HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-08-02 r HAMPTON, August 2, 1956.- Darlington Township Council met in the Township Hall on the above date with all Members present, Reeve Nichols presiding. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and, on motion of Councillor Stevens and Deputy Reeve Rickard were approved as read. Road Accounts in the amount of $ TiY �= were presented, and, with the exception of an account of W.B.Bennett Constriction Company, 9200.20, passed by motion of Councillors Osborne and Blanchard. By motion of Councillors Osborne and Stevens, balance of account, $\500.00 was orddred paid to R.Stewart Construction Co. General accounts totalling $ 8879.01 were presented and on motion of Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Stevens were ordered paid. Moved by Councillors Blanchard and Osborne that this Council accept the offer of the Toronto Star to supply, free of charge, signs and posts for road naming in the Township. Mr. Chas. Shortridge presented a petition from residents of Solina district re paving of Soling VNIN Side Road. Moved by Councillor Stevens and Deputy Reeve Rickard that this Council recommend to the b .Road Committee that the paving of the Colina Side Goad be consid- ered in their program. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Stevens that Graham Co. be authorized to act as fiscal agents, and to canvass the various institutional investors regarding the sale of the $81,500 debenture issue, and report back to Council on August 20, 1956. Moved by Councillors Blanchard and Osborne that wages of Fred Ferguson and Allan Dickie be increased by 10 ¢ per hoar to $1.00 per hour , effective July 1, 1956. A By-law to change the name of the Darlington School Area to the adv "South Darlington Township Area School Board, was given its several readingsand ordered signed sealed and numbered 2053. Moved by Councillors Osborne and Blanchard that Reeve and Clerk be authoriz- ed to sign deeds to convey part of closed roadways Lot 35, Concession 1, to the Canadian Paci#ic Railway Company. A By-law to designate a through highway on Preston Road from Highway 4_01 ami to Taunton Road was given its several readings and ordered signed sealed and numbered 2054. Moved by Councillors Stevens and Osborne that petition from Zion Enfield residents be recommended for consideration by next year' s road committee and constructed where necessary. Moved by Councillors Osborne and Blanchard that Road Supt. be given authority to have Don Metcalfe Bridge built by day labour. Moved by Councillor Stevens and Deputy Reeve Rickard that Road Committee investigate our future gravel supply and report. Moved by Councillors Stevens and Osborne that this Council approve in principle the stopping up of unused road allowance in Lot 8, B.F.Concession and appropiate notice given Moved by Councillors Stevens and Blanchard that this meeting adjourn to the call of the chair. 9 CLERK.