committee. Moved by Councillor Stevens and Deputy Reeve Rickard that consent be given to sale of land---Lamb to Kenecht--- if lot does not interfere with planet of Road Committee. Moved by Councillor Stevens and Deputy Reeve Rickard that Road Committee investigate straightening of Lamb Road with power to act. Moved by Councillors Osborne and Blanchard that Deputy Reeve G. Rickard be delegate to az '-Ilrilltl_s0 , 4 -'). Clerk to prepare a By-law to provide a through road on sideroad between Lots 20-21 from Highway 101 to Taunton Road. Matter of Tyrone Bridge railing referred to Road Supt. Moved by Councillor Osborne and Deputy Reeve Rickard that Councillor R. Stevens approach H. Watson to see if he will cut apple trees next his orchard. Moved by Councillor Stevens and 1�eputy Reeve Rickard that Road Committee hire bulldozer operator or truck driver part time when necessary. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Osborne that this Council adjourn to the call of the chair. THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS 'PERE PAID: Bell Telephone Co, Service charges 23.95 Bell Telephone Co. Special Reverse Charge 7.60 F.L.Byam,Sec-Treas. S.S.# 18 Advance 1000,00 (see next page) Page 2. Norman J. Woodley Livestock Valuator 13.50 E,A.Werry Livestock Damage 50.00 Lloyd Skinner Livestock Damage 25,00 Robert Sim Livestock Damage 12.50 Clerk- Borvma.nville Fire Brigade Gallagher, Swartz, 270.00 Walmsley :Fe Magill Inv. 7574, 7668 11.50 H.A.Barron Inv. 25 5.80 James Publishing Co. Printing Bldg. Permits, By-law 2023, 40.04 Registrar of Deeds May Abstracts 8.11 Cler-Treas, Pickering Relief--St. Pierre , Feb,Mar,Apr,,% May 193.56 . Miss Ada Leas Post San Care 62.00 Lola Butler Post San Care--July 60.00 Mrs. John Kapustin Post San Care --July 120.00 Mrs. Margaret Orosmas Relief-July 20.00 Mrs. Florence Von Gunten Relief--July--Maracle Child 17.00 Claud Smith July Supplement 15.00 W.E.Rundle, Clerk 'June Salary 275.13 Marry Niddery June Salary 191,52 E.A.Varcoe Bldg Insp. June Salary 189.72 time L. Lycett, Assessor June Salary 223.49 J.D.Hogarth, L,E.Off icer June Salary 121.98 Postmaster Unemp. Ins. Stamps for June 14.24 Receiver general Insome Tax for June 57.65 Blue Cross Plan for Hospital Care 13.10 Physicians® Services Ineorpozated 12.00 Elsie Bradley Copying for Assessor 124.20 Lloyd Ayre Sheep Damage (June) 480.00 Harold Skinner Cattle Spraying 33 ..92 Larry Rosevear Cattle Spraying 53,10 Stewart Hooey Cattle Spraying 46.80 E.A.Varcoe, School A. 0. June Account 10.20 Tyrone Garage Gas---Cattle Spraying 3.31 Counties° Treas. Hospitalization---Van Luven 56.25 G.F.Annis Livestock Valuator 2.25 Raymond Osborne Livestock Damage 20.00 Keith Davey Cattle Spraying 348.00 ire.9'��+• a oeaa oo• oe�o a •,eeese eeVVi a s.............. REEVE CLERK. e